The night before Christmas goldeneye is the inner character of the vakula. Characteristics of the vakula from the story The Night Before Christmas

And although the comic incidents and adventures of the characters in The Night Before Christmas occupy a considerable place, Gogol here more closely merges humor with the depiction of human characters. In this regard, The Night Before Christmas, which opens the second part of Evenings, is one of the most interesting stories included in the first collections of Gogol's works. Significantly greater vital expressiveness and real concreteness are acquired here by the images of heroes who carry positive qualities in themselves.

Gogol endows Oksana with real life features. The young beauty is spoiled by the constant attention of others. Proud, admiring herself, she condescendingly accepts the courtship of the village guys. She enjoys experiencing the power of her charm. Rejecting and ridiculing Vakula's love confessions, Oksana, at the same time, is not indifferent to them; she is captured and conquered by the deep feeling that Vakula has for her. Unexpectedly for herself, Oksana has a great reciprocal feeling.

The humor of "May Night" is in many respects close to the humor of "Sorochia Fair". And here, with separate vivid sketches of comic characters, the comedy of unexpected situations, funny incidents, which include the funny tricks of young people who fight with their heads, prevails. According to its general bright mood, next to the "May Night" and "Sorochinsky Fair" stands "The Night Before Christmas". The main background against which the action of the story unfolds is a folk festival with its colorful rituals, its fervent fun. “It’s hard to tell how good it is to knock around on such a night, between a bunch of laughing and singing girls and between lads, ready for all the jokes and inventions that a merrily laughing night can only inspire. It's warm under a tight casing; the frost burns the cheeks even more vividly; but in pranks, the evil one himself pushes from behind.

Vakula, unlike some of the other characters in Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, has a clearly defined personality. It has both the sublimity of feelings and the certainty of life experience. A strong man in the literal and precise sense of the word, Vakula is distinguished by perseverance and firmness of character. Perseverance is inseparable in him from cunning, folk wisdom, which allows him to achieve what he wants. Timid and shy with his fiancée, Vakula becomes quick and bold when he decides to overcome the obstacles that stand in his way. The devil himself retreats before him, whom Vakula deftly inflates. Vakula shows cunning "diplomacy" in St. Petersburg when meeting with the Cossacks, and then when meeting with the queen. Vakula is generously gifted by nature; a master of all trades, he also has artistic talent. "The triumph of his art" was a painting depicting scenes of the Last Judgment. In the image of Vakula, the strength and strength of the national character, the lively folk mind and the estimate were reflected.

"... a blacksmith, a strong man and a kid anywhere ..."

“In his spare time, the blacksmith was engaged in painting and was known as the best painter in the whole neighborhood.”

A skilled blacksmith, a talented artist, strong, dexterous.

The character of Vakula from The Night Before Christmas

"The blacksmith was a God-fearing man and often painted images of saints"

“What can I expect more? said the blacksmith to himself. - She's mocking me. I am as dear to her as a rusty horseshoe. But if so, it will not get, at least, to another to laugh at me. Let me just notice for sure who she likes more than me; I will teach…”

"No I can not; no more strength ... - he finally said. - But my God, why is she so damn good? Her look, and speech, and everything, well, it burns like that, it burns like that ... No, you can’t overpower yourself already! It's time to put an end to everything: lose your soul, I'll go drown myself in the hole, and remember your name!

Honest, courageous, resourceful, pious, sincere, industrious.

Vakula's actions from The Night Before Christmas

- I'm ready! - said the blacksmith. - You, I heard, sign with blood; wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket! - Here he laid his hand back - and grab the devil by the tail.

- Wait, dove! - shouted the blacksmith, - but how does it seem to you? - At this word, he created a cross, and the devil became as quiet as a lamb. - Wait, - he said, pulling him by the tail to the ground, - you will know from me to teach good people and honest Christians about the sins! - Here the blacksmith, without letting go of his tail, jumped on him and raised his hand for the sign of the cross.

With resourcefulness he managed to put evil spirits at his service. With perseverance and love, he was able to win Oksana's heart. At the same time, Vakula is a pious person.

