Types of subordinate clauses. Types of subordinate clauses with examples

), there are four main types of subordinate clauses:

  • defining,
  • explanatory,
  • circumstantial (mode of action and degree, place, time, conditions, causes, goals, comparisons, concessions, consequences),
  • connecting.


Refers to a noun or pronoun. Answer questions about definitions which? which? which?).
Join with allied words: which, which, whose, what, where, when, from where, etc.
As well as unions: so that, as, as, exactly, as if, etc.


  • [Alarm clock rang]. Alarm which?(which was given to me by my grandmother). [Alarm clock rang( that my grandmother gave me)].
  • [The house burned to the ground]. House which?(Where I was born). [House( where I was born) burned to the ground].
  • [A.S. Pushkin erected more than one monument]. A.S. Pushkin what?(Whose contribution to the development of Russian literature can hardly be overestimated). [A.S. Pushkin( , whose contribution to the development of Russian literature is difficult to overestimate,) erected more than one monument].
  • [That day my life changed]. In a day which?(When I understood everything). [That day( when I understood everything) my life has changed].

Clauses of explanatory

Relate to the verb. Answering case questions who? what? to whom? what? whom? what? by whom? how? etc.).
Join with allied words: who, what, which, whose, where, where, from where, how, why, why, how much
As well as unions: what, to, as if, as, as if, as if, etc.


Here the main clause is in square brackets, and the subordinate clause is in round brackets.

  • [I'm sure]. Sure in what?(Because the Earth is spherical). [I'm pretty sure that the earth is spherical)].
  • [He found out]. found out what?(How many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite). [He found out( how many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite)].
  • [They understood]. Understood what?(Why did I do it). [They understood( why did i do it)].

Adverbial clauses

Play the role of common circumstances. Answer detailed questions. Like ordinary circumstances, they are divided into several types:

Type of subordinate clause Questions it answers Linking with unions Linking with allied words Examples
mode of action as? how? like, what, to, as if, exactly
  • [I was walking on freshly fallen snow]. Shel as?(So ​​that the snowflakes crunched under my feet). [I was walking on freshly fallen snow( so that the snowflakes crunched under my feet)].
Measures and degrees how much? in what degree? what how how much, how much
  • [He ate a lot of apples]. ate how much?(So ​​that the stomach ached later) [He ate So many apples( that the stomach then ached)].
Places where? where? where? where, where, from where
  • [I got tired of everything and went]. gone where?(Where I could finally rest.) [I got tired of everything and went there(where I could finally rest)].
time when? how long? since when? How long? when, while, as long as, as soon as, as long as, until
  • [Moon is rising]. ascends when?(When the night falls) [The moon is rising ( when the night comes)].
Goals why? for what purpose? to (to)
  • [I drank the medicine]. drank why?(To cure a cold). [I drank the medicine ( to cure a cold)].
The reasons why? from what? because, because, since, for
  • [He has changed]. Has changed why?(Because there was no reason to stay the same). [He has changed because(that there was no reason to stay the same)].
Terms under what condition? if, when, times
  • [I will eat this apple]. Eat under what condition?(Unless it's poisoned). [I'll eat this apple( if it is not poisoned)].
concessions in spite of what? although, despite the fact that, let, let no matter how much, no matter how
  • [He reached the goal]. Reached in spite of what?(Although I've been bothering him all this time). [He reached the goal ( , even though I interfered with him all this time)].
Consequences and..? Consequently..? so
  • [I was on top of the world]. and?(So ​​I had no reason to worry). [I was on top of the world( so i had no reason to worry)].
Comparative as? as, as if, as if
  • [She fluttered around the apartment]. fluttered as?(How a young butterfly flutters, having just learned to fly). [She fluttered around the apartment ( how a young butterfly flutters, having just learned to fly)].

Adventitious connecting

Relate to the entire main body.
Join with allied words: what, where, where, where, when, how, why
Supplement and explain the content of the main part. Often they have the meaning of a consequence.


  • He was worried and therefore failed to pass the exam.).
  • My brother never opened the book all this time that haunted me).

see also



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Main sentence - Dictionary of literary terms

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what a "subordinate clause" is in other dictionaries:

    Subordinate clause- SUBORDINATE CLAUSE. See main sentence... Dictionary of literary terms

    ADDITION, fabric, m. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    A syntactically dependent predicative part of a complex sentence containing a subordinating conjunction or allied word. Vladimir saw with horror that he drove into an unfamiliar forest (Pushkin). Describe the feeling that I experienced at that time, ... ...

