A small country house with their own hands. Do-it-yourself country house (60 photos): building a foundation

A dacha is a really inexpensive house to live in, and only from a certain time we began to consider it a luxury. In fact, if you remember the old days, then these are small houses, which are half or three times smaller than the village ones, but comfortable and cozy for living at any time of the year. Therefore, it makes sense to remember how such housing is built and equipped, and take care of the maximum comfort that is possible thanks to modern technologies and materials.

So, today we are building a small country house in which a small family can live freely. We will not touch on the issue of financial problems and moving to a dacha, but simply study the issue from the perspective of the possibility of living in such a country house of our own free will, but not due to circumstances.

What should be a country house

Everyone sets the basic requirements for a country dwelling independently, depending on personal requirements. But today we are talking about how to equip a house comfortably and at the same time economically.

Believe me, it's real!

So, what is a cozy and comfortable cottage for living inexpensively? This is a small house that has everything for cooking and personal hygiene. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Inside there are some household appliances, and on the street, at the very summer cottage, there is everything for a simple rest.

It would also be nice to have several acres of land nearby, where you can plant vegetables and fruits for personal consumption, as well as a couple of small flower beds, say, just for fun.

In fact, a person does not need so much to feel good. That is why we believe that it is possible to do without expensive intelligent systems and automated equipment. However, now you can see for yourself!

Choosing a project for a country house

In order to reduce the cost of construction as much as possible, but not to get away from its quality, you can choose an inexpensive project. There are enough of them on the Web and even among the house builders themselves, which some standard projects simply give to their customers. But there is always a way to get a project and not order a house from the builders, it's easy.

You can also independently create a dwelling project, which will be convenient for you personally in terms of the location of the interior. The main thing, when determining the materials of construction, is that you have the opportunity to show the project to professionals in order to approve the possibility of construction.

Building area: golden mean

To build an inexpensive country house, you do not need to chase a huge area. Start from the essentials - a couple of rooms, a kitchen, a corridor, a bathroom (if it is inside the house), a small pantry. All this can fit in about 40 square meters. It will be something like an average two-room apartment, which is quite enough for a family.

The premises themselves can be divided by area, as convenient, as long as the project passes approval.

What to build from?

Today, such buildings can be driven out of a wide variety of materials:

  • Glulam or log is a modern throwback to classic construction, but finding a good price is very difficult;
  • The construction of housing from brick or cinder block can be a little cheaper, but here it is worth considering the cost of subsequent finishing;
  • You can build a house with a frame method, for example, from SIP panels. It will be average in price and not bad in terms of energy saving.

Any material for the construction of a country house can be expensive and not very expensive, and if you study the market well, then you can even get away from the standard cost by 40-60%. This is so, because the cost has a regional affiliation, and is also aligned by many builders under the "famous" of their company.

Inexpensive building foundation

The foundation for such a house will really cost a penny. Comparatively, of course. But here it is important not only to reduce the cost of the foundation, but be sure to choose one that suits your residential building.

It is necessary to consider construction materials, roof, sheathing, because all this gives weight to the foundation. But it is also worth turning to the study of the soil, because not everywhere you can fill in a strip foundation and stop at this option. In some cases, if there are some problems with the soil, it will be necessary to use piles, and this is already an increase in the cost of the process.

Inexpensive roofing and roofing for a summer residence

Most of the roofing options we studied in a feature article earlier, and you can refer to it at any time to get the information you need.

As for the cost, today it is most advantageous to install slate or corrugated board on the roof.

There are other options, but it is always worth starting not only from savings, but also to calculate in advance the possible service life. In this case, depending on the type of roof, you can pay attention to shingles, ondulin and other types of roofing.

How to build a cottage inexpensively

The answer to the question here is very simple - to build housing with your own hands! But if there are no qualifications, and a house is needed in the near future, what to do then? Just look for an inexpensive bricklayer or a team of coven workers who will be ready to inexpensively build a home for you in the country.

Anyone who has not encountered such a question will certainly assume that this is impossible, but will certainly be wrong. Just look how many builders today are looking for earnings, and from the construction of your dacha, at least a little, but you can earn. It remains only to determine among the total number of those who offer their candidacy those who will be able to build with high quality and for the price tag you offer!

