Regional cultural policy in modern Russia. Regional cultural policy Specificity of regional cultural policy

cultural excursion policy recreation

cultural policy- this is an activity for the formation of ideas, meanings and priorities in the socio-political system, one of the components of which is the stimulation and protection of culture as a sphere of higher creative achievements. The subject of cultural policy is the cultural and symbolic capital. In his work “Outline of the Theory of Practical Action” (1972), P. Bourdieu understood cultural capital as those advantages that are transmitted by elites to their children (speech and writing skills, aesthetic values, the ability to interact with people, orientation to achievements in studies) and expand the possibilities of their social mobility. The high requirements of the school, which must be met in order to remain successful, contribute to the reproduction of class inequality and the further accumulation of cultural capital in the hands of the elites. Cultural capital is the knowledge that allows its owner to understand and evaluate various types of cultural relations and cultural products.

“Symbolic capital” is any property, any kind of capital perceived by social agents whose categories of perception are such that they allow them to know about it, notice it, give it value”, expressed in various value and applied forms - from the formulation of the meaning and goals of human life to the creation of a new mythology and brand system, from involvement in new forms and areas of creative activity to the creation of massively demanded products and services with a high share of symbolic capital.

Subjects of cultural policy- authorities, public groups, independent and state institutions involved in the formation of cultural policy.

Heritage- a set of tangible and intangible, movable and immovable objects preserved by previous generations, including during the Soviet past. Heritage is a resource for the development of the new, a source of models, samples and inspiration in creative activity, business and education.

New legacy- modern objects or objects of the recent past that have cultural, historical or environmental significance. The concept of "new heritage" reflects the dynamics of the post-industrial world and enables a person to realize and in some cases museumify his own past even during his lifetime. We can say that the "new heritage" is a form of keeping the present in a rapidly changing world.

culture- a historically established glossary (archive) of values ​​and

norms, as well as the channels of its transmission, which determine the behavior and lifestyle of a modern person and have a direct impact on the socio-economic sphere. It is widely known that culture is a memory transmitted in a non-genetic way. One of the components of culture is the sphere of higher creative achievements.

Modern culture- a set of ideals and attitudes formed in previous eras, updated and meaningful today, including through the creation of new works, ideas and concepts.

cultural institutions- institutions, companies and organizations that create and broadcast cultural values, models and samples. By cultural institutions, we include not only budgetary institutions, but also NGOs and commercial structures involved in the creation and transmission of cultural values. In a broader sense, cultural institutions (institutions) can include such stable historical formations as the state, the army, the education system, the church, etc., which have always had and have their own cultural policy, with their own value and behavioral priorities.

Sectoral cultural infrastructure(as opposed to culture itself) - a set of cultural institutions, the nomenclature of which is determined by federal, regional and municipal cultural departments.

Economics of culture(economics of social and cultural action) - a branch of economics that considers the mechanisms that in a creative economy expand in relation to traditional economic systems. One of the private subsystems of the economics of culture is accounting culture- a system of financing cultural activities.

The task of cultural policy is to improve the quality of cultural leisure, develop tourism, activate small businesses, improve the quality of the urban environment, revitalize interregional contacts, create a positive international image of the state, and most importantly, develop the creative potential of the population of the participating regions.

If we take into account that we are interested in the implementation of cultural policy in the city of Perm, then we can consider the city as a territorial public system of TOS as a spatio-temporal form of organization of society, which is a holistic combination of social, economic, natural, spiritual and political components. They are formed on a certain contact area and have the features of complexity, interconnectedness and interdependence, prospects and effectiveness of the joint.

Then one should take into account the TOC analysis methodology, which is implemented in the study of three interrelated aspects: procedural, discrete and regulatory. As a basis, you can take the procedural aspect, which is implemented in the processes:

1. Complex formations

2. Regionalization

3. Management.

In our case, the process of "complex formation" can be understood in a historical context - as the emergence and accumulation of urban culture by a separate city. The process of regionalization is the comprehension of cultural heritage, the establishment of cultural institutions (city museum, city theater, city library, etc.). Cultural heritage management is implemented in the cultural policy of CBT subjects (administration, public groups, independent and state institutions).

Cultural policy is implemented in the form of long-term programs and cultural events (festivals, conferences, the establishment of museums, the opening of monuments, as well as in many areas, such as: art, painting, music, sports, economics, construction and education. Cultural heritage management can include the activities of tourism companies in the development and sale of domestic tourism products (event tours, excursions), as well as the activities of private businesses related to the development of tourism infrastructure (hotels, restaurants, cafes, souvenirs, etc.).

An example is the implementation in art: on the stage of the Perm Academic Theater named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, the premiere of the opera "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" based on the novel by A.I. Solzhenitsyn (2010 Golden Mask prize for the best work of a conductor). Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after P.I. Tchaikovsky is the only regional theater in Russia that is annually nominated for the national theater award "Golden Mask" and has 7 awards from this festival.

Performances of the academic "Theatre-Theater" art opera based on the play by L. Andreev "The Life of a Man", musical fantasy "Doctor Zhivago" based on the novel of the same name by Boris Pasternak; musical "Vladimirskaya Square" based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Humiliated and Insulted" successfully participated in tours of the Perm region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi.

The exhibition, "Kudymkar - the locomotive of the future" (2009) dedicated to the futurist artist Pyotr Subbotin-Permyak, was organized by the Perm Art Gallery and was successfully held, including in Moscow, at the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art.

The Made in Perm program, which represents the achievements of the Perm Territory and Perm culture at the Russian and broad international levels, was launched in 2009. Made in Perm is a series of musical production projects aimed at promoting Perm and the Perm Territory abroad.

Also, "Cultural Policy" is being implemented in the field of education. There is even a special "Educational Project". The current programs in the humanitarian sphere are launched by the project laboratory. The first laboratory took place in Perm in 2010 and was dedicated to museums and design. The laboratory was focused on creating new projects and taught the participants to convert their knowledge, desires and ideas into practical activities using project technologies. It is usually followed by a series of educational short-term professional development programs for professionals in the field of culture and creative entrepreneurship, not only from Perm and the Perm Territory, but also from other Russian regions.

It was planned to develop educational programs of three levels:

1. Development of a system of advanced training for cultural workers and creative entrepreneurs. The work started within the framework of the design laboratory should be developed in educational projects, including those with the participation of foreign specialists. The venues for them were not only lecture halls, but also the spaces of new cultural projects and cultural institutions - the Perm Museum of Contemporary Art PERMM, the design center, the Living Perm festival, etc.

2. Modern licensed educational programs in the field of management in culture (from the Russian master's program to the MBA and bachelor's degree in the field of management of contemporary culture and art). Training within the framework of these programs should be carried out by leading Russian and foreign specialists. Thus, for guests and experts who come to Perm with lectures and master classes, a permanent platform is being created to share their experience and knowledge.

3. Aesthetic and specialized "education for all", public courses in the areas of "modern culture", "contemporary art", "creative thinking". Also, these courses should be included in school educational programs on literature, world art culture and even labor education. Capital cities have already gained experience in creating centers where children and teenagers are taught contemporary art, the creation of art objects, awaken and develop their creative abilities. Such examples are the DEZ studio No. 5 and the creative workshops of the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art.

This and foreign experience will be used further in Perm. A distinctive feature of the Perm programs will be their integration into the programs of educational institutions of various levels and profiles.

The Animation School project was launched in 2010. Its main task was to create a platform for the education and training of 2D and 3D animation specialists within the prison complex, which will provide people with a chance to get a profession and employment in the future. The entire learning process is based on real animation projects, which can be connected to distinguished students. The uniqueness of the project lies in the possibility of simultaneously solving the social problems of humanizing the Russian penitentiary system and attracting financial investments to Perm and the Perm Territory.

Perm is a university city with rich traditions of not only technical and engineering, but also humanitarian education (the first university in the Urals was founded in Perm). Two Perm universities - PSU and PSTU received the status of national research universities (NRU). There are only five cities in Russia with more than one NRU (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Tomsk and Perm). The Perm School of Political Science and the work of its representatives in the field of comparative political regionalism enjoys authority. This kind of research creates the prerequisites for choosing a sustainable "region-centric" path for the Perm Territory.

At the stages of complex formation and regionalization of cultural heritage, the city of Perm has already achieved results. Far beyond the region are known: the Perm Art Gallery with a unique collection of Perm wooden sculpture; Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky and the Perm school of ballet; the oldest collection of the Permian animal style, presented in the funds of the regional museum; contemporary theater and film festivals (Texture, Directing Space, Flahertiana, Arabesque, Diaghilev's Seasons); new excursion products related to the actualization of the literary heritage: "The Three Chekhov Sisters and Perm", "In the Footsteps of Doctor Zhivago"; a huge number of local history publications of the past about the city and the Perm province, research in the field of regional culture, specialized magazines for tourism and local history (Welcome to Perm, Countrymen, Shpil, Companion Magazine).

The processes of cultural policy in the city of Perm at the present stage are associated both with the development of new forms of management of existing cultural institutions, and with the process of complex formation of objects new heritage. objects new heritage we will pay close attention in this work.

Regional cultural policy is an integral part of the state cultural policy of the Russian Federation, a set of principles and norms that guide the state authorities of the region in their activities to preserve, develop and disseminate culture, art, as well as their very activities in the field of culture.

Processes, trends, concrete facts of cultural life are observed at two levels: global, i.e. nationally and regionally, i.e. at the level of the region, region, district, individual city. Here they are more pronounced, they have such a strong specificity that a system of cultural development priorities can and should be formed at this level, i.e. a cultural policy should take shape that would organically combine the consideration of global trends and local characteristics. The rationale for this approach is based on the following considerations:

Firstly, the analysis of statistics shows that with the dominance of general, general tendencies in the same time frame, the development of professional artistic activity, amateur art, and amateurism occurs differently in different territories: in some places there is development, in others - a decline. Consequently, factors of a regional nature are in many respects determining factors for culture.

Secondly, at the regional level, the most optimal variant of cultural development is possible, taking into account regional specifics and originality, the possibilities of the territory - institutional, material, human, etc.

Thirdly, it is in the local space that the maximum active participation of various social groups in cultural processes and in public life as a whole is achieved.

Finally, the region is a very specific object of management (from regire - to rule; hence the words that have become entrenched in the Russian language - directing, regime, regulation, etc.). Because of this, it is at the regional level that there is an objective opportunity to exercise a controlling influence on cultural processes, providing the necessary combination of development and self-development, management and self-government, etc.

The category "regional cultural policy" includes a number of concepts that reveal the features and at the same time allow you to gain a holistic view of its essence, specificity, and mechanisms. These concepts include: the goals of the regional cultural policy, the subject of the policy, its means, mechanisms for the development and implementation, criteria for effectiveness, and more.

The main goal of the regional cultural policy is to stimulate the processes of self-organization of cultural life, to create conditions for the self-development of culture through the optimal use of economic mechanisms, cultural potential, material and human resources of the territory.

The subject of cultural policy is multi-complex. Any subjects of cultural life (individuals, subcultural groups, public associations, initiative groups, cultural institutions, governing bodies, etc.) that have the main components of cultural policy and, most importantly, resources can act in this capacity.

The management of the sphere of culture in the regions is not without complex problems. The results of sociological research reveal that the contradictions in the management of the sphere of culture today are largely associated with the unsatisfactory state of the material component of culture and its financial support. There is a significant difference between the proper and real level of social status, status and prestige of cultural workers, low wages for their work; between the high demand for professional managers and the inability of cultural specialists to work in market conditions, the inability to ensure equal access of the urban and rural population to cultural benefits, to organize and achieve efficiency in the activities of cultural organizations to improve the spiritual and moral principles of society.

The concept of a nationwide national-regional policy has a number of shortcomings. Nevertheless, there is an intensive formation of regional policy, legislative work is underway, there is an understanding of the problems of regional cultural policy, important practical measures are being taken to preserve the unique cultural identity of the regions. However, the legislative base of culture is being formed with a significant slowdown. In the regions there is no necessary information and analytical support for the activities of the cultural sphere, modern management in cultural organizations, there is insufficient funding.