The attitude of Vakula from "The Night Before Christmas" to others

Then with a decisive step he went forward, caught up with the crowd, caught up with Oksana and said in a firm voice:

- Farewell, Oksana! Look for yourself what kind of groom you want, fool whom you want; and you won't see me anymore in this world.

- Farewell, brothers! the blacksmith shouted back. - God willing, see you in the next world; and on this we no longer walk together. Farewell, do not remember dashingly! Tell Father Kondrat to make a requiem for my sinful soul. Candles for the icons of the Wonderworker and the Mother of God, sinful, did not paint over worldly affairs. All the good that is in my hiding place, to the church! Farewell!

Vakula is a strong-willed and determined person, in the eyes of the people around him he is firm. However, his soul is very sensitive. It is moments of such sensitivity that touch others, including Oksana.

Vakula's speech from The Night Before Christmas

- Get the hell out with your carols! Vakula shouted angrily. - Why are you standing? Hear, get out this hour!

"Laugh, laugh! - said the blacksmith, going out after them. - I'm laughing at myself! I think, and I cannot imagine where my mind has gone. She doesn't love me - well, God be with her! as if there was only one Oksana in the whole world. Thank God, there are many good girls in the countryside even without her. What about Oksana? she will never be a good mistress; she is just a master of dressing up. No, that's enough, it's time to stop fooling around."

The blacksmith himself did not want to disgrace himself and seem like a beginner, moreover, as they had the opportunity to see above this, he himself knew a literate language.

- The province is noble! he replied indifferently. - There is nothing to say: the houses are boisterous, the pictures hang important through. Many houses are filled with letters of gold leaf to the extreme. Nothing to say, a wonderful proportion.

Vakula's speech is firm, decisive, simple and capacious. Vakula does not let words go to the wind. He can speak from a position of strength. At the same time, remaining a sincere and sensual person in his soul, with his own words he can win the favor of others. Along with a simple colloquial language, words that are not commonly used in this environment are also used in his speech. However, he can use them to give greater weight to his words and deeds before strangers.

My attitude to Vakula from "The Night Before Christmas"

I liked Vakula, he is definitely a positive character. He is brave, honest, knows how to love and defend his happiness. When necessary, Vakula does not hesitate to use strength and agility, but only for the sake of good.

Oksana is the main character in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's novel "The Night Before Christmas". Oksana is the most beautiful girl not only in Dikanka, where lads run after her in droves, but also in nearby villages. The girl perfectly understands her beauty and origin - her father is a rich Cossack, so she uses her beauty to increase her self-esteem, but she herself does not feel anything for any lad, but only amuses herself with their attention.

Oksana loves to look in the mirror and admire herself: her snub nose, black eyes, beautiful eyebrows and tight braid. With each such process, she kept dreaming about how a good hubby would admire her as much as she herself.

The girl was endowed with a very complex character: she loved only herself, selfishly treated others, seemed very arrogant, proud and impregnable. All the lads who courted her, one way or another, stopped doing it, because they did not achieve any reciprocity, Oksanka only amuses her pride thanks to them.

I could not help but fall in love with Oksana and the blacksmith Vakula, to whom the girl initially did not betray any attention, treated him as coldly as the rest of the guys, sometimes even smiling. Only Vakula did not give up, he did not stop loving and caring for Oksana, he went to his goal, to his love. Due to her capriciousness before Christmas, Oksanka tells Vakula to bring her the little laces that the queen wears. Of course, it was nonsense that no one would take seriously. But not Vakula, he loved the girl so much that he decided to go after the slippers.

At the end of the story, we see Oksana in completely different tones: instead of pride and arrogance, embarrassment and sincere joy wake up in her that Vakula returned safe and sound, and besides, with little boots. Of course, after such a feat, the girl agrees to marry Vakula, and she herself understands that she loves him, because after his disappearance she was very worried and worried, which means that she cares what will happen to her. blacksmith.

You can draw different conclusions from this story, but I realized for myself that even behind the mask of a capricious and spoiled young lady there can be a sweet face of a modest and well-mannered girl who, like any other young beauty, wants love.

