DIY roses step by step instructions. Large paper rose

Paper roses are an amazing and unusual decoration that can be used as interior decor or an original gift. Using very simple techniques, you can make them yourself. Paper roses will fill your home with gentle warmth and comfort, and each of them will be awarded with the love of the author. A bouquet of such roses filled with sweets will be a memorable gift.

Spiral paper rose

The simplest, but very interesting version of paper roses. To create it, you will need paper (the denser the better), scissors and any glue. Cut out a circle from the sheet of the chosen color. Its diameter can be arbitrary. Draw and cut the resulting circle in a spiral, twist the part tightly and form a bud. The easiest way to do this is to start at the outer edge of the spiral. Spread and glue the petals on the inside of the bud. For multi-colored roses, use paper of the appropriate shade or paint over the finished white rose with gouache.

Corrugated Paper Rose

To make roses look as realistic as possible, use corrugated paper. It looks beautiful, is very flexible and keeps its shape perfectly.

For manufacturing, you will need the corrugated paper of the required color, scissors and glue, and for the manufacture of the stem, wire.

Having decided on the size of the bud, cut out a strip of paper. Next, start winding the strip on the wire, gluing each new turn. Cut out petals of various shapes and sizes, then glue them to the base of the bud. Apply glue only to the bottom of the petal.

To make the sepals, take some green paper and stick it on the base.

Origami is the classic Japanese art of folding shapes from a rectangular piece of paper. In this case, glue or scissors are not used.

1. Fold the prepared square sheet in half.
2. Fold again from the right to the left edge.
3. Expand the top square to get a triangle
4. Turn the workpiece over and transfer the square from the right side to the left.
5. Follow step number 3.
6. Bend the corners to the center line.
7. Bend small triangles and unfold them back.
8. Open them up and make squares.
9. Bend the loose upper corners down. Repeat for each square.
10. Turn the workpiece over and repeat steps 6-11.
11. Fold the top corner down.
12. Open the workpiece to give it volume.
13. Take the two central corners and open them, aligning them in the same plane. Flip.
14. Bend the upper triangle to the center line so that it is perpendicular to the square.
15. Bend the upper corner of the lower square, located on the right, down diagonally.
16. Rotate the result of your work 180 degrees and repeat the steps from the previous paragraph.
17. Take the future rose and start twisting the walls to give the shape of a flower.
18. Using a toothpick or tweezers, bend the petals as desired.

If you did everything right, then you will get a very beautiful rose from one piece of paper.

Tiered paper rose

A rose with interesting lining in the form of flowers will serve as an original decoration for a gift wrap or as an interior decor. It is easy to do and the result is very presentable.

What you need: corrugated paper, thick paper with patterns, glue, scissors, double-sided tape.

Cut flowers with 5-6 petals from construction paper. The form can be arbitrary, if it is unusual, it will turn out to be very original. Cut the petals to the very middle and lay the parts one on top of the other, securing the result with tape. This is how you get volume.

Next, form the rose itself. Cut out a strip of crepe paper with an aspect ratio of 5:1. Twist the beginning tightly, forming the middle. Then fold the rest of the tape, and glue the tip. At the end, fasten the rose with the rest of the details with glue. Ready!

Yellow paper rose

The finished flower looks very textured and delicate, and in general is suitable for decorating any item. Of course, the colors may vary, but for the best effect, pick up unobtrusive candy shades.

Materials for crafts are extremely simple - it is thick paper, scissors and glue.

Outline the petals on paper: 5 hearts and 3 "bagels" in any form. Cut them out. Make shallow cuts in the middle of the hearts. Put the resulting tips one on top of the other and glue them. Take a wooden stick or pencil and twist the other three elements around them - you get the middle. Glue the ends too. Alternately attach heart-shaped petals to the central part of the craft. Glue a small circle to the bottom of the resulting rose so that the flower is stable and can be used as a detail to decorate the desired item.

Rose in quilling technique

Paper rolling originated in the Late Middle Ages, but the technique reached its highest peak of popularity in our time. Quilling decorates postcards, gifts, interior items and even clothes! The level of complexity of making this or that composition fluctuates quite a lot, and if you are new to this business, a simple craft of a rose will come in handy.

