Nephrolepis sublime care. Indoor nephrolepis home care reproduction why leaves dry photo varieties

Nephrolepis is a frequent resident of hospitals, clinics and health-improving institutions. And in this case, it is not so much its attractive appearance that is valuable, but the ability to purify the air of microbes and bacteria excreted by patients. A striking combination of functions unusual for a flower and aesthetics have turned a tropical fern into the most popular inhabitant of domestic window sills. Therefore, growing nephrolepis at home is not only an interesting topic, but also very useful.

When dealing with nephrolepis, it is better to refuse the traditional pot. In a pot, this indoor flower looks much better. In it, he can demonstrate his sprawling green paws in all its glory.

Features of species and varieties

A houseplant resembling the curly hair of an African girl is represented in our places by only two species:

  • hearty;
  • exalted.

There are, of course, much more varieties of nephrolepis bred by breeders. The table lists only the most popular of them, indicating the features of fronds (fern branches).

Table - Popular types and varieties of nephrolepis and their features

Variety or speciesPeculiarities
Exalted- The root of the flower is high, located perpendicularly;
- frond once pinnate;
- picky variety for home cultivation;
- the level of humidity in the room is not important
bostonian- Variety bred by Boston breeders;
- frond twice-, thrice-, and in some places even four-pinnate
heart-leaved- Vayi grow up to the sky;
- there are tuber-like formations on the shoots
Xiphoid- Variety bred in the central part of the American continent;
- very long fronds (up to 2 m)
Green Lady- The most magnificent fronds;
- often used in landscaping

Nephrolepis literally filled the entire planet. He lives in the tropical forests of almost all parts of the world - from America and Africa to Australia and Asia. By the way, the name of this plant is of Latin origin and is formed by the merger of two words nephros and lepis. The first of them is translated into Russian as "kidney", and the second means "scales".

Care for nephrolepis: what to consider

If a fern has appeared in the house, you should ask how to care for nephrolepis, because he will live for a very, very long time. This flower is almost indestructible. Knowledge of the basic rules will be quite enough to provide nephrolepis with a decent life away from the rainforest.


In the natural environment, the fern prefers shade. But this does not mean at all that you can close this handsome man in a windowless bathroom or put a pot on a rack in a dark room. The ideal lighting for nephrolepis is a little shade and a lot of scattered rays of the sun. The western or eastern window sill is the best fit for accommodating this unpretentious handsome man. If the windows in the house face north or south, get a decorative stand, install it a meter from the window opening and place a pot of nephrolepis on it. This is one of the most versatile and prettiest interior solutions.

Nephrolepis suffers from direct sunlight, so it is strictly forbidden to expose the flower to the open sun.


Both in summer and in winter, a tropical spore plant requires the same air temperature - in the range from 20 to 22 ° C. By and large, the house fern is able to withstand temperatures as low as 12°C. However, this will not pass without a trace for the flower. Temperature fluctuations are a serious stress for nephrolepis, after which the plant begins to hurt.

Japanese researchers have proven that the fern has a unique ability for representatives of the flora to remove radioactive substances from the human body.

Humidity level

Any plant born in the tropics loves moisture. Not an overabundance, but sufficient humidity. Nephrolepis is no exception. He will not die in a dry room. But if you notice that the leaves of the Nephrolepis fern are drying, this is a signal to correct the level of humidity in the house. Two or three times a day it is worth spraying the flower. And when leaving for a few weeks on vacation or a business trip, do not forget to put a three-liter jar of water next to the pot or planter of the fern.

Ferns are about 400 million years old, and their branches with preshoots (fronds) became the progenitors of leaves in plants.


The only thing that a modest nephrolepis needs is abundant watering. Features of caring for nephrolepis in the summer require abundant watering two to three times a week, the intensity of which can be somewhat reduced with the onset of cold weather - up to once every seven days. For irrigation, at least settled water should be used. But if possible, do not feel sorry for the green beauty of filtered water.

