Repetitive-generalizing lesson "The life of primitive people" - Lesson. Control and generalizing lesson “The life of primitive people A noble man who led the army 5 letters

History lesson in 5th grade

Target: systematization and quality control of students' knowledge on the topic "Life of primitive people".

Information for the teacher

Taking into account the age of schoolchildren and observing the traditions of continuity of middle management and elementary school, it is advisable to complete the study of this section with a game - a journey into the distant past of our ancestors. The game can be organized as a journey through the stations.

And also another option for conducting a lesson is possible - the performance of a special test by students. The teacher can choose the most suitable option for his students.

Equipment: world map, travel scheme on a blackboard.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

So, for several lessons in a row, we studied the life of ancient people: their appearance, occupations, relationships with each other. Scientists have called this period of time primitive. And how does this period of time differ, for example, from the present? This is what we will find out today, repeating the studied material.

- What are the features of primitiveness or primitive society?

(Working in the lesson, students should formulate in their own words the distinctive features of primitive society.)

III. Station travel

On the board is a map of the journey through the stations.


1. Rasskazkino
2. Kartovo
3. Zadachkino
4. Crossword
5. Terminovo
6. Guessing movie

1. At the first station, two students are selected who prepare detailed answers on the cards. They are given time to prepare.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question: primitive different from animals and modern man? To do this, remember:

- From whom did man come?

What did his walk, hands, eyes, forehead look like?

What was his body covered with?

What does modern man look like?

Compare the living conditions of ancient and modern man.

- Compare occupations, tools.

Make a conclusion.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “Why did inequality appear?”

To do this, remember:

What metal was first used by man?

What did it matter?

Why did the tribal community come to be replaced by the neighboring one?

Make a conclusion.

2. While two students are preparing, the class “moved” to the Kartovo station, where knowledge of the map is tested.

- Show the mainland on which the bones and tools of the most ancient people were found. (Africa.)

- Show the supposed area of ​​the ancestral home of mankind. (East Africa.)

- Show the most ancient region of agriculture. (Western Asia.)

3. Creative tasks are solved at the Zadachkino station.

Task 1. One of the primitive tribes left no archaeological remains. But it is known that in the language of the tribe there were words denoting "flint", "spear", "basket", "boat", "oar", "fire", "hut". Is it possible on this basis to draw conclusions about the life and skills of the tribe? Prove your point. (You can. The words themselves tell about the occupations of ancient people.)

Task 2. It is known that ancient people initially used a hand ax without a handle, and then learned to attach the ax to a wooden handle. Subsequently, people invented the raft. How did the advent of the ax with a handle prepare the invention of the raft? (Having managed to connect the ax to the handle, the man tried to connect the logs too ... So a raft appeared.)

Task 3. What finds does an archaeologist need to find in order to say with certainty that the most ancient people lived here. (Traces of the hearth, tools, drawings on the walls of the cave.)

Task 4. Until recently, the indigenous people of Australia were economically and culturally backward people. They could not read, write, did not know metals. At the same time, the Australians were well versed in nature: they distinguished more than two hundred species of edible wild plants, about a hundred species of edible snails and more than twenty species edible fish. How to explain that the majority of modern townspeople and even rural residents are much worse than Australians in understanding the surrounding nature. (For 2 million years, gathering and hunting were the main occupations of people.)

4. Detailed answers of students on cards No. 7 and 8.

5. At this station, children solve a crossword puzzle.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A team of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. A gift from people to an idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that endures a cold climate. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on the water). 12. A noble man who led the army. 13. Several births.

Vertically: 1. Occupation of ancient people. 3. The science that studies life from material sources. 5. A plot of land in a neighboring community.

Answers: 1. Dog. 2. Glacier. 3. Archeology. 4. Rod. 5. Put on. 6. Victim. 7. Harrow. 8. Mammoth. 9. Bow. 10. Copper. 11. Raft. 12. Leader. 13. Tribe.

6. At the station "Terminovo" knowledge of the terms is checked.

- What do words and expressions mean: history, historical source, General history, tools, religion, art, tribal community, neighborhood community, tribe, leader, idol, inequality.

7. At the Otgadaikino station, the teacher returns to the task of the lesson.

- What are the features of primitiveness? (Primitiveness is such an order of people's life in which: a) people lived in small groups and everyone was equal; b) had common property; c) work together.

The conclusion is written in a notebook.

IV. Summing up the lesson


Homework: read the text of the paragraph “Counting the years in history” on your own.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A team of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. A gift from people to an idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that endures a cold climate. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on the water). 12. A noble man who led the army. 13. Several births.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A team of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. A gift from people to an idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that endures a cold climate. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on the water). 12. A noble man who led the army. 13. Several births.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A team of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. A gift from people to an idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that endures a cold climate. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on the water). 12. A noble man who led the army. 13. Several births.

Answers: 1. Boat. 2. Rod. 3. Hunting. 4. Copper. 5. Hoe. 6. Plow. 7. Dog. 8. Clay. 9. Chopped. 10. Tribe .

Theme of the lesson: Repetitive-generalizing lesson "The life of primitive people."

The purpose of the lesson: systematization and quality control of students' knowledge on the topic "The life of primitive people."

Educational equipment: world map, "travel" diagram on the board.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

So, for several lessons in a row, we studied the life of ancient people: their appearance, occupations, relationships with each other. Scientists have called this period of time primitive. And how does this period of time differ, for example, from the present? This is what we will find out today, repeating the studied material.

Working in the lesson, students should formulate in their own words the distinctive features of primitive society.

