Chainsaw chain sharpening machine: types, selection criteria and operating features. Sharpening blunt chainsaw chain teeth Do-it-yourself chainsaw grinder

Chainsaw chain sharpener is the most necessary tool for frequent work with a saw. Carrying a chain every time to a service center or to a familiar master is not a cheap option, and sometimes not always comfortable, for example, if a chainsaw is taken with you on a wild vacation, where there is simply no one to turn to. For each case, you can provide your own method and the corresponding tool.

Chainsaw chain sharpener

Chainsaw chain sharpening tool

For wild dressage, you can not do without a whole set of tools. It is selected individually for the type of chain. To do this, you must refer to the accompanying documentation in order to make the right choice and not spoil the saw set. The camping set includes a pair of files - cylindrical (round) and flat, as well as a hook for cleaning chains. A round file is usually fitted with a rectangular file attachment which serves to limit the movement of the file. Previously, they used only such a set, but now, with the development of technology, the range is expanding, and models have appeared on the market that replace manual painstaking work. These are machines. They are lightweight, easy to use, consume little or no electricity. An example of such a product would be the Oregon 23736A chain sharpening machine belonging to the professional line.

Chain sharpener Oregon 23736A

There are 2 types of machines - manual and automated models. At the same time, manual ones only stabilize the position of the chains relative to the grinding element and fix the chains, while automatic ones work from the mains and simplify the operation itself to elementary actions. Some electric models even have LED lights to make the process easier. However, unlike manual machines, it makes no sense to take an electric chainsaw sharpener with you on the road. If the device will be used only at home, you can choose one of the following: Sadko SCS-180, Forte CT3-100, Motor SIC C3-150, Arsenal 3C-180, Wintech ECSS-280 PROFI. For the enterprise, it is better to choose something more powerful, such as the Craft CSS-650 or Champion C2001.

Chainsaw sharpener Forte CT3-100

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain

How to properly use a chainsaw chain sharpener can be found in the instructions, moreover, working with such devices is usually on an intuitive level. Electric models have no more than one button that supplies power, and adjustment is carried out using only 1-2 screws. Some hold the saw chain in a static position, while others regulate the degree of grinding of the processed tooth. In electric models, the sharpening angle is also adjusted. It is individual for each type of chain, since the functional purpose of chain saws can be different, for example, for longitudinal or, conversely, transverse sawing of workpieces. For its selection, they are supplied with a scale and a rotary element, which has the number of positions corresponding to the number of divisions from 0 to 30-35 degrees, depending on the model. When using such machines, the chain is removed from the saw and sharpened directly on it.

The Stihl chainsaw chain sharpener model FG2 is another example. It refers to manual devices that do not require disassembly of the tool, but are attached directly to the bar before sharpening the chain and fixed with screws. The way they are used is much closer to file processing, and the whole design is more similar to a mounting saw.

Chainsaw chain sharpener Stihl FG2

If there are no such tools at hand, you will have to use a file to sharpen the chainsaw chain. In addition to the round file, you will need a limiter template. They are divided into 2 types. Some are mounted on a file, after which it is required to manipulate each tooth of the chain, following the guides on the template. The latter are attached directly to the tire, and can have 1 or 2 processing options - for soft (soft) and hard (hard) processing.

How to make a do-it-yourself chainsaw chain sharpener

Any sharpening of a chainsaw chain with a sharpening device is much more comfortable than without it, so many craftsmen are trying to create something similar with their own hands. This is advisable when there are a large number of chains on which you can train and hone the work of your machine. The most correct machine is obtained on the basis of a low power electric motor. It will drive the abrasive disc. The disk itself can be used original from the finished device, but its cost will be an order of magnitude lower than the finished product. The hinge for the disk is created on the basis of the bearing. From the existing pieces of metal, a base is made and an engine with a disk is mounted on it. The second part holding the chain is made on the basis of a small vise or their alternative.

Manual saw chain sharpening process

Such a device for sharpening chainsaw chains can be made independently if you have certain skills, having previously considered the tools and their modifications available on the market.

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Do-it-yourself chainsaw chain sharpening - overview of options

A properly sharpened chain is one of the main conditions for the efficient operation of a chainsaw. If you wish, everyone can sharpen the chainsaw chain, however, this will require certain tools. Let's find out how to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home using various equipment.

Sharpening chainsaw chains - when and why to perform the procedure?

Each of us is well aware that sawing wood with a blunt chain will be quite problematic. However, the use of a bad chainsaw chain will bring other problems in the form of increased wear on the main parts and mechanisms of garden tools. First of all, the piston group and saw gears suffer from sawing with a blunt chain. In addition, the ignition system and tool carburetor lend themselves to severe wear.