Nephrolepis is called a living air humidifier. If the humidity level in the room is insufficient, the fern leaf will turn yellow, signaling the grower that additional watering is needed. The abundance of moisture in the pot is used by the plant to humidify the surrounding air.

top dressing

At home, nephrolepis needs regular feeding from early spring to mid-autumn. Reviews of flower growers involved in breeding ferns in city apartments indicate that fertilizer must be mixed, using organic once and mineral a second time. Top dressing is done twice a month, alternating nutrients.

Fertilizer brought from the store must be diluted twice. Thus, you will get the maximum dose of substances beneficial for the fern in one serving of top dressing.

The soil

Ready-made soil for ferns is considered ideal for transplanting nephrolepis. Its distinctive features are low density and lightness. This allows the soil to be saturated with oxygen. However, you can prepare the soil ideal for planting nephrolepis on your own.

Cooking ground mixture

  1. We take one part of peat soil.
  2. Add one piece of leafy soil.
  3. We add one part of the sand.
  4. Add a little charcoal.
  5. Add some pine bark.
  6. Mix thoroughly.
  7. We fall asleep in a pot for nephrolepis drainage 1-2 cm high.
  8. We fill the soil on top.


To properly transplant nephrolepis into another pot, you need to know the approximate age of the plant. If the indoor flower is young enough (he is from one to four years old), you need to choose a shallow dish for transplanting. An "aged" plant will require much more substantial depth and width.

The best time for a nephrolepis transplant is the spring months of April and May.

Reproduction: 2 ways

If you decide to clone a curly handsome man, wait until June. There are two ways to plant a plant - by dividing the mother bush and separating the children during transplantation or shoots.

There is nothing complicated in how to care for nephrolepis after a transplant. The basic rules for caring for a fern are also relevant for a young, barely separated from the mother plant.


Peculiarities . This method of "cloning" is the simplest and most affordable. Even a novice grower can propagate nephrolepis with a mustache. The main thing is to choose the right time for this, without disturbing the flower in the autumn-winter period.

Action algorithm

  1. We install next to the pot in which the main plant sits, an additional container with pre-prepared soil.
  2. Sprinkle the top of the shoot with earth in a new pot.
  3. We are waiting for the mustache to let in three or four vayi.
  4. We break the connection between the mother plant and the new sprout.


Peculiarities . Reproduction by division is carried out with an annual plant transplant. As planting material, you can use only those parts of the rhizome on which small fronds have already formed. Until this moment, it is impossible to plant a fern because of the youth and immaturity of the mother tuber.

Action algorithm

  1. We take out the mother plant from the pot for the purpose of transplanting into a new container.
  2. We separate from the rhizome fragments of the root, which have buds in the form of miniature branches.
  3. We transplant the planting material into a small pot filled with fern soil.

Nephrolepis fronds are very fond of florists. A branch of a fern is able to maintain its freshness for up to 14 days.

Pest Control: Causes and Symptoms

Table - Pests of nephrolepis: causes and symptoms

InsectReasons for the appearanceDamage symptoms
Aphid- Infection from chrysanthemums or roses brought home in a bouquet- Sugar clots appear on the flower;
- fronds stick to each other, being covered with the waste products of aphids
spider mite- Insufficient air humidity;
- infection from bouquets brought into the house
- Numerous small brown holes appear on the fronds
Mealybugs- Waterlogging of the soil- The condition of the leaves is deteriorating;
- frond is twisted
Shchitovka- Dry indoor air- On the reverse side of the frond, a large cluster of small brown bugs is formed

A small amount of pests from a fern can be washed off - in the truest sense of the word. It will not be possible to wipe the fronds with a sponge dipped in water due to the unusual structure of the branches. But sending nephrolepis under the shower is easy. To do this, the pot must be wrapped with a plastic bag or film, fixed at the base of the root. The fern must be turned upside down and rinsed thoroughly in the shower.

If water procedures and care correction did not bring the desired results, it makes sense to go to a flower shop for insecticides. Chemical treatment will get rid of pests for sure. But for prevention, spraying nephrolepis is not worth it.