    The dependent part of a complex sentence containing a union or allied word. Refers to the entire main clause or to one word in it (additional, attributive clauses). F. I. Buslaev laid the foundation for ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    - (gram.). This is the name, in contrast to the main one, of such a sentence that does not have an independent, integral meaning without the main sentence. Syntactic structure of all Indo-European languages ​​shows beyond doubt that the creation of the category P... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    subordinate clause- lingu. Part of a complex sentence, syntactically subordinate to the main part (main clause) and connected with it by a union or allied word. Second sentence of reason. Conditional first sentence ... Dictionary of many expressions

    subordinate clause- See main sentence... Grammar Dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms

    SUBORDINATE CLAUSE- (subsequent item, German Nachsatz), this is the name, by analogy with the terminology of grammar, the second part of the musical period, corresponding to its first part, which is called the main (previous) sentence and ends for the most part ... ... Riemann's musical dictionary

    A subordinate clause that answers the question what? and referring to the member of the main sentence, expressed by a noun or a substantiated word. Subordinate attributive clauses are attached to the main clause with the help of ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    A subordinate clause that answers any case question and refers to a member of the main clause that needs semantic expansion: without a subordinate clause, the main clause would be structurally and semantically incomplete. Adjunctive ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms


Remember the subordinate clause and what function it performs. A complex sentence consists of unequal parts. One of them is independent, and it is called the main one. The subordinate clause is a dependent part that plays the role of a minor member suggestions.

Adnexal suggestions are divided into 4 groups. Since in many cases they function as minor members suggestions, then it is very similar: definitive, explanatory, adverbial, adjunctive. In turn, adverbial clauses of several types. Remember the types of circumstances: place, time, course of action, cause, effect, purpose. Comparative and concessive clauses belong to the same group.

Decide whether the clause refers to the entire main clause or to one of its members. The entire main clause most often includes some categories of adverbial clauses, that is, place, time, purpose, cause, effect, concessive, conditional and comparative. All other subordinate clauses refer to one member of the main suggestions.

Determine which member of the main suggestions the adjective applies. Put a question to him. The definition answers the questions "what?", "which?", "whose?". They can also be put to the attributive clause. Sometimes this type can also be determined by the union or allied word, if it coincides with the question. However, the attributive clause can also be attached with the help of the words "how" or "when", that is, it can be confused with the adverbial. Therefore, the main method is still a question.

The explanatory clause performs the function of an addition, that is, it answers case questions. Its unions and allied words are "who" and "what", and in this case the species is determined immediately. But there is a catch here too. An explanatory sentence can be joined by the same or allied words that are characteristic of other types of subordinate clauses.

The most diverse group is adverbial clauses. it suggestions answer very different questions, on which the "subspecies" is determined. circumstantial suggestions place and time answer the questions "where", "from where", "when", "since what time".

The subordinate causes, goals and conditional have a lot in common. The first answers the questions "why?", "for what reason?". The other two types determine for what purpose what is said in the main sentence is done, or under what conditions this is possible.


There are several types subordinate clauses which are usually not questioned. These are concessive, comparative, connecting. The first category includes sentences that say that something did not happen, despite efforts or favorable circumstances. Such a subordinate clause is attached to the main one with the allied words "although", "despite". In comparative clauses, as the name implies, something is compared with something.


  • types of subordinate clauses

- this is the view complex sentence with the meaning of the inequality of the parts, which is expressed by subordinating conjunctions and allied words in the subordinate clause. In the structure of a complex sentence, two parts are distinguished: the main and the dependent. The connection between them is two-way, because not only the subordinate clause cannot exist without the main clause, but the main one also needs the presence of the dependent.