The specifics of the regions, as well as the understanding by the authorities of the goals and priorities of regional development, determines the existence of a wide range of areas for reforming various models designed to focus on key issues of cultural development.

The peculiarity of cultural policy in the Khabarovsk Territory is determined by the specific state that Professor L.V. Blyakher refers to it as "flow culture". The term "flowing culture" was introduced by him by analogy with the biological term "flowing population". . In biology, a flowing population is understood as an approximate balance of positive and negative migration with a weak formation of the population core, the main gene pool of the population. Something similar can be noted in the functioning of the Far Eastern culture.

The Far East of Russia has always been distinguished by a relatively weak development of the social sphere. This circumstance, coupled with difficult natural and climatic conditions and remoteness from the center, made the region unattractive for resettlement. At all times, there was an extensive set of measures that sought to compensate for this circumstance. However, the lack of conditions for comfortable living caused an equally constant outflow of the population "to the West", which was compensated by new organizational recruitment. Thus, a specific community was created, designated by the term "flow culture" - a social entity with a relative balance of positive and negative migration and a weakly formed "regional core".

Constant organized flows of migrants and an equally constant, albeit less organized, outflow of the population led to the fact that people, for the most part, did not identify themselves with the territory. Their "small motherland" remained outside the region. Because of this, deep cultural communication did not arise or arose extremely rarely. A person carried out some production activities and, at a certain stage of his career, moved "to the West": to the places of his former residence or "for promotion to Moscow." For temporary communication, limited for the most part to the professional sphere, official legal forms were quite enough. For those whose cultural requirements turned out to be somewhat higher than the proposed level, there was the possibility of a trip to the "capital". In the capital's theaters and museums, the Far East without any problems received what he could not get on the spot. As a result, a specific community was created, whose communication, more than anywhere else, fit into the forms offered by the state.

In the 1990s, the situation changed dramatically. In the light of economic transformations, organized recruitment of new residents of the Russian Far East is being stopped. At the same time, a rather tangible outflow of the population from the region remains. In the largest cities, the situation was somewhat smoothed out by the oncoming flow of migrants from the "northern territories" with even less comfortable living conditions.

As a result, a specific cultural situation is emerging on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory. People who are carriers of extremely different cultural stereotypes of behavior are forced to live together. At the same time, most of the parameters of their social self-identification are either destroyed or inaccessible. Anything can serve as the basis for social self-identification here. Since a person needs social and cultural self-determination, he seizes every opportunity to work out this self-determination or obtain it in a "ready form". With this, in particular, the flourishing of all kinds of sects, clubs, associations and similar forms of demonstrative group solidarity is connected. What will be the groups formed within these random identities, it is almost impossible to predict. Even less predictable is the reaction of these groups to managerial influence. It is possible to manage an unruly population only with the help of force and control. But the forceful regulation of the socio-economic sphere does not imply initiative, transformation. This is where the mechanism of cultural policy should come into play. After all, the basis for identification with the territory and self-identification can and should come from official state structures. State institutions and, above all, state institutions of culture must create the basis for the implementation of normal political and socio-economic communication.

In order to create conditions for communication between the rulers and the ruled, it is necessary not only to satisfy the cultural needs of the population. It is necessary to form them, and to form them in a very specific perspective. They must be such that the majority of the population of the region feel they are "their own" and, at the same time, they must be sufficiently "foreign" in order to lead people, and not sink to the level of mass ideas and requests. Having formed such needs, it is already possible to carry out the main work of cultural policy - educational and communicative.

The priority goals of cultural policy in the regions are fixed by relevant resolutions, regional targeted programs and other acts, depending on the specifics of the region. In the Khabarovsk Territory, these goals are reflected in the "Complex of measures for the development of the culture of the Khabarovsk Territory in 2006-2008" approved by the Decree of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory dated February 13, 2006. From the whole variety of cultural activities in accordance with the needs of the population of the Territory, priorities such as cultural heritage, the creation and support of state museums, support for cultural and art institutions of the region, library services, folk art, film and video services for the population of the region, professional art, the preservation and formation of human resources in the field of culture, legal support for the cultural sector, and so on.

The implementation of a unified state policy is possible only with the consistent application of the principle of federalism to the sphere of culture, which provides (with a significantly new relationship between the "center" and the territories) the full promotion of regional cultural initiatives and projects, the transfer of the center of gravity of managing the sphere to the regions of Russia. . Of exceptional importance here is a clear delineation of both powers and responsibilities between federal and local authorities in the field of culture.

1. Culture in society is a historically established and developing process of human activity, a manifestation of the essential forces of a person, his physical and spiritual potentialities. We can say that culture is:

A measure of a person's mastery of the surrounding objective and spiritual world;

The totality of means, methods, regulators of human activity;

Value, quality characteristics of the individual and society;

Method of historical being-activity.

The components of culture are: material and spiritual; internal and external; national and universal. Culture has an integral quality of individual and social life. It is the stimulus and result of the progressive development of society and the individual. The antipodes of culture are lack of culture, lack of spirituality, ignorance, immorality, savagery and degeneration of man.

Thus, culture (lat. cultura - cultivation, processing) is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created and being created by mankind in the process of socio-historical practice. As follows from the definition, it has two components: material (material values ​​created in the production process, etc.) and spiritual (philosophy, morality, science, art, literature, etc.).

In the Russian Federation, cultural activity is an inalienable right of every citizen, regardless of national and social origin, language, gender, political, religious and other beliefs, place of residence, property status, education, profession or other circumstances. The following priorities must be maintained:

Human rights in the field of cultural activity are priority in relation to the rights in this area of ​​the state and any of its structures, public and national movements, political parties, ethnic communities, ethno-confessional groups and religious organizations, professional and other associations;

Every person has the right to all kinds of creative activity in accordance with his interests and abilities;

The right of a person to engage in creative activities can be exercised both on a professional and non-professional (amateur) basis;

Professional and non-professional creative worker are equal in the field of copyright and related rights, intellectual property rights, protection of the secrets of craftsmanship, freedom to dispose of the results of their work, state support;

Every person has the right to a free choice of moral, aesthetic and other values, to the protection of his cultural identity by the state;

Everyone has the right to familiarize with cultural values, to have access to state libraries, museums, archival funds, and other collections in all areas of cultural activity. Restrictions on the availability of cultural property for reasons of secrecy or a special regime of use are established by Russian law;

Persons under the age of eighteen are guaranteed the right to visit museums free of charge once a month. The procedure for free visits to museums is established by the Government of the Federation;

Every person without age limit has the right to humanitarian and artistic education, to choose its forms and methods in accordance with Russian legislation on education;

Every person has the right to property in the field of culture. The right of ownership extends to objects of historical and cultural significance, collections and collections, buildings and structures, organizations, institutions, enterprises and other objects;

The procedure for acquiring, the conditions of possession, use and disposal of property in the field of culture is regulated by Russian law;

Citizens have the right to create organizations, institutions and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as organizations) for the production, reproduction and dissemination of cultural values, benefits, mediation in the field of cultural activities in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Citizens have the right to create associations, creative unions, guilds or other cultural associations in the manner determined by the legislation on public associations;

Citizens have the right to export abroad for the purpose of exhibiting, other forms of public presentation, as well as for the purpose of selling the results of their creative activity in the manner determined by the legislation of Russia;

Citizens of Russia have the right to carry out cultural activities in foreign countries, to create cultural organizations on the territory of other states, if the latter does not contradict the legislation of these states;

Foreign citizens and stateless persons have equal rights with Russian citizens in the field of cultural activities. Special conditions for the cultural activities of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation are established only by federal laws.

The Russian Federation guarantees the right of all ethnic communities that live compactly outside their national-state formations or do not have their own statehood to cultural and national autonomy. Cultural-national autonomy means the right of these ethnic communities to freely exercise their cultural identity through the creation, on the basis of the will of the population or on the initiative of individual citizens, of national cultural centers, national societies and compatriots.

National cultural centers, national societies and communities have the right to:

Develop and submit proposals on the preservation and development of national culture to the relevant state authorities and administrations;

Hold festivals, exhibitions and other similar events;

To promote the organization of national local history, the protection of national historical and cultural monuments, the creation of ethnographic and other museums;

Create national clubs, studios and art groups, organize libraries, circles and studios for the study of the national language, all-Russian, regional and other associations.

National cultural centers, national societies and communities, as well as all-Russian and other territorial associations of these centers, societies and communities enjoy the rights of legal entities and are registered in accordance with their status. The realization by some ethnic communities of the right to cultural and national autonomy should not be detrimental to other national communities.

The state is responsible to citizens for providing conditions for the general accessibility of cultural activities, cultural values ​​and benefits. In order to ensure the general accessibility of cultural activities, cultural values ​​and benefits for all citizens, bodies of state power and administration, bodies of local self-government, in accordance with their competence, are obliged to:

Encourage the activities of citizens to introduce children to creativity and cultural development, engage in self-education, amateur art, crafts;

Create conditions for universal aesthetic education and mass primary art education, primarily through the humanization of the entire education system, support and development of a network of special institutions and organizations - art schools, studios, courses, amateur art (amateur art), as well as maintaining free for the population of the basic services of public libraries;

To promote the development of charity, patronage and sponsorship in the field of culture;

To carry out its protectionism (patronage) in the field of culture in relation to the least economically and socially protected strata and groups of the population;

To publish annual data on the socio-cultural situation for the information of the population.

Analyzing the above provisions, we can say that the regional cultural policy is a set of principles, norms that guide the state authorities and administrations of the region in their activities to preserve, develop and disseminate culture created in the region, the Russian Federation and the whole world, as well as the activity itself these bodies in the field of culture.

The representative, executive and judicial authorities in the region act as the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of all subjects of cultural activities, protect these rights and freedoms through legislative and other regulatory activities, the development and implementation of the state policy of cultural development, and the suppression of encroachments on rights and freedoms in the field of culture. Bodies of state power and administration, local self-government bodies do not interfere in the creative activities of citizens and their associations, state and non-state cultural organizations, except in cases where such activities lead to propaganda of war, violence and cruelty, racial, national, religious, class and other exclusivity or intolerance, pornography.

Actions that prevent the emergence of new subjects of cultural activity on the grounds of inappropriateness are qualified as the exercise of a monopoly and are subject to the antimonopoly legislation of the Federation. In order to combat monopoly in the production and dissemination of cultural property, these bodies are obliged to promote the creation of alternative cultural organizations, enterprises, associations, creative unions, guilds and other cultural associations.

Bodies of state power and administration should exercise their protectionism (patronage) in relation to young talents, creative youth, debutants, beginning creative teams, without encroaching on their creative independence. The content, forms and methods of such protectionism (patronage) are determined by regional state programs for the preservation and development of culture.

The powers of state authorities of the regions in the field of culture include:

Protection and preservation of cultural heritage sites of regional importance;

Organization of library services for the population by libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Creation and support of state museums;

Organization and support of cultural and art institutions;

Support for folk art crafts;

Support for regional and local national-cultural autonomies, support for the study of national languages ​​and other ethno-cultural subjects in educational institutions.

The powers of local self-government bodies in the field of culture include:

Organization of library services for the population, acquisition of library collections of libraries;

Creation of conditions for organizing leisure activities and providing residents with the services of cultural organizations;

Preservation, use and promotion of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) owned by a settlement or urban district, protection of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of local (municipal) significance located on their territory;

Creation of conditions for the development of local traditional folk art, participation in the preservation, revival and development of folk art crafts;

Providing conditions for the development of physical culture and mass sports, organizing official sports and recreational and sports events;

Formation of archival funds.

Local governments have the right to establish museums.

The cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, including cultural values ​​stored in the funds of state and municipal museums, archives and libraries, art galleries, in the assortment rooms of enterprises in the art industry and traditional folk crafts, including the premises and buildings where they are located, are not subject to privatization. Privatization of other cultural objects is allowed in the manner established by the legislation of the Federation, provided:

Preservation of cultural activities as the main activity;

Preservation of specialized services;

Organizations serving privileged categories of the population;

Ensuring the existing number of jobs and social guarantees for employees (for up to one year).

The policy and priorities of international cultural exchanges are determined by federal state programs, agreements of the Federation and regions with other states. Among the priority areas of international cultural exchanges of the Federation are: joint production of cultural values, benefits; restoration of unique monuments of history and culture; training and probation of cultural workers; creation and implementation of new technologies, technical means, equipment for cultural activities; exchange of methods, curricula and manuals.

Branches and other structures of international cultural funds and organizations can be freely created on the territory of the region. Any legal entity and individual has the right to join international cultural organizations in accordance with the procedure determined by their charters. Cultural organizations of the region have the right to involve foreign members in their ranks, as well as to independently manage targeted revenues from foreign states, international organizations and individuals.

The strongest influence on culture is exerted by the change in socio-economic formations, such as, for example, the change from socialist to market. In this case, the ongoing cultural revolution removes alienated forms of activity in the field of culture.

At the same time, the spiritual component of the regional culture, despite its dependence on material conditions, does not change dynamically and consistently after them, but is characterized by the continuity of development, the mutual influence of cultures of different ethnic groups. The inheritance of culture is a complex process of critical perception, creative assimilation and implementation of the cultural values ​​of the past in social and civil practice.

2. For the Kaliningrad region, this is not only the influence of the cultures of the peoples whose representatives inhabit it and inhabited it in the present and past, but also the influence of the cultures of the surrounding ethnic groups inhabiting the territories of foreign states. It should be noted that the regional culture already has quite definite features. Living surrounded by other ethnic groups that have a longer period of time and experience of staying in Europe, and, therefore, better adapted to the conditions of modern European living, the population of the Kaliningrad region assimilates with these ethnic groups, assimilates elements of their culture, begins to realize that they belong to a new global European ethnic group. community. It should be noted that this assimilation is natural and not of a violent nature.

“The inhabitants of the region are the descendants of immigrants who brought with them the culture of completely different regions of the former USSR, their different dialects and accents. As a result of this synthesis, an almost average Russian language appeared without any features. I would like to add that the absence of these features is precisely the feature of the language of the native Kaliningraders. The culture, which Kaliningraders are the bearers of, also becomes the fruit of the synthesis of various cultures: the regions of the former USSR, the countries surrounding the region and, of course, such an indispensable historical component as the culture created earlier on Prussian soil, the connection with which is objectively carried out constantly through the landscape, views of nature , surrounding each inhabitant of the region, preserved monuments of culture, architecture and other, requiring a very specific perception of them by man.

It should be added that earlier similar conditions for the development of the culture of the German ethnic community of the Prussians allowed the appearance on this earth of a kind of East Prussian: theater, literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, music. Suffice it to name: such prominent representatives of the then regional society as the conductor F. Weingartner - one of the founders of the school of conducting art in Europe, composers: A.K. : K. Kollwitz, L. Corinth, K. Steffek and many others. Thus, the cultural policy of the Kaliningrad region is formed not only under the influence of the cultures of the surrounding peoples and on the basis of Russian spirituality, but an important component of it is also the existing historical cultural potential of the region associated with its European history.

Unfortunately, many historical and cultural monuments of the region, often of world importance, were taken to the Russian metropolis, from where they have not been returned to the region until now. Now there is a lot of talk about the values ​​"displaced" during the war years. Basically, these are masterpieces of culture that came to the USSR (from Germany) and to Germany (from the USSR) during the Second World War.

But, as noted by the well-known historian and local historian A. Ovsyanov, another category of displaced valuables, the Koenigsberg ones, has been forgotten, and among them are such monuments of East Prussian culture as: a bronze sculpture of a horse from Trakenen (now the village of Yasnaya Polyana in the Kaliningrad region), which now, for a reason incomprehensible to Kaliningraders, it adorns the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in Moscow, 139 drawings by old masters from the collections of the Königsberg Academy of Arts, which are now in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, and many, many others.

Until now, it has not been taken into account that this is the property, first of all, of the land of North Prussia, on which the Kaliningrad region is located, and of the people inhabiting it now, that this cultural heritage is an indispensable factor that can help the people of the Kaliningrad region understand the features of the land of their residence, create new masterpieces of the culture of their place of development, which becomes an element of Russian and European.

At the same time, despite the many examples of Soviet barbarism, a significant number of monuments of East Prussian culture still remain in the region, a number of them are now being restored. In Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg), these are the Cathedral on Kant Island (Kneiphof Island), founded in 1333, the building of the trade and financial exchange with sculptures by Hudrieser, the church in memory of Queen Louise, the Juditten church, the church of the Holy Family, villas in the historical districts of Amalienau ( Kutuzova Street - Pobeda Avenue) and Maraunenhof (Upper Lake), built according to the designs of the architect Heitman; the city gates of the old Koenigsberg: Royal, Rossgarten, Sackheim, Brandenburg, Friedlansky, gates of the Friedrichsburg citadel; sculptures by S. Cauer, Gaul, Rauch and much more.

We must not forget that in Kaliningrad a unique architectural structure has survived, comparable in scale to the lost Royal Castle - this is the Kronprinz fortress. If it is not restored, but continues to be used for utility rooms and warehouses, it will be lost at the present time.

In the city of Guryevsk (Neuhaus) there is a ducal castle. In the city of Gusev (Gumbinnen) - Salzburg church, Gumbinensky elk (1911). In the vicinity of the city of Ladushkina (Ludwigsort) there is the oldest order castle Balga (1310), the 900-year-old Great Oak of the Prussians with a diameter of about 2 m, a hundred-year-old beech grove. In the cities of Neman (Ragnit) and Poleska (Labiau) there are the largest order castles. In the city of Sovetsk (Tilsit) - the bridge of the Prussian Queen Louise, the Jakobsruhe arboretum. In the city of Chernyakhovsk (Insterburg) there are ancient churches and a market square, a monument to Barclay de Tolly, the hero of the war of 1812, and much more.

At the same time, Russian legislation states that antiquities, works of fine and decorative art, buildings, manuscripts, collections, rare printed publications, other items and documents that are in the personal property of citizens and represent significant historical, scientific, artistic or other cultural value, are recognized as monuments of history and culture and are subject to state registration in order to most fully identify monuments and assist in ensuring their safety. Restoration, conservation and repair of historical and cultural monuments are carried out only with the knowledge of the state authorities for the protection of monuments and under their control.

Projects for the restoration, conservation and repair of these monuments are subject to agreement with the state bodies for their protection and are approved in the prescribed manner. Restoration, conservation and repair of such monuments are carried out by special scientific - restoration, construction, repair and repair - construction organizations under the supervision of specialists - restorers.

Within the zones of protection of historical and cultural monuments of republican and local significance, work and economic activity are prohibited without the permission of the Ministry of Culture. Projects for the planning, development and reconstruction of cities and other settlements that have monuments of history, archeology, urban planning and architecture, monumental art, are subject to approval by the Ministry of Culture and the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. Construction, reclamation, road and other works that may pose a threat to the existence of these monuments are carried out only in agreement with the state bodies for their protection and after the implementation of measures to ensure their safety. Enterprises, institutions and organizations, in the event that archaeological and other objects of historical, scientific, artistic or other cultural value are discovered in the course of work, are obliged to inform the state body for the protection of monuments and suspend further work.

As can be seen from the state of such monuments located on the territory of the region, the provisions of the law are often not enforced. Therefore, it is necessary to create a regional system for monitoring the state and use of historical and cultural monuments, museum, library, archival funds and film stock. Creation of a complete register of protected historical monuments of Northern Prussia, preserved in the region, development and adoption of a program for their restoration and restoration, a financial and economic mechanism aimed at the consistent implementation of program-targeted, contract and investment methods of financing institutions and workers in the cultural sector, the creation of favorable conditions for attracting funds from extrabudgetary sources.

Regional cultural policy has the goal of creating a single cultural space that can meet the interests and needs of a person - a resident of the region in all areas of his activity. Culture in this case acts as a substance that determines the level of human development, forms the motives of the individual's behavior and his attitude to the environment, history. A single cultural space is formed as a result of influence in the following areas: education, science, art, national and religious relations, health care, physical culture and sports.

The Kaliningrad region, having found itself in a territorially "torn off" position from the Russian metropolis, located on a purely European territory, the history of which is, first of all, a part of the history of Europe, received changed directions and opportunities for its further spiritual continuation. All this requires deep reflection in order to create a new philosophy for the development of this land.

It must be remembered that the region is located on the ancient land of ethnic Prussia (more precisely, in its northern part, since the southern part is located on the territory of the Republic of Poland). Therefore, with good reason, the Kaliningrad region can be called Russian or Northern Prussia. Based on this, it is necessary to remember that earlier, in the German period of the history of the region, there was (and quite viable) its own philosophy of the development of this land. Having a basis of regional interests, it, nevertheless, was largely based on ties with the metropolis. Moreover, East Prussia made a great and independent contribution to the development of the spirituality and statehood of Germany. The same mission can be prepared for the Kaliningrad region in its relations with the Russian metropolis.

Regional philosophy, like any philosophy, is organically linked with the social revolution. Based now on protest and rejection of the old, it carries the seeds of a new moral development of the regional society and its members. At the same time, a truly significant philosophy of regional life cannot become effective on the mere censure and rejection of the values ​​​​created earlier, both of the German and Soviet periods in the history of North Prussia. Therefore, forgetting about this, we ourselves are depriving ourselves of the opportunities that they can and should give to the development of the region.

By social revolution it is customary to understand the transition from an obsolete socio-economic formation to a more progressive one, accompanied by a radical change in the social, political and economic structure of society. First of all, this is not a violent "overthrow", as is interpreted in the Leninist doctrine of the socialist revolution, but purposeful activity - the fruit of the collective work of philosophers, sociologists, lawyers, historians, politicians of the region, united in political parties, public organizations, trade unions. But any such joint activity requires the development of a “philosophy of a regional revolution”, the identification of the patterns of development of today's reality and the definition of a model of the future that is understandable to everyone and approved by everyone, without which no radical transformation of the life of a regional society is possible.

Thus, the Kaliningrad region will not be able to effectively use the fruits of European economic progress if it does not become a balanced, harmonious state entity, whose life is not based on destructive conflicts, but on the consolidation of the whole society, spirituality, calling for mutual assistance and tolerance. A great contribution to the creation of such spirituality can (and should) be given by religion, and, above all, by Christianity, which prevails over all others in Europe and its integral part - the Kaliningrad region.

At present, it is no longer possible to imagine the Kaliningrad regional society without taking into account religious consciousness, religious cults and religious organizations. This is all the more important because the religious worldview that is being formed today includes not only cult aspects, but also ethical, cultural, and philosophical ideas. The reason for this is that with the advent of democratic principles in society and the rejection of the usual “socialist” and spiritual stereotypes common to all, it has become an urgent need for each person to acquire their own “I”, social and worldview certainty.

It must be borne in mind that Orthodox Christianity in the Kaliningrad region was preceded by mass atheism, which could not fill the spiritual void in the souls of people that arose after the "victory" of the ideology of materialism. Important is the active participation of Christianity in the modern regional socio-political process, which is manifested in the actions carried out by this denomination. There is an urgent need to take an objective and comprehensive look at the role of religion (Christianity in the first place) in modern regional society. The daily reality in the region is the growth in the number of believers, the construction of new temples and places of worship. The largest Orthodox church in the Baltics, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, was built in Kaliningrad.

Orthodoxy is the most widespread in the Kaliningrad region. It appeared in 1054 (XI century) as a result of the split of Christianity into two currents: Catholicism (Western Church) and Orthodoxy (Eastern Church).