Choosing a plot for a summer residence

Today, there are a lot of proposals in dacha cooperatives. There are even absolutely cheap ones, if only a person takes the land, and with it the obligation to pay land fees and pay for water and other indicators of civilization.

It is very good if the site is selected not only by cost, but also by criteria of quality and practicality. The soil, its quality, relief, remoteness from the entrance, microdistrict or city, planting in the country, the ability to build quickly and without problems - all this is very important, but the list of requirements is far from complete. The main thing here is communications: electricity, water, gas, sewerage. Well, when at autonomous substations or even with centralized supply, the main thing is that there is light and water, the rest is simpler.

Choosing a place for building

The place for the construction of a country house should be on a hill so that the building is not affected by surface or groundwater. It is advisable to locate the house at a distance from the road, from unnecessary neighborly views and road dust, and also so that the maximum number of windows faces the sunny side, because it is very good when it is light inside the dwelling.

We establish the foundation

Since we will have a frame-type building, inexpensive, but very modern, we can not deepen the foundation very much, because it will only be a waste of money. You can choose a simple columnar foundation or a strip foundation. Platforms and filler plates are not needed here, that's for sure.

Under the frame house, the foundation can be installed independently, if there is even the slightest experience in construction. But if a construction team is working on the territory of the dacha, let it be better engaged in this process, since the foundation of the house plays a very serious role.

Frame installation

The frame of a country house is being built quite simply, but strictly according to the project. It is advisable to initially provide for the supply of communications in order to hide them in the thickness of the floor and walls. Also, pay attention to the need for structures such as a cellar, because it can always be under the house itself.

The installation of the frame takes place in conjunction with the installation of the truss system on the roof. If the roof of the house is on its own project, other options are possible.

Inexpensive home improvement

Now we need to make sure that the arrangement does not come out more expensive than construction. We will not work with the interior today, as well as with accessories and decor, but we will definitely take care of ensuring comfort inside.

In terms of home improvement, all issues should be resolved with maximum practicality!

Electricity in the house

Naturally, the easiest way to provide a house with electricity is to make wiring from the central line. But there are always support options. Of course, they can take the budget in a negative direction, but they still need to be remembered.

Solar panels can generate electricity. In this case, it will be necessary to spend money only on the purchase and installation. Further, you will receive electricity almost free of charge, however, in small quantities.

The simplest sewerage in the country

Who said that it is very expensive to provide high-quality sewerage on the site? It's just that we are accustomed to working with septic tanks and leads to irrigation fields, which costs decently in the complex. You can always approach the issue from the other side and, for example, build a cesspool from used bricks or just one concrete ring. Of course, you will sometimes have to call a car to service such a local treatment plant, but you can always reduce costs by purchasing special additives for septic tanks. These are the bacteria that will help ensure that all the drains decompose and minimize the cost of cleaning the cesspool.

Inexpensive water supply for summer cottages

Plumbing in a summer cottage is good, but if it is not there, a few tanks will save the situation. One can be placed outside, for summer use, and the second on the roof of the house, so that inside you can wash dishes, take a shower, and so on.

If we talk about the cost of these types of provision, then centralized water supply is always more convenient and cheaper. You pay the standard tariff for the meter and do not worry about the delivery of water, its purification.

How to build a cottage? The choice of materials (video)

Cooking and heating

It is very important that the house is warm, and there is also an oven on which you can cook. It can be a single design, for example, a modern cooking stove, which will also heat the home in winter.

Just an ordinary potbelly stove, a cast-iron stove, which is installed in any room of a country house. If not, you can build a stone oven, however, the services of a stove-maker here can seriously hit your pocket.

Inexpensive life in the country: summing up

We chose an inexpensive, but decent and high-quality site, built a simple modern house using frame technology. Here we have almost a standard, but if we count in terms of area and inexpensive construction of a house, then here we are already seriously saving.

We also immediately remove expensive septic tanks, stoves, electrical appliances for heating from the budget. This gives us the opportunity not only not to spend money immediately, but also not to throw away money for the maintenance of such devices and systems. Of course, there are solutions that are much more practical than a potbelly stove or water tanks, but our task was to prove that life in the country can be comfortable and inexpensive. It seems to us that we did it, especially if, after the construction and arrangement of the house, you also put in order and make the entire summer cottage more convenient.

