Installation of tire fitting machines. Tire shop: minimum equipment, requirements, recommendations

IN trading companies a large number of requests for equipment are received, one of the most common is a request for equipment for organizing a tire shop. Moreover, the organization of a tire fitting site can be within the framework of an existing car service or the organization of a new direction in the activities of an individual entrepreneur or organization. Within the framework of this article, we will talk about each type of equipment that is necessary for the operation of the tire fitting site.

Tire changer

The wheel mounting and demounting machine is one of the most important components of a wheel repair shop. Their main differences are that they differ in type of automatic or semi-automatic, of course, the difference is in the manufacturer, in price. It is not always the case that a very well-known manufacturer provides sufficient product quality and a set of necessary functions. It even very often happens that without excessive overpayment for the cost of equipment, the client can get a very large number of necessary machine functions - this also applies to machines for passenger wheels and truck tire fittings. Budget manufacturers for Russian car services and tire repair specialists are Chinese manufacturers (UNITE, Bright, Trommelberg, etc.) and Russian manufacturers (Avtotekhsnab, NovGARO, Civic, Avtospetsoborudovanie, etc.), more privileged are the products of German and Italian manufacturers: Sice, CEMB, Sicam, Hoffman, M&B, Ravagliolli, Nussbaum, Beisbarth. Each manufacturer is good in its functionality and build quality, in many regions of Russia there is a so-called regional factor, in which the “gypsy mail” has a very serious impact on the decision to buy a particular brand for a tire fitting: if my neighbors have such and such a brand, then you need to put exactly the same, because everything else has not been tested and may break. For some reason, it is very difficult for our Russian tire repair specialist to trust the seller and the organization that will service this equipment, he sleeps and sees that they want to deceive him and “push” him with absolutely non-working equipment of low quality, but this is our mentality, with which we just need live and work, and only with the help of professional advice from managers and competent after-sales service to prove to the client the performance and quality of a particular tire changer.

Balancing machine

Another stand, the presence of which at the tire fitting is simply necessary, because. the significance of fine balancing is certainly relevant and there is no need to prove this significance. The accuracy of wheel balancing is, first of all, the safety of our road traffic.

There are no special differences between balancing, there is a manual entry of all data and automatic entry of all wheel data into the machine's memory to make the necessary settings. Some balancing stands have vibration control functions, for example, the American manufacturer HUNTER was the first to make this function and now HUNTER with the vibration control function is in demand among Russian car services - for example, the GSP9700 model. For trucks, especially for modern imported trucks, wheel balancing has become a vital necessity. The legend and the most popular Russian-made model is the SBMP-200 balancing stand, which is notable for its low cost, high quality, time-tested and already established reputation among tire fitters. Among imported analogues can be distinguished and Italians and Germans. For cargo balancing, a very convenient feature is an elevator or lift, which is located nearby or is built into the stand itself.

The balancing accuracy is also influenced by the use of professional adapters and adapters - in Russia and throughout the world, the German manufacturer HAWEKA is probably the recognized leader in this segment. Now it is considered bad form NOT to use these devices. The use of which, firstly, gives a quality work to the tire shop, secondly, it saves the owner and the master from dissatisfied customers, and thirdly, it shows the professionalism of the tire service. HAWEKA adapters can be purchased separately for a specific type of car wheels, or complete tool boards with a conveniently selected set of adapters.


Wheel vulcanization has long been considered a mandatory function of any tire repair. Both the chambers and the tires themselves are subjected to vulcanization, tk. modern vulcanizing equipment allows this to be done in compliance with all quality or recovery requirements rubber coating. The device that performs the function of vulcanization is called a vulcanizer. The most popular in Russia are the Chelyabinsk manufacturer Termopress. The main difference from other manufacturers is that the Thermopress no longer produces any other products, and all its developments are focused only on this product. Although there are also ETNA and SIBEK vulcanizers - which are also known to Russian users of tire repair products. They differ from each other: they can be with or without a timer, for cameras and tires, for cars and trucks, for special equipment.


Life without air is not possible! The use of a well-thought-out and mounted pneumatic system allows a lot of equipment to work in a tire shop - this, by the way, some models of which now already work only on air, and which differs in the force that affects the wheel nut, the recommended force is from 500 to 600 Nm - it's for cars; and various strippers used for gluing tubes or tires when installing patches.