The subordinate clause, dependent on the main one, joins it in two ways: - attached to one word in the main sentence and explains it ("We stopped at the place where the stream flowed"); - connected to the main sentence as a whole ("It's cool summer like new life started"). In the school course of the Russian language, three groups are distinguished that correspond to secondary members in a simple sentence: definition, addition, circumstance. The subordinate clause refers to the noun in the main and characterizes the subject, naming its attribute ("Chekhov was a witness to an event about which Moscow will not forget). A variety of definitives are pronominal-determinative suggestions relating to the pronoun in the main clause ("He who does nothing will achieve nothing"). The peculiarity of this group of subordinate clauses is the use as a means of communication only allied words that perform syntactic function and the “fixed” place of the subordinate clause after the main one. The subordinate (additional) clause is attached to verbs, verbal nouns and adverbs with the meaning of speech, thought, feeling, perception with the help of subordinating conjunctions and allied words. Such suggestions additions matter and answer the questions of cases (“Tell me how to go to Gogol Street”). Adverbial clauses suggestions most often refer to the main sentence as a whole and determine the sign of the ongoing action: time, place, mode of action, measure and degree, condition, goal, cause, effect, comparison and concession. All these meanings correlate with semantic groups of circumstances (“I am in order for a person to be beautiful, simple and smart” - with an adjective of purpose that answers the question “why?”). Note that complex subordinate suggestions can have several subordinate clauses belonging either to the same type or to different ones. “At the end of the year I was drawn to my native places, where I was born and where I spent" - in the sentence there are two subordinate clauses related to the same word "places" and answering the same question "what?". This type of subordination is called homogeneous subordination. “We didn’t know which way to go, because” - in the sentence there are two subordinate clauses that are connected with the main one and with each other like a “chain”. This is sequential submission. “When their work is finished, I see that the whole bottom is covered with live fish” - there are two subordinate clauses in the sentence that answer different questions and refer to different types. This is a type of parallel subordination.

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The concept of a subordinate clause

Part of a complex sentence, syntactically dependent on another, subordinate part, is called a subordinate clause.

How to define a subordinate clause

  • The subordinate clause cannot be used without the main clause without changing the meaning of the statement. Let's take an offer I see a house about which you told me . Words in bold will be subordinate clauses. We will not be able to say with a narrative intonation and without a certain context: "which you told me about." The recipient will not perceive this piece of text as a message. But you can say "I see a house" and put an end to it. This proposal is the main one.
  • From the main clause, as a rule, you can ask a question (it is not asked only for connecting subordinate clauses). In our example, the question is which? What house? - about which you spoke.
  • Usually, in search of subordinate clauses, when parsing, subordinating conjunctions and allied words are circled in ovals, which only exist to introduce subordinate clauses into the main thing. Of course, in order for unions to help find clauses in the text, these unions must first memorize. No other way.

Types of subordinate clauses

Depending on the question that is asked from the main clause to the subordinate clause, the following types of subordinate clauses are distinguished.

Explanatory clauses

Definitive clause

Adverbial clauses

Adverbial clauses are strongly overgrown circumstances. Circumstances are divided into types depending on the question, adverbial sentences are similarly divided into types:

In some textbooks, a separate group is distinguished - subordinate clauses with the meaning of conditionality.

Comparative clauses

Connecting subordinate clauses

Let's take out the connecting clauses in separate group, since they do not answer any question and cannot be compared with the highly common minor member of the sentence.

What is not a subordinate clause

meaningful expressions

Expressions that are integral in meaning are not subordinate clauses:

  • irreducible combinations: do it right, do it right, tell it like it really is, there is something to surprise, there is something to do and etc.
  • whole expressions with the verb want. Do what you want. Come whenever you want. And etc.
  • combinations not that, not that, not that, not otherwise.
  • combinations (not) greater than, (not) less than, (not) earlier than, (not) later than and etc.
  • combinations no one knows who, no one knows what (where, what, where, where, etc.), no one knows who, no matter what, no matter who and etc.
  • combinations with words anything and anything Anyone, anything, anywhere, anything and etc.
  • type combinations who neither eats, what neither eats, what neither eats y and others.
  • expression only and ... what. Only and entertainment that in the cinema once a week.

comparative turnovers

Punctuation for subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses are separated from the main clauses by commas, less often by dashes.

If the clauses are not linked by a coordinating link, they are separated by commas.

If subordinate clauses are interconnected by a coordinating connection, the signs between them are placed according to the same rules as the signs with

Subordinate clauses in Russian are dependent parts of the main clause in a complex sentence. That is, they play the role of secondary members of the sentence. Therefore, the types of subordinate clauses are divided according to the role played in the sentence. One question can be asked to the entire secondary sentence, just as it is done with respect to the members of the sentence.