To understand that it is time to sharpen the chain of your chainsaw, several signs will help. These include:

  • The chain constantly sags, which leads to braking of the cut and inaccurate operation of the saw blade;
  • The time required for sawing beams and logs increases, the tire with the chain does not go deeper into the material being cut;
  • The appearance and structure of sawdust changes - they become small, uneven and sharp.

If one of these signs is found, work should be postponed and the chainsaw chain should be sharpened immediately. Otherwise, you risk damaging the vital elements and mechanisms of the garden tool.

The better to sharpen a chainsaw chain - types of tools for work

Before sharpening a chainsaw chain, you should decide on the equipment suitable for this procedure. In most cases, experts and professional fellers use a set of special tools, which includes:

  • Round file - used for processing cutting teeth. For a higher quality of sharpening, a holder with marking lines is used in tandem with a round file - during operation, they will tell you in what position to hold the chain. To do this, the holder must be installed on the tooth, and the file - under the chain;
  • Flat file for sharpening - used to process the chain depth limiter;
  • Template - necessary for setting and observing the sharpening parameters;
  • Hook - with it, you can clean the saw chain from sawdust.

All files from the set must have a certain size, otherwise their use will not bring the desired result. A little less often, specialists use a machine for sharpening chainsaw chains. With its help, the procedure for restoring the saw element with your own hands is carried out many times faster, however, transporting it when working in the forest is quite problematic.

There are two types of machines available on the market:

  • Automatic machine - allows you to sharpen the saw chain as quickly and efficiently as possible. Before work, you will need to set the sharpening parameters and insert the chain - then the power machine will do all the work for you;
  • Manual machine - sharpening with its use will take a little more time and effort. Nevertheless, it is such a device that is in great demand due to its low cost and simplicity of design.

Each chainsaw chain sharpener helps to save a considerable amount of money, because the owner of the saw does not need to buy a new saw element immediately after a slight wear on the old chain.

Correct chain sharpening with a set

Processing a chain with a special set of files is often carried out by professional fellers right at their workplace in the forest. Using the set is quite convenient due to the presence of a template with the correct markup in it. The chain sharpening algorithm with files is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the tire with the chain installed on it must be securely fixed;
  2. Next, the sharpening procedure begins directly - for this, smooth movements are performed with a round file so that its upper end protrudes about 1/5 above the cutting part of the chain tooth;
  3. All file movements must be performed in only one direction;
  4. After a couple of sharpenings, be sure to correct the position of the cut limiter.

Using a round or flat grindstone, you need to follow a number of specific rules. They include:

  • All your actions should be as accurate as possible - if you make too much effort, then there will be a risk of breaking the cutting tooth;
  • Turn the sharpening tool over regularly to avoid wear on a specific part of it;
  • Sharpen the teeth of the chain sequentially, one after the other, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve high quality processing;
  • Each tooth of the chain must be processed the same number of times and under the same pressure with a file;
  • If the chain teeth are worn unevenly, then the tooth with the minimum height should be taken as a guide.

By following these simple rules, you can quickly and efficiently sharpen your chainsaw chain and continue sawing wood.

How to sharpen a saw chain using a machine - we study the procedure

The use of a machine is the best option in cases where the chain teeth wear unevenly, and it is not possible to return them to their normal state with a round file.

Using the machine, it is possible to achieve the fastest and most high-quality restoration of the chainsaw chain. To do this, you first need to perform a control sharpening of a specific tooth. After that, according to the specified parameters, the circle for sharpening chains of chainsaws performs the processing of all other teeth. The whole procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Loosen the chain clamp adjustment screw first;
  2. Fasten the chainsaw so that the grinding wheel is directed towards those chain links that can be processed;
  3. Next, you need to decide what angles to set on the machine for sharpening the chainsaw chain. The optimal parameter will be an angle of 30 °;
  4. Sharpening on the machine is carried out sequentially or through one tooth. The second option is considered more convenient and faster, since it does not allow mistakes.

After completing the procedure, the machine is turned off from the power supply, and the chain tension adjustment screw is tightened.

How to make a machine for sharpening chainsaw chains with your own hands?

Does it make sense to make a grinding machine at home? Of course there is, because having made a homemade machine once, you no longer have to buy or borrow chain processing kits. In addition, the machine will allow sharpening many times better and faster.

However, do not think that the manufacture of the machine is a simple task. There are a number of problems that one way or another will have to face in the manufacture of the apparatus. The first of these is the choice of material for the manufacture of the desktop on which the chain will be attached, and the position of the link in relation to the grinding wheel is adjusted.