Most often, for the normal operation of a tire fitting, a receiver with a volume of at least 100 liters and a capacity of at least 400 liters is enough. Probably the most famous and popular manufacturer in the compressor equipment market is REMEZA. Belarusian ones are distinguished by high reliability, unpretentiousness in work, low price - which cannot but bribe Russian users.

Wheel wash

This type of equipment, unfortunately, has not yet become popular among tire fitters in Russia, this is probably due to the rather high cost of equipment. The minimum price of an imported car wash is from 200,000 rubles, the most famous are the WULKAN wheel washes from the Polish manufacturer KART. Although the availability of a wheel wash at any tire shop or car service is primarily a production culture, this is the accuracy of the results when balancing wheels, this is an additional service to customers who have become this moment very demanding on the equipment and capabilities of the service where their car is serviced. And probably every car owner will be pleased when his old wheels are washed and packed in special bags and neatly folded into the trunk. And since we still strive for perfection and try to make all areas of the car service modern, buying a wheel wash is only a matter of time.

Auxiliary equipment

First of all, the auxiliary equipment for tire fitting can be attributed to, which were already mentioned earlier, they are pneumatic and electric. The most popular are pneumatic wrenches, attached to the pneumatic line, they allow you to effectively, and most importantly, quickly unscrew or tighten the wheel nuts. Electric wrenches are not used in passenger tire fitting.

There are generally three types of wrenches used in a truck tire service:

  1. Manual. First of all, he found popularity among drivers who are on the road, and to whom he can really help if the car is on the track with a flat tire.
  2. Pneumatic. It is used at tire fittings of any scale, it can be manual, or it can be rolling.
  3. Electric. Only truck tire shops use electric wrenches.

Tire changing bath- is an convenient way check the wheel or chamber for a puncture.

- the main purpose of which is to quickly raise and hold the car at the desired height, while the tire repair specialist performs the steps to remove and install the wheels. They differ in tonnage, manufacturer, price. But at the tire fitting, you can also find bottle jacks, which are mostly suitable for private tire repair, as well as pneumatic ones that are connected to the air line and are very convenient to work with.

Nitrogen tire inflation machines- still taking up space auxiliary equipment, but have already found their main place in many services. They are very profitable for their owners: the cost of gas is low, and the cost of the service is quite expensive and the markup is 2 or 3 times the purchase price. And the payback of such installations is quite fast. Inflating tires with nitrogen is simply a necessary service for owners of expensive foreign cars with good tires, where the functions that nitrogen provides play a big role in traffic safety.

AdaptersHAWEKAnecessary tools, adapters and cones for high-precision wheel balancing. Necessary for the safety of any vehicle!

Disc straightening machine

Rolling discs is a fairly popular service offered by tire fitting. Our roads, in many regions of Russia, leave much to be desired - pits, potholes, stones, road repairs - all this leads to a violation of the evenness of the disk diameter. The main types of stands for disc repair:

  1. To repair stamped discs, so-called roller stands are used, they come in 6 and 8 roller stands. The essence of their work is to adjust the surface of the disk and align it to the ideal diameter with a uniform force on the wheel rim.
  2. For the repair of alloy wheels, specialized machines are used for straightening alloy wheels. They look like real machines with a turning group. When working with steel discs, a method of heating the area of ​​a steel disc is used, in which, when heated and with the help of special nozzles and the rotation of the turning group, a slow adjustment of the disk rim area and the removal of the ideal disk diameter takes place.

In Russia, the most popular models are: a roller stand for straightening disks "Titan ST-16" of the Omsk manufacturer "SIVIK"; for alloy wheels Turkish machines ATEK, DORUK and the Russian manufacturer SIBEK.

In our online store AvtoRemTeh you can buy tire fitting equipment in Moscow at the lowest prices, with high reliability, warranty, delivery and a long period of use. Our range includes equipment for all types of wheels, with manual and automatic control. With its help, the main tasks of changing tires from winter to summer in spring and from summer to winter in autumn and repairing the curvature and defect of tires such as punctures are solved. Our Company cooperates with almost all well-known manufacturers in Europe, Italy, Russia, Asia, USA - any equipment can be ordered from us without leaving home! Our company guarantees the availability of products with high reliability, warranty and long service life. The entire range is intended for installation in specialized tire repair centers, we provide quality certificates and warranty cards. The main selection parameters are the presence of manual or automated control, specifications power, pressure and of course reliable manufacturer. Managers will help you decide on the type of equipment, order the goods you have chosen and our transport department will deliver everything exactly on time!

