Which is better cats or dogs. Dogs or cats who treats loneliness better

Often in a noisy metropolis, a person begins to feel completely alone, which is why he has to get a pet. These animals allow you to bring new, unique colors to the life of the owners, captivate them and even support them in a certain sense. And whoever the pet is, a person, of course, must take care of him, feed and educate him.

From the name itself, it is clear that pets live in a homely atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and, of course, their appearance in the apartment completely changes the habitual way of life for the owners. By training, educating and accustoming their pet, the owners grow a truly worthy family member. Of course, raising a pet takes quite a lot of time, but at the same time, this factor stops few people, because the happiness and joy that pets bring is unforgettable. Scientists have long confirmed the fact that it is pets that are the best cure for emotional distress and adversity. In addition, it is worth noting that the appearance of such a pet will not only improve the emotional background of the owners, but also give good spirits.

Before you get a pet, you need to decide who it will be. With special seriousness, you need to take the type, breed and gender of the future pet. Sometimes it happens that the question of choosing a pet is not worth it. The owner can only accept or refuse. In this case, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, exclude the possibility of allergic reactions and coordinate the adoption of the animal with other family members.

Any pet requires constant care. In numerous families, a situation often happens when an animal is born at the request of children, who in turn tearfully vow to take care of him. As practice shows, after the first two weeks, children stop caring properly and switch to something more interesting in their opinion. Be that as it may, adults will always be responsible, buy food and vitamins and take the family pet to the clinic for vaccinations. That is why, when bringing an animal into the house, it is necessary to study all the necessary recommendations for its care and, of course, study the symptom of possible diseases.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that a pet is too troublesome and therefore should not be started. But that's not the case at all. In fact, a pet will bring so much to its owners positive emotions that all worries will instantly fade into the background.

Choice of pets

If you have an idea to get yourself a pet, then we are most likely talking about a dog or a cat. It is difficult to say who is better, since each person has his own requirements for pets. Therefore, the choice should be made depending on your preferences. Today we will help you decide. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of these two popular animals.



Cats take up little space, they will be quite comfortable in your apartment. With a place for accessories, in the form of bowls and a tray, there will also be no problems. They do not require much attention, they themselves will find something to do. Not much trouble in care, do not need a lot of food, besides, they wash themselves. If you need to go somewhere for a long time, it will not be difficult for you to find a friend who will look after the pet. Make your home more comfortable.


Cat hair will be on all your clothes, as well as on furniture and carpets. With allergies, there is only one way out - to bring in a hairless breed, as a rule, they are quite expensive. Cats can throw things off the shelves and unfold flower pots, moreover, this is not always a targeted action, often it is pure chance. Can scratch a thing, for example: upholstered furniture, curtains, wallpaper. If you do not sterilize your pet, you will have to listen to a plaintive howl at least once a year.



Great devotion of dogs, which cats cannot boast of. Training these animals is easy enough and you can make good progress with it. They can serve as protection for your home. Motivates you to go outside more often, which is helpful. On walks, you can meet people, both dog breeders and just those who are interested in your pet. You can play outdoor sports such as frisbee.


A large dog will be cramped in the apartment. Some are very aggressive. Need in more care, unlike cats. The more the dog, the more money goes to him. Need to walk daily, even in bad weather. You need to give enough time. If you think that the cat spoils things a lot, then the dog will exceed all your expectations, especially with poor training. It will be difficult to leave your pet with friends, few people will agree to such care, especially if there is a child in the house.

It's up to you to decide who to choose. First of all, ask the opinion of all family members and come to the right decision together. A new family member will require a lot of attention and care, especially at the very beginning.

To correctly choose between a cat and a dog, you need to understand the features of their characters. This must be considered before getting a pet, especially if there is a child at home.

And before we find out from a scientific point of view who is better, let's vote who you like more.

Who is better, a cat or a dog?

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How to make the right choice

To understand who is better, a dog or a cat, a comparative table of the features of these animals will help.

sign Dogs


the washing up Hygiene procedures are necessary after each walk, in particular, washing the paws. Cats are clean. You can do without washing.

Almost all breeds do not need special care. The exception is, but they do not require daily bathing either.

Wool All varieties require regular combing, except for naked ones. Many breeds are also grooming. should be combed three times a week. During molting, it is recommended to do this twice a day.

Advantages and disadvantages of cats

Cats have lived side by side with humans since ancient times. They are still popular today, because, in addition to fighting rodents, they still know how to do a lot. For example, to purr in a magical way, calming and setting the owner in a positive way. AT modern apartments mice are not always available, but a good mood is still relevant.