It should be said that Catholicism (from the Greek "universal, main") is the most common Christian movement in Western Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Austria, Poland, part of Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, part of Yugoslavia and others country). There are about 200 million Catholics in Europe.

In the 16th century, Protestantism separated from Catholicism, which did not recognize the authority of the Pope. Its main currents were: Lutheranism, Anglicanism and Calvinism. If Anglicanism retained many features of Catholicism, then Calvinism took the most radical positions among the Protestant movements. From Anglicanism, in turn, broke away Methodism with the Salvation Army sect; from Calvinism - Baptism, from which Pentecostals and Seventh-day Adventists emerged; Jehovah's Witnesses spun off from the Adventists.

In addition to Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism, it is also necessary to single out Monophysitism (formed in the 5th century), which is close to Orthodoxy in ritual. Monophysites are the majority of believing Armenians (there are about one percent of the population in the region). Its main difference from other Christian movements is that the Monophysites consider Jesus Christ not a god-man, but a god. Given the commonality of religion and the need to have enough strength in the face of an alien religion, some Orthodox churches have united with the Catholic ones, recognizing the primacy of the Pope (Uniate or Greek Catholic churches).

The second largest religion in the world after Christianity is Islam, it is practiced in the region by more than 10 thousand people. Of these, the vast majority are Sunnis (orthodox Muslims). Muslims - Shiites - are mainly people of Azerbaijani nationality.

Believing Jews profess Judaism. A certain number of inhabitants (only about 40 people of Slavic nationality) are followers of unorthodox Buddhism.

Orthodoxy, as a rule, is practiced by Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Georgians, Udmurts, Maris, Chuvashs, Bulgarians, Gypsies living in the Kaliningrad region. Together, they make up the absolute majority of the region's residents (more than 95%). Catholicism - Poles, Lithuanians, part of the Germans. Protestantism (evangelism) is most common among Latvians, Estonians and some Germans. Just as before, in other countries the process of formation of Orthodoxy in the Kaliningrad region takes place in the environment of other religions.

As you know, the unity of religion, which is practiced by members of society living in the same territory, helps to form a new ethnic community. Being a form of social consciousness, religion unites (consolidates) believers, helps to create a common worldview for them, which has features that distinguish them from other human communities.

It seems that we can agree with E. Stenkevich that the unification of Christian movements existing in the Kaliningrad regional society (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant (Evangelical) and others) can be helped by their general consolidation around the image of the Slavic saint Wojciech Adalbert - the patron of the Prussian land. In favor of this saint is also the fact that the cult of St. Wojciech Adalbert in Sambia (the Prussian name for the territory where the main part of the Kaliningrad region is located) is very old, with many local traditions. It has always been unanimously supported by the regional society of the Sambian (now Kaliningrad) land. The personality of St. Wojciech Adalbert helps not only to unite the Christians of the Kaliningrad region, which consolidates them in the face of the difficulties of enclave existence, but also allows them to establish favorable ties with Christian communities and politicians of neighboring states: Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Sweden, the Czech Republic and others.

It should be remembered that the Soviet period in the life of Kaliningrad society was a period of forced atheism. Only on April 23, 1985, a meeting of the Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR took place in Moscow, at which the issue of creating an Orthodox community in Kaliningrad was considered.

At the same time, atheism throughout the world is usually perceived as an indispensable component of world culture. This is despite the fact that the representatives of Soviet "scientific" atheism forgot the constant need for any science to obtain new and previously unknown knowledge, independent of ideological dogmas. The origins of atheism are still in ancient Greece, among its representatives are philosophers: Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius. Among the critics of religion as a form of human worldview were such outstanding personalities as: Spinoza, Freud, Nietzsche, Camus, Sartre and others. Significant achievements of atheism in the culture of mankind are characterized by the Renaissance and Reformation, France of the eighteenth century. For any human society, the issue of morality (Latin mores - mores) is important - a form of social consciousness, a social institution that performs the function of regulating people's behavior in all areas of public life without exception.

In this regard, it seems relevant to consider the relationship between religious and socialist morality, which, as follows from the existing experience, is relativistic (practically conditional, relative) in nature. The Soviet oligarchic society, based on ideological monotony, turned people into “cogs” in the mechanism of power, which destroyed the very specifics of moral consciousness. The authorities rejected independent people with high moral qualities and self-esteem.

But, stating such an implementation of the principles of socialist morality, one should also remember the danger of depriving a person of free will in making decisions in the event of his complete submission to "God's will." In this case, the situation repeats itself, only the place of party leaders can be taken by others, already supported by religious institutions.

A native of the land on which the Kaliningrad region is located, the great Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant spoke about this. He asserted autonomy, independence of morality from religion. Without rejecting religion, he explained it as a postulate of "practical" reason. That is, the presence in society of ideas about religion is not yet an indisputable proof of the existence of God.

The strengthening of information links between people, their dependence on each other and the need for mutual understanding between them also led to people's interest in the uniformity of norms and criteria by which they can evaluate their actions. The goals facing the Kaliningrad regional society today involve the unification of the efforts of all its members to create conditions for survival in the European space, therefore it is very important for the church to recognize, as E. Renan noted, that above personal inspiration there should be an average opinion, assimilated by the general consciousness.

In addition, it should be noted that in the future, regional philosophy cannot and should not focus only on national Russian traditions. It must absorb the modern values ​​available to it and, above all, the products of the most advanced Western European civilization that surrounds the region.

It is obvious that the Kaliningrad society needs an integral philosophical outlook. Its essence is to address the modern world, the formation of a new philosophical outlook as a guide to understanding social activities in order to form a regional civil society that changes the world around and brings prosperity and tranquility to it for all residents of the region. It must be remembered that if philosophy has nothing to do with everyday human life, it is empty sophistry.

Science is an important direction in the spiritual revival of the region. Science is a sphere of research activity aimed at the production of new knowledge about nature, society and thinking, and includes all the conditions and moments of this production: scientists with their knowledge and abilities, with the division and cooperation of scientific labor; scientific institutions, experimental and laboratory equipment; methods of research work, the conceptual and categorical apparatus, the system of scientific information, as well as the entire amount of available knowledge, acting as either a prerequisite, or a means, or the results of scientific production. At the same time, creative activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge and searching for areas of their practical application has not yet been activated in the region. The number of organizations performing research and development in 2001 compared with 1995 decreased by 20%, in total there were 21 organizations, and in 2005 there were 16 of them. 2001 decreased by 26%, only 2533 people, and in 2005 it has 2086 people, among which researchers and technicians make up less than half - 45.4%. The number of employees with scientific degrees is not increasing. Now only 14 doctors and 108 candidates of sciences work in these organizations.

The number of scientific and technical departments at industrial enterprises has especially decreased, the number of which has decreased by more than half. As a result, the volume of shipped products produced in the region on the basis of technological innovations has also been constantly decreasing since 1990. And this is in conditions when, since 1996, the Federal Law “On the Special Economic Zone on the Territory of the Kaliningrad Region” has been in force in the region.

Thus, science in the Kaliningrad region is in a state of decline, although its potential has still been significant since Soviet times. The demand for science can determine the future of the region.

A literal reflection of the spirituality of society is the state of public education. Education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and education in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state. Education is understood as the achievement and confirmation by the student of a certain educational qualification, which is certified by the appropriate document.

It is recognized that the content of education is one of the factors of the economic and social progress of society and should be focused on ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization, developing society, strengthening and improving the rule of law. The content of education should provide:

Adequate to the world level of the general and professional culture of the society;

Formation of a student's picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of education);

Integration of personality into national and world culture;

Formation of a person and a citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;

Reproduction and development of the personnel potential of the society.

Vocational education at any level should ensure that students receive a profession and appropriate qualifications.

Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood. For the upbringing of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family. Relations between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) are governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law. Local self-government bodies organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising preschool children at home.

The right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. Education in Russia is carried out in accordance with federal legislation and international law. Citizens of Russia are guaranteed the opportunity to receive education regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public organizations (associations), age, state of health, social, property and official status, criminal record. Restrictions on the rights to vocational education based on gender, age, state of health, and a criminal record can only be established by law.

The Russian Federation provides its citizens with the right to education by creating an appropriate system and appropriate socio-economic conditions for its receipt, it guarantees the general availability and free of charge of pre-school, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education, as well as on competitive on the basis of free secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate professional education in state and municipal educational institutions within the limits of state educational standards, if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

Regional state policy in the field of education should be based on the following principles:

1) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual. Education of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

2) the unity of the Russian cultural and educational space. Protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state;

3) general accessibility of education, the adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils;

4) the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions;

5) freedom and pluralism in education;

6) democratic, state-public nature of education management. Autonomy of educational institutions.

The regions in the field of education are responsible for:

Definition and implementation of education policy;

Legislation of the regions in the field of education;

Establishing the procedure for the creation, reorganization, liquidation and financing of educational institutions in the region in accordance with federal law;

Development and implementation of republican, regional programs for the development of education, including international ones, taking into account national and regional socio-economic, environmental, cultural, demographic and other characteristics;

Formation of state educational authorities and management of them;

Ensuring state guarantees of the rights of citizens to receive public and free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, as well as additional education in general educational institutions through the allocation of subventions to local budgets in the amount necessary for the implementation of basic general education programs in terms of financing the cost of paying labor of employees of educational institutions, expenses for teaching aids, technical teaching aids, consumables and household needs;

Creation, reorganization and liquidation of educational institutions in the region, licensing of educational institutions, with the exception of licensing for the right to conduct educational activities under programs of higher professional and postgraduate professional education;

Establishment of regional (national-regional) components of state educational standards;

Formation of regional budgets in terms of spending on education;

Establishment of standards for financing education in the regions;

Establishment for educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the region, additional to federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of building codes and regulations, sanitary standards, health protection of students, pupils, equipment of the educational process and equipment of educational premises;

Information support of educational institutions, organization of the publication of educational literature, development of basic curricula and exemplary programs of courses, disciplines;

Organization of training, retraining, advanced training of teaching staff;

Ensuring compliance with federal legislation in the field of education and monitoring the implementation of state educational standards;

Publication of normative documents within its competence.

The powers of local self-government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts in the field of education include:

Organization of the provision of public and free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education in basic general education programs, with the exception of the powers to financially support the educational process, which are attributed to the powers of state authorities of the regions;

Organization of the provision of additional education to children and public free preschool education in the territory of the municipal district;

Creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal educational institutions;

Ensuring the maintenance of buildings and structures of municipal educational institutions, the arrangement of territories adjacent to them;

Accounting for children subject to compulsory education in educational institutions implementing educational programs of basic general education;

Guardianship and guardianship.

Russia's international cooperation in the field of education is carried out in accordance with federal legislation and international treaties. If an international treaty of the Federation establishes rules other than those stipulated by federal legislation, the rules of the international treaty shall apply. Educational authorities, educational institutions have the right to establish direct links with foreign enterprises, institutions and organizations. Education, training and advanced training of foreign citizens in educational institutions of Russia, as well as Russian citizens in foreign educational institutions, are carried out under direct contracts concluded by educational institutions, associations, educational authorities, other legal entities, as well as individuals in accordance with international treaties.

In the Kaliningrad region, according to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kaliningrad region, at the beginning of the 2005-2006 academic year, there were 283 general education schools, including 9 gymnasiums (7.8 thousand students), 11 lyceums (9.8 thousand), 5 schools with in-depth study of subjects (2.6 thousand), 6 boarding schools. In total, 93.3 thousand children study in them. There are 15 evening schools (4.2 thousand), where you can get a general education on the job. In 2005, 22.1 thousand people graduated from a general education school, of which 43.4% received a complete secondary education and 56.6% an incomplete secondary education.

3 technical schools and 8 colleges are teaching under the programs of secondary vocational education. All of them are state-owned. At the beginning of the 2005-2006 academic year, 12.8 thousand students studied in them, of which 5.2 thousand were fully reimbursed. people (40.8% of the total). 708 full-time teachers teach at technical schools and colleges, of which 10 have a PhD degree.