III. Station travel.

1. At the first station, two students are selected who prepare detailed answers on the cards. They are given time to prepare.

On the board is a map of the journey through the stations.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question "How does primitive man differ from animals and modern man?". To do this, remember:

    From whom did man come?

    What was his body covered with?

    What does modern man look like?

    Compare occupations, tools

Make a conclusion.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question “Why did inequality appear?”. To do this, remember:

    What did it matter?

    Make a conclusion.

2. While two students are preparing, the class “moved” to the “kartovo” station, where knowledge of the map is tested.

Show the mainland on which they were found:

a) bones and tools of labor of the most ancient people. (Africa)

b) show the supposed area of ​​the ancestral home of mankind. (East Africa)

c) show the most ancient area of ​​agriculture. (Western Asia)

3. Creative tasks are solved at the Zadachkino station.

Task 1

(You can. The words themselves tell about the occupations of ancient people.)

Task 2

(Having managed to connect the ax to the handle, the man tried to connect the logs too ... So a raft appeared.)

Task 3

(Traces of the hearth, tools, drawings on the walls of the cave.)

Task 4

Until recently, the indigenous people of Australia were economically and culturally backward people. They could not read, write, did not know metals. At the same time, the Australians were well versed in nature: they distinguished more than two hundred species of wild plants suitable for pigu, about a hundred species of edible snails and more than twenty species of edible fish. How to explain that the majority of modern townspeople and even rural residents are much worse than Australians in understanding the surrounding nature? (For over two million years, gathering and hunting were the main occupations of people.)

4. Detailed answers of students on cards No. 7 and No. 8.

5. At this station, children solve a crossword puzzle.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A team of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. A gift from people to an idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that endures a cold climate. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on the water). 12. A noble man who led the army. 13. Several births.

Vertical: 1. Occupation of ancient people. 3. The science that studies life from material sources. 5. A plot of land in a neighboring community.

Horizontal answers: 1. Dog. 2. Glacier. 3. Archeology. 4. Rod. 5. Put on. 6. Victim. 7. Harrow. 8. Mammoth. 9. Bow. 10. Copper. 11. Raft. 12. Leader. 13. Tribe.

Vertical: 1. Gathering. 3. Archeology. 5. Put on.

6. At the terminovo station, knowledge of terms is checked.

What do words and expressions mean: history, historical source, general history, tools, religion, art, tribal community, neighboring community, tribe, leader, idol, inequality!

7. At the guessing station, the teacher returns to the task of the lesson.

What are the features of primitiveness? (Primitiveness is such an order of people's life in which: a) people lived in small groups, and everyone was equal; b) had common property; c) work together.

The conclusion is written in a notebook.

IV. Summing up the lesson.


Homework: Prepare for independent work.


    From whom did man come?

    What did his walk, hands, eyes, forehead look like?

    What was his body covered with?

    Compare the living conditions of ancient and modern man.

    Compare occupations, tools

Make a conclusion.

Application 1.


    What metal was the first to be used by man?

    What did it matter?

    Why was the tribal community replaced by the neighboring one?

Make a conclusion.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question "How does primitive man differ from animals and modern man?". To do this, remember:

    From whom did man come?

    What did his walk, hands, eyes, forehead look like?

    What was his body covered with?

    What does modern man look like?

    Compare the living conditions of ancient and modern man.

    Compare occupations, tools

Make a conclusion.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question “Why did inequality appear?”. To do this, remember:

    What metal was the first to be used by man?

    What did it matter?

    Why was the tribal community replaced by the neighboring one?

Make a conclusion.

Station "problemscinema » - Solve creative problems.

Task 1

One of the primitive tribes left no archaeological remains. But it is known that in the language of the tribe there were words denoting "flint", "spear", "basket", "boat", "oar", "fire", "hut". Is it possible on this basis to draw conclusions about the life and skills of the tribe? Prove your point.

Task 2

It is known that ancient people initially used a hand ax without a handle, and then learned to attach the ax to a wooden handle. Subsequently, people invented the raft. How did the advent of the ax with a handle prepare the invention of the raft?

Task 3

What finds does an archaeologist need to find in order to say with certainty that the most ancient people lived here.

Task 4


Station "problemscinema » - Solve creative problems.

Task 1

One of the primitive tribes left no archaeological remains. But it is known that in the language of the tribe there were words denoting "flint", "spear", "basket", "boat", "oar", "fire", "hut". Is it possible on this basis to draw conclusions about the life and skills of the tribe? Prove your point.

Task 2

It is known that ancient people initially used a hand ax without a handle, and then learned to attach the ax to a wooden handle. Subsequently, people invented the raft. How did the advent of the ax with a handle prepare the invention of the raft?

Task 3

What finds does an archaeologist need to find in order to say with certainty that the most ancient people lived here.

Task 4

Until recently, the indigenous people of Australia were economically and culturally backward people. They could not read, write, did not know metals. At the same time, the Australians were well versed in nature: they distinguished more than two hundred species of edible wild plants, about a hundred species of edible snails and more than twenty species of edible fish. How to explain that the majority of modern townspeople and even rural residents are much worse than Australians in understanding the surrounding nature?


1. A means of human transportation on water from ancient times to the present day. 2. A group of relatives who worked together and had common property. 3. One of the first occupations of man. 4. The first metal mastered by man. 5. The first tool for cultivating the land. 6. Tool of labor of a farmer 5-6 thousand years ago. 7. Pet. 8. Material for the cultivation of dishes on a potter's wheel. 9. The first tool and weapon of the most ancient man. 10. The union of clans living in the same area. Lesson

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