We will not argue, not everyone will live in the country, and even in conditions to which we are not quite accustomed. But now you will have a separate private house, albeit a small one, which is a valuable property. But in the summer this is generally the best place to relax!

It doesn’t take much to build a garden house with your own hands, but the finished building is a real lifesaver in an open area. Even a small and simple house is enough to hide from the weather, store household equipment, and comfortably relax for children and adults.

Summer house options

A universal solution for any site - a one-story house with or without an attic. You can turn a summer house into a two-story house if equip a comfortable attic instead of an attic.

For comfortable outdoor recreation, a terrace is attached to the house - open or with a canopy. In good weather, it serves as a dining room or playground for children. It all depends on the area and configuration.

Note! The terrace is easy to decorate with decorative lighting, curly flowers.

If the garden house will be operated only in the warm season, then it is not necessary to lay a heating system in it. On cold evenings and nights enough heater. And this will require wiring.

Whatever version of the garden house you choose, before construction you need to draw up its project. It will help to calculate the load on the foundation, the amount of materials needed.

What to build a garden house from

You can build a garden house with your own hands from bricks, timber, concrete blocks. Each option has advantages and disadvantages.

Lightweight with a thickness of 150 mm – at first glance economical and easy construction option. Lumber lays down easily, looks beautiful, suitable for any type of fine finish. However, such a house does not retain heat well in spring and autumn, which entails considerable costs for the heating system and electricity.

Summer houses made of foam blocks can withstand heavy loads even with a wall thickness of about 30 cm keep warm in the off-season. The special block laying technology minimizes cold bridges and prevents condensation in the premises. However, specialists must build according to a carefully designed project.

Brick houses are no less reliable than block houses, but they require at least external insulation. With a thickness of external walls of 1-1.5 bricks, this can be facade plaster, a “ventilated facade” system or a combination of expanded polystyrene with facing bricks. The design is warm, strong, durable, but not cheap.

Worthy of attention deserves the technology of frame construction. It allows you to build a light but durable garden house with the lowest financial and labor costs. Moreover, its design is such that repairs and additional insulation will not require much effort.

Do-it-yourself frame garden house

The frame technology for building a summer house is simple, it implies multiple base options and wall cladding. But how to build a small garden house with your own hands, if there is no experience? You can't do without step-by-step instructions for work and knowledge of some secrets.

Shallow-depth withstands a large load. Suitable for device on heaving, but not on peat, sapropel, clay soils. The width of the base is 10 cm more than the thickness of the walls, the height is about 50 cm. Usually, such a foundation lies above the groundwater, therefore, in the spring, it goes up with them and then goes down.

Note! When constructing a strip foundation, it is possible to equip a basement under the summer house, for example, for storing garden tools.

The device of a shallow strip foundation is performed according to the scheme.

  1. Mark out the site using pegs and a cord stretched between them, which marks the boundary of the future pit.
  2. Taking into account the markup, they dig trenches under the foundation.
  3. A sand and gravel cushion (15 + 15 cm) is laid at the bottom of the trench. It is spilled with water in order to better compact it.
  4. The walls of the pit are covered with a layer of waterproofing material, for example, roofing material.
  5. From boards with a thickness of 4-5 cm, formwork is mounted for pouring concrete. It should protrude 30 cm above ground level.
  6. Fill trenches with concrete.
  7. Cover the base with foil and periodically moisturize so that the concrete does not crack.

With potentially large loads, the foundation is additionally reinforced. The process is quite laborious, so it is worth correlating the scale of the house under construction with the cost of laying the foundation.

Shallow block base

For a small and light garden house, a shallow columnar base of individual concrete blocks is sufficient. fit elements measuring 20x20x40 cm.

Holes are dug under the blocks with a depth of about 50 cm. Layers are laid at the bottom:

  • waterproofing;
  • sand - 15 cm;
  • crushed stone - 15 cm.

On top of such a "pillow" concrete blocks are laid in two rows. For fixing use cement brand M-150. The result is poles that protrude about 20 cm above ground level.

It is important! The second row of blocks is laid across the first.