Cleanliness is a hallmark of cats and one of the reasons why many people prefer them.

Problems of the mutual existence of a person with a cat

The owner of the cat will definitely face the question of what to do with the pet that has felt the call of nature. Just ignoring his sexual desire, being in the same house, will not work even for a balanced person. Solution method -.

They like to keep their nails in order. In order not to suffer furniture, you can purchase a special scratching post. They are smart, and easily learn the rules of behavior. Therefore, other issues are usually resolved amicably.


Science has proven that eyesight is better in cats. And the sense of smell is a dog's trump card. Both have excellent hearing. Much better than a human.

There are 12 laboratories in the world that study the intelligence and physiology of dogs. No one deals with cats in such a volume. Therefore, they remain mysterious creatures.

The life expectancy of both animals is the same. Unfortunately, only 12-17 years old. And it doesn't matter if it's Murka or Sharik, the loss is always hard.

The New Scientist magazine tried to find out who has more advantages in home keeping - a dog or a cat - from the point of view of animal behavior scientists - behaviorists and animal psychologists.

Parameter Cat Dog

The volume of the brain and the number of neurons in it.

25 g/300 ppm 64 g/160 million

It is unlikely that the criterion of "grey matter weight of the brain" will help to form an objective opinion about the intelligence of pets, because a dog is most often much larger than a cat. But in terms of the number of nerve endings, cats lead by a wide margin.

A plus for the cat.

Who was domesticated before. 9.5 thousand years ago. 16 thousand years ago.

Although these numbers vary widely according to many sources, dogs were undeniably domesticated earlier.

A plus for the dog.

Attachment to a person Chooses a place of residence or relatives. The person always comes first.

Dogs also win on this point, although the criteria for evaluating this parameter are not entirely clear, there is no data on the statistics of experiments.

2:1 in favor of the dog.

Popularity (number of individuals in families) 204 million 173 million

The assessment was made according to the total number of individuals living with a person in the countries of the European Union.

The score is 2:2.

Intelligence (number of learned commands) no more than 20 About 200

Although an important factor in assessing this parameter was the desire of pets to perceive and execute commands. The cat simply does not have such a need.

Plus a point for the dogs. Score 2:3.

The choice of an algorithm for solving the tasks, the ability to make decisions Do not know how. They know how to stretch.

Scientists gave primacy to dogs only on the basis that they serve as guides for the blind and, therefore, are capable of making decisions. All the experiments proposed by zoopsychologists (eat pieces of food in the right order, open doors in turn) failed miserably - neither dogs nor cats completed the tasks.

Dogs get another plus. Score 2:4.

Sounds emitted Meow. Feature - purr. Barking.

All pets are divided into "silent" and "talkative", just some bark, while others meow. But cats were the winners in this round because of their purring, so loved by all people.

Cats get a well-deserved plus. Score 3:4.

Education, training There is no exact data. Ability to train.

Of course the dogs win. But after all, there are simply no schools for cats, not counting the Kuklachev Theater, the only one in the world. No one really tried to train them.

Dogs practically pull out their plus with their teeth. Score 3:5.

Sense organs:
  • vision;
  • smell;
  • hearing.

Despite the fact that the sense organs of the dog have been used by humans for many centuries and have been actively developing, cats are in the lead here, they see better in the dark and have perfect hearing.

Plus cats. Score 4:5.

Ecological impact: average area of ​​land required by one individual 0.15 ha 0.82 ha

Both those and other pets are hunters who have been exterminating certain types of zoomass for many centuries. But the assessment of the degree of contamination of the land with biowaste was considered by scientists to be more important.

Cats get their well-deserved plus. Score 5:5.

Benefits for a person Destroy rodents. Hunting, security, police work, guides and guides for blind people, etc.

According to this parameter, dogs win, but here the power of the impact of love for a pet on a person was clearly not evaluated.

Dogs turned out to be more useful, for which they receive their last plus. Score 5:6.

As a result, dogs scored 6 points, and cats - 5. It turns out that, according to certain criteria, it is better for a person to choose a dog as a pet.

According to scientists, dogs are better than cats, although it is difficult to agree with such biased criteria, due to the obvious controversy of their assessment. In addition, dogs are more difficult to keep than cats, if only in terms of the need for daily walking. If scientists considered this parameter, the score would be equal.