Option 2

Oksana is one of the centers of the story, around which events develop and curl. After all, if this capricious beauty had not wished to show everyone her power over the blacksmith Vakula, the holiday would have passed without particularly turbulent events. Indeed, the daughter of a wealthy Cossack Chuba was amazingly beautiful. Her fresh expressive face with well-defined eyebrows and shining black eyes, full lips, rosy cheeks... Good! But how spoiled, arrogant: “if I didn’t go in a plank and spare tire, but in some kind of hood, I would disperse all my girls.” Everything and worries, what to look in the mirror, and try on new things ... A rich Cossack loved his daughter, who grew up without a mother, pampered with dresses and jewelry. The guys followed her in droves, but they could not stand the whims of the beauty and looked for girls who were more merciful and accommodating.

And now Oksana is spinning in front of the mirror, admiring herself, she cannot take her eyes off. And then Vakula came. He confesses his love, and Oksana taunts him, says that she has more fun with her girlfriends. And then the friends came running. With them, Oksana mocked Vakula and said: “If you bring the little laces that the queen wears ... I will marry you even now!” The upset Vakula said goodbye to the guys, telling everyone that he would never see them again in this world, advised the windy beauty to look for another suitor and left. With the help of Patsyuk, a local healer and sorcerer, Vakula managed to catch the devil and force him to go to the royal palace.

Somewhat later, rumors spread throughout the village that the blacksmith either hanged himself or drowned himself out of grief. By nightfall the whole village was discussing the news. All night the beauty could not fall asleep, spun from side to side. And not that she grieved for the blacksmith, but felt sorry for her poor self. Where will she find another devoted groom who would endure her whims and fulfill any desires? Moreover, he was strong, handsome and possessed considerable artistic abilities. She thought all night, scolding herself for being cold. And I realized that I fell in love. And when the blacksmith did not appear in the village in the morning, she could not even pray in the church, but only grieved and cried. Yes, and all the villagers noticed that the church service was not going on like that - as if something was missing ... And the singers sang awkwardly, but it was better with the blacksmith. Everyone was interested in the question - where did Vakula disappear to?

When the blacksmith came after mass to ask Chub for permission to marry his daughter, Oksana was not herself with joy. And she no longer needed the slippers, but the blacksmith himself. She looked at him with love and "had never been so wonderfully good." From under the mask of a narcissistic indifferent beauty, an ordinary kind and affectionate girl finally appeared.

Essay about Oksana

"The Night Before Christmas" is a real Christmas tale, kind and cheerful, based on Ukrainian folklore. The story describes the festive night of a small farm, with all the folk customs and traditions.

The respected wealthy Cossack Chub lives in the farm. He has an only daughter, Oksana, a young girl of seventeen. She is very attractive, and her beauty is spoken about far beyond the borders of her native farm. All these stories about her appearance led to the fact that Oksana turned into a narcissistic, selfish and arrogant pride.

She constantly spins in front of the mirror, admiring her beauty. The girl is sure that the future spouse should consider her choice an honor, and will simply have to pamper her in every possible way, indulge her whims, and constantly admire her beauty. The capricious girl believes that in her native Dikanka there is no lad worthy of her favor.

The blacksmith Vakula, the son of the local witch Solokha, is in love with Oksana. He has long dreamed that the capricious daughter Chub would become his wife. For the sake of this narcissistic beauty, the blacksmith is ready to go to hell. But the impregnable proud woman only mocks him, and only allows her to admire her beauty from afar. Taunting the blacksmith in the presence of her girlfriends, Oksana invites him to get her some slippers worthy of a queen. The girl promises to marry Vakula if he fulfills her crazy desire. The blacksmith wakes up with pride, and he is already ready to throw the obstinate girl out of his head, but then the devil comes into his hands, and there is a real opportunity to fulfill the stupid request of the whimsical beauty. Riding on the line, Vakula goes straight to the queen's palace. Meanwhile, rumors are spreading in the farm that the blacksmith killed himself.

Upon learning of this, Oksana suddenly realizes that Vakula is the only lad who truly loved her, and was ready for anything for her, even to endure her whims. The girl feels sorry for the blacksmith, she is very worried and sorry about what happened, and understands that she also loves him. When Vakula returns alive and unharmed, the happy Oksana, out of embarrassment, turns into a real beauty, a simple girl in love. Finally understanding and appreciating real human feelings, Oksana forgot her arrogance and arrogance, married Vakula, and turned out to be a good wife and caring mother.

