Make a vibrating table yourself. Vibrating table for paving slabs: do-it-yourself video, home-made production, vibrating machine manufacturing

In the private sector, cost optimization in the process of repair or construction is also achieved due to the fact that the maximum of technological operations is performed by the owner independently. In some cases, you have to spend money and rent special / equipment, since the household tools available in the house somewhat limit the capabilities of the master. Let's figure out how to make a vibrating table with your own hands, what to consider and what to pay special attention to.

On sites devoted to the issue of designing such an installation, the emphasis is on the fact that it is used for the production of tiles (paving). In reality, the scope of the table is somewhat wider. For example, independent production of blocks (bricks) from cellular concrete, sand sifting.

Table layout

Its purpose is to create tabletop vibrations of a certain frequency and amplitude in the operating mode. The main thing is to understand the composition and principle of operation of the installation. Then it will be easy to make a home-made vibrating table - independently draw up its drawing, decide on the technology and select the necessary materials. And no special instructions are needed.

  • Bed. It is a frame structure (frame), which is the supporting part of the table.
  • Tabletop. Forms with a solution are installed on it, from which an artificial stone is obtained.
  • Vibronode. It includes - depreciation system + electric / engine with appropriate equipment.
  • Electrical equipment. The specific circuit design depends on the knowledge of the master in electrical engineering and the specifics of using the vibrating table.

If it is planned to manufacture only paving slabs, and for oneself, in small quantities, then, taking into account the low weight of the samples, it is advisable to make a vibrating table with an engine from a washing machine. Such an installation will not take up much space, and you can save on materials.

Step-by-step instructions for making a vibrating table with an electric motor

A corner is enough for the frame - 25 or 40. It will be more convenient to attach all other parts of the circuit to it. But the legs can be made either from it, or from other profiled products - a steel channel, a pipe.

To make the table vibrate, metal cups are welded to its supports and (or) frame, in which shock-absorbing springs are placed. Their optimal number, as well as the layout scheme, is determined according to a specific drawing, based on the dimensions of the table top and engine power.

There are other options. The diagram of the device of the depreciation system is visible in the photo.

  • When making a vibrating table for paving slabs or other purposes, it is better not to use wood for the bed, although some instructions state the opposite. The main reason is that the tree dries out over time. Consequently, the geometry, alignment will be violated, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a vibration of the required amplitude. According to whatever drawing and technology the table is made, the quality of the artificial stone will be low.
  • To the lower parts of the legs should be welded "pyataki". This will give the vibrating table stability. If necessary, they can be concreted, and if holes are drilled in the plates in advance, then they can be fixed on the base with anchors.
  • The height of the vibrating table determines the convenience of working with forms. Optimally - about 75 - 85 cm.
  • Practice shows that for the manufacture of samples of artificial stone at home, with your own hands, it is quite enough to develop a drawing of a vibrating table, focusing on parameters 75x75 (cm).

table top

When choosing a material for this part of the table, it is necessary to be guided by several criteria - what solutions will be used, how many molds are supposed to be installed at the same time, and with what intensity the installation will be operated. Its scheme, the weight of the countertop and the amplitude of its oscillations depend on this.

If you plan to work with solutions for lightweight concrete, with one or two forms of small sizes, then in principle any material that can withstand various (static + dynamic) loads is suitable for the working surface of the vibrating table. This is the only instruction for this item.

When assembling a small do-it-yourself installation, to reduce financial costs, the countertop is often made of MDF, chipboard, and the like. Such materials are easy to cut yourself, with the help of improvised tools. But if we are talking about the production of concrete blocks on a vibrating table, and even in large batches, then definitely - a thick steel sheet (6 mm - minimum).


Its power for the vibrating table is selected based on the total load (countertop weight + molds + solution). As a rule, in the manufacture of equipment with their own hands, they are guided by the ratio of 100 kg - 1 kW. Although you need to take into account the installation scheme of the engine. In this case - from below and in the center of the vibrating table (typical drawings).

