Useful homemade metal. DIY from metal

Products made of various metals surround a person in many areas of his activity. For the home, these are decorative items, household items and garden tools. The use of metal objects in the industrial field cannot be described in a few words. In recent decades, do-it-yourself metal products have been created by many amateur craftsmen. Home forges became more and more common.

The most affordable type of metal processing, which does not require large expenditures and sophisticated equipment, is cold forging, which results in individual figures. And they are combined into a single product by welding.

DIY metal products

Items created by hand by cold forging are presentable, they can be put up for sale. Therefore, this is one of the options for a profitable private business.

There are many other methods of making metal objects that deserve special attention.

Craft Ideas for Beginners

Before considering how to work with metals, it is worth dwelling on the ideas and drawings of possible crafts.

Metal crafts - decorations for any interior. Animal and plant subjects, monograms, geometric figures and national ornaments are popular.

A simple product for beginners will be a metal owl. It is made in many ways. So, rods bent into rounded shapes, welded together, form a wall stand for flowers in the form of an owl outline.

Do-it-yourself metal owl

Sheet metal products by welding are made in this way:

  • a sketch of the product and its details are preliminarily prepared on paper;
  • transfer the pattern to a metal sheet, carefully cut it out with a grinder and clean the edges;
  • notches are applied with a chisel and a hammer so as to give the components the image of feathers;
  • a beak is formed, parts of the paws are cut out of the rod, and bolts are threaded into the holes under the eyes made with a chisel in the head part;
  • all parts of the bird are welded together;
  • clean the surface of rust with a chemical solvent and varnish it.

Protective grilles on windows or fences are decorated with floral ornaments, and a bouquet of iron roses can become an independent decoration of the room. For the manufacture of branches, flowers and leaves, cold and hot forging are suitable.

Wrought iron roses for windows

Leaves are cold forged from thin metal 3.5 mm thick, which bends well.

Briefly, the steps of the process can be described as follows:

  • a sheet of the desired shape is cut out of cardboard;
  • transfer images to a metal sheet, cut out with special scissors;
  • the edges are polished with a machine;
  • "burrs" are removed with a metal brush;
  • clean and polish the surface;
  • with a chisel, the veins are applied to the leaf plate;
  • the edges of the leaves and petals are made thinner by beating them with a hammer;
  • with the help of round-nose pliers, bend the edges and shape the products;
  • finished forms are fixed by spot welding on the branches;
  • paint the product or cover it with a special varnish.
Forged umbrella hangers Wrought iron fireplace gate with roses
Wrought iron railings with roses

Plant patterns made by high-temperature forging are stronger due to the compaction of the material. Use medium, hard and soft grades of steel. Those steel grades that contain the minimum amount of carbon - 0.25% are considered optimal. And they do not contain harmful additives - sulfur, chromium, phosphorus.

Crafts can be useful for giving, which you can make with your own hands from scrap metal.

For example, cutting the barrel lengthwise, shelves are mounted inside, and wheels are mounted to the bottom. The outer side is painted with bright paint. And the little locker is ready.

Barrel locker

Cut across and painted, it turns into an unusual bedside table or coffee table.

Craftsmen decorate the walls of the barrels with openwork carvings, and then build a set for outdoor dining: a table and chairs.

From unnecessary garden tools and pipes, sculptures of animals or fairy-tale characters are created.

Summer residents love do-it-yourself furniture from a profile pipe. This material is practical, inexpensive, allows you to create many useful things: from furniture to a greenhouse. It is combined with other materials: wood and plastic.

For the manufacture of benches with dimensions of 2.3x0.6x0.45 m, a profile pipe of square section 0.03x0.03 m, with a total length of 11 m, is used. As well as boards with a length of 2.3 m, a width of 0.06 m.

Bench drawing
Drawing of a shop with a back

According to the drawings of the products, you can independently make a bench with a back, as well as a greenhouse from a profile pipe with square and rectangular sections of 0.2x0.2m or 0.2x0.4 m. Considering that a rectangular pipe is suitable for a solid frame, and a square one for partitions.

Homemade bench made of metal and wood
Bench with forged legs

Metal parts of old mechanical watches, coins, paper clips, cans, cutlery, wire - material for the production of toys or jewelry.

Aluminum and tin are soft metals suitable for making toys. To create a cat, a dog, a hedgehog, a crocodile and a dragonfly, you need to transfer the sketch to a sheet of tin, cut out the shape and bend it, as shown by the dotted lines.

Tinplate Animal Sketch Template for making a hedgehog from tinplate Sketch of a dog from tinplate

Patterns that won't melt

The most common type of decoration of metal objects is the creation of patterns using hot and cold forging. They look both in the design of the facades of houses, and products for the garden.

Details of the drawing are made separately, assembled according to a pre-prepared template in full size. Fastening is carried out by welding or clamps.

Metal patterns for decoration choose various motifs. Architects distinguish the following styles in forging:

  1. Gothic - represented by figures with sharp silhouettes. It is characterized by shamrocks, thorns, lilies, precise geometric shapes, as well as notches, when one rod penetrates another.
  2. Romanesque - dense patterns of curls and curving branches, square section. The most recognizable detail is the wide trunk from which the branches diverge.
  3. Renaissance - rounded shapes combined with cast figures. It distinguishes two independent styles - baroque and rococo.
  4. Baroque is for kings. Pomp and intricacy. It contains flowers, spirals, curls.
  5. Rococo - does not have large elements. Patterns are transparent and airy.
  6. Classicism - broken lines intersect at right angles. The drawings are restrained and symmetrical. No curls.
  7. Modern - dominated by abstract forms. May include oriental ornaments. Contains a large number of curls.
  8. Hi-tech is the youngest style. It is characterized by geometric strict handicaps, lack of smoothness of lines.

Finished forged products are coated with paints for metal, highlighting individual elements in different colors. Today, craftsmen have learned to paint them using heat treatment during manufacture.

Various metal patterns

A scale of tint colors from yellow to purple is used by blacksmiths to determine the temperature at which metal is heated. The development of color depends on a very thin, a few molecules, oxide film on the surface. Modern craftsmen have learned to control the colors of metal, and use this when designing a product.

