How to make an air freshener for a car. How to make your own car air freshener

What happens if you close your eyes and feel the world without the help of sight? It's simple - another sense (smell) comes to the fore.

Sitting down at the steering wheel, the first thing we pay attention to is the aroma of the car (the smell of the dashboard, covers, pastries, hot coffee in the cup holder, and so on).

But all this is secondary. The main source of fragrance is car air freshener.

It would seem that everything is simple. It is enough to go to the store, choose a freshener that is suitable for the price and smell and attach it to the car.

But is it worth poisoning yourself with "chemistry"? - Of course not. Today there are many ways to make a freshener with your own hands.

What is a store air freshener?

When buying a freshener in a store, we do not even think about its composition and strength of action. But such a product is the usual "chemistry", which emits not only a smell, but also toxic substances.

The task of manufacturers is to achieve the maximum concentration of aroma and prolong the effect of their product. Everything else is of little concern to them.

But that's not all. You can buy a freshener that seems to have a pleasant smell, but after opening it, you get a completely different scent that is annoying and clearly betrays the chemical base.

At the same time, it is not known how the store product will affect health. So why take the risk? Below we will consider the most interesting and simple recipes that allow you to make a freshener from improvised means. At the same time, you will be sure of the naturalness and benefits of the product.

Gel freshener

This method is one of the simplest and most budgetary. In the role of the basis for the "smell" you can use ordinary glycerin and a number of additional elements.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

The advantages of such a product are versatility, durability and a pleasant aroma.

You can be sure that the composition will not spill accidentally, and the smell will come out for a long time.

If desired, you can add a little dye and transfer the composition to a transparent bottle. All that remains is to find a suitable place in the cabin.

Hydrogel freshener

In this embodiment, the basis is a hydrogel, which is easy to buy in a store.

The algorithm itself looks like this:

  • prepare everything you need - hydrogel, essential oil, container, water;
  • wash the container and drip 25-30 drops of essential oil into it (here, proceed from the volume of the prepared container);
  • pour water into a container and mix the composition well;
  • open the bottle and add about 35-40 hydrogel balls;
  • now add water and leave the mixture alone for 10-12 hours;
  • if liquid remains inside, then it can be drained.

That's all. This design can be used in the car and at home.

In the first case, using a pin or a small drill, make several holes in the lid to release the aroma.

If the freshener is used at home, then it will be easier to open the lid and put the product somewhere on a shelf.

Citrus freshener

When buying fruits or flowers, we do not even think about the possibility of their alternative use. For example, from several dozen flowers of dried cloves and 2-3 oranges, you can make a high-quality freshener that is of natural origin.

The manufacturing scheme is as follows:

  • divide the flowers into equal slides (for each of the oranges);
  • stick flowers into the surface of the fruit until you get the original "hedgehogs".

Such a freshener will "work" for 12-15 days. In a car, it can be put in the glove compartment, attached to the dashboard or on the rear shelf (behind the passenger seat).

aromatic pendant

This option is difficult to attribute to the class of car air fresheners, but it should not be ignored either.

The essence of preparation is as follows:

  • prepare small containers (small vials);
  • fill them with a special composition (the following options are suitable - twigs, petals or sand);
  • add some essential oil to the composition. The main thing here is not to overdo it (2-3 drops are enough);
  • close the container and let it brew for a while. Before installing in the car, it remains to make several holes in the lid to release a pleasant aroma to the outside.

Felt air freshener

Many saw on the shelves fresheners made of solid material in the form of Christmas trees, coffee beans and other figures.

A similar thing can be done with your own hands. All you need is a piece of wool felt. The latter can be bought at the store by choosing the color that suits the interior of the car.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

At the same time, do not repeat the mistake of most motorists who hang the air freshener on the rear-view mirror. This product will distract you from the road and may cause an accident.

The best option is to fix the "smell" somewhere near the rear window or in any of the corners of the dashboard.

It's nice when the interior of the car smells good. For this purpose, you can make a flavor in the car with your own hands. Of course, air fresheners are sold in stores. But their choice is usually rather poor. In addition, they quickly lose their properties, they have to be changed at least once a month. It's hard enough. It is much easier to make such a tool yourself by choosing your favorite flavor.

Why should you make your own air freshener?

Benefits of homemade flavors:

  • They do not harm health, as they do not contain additional chemicals. This is important, because the vapors from the freshener are constantly inhaled.
  • They will save you money. Cheap store-bought air fresheners run out quickly. Those that are designed for a longer period have a rather high price.
  • You can choose the flavor (or even a combination of them) that you like the most. In addition, depending on which oils are used, the smell can have a tonic or relaxing effect.

What scent to choose?

The easiest way to make your own air freshener is to find fragrant seasonings in the kitchen, pour them into a small bag and take them with you in the car. Caraway or anise seeds, cinnamon and vanilla are suitable for this purpose. Coffee beans will also give a lasting effect, especially if they are fresh. The choice of smell depends only on the preferences of the owner of the car.