Diseases and treatment

In addition to insect pests, nephrolepis diseases can be triggered by poor-quality or improper care. The next three problems are the most common.

  1. Lack of growth. If the nephrolepis does not grow, and the green fronds are significantly pale, then one of two things: either the plant is too crowded in the pot, or the temperature in the room is too low.
  2. The fronds are drying up. If a leaf dries at a home fern, it means that it needs additional watering and it is sorely lacking in moisture. If you are sure that everything is in order with this item, pay attention to the location of the flower. Drying fronds can be the result of the damaging effects of direct sunlight.
  3. The fronds are rotting. Or blacken. Or both. The reason is fungal infection.

Gray rot and fungal wilt are the most common home fern ailments. The following table provides tips and methods for dealing with these issues.

Table - Fight against gray rot and fungus

DiseaseSymptomsFighting methodsAdvice
Gray rot- Petioles, root base and fronds are affected by a shaggy smoky bloom;
- brown-rusty spots appear on the fronds
- Regularly ventilate the room;
- temporarily lower the temperature in the room
- Isolate from other indoor flowers
fungal wilt- The leaves in the neighborhood shrink, wither and dry out very quickly;
- Rusty spots appear in the next step
- At the stage of the appearance of spots, treatment is meaningless;
- it is better to eliminate the plant, otherwise the fungus will hit the "neighbors" on the windowsill
- Preventive measure - apply fertilizers with a low nitrogen content

Nephrolepis is the hero of various legends and beliefs. They say that this flower inspires good spirits and positive energy in people. Psychologists say that home fern contributes to the normalization of communication between people of different psychotypes and greatly facilitates their communication.

Office workers fell in love with nephrolepis because, according to belief, it attracts material wealth into a person's life. And parents tend to plant a home fern in children's rooms, believing that the ancient representative of the flora is able to protect the younger generation from damage and the evil eye. To believe the legends or not is a personal matter for everyone. But now you know one thing for sure: growing a nephrolepis fern at home will not take much time and effort. But it will give a lot of positive emotions from the contemplation of a fluffy handsome man in the cozy interior of your home.

Reviews: "Lots and lots of lush greenery!"

Deciding that I needed to fill the house with fresh flowers, I began to look for what would suit us. My cat made the search more difficult, she clearly intends to cut these flowers with her teeth))) As it turned out, there are very few absolutely non-poisonous flowers, and nephrolepis is one of them. Friends and relatives did not have this plant, and I decided to look into the flower shop, but not the usual one, where bouquets are collected, but where plants are sold in pots. I immediately recognized the plant I needed, but there were already three types of it. In the end, I chose - Nephrolepis "Green Lady" - a very beautiful, lush, green fountain of leaves. Despite the fact that while it is in a small pot (about 800 ml), the volume of its crown is quite large, I hope that after transplanting it will grow even more. The Green Lady variety is quite a popular fern among indoor plants, this variety is unpretentious, will endure both dry air and adverse conditions. It can grow in partial shade and diffused light. It looks good in a hanging pot, but so far there is no way to hang it)) And it also effectively cleans the air of harmful substances and absorbs radiation from a TV or computer, if placed next to it. The cat immediately checked out the new resident, and she liked it, but I'm chasing her =)


Fern "Nephrolepis", has been growing with me for more than a year. And I think many, because his beauty, he deserved his popularity. It has vertical, graceful curved leaves, dark green in color. He loves moisture, therefore it is always worth watering on time, spraying the leaves, but the main thing is not to overmoisten and not dry out the soil. Moderate watering in winter and spring, wet in summer and autumn. He also likes an almost dark or bright place, but not a sunny room - this causes the leaves to turn yellow. Grows well in both cramped pots and large pots, good light soil is suitable for this. Very easy to propagate, the small bush takes up well and quickly in the water, putting out long roots. After it is well accepted in the soil, sometimes releasing its root hairs. In general, it does not require much attention and care, except for watering. Plant the Nephrolepis fern, and in a few months it will release its long vertical leaves, and in a few years Nephrolepis will grow a huge beautiful bush. But he has only one minus - he does not like it when the earthen lump is too dry, after the leaves also turn yellow, crumble, the natural beauty of the fern disappears. Recommend for lovers.