Rather, a global survey of the owners of these pets living in all corners of the planet would help here. But there are no such statistics.

You can argue about who is smarter. But only with a specific goal in mind. And although those and other predators, their methods of hunting are different.

Representatives of the canine family prefer to starve their prey, attacking it after an exhausting chase. This method developed in them the ability to cooperate and social intelligence.

Domestic cats prefer to hunt alone, attacking from an ambush, investing their strength in an accurate and swift throw. To be successful here you need to have great control over your body. You can't do without a developed sensorimotor intelligence.

A neuroscientist, Alexey Piskunov, believes that cats are no worse than dogs in coping with the tasks set in the laboratory. But they are harder to motivate. The number of neurons in the brain of a cat is almost twice that of a dog.

In a dispute about who is smarter, cats or dogs, each side will find new arguments. The question relates rather to the psychology of a particular person.

Test to determine

To find out who will definitely become a good friend, the test will help:

  1. How much time do you plan to spend with your pet?
    • A. 6-8 hours a day.
    • B. 1-2 hours a day.
    • B. Less than 1 hour a day.
  2. What to do if your pet is lost:
    • A. It's incredible.
    • B. I will search in different ways.
    • B. I'll wait until he returns himself.
  3. Train your pet:
    • A. Yes, it is necessary.
    • B. If there is time.
    • B. No, this is a waste of energy.
  4. Why get a pet:
    • A. I want to have a friend.
    • B. Just out of boredom.
    • Q. This is a toy.
  5. How strong is the love for animals:
    • A. Strongly.
    • B. I am calm.
    • B. I do not like.

If "A" answers predominate, then a good choice- this is a dog.

If the answers "B" predominate, then best option- cat.

A large number of answers "B" suggests that neither a cat nor a dog is worth starting.

Cats vs dogs - the age-old confrontation has developed not only between two types of animals, but also between their owners: everyone is ready to endlessly prove that it is their pet that deserves the title of the best pet. But what if you love both dogs and cats equally and can't decide which animal suits you best?

Life with a cat

Cats are independent but sensitive and friendly animals.

Cats take a confident first place in the love and recognition of Internet users - you can watch videos with funny animals for hours. But what is life like with a feline? Let's look at all the pros and cons (which, unfortunately, there are).

It should be remembered that the independent nature of cats is not a stereotype: they really prefer to exist on their own and do not like it when someone intrusively invades their personal space. This fact is both a plus and a minus - depending on your character. If you are introverted and prefer being alone to socializing and playing, you will definitely enjoy living with a cat. But this does not mean that the cat needs to be deprived of attention: it just needs to be dosed. You should feel when the cat is ready to communicate, and at what moments it is better to leave him alone.

Cats are able to deliver a lot of pleasant emotions.

A huge plus of cats is that they do not hide their disposition or hostility. If the animal wants your affection, it will come up to you and begin to rub, inviting you to communicate. If the cat does not let you approach him or eludes your hand, it means that he wants to be alone for some time. These signs are usually easy to read, but for some reason many people still consider cats to be too mysterious creatures.

Let's move on from the nature and subtleties of communication to a more practical issue: hygiene. Unlike dogs, cats don't need to be walked - hence they don't need constant bathing. Cats are extremely clean: they bathe several times a day, and bathing, which they hate, can be done no more than once every six months or a year. Washing cats is a separate issue: these animals cannot stand water, so a cat shower turns into torture for both the animal and its owners. The solution will be shampoo without rinsing: they have a convenient dispenser and a pleasant aroma, so that hygiene procedures with it will become more pleasant for all participants.

The cat will keep company even to a small child- but make sure that she does not scratch the child

It is important to pay attention to the quality of food: cats have a rather tremulous body, and the life of an animal on cheap dubious food significantly loses its quality and duration. At first, you should give the cat different flavors of food of the same brand and thus reveal its preferences. Do not forget about treats - but not from your table: from time to time, give the cat malt paste or special pads for removing wool, and do not forget about delicacies - such as good canned food and steamed fish.

Despite the fact that cats, due to their lifestyle, are ideal for lazy owners, the animal should never be deprived of activity. Cats are very fond of playing with fishing rods and in general everything that can be caught and what you can jump for. Remember that a cat is a predator: do not deprive her of the pleasure of hunting, even for toys. But if the cat comes up with the idea of ​​playing predatory with you (grabbing your hand, jumping, biting) - stop this right away and show your displeasure. These small animals can cause serious injuries - their claws and fangs are quite sharp, and in a fit of play, the cat can forget that you are not a victim, but his loving master.