Hot steel colors

The temperature will also help in creating frosty tin patterns. The principle is based on its allotropic forms. Under normal conditions, it is white and is called the β-form. When heated to a temperature above 160 ºС, it transforms into a substance with a different crystal lattice - the γ-form.

In practice, the following happens:

  • a sheet from a tin, covered with a thin layer of tin, is brought to the flame of a candle and warmed up;
  • in places where the temperature rises, stains appear, which diverge in different directions with curls.

There are nuances in this process:

  • uniform heating of the entire sheet will lead to a change in its entire color without streaks;
  • enough spot heating - stains are formed in an arbitrary direction on their own;
  • overheating of the surface will cause the tin to run off - its melting point is about 232ºС.

However, the effect is beautiful and easy to make at home. A sheet painted in this way can be used to create do-it-yourself tin crafts.

Tin as it is

Tinplate is a type of sheet steel, up to 0.36 mm thick, coated with tin, zinc, chromium, varnish or other substances.

Tin or beer cans can become a source of material for do-it-yourself crafts from tin. Interesting household items or decor are easy to make at home.

beer can animals

Tin is well cut with scissors or a clerical knife, so you can create openwork crafts. Cutting off the bottom of the tin can and cutting out drawings on its walls with a knife, you get a lampshade for the lamp. It can be painted and mounted cartridge.

A simpler lamp will be the same carved lampshade, but with one bottom. Tin candlesticks will create a mood and ensure the safety of using open fire.

Tin lamps
Tin candlesticks

If a beer can with smooth walls is cut so that a rectangular sheet is obtained, then various shapes can be cut out of it. Flocks of tin birds, butterflies, fish will complement the motifs of interior design.

Metal Case Technologies

To create metal products at home, the following technologies are used:

  1. Casting is the technique of making things from molten metal by pouring it into collapsible molds. The method is rough. It does not allow to obtain products with high accuracy. Surfaces are rough. It is used for and production of household items and jewelry.
  2. Hot forging - high-temperature impact on a metal workpiece, followed by machining. The metal becomes plastic. The workpiece can be given any shape. The process is time-consuming and energy-consuming, requires special knowledge on the properties of metals. Get decorative metal parts assembled into products using clamps or welding.
  3. Cold forging - the impact on the metal by bending and crimping. The individual elements of the pattern are connected by welding. You can make small and large elements of decor for rooms, suburban areas, courtyards.
  4. Art welding is an art form of creating metal sculptures, jewelry and decorative details using gas welding. Heating is also used to color the product with tint colors.
  5. Bending (bending) - giving a curved shape to sheet metal, profile, pipe, wire during cold stamping. Manual bending is used to form homemade metal frames, for example, from old pipes.
  6. Difovka or knockout - is carried out by hammer blows on a cold thin sheet of metal (2 mm) to stretch it, shrink it and bend it. With its help, you can get jewelry, dishes, armor.
  7. Filigree and filigree are jewelry techniques that make it possible to obtain openwork patterns from twisted wire or solder it onto a metal surface.
  8. Chasing is a type of drawing a pattern on a surface by hitting it with a hammer, while between it and a metal plate, up to 1 mm thick, there is a tool that gives the desired shape. This technique is used to decorate dishes, jewelry and coins.

Tin wall decoration

All of these techniques are common among amateur masters. But 3 main methods deserve special attention: cold and hot forging, as well as art welding.

cold forging

It includes two main methods of influencing the metal: pressing and bending. The first is the impact action, which leads to the compaction of the upper layer and the mobility of the inner metal workpiece. The second is bending it along certain lines, getting waves, curls, spirals, zigzags.

Metal products created by cold forging are beautiful, simple to perform if the master has all the necessary equipment. The industry offers cold forging machines, however, they can be made independently, which will reduce the cost of the product.

The disadvantage of cold forging is the inability to correct errors. Such a workpiece will be considered damaged.

hot forging

Allows you to obtain a variety of items from ductile metal. Heating gives high plasticity to the material and the possibility of shaping it by force. Many methods of hot forging form a range of products for every taste.

When choosing this technology, it is necessary to consider:

  • availability of a forge and provision of fire safety equipment;
  • the final result depends on the properties of metals, not all of them can be forged and welded;
  • high cost of equipment and materials;
  • the effect of heating temperature on the properties of the workpiece.

Despite the shortcomings, the advantages of classical forging are in the variety and beauty of products.

Art welding

A new trend that originated at the E.O. Paton, brought technical welding to a new level - a fine art. This is no longer rough crafts from scrap metal at their summer cottage, but a way to create masterpieces using welding.

Small figurines of insects or animals in full growth, as well as gates - all these are works of art welding.

To work at home in this technique you need:

  • welding machine and consumables;
  • iron blanks;
  • inspiration and sleight of hand.

Art welding

The main material is titanium, but the craftsmen talk about the possibility of working with zirconium and stainless steel.

Tools and equipment to help craftsmen

Any technology for creating metal products in a home workshop requires special tools and equipment. Consumables - metal (iron) blanks - can be specially purchased, or be scrap metal. Metal objects that have served their purpose can certainly be found in any garage or cottage. Secondary metal processing is a promising environmental method that reduces the cost of the product.

To work in the cold forging technique, machines are needed:

  • torsion;
  • bending;
  • inertial stamping;
  • twisters.

Processing a steel blank by hot forging implies the presence of:

  • forge;
  • anvils;
  • shperakov;
  • ticks;
  • sledgehammers;
  • handbrake;
  • shaped hammers.

Also, for the layout of the final product, some of its parts can be machined on a lathe.

When working with sheet material, as a rule, you need:

  • scissors ordinary or metal;
  • knives;
  • chisel;
  • hammer.

The main tool of any creative work is fantasy. Dexterity and skill will complement it, and then a real masterpiece will be born.

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DIY metal crafts by welding

The fastest and most reliable way to fasten metal parts is electric welding. Anyone can learn how to handle it. Having bought a welding machine or an inverter, as well as having spent half a pack of electrodes to gain practical skills, you can safely try to create metal crafts with your own hands. Installation of structures, repairs in the country, the manufacture of garden tools and much more from this moment becomes available.

The first metal crafts

Lots of people have welding. Often the device is purchased in case of construction or repair. It doesn't even have to be for yourself. If there is a need for it, you can call a self-taught neighbor or a familiar specialist welder. After the completion of the work, the unit simply stands idle.

