Damage to scissors. Scissors in folk superstitions Signs of why to lose scissors

Metal objects perfectly conduct negative energy. They also keep it for some time, which is why magicians often resort to using needles and nails during damage.

Damage to scissors is done with the aim of:

  • discord in the relations of the enemy;
  • for surgery;
  • to "cut off" a person's life paths.

In general, two scabbards are considered halves of one whole, like a husband and wife. But this does not mean that damage is done to this metal object only to break off relations. Most often, manicure or ordinary household scissors are used to commit occult attacks.

Plots on scissors

Jealous persons who want to cool the feelings between the former couple often resort to the use of spoilage "scissors". This spoiler works great, but is also easily removed. In this case, there is no need to steal an item from a loved one's house. You can buy regular manicure supplies in the store.

After the first induction of this kind of damage and its removal, a person becomes susceptible to any intervention of dark forces. After removing the negative impact, be sure to put protection. It can be done independently or with the help of a magician. To make a talisman, you can use salt, earth, pins and twigs from trees. Salt amulet can be made by yourself. Buy salt on Thursday and speak it. Put a few pinches in a cloth bag and hang around your neck.

With the help of scissors, you can not only cause harm, but also bring prosperity to the family. Since the metal stores energy for a long time, it is used to protect against enemies. To do this, before Easter, you need to put the object away from you and read the conspiracy to cut off negative energy. Charmed manicure accessories are a kind of amulet. They need to be hung on a tree near the house.

We remove damage to scissors

To do this, in the evening, collect a full bucket of soil, you can not buy land. In the middle of the night, put a bucket of earth in front of you and stick the scissors into it three times. While doing so, say:

“With an honest prayer I will find help, with God's grace I will not allow hatred and evil to myself, I will find shelter from a curse. Get the hell out of me. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Now the contents of the bucket must be poured into a stream or carried away from home.

If damage was directed only at scissors, there is no need to contact healers. Usually it is enough to perform a self-cleansing ritual and read a few prayers. But magicians, along with this metal object, use a needle. This type of damage cannot be removed independently.

Scissors are one of the most indispensable items in everyday life. Many housewives have dropped them more than once, and this, by the way, is almost always an unkind sign. There are a lot of superstitions that list in detail all the signs associated with the fall of scissors. For example, what happens if they fall open, or get stuck on the floor. Is it possible for a person who has missed this artifact to raise it on his own. How to recognize damage with scissors and much more can be found in the article.

Most modern people do not even imagine that if the scissors fell to the floor, then you must immediately enter the desired keyword in the search box to find out the interpretation of the omen. This household item is used for a variety of purposes. And so, it can serve as an excellent assistant when performing kitchen operations, or as a means of caring for your body, or as an object that is great for cutting fabrics or paper.

However, if this tool falls out of your hands and falls to the floor, this is an important sign, which is life-threatening to ignore. For example, if a person who has dropped a sharp object picks up scissors on his own and uses them further, some of the worst events can happen in his life:

  • the loss of a loved one;
  • quarrel, and then parting with the second half;
  • diseases of loved ones;
  • etc.

IMPORTANT. Also, a sign about scissors suddenly found in your house says that in no case should you pick them up, otherwise you may become the object of witchcraft.

It is not uncommon for evil witches and fortune-tellers to try to harm the whole world, and therefore they absolutely do not care in whose house they throw muck. And for this reason, people find scissors on the thresholds of their houses, inside the house (if they were careless and let in an unfriendly neighbor or acquaintance).

A seamstress should not be afraid in the event of a falling cutting object - it’s just that in the near future troubles may arise at work, and she will sew some thing for the deceased.

open scissors

Since ancient times, the main tools used by black magicians are scissors,. The root of this word is “knife”, which in turn explains why, after all, this particular item has become a well-known attribute of sorcerers. Everything is very simple. When incantations are pronounced, a photograph or personal object of a person who is being harmed is cut with two points. This action can separate friends, accuse a person of treason, bring illness and failure on him and his family. You also need to be wary if you find open scissors in your yard or throw them.

In addition, on the way to a personal goal, such a person, out of nowhere, has pitfalls. Every now and then they try to knock down the guidelines of a person, try to influence his decisions. And if the motivation and willpower of such a person is weak, then it is likely that magic will negatively affect the future fate.

Signs are a delicate matter, people have been collecting them for centuries. And many of the statements that are functioning today are written down as signs, although they are not. Therefore, it is important to know that not every sign can be trusted. And if you believe, then with the mind. After all, a person with his thoughts about the negative, that someone has spoiled him, can harm himself so much that he will be taken to the hospital in an ambulance.