Nephrolepis is an indoor fern that came to us from a tropical and subtropical region. Initially, it was very popular in Southeast Asia, as well as African and American countries. Nephrolepis belongs to the genus of ferns.

In addition to its appearance, this plant also attracts attention with such properties as air purification. Nephrolepis is able to absorb substances such as formaldehyde and toluene without much effort. In addition, this plant kills microbes that are released into the air by sick people. That is why nephrolepis can often be found on windowsills in hospitals and medical institutions.

In order to emphasize the beauty of this fern as much as possible, it is recommended to use hanging planters, since nephrolepis seems less elegant in ordinary pots.

Nephrolepis has many varieties, but only two of its types can be grown at home - sublime nephrolepis and heart-leaved nephrolepis.

The following types of this plant are considered the most common:

Nephrolepis sublime

This variety of this plant is the most common and easiest to grow at home. It has a high perpendicularly located root, the foliage is large once pinnate. This type of flower almost does not respond to changes in humidity.

Nephrolepis Bostonian

As the name implies, this variety of flower was bred in the United States, namely in Boston. But this did not stop breeders from other countries, and after a short period of time, the Boston Nephrolepis appeared in the world with two-pinnate, three-pinnate, and even a small amount with four-pinned fronds.

Nephrolepis cordifolia

This variety of nephrolepis is rapidly gaining its popularity among lovers of indoor plants. Significantly different from other varieties of nephrolepis. The main differences are that tuber-like swellings are observed on the underground shoots, and the growth of the leaves is directed straight up.

Nephrolepis xiphoid

It was first grown in Central America. It differs from other species by its incredible long leaf; with proper care of the plant, they can reach two meters in length.

Nephrolepis Green Lady

This type of nephrolepis has very lush leaves that crown the rhizome. It is one of the most beautiful varieties of this plant.

Despite the fact that only two types of nephrolepis can be grown at home, it is absolutely not difficult. Even a novice florist can handle this. The main thing is not to act at random and get acquainted with the basic tips for caring for nephrolepis.

Location and lighting

The first task when caring for a fern is to choose the right light regime. As you know, this plant prefers dark places, so placing it in the open sun is strictly prohibited. But this does not mean at all that you need to place nephrolepis in the darkest corner of the house. Just put it where there is a slight shadow and the rays of the sun are scattered.

If it is not possible to place nephrolepis under a natural light source, then you can replace it with a special lamp. Under artificial lighting, nephrolepis must be placed under a lamp for at least a few hours a day.

As a rule, there are no problems with the placement of nephrolepis in an apartment, because due to its appearance it fits perfectly into various styles of interiors.

The best option would be to place nephrolepis on the windowsills of the eastern and western windows. If your apartment does not have windows facing east or west, and throughout the year the windows are illuminated by the sun, then you do not need to lose heart, you can simply place nephrolepis at a short distance (at least 1 meter) from the windows. You can use a beautiful stand or a vase for flowers - it will seem that it was originally intended.

In the summer, nephrolepis can be moved to the balcony. Naturally, we must not forget that the plant should be placed in a dark place. It is also important to ensure that rain does not fall on nephrolepis - this will negatively affect the further growth of the plant.

In autumn and winter, nephrolepis must be in a warm room, so it must be taken from the balcony. Nephrolepis will feel perfect if artificial lighting is organized with a lamp during the cold seasons of the year, the plant needs to be illuminated for at least 6-7 hours a day.


Regardless of the season, the optimum temperature for growing this type of fern is 20-22 degrees. It is worth noting that nephrolepis is able to survive a temperature drop of 12 degrees, but this can become a strong stress for the plant and lead to various diseases or pests.

Air humidity

In addition to lighting, the growth of nephrolepis is significantly affected by the level of air humidity. For the plant, it will be most preferable to be in a room where the humidity level is quite high. This is due to where this fern comes from - in a tropical climate, there is always a high level of humidity.