But sooner or later the moment comes when you should decide and try to cook something yourself. There is nothing wrong with that, it would be a desire. The main thing at this stage is not to get burned and not to catch "bunnies", and experience comes with practice. If there is a summer cottage or a country house, welding will always be used. With its help, you can solve the problems of developing the territory much faster.

Not always and not everything can be bought in the store. To weld a gate, to build a base for a bench or a table, to “grab” a hook for attaching a rope or an additional support for weaving grapes to a metal pole - this seems to be a trifle, but calling a welder over and over again for such an occasion seems inconvenient. So you need to learn the basics and solve everyday problems with your own hands.

Of course, you should not immediately take up serious work with responsible connections. You can practice on a piece of unnecessary metal. At the first stage, one should learn how to strike the arc and hold it, maintaining a constant working gap between the workpiece and the electrode as it burns.

After that, you need to work out the technique of forming a weld, fusing a layer of metal on a flat surface. Then you can proceed to adjust the current for different thicknesses of the workpieces to be welded. Welding is a technique for joining two metal parts, based on the melting of their surfaces at the junction. They are connected into one whole by adding a layer of electrode binder material.

The current is chosen in such a way as to ensure the melting of only the surface layer without the formation of holes. It is better to master the technique on electrodes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm. They must not be old and must be dry, otherwise the first experience will most likely be ineffective, which may discourage learning to create metal crafts.

Welding makes it possible to correct minor and sometimes serious flaws in work or installation errors. It is enough to cut off the seam of the “tack”, and the parts are separated. After cleaning the place of unsuccessful welding, the process can be repeated.


Any owner of a country house or the owner of a summer residence will surely have metal waste on the farm. This may be the remains of pipes after the installation of a gas pipeline, water supply or heating systems. The real owner usually does not throw away the remnants of the steel angle, channel or pieces of reinforcement. You can also find used nails, bolts and nuts.

Such scrap metal very often becomes the material for a new repair or improvement of the old one. Surely there will be outdated garden tools, chains, old dishes, as well as spare parts from a car, motorcycle or bicycle that have not yet been handed over to collection points in the garage or shed.

From all this you can make useful and practical metal crafts. With your own hands, using welding and the available locksmith tools, you can repair old garden tools or make new ones from waste, taking into account personal experience, your preferences and business conditions.

Metal crafts for giving

It is possible to equip comfort in the backyard territory without buying new equipment. From used, but still strong metal, you can build a base for a country table or bench. Finding the right particle board sheet for the countertop and bench board is no problem. Racks can be made even from substandard inch pipe.

If there is a supply of material, you can also swing on a swing. It is better to make the structure capital, with concreting the base. We need two sidewalls of pipes welded at an angle, with jumpers for rigidity. The more massive the swing seat, the larger this angle should be. Jumpers can be welded at ground level or even lower so that they are not visible.

Hangers are best made from chains, but you can also take a reliable rope. The beam for fastening must be massive. A thick-walled pipe, a piece of rail or channel will do. It is best to fix frame parts and suspension brackets by welding.

sheet metal crafts

At any cottage, with rare exceptions, there is a barbecue or other similar device. A couple of logs for seating, an old stump as a table, and burnt bricks to limit the fire and lay skewers - for some, this may be relaxation, but it is better and more convenient to use a more advanced design.

The brazier can be disassembled. You can bring it with you to your country house, it can also have a permanent place of registration with the possibility of transporting it to the place of storage. For such a solution, a brazier from an old steel barrel is quite suitable. You can make it on your own and get by with just a grinder and a drill. However, it will be better and easier if you use a welding machine.

An empty and washed barrel is cut along the vertical center line into two halves. Legs made of rod, fittings or pipe sections are welded to one part. The top part serves as a hinged lid and can be conveniently mounted on welded-on old door curtains.

Sheet metal crafts can be fixed by welding only after gaining some experience. In order to reliably weld parts and not burn a hole with the electrode, you should accurately select the welding current and work with short tacks with constant control of the quality of the seam.

metal sculpture

The garden around a country house is not only a plot where trees and shrubs are grown to collect fruits and berries. It's also a place to relax! Garden sculpture will serve as an excellent addition to well-groomed plantings.

It may not necessarily be made of concrete or gypsum. For a person with creativity, there are no limits for its expression. If at the moment only a welding machine, half a pack of electrodes, ferrous scrap metal and a desire to create are at hand, then from all this you can build an original and unique composition. Moreover, the complexity of execution can be different.

It depends on the material available and on the idea. Such metal crafts for the garden in one case can consist of a dozen different, at first glance, incompatible parts of different origin and purpose. In another case, it can be made up of hundreds of the same type of repeating elements, connected by welding into a three-dimensional model.

Where to get ideas?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Someone, having seen random details in one place, imagines how they will fit together if they are combined into a common composition. Another purposefully goes to a scrap metal collection point and wanders around the mountains of this trash in search of a suitable part for the selected sculpture.

You can get ideas or just take as a basis someone's already implemented idea from specialized book publications that are dedicated to metal crafts. There is nothing shameful in creating a thing you like from improvised materials available on the farm.

In any case, do-it-yourself metal crafts created according to an existing drawing or sketch will be original. Welding is not copying, but a kind of creativity. Any weld that is made with a decorative design and repeats a pattern or composition is perceived as a kind of masterpiece.


Care must be taken to ensure that do-it-yourself metal crafts do not serve as a constant reminder of a bad welding experience associated with a burn or injury. It is strictly forbidden to work without a mask or shield, otherwise you can get ultraviolet radiation.

A protective suit will protect clothing and body skin from flying sparks and splashes of molten metal, and tight mittens or gloves made of dense material will protect your hands. It is not recommended to knock down the scale from the seam without goggles, sharp fragments flying in all directions can get into the eyes.

When working near wooden objects and surfaces prone to fire, you should have a bucket of water and a wet rag on hand. Accidental sparks or electrode residue bouncing off and falling on such materials can cause smoldering and subsequent ignition. When working indoors, you need to pay attention to proper ventilation.