For self-production on a vibrating table, only paving slabs are enough for a product of 0.65 - 0.75 kW.


For such a table, you need not just an engine, but a mechanism that creates oscillations of the working platform. There are a lot of corresponding drawings and manufacturing instructions. If the vibrating table is planned to be used for a long time, for the production of various kinds of work, then it makes sense to make a universal installation.

A coupling with radially drilled holes is attached to the axis of the vibrating table motor. They have threaded bolts. By adjusting the depth of their landing, you can adjust both the frequency of the table top oscillations and their amplitude. It will not work to make such a device with your own hands - you will need a machine. Considering the benefits of a vibrating table made according to such a scheme, it is possible to pay for the services of a turner.

How to set up a vibrating table?

Only by experience. You will have to experiment yourself, changing the frequency, amplitude (with the help of adjusting bolts), the total mass of the load on the countertop. But in any case, you can achieve good product quality, since the vibrating table, in principle, is not a particularly complex design, no matter what drawing it is made of.

With self-production of small-sized samples, you can do without a frame. All that is needed for the vibrating table is a tabletop with a fixed motor. The role of the support is played by a large balloon (for example, from the rear wheels of the Belarus tractor). When the motor shaft rotates, the rubber absorbs well, and this design completely replaces a full-fledged vibrating table.

The implementation of the idea of ​​​​own production of artificial stone or paving slabs begins with determining the list of necessary equipment. The most expensive purchase will be an electric vibrating table. Do-it-yourself manufacturing will reduce financial investments in your own business.

It is a product for paving walkways, playgrounds in parks and around houses. The material is:

  • Concrete.
  • Rubber.
  • Natural stone.
  • Clinker clay.
  • Tree.

The most affordable is the manufacture of concrete by vibrocasting or vibrocompression. In both cases, the molds with the solution are installed on a vibrating table with an electric motor - a device that performs oscillatory movements. Vibration provides:

  • strength;
  • removal of air bubbles from the mixture, compaction;
  • homogeneity.

Main elements:

  • The base is a structure for fastening the tabletop.
  • Vibrator - an electric motor with an eccentric mounted on a shaft.
  • Tabletop - frame with sheet material (metal, chipboard, fiberboard).
  • Shock absorbers - a unit designed to transmit vibration.

How to assemble a vibrating table yourself?

The embodiment of the idea begins with the creation of diagrams, drawings with dimensions.

1. Making the base.

As a support are used:

  • Welded metal profile construction.
  • Car tires.
  • Washing machine.

Metal frame - welded from a corner, a square (rectangular) pipe, a channel. The optimal section size: 50-80 mm, depends on the dimensions of the table, the total mass of the molds filled with the mixture.

The height of the bed is selected, taking into account:

  • Operator growth.
  • Installing the table on the foundation, pedestal.
  • Digging into the ground.

The width and length of the base is equal or slightly, downwards, differs from the dimensions of the countertop. Dimensions are made in accordance with the parameters, the number of molds for paving slabs in one batch.

2. Choice of vibration device.

To make a motor with an eccentric on your own or purchase a finished product is up to the master to decide. Making from an engine lying around in a pantry or garage is suitable for a one-time production of a small batch of paving slabs. Production on an industrial scale will require the use of more reliable electromechanical devices with the ability to adjust the frequency of oscillation.

The modification of the vibrator is selected according to the mass, dispersion, number of batch forms:

Vibrating device mounting methods:

  • To the vibrating table top.
  • To an additional horizontal plane from a sheet of metal or a channel.

It is more convenient to mount on a welded channel or a rectangular pipe. When purchasing a vibrator, carefully read the instructions. Compliance with safety requirements during operation will reduce the likelihood of unforeseen, dangerous situations for the operator's life.

3. How to make a countertop?

The horizontal plane for placing molds with a concrete mixture can be made of durable sheet material:

  • Most often, metal with a thickness of 6-10 mm is used.
  • The use of plywood, chipboard, OSB will save money, but will shorten the service life.