Love a cat - and he will love you in return; but the location of this animal must be earned

Perhaps one of the main advantages of a cat is that caring for it is extremely simple. Most animals become accustomed to the tray instantly, and when right choice filler you will never feel unpleasant odors. Cat fur is also completely devoid of harsh aromas - on the contrary, all lovers of these pets note a very pleasant smell behind the ears, similar to pheromones, which resembles sweet pastries.

Life with a dog

The dog will become a full and beloved member of your family.

Definitely, dogs are animals for active and sociable people. The dog will never leave you alone - he will always demand your attention, but at the same time he will give a lot in return. This fact is often cited by dog ​​lovers as an argument against cats: after all, a cat, at first glance, gives much less than it receives from the owner - unlike a social and loving dog.

The main and undeniable advantage of living with a dog is precisely this: you will not only not be alone, but you will not feel lonely. The dog will always keep you company - share the fun with you and console you when you are sad. However, it is worth remembering that the more energetic the breed you choose, the more energy will be required from you. The dog needs constant physical activity.

The dog will keep the elderly person company and will not leave him alone

A conditional minus that can turn into a plus for some is the need to walk the dog at least twice a day - in any weather, regardless of whether you have enough time for this. Walking with a dog brings a lot of positive emotions, but if you are too busy or cannot walk it due to health reasons, you can use the services of a person who will walk with your pet - it can be either your friend or the person who earns this pleasant occupation.

Unlike cats, dogs do not wash themselves - so your four-legged friend will need to visit the bathroom from time to time. It is advisable to wash the paws after each walk. An objective drawback that loving owners, however, do not notice is a specific smell that is present even in a freshly washed dog. If you do not have a very sensitive sense of smell or just love these animals to the point of madness, their smell will definitely not be a minus for you.

Dogs are the best friends of children of any age.

However, all the theoretical disadvantages of living with a dog cease to matter if you want to get a pet. Dogs, especially large breeds, are very intelligent (some of them even have a sense of humor), and of course all of them are loyal and loving. Earning their affection is much easier than winning the love of a cat, but this does not mean at all that dogs are promiscuous. They have a subtle intuition and always feel which of the people truly loves them. If the dog is attached to you - believe me, it's forever.

The choice of a pet depends entirely on your character - even more than on preferences. You can love dogs, but if you prefer loneliness and are not ready to devote all your free time to your pet, you will not get along with them. And vice versa - if you watch videos with kittens on the Internet with emotion, this does not mean at all that you will not be disappointed by the coldness and detachment of felines in real life. A pet should fit your lifestyle and your priorities.

So, you should give preference to a dog if:

  • you are friendly and sociable;
  • you like walking at any time of the day and in any weather;
  • Are you ready to devote a lot of time to caring for animals?
  • you do not get tired of constant attention and frequent games;
  • you live in a large apartment or country house.

And a cat is more suitable for you if:

  • you prefer to spend time alone with yourself;
  • you are not ready to spend a lot of time caring for a pet;
  • you have enough patience to indulge the whims of your pet;
  • you do not have the opportunity to walk with the animal even once a day;
  • you are clean and sensitive to smells.

Dog and cat in the same territory: the possibility of coexistence

Dog-cat feuds are not exactly a stereotype: dogs often chase cats into trees, and cats, in turn, snap at dogs. However, the joint existence of these animals in the same territory is quite possible.

If you can't choose between a cat and a dog, then best solution will take a small puppy and a kitten at the same time: when the animals grow up together, they perceive each other as relatives. If you already have adult dog or a cat, then the second pet must still be a newborn: in this case, an adult will perceive the baby as a small animal of its own species that needs to be taken care of.

It would be a mistake to hope that two adults can get along right away - you will need a lot of patience, but in the end you will still fail.

Video: dog and cat friendship

When choosing a pet, you should be guided by many factors, the main of which is your expectations from communication with the animal. If you want a full emotional and physical return, your choice is a sociable dog; if you value aesthetics and more subtle relationships the most, feel free to get a cat. But, if you can't choose between two wonderful animals, don't be afraid and get a kitten and a puppy: grown up together, they will become best friends and take care of each other all their lives.

Do you want to get a small beloved pet, but you can't decide who is better - a dog or a cat? Here are 10 reasons why a dog is better than a cat. Of course, the advantages stand out in cats, we will also consider them. Many would choose a puppy, not a kitten - if possible. The difficulty is that keeping a dog in an apartment is much more difficult than in a private house, you have to consider other alternatives.