So, you will need: a ribbon of colored xerox paper 1x20 cm, a toothpick, a regular or special awl for quilling (you can do without it), glue, scissors.

Screw the beginning of the tape tightly into 3 turns using an awl or by hand. Fix the result with glue. Bend the strip at an angle of 45 degrees and make a circular turn. Repeat the procedure, while fixing each turn with glue. Wrap the tip into the base of the rose and glue. If you decide to use an awl or a toothpick, then the whole procedure is performed directly on its needle, and at the end of the process, leave the craft on it until the adhesive dries.

DIY rose with sweets inside

An unusual and, undoubtedly, a memorable gift will be a bouquet of roses, in which delicious sweets are hidden. No one will remain indifferent to such a spectacular present.

Before starting work, prepare the following tools and materials: for making a flower and leaves - corrugated paper; scissors, floral wire and ribbon; fairly strong threads; and, of course, small round sweets!

Cut out five rectangles with parameters: width - 6 cm, height - 7 cm, as well as six with proportions: width - 4 cm, height - 7 cm. Form petals from the resulting rectangles. By stretching future petals from the center to the edges, you will get a realistic shape.

Prepare sepals from green paper. Stretch the paper for each leaflet, and twist the top edge slightly. Tie the candies to the wire using a thread. Wrap the wider petal around the candy to hide it. Next, attach the base to the wire.

By analogy, wrap the core with the remaining petals. Attach narrower petals in pairs opposite each other. Fasten the previously prepared sepals at the base using tape. Ready!

Ideas for using paper roses

DIY paper roses are a universal decoration. They can be used as an independent element of decor, folded, for example, in a basket or placed in a vase, or they can be used to transform the selected item. We have prepared some ideas that will help you decorate your home for the holidays or create unique things for everyday use.


Topiary in the interior is, as a rule, an artificially created tree with a round crown. In our case, instead of leaves, an impromptu plant will be decorated with roses.

The ball on which the flowers will be placed is made of sisal or bast. Anything can be used as a barrel, even an aluminum pipe, all that remains is to decorate it with a beautiful green or brown ribbon. Connect the parts and string the roses onto the ball. A beautiful topiary is ready!


The composition makes an incredibly impressive impression! Such a present will please any girl, especially since it is made by hand. You will need a beautiful basket, filler as a base (you can use the same as for the topiary) and the flowers themselves, made of durable material. The basket can be additionally decorated with light paint.

Photo frame or picture

Roses are a ready-made decoration, and to decorate a mirror or a frame with a photo, you just need to glue the floral details. For example, you can make a spring decoration for a round mirror, it will perfectly fit into the interior of a girl's bedroom, bathroom or children's room.

Try to make roses in different sizes and shades, while choosing one color scheme, and then fix them on the frame. The finished composition will look quite self-sufficient, and therefore it can be hung on the wall without a photo inside it.

Make an original painting. Add roses with other flowers and glue them on the base. Cover the frame with white paint and scuff with sandpaper - so you get a hint of shabby chic style.


If you want to place a cute wreath in a room with a wood finish, then you can weave it from a vine yourself, and make roses from magazine sheets with text or from material with a natural shade.

A wreath in the shape of a heart also looks very beautiful, this can be hung on the door for Valentine's Day. Don't be afraid to experiment: try designing a composition on an ordinary embroidery hoop, complement spiral roses with other small paper details, and you will get a wonderful accessory for a little princess's room.

A paper rose is a great DIY decor item that you can make yourself using simple techniques. Paper roses can make a home interior unique and original and bring a piece of the master's warmth and energy into it. And a bouquet of paper roses, and even with sweets inside, can be a great alternative to a real bouquet of living roses.

What can be decorated with artificial flowers?

Paper flowers are versatile decor items that can be used to decorate any interior. When composing a composition, flowers are often placed in vases, and the vases can be very different: both traditional and completely unusual, like a perfume bottle or a thread spool.

In country houses you can effectively decorate stair railing handmade flower garlands. Table setting with paper flowers decor will be the highlight of your holiday. Another use case is decorating gift boxes and other accessories.