To choose a table, it is necessary to take into account that it must be as strong as possible, since during operation the machine will emit a fairly strong vibration. Having made the table, you can proceed to the study of the drawings. Using the diagram, you can quickly navigate when connecting certain elements of the machine and avoid mistakes.

The order of manufacture of the machine is as follows:

  1. Fix the table securely on a solid base;
  2. Install an electric motor on the table, designed to operate from a 220 V network. The motor power should be at least 250 W, and the rotation speed should be from 2 to 5 thousand rpm;
  3. Next, you need to connect an abrasive wheel to the motor, the thickness of which should not be less than 3.2 mm;
  4. To adjust the position of the abrasive wheel, it must be attached to the motor by means of a screw system;
  5. In order for the chain teeth to be sharpened as accurately as possible, a graduated scale should be fixed at the top of the table. Further work on sharpening the chain must be carried out strictly according to the instructions on the scale;
  6. If desired, a shield can be installed above the motor, which will protect the owner's eyes and skin from abrasive dust.

After completing all of the above steps, you will get a reliable machine that will allow you to sharpen the chainsaw chain quickly and efficiently. If necessary, instead of an abrasive wheel, a diamond nozzle can be installed on the electric motor, with which you can sharpen special chains for longitudinal sawing with a chainsaw.

Do-it-yourself chainsaw chain sharpening at home with a file or electric sharpener, video

Proper use and care greatly affect the quality and performance of the tool. For comfortable work, you need to sharpen the chainsaw chain in time. A blunt chain can be attributed to specialists or sharpened with your own hands, especially since the whole process is not particularly complicated. It is only necessary to acquire a certain skill, since the teeth on it have an unusual shape.

When to sharpen and how to find out about it

Problems that may arise due to untimely chain maintenance:

  • crooked cuts;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • faster wear of the leading parts of the chainsaw and a reduction in its service life.

How quickly the teeth become dull depends on how often the tool is used and the conditions. It is enough just to hook the ground or stones a couple of times, and you will already need to sharpen the chainsaw chain.

Signs by which you can find out that the chain is blunt:

  • the tool tries to escape from the hands, gets stuck;
  • small chips are pouring, almost dust;
  • the saw deepens only with great effort;
  • cutting time increases.

In addition, blunt teeth can simply be inspected carefully. Even to the naked eye, signs of blunting will be noticeable.

The earlier the chainsaw chain is sharpened, the less metal is grinded, which means that it can last longer.

How and how to sharpen chain teeth

The saw chain teeth are irregularly shaped. They consist of a base, blade and depth gauge. The blade at the same time has a vertical blade and a horizontal one, falling at an angle. It is thanks to these blades that the chainsaw cuts wood. They work on the principle of a planer, cutting off pieces, and the limiter regulates their thickness (the difference in height between it and the horizontal blade will be the thickness of the chips). You can sharpen the chainsaw chain manually or using a machine.

Sharpening sets

One of the most common ways is with a set of round and flat files, a file holder, a gauge for the stop and a hook used to remove the sawdust. For the correct location of the holder, special markings are applied to it, allowing you to determine the correct angle for sharpening. It is installed on the upper part of the tooth and the limiter, while the round file remains under it and is located just near the blade. Thanks to the file holder, the file is at the correct height, more precisely, it protrudes 1/5 above the blade. To sharpen the cutting tooth, only round files are used, since the contour of the tooth has a rounded shape.

Kits must be purchased according to the chain pitch. Do not use the same sharpening kit for different chains.

Before you start sharpening the chainsaw chain at home, the tire must be fixed in a vise or with a clamp, the main thing is that the saw does not move during processing. Having installed the holder according to the markings, they begin smoothly and without too much pressure, move the file strictly away from you 2-3 times. Similar actions are repeated with all other teeth. The file needs to be turned over from time to time so that there is no one-sided wear. The force of pressure and the number of movements for all should be the same, this is necessary for uniform sharpening of all teeth. If they are different, then cracks may form in the chain, which will lead to its breakdown.

To make it more convenient to work, the teeth are first sharpened on one side, and after them the saw is turned over and the teeth are aligned on the other.

Sharpening begins with the smallest tooth, so that the length of all the others is the same with it. After the work on processing the blades is completed, they move on to the limiters. A template from the kit is installed on top of the chain in such a position that the limiter is in the hole. The protruding part is ground with a flat file.

The video shows an example of how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file:

There is another set, which instead of a holder, has one template, both for sharpening the blade and for grinding the limiter. Install it so that the chain falls into the holes. After that, a round file is placed on top of the rollers and brought under the blade. During sharpening, you need to make sure that it is always parallel to the side edges of the template.

There are 2 separate holes for the limiter, labeled Soft, which means for soft wood, and Hard for hard wood. The protruding part of the slot is ground with a flat file.