Crafts for giving: 10 funny metal figures

The best way to fasten such crafts for a summer house made of metal is welding, although there may be other ways of fastening for different designs.

After all, such crafts at your dacha indicate that you not only know how to work well, but are also able to relax cheerfully and from the heart.

Crafts for giving from all sorts of things in half an hour

Beautiful crafts for giving can be made with your own hands from all sorts of things - from what is at hand. We offer you a few simple projects that will take no more than half an hour.

DIY crafts for giving.

The owners of old Soviet chandeliers probably immediately recognized what the “water” in this original garden stream was made of.

So, if you have an old chandelier with transparent plastic or glass pendants, then you can make yourself such beautiful crafts for giving. This option is made with a watering can - we attach beads or pendants to a wire, thread it into the spout of the watering can and fix carnations on the inner end of the wire - it will hold our flow of their beads.

The number of beads depends on the size of the watering can - if the watering can is large, there should be enough of them so that they can be seen from afar. The watering can can be hung on a tree, or fixed on a rod in the middle of a flower bed.

The water faucet can also be decorated with a bead - if the faucet is operational, then it is better to think over the spout cover, which would be convenient to remove.

For those who do not have an old chandelier with pendants in stock, we offer another project: we concrete metal rods on a small platform, we attach a watering can to their upper ends.

You can leave our original craft in this form, or you can put a container with flowers below or break a flower bed.

Beautiful crafts for a summer residence made of glass.

Crafts for giving with your own hands - the topic is simply inexhaustible! We will also put the rest of the dishes into action and make a garden angel out of them.

It is not necessary to put the first experiment on unnecessary crystal dishes - it is quite possible to start with ordinary bottles, old salt shakers and glass salad bowls. We connect everything with universal glue. If our base is a bottle, we will also need a metal rod on which we will put our figure.

Oddly enough, such crafts from improvised materials can be quite functional, for example, to be a ceiling lamp for a garden lamp.

If not every form of dishes is suitable for a garden angel, then almost everything that is not needed in the household is suitable for magical glass flowers - plates, saucers, vases, bowls, etc.

We select the shape of the flower from the presence of unnecessary dishes - it is not necessary to take only transparent ones, the basis for the flower may well be an ordinary plate. We glue the dishes together with universal glue.

Think in advance how you will fix this flower in the garden. There are two options: the first - on the back wall of the flower you glue a bottle (jar, vase, etc.) - a container that can be put on a rod.

The second option - you can simply glue a piece of plastic pipe to the plate and put it on the rod.

There are just a lot of options for such colors: different shapes, colors, combinations ... try it!

Crafts for giving from metal.

Any summer resident eventually accumulates all sorts of pieces of iron in the household, either these are old garden tools, or the necessary pieces of metal, which are a pity to throw out and have nowhere to use. From all this metal you can make wonderful crafts for giving.

Such country crafts can be made from old garden tools, pipe cuts and all the metal that every owner has in the barn.

The best way to fasten such crafts is by welding, although there may be other ways of fastening for different designs.

Look at the character of this fun garden figurine made from scrap metal cans and old springs.

And this "master's dog" is distinguished by its special thoroughness and friendliness.

As already mentioned, metal garden crafts can be made without the help of welding. For example, this openwork wire panel is made on a metal frame made of thick wire, to which the entire image is attached with thin wire. Maybe this is a garden nymph, or maybe the mistress of the estate.

Stainless steel garden crafts look neater and do not require regular maintenance, but they are more difficult to manufacture.

For the most daring: a mailbox grasshopper can not only surprise your good friends, but also scare intruders.

Our fantasy is amazing - this either a pig or a puppy that is waiting for us in the depths of the garden is charming and makes you smile.

Crafts for giving from metal require not only the availability of suitable material, but also the availability of your free time. Don't regret wasting your time making a garden figurine instead of painting the fence.

Original crafts for giving.

Look around - did the metal mesh remain in the barn after the repair? Excellent material for garden lamps.

Old spoons were lying around - teach your son how to solder, and he will be happy to remember what funny things he did in childhood with his father.

After all, such crafts for giving say that we not only know how to work well, but are also able to have fun and relax from the heart.

You can make metal jewelry, garden figurines, an owl, a spinner, ironing board legs, and even a berry picker.

Metal crafts are the most durable. To connect the parts, it is not necessary to have a welding machine. This can be done with a soldering iron or superglue.

Do-it-yourself metal owl

It's interesting to create something like this. You can make it from unnecessary parts. Here's what's right for you:

  • bicycle chain;
  • one nut M16;
  • two nuts M8;
  • two nuts M10;
  • 2 reinforced washers M6;
  • 2 balls from a bicycle bearing;
  • one small screw;
  • 5 or 6 cm of wire, the diameter of which is 3 mm.

When you make metal crafts like this, immediately lay the parts face down so that you can use them correctly later. This also applies to the eyes of the owl, which you will do first. Attach the metal ball to these parts and connect them together by choosing welding, soldering or using superglue.

And here's what the owl's eyes will look like from the other side.

The body of the bird will be the M16 nut, which you will attach to the eyes you just created.

Do not forget that you need to connect the parts using any of the three methods listed above from the back, then the owl will look neat from the front. The beak will be a self-tapping screw. Attach it between the eyes, and glue or solder a metal wire bent in half without winding to the top of the self-tapping screw.

You can make the eyebrows at any angle to give the metal owl an angry, good-natured, or thoughtful look. The wire bends well.

Take 2 washers and use pliers to fold each in half. So you get the wings of an owl. They need to be attached to the sidewall of the large washer, which is the torso.

In order for the owl to stand firmly on its feet, or rather, on its paws, you need to make a pedestal for it. To do this, you can take a variety of metal objects.

Wrap such a circle with a chain if you want the podium for the owl to turn out so openwork. Place this wise bird on top of it by gluing, soldering or welding it.

And from unnecessary metal objects, you can make several of these birds, then you will have a whole collection.

Metal crafts can be made from the most unexpected items. For example, if you have changed the faucet, do not rush to throw it away. You will get a wonderful durable spinner. For this, only the rotary knob for water supply is useful. Therefore, if you have changed this part, use the old unnecessary one.

How to make a spinner from a metal crane?

Take the handle from the faucet, saw off the unnecessary part. The remaining workpiece must be well sanded with a file at the saw cut so that there are no nicks.