Every year the number of car owners is increasing. In 2006, 37% of Russians were provided with vehicles, by 2010 their number was 43%. This trend is causing an increase in demand for car maintenance, including the services of tire shops. Seasonal tire change, tire replacement, tire inflation, wheel balancing - all these works are necessary for a safe and comfortable ride. In this way tire fitting- This is one of the most profitable and popular areas in the field of automotive service.

Highly specialized firms provide only tire fitting services. Large car services offering a whole range of body repair, diagnostics, and car painting are equipping a tire shop to expand the list of services provided and attract new customers. Private entrepreneurs open unusual enterprises, the so-called "tire fitting on wheels" (a mobile workshop in a van). Whichever option you choose, it is worth remembering that competition in this area is very serious. Advantages such as express service, 24-hour work schedule, guarantees, discounts, etc. help firms to stay afloat. But the most important aspect of success is the quality of the work performed. And this already depends not on entrepreneurial acumen, but on the qualifications of specialists and tire fitting equipment with which they work.

Tire and tire replacement

Seasonal and emergency work in a tire workshop: wheel disassembly, inner tube inflation, tire change. To do this, use a tire stand (it is also called a machine). The main elements are Rotary table and mounting rack. Management is carried out using pedals (tire pressing, cam clamping, table rotation). The equipment is powered by the mains and pneumatic lines, for example, from a compressor. The mounting head is powered by the pneumatic drive, which performs the main work on the assembly / disassembly and repair of the wheels. With the help of the foot located at the bottom, the tire is beaded, that is, the tire is pressed from the disk. On the turntable, an already disassembled wheel is fixed and clamped with cams, and the tire is removed from the rim.

Tire changers are of two types:

  • semi-automatic– some operations have to be performed manually, for example, retracting the mounting post, adjusting the gap between the foot and the edge of the rim.
  • Automatic- perform all operations without human intervention. As a rule, such tire changers are equipped with the so-called "third hand" system. This is an option that greatly simplifies the mounting and demounting of low profile, wide and rigid tires, working with defective rubber and large diameter wheels. It helps support the wheel and fills the presser foot.

Naturally, these types differ in price - semi-automatic is cheaper. Expensive automatic tire changers can have several table rotation speeds, an air duct oil-moisture separator, and an explosive inflation device for tubeless tires. These technical additions will be appropriate for a car service with a wide profile of work, if you have to service a variety of vehicles: from small cars to SUVs and small trucks. Also, when choosing, you need to take into account the recommended maximum width (from 12 to 15 inches) and wheel diameter (from 38 to 50 inches).

Wheel balancing

The displacement of the center of gravity of the wheel relative to the axis can lead to a decrease in the service life of such parts as the wheel bearing, ball bearings, suspension struts, etc. It also increases the vibration during the ride, which causes discomfort to passengers. But worst of all, it destroys the undercarriage of the car and can lead to an accident.

Therefore, the demand for services wheel balancing occurs not only in an emergency situation, when the driver feels a deterioration in the controllability of the car after overcoming any obstacle at high speed or falling into a hole. Scheduled balancing is carried out during a seasonal change of tires, every 15 km, as well as before and after a trip over long distances (over 2 thousand km).

What is wheel balancing and why is it needed?

The wheel is a heterogeneous product, consisting of several parts and materials. When it rotates, the mass is distributed unevenly. And this is corrected by securing special loads. Proper wheel balancing is first and foremost safety on the road. This means that the tire shop specialist is fully responsible for the quality of the work performed.

To detect imbalance and check the wheels with weights already attached, use balancing stand. Its design consists of a housing, a drive shaft on which the wheel is fixed, a protective cover and a display. The equipment is connected to the mains or to a generator with a voltage of 220 or 380 V (depending on the model).

Professional advice. To achieve the most accurate measurements, the machine must be placed on a solid concrete surface and secured with anchor bolts. The distance from the wall must be at least 700 mm, and sources of heat and vibration must not be located nearby.

The general principle of operation of all balancing machines is as follows. The "New Wheel" program is set. Before you fix the wheel on the shaft, it must be cleaned of dirt and remove the previously installed weights. Otherwise, accurate measurements cannot be made. Using an electronic ruler, the wheel diameter and disc offset are measured. The data is displayed. After that, the wheel width is entered (the value is taken from the passport). Correctly set parameters are the key to an accurate determination of imbalance. After that, the casing is lowered and the "Start" button is pressed - the wheel begins to rotate on the shaft. The test time is usually 5-8 seconds, during this period the sensors record the imbalance. After that, the data on the detected deviations are displayed. If the balance is disturbed, weights are placed on the wheel and a control measurement is taken.