Almost all types of flowers can be made from paper: roses loved by everyone, delicate tulips, traditional carnations, exotic orchids and many others. Paper flowers are quite difficult to distinguish from real ones, and they will delight with their beauty for much longer.

In this article, we have selected 4 master classes that will help you easily and simply create the "queen of flowers" - a rose - with your own hands. Choose according to your taste, which option you like best:

  1. from plain paper - the easiest and fastest way;
  2. corrugated paper;
  3. origami;
  4. bouquet of paper roses with sweets.

    Plain paper rose: the easiest and fastest way

    To create such a rose you will need:

    • a sheet of paper (the denser, the more opportunities for its further painting);
    • scissors;
    • glue.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. We cut out a circle from paper (choose the diameter yourself, the best option is 15-20 cm).
    2. We cut the resulting circle in a spiral.
    3. We twist the paper spiral very tightly, starting from the outer edge.
    4. We slightly straighten the resulting petals and glue the bud to the inner edge of the spiral.

      Advice! If you want a rose of a certain color, you can immediately pick up the appropriate colored paper. Another option is to decorate a white rose with gouache after it has been created.

      Corrugated paper roses

      If you want to make roses as realistic as possible, then you will need corrugated paper. This is a material that is very often used in decorative art. Such paper looks beautiful, keeps its shape perfectly, is flexible and is well fixed. Consider one of the many techniques for creating do-it-yourself crepe paper roses.

      We will need the following materials:

      1. corrugated paper;
      2. scissors;
      3. glue;
      4. wire.

      Cut out a long strip of corrugated paper (choose the height according to the desired size of the bud). We wind the strip around the wire to create the base of the bud. Each turn must be lubricated with glue. We cut out petals of different sizes and shapes from paper (see photo) and glue them to the base. We use glue only from the bottom of the petal.

      Cut out the sepals from green corrugated paper and glue them to the base of the bud. All stages of creating such a rose can be seen in the photo:


      Classical origami is the art of folding various shapes from a square sheet of paper without the use of glue or scissors. We will tell you how easy it is to make a rose using the origami technique.

      Master class with step by step photos.

      Bouquet of paper roses with sweets
    5. To give the blanks a shape, like real rose petals, they need to be stretched with your fingers from the center to the edges along the entire length, without affecting the edges.
    6. Cut out sepals from green crepe paper.
    7. We stretch the paper on each leaflet, and twist the top edge a little.
    8. We fix the candy to the wire with a thread.
    9. We wrap the candy with a wide petal so that it is not visible, and with the help of a thread we fasten the base of the petal to the wire.
    10. Similarly, we wrap the core with the remaining four wide petals at the same height.
    11. We fix the narrow petals in two so that they are located opposite each other.
    12. We fix the sepals at the base of the bud with floral tape.

Beautiful roses are always relevant, they decorate our lives and cheer up. I want them to be everywhere, because you can admire their natural elegance for a long time. But the beauty of fresh flowers is very short-lived. Another thing is artificial flowers. How to make them? In this master class, I will show 5 options - how to make paper roses with your own hands with step by step photos. Choose what you like and start the creative process!

How to make paper roses with your own hands

01. Yellow crepe paper rose

This tutorial shows how to make such a delicate flower from corrugated paper with your own hands.

For the master class, prepare:

  • yellow (if you want to make just such a shade of a bud) and green corrugated paper;
  • skewer or stick for sushi;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • strong thread.

Cut a strip of yellow crepe paper to create a springy bud. Approximate dimensions in width are 8-10 cm. The longer the strip, the more magnificent the flower will turn out. Much also depends on the stiffness of the material. If the corrugated paper is well stretched, then sheets of a more streamlined shape will be obtained.

Fold the strip across several times. First, you can make a bend in the center, then fold it in half again and so on, it all depends on the length of the strip. At the time of cutting the paper, be guided by the fact that the fibers of the sheets should go along the strip, it must be stretched along.

Cut the strip in this position several times to get shoots about 1 cm wide. Do not forget to make cuts on the sides as well.