Sharpening is carried out only from oneself and with smooth movements, the number of the latter should be the same for all teeth.

PowerSharp System

This system allows you to sharpen the chain in a few seconds without even removing it from the bar. Includes PowerSharp chain, abrasive bar, guide bar and sharpener. In order to sharpen the chain with it, you will need to do the following 3 steps:

  • install the PowerSharp bar and chain;
  • fix the timber inside the grinding device, after which it is installed on the tire;
  • the end of the chainsaw is rested against an object and launched for a couple of seconds.

The video below shows in more detail how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands using this system:

Manual and electric machines

If the teeth have been heavily worn and the cutting blade has lost its shape, it will take a long time to align them manually. In this case, a manual machine or an electric one with a grinding wheel is usually used. The first type of device has the form of a bow saw with a round file. Machines are stationary and mobile, which can be installed directly on the bus.

To set the necessary parameters, start with the smallest tooth. After all the teeth are sharpened and aligned, the round file is replaced with a flat file to sharpen the stops.

The advantage of electric machines is that the disc is brought directly under the blade being sharpened. In addition, the quality of sharpening in this case is guaranteed and all the teeth will be the same size.

The video below shows an example of sharpening a chainsaw with your own hands using an electric machine.

The blades are always sharpened first, and only then the limiters.

The angle of sharpening can be changed - it depends on the purpose of the appointment. A smaller angle is used for cutting hardwood, and a larger one for softwood. In any case, it should be between 25° and 35°. A 10° angle is used for chains intended for longitudinal cutting.

Do-it-yourself chainsaw chain sharpening: subtleties, effective ways

The quality of a construction tool is not only a question of efficiency, but also of work safety. That is why you should carefully monitor the condition of the working parts of any tool, including chainsaws. It is necessary to sharpen the chain in a timely manner and it is not necessary to contact a specialist: you can carry out the entire process yourself. Further, in detail about the technology of sharpening the chainsaw chain with your own hands (video instruction is attached).

Sharpening a chain on a chainsaw: the need for a procedure and the subtleties of its implementation

In order not to waste your time in vain, you need to know for sure that the chain on the chainsaw has already become dull. It's easy enough to determine this. So, a well-sharpened saw gently and quickly enters the tree. If even the slightest resistance is felt while working with wood, this is the first sign that the chain is already blunt and should not be tightened with its sharpening. The fact is that chain wear can affect very important indicators as follows:

  • tool performance decreases;
  • fuel consumption is greatly increased;
  • chain links are overloaded, thereby reducing the life of the tool.

To properly sharpen a chainsaw chain, you need to have a special skill, and it can only appear if you have an idea about the structural features of the saw. The fact is that the teeth of the chain differ in a rather complex and unusual structure, respectively, the sharpening process turns into a rather painstaking task.

So, the edge of the chain is densely covered with teeth, which have 2 edges: top and side. One chain link is represented by the base, paddle and depth gauge.

How quickly the saw chain becomes dull depends directly on the load on the tool and the conditions in which the work is carried out. So, it is enough just to hit the stone or earth with a saw a couple of times and you will have to sharpen the chain.

The best ways to sharpen a chainsaw chain

There are several ways to sharpen chainsaws, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Further details about each of them.

File sharpening

File sharpening is one of the most common, simple and effective ways to sharpen a saw. Most often, specialized stores sell ready-made kits (sometimes with a saw) for sharpening electric and chainsaws. The simplest set consists of the following elements:

  • a cylindrical file installed in a holder;
  • flat file;
  • hook and template to determine the desired depth of the limiter.

Sharpening with a file

Use a file to sharpen the chain teeth carefully, smoothly, without excessive pressure on the tool. Before starting work, it is desirable to fix the tire. After that, you can get to work. So, we install the holder on the tooth to be sharpened, hold it in one position and lightly press the file against the edge to be sharpened. After that, we make several smooth movements from ourselves.

We repeat the process in the same way with all the other teeth. It should be remembered that all teeth must be sharpened equally. This can be achieved by applying the same force to sharpen each tooth and while carrying out an equal number of movements.

Advice. During the process of sharpening the teeth of the chain, it is necessary to periodically turn the file in a circle. This will avoid severe wear of the sharpening tool on one side.

Sharpening grinder

This method is considered one of the simplest and most affordable, but with one caveat: if you have a grinder at hand and the ability to use it. Otherwise, the sharpening process may not be so simple.

Sharpening can be done with a grinder

The peculiarity of this sharpening method is that the chain does not need to be removed from the saw while sharpening its teeth. For sharpening, prepare a previously used metal disc with a thickness of about 2.5 mm.