No need for trays

Dogs are walked without being taught to relieve themselves in a house or apartment. Small breeds of dogs are considered an exception, but they also use the tray in an exceptional case. Disadvantages of dog litter boxes:

  • massive - it is difficult to find a place for comfortable accommodation;
  • smell - depends on the hygiene of the pet and the work of the owner, the presence of aromas spoils the mood;
  • dust, dirt - dogs bury feces, feces fly around.

The advantages of not having a home “potty” are obvious. Teach your pet to defecate according to the regimen. When walking, walking, use disposable bags and a scoop to clean up poop after your dog. Elements of hygiene are important in private territory and in urban realities.

Easy to adapt to life

When moving, dogs easily adapt to a new place. You can safely decide to move, take the animal with you on vacation, on a business trip. Adaptation concerns such items:

  • cardinal change - a city or a village, a metropolis or a province, an apartment or a house;
  • the appearance of a child - dogs feel responsible for babies;
  • new animal - puppy, kitten, turtle.

It is noticed: dogs are friends, adapt to new owners. Applies to mentally balanced animals. In case of aggression, it is recommended to abandon the pet or send it to the hands of a cynologist. A professional dog handler will help strengthen your authority in the eyes of the dog, making the new family member a real pet.

love to play with people

It is difficult to attract cats to the game, dogs love games, they call the owner to join, frolicking with a ball, rubber toys. Activity is the dominant component of the life of a four-legged pet with a barking voice. Priority for dogs:

  • ropes - a clear chance to show strength, improve physical potential;
  • balls - small, large, rubber, dense, squeaky;
  • plates - the animal will happily bring a plastic disc after the “fetch” command;
  • squeaker toys - emit sound signals when captured by their mouths;
  • bones - safe, purchased at a pet store, are considered an element of the game.

Controlled and managed

You can't control a cat! Dogs are intelligent, obedient and obedient. The Internet is filled with pictures showing the behavior of animals in the house:

  • cats consider themselves kings, considering people subjects called to care;
  • dogs perceive the owner of a person, serve, value, protect the family.

Large animals misbehave, spoil furniture when the breeder is not at home. Upon the return of the owner understand the error. They know the word “no”, they obey commands. With cats, this control does not work. The owners complain: cats shit on the bed, seeing human discontent. The only goal is to hide away after the forbidden action.

Serve for good

There are cases of teaching cats massage, toilet, help, but no more. Dogs are created to serve a person, to act for the benefit of the family, team, society. In the police, search services, medicine, companion animals are used. Cats are found in places where food is easily obtained - at sanatoriums, shops, apartment buildings.

Cats lose interest in training as soon as they get what they want - food. While cats are hungry, they are technically trainable. They understand what a person wants, without trying to do what is required. The dog strives to fulfill the command always. They sincerely want to please the owner, they are not cunning, although they often expect goodies-encouragement.

Easily trainable

Comparing a dog and a cat, it becomes clear: cats are completely stupid creatures. Not wanting to learn and follow commands, cats expect offerings from a person. The training technique is similar to that of the dog, but the result remains negative. Rare specimens amaze and delight owners, guests, relatives.

We train dogs of any category. Training is sometimes lengthy and difficult, but realistic - will lead to the desired result. The result is a smart pet that executes commands. A well-bred animal learns to control the situation, act reasonably and help the owner.

Protect the individual and family

  • american bandog;
  • Moscow watchdog.

Any dog ​​that has completed a cynological training course will not leave the owner and family in trouble. York will no longer seem cute and playful, considering the situation around dangerous. Small breeds are able to get scared, run away, hiding, or they can rush at the offender, clinging to an item of clothing, trying to bite through the flesh. Barking is a well-known stage of scaring, it seems insignificant, but in reality it will help scare away the thief.

Different sizes

Planning to get a puppy, but doubting the choice of breed? The range and variety is great! Pleased with the chance to choose the dimensions of the future pet. Puppies often grow up to be large animals. Breeds are classified:

  • large - from 60 cm tall, weighing more than 25 kg. Representatives - Russian black terrier, Caucasian shepherd dog, St. Bernard, German dog, Irish Wolfhound, Bull and English Mastiff.
  • medium - up to 60 cm tall, weighing up to 25 kg. Representatives - poodle, beagle, cocker spaniel. The group is common, includes hunting, medium decorative, service breeds.
  • small - up to 28 cm tall, weighing less than 12 kg. Representatives - Russian Toy Terrier, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Japanese Chin.