Round each portion of the strips after the cuts. Use scissors and make perfectly symmetrical cuts. Now each strip in a fringe with a rounded edge should be turned into a petal.

Expand the strip - in front of you is a fringe with rounded teeth. Stretch each clove with your fingers to the sides. If the corrugated paper fibers are located along the strips, then each petal will stretch well. Be sure to process the paper by stretching on one side, otherwise the petals will be concave in different directions.

Use the prepared stick or skewer as a stem. Lubricate the tip with glue. From the very edge, start winding the prepared fringe around the tip. Attach the tip smeared with glue to the edge, press down.

Wind the entire yellow strip with petals onto a skewer. If necessary, glue can be gradually added. Be sure to fix the end so that the flower does not fall apart.

Now look at the result, whether the bud is dense enough. If one strip is enough for you, then leave the craft in this form.

If you want to add splendor, a few new petals, then repeat the procedure with yellow corrugated paper, make another same strip according to the above method, then turn it into a fringe with rounded petals and glue it with a second layer.

The base of the flower can be wound with threads so that the petals open slightly. Prepare a strip of green fringe, but twist each end at the end with your fingers.

Wind the green fringe at the base of the flower, pushing back the sharp tips. Also wrap the entire stem with green paper.

From wire and oval green leaves, make an additional branch.

Glue the branch to the stem.

A do-it-yourself rosette made of corrugated paper is ready!


Creating a variety of crafts from a simple square sheet is known as origami. Many paper products can be made using this technique, but flowers are especially interesting. In our master class, step-by-step flower making will be shown.

This will require:

  • square of the desired color;
  • toothpick.

First, we fold our paper square along two diagonals.

Then you need to make another transverse fold in the other direction.

Now you need to fold the workpiece in the form of a double triangle.

The resulting workpiece has two layers - top and bottom. Take the corners from the top and bend them to the middle line.

The corners located on top must be bent down so that the fold is horizontal.

The resulting folds need to be straightened. First, we do this on the left side, gently spreading a small triangle.

After that, he needs to give the shape of a square.

Repeat the same steps on the right side.

We turn the workpiece over and repeat all the steps.

Bend the top corner down, forming the desired folds.

Now we are interested in the lower part of the workpiece. We begin to gently straighten it.

The folds located on the sides need to be given a triangular shape. Let's do it on the left first.

After that, repeat on the right.

Again, turn the flower blank on the other side, the previously bent triangle must be placed strictly vertically. This will be the core of our flower.

We begin to carefully twist the middle.

We continue this action in one direction, so we create the petals.

It remains to twist the edges of the flower a little with a toothpick, our origami paper rose is ready.

03. How to make a beautiful toilet paper rose

The shape of this flower is so mesmerizing that you want to try to recreate it using various materials. Paper is often used to imitate the petals of this flower. In our master class, it is proposed to use colored toilet paper, from which thin rose petals are obtained.

For work you will need:

  • toilet paper (2-ply or 3-ply) of the desired color:
  • scissors;
  • toothpick;
  • glue stick.

On average, one flower leaves about 20 petals. Cutting them out of paper depends on the number of layers. In our case, 2-layer paper was used, we take 5 pieces of it.

We put them together. Then these 5 pieces need to be folded in half.

Cut out the petals.

We get 10 petals, each of which has 2 layers (later we will separate them). We tuck the tip of each petal with a toothpick.

The rest after cutting the petals is not thrown away. Cut out a strip from it.

Let's take one of its layers. Now grease the toothpick with glue and proceed to the formation of the core of the flower.

To do this, we will wind a strip of paper around the tip of the toothpick. It turns out the core of our flower.

Then we separate each of the obtained 10 petals into layers. Apply some glue to the bottom of the thin petal.

And wrap them around the core of the flower. Take the next petal and continue the formation of the flower.

We do this until the paper rose flower is completely ready.

04. Do-it-yourself music paper rose

In this master class, we will make just such a musical rose.

Take music paper.

Download and print. Transfer it to paper and cut it out.

Secure each circle with hot glue.

The petals of the outer circle can be twisted with a toothpick.

Decorate the flower with sparkles.