The side along the edge will prevent slipping, falling forms. The design differs depending on the type of depreciation. The tabletop in drawing No. 2 provides an additional frame for fastening belts, chains.

4. Installation of shock absorbers.

Vibration damping is necessary to reduce the transmission of vibrations from the tabletop to the base, increasing the amplitude. Types of shock absorbers:

  • Steel springs for automobiles are new, used. They are installed on a piece of pipe, a bar welded to the frame. Quantity - from 4 pieces, in the corners. Glasses fixed to the tabletop are put on a spring, there is no rigid fixation (scheme No. 1).
  • Rubber - bushings, spacers. Fasteners, as in the previous version.
  • Frame hangers with tabletop - belt, chain, metal cable, tension spring. It is advisable to use for tables with horizontal (circular) oscillations (drawing No. 2).

The lack of a rigid mount is explained by the need to periodically change worn, deformed shock absorbers. The weight of the worktop does not allow the connection with the bed to be broken.

5. Technology of assembly of structural elements.

Homemade vibrating table can be attributed to production equipment. The requirements for its assembly and operation do not depend on the place of application: at home, at the factory. For the safety of the operator, perform grounding.

Assembly step by step:

  • Preparing the platform for the table. Compliance with the horizontal surface is mandatory.
  • The installation of the bed is carried out mobile or stationary. The choice of option depends on the need for movement during operation. Rigid fasteners are important for small-sized, low-weight options.
  • The engine and vibrator are mounted to the tabletop.
  • Springs (rubber bushings) are put on pipes (rod) welded to the bed.
  • The table top is placed on the base. Shock absorbers are located inside the glasses on the frame.
  • The surface is leveled horizontally using a level. This will ensure uniform distribution of concrete in the form, the correct geometry of the tile.
  • Conduct tests, adjust the amplitude of oscillations.

There are nuances that are important to consider:

1. The height of the table should correspond not only to the height of a person, but also to the way the forms are filled with concrete mortar. Take into account the large mass of the container for manual pouring of the mixture.

2. Large equipment may require the installation of 2 vibrators. In this case, it is important to avoid the occurrence of resonance.

3. Determination of the oscillation amplitude:

  • Fix the pencil on the surface, the stylus should protrude beyond the edge of the table.
  • Turn on the engine.
  • Bring a sheet of paper attached to a rigid base. The trace from the pencil will allow you to determine the amplitude.

4. To prevent corrosion, metal parts are coated with primer, paint or varnish.

5. Before buying, perform an analysis of the cost of the product, consider options for replacing expensive items with cheaper ones:

  • Replace a sheet of metal with plywood or a piece from old furniture.
  • Buy springs at car "collapses".
  • Replace the vibrator with an engine from a washing machine, use a hammer drill or impact drill.
  • Used tires can play the role of a bed.
  • Instead of a table, use an old washing machine in spin mode, with a blanket in the tub.

6. Vibrating table with minor modernization can be used as equipment for screening bulk products (sand, cement).

7. Don't skimp on making tiles for sale. The higher the culture of production, the better the quality of the product, the lower the cost. It may make sense to purchase off-the-shelf equipment with fine-tuned process technology.

The technology for making a home-made vibrating table for paving slabs will be useful to those who plan to paving paths in the yard of an individual house. As well as private entrepreneurs who are ready to organize a mini-production of tiles and paving stones for sidewalks and paths.

Paving slabs are a sought-after material, both for utilities and private homeowners. Easy to install, resistant to abrasion, low maintenance and other advantages of tiles have led to its growth in popularity.

Many, deciding to lay a tile on a large area, independently take on its manufacture.

Do-it-yourself vibrating table for paving slabs

The main equipment that you need to buy to get started
tile manufacturing process is a vibrating table. It is designed to seal
the composition of the tile mold and the removal of air bubbles from it.