When choosing equipment for balancing, it is important to consider not only the diameter of the wheel, but also its weight. As a rule, for each model of the machine, a range is given for this parameter, for example, 10 - 65 kg or 10 - 70 kg. The higher the last indicator, the larger wheels can be serviced.

Tube and tire repair

A flat tire is one of the biggest problems that can happen on the road. If on old tires and poorly balanced wheels you can somehow get to the right place, then a damaged tire will completely immobilize the car. It's good if a prudent driver has a spare tire. But you still need to repair the damage, because you don’t have to throw away the wheel. That is why in such a situation, a motorist turns to a tire shop.

For repair of through damages of tire chambers and tires it is used vulcanizer. It is a machine with a working table, on which a heating platform is located, and there is a clamp on top. Due to its small dimensions, the device can be mounted on a table or workbench. Before starting work on the machine, the area of ​​damage to the tire and the patch are cleaned and treated with a special reagent (catalyst). After that, the product is placed on a heated platform with a patch down (so that the rubber does not stick to the plate, you need to sprinkle it with talcum powder). A sand bag is placed in the tire, which follows the contours of the product - in this way it is possible to achieve the most uniform gluing of the patch over the entire area of ​​the surface being repaired. The vulcanization time is 15-20 minutes, and the working temperature can reach +150 °C.

The hot vulcanization method helps to return the rubber to its operational properties and complete tightness. And you can check the quality of the work performed with the help of a special bath. The tank is filled with liquid and the chamber is immersed in it. In some containers, the product is immersed manually, in others - with the help of an elevator powered by a pneumatic drive.

Important to know when choosing! For each vulcanizer there is an indicator of the maximum allowable tire repair size. The larger it is, the more complex damage can be repaired.

Now you know what equipment is an integral part of the technical equipment of any tire shop. With the complex of machines described in this article, you will be able to provide the most popular services in the field of automotive maintenance. With a list of such equipment, you can be sure that your business will not depend on the seasonal demand for rubber replacement. The wider the range of services provided, the more profit the enterprise will bring.

How to make tire fitting a profitable business?

As a rule, a tire shop pays for itself in 3-4 months of work. And it will make a profit all year round. But there is something that will help you get the most benefit at the start.

Tip 1. As you know, the hottest time for tire fitting is spring and autumn, when car owners change tires from winter to summer, and vice versa. Therefore, you need to prepare for this season in advance by purchasing all the necessary technical equipment. So you do not have to refuse customers due to lack of equipment, and the workshop will earn a good reputation.

Tip 2. If you open a 24-hour service near the road, it is better to make a large bright sign that can be seen from afar. An unknown company name is unlikely to attract passing drivers. But the inscription "Tire service - around the clock" or "Tire service 24 hours" will play its role in the best possible way.

Tip 3. The client wants to be sure of the quality of the services provided. If you employ highly qualified workers, then you can safely give a guarantee for the services. Set deadlines for each type of work performed and attach a warranty card to the payment receipt. This way you will be able to avoid conflicts in case of problems, and customers will trust you and contact you again and again.

We'll probably end here. Other ideas for a successful business will come to you in the process. Here's what you need to buy tire fitting equipment available in our online store. Just place an order through the website or by phone toll-free. The manager will answer all your questions, tell you about the delivery time and payment options for the goods.

Tire fitting equipment is necessary to work with the chassis of cars and other wheeled vehicles. Performs the following functions:

  • Changing tires from winter to summer and vice versa;
  • Balancing and elimination of unbalance of wheels;
  • Elimination of defects of tires (punctures) and disks (curvature).

An additional function is washing the wheels. It is always convenient, and even necessary when balancing.


The tire fitting kit includes:

  • balancing stand. It reveals the imbalance of the wheel (static, dynamic). The imbalance is eliminated by gluing weights to the disk in certain places. Power - from the mains;
  • tire machine. On it, the wheel is disassembled - the tire and tire are removed from the disk, and then they are installed back. A number of models are still inflating the tire. Power supply - from electric or pneumatic network;
  • car lift or jack. It is not directly involved in tire fitting work, but without it it is impossible to remove the wheel from the car;
  • compressor. Its function is to make tire changers work, as well as other pneumatic equipment.