The grinder should be set to minimum speed, and the process itself must be carried out, gradually moving in order from one tooth to another.

Sharpening on the machine

Unfortunately, in some cases, the manual method of sharpening teeth is not enough. This happens when the saw has been used so often and without regard for the consequences of careless use that the edge of the blade turns into something shapeless. It is for such cases that the machine can be considered the best option.

To sharpen chain teeth, one of the following types of machines is most often used:

  • Manual machine. It's more of a tool than a machine. The working part of a manual machine is similar to a bow saw, however, a cylindrical file is used here. The mechanism of such a machine is rather complicated, but with careful tuning it is able to complete the sharpening process in the most accurate way.

  • Electric machine. Sharpening is carried out directly by the abrasive disc built into the machine. Automatic tuning allows you to set the optimal parameters quickly and in the best way. In addition to the machine, in some cases there is a protective mask that will prevent sparks and chips from getting into the eyes.

That's all you need to know in order to quickly and competently sharpen the chain. Good luck!

How to quickly sharpen a chainsaw chain: video

Machine for metal tile

Carpentry workshop machines

Hi all! In this article I will tell you how to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home.

For this case, you should use a special tool for sharpening the chainsaw chain - a round file of a suitable diameter or an electric machine.

Sharpening with a file is more correctly called editing. With a file, the chain is sharpened using templates with or without rigid fixation. In the case of a rigid fixation, if the chain does not accidentally pass, for example, over nails, then you can do without sharpening on an electric machine at all. When using files without rigid fixation, after 8-10 edits, the chain should be sharpened on an electric machine, since the cutting angles are gradually knocked down even if the edit was carried out by a person with the firmest hand.

Sharpening the chain on an electric machine immediately, as soon as it is slightly dull, is not recommended, since with such sharpening a sufficiently large part of the cutting tooth is “eaten up” - in this case the chain will last much less than it could. Sharpening on the machine also needs to be carried out if the chain has been walked, for example, on the same nails. In this case, straightening the tooth with a file is unlikely to succeed.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file

In order to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with a file, you will need, in fact, a round file of the required diameter, a template for correctly determining the sharpening angle, as well as a template and a flat file for grinding the sawing depth limiter (guide tooth).

1. Without removing the chain from the chainsaw, we apply a round file to the cutting tooth, observing the desired sharpening angle, and draw it 2-3 times along the tooth in the “away from you” direction. If you press the file against the tooth as it moves towards you, it will roll and stop sharpening. Therefore, in order to properly sharpen, we press it only when moving “away from you”.

We look at the correctness of the angle when sharpening using a non-fixed template by the risk applied to it - it should be parallel to the chainsaw tire. The sharpening angle should be 30 degrees for cross cutting, and 10 degrees for longitudinal sawing. It is more convenient to first sharpen all the teeth of the chain, looking in one direction, and then walk along the teeth, looking in the opposite direction.

When using a rigidly fixed guide template, it is fixed on the chainsaw tire and does not allow the file to go to the side - the quality of editing in this case, as mentioned at the beginning, does not suffer from hand trembling. Next, the desired angle is set and the rest of the actions occur in the same way as with a non-fixed template.

It is also worth noting that there are such devices for dressing with a file, when using which the chain will need to be removed from the chainsaw.

2.Now we take a template and a flat file for grinding the guide tooth. To do this, we put the specified template over the cutting tooth so that the guide tooth protrudes into the slot on the template. With a flat file, grind off the part of the guide tooth sticking out of the template. This is done to meet the required height difference between cutting and guiding teeth of 0.65 mm. Usually, such a procedure should be carried out after already 4-6 edits, since the cutting tooth does not grind much with a file in one or three edits in order to greatly decrease in height.

File diameters for chains with a certain pitch:

3/8″P - 4 mm

0.325″ - 4.8mm

3/8″ - 5.2 mm

0.404″ - 5.5 mm

Sharpening the chainsaw chain on the machine

When the chainsaw chain is sharpened with an electric machine, it is removed from the chainsaw itself. Further, everything will depend on the type of machine. There are varieties that do not require human participation in the sharpening process at all, but such devices are too expensive. Usually the process looks like this.

The chain is installed in the existing slot on the machine frame with the guide tooth towards the operator. Next, the frame is rotated at the angle at which it is necessary to sharpen - for this, risks must be applied to it. With a special stop, which is applied to the back side of the cutting tooth, the tooth itself is adjusted to the working disk so that when it is lowered, it “eats” as little as possible from the tooth, but at the same time, so that its sharpening is done completely, without leaving pits and depressions.