Ground screws foundation

Geo-screws are similar to screw piles, but shorter. They are used for light and small buildings. Categorically not suitable for work on floating and loose soils. The lower trim of the frame house is mounted on the heads of the geoscrews.

Advantages of technology:

  • no special equipment is needed for work;
  • stones and even medium cobblestones in the ground are not obstacles for ground screws;
  • no preparatory work is needed on the site;
  • raising the frame can be done immediately after screwing in the last ground screw.

Geo-screws are screwed into the ground strictly vertical. To do this, with the help of a hand drill, first, pits are made with a depth of 35-50 cm. Geo-screws are inserted into them, which are twisted by hand. It is enough to insert a crowbar into the head and use it as a lever. On dense soils for these purposes is suitable a piece of metal pipe with handles welded to it. The design is put on the head and also serves as a lever.

Some craftsmen buy multipliers in stores, connect them to an electric drill using a metal pipe, and thereby increase the torque of the device. The finished design, fixed on the head, allows reduce the time for screwing geoscrews. Work starts from the corners. Vertical alignment of ground screws is performed after they are buried in the ground by about 1/3.

Wooden frame assembly

The assembly of the wooden frame begins with the bottom strapping. For this use board with a section of 5x15 cm or timber - 15x15 cm. The selected lumber is laid on the foundation along the waterproofing layer (roofing material). In corner joints, wooden strapping elements are connected by cutting "half a tree". On the foundation, the strapping is fixed with anchor bolts. Logs are laid across for the future floor, maintaining a distance between them of 50 cm.

Raise the frame, starting with the installation of the bars in the corners. Intermediate racks are fixed in increments of no more than 200 cm. For this, a “half-tree” cut and reinforced steel corners are used. To give the structure rigidity, in the corners set temporary supports - braces. Provide for door and window openings.

After that, similarly to the lower one, the upper trim of the frame is assembled, the cross beams of the floor are fixed and the truss system is mounted.

Note! Part of the roof can be assembled in advance, and then lifted up. So, when constructing a hip roof, it is convenient to first assemble the ridge run and the central rafters on the ground, and then fix the diagonal rafters at the top.

Wall and roof cladding

After assembling the frame, proceed for wall and roof cladding. For the walls of an unheated small house, OSB is most often used - oriented strand boards.

For external cladding, OSB-3 weatherproof boards are chosen.

They are attached to the racks with wood screws, without screwing them in until the end by about 1-2 mm. This is necessary so that the plates have the opportunity expand with changes in temperature and humidity. In this case, the joints of the plates should fall on the frame rack. Subsequently, these seams are puttied. In a similar way, they sheathe a house from OSB from the inside with their own hands. Siding, facade plaster will serve as a finishing facing material.

Used as roofing material tiles, corrugated board. The second option is preferable for a garden house, as the material is lightweight and low cost. For fastening corrugated board use self-tapping screws for metal. The most important thing in the work is to correctly and evenly install the first sheet.

It is important! If you want to insulate the building, then to protect the heat-insulating material and wood, you will need a hydro- and vapor barrier - a polyethylene film and a vapor barrier membrane.

When building a small garden house, it is important to chase not beauty, but for reliability, convenience and performance. What is the use of a beautiful building if it is cold even in late spring? However, in order to obtain a high-quality result, it is important to strictly observe the construction technology.

Where does the landscaping of a suburban area begin? We propose to consider the option of building a small house with amenities and a terrace, which, after the construction of a full-fledged housing, will become an excellent place to relax, store household equipment, or even a cozy guest house.

Inside the house there is a separate bathroom (4), a rest room with good natural light (3) and a small change house with an outside entrance (1) for storing small things or a mini-workshop. For a pleasant pastime in the fresh air, we will allocate a place in the plan for an attic (2), approximately 180x260 cm. The total dimensions of the house are 6x6 meters, just under the standard length of the scaffolding.

Foundation tricks

Our building is based on 16 concrete pillars, arranged in a 4x4 square with a gap of 2 meters. The marking of the site is carried out with a grid stretched on stakes, from each of the 16 intersections a mark is transferred to the ground by a plumb line. Four internal wells are dug strictly at intersections, twelve external wells are dug with an inward displacement of 7 cm.