To make such a freshener, essential oils are most often used. They have a lot of advantages: affordable price, durability, large selection. But you need to know that not all of them should be used in a car. It is impossible to abuse those that give a relaxing effect, so as not to lose concentration on the road. After all, you need to be careful while driving, a quick reaction in unexpected situations is needed. Lavender, jasmine, vanilla have an undesirable calming effect. But such smells are the best fit during a period of stress, if the driver is in an excited state.

In normal times, it is optimal to choose invigorating aromas for cars. They will help to cheer up and focus on the road, will not let you fall asleep. It can be, for example, the smell of citrus, mint, cinnamon. They should be given preference.

It is also important to make the freshener so that it does not completely drown out all the smells in the car. This will prevent you from missing some faults. For example, if exhaust gases enter the cabin.

Simple air freshener ideas

The fragrance for the car must be safe so that there is no risk of spilling it. Then you don’t have to clean the car properly in an attempt to get rid of the stubborn smell. It is convenient to use bottles from used purchased products. You can put a piece of cotton wool in them, after dropping a small amount of selected essential oils on it. The intensity can be made different, the saturation of the smell depends on how many drops of the product were. Such a car air freshener is short-lived, so the fragrance does not have time to get bored. If desired, after a few days it can be replaced.

If there is no suitable jar with a lid, then the top can be covered with foil, which is used for baking.

Another option for those who are wondering how to make a DIY car flavor is to use regular baking soda. If there is no bottle, then you can take a salt shaker. Or another container, the main thing is that there are holes in the lid. Pour substances into a quarter of a can, then add 15 drops of your favorite oil. This design will smell for a long time, only from time to time it needs to be shaken.

How to make gel fragrance?

A good idea for a car is a gel air freshener. Its consistency will allow not to stain the interior in the event of, for example, emergency braking. In addition, if you approach the matter creatively, it will look interesting and unusual. So you can give it to your friends, car owners.

To prepare it, you need gelatin. This ingredient must be poured into boiling water and stirred so that it dissolves. The quantity depends on how much you plan to get the finished product. Separately, it is necessary to dissolve a large spoonful of salt in cool water, add the resulting mixture to hot gelatin.

Then, in the container prepared for the flavor, pour the desired essential oil, alone or combined with others, 30 drops are enough. Then add the gelatin mixture and mix well. The next day, the mass will be stuck and the air freshener will be ready. To give it a more original look, it is worth using food coloring. They are added to the vial before pouring the gelatin. Then you can put a few pebbles or shells.

Also, as a car freshener, you can use aromatic balls poured into a bag or jar. You can decorate the salon with them, especially if you give them an interesting shape during manufacture. They are also suitable for gifts to car lovers. To prepare them, you need to mix one and a half cups of flour, a quarter cup of salt, a quarter teaspoon of corn starch. Separately, add a tablespoon of oil and dye to boiling water. There should be two-thirds of a cup of water. The liquid mixture is poured into the dry ingredients and the dough is kneaded. Then it is rolled out into cakes and shapes, such as hearts, are cut out with a mold or simply with a knife. The easiest way is to roll the balls. After complete drying, the freshener is ready.

Making your own air freshener is not that difficult. With a certain skill, it will not take much time, and your favorite smell in the car will please you for a long time.

A natural fragrance that exudes an unobtrusive favorite smell will help to effectively and safely freshen the air in residential areas, common areas, and car interiors. In addition, such fragrances can be used to perfume laundry, protect clothes from moths, eliminate unpleasant odors from the refrigerator and microwave oven.

Production of dry natural flavor

To make such an air freshener, you will need a dense fabric with a mesh structure: burlap, coarse linen, and embroidery canvas are suitable. A bag or any simple figure is sewn from a small piece of fabric.

Stepping back 1-2 cm from the top edge, holes are made in the bag, through which a ribbon or a beautiful ribbon is threaded. The ribbon should be easy to untie and provide access to the contents of the fragrance for its replacement as the smell disappears.

The finished bag is decorated with decorative elements, a loop is sewn on and stuffing with filler is started. As a filler, coffee beans, an aromatic mixture of cinnamon and vanilla, cloves and dried orange peels, anise, cumin, fennel can be used.

Herb lovers can fill the bag with dried mint, lavender, lemon balm, verbena, chamomile, or ready-made herbal teas.

For those who love coniferous aromas, filling the bag with fresh sawdust or small pieces of fragrant wood with the addition of a few drops of fir, pine, and cedar essential oil would be an ideal option.

You can replace wood with coarse-grained sea or table salt. Salt well absorbs and preserves the aromas of essential oils, has a healing effect on human health.

Production of liquid and gel-like natural flavoring

To create a liquid flavor, you will need small bottles - from essential oils or medicines. Such bottles can be decorated according to your own taste: painted with stained glass paints, decorated using decoupage technique, covered with fabric, etc.