Music paper rose flower is ready!

05. How to make a rose from paper napkins

The decoration of the festive table largely depends on the reason for the celebration. If this is a children's holiday, then bright colors in the design will be enough, and the dishes can also be paper, but with beautiful drawings. Another thing is if a romantic dinner is planned, in this case it is necessary to create a special atmosphere.

Candles, flowers can be used here, and decor is also welcome, which can be created using serving napkins. For example, flowers made from this material will look interesting. Making such a rose from paper napkins is shown in our master class.

To create such a table decor, we will prepare:

  • green and pink paper napkins;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

You can use napkins of different colors, but it is important that they have the same size. We will make a pink flower, so we prepared a paper napkin of the appropriate shade. And to create a stem and a leaf, a green napkin is useful. First, fully unfold the green paper napkin.

To make a flower directly, half a pink napkin will be enough for us. So we cut off a part.

Now we put half of this part of the pink napkin under the green one, smearing the junction with glue.

We bend the other half of the pink napkin up, not forgetting to apply glue. So we got a blank of two paper napkins to create a rose.

We begin to twist this blank into a loose tube.

At the end of the work, you can twist the flower weaker to get an imitation of the petals.

Now we begin to tightly twist the green napkin located immediately under the base of the flower.

So we continue to twist about 5-6 cm more. After that, we begin to form a leaf.

To do this, gently fold the lower free corner of the green napkin up.

After that, we continue to tightly twist the napkin again, forming a stem.

Our rose from paper napkins is ready.

Video tutorials on creating paper roses

Volumetric roses on colored paper skewers

The original way to create a flower from corrugated paper

Large peony rose with your own hands

In China, the rose was considered an imperial flower, only the gardeners of the imperial garden had the right to grow it - it was strictly forbidden to everyone else. From China, she came to India: there she was revered as a sacred flower, and many legends were associated with her name. In Japan, this plant did not deserve such love as in other countries, but it was there that the multi-flowered rose grew, which became the basis for breeding new varieties.

Then it became part of the culture of the ancient Greeks - no important ritual events could do without it, whether it was a wedding or a funeral. Along with this, the rose was also studied from a botanical point of view. So, it was Theophrastus, who is often called the father of botany, who described the species of this plant growing in Greece, spoke about its planting and caring for it.

The Romans adopted the respectful attitude to the rose from the Greeks: it was symbolized with morality and purity, besides, it was grown here on an industrial scale. Moreover, in the spring in Rome, even Rosalia (a feast of commemoration of the dead, during which the graves were decorated with wreaths of roses) were held.

But as the empire began to decline, the plant became associated with diametrically opposed concepts - vulgarity and immoderate luxury. After that, during the period of early Christianity, the rose was temporarily forgotten and regained its status only by the 4th century.

It did not come to Western Europe immediately, and it is difficult to call this road easy. So, these flowers were brought to France only in the 5th-6th centuries, in Germany they began to be cultivated only in the 13th century, and in England they appeared even later - the Benedictine monks who came from France in the 15th-16th centuries contributed to the spread.

Rose in myths and traditions of different nations

This flower is inextricably linked with the concept of beauty and the divine principle in the myths of different peoples. So, in Indian mythology, from the blossoming bud of this flower, Lakshmi appeared - the most beautiful girl in the world. She was so beautiful that when he saw her, the god Vishnu fell in love, woke her up with a kiss and made her his wife.

According to another legend, the god Vishnu once argued with Brahma about which flower is the most beautiful in the world. Vishnu, already subdued by her grace, insisted that it was she who deserved the title of the most beautiful; Brahma, who had never seen this flower, preferred the lotus. But as soon as Vishnu showed Brahma a rose, he agreed with him, and the argument was settled.

In Greek mythology, the flower is associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love. It was believed that it was formed from the sea foam left on the body of the goddess when she emerged from the sea. Once Adonis, beloved of Aphrodite, was mortally wounded by a boar while hunting. Upon learning of this, the goddess rushed to Adonis in tears, not paying attention to the thorns of roses that grew on her path, which had dug into her feet. It was the spilled blood of Aphrodite that dyed the once white flowers scarlet.