However, master craftsmen also act independently here,
preferring to make a vibrating table with your own hands, rather than buying a ready-made one. Tem
more than that, you can make it from improvised means at home.

We will try to consider in detail how to make a vibrating table
with your own hands, in the form of step-by-step instructions.

What is a tile vibrating table?

Vibrating table or vibropress is the production equipment
paving slabs. The working surface of the table can make oscillatory
movement, such vibration is its main advantage and

The vibrating table allows you to make not only paving slabs, but
and cast concrete sections of the fence, monuments, decorative elements, etc.

Vibrating table for tiles - types and types

To determine the type of future equipment, you need
understand what vibrating tables exist and what is the purpose of each type:

1. Direction of vibration:

Vibrating table with horizontal vibration;Vibrating table with horizontal vibration

Vibrating table with vertical vibration Vibrating table with vertical vibration

The direction depends on how the rotor will be mounted.
The most widely used tables with horizontal vibration.

2. According to the installation method:

  • mobile (portable);
  • stationary.

3. By specialization:

  • molding. Tables are intended for product formation;
  • stripping (forming stripping). Purpose - knock out
    (remove, shake out) the product from the mold using vibration.

Shaping vibrating tableSuch vibrating tables have almost the same appearance. They are distinguished only by the nozzle with holes installed on the forming table.

A mold with a product is installed on such a nozzle and it is removed from the mold by means of vibration.

The appearance of the table is shown in the photo.

Drawing of a forming nozzle for a vibrating table For individual construction, it is enough to make one vibrating table with horizontal vibration. And removing tiles from molds is not
labor, since flexible forms are usually used in private production. Tem
moreover, you can install the forming nozzle at any time.

The drawing-scheme of the forming nozzle is shown in the picture.

The material was prepared for the site

In practice, a vibrating table made for the production
paving slabs at home, most often used as a base
for a cutting machine or as a platform for mounting a circular saw.

The principle of operation of the vibrating table for tiles

To understand which parts / structural elements
will be needed for work and why each of them, we will briefly describe the principle of operation
vibrating table.

The design of the vibropress for paving slabs (device)

The working surface is fixed on the frame by means of
using a spring system (for horizontal vibration) or hangers (for
vertical). The tabletop is driven by an electric motor, calculated
power with an eccentric on the shaft. The task of the eccentric is to shift the center of gravity
engine to provide the desired vibration.

A sketch of the vibrating table is shown in the figure.

Tile vibrating table drawing

Although the sketch gives a general idea of
the principle of functioning of the vibrating table, in order to make a vibrating press
Do-it-yourself sketch is not enough, you need a full-fledged drawing.

1. For beginners. The simple design of the vibropress allows
perform product molding, it is easier to manufacture and maintain.

Drawing of a simple vibrating table for tiles

The design of a simple vibrating table for tiles

In principle, you can add any functions to this vibrating table,
the main thing is to correctly calculate the engine power and design parameters.
For example, you can combine it with a sand sifter.

2. For masters– two-in-one design – vibropress and
sand sifter. Convenient in that it allows you to get the components you need

Diagram of vibrating table and sand sifter

The design of the vibrating table and sand sifter

How to make a do-it-yourself vibrating table with horizontal vibration

Tile vibrating table dimensions

  • countertop dimensions it is advisable to make 600x600 or
    lengthen one or both sides. Doing them already is impractical, because. at
    vibrating forms tend to move and they need to be constantly “caught”
    or install less and place strictly in the center. Table too narrow
    reduces the performance of the vibrating table and is quite unstable

Note. The dimensions of the vibrating table are also affected by the planned
the volume of production, the larger it is, the larger the dimensions of the countertop should be. IN
in turn, the increase in the dimensions of the tabletop puts forward increased requirements for
the material of its manufacture, the stability of the frame and engine power.

  • vibrating table height. Calculated based on physiological
    parameters of the person who will work at the table. With an average height
    a comfortable height is 900-1000 mm.

