Women's names with the most powerful energy. Women's names with the strongest energy Energy of different sounds

Surely everyone understands that choosing a name is very difficult task. After all, it should not only be pleasing to the ear, combined with a patronymic and surname, and carry individual value. The name, in addition to everything else, endows a person, no matter how strange it may sound, with special qualities.

No one will argue with the fact that sometimes you look at a person and think that this name does not suit him and that's it. According to esotericism, the name can leave a noticeable imprint not only on the character of the newborn, but also on his future life. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a name based on existing knowledge.


Without a doubt, for everyone this name is associated with the concept of "victory". Naturally, Victoria will win in all her endeavors. It doesn’t matter if her zeal is about work, relationships or building a life. Strong internally, the girl is certainly not without weaknesses. However, its huge potential allows you to overcome all adversity and win. At the same time, it doesn’t matter with whom she entered into rivalry, even Victoria is able to leave men behind. The main thing is not to use this rule when building love, otherwise you can look for your man for a long time. If the soulmate is found, then the spouse can be absolutely sure of his chosen one, his rear will be reliable.


No one can break such a girl, she has a strong and persistent character. However, her strong features are very closely and harmoniously combined with weakness and tenderness. It is this their mystery and dissimilarity to others that attracts the representatives of the stronger sex.


Looking into Russian folk tales, we will definitely come across the name Elena, and not once. Indeed, this is a fantastic woman, she is always on top. Elena studies well, grasps everything on the fly, it will not be difficult for her to rise to the rank of chief. The only negative of Elena's character is a weak fantasy. However, this does not prevent her from being a wonderful wife and kind mother.


A homely girl, any space will be enveloped in warmth and comfort. The person who is next to her will feel at ease, at home, surrounded by comfort. The only thing that Tatyana lacks is a small spark, so you can get bored with her.


Irina has been distinguished by an inquisitive mind and attractive appearance since childhood. These girls have strong energy. What, what, but in life these amazing natures are always lucky.

If you want to see a strong-willed person in your daughter, then it is advisable to pay attention to these five names.

The whole future life of a child depends on the method of naming a child. Each name has a certain energy, which is transmitted to the baby after the naming. What female names are considered the most powerful? Let's deal with this further.

Women's names starting with vowels

It is believed that names that begin with vowels are somewhat soft. Is this really so?

Examples are as follows:


These female names have the strongest energy. What is their power? Let's analyze each example separately.


Self-confident and purposeful ladies. Born leaders. These ladies are distinguished by strong-willed character and disposition. Only very brave and confident guys are chosen as spouses. Alexanders will never connect their lives with those men who are considered infantile or weak-willed.


Here the strength lies primarily in the incredible calmness. Irina is a very balanced lady. They do not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. Their communication style allows you to smooth out any conflicts.


Arrogant ladies who will always seek to impose their will on a man. Eleanor is quite arrogant, often consider themselves the center of the universe. Moreover, they have a lot of talents and skills, which allows them to justify such conceit.

Women's names starting with consonants

In this case, the opposite is true. Many researchers believe that ladies whose names begin with consonants are more rigid and strong-willed.

In fact, everything is a little different. Such girls are both somewhat aggressive and overly accommodating. Lots of options.

The most powerful, from an energetic point of view, names include:


How do these naming options affect the character of the girls? Let's analyze each example separately.


These girls are very hardworking and persistent. Thanks to these qualities, they often storm career heights without any problems.


Feminine form of the name Victor. These ladies are persistent, used to achieving their results and winning. They are very smart and confident. The successes of such ladies only inspire and kindle the desire to achieve even more.


Galinas often become almost ideal wives. Calm and balanced girls who under no circumstances will put excessive pressure on their husband.


Able to take leadership. Daria is distinguished by a slightly restless character and constant curiosity. They strive to learn as much as possible and at once about everything.


Here are some examples. When choosing a name, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. Just in this way, you can even spoil the life of a child.

Each name endows its owner with certain character traits. However, there are some names that are distinguished by their strong energy. They make their owners purposeful, hardy, assertive. Such people always achieve success in life. Strong female names and their meanings will be presented below. If you name your daughter one of them, you can be sure that your baby will succeed and will not let anyone offend herself.


Alexandra is one of the most powerful female names. It is easy to guess that it is derived from the corresponding male form. Girl Alexandra has a rather controversial character. This manifests itself from childhood and accompanies Sasha all his life. On the one hand, she is soft, but can be cruel, self-confident, but afraid of some things like fire, can be very demanding of others, but in some cases she is ready to loosen her grip. Researchers have always found it difficult to work on the interpretation of this name, as it is full of mysteries.

In general, Sasha is always confident in her abilities, is a rather selfish nature, loves power, is not always ready to compromise, is quite sociable and sociable, knows exactly what she wants and confidently goes towards it.