However, this is far from the only story about how the rose acquired a red hue. The Persian version is much sadder. This legend tells how the nightingale admired the rose. He fell in love with her with all his heart and decided to press her to his chest, but ran into sharp spikes. The blood of the unfortunate and dyed the petals red.

According to another version, Eve, walking in the Garden of Eden, saw a beautiful snow-white flower; She liked him so much that she could not resist kissing him. The white rose, flattered, we listen to this, blushed with embarrassment - and it remained red.

How to see here.

Paper crafts are considered an interesting and useful activity for children and adults. A paper product can completely replace the original. First of all, this concerns the decor in the interior of the house. What can replace fresh flowers? Paper roses, made by simple and affordable means.

There are several methods for making paper flowers. Below are instructions with photos of roses from different papers.

Colored paper rose

It is easy to make a rose from colored paper. Both a child and a novice master will cope.


  • colored double-sided paper;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

A square 10 by 10 cm in size is cut out of the sheet. A spiral is drawn on one side of the square, then it is cut out along the contour. It turns out a curl, which is twisted, forming a flower bud. The remaining end is glued to the base of the rose.

A flower created in this way is suitable for a topiary or wall decoration.

Lush paper rose

To complete the craft in this way, you will need:

  • colored paper for A4 printer;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

Bend the sheet lengthwise into equal parts. Then each half is folded lengthwise again. Four equal strips are obtained, which are cut and glued to each other with adhesive tape.

After these manipulations, one long strip is obtained. For convenience, they take a pencil and wind a strip on it, glue the end to the base of the bud. In fact, a flower with lush petals comes out.

It remains to attach a pre-prepared stem. Having made several flowers in this way, you can get a whole bouquet of paper roses.

Corrugated Paper Rose

Corrugated paper roses look very gentle and beautiful. To make them you will need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

A strip 7 cm wide is cut out of corrugated paper. They begin to bend the edges according to the principle of twisting the pie. A strip with openwork edges should come out along one side.

Crepe paper rose

Many crafters prefer crepe paper. It is considered more pliable material. Its texture is soft and velvety. The master class below will help you figure out how to make a rose from crepe paper.

To complete you will need:

  • crepe paper;
  • hot glue;
  • scissors.

The paper is folded into a multi-layered rectangle. In the resulting tape, two corners are bent on one side and the tape begins to twist. During this procedure, rounded bulges in the form of petals should be obtained. The end of the tape is glued to the base.

Such flower crafts are good to use as interior decoration. It is important to choose the width of the paper strip. With a strip width of 5 cm, the flower turns out to be small and neat, with 8 cm - voluminous and lush.

Large crepe paper rose

For more venerable craftsmen, a complex version of making a large rose from crepe paper is offered. The flower is assembled from individual petals.

To work, you need to prepare:

  • green and red or pink crepe paper;
  • ready-made patterns of petals, leaves and sepals;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • stem sticks.

The paper sheet is folded several times, a template is placed on it, the details of the future flower are circled and cut out. Green tape is strung on a stick. The cut petals are glued to the stem in a circle.

In the same way, the details of the sepals are glued. For strength, the sepals and petals are fixed with tape. The skewer is glued to the middle of the sheet and bent in half. Attach to the stem with green tape.

A large rose for special occasions is ready. Corrugated paper can be used instead of crepe paper.

Rose and any paper

Using the finished template, you can make another flower product. Paper take any texture. It is necessary to prepare cut and numbered petal templates in advance. Additionally prepare:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • finished stem.

To give the petals a wavy edge, it is worth smoothing them with scissors. Fold each leaf in half.

Petal No. 1 is twisted around the stem and fixed with glue. The stem is removed for now and work with the petals continues. Petals No. 2 and 3 are glued around the first petal. Then there are petals No. 4, 5, 6, 7, which are fixed on top of each other. Lastly, a three-leaf part is glued.

Having made a hole in the base of the flower, the stem is threaded. An elegant decoration is ready.

Rose from napkins

It is customary to decorate the festive table with paper napkins. To impress guests, you can easily make roses from single-layer napkins.