It is advisable to find the most “eaten” tooth on the chain, set the emphasis under it, and sharpen all the other teeth according to this setting. However, few people bother with this. Usually they align with the first tooth that comes across and sharpen all the rest on it. And if a tooth comes across that such a setting does not provide complete sharpening, then they align it, and then sharpen the remaining links according to the new setting. But, we repeat, it is correct to set up the machine exactly according to the smallest tooth on the chainsaw chain.

You should also set the maximum depth to which the working disk will be lowered. This is done using the regulator, which is usually located on the back of the machine.

We sharpen the teeth, bringing each one under the working disk, while not forgetting to press each link being sharpened with a special side clamp so that it does not “walk”.

So they first pass along the teeth of the chain directed in one direction, and then for the other side they again set up the machine along the smallest tooth and sharpen the teeth on this side.

In order not to start sharpening the teeth in the second circle, you can mark the first tooth to be sharpened with a marker.

After such sharpening, you must again go through the sawing depth limiters (guide teeth) with a flat file with an appropriate template to give the necessary difference in height between the guide and cutting teeth on the link.

Thus, in order to properly sharpen the chain on a chainsaw, follow the instructions above and you will succeed.

A sharpened sharp chain is one of the conditions for the efficient operation of a chainsaw. If the chain becomes dull, things will get worse in the country: the bath cannot be repaired, the fence cannot be built, and firewood for the stove cannot be prepared. You can turn to paid specialists for help, but remember that this procedure will be repeated at certain intervals, and these are additional financial costs and a waste of personal time. Another way out is to find out how the chainsaw chain is sharpened on your own, without the involvement of specialists.

The periods between two sharpenings depend on the frequency of use of the tool. Some use it daily, others several times a year.

You can understand that the teeth have become dull by some signs that are detected during operation:

  • The chain stretches and sags, which causes the saw blade to function inaccurately and “slow down” in the cut. Working with such a chain requires additional effort.
  • The sawing process slows down, productivity drops, you have to spend twice as much time on work.
  • The type of sawdust changes: they become uneven, sharp, smaller. Chips from a sharpened saw look different: identical pieces of an even rectangular shape.

If the saw loses its accuracy and gets stuck in the cut, it's time to start straightening the chain teeth.

Two chip samples: the first is the result of sawing with a sharpened saw, the second is the result of a dull saw

What sharpening tools exist

To get started, you need to stock up on tools that are divided into two types.

Hand tools

A set of tools needed for sharpening saw teeth:

  • A flat file, which is taught to use even in labor lessons at school. With it, grind the depth limiter.
  • A round file of a certain diameter, necessary for processing a cutting tooth. An additional device is attached to it - a holder with lines that tell you how to properly hold the tool in relation to the chain. The holder is placed on the saw tooth, taking into account the guide lines, the position of the file is under the cutting surface.
  • A template that serves to edit and respect parameters.
  • The hook is needed to remove sawdust from the chain.

Sets of various configurations can be purchased at a specialized store

Metal sharpening templates help calculate the depth of sharpening

Manual and electric machines

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain if the cutting edge of the tooth has completely lost its shape due to long work? Files can also be used, but the process will be unproductive and time-consuming. The best option is the use of machines, and here you have to choose, because the machines are different - manual and electric.

Stihl manual chain sharpener

Parameters are set before work, and the processing process is much faster than with files: 2-3 movements are enough to sharpen each tooth. Electric machines also have complex settings, while working quickly and accurately.

An electric machine allows you to save a lot of time, but not everyone is ready to pay a round sum for it

Basic rules and order of sharpening

The device and shape of the teeth

First of all, you should understand the structure of the chain tooth, which is to be sharpened. The tooth cuts wood like a planer. It has a complex configuration and an unusual cutting surface - two edges: one of them is lateral, and the second is upper, slightly beveled. The tooth stop, whose height varies, regulates the thickness of the chips. Of course, sharpening such teeth is much more difficult than, for example, a kitchen knife.

The chainsaw tooth has a more complex shape than other sharp objects to be sharpened.

In this case, the correct angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain should be set. It is clear that it is difficult to operate with one file, so there are various auxiliary devices that help to adhere to the exact sharpening parameters. Such sets are sold as a set with chainsaws, as well as separately.

The diagram shows the angles of inclination that must be observed during sharpening.

When sharpening, you should choose the location of the tool correctly. The round file was not chosen in vain - because of the rounded shape of the inner contour of the tooth. The edge of the file should be 20% of its diameter above the cutting surface, and the choice of diameter is influenced by the length of the chain pitch (usually from 4 mm to 5.5 mm). The procedure should be followed: first, the cutting teeth are processed, then the limiter tooth.