The state system of higher education and training is represented by 4 state and 6 non-state universities. There are 40.1 thousand students and listeners studying in them (in state universities - 28.6 thousand, in non-state - 11.6 thousand). In 2006, 5.8 thousand specialists graduated. In 2005 Kaliningrad State University was renamed into Immanuel Kant Russian State University.

State universities are increasingly subject to commercialization. At the beginning of the 2005-2006 academic year, 12.4 thousand people studied on the terms of full payment for tuition by the students themselves. (43\% of the number of students, against 42\% in the last academic year). As a result, the competition for admission to full-time departments of state universities in 2005 amounted to 3 people. against 4 people in place in 2004. The number of students in non-state universities increased by 2.6 times this year.

The total number of teachers was 1597 people, of which 140 have the degree of Doctor of Science, 765 Candidate of Science. More than half (62.4%) of professors are over 60 years of age.

The number of mass libraries with universal book stocks has decreased, although the number of theaters (not counting amateur and private theaters) has remained at the same level (three theatres), but the number of visits to them is increasing. The number of museums is small, only 12, but in 2004 there were 10 of them. The old Koenigsberg Zoo in Kaliningrad is becoming increasingly popular. The number of his visits amounted to 208.7 thousand (for the year +7.2 thousand people). The number of institutions of cultural and leisure type is decreasing, there are 273 of them in the region now (it decreased by 2 in a year).

Thus, we can say that the cultural life of the region, for the most part, is concentrated precisely in educational institutions. Therefore, at present, the role and activity of educational, primarily higher educational institutions in the region has increased significantly.

Difficult situation with pre-school institutions and schools, especially in rural areas. This is due to a decrease in their number, poor provision of teaching staff and material and technical equipment.

In connection with the reduction of the network of preschool institutions in the region, it is difficult to early identify children with developmental disabilities in order to carry out timely correction and rehabilitation. It is obvious that only the implementation of a set of measures for 100% coverage of children with preschool education institutions will solve the problem of early correction of delays in the mental development of children and prepare them for school.

There were 163 rural schools in the region, or 58% of the total number of educational institutions (in Russia as a whole - 69%). From many rural settlements, the Government of the region and local authorities organized the delivery of children by special vehicles, school and regular buses, buses of rural administrations.

Of the total number of rural schools, 62% are small, teaching up to 150 people at a time (a similar average Russian figure is 70%). In rural areas of the region, the issue of the needs of children and their parents in educational institutions of an increased educational level, specialized classes and their profiles was practically not studied. Of the institutions of higher educational level that are available in the region, in rural areas there is only one - the lyceum of the village of Vasilkovo, Guryevsky district, which is located practically within the city of Kaliningrad.

A significant problem of the system of general education in rural areas of the region is the reduction in the number of students due to the fall in the birth rate, which is not fully compensated by the migration influx of the population. In this regard, in 2004 - 2005 there was a decrease (by approximately 16 - 20%) of the workload of teachers working in grades 5 - 9. The negative consequences of the predicted phenomena should be compensated by the optimization of the network of schools in rural areas and the possibility for teachers to receive a second specialty in the process of retraining.

In the Kaliningrad region, as well as throughout the Russian Federation, additional education for children is developing in five main areas: artistic and aesthetic, ecological and biological, tourist and local history, technical, physical culture and sports. But due to the departmental disunity of issues of education, culture, health care, and sports, the coverage of leisure activities for schoolchildren in rural areas is more than one and a half times less than their urban peers.

This state of affairs creates significant difficulties for the development of the secondary education system along the path of integrating general educational institutions and institutions of additional education for children into a single educational space of the region, where each institution is unique in its content, methods and methods of activity. Obviously, the education system must fully ensure the realization of the rights of citizens to receive free high-quality secondary education.

In accordance with the federal concept for the development of education in Russia, the main result of the activities of educational institutions should not be a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in itself, but a set of key competencies declared by state authorities and municipalities in the intellectual, socio-political, communication, information and other fields . Considering the implementation of this provision of the concept in the conditions of the Kaliningrad region, it can be noted that this, first of all, requires knowledge of European languages, possession of specialties, knowledge and skills that are in demand in the single European market.

One of the most important tasks of the regional cultural policy in the field of education at present is the adaptation of general secondary education to the changed socio-economic conditions in terms of the content of education, changes in the internal structure of the school, in its organizational and economic mechanism, in management. For this it is necessary: ​​to increase the budget financing of educational institutions; creating conditions for attracting funds from extrabudgetary sources to the education sector; ensuring co-financing on a competitive basis of investment projects in the field of education carried out by educational institutions; creation of a transparent system of financing general education based on regional and local standards for its financial support; development and adoption of regulatory legal acts establishing the possibility of financing at the expense of enterprises, organizations, parents, other extrabudgetary sources of teaching additional subjects and providing additional educational days to the school that are not included in the financial support standards; formation of an independent system of certification and quality control of education.

An integral and very important part of the regional culture is physical culture and sports. It inspires hope that the list of sports that are being developed in the Kaliningrad region is constantly increasing. Even in rural areas, 41 sports out of 56 developing in the region are represented. The most massive are basketball, football, volleyball, athletics.

Recently, physical culture and sports have received recognition in the authorities and administration of the region. Decisions were made to create standard universal sports grounds in each district and city, the first of them have already been built. Work has begun on the creation of large sports complexes and the elimination of unfinished buildings. This is especially important for the village, where there is a significant lack of sports facilities.

It is obvious that sports are of great importance in maintaining and strengthening the health of children, shaping their healthy lifestyle. This helps to fight not only the morbidity of the younger generation of residents of the region, but also such bad habits and hobbies as drug addiction, substance abuse, vagrancy, child neglect and others, and allows developing positive character traits and will in adolescents.

The problem of developing a sports base in the countryside is of a strategic nature, because almost a third of rural schools do not have sports halls, and premises poorly adapted for these purposes are used for physical education. Due to the climatic conditions in the region, there is no opportunity to develop winter sports, from October to May, children are forced to do physical education indoors, lessons are often held in cramped conditions: 2-3 classes at a time in a small hall.

There are significantly more residents per one sports facility in the village, although their attendance is much lower than in the city. This is due to the low aesthetic appeal of rural sports grounds and halls, a meager set of proposed types of physical activity. In addition, in rural areas there are practically no swimming pools, specialized halls for martial arts, sports and technical clubs and athletics tracks with a coating, and the existing facilities do not meet the established standards, are not equipped with the minimum necessary amount of sports equipment and equipment.

The total number of children and adolescents regularly engaged in physical culture and sports in the system of institutions of additional education is small. The low throughput capacity of existing sports facilities keeps the rate of enrollment of schoolchildren in physical education classes in sports schools at a level below the Russian average. A significant number of sports halls in schools are in need of repair.

Based on what has been stated in the field of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to provide for the implementation of the following activities:

Organization and holding of mass competitions in team sports (summer sports games, physical culture and sports festival of the region's districts);

Reconstruction of existing and construction of new sports facilities in the Kaliningrad region with their effective spatial distribution.

The level and development of culture is largely reflected in the organization of leisure activities for residents of the region. Cultural objects that form it in the region are represented by cultural and leisure institutions and libraries. At the same time, as we noted above, their number is constantly decreasing, and the activities of the existing ones are practically not expanding. This is especially true for rural areas.

At the same time, it should be noted that the crisis state of cultural activity in the 1990s, caused by insufficient funding and the general economic downturn, which intensified most after the 1998 default, has recently begun to stabilize in the region, but so far at an extremely low level. New directions appear and develop, for example, work on the revival of forgotten folk traditions, holidays of the folk calendar has noticeably intensified. In cultural life, amateur art activities based on the local cultural tradition begin to occupy an important place, this is especially true for the village. The staff of cultural centers, leisure centers, libraries, where they have been preserved, actively participates in the organization, preparation and holding of village holidays, conducts local history work, organizes interest clubs, functionally performing the tasks of the leisure center.

The key problem of the cultural institutions of the village is the critical technical condition of the facilities, the extreme depreciation of fixed assets. Due to dilapidation and wear and tear of rural clubs, there is a significant decrease in seats. The material base of more than half of rural cultural institutions is in an extremely unsatisfactory state. Office equipment, telephones, computers are available in "a few" quantity. Chronic underfunding has led to the aging and, ultimately, the reduction of library stocks. The lack of telephones and computers deprives the rural population of free access to information and educational services.

For several years, cultural institutions have not been replenished with vehicles. Only in the last two or three years, musical instruments, stage equipment, light and sound amplifying equipment began to be purchased.

To overcome the situation and maintain the cultural life of the Kaliningrad region at the required level, funding is required, aimed primarily at bringing cultural institutions into proper condition and strengthening their material base.

Given the above, it should be noted that, in general, regional cultural policy should have the main goal - to ensure the unity of the regional society. Therefore, it should be based on the patriotism inherent in the people of the region, love for their land, their fatherland - the land of Sambia - the Russian Baltic States, cultural traditions, and common historical memory. People should be proud of their land, their region, their history and cultural monuments.

Test questions:

1. The concept of cultural policy and its goals.

2. Connection of regional philosophy with social revolution.

3. The role and significance of the Christian religion in the formation of a regional society.

4. Correlation between religious and socialist morality.

5. The essence of the modern integral philosophical outlook in the region.

Tasks facing the modern education system in the region.

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dissertations for a degree

doctor of economic sciences

Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economy)

Formation of cultural policy as a factor of regional development

Kopatskaya Svetlana Alekseevna

St. Petersburg 2009

The work was carried out at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance"

Scientific consultant - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Gordin Valeriy Ernstovich

Official opponents: Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor Magidovich Marina Leonidovna

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Klupt Mikhail Aleksandrovich

doctor of economic sciences, professor Limonov Leonid Eduardovich

Leading organization - Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Institute for Regional Economic Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

The defense will take place "____" __________ 2009 at ____ hours at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.237.07 at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance" at the address: 191023, St. Petersburg, st. Sadovaya, room ____

The dissertation can be found in the library of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance".

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council P.B. Mikhailov


The relevance of the topic of dissertation research. To improve the standard of living of the population, the state establishes and regularly refines the strategic priorities of social policy. Cultural policy aimed at preserving and increasing the cultural potential of Russia, strengthening the spiritual and moral values ​​of the population, is one of the most important components of social policy. In recent years, Russia has seen some shift in emphasis in the system of centralized management of cultural policy, resulting in a weakening of vertical ties, shifting the center of gravity for solving cultural policy problems from the federal to the regional level, transferring a number of cultural heritage objects from the federal level to the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, reducing amount of federal funding for the cultural sector. At the same time, the pronounced heterogeneity of the cultural, social and economic space of Russia, the exacerbation of such social problems as the decline in the living standards of the population, the deepening of property differentiation, and the decrease in the degree of accessibility of cultural goods require the state to purposefully coordinate relations between the federal, regional and municipal levels of government. culture, to stimulate the development of innovative approaches in management practice in the field of culture, to develop strategies and tactics for the economic, social and cultural development of the country's regions.

The current situation in the sphere of Russian culture requires innovative approaches to the management of cultural policy both at the level of the country as a whole and at the level of regions. Since the sphere of culture is subject to direct and indirect state regulation, the task of the state is to form a model of cultural policy adequate to the prevailing conditions, aimed at preserving the cultural heritage and expanding the production and consumption of cultural goods.

An important factor in the economic development of the territory is the use of culture as a "lever" for the activation of various types of activities in order to obtain a multiplicative effect. For Russia, this approach within the framework of the implementation of cultural policy is especially promising, since the regions of the country have the richest cultural potential. In the context of the study, it is especially significant to study the role and place of modern information technologies in the formation of the cultural and information space of the region and the country. The solution of such tasks of cultural policy as ensuring the availability of a wide range of cultural benefits for various social categories of the population and the preservation of local cultural authenticity in the context of global and mass cultures, in particular, is determined by how actively and purposefully one of the promising tools is used at different levels of culture management. cultural policy - Internet technologies. Such an approach to the problem is new in the methodological and methodological sense and deserves a thorough theoretical consideration.