If nephrolepis is grown in an apartment or office, it is necessary to spray it with water daily. According to some professional flower growers, spraying is best done not even once, but two or three times a day.

Only with daily spraying with water can nephrolepis be provided with the necessary level of moisture. In the case when it is not possible to spray the plant with water every day (for example, a trip to the sea or on a business trip), you can put a container filled with water next to the fern - this will humidify the air next to the nephrolepis.


It is necessary to water nephrolepis daily and at the same time do not forget about spraying with water, which also needs to be done two or three times a day. If in the winter season you can briefly forget about watering the plant, then in the summer you should water the fern abundantly. When autumn comes, you can switch to watering mode in one day, but you need to continue spraying the plant in the same mode as in summer.

Top dressings and fertilizers

This type of fern requires regular and frequent feeding. Especially nephrolepis needs feeding in the autumn and spring. For top dressing, it is best to use mineral and organic fertilizers (in order).

It is strictly forbidden to fertilize the plant from mid-autumn to the end of winter, since the impact on the soil during this period can lead to pests. Fertilizers should never be concentrated.


In order for nephrolepis to become more and more healthy every year and not have any diseases, it is necessary to transplant the fern every year. It is best to transplant the plant in the spring season. Plants that are already more than three years old should be transplanted every 2-3 years.

If you notice that the pot in which nephrolepis grows is already too small, then you don’t need to leave everything like that - it’s better to transplant the plant into a larger container. This will speed up the process of flower growth. It is best to plant a plant in a soil mixture of peat and coniferous soil.

A pot for growing nephrolepis must be wide and shallow. This is due to the fact that the root system of nephrolepis is superficial. Pebbles or expanded clay should be poured into the bottom of the pot - this will ensure good drainage and waste of excess water. If this is not done, then waterlogging and acidification of the soil may occur, which, in turn, leads to the death of the plant.

Reproduction of nephrolepis

For example, when doing an annual plant transplant, a large nephrolepis bush can be divided. If you propagate nephrolepis with shoots, then you need to put a small pot next to an adult bush and sprinkle the tops of a young plant with a previously prepared soil mixture. Very soon, fronds and roots will form in a new pot. After 3-4 fronds grow, the young plant can be planted from an adult flower.

The rhizome can be divided only after young leaves appear on the sides. It is these sides with rhizomes that are transplanted into a new pot.

Problems in growing nephrolepis

During the cultivation of nephrolepis at home, certain signs may appear that the plant is uncomfortable. For example, if dark spots appear on a fern, then most likely it is exposed to excessive sun exposure. To solve this problem, it is necessary to rearrange the plant in the shade and do not forget about watering and spraying with water.

If the appearance of rot is observed on the nephrolepis, then most likely the reason is that there is stagnation of water in the pot. In other words, you have poured too much water into the flower. To solve this problem, it is necessary to dry the entire soil, and after that continue to water the plant (it is very important not to overdo it again).

If nephrolepis begins to dry out, you need to look for the cause either in the irrigation mode (the plant is not watered enough), or in the lighting (the plant does not have enough light). In this case, it is recommended to rearrange the fern to another, more lit place and be sure to moisten the soil.

If the fern has not seen an increase in growth for a long time, then this may be due to a lack of space in the pot. You just need to transplant the flower into a larger pot.

Diseases and pests

With improper care for nephrolepis, it can be affected by various diseases or pests. For example, if nephrolepis does not have enough moisture in the air, then it may appear on it. Occasionally there is an occurrence. The appearance of a mealybug is characterized by a deterioration in the condition of the leaves, external damage is observed on them.

With proper care, nephrolepis will not only delight you with an incredibly beautiful appearance, but also improve your health by cleaning the air of harmful substances and microbes.

Lush green foliage and a sense of peace that nephrolepis cause, their high ability to purify the air of harmful substances (according to NASA research) and a large amount of evaporated water, which significantly increases the humidity of the surrounding air, make nephrolepis incredibly popular plants.