IMPORTANT. A wonderful property of the soul, prayer, can resist witchcraft spells. If you sincerely believe that nothing can affect the further development of your events, then it will be so.

Signs say that open scissors, like compass needles, indicate who will be the culprit of a quarrel in the family. So, if the arrow points to the hostess, who so carelessly missed them, then she will apologize in the future, or simply remain misunderstood by all family members. If the object of the fall points to one of the neighbors, be sure that they are planning something against you.

Signs scissors fall to the floor

You can drop scissors on the floor by negligence. If you want everything to be fine with your loved ones, and they live and be healthy for a long time, treat this sharp object with more care. After all, one awkward movement, that's all - scissors can stick into the floor, injure you, as well as the hearts of your loved ones. Signs are asked not to take these words literally. After all, there is nothing worse than a fallen sharp object stuck in the floor. Otherwise, the consequences can become fatal - the death of a person who missed a dangerous object, or the death of one of his closest relatives.

So, we should summarize the main signs associated with the fall of this sometimes unfortunate object. The tool falls, foreshadowing:

  1. (provided that a sharp object stuck into the floor);
  2. Unexpected guests (if they just fell and did not damage the coating);
  3. Diseases (if they were dropped, and they also remained closed, but still damaged the floors);
  4. Tailoring for the deceased (in the tailor's workshop);
  5. Preparation for funeral services in companies specially engaged in this matter (if the scissors fell with the tip down and did not damage the coatings).

There is a sign that if the scissors did not damage the floor in any way, then they can be taken, but first you need to perform one small ritual: tap the object with your right elbow, and only then you can pick it up. It is also recommended to heat the cutting tool in your palms. This will help to completely neutralize the enemy force, and, moreover, send negative messages in the opposite direction to their owner.

Beliefs stole scissors from home

Scissors can just disappear from your house. A person will look for them, and will probably think that they (perhaps) have fallen behind the back of the sofa or under the chair. After all, it would never occur to anyone that a guest or an enemy kidnapped him in order to commit some kind of dirty trick. This is not a very pleasant topic for reflection, however, this really exists and quite often household members find themselves under the gun of dark forces.

There are many signs associated with household items. There are also those who explain what happens if the scissors suddenly fall or they break in the hands.

What is the mystic of scissors

In many rituals tied to magical actions, scissors are used. They can separate parts from each other. With this tool, elements are cut out that will later be used in witchcraft rites. They are able to cross something out of something.

For any sharp object in everyday life, the ability to cut off success and good luck was prescribed. There are signs about scissors.

Sharp ends are a symbol of inflicting a spiritual wound on a person through ritual magic. Scissors can cut what is not needed:

  • get rid of trouble
  • to protect from communication with an unnecessary person,
  • cut off diseases
  • free the path from obstacles for subsequent material and spiritual well-being.

The tool is different, and experts in witchcraft rites use it for its intended purpose.

Manicure are designed for money, magicians turn to them to open money channels. Gardeners know how to cut off everything unnecessary. The main condition for the signs to work is that the product must be metal.

What are the signs with scissors

Among the most popular signs associated with a metal product, in the first place, one can single out a ban on its donation. Scissors are a bad gift, because like a knife, with their edge, they bring misfortune and quarrels. If they must certainly act as a present, it is very important that their future owner “bought” this item, giving a coin for a gift.

Another well-known sign with scissors is the prohibition to give them with a tip away from you towards a person. Such a transfer of an object can lead to a quarrel and disagreement. In the family, this promises scandals between spouses. Pass them on with a smile, and then quarrels can be avoided.

Carelessly thrown scissors bring trouble to the family.

Scissors do not scatter, that is, they do not throw them with force. Such a dismissive attitude with a sharp object promises trouble. The best way to handle is to lay them down carefully.

Tailors have a special sign: they do not use tools in everyday life, which were previously used to cut fabric for sewing clothes for the deceased. Such a tool is more than used for sewing shrouds anywhere. When the work of the scissors is over, they are "buried" in the ground.

Finding scissors on the road is a bad omen. The best way out of this situation is to protium on the street by, without picking them up. This is explained by the fact that black magic often uses a tool to induce damage. Raised aliens can reshape fate.

However, this metal object can bring good luck and happiness if hung on a hook with closed ends.

When the scissors fall

One of the signs known to the people is the one that explains what will happen if the scissors fall to the floor. First of all, it is not recommended for a person who has dropped a tool to pick it up from the floor on their own, they say, unfortunately. The best way out is to ask for help from an outsider.