Take the bearing according to the size of the hole in this part of the faucet handle. If it is, as in this case, a little smaller, then you need to first wrap it with paper or foil, and cut off the excess.

But first, prepare the bearing, wash it in technical grease so that the finished product rotates well, effortlessly.

Put the bearing in place, after wrapping it with paper. Cut off the excess paper. Now, at the junction of the hole in the handle of the crane and the bearing, apply glue, lubricating it with paper.

Now put this part in place, in the hole in the faucet handle.

This is such a great metal spinner turned out. Now you can rotate it, play it and not be afraid that it will break.

When you have mastered such simple things, you can move on to more global ones.

How to make metal flowers?

From this material, beautiful long-lasting flowers are obtained. See how a metal rose is made.

For this you will need:

  • thin sheet steel;
  • hammer;
  • steel rod, the length of which is 38 cm;
  • pliers;
  • tag for manual arc welding;
  • acetylene torch;
  • manual coffee grinder;
  • hammer with sharpened edge.

First, draw and cut out the future elements of the flower on paper to make a template. The first layer of the plant includes a small bud, which is bordered by three petals. The diameter of this blank is 7 cm. The second row includes five petals with a diameter of 9.6 cm.

The third row includes five petals, the diameters of which are 12 cm. The 4th and 5th row includes 6 petals each with a diameter of 14.4 cm.

The last row is 5 identical petals with a diameter of 9.6 cm.

Attach the resulting templates to the sheet metal and outline them with a small or dry bar of soap.

Place templates close together to save material.

Now cut out these rose tiers. Do not throw away the cuttings, as you will then make leaves out of them. Now take the blanks of the petals, drill a hole in the middle of each, the diameter of which is 0.6 cm. Using these holes, you will then string those blanks onto the stem. If scale remains after cutting, they must be removed. You will do this by running the elements of the flower through the sections of a manual coffee grinder.

To make a metal rose further, start collecting it. To do this, bend the first two rows; these petals do not need to be given a special shape. Now string the first row of petals on the rod and move it to the edge. Heat these blanks so that the metal turns red. Now you will bend them using a hammer and pliers. Form the bud so that it becomes dense.

Also, a steel billet can be processed with a torch clamped in a vise. Now attach the second row of petals to the stem. They will also form a dense middle bud.

Further, such flowers are made of metal as follows. You also need to string the rest of the petals, but their ends need to be made textured. Let the edges be wavy so that they resemble the petals of a real rose.

A row with a sepal should be bent down. Make a weld along the stem to strengthen the metal flower.

From the material that you have left from cutting the petals, cut the leaves. They need to be shaped and then welded to the stem. To make spikes on it, turn off the gas on the welding machine for a second. Then the metal will start to come out. Lean it against the stem to make thorns.

In this way, you can make metal flowers in large quantities, creating such a picturesque bouquet.

If you have a pile of unwanted metal spoons, instead of throwing them away, you can also make long-lasting flowers. Check out the following ideas. They will tell you not only how to make picturesque bouquets, but also various figurines, watches and other items.

What can be made from metal spoons?

Such a flower for the garden is made from metal spoons and a small bowl. We cut off the straight parts of the spoons with wire cutters, and the curved ones will just need to be glued with superglue around the bowl or attached with a welding machine. If you also have unnecessary forks on the farm, they will help you create the following metal crafts.

To do this, you also need to cut the straight parts of the spoons and forks, then fasten them together. Around the core of the forks, you will place spoons in two tiers, which will allow you to make lily petals. But do not throw away the straight parts of spoons and forks, they will help you create the following metal crafts.

Take these remaining blanks and bend them using pliers. Now spread evenly on the work surface so that the parts with the ornament are on the outside. Glue or weld these elements to a round washer or metal object of this shape. Attach an iron or aluminum stem, the same handles from spoons and forks can become leaves. And from the working part of these tableware you will make petals for the next flower - it is located in the photo on the right. As you can see, the outer petals are spoons and the inner petals are forks. Attach them to the core of a round shape and fix on the stem, which is covered with leaves. The next metal flower will help create two rows of spoons. You will place some of the working parts on the wrong side, and others on the front side.

If you have a lot of spoons of different sizes, then make such a multi-tiered flower out of them. In the middle you will attach small coffee spoons, then a row of tea spoons, then dessert and tablespoons. You can paint the core to make it look so elegant.

And if you have old shoulder blades, you can weld them together to create a flower. Instead, you can use metal spoons.

Other metal crafts are also interesting. For the next one, you will need to write numbers using a template or stick them. Attach the clock mechanism to the back of the metal circle, and fix the arrows on the front side. A minute will be a spoon, and an hour? fork. Also, these cutlery must be glued to the back of this circle to make such an original clock.

If you have old unnecessary knives, turn them into a dragonfly.

4 spoons will turn into butterfly wings, and a pen will turn into her body. Such crafts for the garden will decorate your hacienda and you do not have to spend money on them.

And in the house you place a photo, the usual fork will become the holder for it. Then you will need to bend the two side teeth forward, and the two central teeth back with pliers.

But this is not the only jewelry that can be made of metal. Bend the working parts of the forks by pulling them up to the fork handles. At the fold, a loop is formed where you will thread the chain.

And bend the teeth of the forks so that they become wavy, and some turn into curls.

If you completely remove the working parts of the forks or spoons, and drill a hole in the handles, you will get original earrings.

If you like black and white tones, take a dark base and glue white-painted cutlery on it. Use a light frame. Styrofoam ceiling plinths are suitable for it.

If you want to receive guests at the highest level, make napkin rings from spoons. They need to be bent, and in each spoon put an artificial stone or amber. Secure this decoration with wire, giving it the desired shape.

Speaking about what can be made of metal, it should be noted that even an old ladle from this material can be turned into a candlestick. Attach it, and put a candle in the ladle.

If you glue cutlery to the back of a round mirror, it will look like the sun. It's nice to look at such an accessory.

You can even make furniture handles out of metal. Cutlery is also used as them.

Such an original solution will surely be appreciated by guests and family.

If you need to put small things somewhere, you can use ladles and spoons for this. They need to be slightly bent and put in the working parts of the thread, paper clips, clothespins.