Anastasia is a woman with a capital letter. This is a very kind girl who is always ready to help those in need. Kindness always comes first in the character of this girl. Nastya will not commit selfish acts, use someone in her own interests. However, she herself may suffer from such character traits, since many will use this, especially for men.

But this does not mean that Nastya is weak, because her character contains self-will and inflexibility. The character of this girl is impossible to break. If she wants something, then it will be impossible to stop her.


Vlad - "possessing glory." The full form of the name is Vladislava.

This name makes its owner a rather emotional person. Vlada is quite receptive, likes everyone around to do justice and be honest with her. Vlada always listens and hears his interlocutors, knows how to empathize. She is a kind and gentle girl.

The name Vlad is one of the most powerful female names. These girls are purposeful and hardworking. The name also endows them with such qualities as tenderness and softness. Men are simply not able to get past this woman.

However, she also has some shortcomings that may not please both those around her and Vladislav herself. First of all, it is the inability to make decisions independently. Vlada may want something, know exactly how to achieve it, but if there is no person nearby whom she trusts, asks him for advice, then she is unlikely to decide to take the first step towards her dream.

First name Eugene

Another female name that comes from the male form. Zhenechka is a rather shy and fearful woman. She trusts few people, rarely lets people get too close. All this is due to the fact that she is afraid of betrayal and deceit. Because of these fears, Zhenya has quite a few friends. However, these features do not prevent Evgenia from being purposeful and hardworking. That's where she is not shy of anyone! If she has taken up some business or set a specific goal for herself, she will never stop halfway. She never gives up, does not start a new business if the previous one has not yet been completed.

These are the features that the name Eugene endows girls with. On the one hand, they may seem reserved and cowardly, but when it comes to the goals of this woman, then it is better not to get in her way.


The name Cyrus can be attributed to the number of female names with strong energy. It endows its owner with a number of very different qualities. Kira is a stubborn, strong, strong-willed and persistent girl. She skillfully combines these qualities with gentleness, good nature, compassion.

Researchers cannot say anything about a person's character for sure, knowing only his name. However, one can say for sure about Kira that she will be a bright, arrogant and strong girl. It is thanks to her leadership qualities that she can achieve great success in life.

This woman has such a strong character that she can easily endure any setbacks in life, be it love, a fall in love. career ladder, betrayal of friends, etc. And not all women can boast of such skills.


Margarita is translated from Greek as "pearl". Now this name is quite popular in Russia. If you want to name your daughter with a strong female name, then Margarita is exactly what you need.

The girl, who was named Margarita at birth, has many interesting and sometimes contradictory qualities in her character since childhood. Rita is quite sociable. She is a kind girl who likes everything in life to be fair. She is honest with her loved ones and expects the same from them. The girl is completely devoted to her friends, she will never leave them in difficult times, loves to make new acquaintances, easily finds mutual language with strangers. But at the same time, she is a shy nature and is not always ready to tell even the closest people about what is happening in her soul. She keeps all her secrets and experiences inside herself. Also in some cases it can be indecisive. However, she always knows what she wants from life, and is used to achieving everything herself. Rita is resistant to stress, can withstand even the strongest blows of fate.


The name Olga is of ancient Russian origin. It has several meanings - “holy”, “fatal”, “wise”. This name has quite a strong energy. The girl, named so at birth, it endows with many different qualities that will greatly help her in life.

So, what is the nature of the name Olga? This girl has many advantages that fully compensate for the shortcomings. As a child, she can be naughty and naughty a lot. Her shyness is also often manifested, sometimes you can notice a pessimistic attitude. However, this girl early age contemplates his actions. With age, this quality only increases. Olga will not take advantage of someone else's weaknesses to achieve her own goals. Also in her character there is a craving for independence. She strives to achieve everything in her life on her own. This woman does not want to depend on someone.

It is also worth noting that Olya is a principled woman who is not ready to make concessions. She can be slightly haughty and arrogant. Relatives should take into account that it is better not to enter into disputes with this woman, since she is not going to give in, and it is not recommended to be with her at the moment when she is angry.


It is believed that the name Tamila has the strongest energy, which has an impact on the character of the girl, on her fate.

So, scientists say that these are quite energetic and emotional girls who are distinguished by sociability and impulsiveness. At a more adult age, good nature and cheerfulness, as well as reliability and fidelity, begin to appear in them.

In adolescence, parents will begin to notice that their girl is becoming more selfish and principled. She can hide a lot, rarely trusts anyone, becomes rude and assertive in business. Often there may be conflicts with friends and comrades.

The older Tamila becomes, the more selfishness appears in her character. She likes to criticize others, does not want to accept them as they are. In study and work, she strives to achieve the best. And she succeeds.

This is not the whole list of strong female names. Moreover, the success and character of a person depends not only on his name, but also on the sign of the zodiac, the season, in the end, education and the environment in which he grew up. Therefore, relying only on the name is not worth it. Put in your children all the best, and then they will definitely succeed, no matter what their names are.

In this article, we will look at 10 female names that have strong energy.