You can dig manually, drill with a power drill or use a crane drilling machine. We drill wells with a diameter of 350-400 mm to the depth of soil freezing plus an additional 50 cm. At the bottom of each well we pour a bucket of crushed stone or river pebbles, then add two buckets (25 liters) of concrete grade 300 with filler fraction 5-8. We stick plastic 110 mm sewer pipes (gray PVC) into the solution that has not yet set. We orient them with sockets up; for long pillars, pipes can be made prefabricated. We align the pipes vertically, as well as at the intersections and the general level of lacing, pour 1-1.5 buckets of sand into the pits, and fill the rest with earth.

After the bases have set, we pour the same concrete into the pipes, it can be seated by vibration or pinning. The column is reinforced with a profile 14 mm rod in the full length of the pipe, an M12 stud 200 mm long is welded to the upper edge. Such a foundation does not react in any way to winter heaving of the soil: a smooth sleeve around the post does not allow the soil to freeze to concrete.

Grill and frame floor

A week is given for the drying of the pillars. On top you need to stretch a small (15 mm) chain-link mesh, painted or galvanized, two meters wide. We stretch it on the studs of the pillars, we sew the edges with wire.

Then, on the foundation, a grillage is assembled from a bar 150x150 mm:

  • at the intersections we make a half-tree hem;
  • we make holes for the studs with a brace of 20 mm;
  • fold the inner grillage of the grillage;
  • we horizontally start the outer bars, observing the dressing scheme;
  • tighten the nuts over wide washers until the beam crushes the mesh;
  • we finally derive the common horizontal plane with linings from roofing material;
  • cut off excess studs.

We draw the mesh to the grillage either with wire, or we knock it out from below with galvanized nails. We put a windproof membrane into the cells, tuck it high at the edges. After the space between the bars is filled with a mixture of wood chips and slaked lime 5: 1 and covered with plastic wrap, the edges are shot with staples.

A crate is mounted on top of the film: a 50x150 mm board is placed on an edge in both directions to form cells of approximately 580x580 mm. Eleven boards go to each side, twenty-two in total. At the edges and at the intersections with grillages, the boards are drilled 70 mm with a 10 mm drill, then they are attracted to the base with self-tapping screws. The intersections of the lathing must be carried out as on the grillage - with pruning half a tree, we wet all the cracks and junctions and seal them with summer foam.

The floor frame, with the exception of cells completely located under the terrace, is filled with mineral wool and covered with a semi-permeable (150 g/m) diffusion membrane. The floor is laid with an edged tongue-and-groove board over the entire plane. We make ventilation holes in the cells under the terrace in the frame boards.

Walls, corners, openings and junctions

Further work begins with two walls opposite the corner attic. First, on a flat base of the house, we lay out and assemble on self-tapping screws a frame of boards on an edge with external dimensions of 570x240 cm. We add 2.4 m of racks of 24x150 mm boards with an interaxal pitch of 60 cm to the assembled frame. 60 cm. We will use these short boards as horizontal beams in the frame for joining the skin.

We raise the wall vertically, temporarily fasten it to the base with cuttings from the boards. The bottom board of the wall frame is fastened with 120 mm pins to the ribs of the floor system every 40 cm. The second wall is assembled in the same way and set perpendicular to the first, temporarily tightened with scarves.

Please note that the outer corner is thus "empty". We cover it with foam, put a beam of 60x60 mm, and fasten the extreme boards of two walls to it, having previously made holes for 100 mm self-tapping screws.

We assemble the rest of the walls in the same way, the inner corner is processed in the same way as the outer one. From the outside, we sheathe the house with 12 mm OSB sheets 2400 long, so the vertical seams fall exactly on the centers of the racks. Release the sheets 200 mm above the wall frame, below the sheathing falls at least to the middle of the grillage. At the corners, the edges are displayed along the frame of the adjacent wall.

When one side is sewn up, we scroll a 40x40 mm bar along the vertical edge from the inside and fill the remaining space with foam. From the same angle, we begin the sheathing of the next wall, fasten the edges of the sheets to the connecting bar.

To form doorways, choose a board 50x150 mm and knock down an installation box from it with internal dimensions of 100x210 cm for the front door and 80x210 for internal ones (with a canvas width of 70 cm). Before installation, the vertical rack of the wall is completely cut out (it can be divided into 4 crossbars), after installing the box, 35 cm of liners from the boards are added on top of its vertical racks.