If you clean the spoons, you can make sparkling fish out of them. To do this, saw off part of the handle from each, leaving a small tail, which you will cut with scissors for metal into 2 parts. Drill a hole in each blank to become an eye. And through the hole at the top, you will stretch a thread or fishing line and hang the fish on a fork, the prongs of which will give an interesting shape. Then the fork will look like an octopus.

You can make such a decor for the garden out of metal.

If you need to call your family for dinner, you move these forks, they will make a sound like bells. Also, hanging cutlery can develop from the wind, and you can listen to the music of the wind.

How to make a harvester for picking berries yourself?

You can also make it out of metal with your own hands.

To make one, take:

  • galvanized steel;
  • tin and flux for soldering;
  • marker;
  • metal scissors;
  • steel wire;
  • hammer;
  • steel wire with a cross section of 2 mm or bicycle spokes;
  • aluminum tube taken from a ski pole.

From galvanized steel, cut a couple of strips measuring 15 by 3 cm and bend each in half lengthwise. On the one hand, at the end you need to cut 2 cm from one and 2 cm from the second workpiece.

On the folds of 1 and 2 strips, make notches at a distance of 5 mm from each other, using an emery wheel.

At one and the second end of the bent blanks, you need to drill through the hole, then mark up to drill through the hole at the ends of the wide strips.

Now fold these four blanks to make a rectangle and secure their ends.

Insert the knitting needles into the created notches. They must first be treated with a flux for soldering, then soldered to one and the other strip.

To make a metal craft holder, cut 2 strips of 15 by 1 cm from a sheet of steel. But if you don’t want to do this, then just take two flat skewers.

Cut a piece 18 cm long from an aluminum pipe and flatten the ends of the workpiece, then make a hole in these places.

Now take two narrow strips or two skewers if you used them and drill holes in the center and at the ends. On both sides, bend each such blank as in the photo.

Glue these curved blanks to the ends of the tube to make the next holder.

Using a hammer and chisel, you need to level the teeth, pointing them in one direction, and drill holes in the four corners of the walls. Lift the side walls by bending them inward and attach the holder to the holes you created.

Raise the spokes-teeth up and attach the bag, fixing it with wire and rope. This is where you will put the berries. Even a trouser leg from unnecessary jeans is suitable as such a container. And its length can be adjusted by stabbing with a pin. Now you can collect wild berries using such a harvester made by yourself.

The following product will also come in handy on the farm. After all, you can’t do without ironing clothes. And the device for this is quite possible to do it yourself.

How to make a metal ironing board with your own hands

You can make it exactly the size that suits you. Perhaps ordinary ironing boards seem too narrow for you, and in order to iron large bed linen as soon as possible, you will make a wider one. Plus, you can save a lot.

In this case, the ironing surface is made of waterproof chipboard, but you can use plywood.

The standard ironing board size is 122 by 30 cm. If you need a narrower fixture so that it does not take up much space, then you will reduce these dimensions, and if you need a wider one, then increase.

Sand the ends of chipboard or plywood.

Now you will need to cover this blank with a cloth. A coarser thick fabric goes down, and a thinner canvas goes on top. Cut out these materials with a margin of 5 cm, then tuck them on a wooden base.

Attach with a stapler. Thus, you fixed a denser tissue. And on a thin one, you will need to make backstage on all sides, hemming it, in order to then insert an elastic band or thread here. Then you will have a removable cover that you can wash if necessary.

But you ask, where are the metal crafts? After all, that's the theme. But it is from this material that the legs for the ironing board will be made. They are made using metal tubes, attaching crossbars to those. In the center, make holes in the long tubes to then connect them with bolts.

To attach the metal legs to the wooden base, use rivets. To do this, cut 4 strips of tin and give them the desired shape.

And the other two legs will be attached with a latch, then it will be possible to give the board the desired height.

These are the metal crafts you can do with your own hands. Many more things can be made from this material, for example, a fly, a spider, a cobweb. Watch the process of creating these items.

Get to know ideas that will tell you what can be made from scrap metal.

Products made of various metals surround a person in many areas of his activity. For the home, these are decorative items, household items and garden tools. The use of metal objects in the industrial field cannot be described in a few words. In recent decades, do-it-yourself metal products have been created by many amateur craftsmen. Home forges became more and more common.

The most affordable type of metal processing, which does not require large expenditures and sophisticated equipment, is cold forging, which results in individual figures. And they are combined into a single product by welding.

Items created by hand by cold forging are presentable, they can be put up for sale. Therefore, this is one of the options for a profitable private business.

There are many other methods of making metal objects that deserve special attention.

Craft Ideas for Beginners

Before considering how to work with metals, it is worth dwelling on the ideas and drawings of possible crafts.

Metal crafts - decorations for any interior. Animal and plant subjects, monograms, geometric figures and national ornaments are popular.

A simple product for beginners will be a metal owl. It is made in many ways. So, rods bent into rounded shapes, welded together, form a wall stand for flowers in the form of an owl outline.

Sheet metal products by welding are made in this way:

  • a sketch of the product and its details are preliminarily prepared on paper;
  • transfer the pattern to a metal sheet, carefully cut it out with a grinder and clean the edges;
  • notches are applied with a chisel and a hammer so as to give the components the image of feathers;
  • a beak is formed, parts of the paws are cut out of the rod, and bolts are threaded into the holes under the eyes made with a chisel in the head part;
  • all parts of the bird are welded together;
  • clean the surface of rust with a chemical solvent and varnish it.

Protective or fences are decorated with floral ornaments, and a bouquet of iron roses can become an independent decoration of the room. For the manufacture of branches, flowers and leaves, cold and hot forging are suitable.

Leaves are cold forged from thin metal 3.5 mm thick, which bends well.

Briefly, the steps of the process can be described as follows:

  • a sheet of the desired shape is cut out of cardboard;
  • transfer images to a metal sheet, cut out with special scissors;
  • the edges are polished with a machine;
  • "burrs" are removed with a metal brush;
  • clean and polish the surface;
  • with a chisel, the veins are applied to the leaf plate;
  • the edges of the leaves and petals are made thinner by beating them with a hammer;
  • with the help of round-nose pliers, bend the edges and shape the products;
  • finished forms are fixed by spot welding on the branches;
  • paint the product or cover it with a special varnish.