The main types of subordinate clauses

Four types of them are considered: attributive, adverbial, explanatory and connecting. Examples can be given that will represent all kinds of subordinate clauses:

  1. The flower bed, which was laid out in the courtyard on the left side of the porch, resembled a small copy of the town - a sort of Flower Town from Nosov's fairy tale about Dunno. (Determinative).
  2. And it seemed to me that restless and funny short men really live there. (explanatory).
  3. And we do not see them because they are hiding from us underground. (Circumstantial).
  4. But as soon as we leave somewhere, as shorties get out of their hiding places and begin to enjoy life violently. (Connective).

Determinative clauses

These subordinate clauses in Russian define the sign of one noun or sometimes a phrase consisting of a noun and a demonstrative word. They serve as answers to questions which? whose? which the? These minor sentences are joined to the main part by allied words. whose, which, who, what, which, from where, where, when. Usually in the main part of a complex sentence there are demonstrative words such as such, each, any, any or that in various forms childbirth. The following suggestions can be taken as examples:

  • living beings, which?) who live on the planet next to people, feel a good human attitude towards them.
  • Reach out your hand with food, open your palm, freeze, and some bird, ( which?) whose voice is heard in the morning in the bushes of your garden, with confidence will sit on your hand.
  • Every person ( which?) who considers himself the pinnacle of the creation of the Almighty, should correspond to this rank.
  • Whether a garden, a forest or an ordinary yard, (which?)where everything is familiar and familiar can open the door for a person wonderful world nature.

Adventitious connecting

Interesting types of subordinate clauses that do not refer to a single word or phrase, but to the entire main part. They are called connecting. Often these parts of a complex sentence contain the meaning of the consequence, supplementing or explaining the content of the main part. Secondary sentences of this type are attached using allied words where, how, when, why, where, what. Examples:

  • And only next to the mother any baby feels protected, what is meant by nature.
  • Caring for the cubs, tenderness for their offspring, self-sacrifice is laid in the creature at the level of instinct, how every creature needs to breathe, sleep, eat and drink.

Explanatory clauses

If the author of the text wants to explain, specify any one word of the main part, which has the meaning of thought, perception, feeling or speech. Often these clauses refer to verbs such as say, answer, think, feel, be proud, hear. But they can also specify adjectives, for example, satisfied or glad. It is often observed when these types of subordinate clauses act as explanations of adverbs ( clearly, necessary, necessary, known, pity) or nouns ( message, thought, statement, rumor, thought, sensation). The subordinate explanatory clauses are added with the help of:

Unions (to, what, when, as if, like others);

Any allied words;

Particles (union) whether.

Examples are the following compound sentences:

  • Have you ever observed what?) how amazingly sunlight plays, reflected in dew drops, insect wings, snowflake tiles?
  • Once such beauty, a person will surely be incredibly happy, ( what?) who discovered the unique world of beauty.
  • And it immediately becomes clear what?) that everything around was created not just so that everything is interconnected.
  • Consciousness will be filled with indescribable feelings of joy, (what kind?) as if you yourself are a part of this amazing and unique world.

Adventitious mode of action and degree

Adverbial clauses are divided into several subspecies. A group of dependent parts of compound sentences that refer to a sign or action, called in its main part, and denote its degree or measure, as well as the image, are referred to as subordinate modes of action and degree. They usually answer the following questions: how? how much? as? in what degree? The design of the connection of the subordinate with the main part looks something like this: full adjective + noun + such; full adjective + such; verb + so. The attachment of these subordinate clauses is provided by unions to, what, as if or allied words how much, how much and some others. Examples:

  • The little girl laughed so infectiously, so spontaneously, that it was hard for everyone else to stop smiling.
  • The sonorous play of her laughter broke the tense silence of the room, as if unexpectedly scattered colorful peas from the package.
  • And the little face itself has changed so much, as far as it was possible in this case: the girl, exhausted by the disease, could already easily be called a lovely and absolutely healthy child.

Adverbial clauses

These dependent clauses indicate the place of origin of the action, which is called in the main part of the compound sentence. Referring to the whole main sentence, they answer the following questions: where? where? where? and join with allied words where, from where, where. Often in the main sentence there are demonstrative words there, everywhere, there, everywhere, everywhere and some others. The following examples of such proposals can be given:

  1. It is quite easy to determine the cardinal directions in the forest more often, where there is moss on the trees.
  2. Ants dragged on the backs construction material for their anthills and food supplies from everywhere, where only these hardworking creatures could get.
  3. I'm always drawn there, to magical lands, where we went with him last summer.