This issue is currently being studied by scientists and practitioners both in our country and abroad, however, many problems associated with the study of the specific forms and methods of using cultural potential for the development of territories have not yet been fully resolved; the use of modern information technologies in cultural policy is not always systematic. In particular, there is no unity on issues related to the consideration of the mechanism of interaction between the federal, regional and municipal levels of culture management, cultural institutions, state, commercial and non-profit sectors and the population in the formation of an attractive image of the territory.

This is the reason for the choice of the topic of the dissertation research and the formulation of the problem of determining new approaches to the formation of cultural policy as a factor in regional development. In general, the relevance of the study is due to the need to improve the strategy of state management of regional cultural policy, as well as the need to improve the methods of managing cultural potential for the development of regions in order to stabilize the cultural, social and economic situation in the country.

The degree of knowledge of the problem. In order to determine the directions of cultural policy as a factor in the development of regions and an element of preserving the national cultural potential in the context of globalization, the dissertation examined scientific papers on the issues of regional economics, politics, cultural management in an innovative economy, considered conceptual approaches to determining models of cultural policy and methods its financing, the tendencies of the influence of globalization processes on regional cultural policy are analyzed, the theoretical aspects of the mutual influence of culture and information, the role and place of modern information technologies in cultural policy are studied.

In the process of work, for a more complete and comprehensive theoretical substantiation of the conclusions of the study, the works of Russian and foreign, in particular, French scientists, were used on the above problems. In domestic and foreign literature, the works of such authors as T.V. Abankina, F. Benhamou, Yu.A. Vedenin, V.I. Vidyapin, V.A. Gnevko, V.E. Gordin, A.G. Granberg, K. Greffe, G.V. Gutman, A.G. Druzhinin, R.N. Evstigneev, L.P. Evstigneeva, A.E. Karlik, A.A. Kiselnikov, V.V. Kistanov, V.V. Klimanov, M.A. Klupt, O.V. Kolomiichenko, N.V. Kopylov, F. Kotler, N.I. Larina, V.M. Lashov, L.E. Limonov, V.N. Leksin, V.P. Oreshin, A.I. Petrov, V.E. Rokhchin, F. Thruriot G.L. Tulchinsky, L.V. Smirnyagin, O.S. Pchelintsev, G.G. Fetisov, E.L. Faibusovich, V.M. Khodachek, A.N. Shvetsov, E.G. Yasin and others.

An analysis of the works devoted to the management of cultural policy in the conditions of regionalization led to the conclusion that some methodological and methodological foundations for studying the culture management system were insufficiently developed and that a number of fundamental positions needed to be clarified.

In modern scientific literature, the problems of using culture as a tool for the economic development of regions are quite actively discussed. A large number of studies are devoted to the peculiarities of the influence of globalization processes on the management of cultural services and cultural potential in order to preserve the cultural identification of territories. The works of such authors as E. Baron, L. Bensahel, M.B. Gnedovsky, M.-A. Geran (M.-A.Guerin), E.N. Kim, O. Kuznetsova, P.-A. Landel (P.-A. Landel), I.K. Larionov, P. Moulinier, B. Pecqueur, P. Poirrier, I.A. Rodionova, M.D. Sushchinskaya, M. Chesnel, J.R. Warnier (J.-P. Warnier) and many other researchers. A significant number of foreign and domestic publications devoted to these issues have been published recently. Among the authors whose scientific interest is concentrated mainly in the field of development of the branches of the social sphere of the region, one should name such as L.E. Vostryakov, V.E. Gordin, A.B. Dolgin, A.I. Dymnikova, N.M. Lebedeva, M.L. Magidovich, M. Pongy, R. Rizzardo, A.Ya. Rubinstein, V.V. Saveliev, G. and J.-P. Saez (G. Saez, G.-P. Saez), L.G. Sundstrom, A.N. Tatarko and a number of other researchers.

Ensuring the integrated cultural development of the region is closely intertwined with the problem of forming a single information cultural space of the country and using modern information technologies in cultural policy. Today, in the context of the simultaneous development of the processes of regionalization and globalization, Russian and foreign scientific publications are increasingly discussing the application of modern information technologies in the management of cultural organizations. Among the authors actively involved in these problems, one should name such researchers as A. Avenier, S. Balle (C. Ballé), D. Bowen, V.M. Grusman, D. Devine, A.V. Dremaylov, A.V. Lebedev, P. Lévy, Yu.P. Pischulin, D. Poulot, R. Welland and others.

At the same time, the problems studied by modern authors and ways to solve them require further generalization in order to systematize and develop a comprehensive concept of managing regional cultural policy in order to preserve the cultural potential of the country, form a single cultural and information space and ensure expanded production and consumption of cultural goods.

Despite the interest of researchers in the analysis of regional cultural policy in Russia, there are still practically no generalizing works that affect the methodological aspects of the formation of cultural policy, management of the use of cultural potential for the development of territories. In particular, the categories of regionalization of cultural policy and cultural potential, taking into account modern trends in the development of globalization and mass culture, the category of managing the cultural and information system of the region, including such a derivative as virtual cultural capital, require serious analysis and further reflection; categories of attractive cultural image and brand of territories as factors of regional development.

Developing the existing theoretical concepts and practical views of scientists and specialists in the field under study, the author believes that the development of a management concept for the formation of cultural policy as a component of regional development and the development of adequate mechanisms for regulating the processes of integrated preservation and use of cultural potential, ensuring the availability of a wide range of cultural benefits and the use of digital information technologies as a modern instrument of regional cultural policy is an independent research problem, the specificity of which confirms the importance of its socio-cultural and economic significance.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this study is to develop theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations for the development of the cultural sphere as one of the elements of the sectoral, territorial and economic structures of the region.

The put forward goal led to the formulation of the following tasks:

· determine the importance of culture in regional development, explore its role and place in the structure of the economic complex of the region; to identify economic links between the sphere of culture and other elements of the economic structure of the region;

· to analyze the place and role of cultural policy in the state regional policy, to identify the features of culture as an object of management, to clarify approaches to managing the sphere of cultural services as a component of cultural policy;

· identify and consider the features and priority areas for the development of national and regional cultural policy and the basic requirements for its development, as well as systematize the interrelated tasks of cultural policy at different levels of government;

· to reveal the possibilities of using the cultural potential in the development of the region's economy, based on the use of cultural potential as a factor in the cultural identification of territories, to propose a model for the formation of an attractive brand of the territory as part of the marketing concept for the development of the region;

· substantiate the possibility and expediency of increasing the competitiveness of the region through the use of its cultural potential for the formation of regional competitive advantages;

· offer theoretical foundations for developing a methodology for assessing the cultural potential of the region; determine the relationship between the cultural potential, information about it and the cultural image of the territory within the cultural information system;

· to study the peculiarities of the influence of globalization processes on the regional cultural policy; identify positive and negative factors of globalization influence on the cultural policy of the regions;

· trace and analyze the main stages in the development of the cultural policy management system in Russia, generalize the forms and methods of state regulation of cultural policy, propose a new approach to organizing the management of regional cultural policy based on the creation of a special management structure;

· to consider and systematize various types and models of cultural policy that exist in world practice, to highlight the characteristic features of the model of regional cultural policy that is being formed in Russia; in order to solve the problems of the strategic development of the region, justify the expansion of the model for creating endowment funds for small and medium-sized cultural institutions;

· explore the role and place of mass media and communication in the structure of the population's leisure and cultural policy; consider the social and cultural prerequisites for the formation and management features of the cultural and information system of the region;

· consider the features of the use of modern information technologies at the present stage of management of regional cultural policy;

· to propose characteristics for comparing the interactivity of museum sites and inter-museum servers in different countries, on the basis of the analysis, to identify trends in the use of modern digital technologies in the activities of cultural institutions in Russia and the reasons that make it difficult to create an effective system for managing the cultural and information space of the country.

Object and subject of research. The object of research is the sphere of culture as one of the components of the economy of the region. The subject of the study is the organizational and economic processes of the rational use of cultural potential in the context of regional development.

The methodological basis of the study is modern economic theory, the works of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners devoted to the issues of regional economics, regional development, state regulation of cultural policy, globalization and regionalization of culture, economics of the social sphere, informatization and virtualization of cultural goods, problems of preservation and evaluation of cultural potential , production and consumption of cultural goods. The dissertation research used statistical data, federal legislative acts, documents of international organizations, other official documents, materials of empirical research, including those conducted by the author. The validity of the conclusions of the dissertation research was ensured by a systematic approach to solving the problem; application of a set of methods and techniques adequate to the objectives of the study; discussion of the main provisions of the study at scientific and practical conferences.

The scientific novelty of the results of the dissertation research consists in the development, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the works of domestic and foreign researchers, of a system of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for the formation of strategies for the socio-economic development of regions in terms of the functioning of cultural industries.

The most significant scientific results are as follows:

1. The role of cultural factors in regional development has been determined in relation to regions at different stages of using the resources of the cultural sphere.

2. The role and place of cultural potential as a factor of economic development and preservation of the cultural identification of territories in the integration of the region into the global cultural and economic space are determined.

3. A new form of resource provision for the cultural sphere of the region is substantiated, which provides for the expansion of the scheme for creating endowment funds on the basis of cooperation between cultural institutions of various types and profiles.

4. Proposals have been formulated for the creation of a unified all-Russian network of regional administrative structures that allow consolidating efforts and resources in the field of regional cultural policy; the principles of creating these structures and the goals of their activities are determined. It is shown that their activities in each region will make it possible to clearly identify the priorities of the regional cultural policy, to promote the expanded production and consumption of cultural goods, in order to comprehensively fit the cultural policy of the regions into the overall strategy for the development of Russian culture.

5. A systematization of models of regional cultural policy is proposed, which includes the following positions: taking into account the regional goals of cultural development in the implementation of a national cultural policy, sources of funding, the use of information technology, the integrated development of the territory, the role of cultural and educational institutions in the implementation of the cultural policy strategy, participation of the population in cultural projects, involvement in the processes of globalization.

6. A conceptual model for the formation of a cultural brand of a territory based on the use of its cultural potential in order to realize regional cultural competitive advantages is proposed.

7. The possibility of using the system of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of cultural potential to assess regional competitive advantages is argued; a model of the marketing concept of the development of the region is proposed, which includes positions associated with various characteristics of the cultural potential, which makes it possible to take into account the relationship between economic and cultural components.

8. The structure of the regional cultural and information system has been developed and presented, reflecting the sectoral and sectoral heterogeneity of the cultural and information environment of the region, and recommendations have been given for regulating regional cultural and information flows.

9. Proposals have been developed for constructing the cultural and information space of the region, including the virtualization of a wide range of cultural services, contributing to leveling interregional differences in the availability of cultural goods for various categories of the population.

10. The concept of virtual cultural capital has been introduced into scientific circulation, its content has been disclosed: the totality of various cultural resources of a region, country, represented on the Internet, which are used or can be used in scientific, educational, creative and leisure activities and which contribute to the preservation of cultural identity , creating a brand of the region, building the image of the country and presenting the services of cultural institutions in world markets.

Theoretical and practical significance. The theoretical significance of the dissertation research lies in the further development of approaches to the study and formation of regional cultural policy and its relationship with economic and information policy.

The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the fact that the theoretical constructions proposed in it are brought to the level of conceptual developments, among which the main model is the formation of a territory brand within the framework of the marketing concept of the development of the region, based on the cultural component, as well as a conceptual approach to analyzing the degree of use of opportunities modern information technologies at different levels of cultural policy implementation.

The practical significance of the dissertation lies in the expediency of using the conclusions and recommendations:

· public authorities of various levels and local governments for the development of cultural policy at the appropriate level;

organizations and institutions of various sectors of the economy involved in the process of production and consumption of cultural goods;

· Higher educational institutions in the training of specialists in the field of social management.