Window blocks with an opening width of less than 60 cm are formed by adding horizontal bars. A block for a wide window is assembled from a 150x50 mm board and inserted into the frame in the same way as a door block, but in this case, fragments from at least two racks must be cut out under it, and T-shaped junctions should be strengthened with scarves.

Everything you need to know about roofing and attics

To save from cold and heat, the ceiling must have a layer of mineral wool insulation with a thickness of at least 200 mm. In this case, it is better to make the roof single-pitched ventilated. There may be an attic, but only as a room for storing materials with a useful height of 40-60 cm.

From a board of 150x50 mm we knock down trapezoidal single-pitched rafters with a height of 60 cm in the back and 110 cm in the front. Two six-meter trusses are being installed above the "full" part of the house and five more will be installed with a removal above the attic.

To obtain a sufficient width of the rib, a counter-lattice from a beam of 50x50 mm is screwed onto the lower boards of the rafters with self-tapping screws. The top board of the truss is longer than six meters due to overhangs of 40 cm at the front and back of the house. Therefore, you will either have to splice the existing forest with overlays, or import a longer one. One and a half meters from the low edge of the trusses, vertical jumpers are installed. The rafters are also strengthened in the front part with similar racks, but they are placed exactly above the walls under the direct lining of the terrace from the floor to the roof. The entrance to the attic is located in its widest part - in the inner corner of the terrace.

Fasten the rafters to the wall frame, adjusting the solution of the latter at the top. Then add intermediate floor beams between the rafters from a 150x50 mm board with a 50 mm counter-lattice. Hem the OSB ceiling with a thickness of 9 mm and screw the outer skin of the house to the ends of the ceiling. Fill all the gaps at the junctions with summer foam, then lay a vapor barrier and mineral wool in the ceiling, nail a windproof vapor-permeable membrane on top. Cover the attic floor with 12 mm OSB sheets with cutting grooves for the rafters. On the vertical beams in the rafters, sew up the vertical walls of the attic with OSB boards, insulate them as desired. Cover the rafters with plastic wrap and lay a cold roof made of metal tiles or corrugated board.

Interior and exterior decoration

In conclusion, we will give recommendations for finishing work. Outside, you have a flat plane with hidden racks every 60 cm. Therefore, both plastic siding and the block house will fit perfectly.

For interior decoration, drywall suggests itself, but fastening directly to the racks will be a mistake: the wooden frame walks a lot, cracks will appear. The walls can be sheathed with OSB, followed by ennobling MDF panels or clapboard. If you still intend to use drywall - prepare the profile frame in accordance with all the rules.

The dream of the residents of the metropolis is a beautiful house outside the city, where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. But not everyone has these dreams come true, it seems that a country house is difficult, expensive, and long. In fact, building a country house with your own hands is quite simple.

Choosing a place for the future country house

Choosing a place for a future country house is not the time for hasty decisions, because there are not so many places.

A well-thought-out competent layout will help to use every piece of land as efficiently as possible. Even though this is your land, you will have to fulfill a number of requirements, maintaining a minimum distance:

  • from the street - 5 m
  • from the road - 3 m
  • from the neighboring site - 3 m

We do not consider the option with a lowland - water will accumulate there. Optimally - the highest place on the site in its northern (north-western) part.

A country house made of timber - a modern choice

For construction, timber is used from various types of wood: linden, larch, pine. Natural wood is the most environmentally friendly building material. In wooden houses, a unique atmosphere is formed, which has a beneficial effect on the physical health and emotional state of people. The invigorating aroma of the forest is incomparable to anything. Timber houses do not need finishing: natural wood looks aesthetically pleasing and gives the room a special charm, very suitable for the country spirit.

The undeniable advantages of a house made of timber:

  • at any time of the year, even in severe frosts in winter, the room easily and quickly warms up to a comfortable temperature;
  • the total weight of log houses is relatively small, so the construction of a powerful foundation is not required, which saves effort, time and money;
  • wood is able to absorb excess moisture, being a natural moisture regulator, thanks to which a special microclimate is established in wooden buildings;
  • quite durable: nature itself provided for the ability of a tree to withstand constant climatic changes - a change in freeze and thaw cycles, precipitation, wind, and so on.

stone house

Inexpensive and reliable stone for a country house - foam concrete - a building material made in the form of blocks of cellular concrete. Composition: cement, sand, water and foaming agent. This is the most inexpensive way to build a country house out of stone. Foam concrete blocks do not differ in aesthetic appearance, but their surface is easy to process and decorate.