There is no one to ask to pick up the scissors that have fallen to the floor - step on them with your right foot, and then boldly pick them up. Wipe the instrument in your hands until it becomes warm, then we can assume that troubles will not come to you.

Fallen on the floor, they promise the arrival of guests, therefore, often in the absence of a desire to see anyone at home, the owners often knock with fallen scissors, saying: "Stay at home."

Scissors falling on the floor from the tailor's hands warn the master that it is possible that he will soon have to sew mourning items.

The most unpleasant sign is the one that promises a quick death surrounded by households or neighbors. According to this sign, the scissors fall and must be stuck with a point. The fallen tool did not stick, but left a mark on the floor or on the table - expect illness.

When scissors break

If the tool breaks, this is bad news, meaning loss. Broken scissors are harbingers of impending losses. Precisely in order not to attract misfortune to themselves, connoisseurs handle the instrument as carefully as possible, so as not to damage them and not invite trouble. A bad omen is the breakage of the object directly in the hands. This event leads to disappointment and sadness, and in the near future, and usually this concerns some kind of domestic affairs.

Among the inhabitants of Africa, it is forbidden to use scissors during wedding rituals. It is believed that if someone at the wedding opens the instrument, the groom will lose his masculine power.

About simple scissors - You need to know this!

scissor magic

When the fallen scissors fall apart into halves, they also promise grief. In this case, you should not have hopes for the fulfillment of desires. The sign explains the same when the blade cracks on the tool.

In an effort to protect their lives in every possible way, since ancient times people have paid special attention to observing the outside world, noticing various patterns and signs, writing down folk signs.

The closest attention was paid to sharp, piercing and cutting objects. And although they are irreplaceable, they can be very traumatic. Therefore, it is quite natural that many signs warn us about the correct handling, it would seem, with a very simple household item - scissors. What does such a sign mean, how scissors fell to the floor?

Common superstitions

It is difficult to imagine what can replace this item in everyday life. We use them for manicure, in needlework and cooking, and even at work. At first glance, no mysticism. But, our ancestors not in vain warned: be careful! Dropping scissors is a rather controversial sign, portending events associated with not very good consequences. Let's see why the scissors fall on the floor. Let's look at some of the most common values.

  1. A sign, if scissors fell, you should expect unexpected guests. Most likely, it will be a small company, so it is better to prepare in advance for their arrival. Bake something delicious or buy a treat for tea in the store.
  2. You do not strive for communication and are not in the mood to entertain guests at this time? Then one small ritual will come to your aid. Before picking up a fallen object, say the following phrase: “Do not come an uninvited guest! Sit at home!" and tap the point on the floor three times. After that, calmly do household chores - the guests will no longer come.
  3. Signs warn: if they fall, the person who dropped them should in no case pick them up himself. It's best to have someone pick them up. Is there no one near you? Then step on them with your right foot and only then pick them up. Otherwise, you will bring trouble and misfortune.

What else do signs say

The scissors have fallen, a sign calls for - be vigilant and take a closer look! Especially if at the same time they stuck into the floor or wall - this is a bad sign, which marks an imminent misfortune associated with death. They fall and leave marks on the table or floor - to diseases. Open scissors fell, the sign in this case is also not very favorable. If you wish, you can perform the following ritual - you need to warm them with your hands, and then nothing bad will happen!

But if you drop the scissors to a seamstress, the omen says that this is a sign warning that a lot of work awaits her in the near future. Please note that such items must be handled with great care. It is especially important not to leave them in any case, because then they can invite trouble into the house and ruin family relationships.

What else to expect?

There are other signs with scissors - take note of them! All of us from early childhood are well aware of the sign according to which you should not give open scissors end first. Everyone thinks that this rule arose for safety reasons, because no one wants to get hurt by a sharp blade. In fact, its observance allows you to protect yourself from a major family quarrel.

Please note that it is forbidden to give such things - otherwise there will be trouble. Quarrels, spoiled mood and deterioration of relationships with relatives are also possible. If a loved one nevertheless gave them to you, and you could not refuse, then you should pay a purely symbolic fee for them in the amount of a few coins. Sometimes, having nothing to do, we pick up various objects and play with them. So, you don’t need to snap the edge out of boredom, otherwise you can call on yourself need and material difficulties.