The materials of the dissertation research are used when reading the training courses "Economics of the Social Sphere", "Management of Social Sphere Organizations" at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters, conclusion, bibliographic list, applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the dissertation research, defines its goals and objectives. The first chapter deals with the development of the sphere of culture in the conditions of modernization of the economy and society, formulates a theoretical approach to the study of the regionalization of cultural policy, clarifies the conceptual apparatus, argues the methodological foundations for managing the cultural development of regions. The second chapter considers and systematizes approaches to managing cultural policy within the framework of existing models, formulates theoretical and methodological principles for managing cultural potential as a tool for the development of territories, and considers trends in managing cultural policy in the context of globalization. The third chapter discusses the dynamics of the development of the state's administrative policy in the field of culture, approaches to the financing of cultural policy, including an approach to managing the development of the region using endowment funds in the framework of cooperation of cultural institutions, formulates a marketing approach to the development of the territory based on the formation of an attractive cultural image of the region using brands. The fourth chapter substantiates the leading role of modern information technologies as one of the priority instruments of regional cultural policy, proposes the concept of formation and develops the structure of the cultural information system, formulates the principles for the functioning of the cultural information complex within this system. The fifth chapter defines the role and place of modern information technologies, mainly the Internet, in the state policy to create a unified information and cultural space of the regions and the country, presents the results of research on the processes of virtualization of cultural services, formulates the concept of virtual cultural capital and proposes the concept of creating information in the regions - digital cultural centers. In conclusion, the main conclusions of the dissertation research are formulated. The appendices contain detailed results of the comparison of museum sites and inter-museum servers, a list of Internet sites and portals, information from which was used in the analysis.


1. The paper argues that the most promising approach to studying the features of the development of Russian society is to consider this phenomenon in the context of modernization. Modernization is carried out through the country's transition to an innovative economy, which in the context of globalization determines the importance of providing mechanisms for interregional relations. Therefore, an indispensable condition for the development of the country's regions in the post-industrial economy and the information society is the use of innovative approaches to management. To overcome unreasonably large inter-regional economic, social and cultural differentiation, to increase the country's competitiveness in order to ensure sustainable development, the emphasis in management is placed on both material and intangible factors of placement, including various types of cultural activities, real and virtual cultural services.

It is substantiated that in this situation, it is the region that becomes the most promising level of management of social and cultural development in an innovative economy, and cultural policy is a necessary factor for the implementation of a management model aimed at economic development of the territory and a sustainable improvement in the quality of life in an innovative economy.

The paper concludes that regionalization, considered as a complex phenomenon aimed, on the one hand, at strengthening the isolation of territories, and, on the other hand, contributing to the development of a wide range of inter-territorial relations, aims to ensure a quick and adequate response to progressive changes in socio-economic and cultural spheres to ensure the modernization development of our country. A substantiated approach to regionalization as a promising social development trend in the conditions of modern Russia actualizes the problem of forming a regional cultural policy in the context of modernization processes and an innovative type of development.

Regionalization is a process that reflects the increasing role of regions in social development, which is caused by new requirements for managing sustainable development in a post-industrial economy and the information society. In relation to this process, we believe that the regions can be divided into three large, but unequal groups.

· Regions that comprehensively use cultural resources: actively provide benefits to both internal and external, including world markets, are included in the global socio-economic and cultural space.

· Regions that are in the process of developing cultural resources: the use of cultural resources creates the prerequisites for the inclusion of the economy and culture of the region in the global network of economic and socio-cultural exchanges.

· Regions that poorly use the existing cultural potential for development.

This classification is largely dynamic: there is a tendency for regions to move towards the active use of cultural factors for development.

2. The study analyzes in detail the possibilities of using culture in the management of regional development processes. The thesis is substantiated in many ways that culture is becoming a way of the region's modernization development, while simultaneously influencing, on the one hand, the value-motivational component of the population's activity, and, on the other hand, the economic component of the regional economy. The author substantiates the expediency of purposeful use of culture as one of the tools for the development of regions.

The dissertation argues that in modern society cultural policy cannot be considered separately from the sphere of cultural services. One of the main directions of the state policy of Russia is to ensure equal opportunities for consumers to access cultural services. In order to concretely show the relationship of cultural services with some basic economic indicators, we analyzed the dynamics of three indicators for the period from 2000 to 2006 for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: museum visits per 1000 people, average per capita cash income of the population and gross regional product. The data obtained allowed us to draw the following conclusions about possible trends in the development of regional cultural policy.

Every two years, the value of per capita income and gross regional product increases in certain proportions, which is associated with an increase in incomes of certain categories of the population, the development of the regional economy, as well as with inflationary processes in the economy. At the same time, the dynamics of museum attendance remains within certain limits: the population in different regions of Russia retains a stable interest in culture in its various manifestations. On the other hand, in the context of the development of economic relations, the introduction of new management mechanisms in the activities of cultural institutions, the development of information technologies, the development and implementation of various concepts and programs for the cultural development of regions and territories, the level of museum attendance remains unchanged. This state of affairs is explained, in our opinion, by the insufficient elaboration of cultural projects implemented at different levels of government, the insufficient effectiveness of mechanisms and methods for assessing the social significance of ongoing cultural programs and the developed cultural policy, the lack of effective methods for assessing the cultural potential of the region and its use for the development of territories. Thus, culture in the regional economy of our country is not yet a frequently used tool for the development of territories. As world experience shows, in the current situation it is impossible to carry out a comprehensive revival of territories without using the opportunities that culture has.

3. The paper clarifies the concept of regionalization of cultural policy, under which it is proposed to consider a strategy for the development of cultural policy associated with the process of strengthening the regional component in socio-cultural development and aimed at linking federal goals and resources with regional goals and resources. The regionalization of cultural policy is, according to the author, a management strategy based, on the one hand, on the integrated use of the cultural potential of the territory for more effective management of regional development, and on the other hand, which consists in building relationships between the elements of the economic structure of the region, national, regional and municipal governments, cultural institutions, organizations and the public to ensure the interconnection of the cultural and economic development of the region, as well as the expanded production and consumption of cultural goods.

Today, the issue of national cultural policy for Russia is of particular relevance and requires conceptual elaboration. The dissertation presents the relationship between the tasks of cultural policy at the national and regional levels. We believe that when pursuing a regional cultural policy in Russia, it is important to highlight the main requirements that should be taken into account when developing it in order to more clearly define a set of management tasks. We believe that these requirements can be schematically represented as follows (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Requirements for the development of a regional cultural policy

The most characteristic features of the modern regional cultural policy of Russia include:

· Objects of cultural heritage are often considered not as a whole, but separately, as a result of which the potential symbolic value of individual objects is often either significantly underestimated or not highlighted. The emphasis is on the material value of objects, and their social significance, the social effect that is obtained from their use, is calculated partially or not taken into account at all.

· The goal of Russia's modern cultural policy is not so much to increase the number of cultural institutions as an integrated approach to the development of the territory, which allows you to combine the cultural, economic, social, environmental components of territorial development. A new task arises - strengthening and strengthening the significance of local authentic culture for the integration of individual regions and territories into the Russian and world cultural and economic space.

· Implementation of targeted social and cultural programs for the development of territories allows for more active development of partnerships between the sphere of culture, enterprises and institutions of various sectors of the economy and the population.

· A new system of regionalized management of cultural and economic development is being created: the planning of cultural activities is becoming less centralized, the regions are gaining greater independence in determining priority areas of cultural policy, in allocating resources for the implementation of specific cultural policy programs, and in developing cooperation mechanisms.

Considering the above features of the regional cultural policy, we believe that a number of its priority areas can be identified:

Strengthen and preserve the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and promote the development of cultural potential;

To develop a system of interconnection between the sphere of culture and other spheres of the economy;

Improve the system of providing cultural benefits to the population;

Contribute to the creation of conditions for the expanded production and consumption of cultural goods;

Involve different age and social groups of the population to participate in cultural policy.

The cultural policy developed at different levels of government should give clear answers to the questions: how, with what resources and in what periods can the goals and tasks of the cultural, social and economic development of the regions be achieved.

4. From the point of view of expediency of use in Russian practice, the existing models of cultural policy, determined by researchers according to various principles and characteristic for different countries, are analyzed. In order to develop the theory of management, a number of criteria have been proposed to systematize the existing models of cultural policy. Among them are the following:

· Taxonomic affiliation: national, regional and local models of cultural policy.

· Stability of the goals of the state cultural policy: static and dynamic models.

· Activity of the state: progressive and conservative models.

· Character of satisfaction of needs: populist and eclectic models.

· Degree of state intervention: paternalistic model and welfare state model.

· State political system: liberal, bureaucratic or educational, national liberation, transition period.

· Form of culture support: model of public (state) support and market model.

Based on the analysis of the features of various models, the author formulated the thesis that the modern federal cultural policy of Russia has the features of many models; in this regard, a complete transition to market principles of managing cultural policy in our country is not only impossible, but also irrational due to historical features, the prevailing economic and social conditions, and the lack of developed legislation in the field of non-state financing of culture. Therefore, when developing a modern concept of cultural policy, in our opinion, a combination of management tools inherent in different models is possible.

Features of the processes of regionalization of the cultural policy of Russia do not yet allow us to conclude, mainly within the framework of which model the cultural policy of Russia will be implemented. Since the regional cultural policy is built under the influence of social, economic and cultural policy models formed at the national level, we consider it appropriate to single out two types of models of Russia's regional cultural policy: active and passive. The author proposed the main positions for systematizing these types of models (Table 1).

Table 1 Models of regional cultural policy

Main positions

Models of regional cultural policy



Inclusion of the goals of cultural development of territories, regions in the regional cultural policy

Regional, municipal interests in the field of culture are taken into account in the development and implementation of regional cultural policy

Regional policy is built without taking into account the specifics of the cultural potential of the territories of the region

Sources of financing

Additional non-state sources of financing are actively attracted

State funding prevails

Information Technology

Integrated use of a wide range of capabilities of modern information technologies

Use of predominantly traditional information technologies and limited use of new digital technologies

Integrated development of the territory

Concepts, programs, strategies and initiatives for the cultural development of individual territories are interconnected and included in the general program for the development of the cultural policy of the region

Within the region, concepts, programs, strategies and initiatives for the development of individual territories are weakly linked to each other or are generally developed separately from each other.

The role of cultural and educational institutions in the implementation of the cultural policy strategy

Institutions take an active part in the development and implementation of various cultural programs and projects

Institutions operate strictly within the framework of their traditional functions, not focusing on the cultural needs of the population

Participation of the population in cultural initiatives

The local population of various social and age categories and tourists are actively involved in the implementation of various cultural projects (youth involvement, volunteer activities, work with the community, etc.)

Cultural events are designed mainly for a narrow circle of consumers of cultural goods

Involvement in the processes of globalization

The cultural policy of the region is developed taking into account the positive and negative impact of globalization processes

Regional cultural policy is not focused on the inclusion of the territories of the region in the global socio-economic and cultural space

Focus on obtaining a social effect in the conduct of cultural policy

The effectiveness of cultural policy is analyzed and evaluated from the standpoint of the social effect obtained from the implementation of cultural initiatives

Obtaining a social effect is not one of the priority goals in the development and holding of cultural events in the region

5. In general terms, the sources of financing of cultural policy can be divided into two large groups: the state budget, from which current financing of cultural institutions is carried out, financing of international projects, targeted programs, investments are made, grants are allocated in the field of culture; and extra-budgetary sources, including income from the own commercial activities of cultural institutions and funds from sponsors and patrons, which also provide funding in the above areas. The paper considers and systematizes the features of various types and models of financing of cultural policy that exist in world practice (Fig. 2).

The key features of the Eastern European model of financing cultural policy that is emerging in Russia are as follows:

· The vast majority of cultural institutions, depending on their status and legal affiliation, continue to be financed in full or to a greater extent from the budgets of different levels;

· practically all institutions of the sphere of culture, to some extent, lack the financial resources received from the state and receive income from their own activities;

Rice. 2 Types and models of cultural policy financing

· target programs in the field of culture are an additional state source of financing;

· The institution of charity and, accordingly, the system of fundraising and tax incentives for donors are in the process of formation.