In countries with a warm climate, nephrolepis serve as decoration for shady and humid gardens, while in our country they are exclusively house plants. Several species are widespread in culture, their varieties differ in size and degree of dissection of leaf blades, in growth form and color of wai. Among the nephrolepis there are real giants and very small ferns, with vertically growing or drooping fronds, they can be grown in hanging planters or ordinary table pots, and also used to make green compositions.

About cultivated species and varieties - on the page Nephrolepis.

The most popular and affordable are still varieties of nephrolepis sublime (Nephrolepis exaltata), better known around the world as Boston ferns.

Care requirements are explained by the conditions of their growth in nature, they all come from warm and humid areas where there are no harsh winters, and the plants are not exposed to frost. They settle on rocks, on the outskirts of tropical forests, often grow on trees, leading an epiphytic lifestyle.

At home, all nephrolepis will grow well in bright diffused light with high humidity, although many varieties feel quite good in the drier air of our apartments.

Care at room conditions

Illumination. Nephrolepis require bright diffused light, some varieties are quite resistant to sunlight, but in general direct sun should be avoided. Nephrolepis can grow on north-facing windows if the pot is placed directly on the windowsill. In deep shade, growth will stop, and with a strong lack of light, the fern degrades, its leaves begin to dry out and fall off. In rooms with south-facing windows, place it a little further back in the room or to the side of the window so that only oblique sunlight hits the plant. You can put it behind other plants, in the second tier. In bright sunlight, the fern may experience burns, the leaves will lose their green color intensity, becoming faded yellow. Quite often, you have to rearrange the nephrolepis several times in order to find the optimal place for it.

Temperature indoor all year round, comfortable for humans, with a natural drop of several degrees at night, within +16 ... +26 ° C. The plant does not require special cool conditions in winter, but with a lack of light, you can slightly reduce the temperature of the content, preventing cooling below +12 o C. Check the temperature on the windowsill in winter with a thermometer so as not to overcool the roots.

Watering regular, moderate. Nephrolepis require constantly moist soil, do not tolerate its complete drying. But do not bring the substrate to full saturation with water, in the absence of air access to the roots, their decay will begin. In winter, especially in cool conditions, watering is somewhat reduced, it is done only after the topsoil has dried. Try to water with soft settled water at room temperature. Watering should be carried out on top of the soil, and excess water that has entered the pan must be drained after 15-30 minutes. Overdrying, insufficient moisture will be signaled by the color of wai, they will acquire a pale grayish appearance. Water immediately and spray the plant generously.

Air humidity. Nephrolepis like moist air, will tolerate moderate levels of humidity, but will suffer in dry air. Although some varieties turned out to be quite resistant to low humidity in heated rooms. Avoid placing them near heating appliances. Nephrolepis tolerate wet, warm summer drafts well, but keep them away from hot air currents, which dry the leaves a lot. This is a bathroom plant with good natural light. In other rooms, spray the fern several times a day, or otherwise increase the humidity of the air. Do not place plants near humidifiers that produce cold vapor. Leaves can get burned, similar to damage received from frosty air.

Top dressing. During active growth, from spring to autumn, regularly feed the fern with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer. Nephrolepis do not respond well to large doses of top dressing, so reduce the amount recommended according to the instructions by 4-5 times, and divide the monthly dose (already taking into account the reduction) by the approximate number of waterings per month and add this part with each watering.

Soil and transplants. To avoid waterlogging during regular watering, do not use large and deep pots for the fern, and choose light and porous soil. Since the plant does not have a pronounced dormant period, if there is additional lighting, you can transplant at any time of the year. If in winter the fern plunges into forced rest due to lack of light, in this case it is better to transplant in spring or summer. Nephrolepis should be transplanted only after their roots have mastered the previous volume well. If there is no need to propagate the fern, then try to transfer carefully, without disturbing the lump, while the new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one (2 cm wider and deeper). During transplantation of a large fern, you can carefully divide it into several parts. Do not deepen the base of the plant, it should remain at the same level.