Advantages of a foam concrete house:

  • creates a comfortable microclimate for life all year round;
  • refractory;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • long service life;
  • budgeting;
  • the light weight of the material allows you to save on the construction of a massive foundation;
  • high level of thermal insulation: keeps cool in summer, warm in winter.

An alternative to a foam concrete house is a country house made of brick or natural stone. The most durable and reliable material, which is not afraid of almost any natural phenomena and other effects of a mechanical or chemical nature. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the material itself and construction work.

Building a brick or stone house will require a lot of time. Here you can not do without a reliable monolithic foundation. Its construction is possible only with the involvement of special equipment. It will take more than a month to lay the foundation and dry the concrete. Only then can construction continue.

There is also a significant disadvantage in the operation of a stone house. Its interior warms up for a long time, especially if it has been unheated for some time or heated to a minimum. Therefore, a stone country house is not the best option for those who rarely use it in winter.

A lot of people like to get a country house in just a few days. After all, for this you just need to choose the building project you like, and then sign the contract. The "constructor" of your house is delivered to your site by the contractor in a semi-assembled form. The final stages of assembly are carried out as quickly as possible.

They weigh quite a bit. This means that you can use a pile type of foundation. These types of houses are very attractive and not expensive.

The disadvantage of this structure is that you can use the country house only in the warm season. And no options for heaters or heating systems will absolutely help to cope with frost and keep warm.

In addition, you will not feel very good in them in the sultry heat, since the house is very hot in the sun and it is simply unbearable to be inside. In this case, you will definitely need to install a ventilation system or air conditioning. Yes, such options for houses are inexpensive, but their operation will cost a lot! Therefore, think carefully about what type of material it is worth stopping at so that the cottage in the country is practical, reliable and beautiful!

Modern high-tech houses

Progress does not stand still, and with the development of technology, the requirements for houses are also growing. High-tech country houses have become very popular lately. The number of variations, types of installation and facade will impress many who want to build their own home. Modern fashion trends are gradually entering the construction industry.

Projects of country houses in high-tech style are chosen only by those people who seek to feel the spirit of modernity, to feel the technical progress for themselves. These houses well combine the maximum functionality and space for everyday life. Such buildings gained the greatest popularity in Europe. The EU countries were the legislators of this architectural trend.

All details meet the principles of minimalism. No wonder hi-tech is considered technical minimalism. In such a structure there are no catchy and overly bright colors. All forms are strict, restrained and sometimes smooth. The facade immediately catches the eye. Main materials: glass, plastic, wood, metal. In percentage terms, the tree prevails.

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Having received a long-awaited suburban area, many of its owners immediately decide to get a house. However, building a country house, even with your own hands, is inexpensively difficult. However, if we are talking about a small building, then it will take less money to build it if you do all the work yourself.

Preparation for construction

First of all, you need to make a project. Considering the fact that in order to build even a small house in the country, it is necessary to obtain a building permit, it is better to entrust its production to specialized organizations that will make a drawing that not only meets all standards and requirements, but also coordinate it with all necessary authorities. If there is an approved project, it will not be difficult to obtain a building permit.

When developing a drawing, you should immediately decide on the material from which it is planned to build a house in the country, since based on this, the load on the foundation is calculated. Each has its pros and cons:

  1. Wood is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly material, but it requires constant care and special treatment to prevent rotting and fire.
  2. Brick is durable and solid, but it is expensive, and only professionals can do its high-quality laying.
  3. Foam blocks are easy to use, cheap, environmentally friendly and do not require heavy foundations. They have optimal thermal conductivity, but are prone to destruction.

To build a small country house with your own hands, you should choose the cheapest and easiest material to process. Can be built using wood and insulation or sandwich panels.

When developing a project, you can immediately estimate how much it will cost, since depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, the amount of materials is calculated for which it will not be difficult to find out the current prices.