6. An analysis of the law “On the procedure for the formation and use of endowment capital of non-profit organizations” and the little experience in creating endowment funds in Russia allows us to conclude that only large cultural institutions that can attract enough funds for this can form funds. As a result, a significant part of cultural institutions in our country are deprived of the opportunity to use this source of long-term funding for their activities. We believe that the law should provide for the possibility of creating a joint endowment fund for several cultural institutions. This approach will allow, in our opinion, to solve a number of problems of the strategic development of the region, in particular:

Diversify sources of funding for the cultural sector;

Systematize sponsorship activities in order to develop the social responsibility of business;

Actively use the cultural potential for the development of the territory;

To form an attractive image of the territory for the population, tourists, investors;

To unite similar and/or diversified cultural institutions on the basis of the implementation of long-term programs aimed at the development of the territory;

The opportunity to reveal the cultural potential of the region, which is not used in full or is not sufficiently pronounced;

Contribute to the formation of an active model of the cultural policy of the region.

We believe that the creation of an endowment fund by several cultural organizations can be schematically represented as follows (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Scheme for the creation of an endowment fund by several cultural institutions

7. The paper considers the features of French cultural policy management in the context of decentralization, focuses on the aspect that there is some strategic alliance between the Russian and French culture management systems. We have proposed an approach to a comparative analysis of the cultural policy management systems of the two countries, which will make it possible to identify the extent to which the French experience is applicable in Russian regional policy, namely, the following positions are proposed for comparison:

heterogeneity of the socio-economic and cultural space of the country;

Homogeneity of placement of real cultural goods throughout the country;

availability of virtual cultural goods;

openness of national culture to other cultures;

· the role of the state in the management of cultural policy;

· Participation of border areas of the country in cultural integration with adjacent foreign regions;

· the role of the state in the policy of limiting the introduction of external mass cultures into the cultural space of the country;

· taking into account the phenomenon of ethnic societies in the development and implementation of the country's cultural policy;

· pursuing a policy to enhance the cultural authenticity of the territories;

Features of state financing of the sphere of culture;

· the amount of funds of the national and regional budgets in the financing of culture;

· degree of development of processes of regionalization and globalization of cultural policy;

· application of the practice of state contracts in the regional cultural policy;

· personnel policy of the state on training of managers for carrying out cultural policy at different levels;

· development of special concepts and programs for the implementation of regional cultural policy.

Comparison of management features allows us to conclude that there are a number of common features in the regional cultural policies of the two countries, and the discrepancy between managerial positions on a number of characteristics also does not indicate the mutual exclusivity of management practices. The different degree of intensity of the manifestation of the characteristics of each position of comparison indicates that any cultural policy is subject to changes that confirm certain development trends. The processes of regionalization in Russia and France began to be carried out not only in dissimilar economic, cultural, technological conditions, but also in different periods of time, therefore, at each stage of the development of Russian regional cultural policy, it is possible to borrow various elements of the French management system in this area.

We believe that the application of the positions we have proposed is the fundamental basis for developing a methodology for comparing the management systems of the cultural policy of different countries with a view to the possible use in Russian practice of foreign experience of successful decisions and approaches to the development of regions using cultural potential.

8. The paper considers the main stages in the development of the cultural policy management system in Russia. The policy in the field of culture after 1917 and before the period of perestroika was characterized by the fact that it had a pronounced authoritarian character and had an anti-elitist orientation. Until 1953, the tasks of state policy in the field of culture were political education and the creation of a system of out-of-school education, therefore, the sphere of culture in our country was part of the public education sector and was under the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate for Political and Educational Work under the People's Commissariat for Education. In 1953, the following transformations were carried out, which created a new administrative vertical: the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, the republican Ministries of Culture, regional and regional departments of culture, district and city departments of culture.

Since the late 1980s, political, economic and ideological transformations have changed the managerial position in cultural policy, the main features of which have become the following:

Removal of the party and a significant weakening of the ideological influence of the state on culture;

Almost complete abolition of state censorship;

Reducing the size of public funding;

Increasing the independence of the economic activities of cultural institutions;

The multi-channel nature of culture funding;

Development of state targeted programs to support culture;

Development of cultural industry enterprises;

Creation of third sector organizations operating in the field of culture;

Active formation of regional cultural policy in the conditions of increasing independence of regions;

The growth of national self-consciousness and the strengthening of the cultural identification of the territories;

Development of non-traditional forms of cultural activity.

A brief analysis of the features of the cultural policy management system in recent decades allows us to say that, despite a number of transformations in this area, an effective system for managing cultural policy in the regions has not yet been finally formed, which comprehensively takes into account the mutual influence of culture, education, science, tourism, sports, youth and information policy. In different regions, the structure and functions of the governing bodies involved in cultural policy are different, and this difference is quite significantly differentiated by region. As practice shows, cultural policy in the regions is often developed without an analysis of the cultural potential, the degree and possibilities of its use. There is no single network of regional administrative structures for the country that would comprehensively deal with cultural policy in each region.

To solve this problem, we consider it expedient to use the French experience. In each region of France, there are regional directorates of cultural activities (DRAC) - state structures whose activities are concentrated in the field of cultural policy. We believe that the creation of such management structures in each region of Russia, carried out on the basis of the reorganization and / or delegation of powers of existing management structures in the field of culture, will solve such problems that are relevant for regional cultural policy as:

· a comprehensive analysis of the cultural potential of the region;

· development of priority areas of regional cultural policy, based on the characteristics of the cultural potential of the region's territories; a clear alignment of the goals and objectives of regional policy; a clear delineation of powers and responsibilities in the field of cultural policy between management structures;

· development of interconnected, non-duplicating programs for the development of the region, based on the use of cultural potential;

· formation of cultural and informational image of the region; promoting the cultural "openness" of the region, including the cultural services of the region in the world market of cultural goods;

· promoting the development and use of information technologies in the cultural policy of the region; promoting the development of cultural industries;

· analysis of personnel potential in the sphere of culture of the region; assistance in training the necessary specialists for work in the field of culture, not only artistic specialties, but also specially trained managerial personnel for work both in cultural institutions and in cultural management bodies at various levels;

· promotion of various cultural initiatives; development of various mechanisms for involving the population in cultural activities;

· monitoring of the cultural policy of the region.

Modernization of the existing system of cultural policy management will make it possible to more clearly build a system for managing regional cultural policy at the regional level, avoid unnecessary duplication of powers and competencies of various administrative bodies, and, moreover, not fragmentarily, but comprehensively fit the cultural policy of the regions into the overall development strategy of the country .

9. In the sphere of culture, there is a simultaneous development of two opposite phenomena - globalization and regionalization: on the one hand, the trends in the development of global culture are intensifying, and on the other, more and more attention is paid to the preservation and development of the cultural authenticity of regions and territories. The dissertation research focuses on the fact that the globalization of cultural markets is associated both with economic aspects and with modern technological innovations, mainly in the field of information technology.

When pursuing a regional cultural policy in the context of globalization, we consider it expedient to separate the concepts of global and mass culture. The latter is one of the components of global culture. Mass culture is characterized by the ability of a large number of people to accept universal models of cultural products, distributed mainly through the entertainment industry. Global culture does not replace some cultural values ​​with others, but represents various cultural phenomena, often of a mutually exclusive nature, acquaintance with which allows us to understand the diversity and specificity of the cultures of the modern world. Global culture considers a wide range of cultural manifestations not just as a set of identification features of regions and territories, but as material for connecting them with the values ​​of world civilization.


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A complex, polyphonic, polyfunctional, dynamic system capable of transformation, determined by the key political guidelines of a particular state or union of states at a certain stage of historical development. There are several levels of actualization in cultural policy. The number of these levels will be determined by objective factors related to the structural structure.

If the culture of a country fits into the international cultural space, and the country is a member of international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) or UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), then its cultural policy must include international level of implementation. The cultural policy of a particular state in a certain way should correspond with those attitudes and values ​​that are enshrined in the documents of these international organizations.

An important role in questions of the levels of actualization of cultural policy is played by the organizational structure and scale of the state. In particular, if the state is a union, confederation or federation, cultural policy should have both a nationwide level of implementation and a regional one for each of its individual subjects that are part of a single state entity.

At least two illustrations can be cited as examples of a union structure at the present time: the European Union and the CIS. In the first case, it can be stated that much has already been done in the EU to ensure that the countries that are members of it have acquired in the full sense a single cultural space, both at the conceptual and legislative levels. As for the CIS, there are still quite a few problems that require state will and some time to solve.

In the case when the state structure is not distinguished by the complexity and diversity of subjects, then, as a rule, the relationship between the center and the region will still take place in it, but not so differentiated.

Along with the regional level of implementation of cultural policy, there is also a municipal one, which is associated with the solution of cultural issues at the city level, which in turn has an even more minimized level of actualization as the level of an urban district or district.

The cultural policy of an individual state has the structure of a layer cake and or territorial stratification. The federal level of cultural policy, its conceptual, economic and legal components are determined by the fundamental law of the state by its Constitution. It is well known that Russia is a multi-subject, multinational, multi-confessional state, which is reflected in the characteristics of its culture as a whole and, of course, should be taken into account in the declared and implemented cultural policy.

Our state enshrined the main positions of cultural policy in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in particular, in Art. 44. recorded:

1. Everyone is guaranteed the freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other forms of creativity and teaching. Intellectual property is protected by law.

2. Everyone has the right to take part in cultural life and use cultural institutions, to have access to cultural property.

3. Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect historical and cultural monuments.

The Basic Law is the foundation on which all other modifications of cultural policy at various levels are built. These articles of the Constitution should be more concretely embodied in program documents of cultural policy, giving an idea of ​​what the priorities of the federal cultural policy are. Along with the definition of priorities, it is also important to work out the mechanisms for their updating. Questions , financing and legal support of cultural policy and socio - cultural processes in society . For this, appropriate structures are created in the state: ministries, departments, councils, etc., etc. At present, the concepts of "single cultural space of Russia", "Federal cultural policy", "Federal programs for the preservation and development of culture", "nationwide cultural heritage" have not yet been filled with concrete content.

In the process of implementing cultural policy, the issues of delimitation of powers between the federal center, subjects of the federation and are important. The solution of these issues, as a rule, rests on the problem of financing culture, which should be carried out at all declared levels. But in market conditions, culture should be understood not only as a subsidized industry, but in some cases as an area in which a cultural resource becomes a source of economic benefits and job growth.

The strengthening of the regional approach is connected with the ideas of decentralization of the management of culture. This approach will be rational and practical, provided that such principles of financing culture are determined that will allow achieving a balanced multi-channel financing, in particular, with the adoption of a law on patronage, which will allow developing incentive taxation, and in this case, culture will be able to receive additional extrabudgetary funds for its development as it happens in the developed world. In France, between 1981 and 1990, government spending on culture increased about threefold and provincial spending tenfold. In Germany, about 1.8% of state spending on culture in the Federal budget accounts for about 1.8%, land budgets - 41%, and the lowest, communal - more than 57%. In some states, the central authorities have the right to finance any cultural program of any level (regional, municipal), but not more than 50% of its total cost. The rest of the money should be found by local authorities, foundations, corporations, patrons. In some countries, the so-called "export fee" appeared for culture, which began to provoke the activity of other financial sources. The government allocates exactly 33.4 percent of its cost for the implementation of any cultural project - i.e. just over a third, encouraging co-participants to take on the remaining two-thirds. Another type of appropriations for culture from above is "a contribution to further progress, the essence of which is to identify" below "and encourage" from above "extraordinary work of national and international significance.

In modern conditions, a multi-level approach to the implementation of cultural policy is one of the most effective, subject to a reasonable approach to the development of cultural policy, its priorities and implementation mechanisms.