The container is corked with a piece of bottle cap, in which a small hole is made and a decorative cord is passed through it. The bottle is filled with your favorite essential oil or a combination of several oils. The lace, dipped in oil, is impregnated with it and begins to exude a delicate aroma.

For a more intense aroma, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the surface of the cork.

Gel flavoring is made using gelatin, glycerin and essential oils. A bag of gelatin is dissolved in water, according to the instructions, after which it is mixed with 1-2 tsp. glycerin until a homogeneous dense mass is obtained.

To give the flavor an attractive look, the mixture can be tinted with water-soluble food coloring or gouache, decorative elements can be added: flowers, plant twigs, beads, small shells, etc.

A few drops of essential oils are added to the cooled mixture, after which the mass is laid out in a previously prepared container and left until completely solidified. The fragrance looks most impressive in figured transparent bottles.

The Tork Air-Fresh automatic air freshener provides constant control of indoor odors. The real-time operation mode allows you to keep the atmosphere of freshness in any room 24 hours a day.

Freshener installation:

  1. For optimal performance, the Tork Air-Box dispenser should be installed at least 2.20m above the floor.
  2. Place the dispenser on the wall and secure with the included mounting screws.

Programming the operating mode of the air freshener:

Open the dispenser by pressing the button (H)
Insert alkaline batteries 2 batteries (C/343/LR14) (F).
Click ON/OFF (D) until the setup panel appears on the LCD. Audio signal ” ON” will also confirm that the air freshener has been brought into operation.
The audio signal in the dispenser will automatically turn on to alert you to the need to replace the aerosol cartridge and / or batteries. To turn off the audio, press TONE (E). The bell icon will disappear from the display screen. To activate the audio signal, press TONE (E) until the bell icon appears on the display screen.
The display screen will show the factory preset settings. (G).

If the preset settings suit you, go to step 6. If you want to change the setting, follow the steps 1-5 below.


Click MODE (A) to select the desired expiration date for the aerosol cartridge by day.
Click ADJUST (B) to move through the suggested work cycle options: 30, 60, or 90 days.
Click ENTER (C) to save the selected option.
The number of days for the selected aerosol cartridge expiration date will appear on the display screen.


Click MODE to set the time.
Click ADJUST to set the time in 10-minute intervals.
Click ENTER when the real time is set.


Click ADJUST to select 8, 12, 16 or 24 hour freshener operation.
If 12 hour mode is selected:
Click ADJUST to set the start time of the 12 hour cycle.
Click ENTER when the start time is set.
The display will return to the duty cycle setting mode.


Click MODE to select the day of the week.
Click ADJUST to select the current day of the week.
Click ENTER to save.

MO= Monday
TU= Tuesday
W.E.= Wednesday
TH= Thursday
FR= Friday
SR= Saturday
SU= sunday


Click ADJUST to set the air freshener on or off for the day indicated on the display.
Click ENTER to save the selected mode.
Note: The air freshener can run for 5, 6 or 7 days. Days set to non-working mode do not have to be consecutive.


Press the red button RESET (I), keep it pressed for no more than 4 seconds. (a double beep will confirm that the reset is complete).
IMPORTANT: This operation must be performed each time the aerosol cartridge is replaced.
If the button RESET is pressed for more than 5 seconds, the dispenser automatically switches to the DEMO mode and returns to the settings specified by the manufacturer.
Insert the aerosol cartridge and close the lid. Do not stand close to the air freshener spray hole.


The freshener will automatically save the settings for 1 minute, allowing you to replace the batteries without resetting the settings. The validity period of alkaline batteries is up to 3 years.
The battery power indicator will start flashing 30 days before the battery expiration date.

I think many of us do not really like the smell of store fresheners, so I suggest you make your own, unique freshener, with your favorite smell.
For manufacturing we need:
1) A can of paint or antistatic.
2) Nipple from a bicycle chamber.
3) Essential oil or favorite perfume.
4) Water.
First of all, we clean the spray can from the labels, and thoroughly rinse it from paint residues.

After that, we mark and drill a hole for the nipple, it is best of course to drill it in the bottom, but then the air freshener will not stand, so I drill it from the side.

Then we cut off the nipple itself from the tire, clean it to clean brass. Be careful not to cut yourself.

After inserting into the hole, solder it. You can, of course, glue it, but it is very important that this connection is airtight and holds high pressure.

Important! Before soldering, you need to unscrew the valve itself with a spring from the nipple, because leaving it there it will melt and will no longer fulfill its function.

During soldering, ask someone close to you to help, because it is very inconvenient and hot to do it alone.

Having printed the inscription on thick paper, we glue it to the jar, I glued it on adhesive tape, but you can also glue it.

And so, finally, we proceed to the manufacture of the liquid itself. We take water, your favorite essential oil, a syringe. Next, I mixed water and mint drops, poured it all into a syringe and refilled our air freshener.

Well, that's all, a huge plus of this air freshener is that it is refillable, and each time you can take new smells. When pumping, I do not advise you to pump too much pressure, because in this case the liquid will flow in a jet, and not spray.