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The blacksmith Vakula is the main character, strong and brave, who loves the beautiful girl Oksana very much. She, for the sake of laughter, sets a condition for marriage - to get the slippers (shoes) that the Empress wears. He manages to saddle the devil, who takes him to St. Petersburg, where he begs the Empress for slippers. After which Oksana agrees, and they get married. And soon he builds a new house and they have a child.

Detailed characteristics

The blacksmith Vakula is the protagonist of the work. He is a strong, brave and hardworking chick (guy). In addition to blacksmithing, he has a hobby - drawing. He is considered the best painter in the area and is even invited to work in other cities, such as Poltava. Once, he painted a picture where St. Peter, on the day of the Last Judgment, casts out an evil spirit from hell, and hung it in the church. For this, the devil took offense at him and swore revenge on him. That night, the devil decides to steal the month so that Chub, the father of the beloved blacksmith Oksana, is afraid to leave the house, and Vakula could not meet her alone. But the plan fails, and Chub, despite the darkness, still goes to visit.

Vakula comes to Oksana, whom she loves very much, although she does not reciprocate, although she still has some feelings for him. She, laughing, sets a condition for marriage - to get her chereviki (shoes), which the Russian Empress herself wears.

At first, the blacksmith wants to drown himself, but then he decides to ask Patsyuk for advice, who knows everything. He invites him to turn to the devil himself, especially since he wears it in a bag. It turned out that Vakula, having taken a bag from the house, as it seemed to him, with garbage, wore a devil that came to his mother, the witch Solokha, and hid in it. The blacksmith quickly saddles the devil, who takes him to St. Petersburg, where he begs the Empress for slippers.

Meanwhile, Oksana realizes that she behaved badly with Vakula, that he can leave her or even kill herself. She suffers all night, and in the morning she realizes that she has fallen madly in love with him. The next day, upon his return from St. Petersburg, they meet, and he gives her slippers, but she is already ready to marry him without any conditions. Her father Chub also agrees to the marriage.

A few years later, Vakula is building a new beautiful house, and Oksana is already nursing their child.

Characterization in quotations

Blacksmith Vakula is very strong

strong man and kid anywhere

Before, I used to be able to bend and unbend a copper nickel and a horseshoe in one hand.

the blacksmith, who never blew anyone in the village, bent nickels and horseshoes in his hand like buckwheat pancakes

He was good at drawing

In his spare time, the blacksmith was engaged in painting and was known as the best painter in the whole neighborhood.

when he painted a board fence for the centurion

often painted images of saints

All the bowls from which the Dikan Cossacks slurped borscht were painted by a blacksmith

But the triumph of his art was one picture, painted on the church wall in the right vestibule, in which he depicted St. Peter on the day of the Last Judgment, with the keys in his hands, expelling an evil spirit from hell

this is the same blacksmith who paints importantly

daubed Vakula hell in hell

And whose is this painted hut?

Was a believer

The blacksmith was a God-fearing man

the blacksmith is quite pious

he withstood church repentance and painted the entire left wing for nothing

At this word, he made a cross, and the devil became as quiet as a lamb.

At one time he lived in Poltava

when I went to work in Poltava

in that he became proficient when he was still in Poltava

how I bought it when I was in Poltava

He was a brave, determined and stubborn man

Only the blacksmith was stubborn and did not leave his red tape

Your Royal Majesty, do not order to be executed, order to pardon! My God, what if my wife put on such slippers!

Then, seizing a twig, he gave him three blows, and the poor devil let him run.

It's time to put an end to everything: lose your soul, I'll go drown myself in the hole, and remember your name!

Knew buzzwords

The blacksmith sometimes knew how to screw in a buzzword

His mother's name was Solokha and she was considered a witch.

Solokha is definitely a witch

Is it true that your mother is a witch?

Vakula was very fond of the beautiful Oksana

you are my mother, and father, and everything that is dear in the world

He fulfilled her condition for marriage

Look what slippers I brought you! - said Vakula, - the very ones that the queen wears

Everything ended well for them - they got married, built a new house and gave birth to a child

The delighted blacksmith kissed her softly

stopped in front of a new house

beautiful woman with a child in her arms

Video characteristics of the hero (for those who prefer to listen)