Cut across and painted, it turns into an unusual bedside table or coffee table.

Craftsmen decorate the walls of the barrels with openwork carvings, and then build a set for outdoor dining: a table and chairs.

From unnecessary garden tools and pipes, sculptures of animals or fairy-tale characters are created.

Summer residents love do-it-yourself furniture from a profile pipe. This material is practical, inexpensive, allows you to create many useful things: from furniture to a greenhouse. It is combined with other materials: wood and plastic.

For the manufacture of benches with dimensions of 2.3x0.6x0.45 m, a profile pipe of square section 0.03x0.03 m, with a total length of 11 m, is used. As well as boards with a length of 2.3 m, a width of 0.06 m.

A scale of tint colors from yellow to purple is used by blacksmiths to determine the temperature at which metal is heated. The development of color depends on a very thin, a few molecules, oxide film on the surface. Modern craftsmen have learned to control the colors of metal, and use this when designing a product.

The temperature will also help in creating frosty tin patterns. The principle is based on its allotropic forms. Under normal conditions, it is white and is called the β-form. When heated to a temperature above 160 ºС, it transforms into a substance with a different crystal lattice - the γ-form.

In practice, the following happens:

  • a sheet from a tin, covered with a thin layer of tin, is brought to the flame of a candle and warmed up;
  • in places where the temperature rises, stains appear, which diverge in different directions with curls.

There are nuances in this process:

  • uniform heating of the entire sheet will lead to a change in its entire color without streaks;
  • enough spot heating - stains are formed in an arbitrary direction on their own;
  • overheating of the surface will cause the tin to run off - its melting point is about 232ºС.

However, the effect is beautiful and easy to make at home. A sheet painted in this way can be used to create do-it-yourself tin crafts.

Tin as it is

Tinplate is a type of sheet steel, up to 0.36 mm thick, coated with tin, zinc, chromium, varnish or other substances.

Tin or beer cans can become a source of material for do-it-yourself crafts from tin. Interesting household items or decor are easy to make at home.

Tin is well cut with scissors or a clerical knife, so you can create openwork crafts. Cutting off the bottom of the tin can and cutting out drawings on its walls with a knife, you get a lampshade for the lamp. It can be painted and mounted cartridge.

A simpler lamp will be the same carved lampshade, but with one bottom. Tin candlesticks will create a mood and ensure the safety of using open fire.

All of these techniques are common among amateur masters. But 3 main methods deserve special attention: cold and hot forging, as well as art welding.

cold forging

It includes two main methods of influencing the metal: pressing and bending. The first is the impact action, which leads to the compaction of the upper layer and the mobility of the inner metal workpiece. The second is bending it along certain lines, getting waves, curls, spirals, zigzags.

Metal products created by cold forging are beautiful, simple to perform if the master has all the necessary equipment. The industry offers cold forging machines, however, they can be made independently, which will reduce the cost of the product.

The disadvantage of cold forging is the inability to correct errors. Such a workpiece will be considered damaged.

hot forging

Allows you to obtain a variety of items from ductile metal. Heating gives high plasticity to the material and the possibility of shaping it by force. Many methods of hot forging form a range of products for every taste.

When choosing this technology, it is necessary to consider:

  • availability of a forge and provision of fire safety equipment;
  • the final result depends on the properties of metals, not all of them can be forged and welded;
  • high cost of equipment and materials;
  • the effect of heating temperature on the properties of the workpiece.

Despite the shortcomings, the advantages of classical forging are in the variety and beauty of products.

A new trend that originated at the E.O. Paton, brought technical welding to a new level - a fine art. This is no longer rough crafts from scrap metal at their summer cottage, but a way to create masterpieces using welding.

Small figurines of insects or animals in full growth, as well as gates - all these are works of art welding.

To work at home in this technique you need:

  • welding machine and consumables;
  • iron blanks;
  • inspiration and sleight of hand.

The main material is titanium, but the craftsmen talk about the possibility of working with zirconium and stainless steel.

Tools and equipment to help craftsmen

Any technology for creating metal products in a home workshop requires special tools and equipment. Consumables - metal (iron) blanks - can be specially purchased, or be scrap metal. Metal objects that have served their purpose can certainly be found in any garage or cottage. Secondary metal processing is a promising environmental method that reduces the cost of the product.

Today, we throw a very large variety of packaging products into the trash can every day, however, some products can be a good source for doing all sorts of DIY crafts.

So, as an example, you can take an empty can of tin from lemonade or beer. For the most part, crafts from cans serve as a decor, but if you turn on your imagination and fantasy, you can build something useful and usable for the home.

Do-it-yourself lighting fixtures from cans

Practically any jar can be usefully used, for example, it is possible to make a very stylish and original shade for a lamp. Therefore, the first step is to remove the top of the bottom of the can, using ordinary scissors or a clerical knife.

If you have a penchant for drawing, then the jar can be colorfully painted or simply painted on the inside and outside. After that, it is necessary to mount a cartridge with a light bulb to the bank. Everything, a bright and unique lamp is ready for use.

You can also make an interesting and beautiful table lamp from beer cans, which can decorate the room with its unusual look.

So for the manufacture of a lampshade, it is necessary to use only the tongues from the cans, but for the lamp stand, you can use the tin itself. To connect all the tongues from the cans into a single and unified structure, a small incision must be made on each tongue, after which all the tongues must be connected to each other, and then the cut point must be reconnected.

Country interior decoration

A very interesting application for tin cans can also be found for country use. So, for example, they can be used in the manufacture of garden furniture, an armchair and a table, it is a very good idea to use empty aluminum cans.

So, in order to make a chair, you need to connect all the cans together using a very powerful and reliable glue. For a more stable position of the chair, and so that it does not deform from the weight of the person sitting on it, it is advisable to fill each jar with sand after gluing.

Can alcohol burner

Also, for many amateur travelers, it is very important to provide everything necessary for hiking, especially a burner. Therefore, many tourists independently make alcohol lamps from aluminum cans, which are quite capable of replacing a conventional gas burner.

It is worth noting that the weight of a home-made spirit stove hardly exceeds 50 grams, while a gas burner weighs about 3.5 kg.