Sharpening of cutting teeth

The question arises: how to sharpen the chain so that all the teeth are evenly even and sharp? The work is facilitated by the use of a metal template that is applied to the chain. It is installed in a strict position - along the arrows, the ends of which are directed along the movement of the chain. The main pressure is on the leading edge, maintaining an angle of inclination that correlates with the length of the chain pitch.

You need to try to ensure that each tooth has an equal number of movements. The teeth are sharpened in turn: one on the left side, the next on the right, and so on. For the convenience of performing actions, the tire is clamped in a vice, and then processed through a tooth on one side, then the same on the other.

During sharpening, the device must be held at a certain angle.

The work is regulated by a template, to the level of which it is necessary to grind the limiter tooth no longer with a round, but with a flat file. Template position "S" is for softwood, "H" for hardwood. If you do not apply the template, you can get the wrong, low saw cut, from which the efficiency of the saw will drop sharply.

When processing the limiter, the protruding part indicated in the photo is grinded

You can learn something useful for yourself from this video:

It is also useful to know how to set up and adjust the chainsaw carburetor:

Proper maintenance of the saw - timely sharpening of teeth, cleaning, lubrication - prolongs the life of the tool and increases productivity.

Any appliances used in everyday life, whether they are home appliances or garden equipment, require constant and competent maintenance.

Timely repair allows you to extend their service life, and also increases the level of efficiency of their work.

One of the important mechanisms in the economy is this. Regular maintenance of all its structural parts allows you to save time on work and achieve the highest quality result.

In this case, such an element as a chain deserves special attention. Many consumers often wonder about how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with their own hands. And it is no coincidence, since such a procedure, performed in a timely manner, expands the functionality of the saw and makes working with it easier and more enjoyable.

If you have doubts about your own abilities, you can always turn to a professional master for help, but you should not be afraid of this event, since almost any owner is able to perform it. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail all the features of such work and highlight all possible ways of sharpening the chainsaw blade.

Signs of wear on the cutting edge of the chainsaw and the necessary frequency of sharpening

The operation of such household equipment requires mandatory compliance with certain requirements. Such an unsafe event as sharpening a chainsaw chain is best left to a professional craftsman.

First of all, it should be remembered that the processing of the saw blade must be carried out in compliance with the shape of its tooth. So, in modern chainsaws, the teeth are arranged in two ways: on the side or on top.

Here it is important to take into account the angle of sharpening the chain, since the cutting elements are under a certain degree, which is almost the main criterion when performing measures for sharpening the cutting edge. The sharpening angle is usually indicated on the packaging.

It is important to understand that the denser the material for cutting, the dumber the sharpening angle should be. As a rule, masters who saw often and a lot have several chains with different tooth sharpening angles. For example, for longitudinal sawing of a tree, its value is in the region of 10 - 12 degrees

The main signs of the need to perform a chain sharpening procedure are as follows:

  • during operation, the tool moves randomly from side to side, regardless of the angle of inclination;
  • the speed and efficiency of work falls;
  • shavings obtained in the process of sawing wood differ from the standard in appearance and texture;
  • the cutting blade is not stretched enough.

As for the frequency of the sharpening procedure, it is impossible to name any specific dates, the main criteria here are the frequency of operation of the device and its functional characteristics.

The chain for the saw is a series-connected links with special cutting teeth. This headset is designed to be mounted on a chain saw. At home, it is not difficult to sharpen the chain on your own and correctly, but you must adhere to certain rules, as well as use special devices that can be home-made or factory-made.

Why and when you need to sharpen the chainsaw chain

Proper care and operation have a significant impact on the quality of the chainsaw and the performance parameters of such a tool as an electric saw. Specialists can sharpen the chain with high quality, but many owners of such equipment prefer to sharpen the headset themselves. Problems arising from untimely sharpening of the chain, may be as follows:

  • getting curved cuts;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • increased wear of the main parts of the chainsaw and reduced life of the chain teeth.

A blunt chain often gets stuck in the cut, forms fine dust-like chips, and plunges into the cut with considerable effort. As a result, the time spent on sawing is greatly increased. If there are such signs, you can sharpen the chain with your own hands, using a special tool, or a machine. The headset is sharpened as early as possible, which minimizes metal grinding and extends the service life.

The structure of the teeth of the tool chain

If we consider the structure of the chain teeth in the example as a template, "then several important points can be observed:

  • teeth have a pair of edges: top and side;
  • the upper edge has an angular bevel in the direction of blade movement;
  • the cutting links are represented by the base, the tooth blade and the depth limiter;
  • the blade has a horizontal, falling at an angle, blade and end vertical blade;
  • chip thickness is determined by the difference, which is represented by the upper limit line and the front line on the backs of the teeth;
  • under standard conditions, the difference indicators can be in the range of 0.5-0.8 mm, but the optimal parameter is 0.6 mm;

  • each subsequent sharpening reduces the distance due to a decrease in the size of the upper edges of the teeth;
  • control cuts are made every six to eight sharpenings;
  • for ensuring the cutting properties of the chain, the angle of the upper edge of 50-60 ° and the rear angle on the end blade are responsible;
  • the front corner part is formed by the edge of the end blade and can be in the order of 60-85°.