Note. When deciding on the height of the table, consider how it
installation. If the legs of the table will be dug in and cemented, they need to be made
longer. If the design is mobile, this height is enough.


  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian.

Table materials:

The cost of plywood brand FK 15 mm birch veneer
(sheet dimensions 1,525 x 1,525) - 650 rubles.

The cost of hot-rolled metal 5 mm thick
(sheet dimensions 1,500 x 6,000) - 10,870 rubles.

Note. A thinner sheet should be reinforced with metal
pipe or corner, welding them around the perimeter and in the center.

  • metal tubes for leg supports- 40x40 with a thickness of 2 mm (107 rubles / m.p.);

  • plate for installation of electrical equipment;

For your information. The cost of a spring with a diameter of 53 mm, a height of 113
mm. for a scooter is 500 rubles.

Note. With a glass diameter significantly larger than
diameter of the spring will cause uneven vibration and wear of the springs. A
the tabletop will sway, not vibrate.

  • bolts and washers (4 pcs). Designed for engine mounting;
  • electrical cable of sufficient cross section, socket,
    switch, automatic switch;

Which engine is better for a homemade vibrating table?

Users advise to use for private production
paving slab vibrating motor:

  • IV-99 E (7650 rubles): power 0.5 kW, power supply - 220
    B, weight 14.5 kg, driving force up to 5 kN, vibration frequency 3000 rpm.
  • IV-98 E (8540 rubles): power 0.9 kW, power supply - 220
    B, weight 22.5 kg, driving force up to 11 kN, vibration frequency 3000 rpm. This
    the vibration motor is distinguished by the presence of unbalances installed on the rotor. revolving with
    rotor shaft, they create a driving force.

For industrial production, a vibrator is suitable
IV-104 B: power 0.53 kW, power supply - 380 V, weight 25 kg, forcing
force up to 6.3 kN, vibration frequency 1500 rpm.

Note. It is important to ensure uniform vibration. Otherwise,
there is a high probability of boiling of the cement mixture in the molding containers. Those.,
instead of compacting the mold composition, vibration will saturate it
air, which will lead to the fragility of paving slabs.

The easiest and most economical way is to use the old
engines from a washing machine, pumping station, etc., which will cost much
cheaper within 1 thousand rubles. + turner (shaft (axle), eccentric, holder for bearings).

Homemade vibrating table for paving slabs - video

How to properly assemble a vibrating table

  1. Before assembly, it is desirable to process metal parts
    anti-corrosion solution that prevents the appearance of rust. For example,
    primer GF-021 LAKRA (125 rubles / kg) or enamel-paint "Spetsnaz primer-enamel according to
    rust" (383 rubles / 0.8 kg). For a metal that is already touched by corrosion, you need
    use special primers, such as primer EP-0180 (188 rubles / kg).
  2. The components of the vibrating table are connected by a welded seam.
    The choice of a rigid mount is due to the fact that the bolts during vibration can
    loosen and reduce the rigidity of the support. If you need to make a collapsible design
    bolts are used, which must be periodically tightened.
  3. The motor driving the vibrating table must not touch
    earth. After installing it, it is advisable to make a trial run
    equipment in order to test the oscillation amplitude, stability
    design and stiffness of the springs.
  4. The length of the legs of the support must be the same. In addition, the place
    the installation of the table must be even so as not to create a distortion during installation
    vibrating table. It is reasonable to fix the table motionlessly on the base. Or using
    concrete mortar or with anchors.


The device of the vibrating table is a relatively difficult task, however
less, it can be done with your own hands, practically from improvised means or with
minimal costs (if you do not take into account the purchase of an electric motor, although,
You can also buy used. This approach is expedient in conditions of a large front.
work or, if you wish, to organize a small business for the production of paving
tiles or paving stones.