Adverbial clauses of time

Indicating the time of action, these subordinate clauses refer both to the entire main clause, and specifically to one predicate. For this type of adjective, you can ask the following questions: how long? How long? when? since when? Often there are demonstrative words in the main part of the sentence, for example: sometimes, once, always, now, then. For example: Animals will then be friendly with each other, (when?) when they grow up next to childhood.

Adverbial clauses, causes, purposes, consequences

  1. If the dependent parts of complex sentences answer questions in what case? or under what condition? and refer either to the predicate of the main part, or to it all, joining with the help of conditional conjunctions once, when, when, if, when and how(in the meaning of "if"), then they can be attributed to subordinate conditions. Example: And even the most inveterate prankster turns into a serious and well-mannered gentleman, ( in which case?)when he becomes a parent, be it a man, a monkey or a penguin.
  2. Questions because of which? why? for what reason? from what? subordinate causes are responsible. Their attachment occurs with the help of causal unions because, because, since. Example: For a baby in early childhood, the authority of the parent is adamant, ( why?) because his well-being depends on this being.
  3. Dependent sentences denoting the purpose of the action named in the main part and answering questions for what? for what purpose? why?, are called subordinate targets. Their attachment to the main part is provided by target unions in order to, then in order to (in order to). Example: But even then you should accompany your requirements with explanations ( for what purpose?) then, so that a thinking person grows out of a baby, and not a weak-willed robot performer.
  4. Dependent parts of a sentence that indicate a conclusion or result, denote a consequence following from the above in the main part of the sentence, are called subordinate consequences and refer to the entire main sentence. They are usually joined by coercive unions. that's why or so, for example: Education is a complex and regular process, ( what follows from this?) therefore, parents should always be in shape and not relax for a minute.

Adverbial clauses

These types of dependent sentences in complex structures refer either to the predicate or to the entire main part and answer the question like?, joining with comparative conjunctions as if, as, as, as, exactly. Comparative clauses differ from comparative phrases in that they have a grammatical basis. For example: The polar bear cub so funny fell on its side and lifted its paws up, it's like a naughty boy playing happily in the sandbox with his friends.

Adverbial clauses

Dependent sentences in a compound construction, denoting circumstances in spite of which the action indicated in the main part has been committed or can be committed, are called subordinate concessions. You can ask them questions: despite what? in spite of what? and attach to the main one with the help of concessive unions at least (although), let (let) that, for nothing, despite and some others. Allied combinations are often used: no matter how much, no matter what, when no, no matter who, no matter how and the like. Example: Even though the panda cubs were having fun, their dark spots around the eyes gave the impression of sad thoughtfulness.

A literate person should always remember: when writing sentences that are part of a complex one, they are separated by commas.

Subordinate clause- a syntactically dependent predicative part of a complex sentence containing a subordinating conjunction or allied word.

For example: Vladimir saw with horror that he drove into an unfamiliar forest (Pushkin). portray the feeling which I experienced at the time, very hard(Korolenko). The term used in educational practice "subordinate clause" usually replaced in theoretical works by the term "attachment"(respectively, instead of “main sentence” - “main part”); this avoids the use of the same term “sentence” in relation to the whole and to its individual constituent parts, and also emphasizes the interconnectedness of the structural parts of a complex sentence.

Subordinate clause can be associated with a single word (group of words) of the main sentence, performing the function of spreading or explaining these members.

For example: She dreams that she is walking through a snowy meadow(Pushkin) (the subordinate clause extends the predicate of the main clause dreams). His nature was one of those who need an audience for a good cause.(L. Tolstoy) (the subordinate clause explains a group of words one of those).

In other cases, the subordinate clause corresponds to the entire composition of the main clause.

For example: If grandfather left home, grandmother arranged the most interesting meetings in the kitchen(Bitter) (subordinate clause refers to the main one as a whole).

A subordinate clause can explain a word in the main clause that is not a member of the sentence.

For example: Grow, country where, by the will of a single people, all merged into one people!(Lebedev-Kumach) the subordinate clause refers to the word-address country).

A subordinate clause can refer to two main clauses as a whole.

For example: It was already quite dawn and people began to rise when I returned to my room.(L. Tolstoy).

Classification of types of subordinate clauses

School textbooks present two types of classifications of subordinate clauses.

In the complexes of T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and M.M. Razumovsky's subordinate clauses are divided into three groups: defining , explanatory and circumstantial ; the latter are divided into subgroups.