Candlestick-flashlight from a beer can

So, to perform such crafts on the jar itself, you will have to make deep vertical cuts at a distance of 3-4 cm between them. This process is carried out with a sharp knife, it is necessary to cut carefully slowly, if necessary, you can use a ruler for a more even cut.

After the jar is cut, it must be gently pressed down a little from above, resulting in an interesting flashlight design. If you do not like the color scheme of the candlestick, then you can paint it yourself with a special spray in the color you need.

Butterflies from beer cans and other figurines

It takes a lot of patience to make this kind of craft. So, from an empty tin, you need to remove two bottoms. The result is a rectangular sheet of tin.


Carefully cut out the finished shape with scissors along the contour of the pattern, for example, a butterfly.

When the shape of the butterfly is ready, you can give it a more natural look, give the wings a little lively look and decorate the butterfly a little in a bright color.

Thus, before throwing away an empty aluminum can of beer or a drink, think, if you just turn on your imagination and imagination, then you can make useful crafts from tin cans, many beautiful and useful things that your relatives and friends will appreciate.

Photo crafts from cans



The decoration of any dacha or mansion in the suburbs can be not only a purchased accessory, but also hand-made metal crafts. Any person can make them, since special knowledge is not required for this.

Thinking about the manufacture of metal crafts, everyone is given the chance to choose the desired production process, based on their own skills and experience. The always chosen work technique will imply some expenses necessary to create or purchase the necessary equipment.

Everyone is given the opportunity to create many different metal crafts, to transform the interior of a home or garden plot thanks to them.

Product technology

Creating crafts from wood and metal is today considered a modern way to make money. Handmade metal structures adorn the cornices and benches. In this case, the master has the right to choose the desired style that is suitable for the house.

In stores, metal items are sold expensively, because they are made by hand. Therefore, today it is important to create such products on their own.

For the production of metal parts and patterned images, it is recommended to choose a suitable work process.

The most modern are: filigree, cutting, bending, forging, stamping, chasing. Upon completion of the preparation of the drawing of the metal product and the required list of materials, the master can begin work.

Metal is the material from which whole compositions of various crafts for the home and garden are created. In this regard, many ways have been developed, thanks to which it is possible to create characteristic things at home.

Methods for creating metal products

Casting. The essence is to fill the mold with liquefied steel. Frozen, it becomes strong. This results in a beautifully shaped product.

Forging. Based on the action on the workpiece with a hammer, temperature, press, etc.

Bending. This technique is similar to forging. The essence of technology is welding and riveting elements.

Difovka. This method is characterized by the use of a hammer in the work. So the iron sheets get the desired look.

Cutting and stamping. Using this technology, the shape of the workpiece changes, holes are made.

Filigree. The raw material is wire of any shape. The craft is created by soldering the bent components of the pattern.

Chasing. The method is considered the simplest. Its essence is the location on the workpiece of inventory, subject to further impact with a hammer. This changes the shape of the product.

How to make a drawing

At the present time, many methods are used to make drawings of metal crafts. They can really be done by yourself, or using automated programs.

Thanks to the scheme, there is a specific understanding of how much material is needed for work. Initially, it will be required in the manufacture of large items, for example, metal gates. Having a prepared sketch, the master will be able to understand whether the craft will look harmonious in the desired place.

DIY metal rose

Sheet metal crafts will serve to decorate the garden in a country house. Among them, a beautiful flower called a rose is most often distinguished. The finished product will be able to please you for many years.

To complete the craft, the following learning method is useful:

When carrying out work, it is necessary to take into account safety precautions, using special gloves and a mask for welding.

Take sheet metal and carve out of it the petals and leaves of the flower. The petals should be cut in the following order: from smallest to largest, starting at 15 mm and ending at 80 mm. You will need to make about 30 petals. So the flower bud will look compact and beautiful. After the edges of all the petals should be smoothed with a grindstone.

From the remaining sheet metal, it is necessary to cut triangular shapes of at least 10 mm in size, serving as rose thorns.

We make a button. Take the two smallest petals, squeeze them in a yew, then fold them into two parts. Then we form eight petals in an arc, holding on to the middle of the bud. Each piece of metal crafts is fixed by welding. After that, you need to clean up.

All other leaves are formed in a similar way in an arc, but with the top bent. The bend is carried out with a hammer. All other petals are fixed by welding and cleaned again.

It's time to weld the spikes to the prepared stem. Afterwards, cleaning is done.

And finally, the rose leaves themselves. It is required to make a clamp and unclench the leaflet in a yew so that the vein comes out. The edges of the leaves are bent with pliers. We fix the leaves to the stem by welding and clean the seams.

The final stage is welding the bud to the stem. Cleaning is also done in those places where the parts are connected. After the whole rose is painted with a special paint.

DIY metal craft rat

Metal crafts for the garden and cottages have an excellent appearance. For example, you can make a metal rat or other animal by following the step-by-step instructions.

Step-by-step process of creating crafts:

Take a couple of pieces of a metal pipe (with a rat size of 50 cm). One of them will serve as a head: we cut equal parts in diameter, and the workpiece comes out.

After using electric welding, we attach the parts and use a grinder to clean the place of the seam. When working, proportional dimensions should be taken into account: the head goes more than the body. We weld these two parts together.

On a thin metal sheet 2 mm wide, we apply samples of the ears and paws of the animal, then cut it out. For the correct shape of the paws, the workpieces are folded into a funnel. We connect the paws with the body with a welding machine and clean the seams. Similarly, work is done with the ears.

After we perform brushes of paws from twigs. Smaller rods are suitable for the upper and lower legs. We weld them and clean them up.

For dressing the tail, you need a rod 14 mm long. He joins the body of the rat by welding.

Now let's deal with the muzzle. Initially, two openings are made in the head for the eye sockets. In size, they are smaller than the balls from the bearings.

We carefully clean the entire animal with a grinder. Along the length of the rat, we make welding lines located nearby. This will remind the elements of wool.

At the end of everything, a varnish without color is applied to the rat to obtain the best effect. In the photo of metal crafts, the animal is covered with a colorless varnish that has a shiny effect. Now the craft is ready, you can give it to your loved ones, or place it in your own dacha.

Photo of metal crafts