Today, many city dwellers would probably like to have a dacha or a private house, on the territory of which there is a well-groomed lawn and attractive paths. If it is not possible to allocate an impressive amount from the budget, but there is a desire to equip the exterior of the site, then you can make a vibrating table for the production of tiles, which will create material for arranging paths.

Description of the vibrating table

The described design is simple, it is simply indispensable for independent. This device will allow you to make products of different shapes, while concrete mixture should be used as the material.

Do not assume that the vibrating table can only be purchased in specialized stores. You can make such a design yourself. The top plate acts as the base, which is attached to the steel base with a movable joint. Among other things, you will need an engine that will set the surface in motion.

In the process of vibration of the plate, bubbles come out of the molds that are filled with concrete. This is the only way to ensure the proper quality of the product. When making vibrating tables for paving slabs with their own hands, it is necessary to ensure the perfect evenness of the tabletop. It must be smooth, and the motor used must provide uniform vibration.

Preparation of tools and materials

To carry out the work, you will need a steel pipe in the amount of 4 pieces, a metal sheet that will form the basis of the countertop, as well as a metal spring - it will become the movable connection. The master needs a corner with dimensions of 50 x 50 mm, which can be replaced with a channel profile. Make sure you have an engine with the right amount of power. When vibrating tables are made for specialists, they prepare a welding machine, a drill, as well as a grinder. To install the engine, you will need bolts in the amount of 4 pieces.

Manufacturing technology

Despite the fact that the vibrating table is a simple design, the technology described below should be followed in the process of work.

The base on which the tabletop will be fixed should be made from a corner or channel. The dimensions of the vibrating table can be completely different depending on the desire of the master. We will take standard dimensions, which are limited to 700 x 700 mm. If you decide to use other dimensions, then you must remember that they must correspond to the power of the engine used.

When do-it-yourself vibrating tables for paving slabs are made, craftsmen use pipes that act as legs. They should be welded to the base. In order to ensure maximum stability, steel plates must be welded to the legs and reinforced with concrete. If this stage is excluded, then the table during use will move from place to place, while it will be in doubt.

Should be selected individually, but it is important to ensure the convenience of working with the design. Among other things, the engine must be at a certain distance from the ground. If you are making vibrating tables for then springs should be welded from the central part in each corner. Ideally for carrying out these works, those parts that are borrowed from a moped are suitable. They need to be cut in half first.

A sheet of metal should be laid on top of the spring. A material that has a thickness of eight millimeters or more should be used. Bolts will be needed to fix to the engine sheet. If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to make a table that will help produce up to 60 square meters of products during the day.

Engine selection

Before you make a vibrating table with your own hands, you need to think about which engine will be used. The one borrowed from the washing machine is quite suitable for this. Despite the fact that it works properly, it has a rather significant drawback, which is fragility. Such a motor can withstand only about thirty operating cycles. After that, the axle becomes loose or the bearing jams. That is why there is an opinion expressed by home craftsmen that such engines are not able to hold out for a long time under conditions of increased loads, which turn out to be a vibrating table.

As an alternative solution, you can use a vibrator brand IV-99 E for 220 volts. It is sold in stores of relevant goods for 6,000 rubles. Such a design copes with the tasks assigned to it quite well.

Among other things, it is important to prepare a drawing of the vibrating table, it will help to complete the work correctly.

If you draw up a similar circuit, then it should indicate the location of the AC potentiometer, which will regulate the strength of the vibration. In the process of changing the voltage level, it will be possible to adjust the oscillation frequency for a certain type of solution used. However, many craftsmen, thinking about how to make a vibrating table with their own hands, decide to save money using only the engine.

Secrets of the work

It is important to make a table that is not only strong, but also sufficiently resistant to vibration. Only in this way will the structure be able to withstand the loads exerted. The engine must be installed in a specific location. Sometimes it can only be determined empirically. The tabletop will consist of a rectangular frame and a steel sheet. It is sometimes provided with an additional frame on which the source of vibration is fixed. The springs for the vibrating table will allow limited mobility of the countertop, so their choice should be taken seriously.