Only a well-sharpened saw can ensure safe and highly productive work.

Chain sharpening: basic principles (video)

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home

The operating condition indicators are determined by the extension of the headset, as well as the appearance of the chips formed during the sawing process. In a well-sharpened saw, sawdust of the same size with the correct shape is formed during operation. Otherwise, you need to choose a sharpening method.

Machine tools and fixtures

Currently, manual sharpening and high-quality sharpening on the machine are used. Both methods have certain advantages and some disadvantages:

  • Bulgarian used for sharpening quite often, but it is important to control the sharpness of the chain, and lubricate the drive sprocket with machine oil. The tire is periodically rearranged in reverse, which will prevent one-sided abrasion. The advantages of the method include the absence of the need to remove the chain from the saw, and the ability to use a visual selection of the sharpening angle;

  • automatic machine involves sharpening in a chain based on several simple actions, including installing the saw in the machine, choosing the desired sharpening angle and turning on the saw engine at full power, resulting in self-sharpening on the emery stone of the machine;
  • manual machine easy enough to apply. At the first stage, the screw clamping the chain is loosened, after which the angle suitable for sharpening is adjusted and the maximum degree of sharpening is determined based on a visual inspection of the most dull tooth. After sharpening, blowing and processing with clean oil is carried out.

Step-by-step instructions for sharpening your own hands with a file

A file or sharpener allows you to sharpen quickly and make the chain sharp enough for the job. The diameter of the round file is selected depending on the chain pitch and varies between 4-5.2 mm. The cutter stops must be represented by a flat file. Among other things, you need to attach a template or pattern to the turning area, which gives the direction to the file.

Headset sharpening technology is simple, but must be carried out in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • strong fastening of the undermined chain;
  • sharpening at a certain, unchanging angle with the protrusion of the file over the back of the tooth by one fifth of the thickness;
  • the file stroke should be smooth and not strong, with idling during the reverse movement;
  • to minimize wear on one side, the file should be rotated periodically;
  • the file is held at a right angle to the vertical plane, and the horizontal angle varies within 10-30 °;
  • when grinding, you need to focus on the shortest tooth in the row.

The main disadvantage of such sharpening lies in the significant time costs, but the disadvantage is offset by the lack of the need to purchase expensive equipment and special tools.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file (video)

How to increase the life of the chain without sharpening

Chain saws are kept in good condition and Reliably serve for a long time only with careful maintenance:

  • chainsaws need to be refueled using a special oil, the concentration of which involves dilution with gasoline 92 or 95 in a ratio of 1:40 or 1:50;
  • before choosing a proportion, you need to carefully read the basic information on the label;
  • it is necessary to dilute a limited amount of the fuel mixture, and the unused volume must be disposed of;
  • it is important to periodically check the gap between the limiter and the edge of the tooth, and the standard parameters should be approximately 0.7 mm;
  • it is important to carry out the alternation of independent sharpening and machine sharpening with high-quality alignment of all corners;
  • periodically you need to rearrange the tire 180 degrees, which minimizes the risk of curvature and one-sided abrasion;
  • the drive sprocket is systematically lubricated immediately before using the chain saw in work;
  • for lubrication, you can use standard oil, which is poured into the tank together with gasoline, but the M8 brand has proven itself best.

It is required to control the tension indicators: there should be no excessive tight tension or sagging. The chain must lie flat on the bar groove.

There are several rules for perform chain saw work safely and efficiently:

  • before assembling the chain tool and installing the chain, it is important to familiarize yourself with the operating rules in the instructions, noting all its features;
  • work with electric saws is carried out in gloves and goggles;
  • work safety can be ensured by tight-fitting work clothes and reliable shoes;
  • work must be carried out in a stable and safe position;
  • the material to be cut must also be positioned as securely and steadily as possible.

The chain saw must be driven with two hands, constantly monitoring the process.. Installing a toothed stop on a log or beam is a guarantee of obtaining a high-quality saw cut. Before using a power tool, make sure that the power cord is intact.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands (video)

Modern and high-quality chainsaws, electric and cordless, as well as hand-held chainsaws are widely used in various works related to construction and woodworking. The productivity and performance indicators of the work performed are directly dependent on the condition of the chain, so this headset must be kept in order and periodically subjected to correct, timely sharpening.