Signs about scissors say that broken scissors are a symbol of loss. Use your home assistants carefully so as not to break. If it so happened that they broke right in your hands, very soon you will be disappointed in one of your friends, and possibly in yourself. If your scissors fell and fell into two halves - get ready for disappointment and remember that your expectations from the upcoming event will most likely not come true.

Did you happen to find scissors on the street on the road? It is strictly forbidden to touch them and take them to yourself. The sign warns that if you happen to find scissors and pick them up, then with your thoughtless impulse you can reshape your fate for the worse.

The magical side of the coin

Since the metal absorbs negative energy for a long time, it is also impossible to borrow scissors. If they were held by a not very good person, then later they can cause you significant harm. Scissors may be associated with magical rituals. If you find someone else's scissors in your home, do not take them with your bare hands, but wrap them in a cloth and throw them away. Wipe the place where you found them with holy water. At the same time, in order to protect yourself from people with evil intentions, you can put scissors on the threshold of the house, and then they will be considered protection from bad events, the evil eye.

And finally: remember that this item is best purchased when the waning moon dominates the sky. Before bringing a purchase into the house, draw a cross in the doorway with new scissors - this will help get rid of negative energy. After that, they should be left in a conspicuous place for three days, only during this time no one should touch the scissors, after which you can safely use the new acquisition!

Even ordinary everyday items can contain extraordinary power. We rarely think about when and where these things appeared, what they were originally intended for and how they originally looked at the moment of creation. For example, scissors in ancient times were a completely nondescript and rough object, intended for shearing sheep's wool. They looked like large tweezers with two blades at the ends. But even then, in addition to their direct purpose, scissors had some secret meaning.

Ancient magic scissors

This cutting item originated on the basis of a knife, without which no magical ritual could do. The blade of the knife was capable of warding off evil forces. Scissors, on the other hand, had a more complex magical meaning. The rings and ends of the scissors are a symbol of the past and future of a person, and the carnation that holds them together is the present. The magic of scissors was able to cut off misfortunes and illnesses, as well as reshape the fate of a person at the discretion of the magician.

Since ancient times, women have attached scissors to their belts next to the keys to the pantries. This was done with one goal: to protect oneself from various types of damage, anger and envy. At night, in order to protect the hearth from evil spirits, witches and sorcerers, scissors were placed on the threshold in an open form in the shape of a cross.

Scissors could cut off an unwanted guest's visit to the house. To do this, they were given or thrown to this person, and all relations between people were completely interrupted. And if the person to whom the scissors were planted does not get rid of them, then his fate will begin to take shape not in the best way.

Folk omens associated with scissors

Folk signs also associated a lot with scissors. For example, if you drop scissors on the floor, then the one who did it, life will begin to throw up quite serious troubles and even possible death. It was believed that this evil spirit knocked them out of their hands, and therefore it was impossible to lift them yourself in any case. Well, if there is no other person nearby, then it was necessary to step on the fallen scissors with your foot or pick it up and heat it up strongly on an open fire, thereby burning out the traces of the touch of evil spirits.

Also, popular belief says that you should not throw scissors on the table with a loud knock, otherwise quarrels and disagreements will appear in the family.

If a person just started clicking scissors just like that, then by doing so he drove away luck from himself.

When the scissors broke, it meant that the person in whose hands it happened would face great losses and disappointments.

Scissors were never given into the hands of strangers, otherwise envious people who held them in their hands will bring bad luck to you.

If you accidentally stumbled upon the lost scissors, then you should bypass them and in no case pick them up in order to avoid trouble.

How to choose the right scissors

Just like a knife, scissors have protective functions and are able to cut off any misfortunes and illnesses from a person.

Naturally, the scissors that you use every day are not suitable for magical protection. To make a full-fledged amulet out of scissors - get new ones and preferably from good steel: do not chase cheapness.

Not only will you choose the subject, but it must also choose you. Finding out if a subject has chosen you is easy. If you like scissors, then pick them up and listen to yourself. When you feel that they are comfortable and as if they were created for you, then do not hesitate to buy them: they chose you.

How to activate the scissors magic protection

After you have purchased the scissors and brought them home, stand on the threshold and turn to face the street. Then draw a cross in the air with scissors. Thus, you will put a simple but effective protection for your home. After that, evil words and evil intentions will bypass your house. Before that, they must be rinsed in salt water, which is then thrown out over the threshold.

Since you purchased the scissors that you yourself chose, you do not need to perform any special rituals to activate them. They themselves already have powerful magical protection. Handle these scissors with the utmost care. But this does not mean at all that they should lie idle. Use scissors for domestic needs, but be very careful: do not drop, do not drop and sharpen them periodically.