Man's friends

The dog, by right, confirmed over the years, is considered a friend of man. The pet does not betray, faithfully serves for years, is ready to give his life for the family. Looking for a true friend - prefer a dog to a cat! Verified four-legged friends are called the category of companions. This includes groups:

  • terriers,
  • retrievers,
  • room-decorative.

Representatives of unaffected groups will be able to join in a friendly way at home. This will help competent education and training of the pet. Education lessons include socialization, communication with people, children. A tamed animal will get used to the owner, fall in love, become a friend.

Require an active lifestyle

Getting a dog means dooming the family to an active lifestyle. No lazy pets. Animals require attention, support in games, daily walking for two hours, training lessons, etc. These elements require a considerable amount of time, effort, and energy. It is difficult to remain a large and unsportsmanlike person with such an active creature in the house.

We'll have to forget about the weekend, sleep before dinner, lazy vacation. Life will change from the first day of the appearance of a puppy in the family. You will have to walk even in a fierce cold, go out under the pouring rain, the strongest hell. The described weather is not a reason to refuse walking - only the time of the walk is reduced.

Disputes between owners of cats and dogs go on all the time. Dog lovers prove that their pets are smarter and more useful, and cat lovers are confident in the advantage of mustachioed pets. You can not say that certain animals are better. We love everyone at once. It’s just that some people manage to single out a specific pet, and people give birth to this particular representative of the animal world.

Why are cats better than dogs?

Cats or dogs - which is healthier for the owner

Most people believe that pets are good for the health of their owner. This is true. But let's figure out which of the pets is more useful.

For the first time that pets can have a good effect on the health of their owners, they started talking in the eighties of the last century after a study that showed that the survival rate after a heart attack is much higher in people who have a dog or a cat.

Since then, research has been ongoing on how pets actually affect human health. On the one hand, to make people's lives better. On the other hand, to reduce the costs of medical care as much as possible.

Cats and dogs - what are the health benefits

The main advantages of having a pet in the house are the love and empathy that cats and dogs give, a sense of self-importance for someone. Pets help people cope with stress and anxiety.

Studies show that pet owners visit doctors less often, take fewer medications, sleep better and have normal blood pressure (and therefore lower risk of strokes and myocardial infarction).

With cats, it is not completely known what exactly affects the normalization of blood pressure: the very fact of having a cat, tactile contact, games or conversations with him.

With dogs, the study was conducted in more detail: the pressure is reduced when a person pets a dog or talks to it, as opposed to talking to people, by the way.

Probably, the normalization of pressure is also affected by the fact that if you stroke a dog or cat for only 10 minutes, then the level of the stress hormone, cortisol, decreases in the body.

Dogs are good because they walk their owners daily, increasing their physical activity to the WHO recommended 150 minutes per week. And also by socializing your two-legged friends. Indeed, during a walk in the park or during training on the site, dog owners communicate with people (for example, owners of other dogs, passers-by who want to compliment the dog), make new acquaintances.

The only thing a dog can't do is purr. When your cat purrs, it vibrates at a frequency of 20-140 Hz. And this frequency, judging by the studies, has a positive effect on the restoration of joint mobility, the healing of bones and muscles after injuries.

And a few more words about allergies. Yes, yes, we are talking about allergies in the "pros" section of pets. Contrary to popular belief, children who had pets in their first year of life are less prone to allergies in the future than babies who were hidden from cats and dogs in infancy.

Cats and dogs - cons

But all these problems are easily solved with the help of worm tablets and banal hygiene rules: washing hands after contact with an animal or cleaning a cat's tray.

For other animal-borne diseases, scientists recommend not to worry too much, as they are much less likely than your child picking up some kind of infection from another child and bringing it home.

With dogs of medium and large size, people of advanced age, those with stability problems and small children should be careful. If the dog is not well educated or simply overexcited, it can knock the owner down, which can lead to injury.

Also, the disadvantages of pets include stress from the fact that they do not live very long by human standards. And if the owner was very attached to a cat or dog, then, most likely, it will be quite difficult for him to survive the loss.

Cats or dogs - the verdict

Cats and dogs are about equally beneficial to the health of their owners.

You need to choose according to the degree of your willingness to be involved in caring for the animal. For older people, for example, dogs can cause too much inconvenience. Young women who are planning a pregnancy should be careful with cats.