An optional tire fitting kit makes the job easier. In addition, it allows you to repair individual wheel assemblies. It includes:

  • wheel washing unit. When the imbalance is eliminated, the washing operation is obligatory. Because dirt affects the balance;
  • tire leak test bath. When the tire is inflated, the bubbles that form in the water indicate the location of the puncture. The device is primitive. But if it is absent, it cannot be said that the car service has everything for tire fitting;
  • vulcanizer. Closes up a puncture by welding a patch of raw rubber onto the hole;
  • expander. Allows you to remove a tire stuck to the rim. Often necessary in case of tubeless models;
  • stand for editing disks. Form defects are corrected on it, grinding off excess bulges;
  • nitrogen generator. Gives out nitrogen - for the pneumatic system or tire inflation;
  • tire inflation unit. In this case, it is not necessary to dismantle the wheel;
  • wrench Facilitates the unscrewing or tightening of nuts. And it speeds up.

Tire fitting kits and prices

The most budgetary and cheapest option starts from 21,000 rubles. A standard set for a car service will cost from 74,000 rubles per set.

Thinking about buying tire fitting equipment? Contact Weisberg and we will be able to offer you the whole range

More recently, a new promising niche has emerged on the auto repair market - tire fitting on the road (this service is also known as on-call tire fitting). In other words, this is a mobile tire repair/replacement service.

Why is it beneficial?

Mobile tire fitting solves two acute problems of motorists at once. The first is the long queues that arise at the tire shop whenever it is time to change summer tires to winter tires and vice versa. The second is a long way to the "tire shop", crossed by traffic jams, since such services are usually located in residential areas and remote corners of cities. And the cost of mobile tire fitting services is almost identical to the price lists in a car service. It is enough for the client to make a call or find out the next location of vulcanization.

Equipment selection

The organization of mobile tire fitting takes place in the same way as stationary. But it will be necessary to arrange the service not indoors, but in a minibus. You will need equipment that can solve tire repair problems in such conditions. The mobile tire shop offers specialized services:

Tire replacement;

Rubber installation;

Change of disks;

Wheel inflation;

Wheel balancing;

This will require the following equipment:

Tire fitting;



In the online store "TTS-Auto" you can pick up modern devices from leading brands. These are the products of Zuver (Poland), Hofmann (Germany/Italy), Teco (Italy), Sibek (Russia), Thermopress (Russia) and other manufacturers known both in Europe and in Russia. Both individual devices and sets of equipment for tire fitting are presented. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of equipment that will be required to organize this type of field service.

Tire fitting machines. This installation is required to remove the tires from the wheels and mount them in place. We offer specialized machines for working with cars and trucks, automatic and semi-automatic, as well as with an auxiliary element. The equipment can be supplemented with a device for pushing the tire bead to the disc center - for tubeless tires sticking to the rim.

Vulcanizers. This is a clamp, where one of the sponges is represented heating element for sealing a puncture high temperature(vulcanization method). This equipment is necessary for the repair of a damaged tire and is used to service large and specialized vehicles: agricultural machines, trucks, construction wheeled vehicles, etc.

Balancing stands. Such technical equipment is necessary for reliable diagnosis of wheel balance, finding the problem area and the cause of the problem. The balancing stand allows you to measure the degree of deviation and correct the system.

Extruders. This device is a “gun” that delivers raw hot rubber under pressure. Using this device, you can direct a jet of material to the damaged area and, thereby, “close” the damage. We offer ergonomic dual handle extruders with low power consumption.

Expanders. Due to their special design, these devices expand the tire beads mechanically - this is necessary to obtain simplified access to damaged areas. The expander greatly facilitates the repair process and is beneficial at a democratic cost.

Nutrunners. The wrench is also a professional tool in the tire shop's arsenal and performs tasks such as quickly unscrewing / tightening fasteners. The range includes electric and pneumatic models. The optimal model can be called a sliding pneumatic wrench, advantageous for its mobility and performance.

You can also purchase impact socket sets, hose reels, AC voltage stabilizers, rolling jacks, pneumatic compressors and other equipment that provide excellent quality and high speed tire repair.

The range of services of "TTS-Auto" includes the installation / connection of equipment for mobile tire fitting. The most convenient for this business are Fiat Ducato and Peugeot Boxer cars, but we also carry out installation for cars of other models - with a length of 3.5 m, a width of 2 m, a height of 2.1 m.

Contact TTS-Auto - we will advise you on all issues related to the selection and installation of equipment for field tire fitting.