In the complex V.V. Babaytsev's subordinate clauses are divided into subject , predicates , defining , additional and circumstantial depending on which member of the sentence is replaced by the subordinate clause (to determine the type of the subordinate clause, questions are asked to various members of the sentence).

Since the most common in the practice of school and pre-university teaching is the classification adopted in the complexes of T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and M.M. Razumovsky, let's turn to her.

Let's present information about the types of subordinate clauses in the form of a summary table.

Types of subordinate clauses

1. Determinants (including pronouns)Answer questions which? whose? Who exactly? what exactly? and refer to the noun or pronoun in the main part; join most often with the help of allied words which, which, whose, where etc. and unions what, to, as if and etc.
The native places where I grew up will forever remain in my heart; That, who does nothing, will achieve nothing; She looked like this that everyone was silent.
2. Explanatory They answer questions of indirect cases and usually refer to the predicate in the main part; join with alliances what, what, if, if, if etc. and allied words where, where, how much, which and etc.I soon realized that I was lost; It seemed to him, as if everyone around rejoiced at his happiness.
3. Circumstantial:
mode of action, measure and degree Answer questions as? how? to what extent? in what degree? how much? and usually refer to one word in the main clause; join with alliances what, to, as if, exactly and allied words how, how, how much. We're so tired that could not go further.
Answer questions when? From what time? until what time? how long? when, while, as, while, as long as, while, as long as, after, barely, since, just, just before, as soon as, just, just, just, just, just a little, before, before. Until the rain stops will have to stay at home.
places Answer questions where? where? where? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with allied words where, where, where. People go to folklore practice where folk traditions of song and tale are still alive.
goals Answer questions why? for what purpose? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances so that, in order to, so that, so that, so that, if only, yes, if only. In order not to get lost, we went to the path.
the reasons Answer questions why? from what? for what reason? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with the help of unions because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, then that, since, for, good, because, due to the fact that, especially since .Because the candle burned weakly the room was almost dark.
terms Answer the question under what condition? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances if, if, when, if, if, how, once, how soon, whether ... whether. If the weather does not improve within a day, the trip will have to be rescheduled.
Answer questions in spite of what? contrary to what? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances although, despite the fact that, despite the fact that, let and combinations of pronominal words with a particle no matter how, no matter where, no matter how much, no matter where. Even though it was already past midnight b, the guests did not disperse; No matter how the tree rots, it keeps growing.
Answer questions like what? like who? than what? than who? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances as, as, as, as if, exactly, as if, as if, as if.
Birch branches reach for the sun as if they were holding out their hands to him.
consequences Answer questions about why what happened? what follows from this? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with union so. The summer was not very hot so the mushroom harvest should be good.

Subordinate explanatory clauses can be attached to the main clause with a particle whether used in the meaning of the union.

For example: He didn't know if tomorrow would come. union-particle whether can serve to convey an indirect question: They asked if we would go with them.

REMEMBER: the main question for determining the type of subordinate clauses is the semantic question.

Unions and allied words can add additional shades of meaning to a complex sentence.

For example: The village where Eugene missed was a lovely corner. it complex sentence with an attributive clause , which has an additional spatial connotation of meaning.

In Russian, a group of complex sentences is distinguished, the subordinate parts of which cannot be called either attributive, or explanatory, or adverbial. it complex sentences with subordinate clauses .

Such adjectives contain additional, passing, additional message to the content of the main part of the complex sentence. In this sense, such subordinate clauses often come close in meaning to plug-in constructions.

Allied words serve as a means of communication in them. what, why, why, why, as a result etc., which, as it were, repeat the content of the main part in a generalized form.

For example: His enemies, his friends, that maybe the same, he was honored this way and that.(A. Pushkin) The coachman took it into his head to go by the river, which should have shortened the naga's path by three miles. (A. Pushkin)
It is impossible to raise a question to the connecting clauses, since in the main part of the complex sentence there is no word, phrases that would require the presence of a subordinate clause.

Algorithm for determining the type of subordinate clause

1. Determine main part complex sentence.

2. Determine the key word in the main part (if any).

3. Ask a question from the main part to the subordinate clause:

b) from the predicate in the main part;

c) from a noun or pronoun in the main part;

d) it is impossible to ask a question to the subordinate clause (with adjunctive and comparative).

4. Indicate the means of communication in the subordinate part (unions or allied words).

5. Name the type of subordinate clause.