In addition to the springs mentioned, it is permissible to use loops made of a durable bundle. A rope will work too. Four of these connections, located at the corners of the base, will center the platform located on top. When choosing a vibration motor for a vibrating table, you should take into account that it should not provide an unnecessarily strong displacement of the tabletop relative to its original position. Otherwise, it will not be possible to exclude the spilling of the solution, which was distributed over the forms. That is why it is recommended to first consider factory models.

To make a vibrating table with your own hands, in addition to the standard set of tools, you also need a welding machine and skills to work on it. The necessary materials are prepared in advance in the form of corners and channels. The design of the table is thought out and the power of the required engine is calculated. On such a device, paving slabs can be made at their summer cottage.

Vibrating table characteristics

Making a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands is justified if there is a summer cottage. Used paving slabs in the country for paving paths.

The purpose of the table consists in compacting the solution with the removal of air bubbles from it in the manufacture of paving slabs. This happens due to the oscillatory movements of the working surface. This vibration is provided by the operation of the engine, the frequency of which is 3 thousand rpm. Then the tile is removed from the molds and sent to dry.

Equipment classification

Depending on the direction of vibration, tables are:

  • with horizontal vibrations;
  • with vertical vibrations.

Tables with horizontal vibrations are widely used in Russia, but in some cases designs with vertical vibrations are also used.

The oscillatory movements of the frame of the device with horizontal vibration are performed using an engine with an eccentric mounted on the shaft. As it rotates, it vibrates the top half of the table.

According to the installation method, the products are:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

If paving slabs are required to be formed on the equipment, then such tables are called molding tables. And in cases where the tile needs to be knocked out of the mold, a molding structure is made.

Preparation of the necessary materials

In order to have a good idea of ​​​​how to make a vibrating table with your own hands, you first need to make a drawing. After that, you need to start preparing materials for equipment:

Work order

Do-it-yourself vibrating table begins to form from the base. The next step is to move on to the table top. Then the general assembly is carried out.

Stages of work:

During installation, make sure that the motor does not touch the floor.

Homemade options

You can make different designs of the vibrating table with your own hands. Consider possible options for home-made production.

Forming construction

Such a vibrating table is needed to extract the dried tiles from the mold. The design of the vibrating table is not particularly different from the standard one. The only difference is that a hole is made in the upper part.

Work is carried out in two ways:

  • An additional countertop is being cooked. If the springs are not welded on top, then replacement is easy.
  • The native tabletop is being finalized. For this, a removable hatch is made on one side of it. A soft base is laid from below, where the tile falls.

The manufacturing process of such a design does not cause any particular difficulties.

Non-standard fixtures

Making a vibrating table with your own hands is a rather laborious task. If there is a need for a small amount of paving slabs, then a simplified design is used. Work on it can be performed at a high level.

These types of tables include designs:

  • From tires. Depending on the required height, 2 or 3 tires are taken. On top of them lies a wooden shield. Wooden sides are made on the sides so that the forms do not move out. You can attach the shield to the top tire with screws. A form with a solution is placed on a wooden surface. Tapping with a rubber mallet on wood begins to create vibration. It is allowed to mount the engine with an eccentric in the lower part of the wooden shield.
  • From an impact drill or hammer drill. To do this, a metal plate is attached to one end of the wooden plane, and rags or rubber are nailed to the other. The soft part is focused on the wall. A perforator is brought to the metal plate. Instead of a drill, a pipe is inserted into it. Its thickness should be such that it is possible to freely enter the cartridge. When you turn on the puncher in the network, a good vibration begins.

In the case of a summer cottage, the need for a vibrating table arises constantly. The purchased product is expensive. Having made the design with your own hands, there is a significant savings in financial resources. There is not always a need for a serious adaptation. In this case, you can get by with simplified designs. In the household there will always be old tires or a rubber mallet. The product is small, but the work is done on it with high quality.