As a primer, a ready-made universal substrate based on high-moor peat with the addition of about 1/4-1/3 of the volume of perlite is suitable.

Reproduction. In nephrolepis, leafless shoots in the form of thin hairy green mustaches are usually formed in great abundance. In contact with the ground, which often occurs around the perimeter of the pot, young plants form on them. During transplantation, they can be carefully separated or a large fern can be divided into several separate outlets, seated in small pots and kept for about a month in a greenhouse with high air humidity.

Maintain appearance. Nephrolepis does not need pruning. Try not to touch the growing tips of the wai, especially if they have not yet fully untwisted. Once damaged, they stop growing and begin to die. Do not rush to plant small specimens, nephrolepis is a beautiful lush dense plant. Over time, old fronds die off, dry out, this is normal. They should be carefully cut at the base with scissors and removed. It is useful to regularly arrange a warm shower for the fern.

Pests. In dry indoor air, nephrolepis are highly susceptible to attack by spider mites. Spray the leaves regularly with a fine sprayer, increase the humidity in the room in other possible ways, arrange regular warm showers.

Scale insects can live on nephrolepis, they can be detected by the presence of small wax-like blotches. However, do not confuse them with similar outwardly brown sori on the underside of the leaves. The shield can be removed without damaging the leaf, but the sori cannot.

Mealybugs are often found in the form of formations similar to cotton balls on fronds. If scale insects and mealybugs are found, treat the fern with Aktara.

About plant protection - in the article Pests of indoor plants and measures to combat them.

Possible problems when growing nephrolepis

  • Fern turned greyish-pale. The reason may be overdrying. Water the plant and spray the fronds.
  • The leaves have acquired a whitish tint, covered with small white dots.. The reason is the defeat of the spider mite. Wash the fern regularly under a warm shower, correct the conditions of detention, increase the humidity of the air.
  • Leaves turned yellowish. Perhaps the fern has too much light, the leaves burn out in the sun and can get burned. Move the plant away from the sun to indirect light.
  • Wai ends dry. The reason is systematic overdrying or low humidity. Fix care.
  • leaf fall can be caused by over- or under-watering, damage to the tip of the growing leaf, too much or too little light, low temperatures, or cold water irrigation.
  • Some leaves are completely dry. If at the same time the growth of young normal wai is observed, then this may be a natural process, the death of old leaves.
  • Brown formations on the underside of the leaves, closer to their edge. It can be confused with a scab, but these are sori in which fern spores ripen, a phenomenon normal for nephrolepis leaves. When you try to remove them, the sheet is injured, and the shields are removed without damage.

Photo: Rita Brilliantova, Natalia Semenova

Nephrolepis is a fern belonging to the Lomariopsis family, although some botanists believe that it represents the Davalliaceae fern group.

General information

This herbaceous culture can grow both on the ground and be an epiphyte growing on tree trunks. It has a short root system, a luxurious deciduous part, which reaches a length of up to 70 centimeters. Light green leaf plates are divided into lanceolate segments with smooth or serrated edges.

The plant is native to the tropical forests of Asia, Africa and America. It has more than 40 varieties and only a few of them can be grown at home.

Grow the culture in hanging pots or on stands. In addition to its exotic and attractive appearance, the fern has a lot of useful properties. For example, it is able to purify the air by absorbing hazardous chemical compounds and pathogenic microorganisms.

It is not difficult to grow a fern at home, the main thing is to create such a microclimate for it that will resemble the natural habitat and then the plant will delight the grower with its beautiful appearance for many years.

Nephrolepis species and varieties photos and names

- is an ampel culture, considered one of the most unusual among the rest of the ferns. It has long stems, freely hanging down, like the water jets of a fountain. The leaf plates are dark green, slightly twisted and openwork. The plant can be planted not only in hanging pots, but also in large containers on a high stand.

- is a kind of sublime nephrolepis. This culture was bred in the United States, or rather, in Boston. A distinctive characteristic of this exotic fern are straight branches, reaching up to 120 centimeters in length with openwork bright green leaf plates. At the moment, the plant is popular not only among flower growers, but also among breeders.