The napkin is completely unfolded, taking a square shape. The edge on one side is folded back by five centimeters. Roll carefully.

With one hand they hold the bent edge of the roll, with the other hand they twist it, giving it the appearance of a stem. In the middle of the stem, the lower edge of the napkin is bent. This is a leaf.

Continue to twist the stem to the end of the roll. For the stability of the product, you can spray the end of the stem with varnish.

Rose from a single-layer napkin

Another option for making flower crafts from a single-layer napkin. The flowers are small, but strongly resemble a fully opened flower. In addition to a napkin, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • stapler.

The napkin is folded in half several times until a small square shape is obtained. Using a stapler, fasten the workpiece in the middle.

Cut out all four corners of the square, giving it the shape of a circle. Now each layer of the napkin is folded to the middle of the circle and the edges are carefully folded over, giving a waviness to the future rose.

The little flower is ready. Blanks of this type are often used to decorate the "tree of happiness". Using wire in the form of a stem, you can make a rose standing in a vase.

Paper roses are a great addition to your home decor. Based on one of the presented ideas, you can create your own unique flower miracle. Having learned how to create flower products, the craftswoman will have no problems choosing a gift for friends and relatives.

Flowers are made not only from paper. Beautiful roses are made from fabric. Usually used satin, organza or tulle. Knitted roses look no less beautiful. By becoming a paper flower maker, you can improve your skills by taking on more complex work.

Photo roses from paper

The rose is a symbol of love and beauty. Every romantic would like to have an unfading rose. Unfortunately, fresh flowers are capricious and short-lived. They are easily replaced by paper ones: they are not so fragile, they do not require special attention, but in beauty they are in no way inferior to living ones. From paper roses you can make a bouquet, weave a wreath, attach it to a gift, decorate a festive table or put it in a vase. Romantic natures often wonder how to make a paper rose with their own hands. Very easy, even a child who has barely learned how to use scissors can handle it.

With scissors and glue

The easiest way is to draw a spiral on a sheet of paper. Then you need to cut.

The end of the spiral is folded into a tube (you can use the pencil with which the spiral was drawn), and the other end is attached with glue.

Below are some diagrams:

We use paper

For the manufacture of roses, you can use any paper: from ordinary newspaper to cardboard. But the petals made of corrugated paper, more than all the rest, look like living ones.

Due to its structure, corrugated paper allows the craftswoman to give the petals a resemblance to the original. How to make such a rose is described in stages, with a photo.

For work you will need everything that you see in the photo.

You need to take two types of paper: green for the stem, and for the bud, you can choose any color. A strip 7-8 cm wide and more than half a meter long is cut off.

Attention! Corrugated veins should be along the strip, and not across.

The paper tape is rolled up two fingers wide.

Then one end of the roll is cut with scissors in a semicircle.

It is divided exactly in the middle, while incisions are made, not reaching the opposite end of about 1 cm.

Now the roll needs to be unrolled and begin to form the petals. From one edge they turned out smaller - this will be the middle of the rose. They need to be pulled slightly to form a bulge.

The remaining petals along the edge are stretched along.

To give an even greater resemblance to a living rose, the edges of the petals are tucked inward with a thin metal rod.

The ribbon should look like this:

At the next stage, a piece of wire is wrapped in a loop.

A tape is wound on it - a blank, starting with the smallest petal.

The bottom edge is trimmed. When the tape is assembled, the roll is pulled along the bottom with a thread.

The petals are carefully spread out, forming a flower.

Now you can begin to form the stem. To do this, you need a piece of green corrugated paper 7-8 cm high and more than 10 wide.

Long teeth are cut out of it.

For one rose, you need 5 cloves. Each triangle is pinched at the tip and stretched along.

The formed cup is glued to the base of the bud.

The next strip 2 cm wide is stretched along and smeared with glue.

It wraps tightly around the bud and wraps around the wire in a spiral, forming a stem.

From the same green paper, leaves are cut out measuring 3 by 4 cm.

Veins are pressed into them with a pencil, the leaves are given a convex shape. From a strip of paper smeared with glue, a thin tube is formed, to which the leaves are glued.