1. Barbara. In general, the name Barbara, according to Indo-European culture, means a protector. Barbarians have all the qualities of a good life partner, they are hardworking, amorous, and will never cheat on a partner as well as support him in difficult times.

2. Alexandra. Derivative name, from the male Alexander. It also means protector or courageous. If Varvara may not be offended by some jokes on the verge of decency, then you should not joke with Alexandra. Alexanders are very lively and really courageous, but despite this they like the opposite sex.

3. Galina. Patient and quiet, that's what this name means. By any means, he tries to either avoid conflict situations, or extinguish them in the bud. He tries to find a common language with all people and part, if not friends, then good acquaintances.

4. Victoria. They say it's better not to start a dispute with Victoria, even if you are absolutely sure that you are right. No wonder it had the same name Greek goddess victory. You will not win the argument, and if you win, you will certainly not be happy with your small victory, because you will ruin your relationship with her.

5. Vladislav. Powerful, that says it all. Although Vladislav loves power, it is difficult to piss her off and make her angry, but you still have chances.

6. Daria. Two interpretations of the name. From Slavic mythology she got the meaning bestowed by God. But as a derivative of the name Darius, the winner of God. Sounds right? Daria is guided solely by logic, although the first impression is not like that. She knows how to achieve leadership and occupy leadership positions.

7. Irina. Peace and quiet, these are the words that characterize Irina in life. It is easy to offend her, but she is not vindictive. By nature, a good diplomat, therefore avoids any quarrels and conflicts. Often choose a profession in which you need to communicate a lot with people. Often the choice falls in favor of teaching.

8. Natalia. It is better not to mess with Natalia, since most likely she is your boss or will soon become one. Assiduous, smart, prudent, able to analyze data and, most importantly, impartial. What other qualities does a true leader, a master of his craft, need?

9. Margarita. The woman is a mystery, in Greek her name means a pearl, and not an ordinary one, but a black one. Very impulsive, flammable and cools down just as easily. But she harbors resentment for a long time. Does not avoid conflicts, even if they start from scratch.

10. Tatyana. Organizer. She can easily help someone, perhaps her husband or children, get a job. Tatyana, the kindest-hearted woman. In their youth, they are a lot of weirdos, and often only miraculously get out of dangerous situations, so that in adulthood they become goodies.

That's why Victorias are successful in everything, and Tatyans always have a house full of cups

Even those who are skeptical of esotericism and prefer a more rational and material view of things cannot but agree: a name is not an empty phrase.

There are people who fit certain names, and there are names that define character.

Women's names often have the most unexpected influence on their owners.

Here are 5 names whose inner strength stands out from the rest.

1. Victoria
She's the winner. In life, in love and in work. Despite the fact that she has her weaknesses, Vika has tremendous strength and potential. Victorias often compete with men and win. True, the desire to always win can play a cruel joke in your personal life. It is Victoria who, less often than others, find husbands for life, since only a strong man can get along with her under one roof. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, but they only confirm the rule. Something else is very valuable in Victoria: in difficult moments, they will not only not leave their spouse, but will also stand shoulder to shoulder with him, even if it will be necessary to confront the whole world.

2. Natalia
Natasha's energy is stable. They are genuine stoics, so it is very difficult to break such women. Strong and weak sides the name Natalya is so balanced, unlike other female names, that we can say that these women are harmony itself. The results that a woman named Natalya achieves, if not out of the ordinary, but consistently worthy. Mysteriousness and a special female aura that surround this name attract the stronger sex like a magnet. Perhaps this is precisely what explains such admiration of foreigners for girls named Natasha? In addition, this name is translated as “native”.

3. Elena
Elena is translated as “clear”, “bright”. No wonder there are so many Helens in Russian fairy tales - Elena the Beautiful, Elena the Wise. But there was also Helen of Troy, because of which a whole war broke out. With a huge number of advantages, these women have only one drawback - a weak imagination. In the rest of Elena - they get along well with logic and absorb new knowledge very quickly. They make good, wise bosses. And what wives and mothers they are! Elena attracts men and friends with her sunny character. Elena's love, as usual, is long and happy.

4. Tatiana
Tanya is a beautiful woman whose life element is home and family. A special energy of comfort, warmth and kindness hovers around her, which people in her company like so much. Therefore, Tatyana's house is often full of guests, and everything usually goes well in her personal life. The name itself means "organizer". Their children, as a rule, are surrounded by healthy maternal care and warmth, so they grow up kind and happy. Sometimes it can be boring with her, but this small flaw simply fades against the background of advantages.

5. Irina
Now you don't see it very often young girls and girls named Irina, although at the end of the Soviet Union it was very popular. Its carriers have incredibly strong energy. Irene's life is filled to the brim interesting people and events. They are prosperous, lucky and very beautiful, not only externally, but also internally. Thanks to the combination of “smartness + attractiveness”, they become real business sharks and do business with enviable ease. For men, these are worthy rivals, but at the same time very attractive ladies.