Marking and construction of the foundation

There are several types of bases, but the most practical is the tape base, which will withstand and evenly distribute the load of a house built from any material. Before starting a future dacha with your own hands, it is necessary to apply markings. To do this, remove all vegetation in the place where the base of the house will be located. Many experts even recommend removing the fertile soil layer. If the land plot has obvious irregularities and slopes, then the site should first be leveled. This can be done manually or with the help of special equipment.

After the site is prepared, marking is done. To do this, you need to take 4 pegs, for which it is better to use reinforcing bars. Put one in the ground, marking the first corner, the length and width of the building are measured from it and the remaining 3 pegs are installed and connected with a rope around the perimeter. The result should be a rectangle or square (depending on the project). The corners must be straight. To check the accuracy, you should connect the opposite pegs with a rope, while both diagonals should be equal to each other.

After marking, you can proceed directly to the strip foundation. The work process will be as follows:

  1. A trench 30–50 centimeters wide is dug, depending on the thickness of the walls. The depth should be calculated in the project, taking into account the loads and the degree of soil freezing.
  2. A mixture of sand and gravel is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted.
  3. Next, you need to install the formwork. It is made of boards and supports are installed between the walls.
  4. To give the necessary rigidity to the base, a reinforcing mesh should be made inside the formwork.
  5. The concrete mixture is poured.

To gain strength, the foundation must stand, so it is not recommended to start building walls within 30 days. It is during this period that concrete gains the necessary grade strength. To prevent the destruction of the foundation, it should be treated with a bituminous mixture, and the upper part of the base should be covered with roofing material, which will act as a waterproofing.

Schematically, the strip foundation looks like in the presented photo:


The process will depend on the chosen material. The principle of building walls from foam blocks and bricks is similar. In this case, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Laying is done in a checkerboard pattern so that the subsequent layer covers the vertical seam.
  2. It is necessary to start laying from the corner. First, draw an exact straight line and only after that carry out the longitudinal installation of blocks or bricks.
  3. The thickness of the seam is 1 centimeter.
  4. The adhesive composition for foam blocks and bricks must be the same in composition throughout the entire construction process.
  5. Laying of each layer should be checked by level and monitor their verticality.

If you decide to build a house out of wood, then first of all you should take care of the preparation of high-quality timber. The tree must be solid, well dried, free of chips, cracks and other mechanical damage. Particular attention should be paid to the absence of blue. It is very important to lay the first crown correctly. At the corners, the bars are fastened by tie-in and fixed with long nails. Tow should be laid between each row.

There are several options for the corner fastening of the timber, which can be clearly seen in the photo:

Frame construction of a small house is considered the fastest and cheapest, especially if it is made of wood. To do this, it is necessary to install vertical corner and intermediate posts that are attached to the foundation. At the same time, a strapping of wooden beams should first be made on the base. Vertical racks are mounted using a metal corner or by tie-in. To strengthen the supports, the upper strapping is made of bars around the entire perimeter. The result is a frame consisting of rectangles. To give the building the necessary rigidity, opposite corners are connected by diagonals from boards. Then the voids are filled with insulation, for example, foam or mineral wool.

The process of building a house from sandwich panels can be viewed on the video:

roof construction

Roofs are of several types. Flat ones are made quickly and easily, but subsequently require constant care, since snow and water will constantly linger on the surface, and the risk of leakage is quite high.

The most practical and cheapest for a small country house are single-pitched or gable roofs. The construction process is simple, and you can do it yourself. To do this, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. The Mauerlat installation is the base of the roof, which is a wooden beam mounted on opposite walls.
  2. Next comes the installation of the truss system, the order of which will whistle from the selected type of roof. To create a gable, it is necessary to fix vertical rafters on the Mauerlat in increments of 0.8–1 meter, connecting them at the top with a ridge beam.
  3. On top of the rafters, a crate is made of boards about 4 centimeters thick.
  4. Waterproofing is laid on the frame, for example, roofing material.

You can choose any roofing material. A cheaper option is slate. More expensive and at the same time, having an attractive appearance is a metal tile or ondulin.

Schematically, the device of a gable roof looks like in the photo:

On this, the main construction of the cottage can be considered completed. It remains only to insert windows and doors, make internal partitions, and also finish the facade.