- a plant variety with a shortened vertical root system. The branches are collected in a rosette, the leaf plates are long, reach 70 centimeters, they are distinguished by pinnate complexity, a light green tint and short petioles. Each branch has about 50 individual leaf parts. They have a lanceolate shape and a length of up to 6 centimeters.

- is a compact, very showy fern, reaching a height of up to 50 centimeters. The fronds of the culture are almost vertical. They are distinguished by curly leaf plates with jagged edges of dark green color. The plant is moisture-loving, therefore it requires regular watering and spraying.

- this type of fern is a hybrid of nephrolepis sublime. The plant has a narrow crown, long shoots with feathery, lacy dark green leaf plates with wavy edges. The length of the leaf plates is up to 70 centimeters.

- is a miniature plant of the fern genus with short fronds of light green color. Sheet plates are large, collected in rosettes. In height, the culture reaches up to 55 centimeters. It is distinguished by splendor, accuracy and outwardly resembles a ball. Nephrolepis loves moisture, so for its normal development, the plant must be sprayed regularly.

This variety of fern has an extraordinary resemblance to a palm tree. The plant has a dark brown trunk that grows up to 1 meter. In the form of a trunk, a modified root system appears above the ground. Indoor culture looks no less beautiful than its "wild" copy. Although it does not have a trunk, the leaf plates are just as long and exotic.

- This variety is one of the most popular. Its main difference from other varieties of ferns lies in the vertical fronds of a dark green hue and tuberous cones located on the root system protruding above the ground. This culture has been grown at home since the nineteenth century and is actively used in floristry to create exotic bouquets.

- one of the most popular varieties of fern. The culture has lush and long leaf plates of a dark green hue, collected in a rosette. The plant is unpretentious in care and at the same time has a very presentable appearance, for which it is preferred by many flower growers.

- the plant has small curved fronds and rounded leaves of a dark green hue. Fern grows up to 1 meter. The culture is ampelous and therefore suitable for growing in hanging pots and planters.

- is an ornamental fern that prefers partial shade. It is often grown in greenhouses under artificial lighting. The shoots of the plant are oblong, hanging down, making the fern look like a miniature fountain. The leaf plates of the culture have short segments, a dark green hue and twisted edges.

- is an unusual variety of fern used for home cultivation. The leaf plates of the culture are thin, openwork with multiple dissections of a light green color. The plant prefers partial shade and can grow in a pot or outdoor pot.

It is an ornamental culture growing in partial shade. It is best to grow this fern under artificial light. Vayi oblong, hanging down. They have short leaf plates with curly edges of a dark green hue.

- is a miniature fern intended for indoor cultivation. Vertical fronds reach a length of up to 50 centimeters. The leaf plates are dark green, resembling corrugated paper in appearance. For normal growth and development, the fern should be regularly watered and sprayed.

- is a large fern with long branches that grow up to 120 centimeters. Segments of leaf plates are up to 10 centimeters long, have a jagged edge and a yellow-green hue. The base of the wai is arched, which gives the plant an unusual look.

- is a beautiful dark green ornamental plant. The fern reaches a length of up to 60 centimeters. Leaf plates are lush, pinnately dissected with wavy edges. The culture is moisture-loving, therefore it needs regular watering and spraying.

- a miniature variety of ferns suitable for growing in pots. Vayi reach a length of up to 50 centimeters and have lush foliage with wavy pinnately dissected, fan-shaped dark green leaf segments.

- a fairly compact culture suitable for growing in outdoor pots. The fronds of the plant are vertical, reaching a length of up to 50 centimeters. They can be from 4 to 10 pieces. The leaf segments are feathery in a light green hue with dark stripes resembling green marble.

Nephrolepis home care

Caring for nephrolepis when grown in a flower pot is quite simple. However, the plant requires a large area for growth and the root system, since these are the conditions the fern has in the wild.

Due to the fact that nephrolepis is a tropical plant, it needs to create a moderate temperature regime. In the wild, it grows near water bodies, as constant humidity and partial shade are maintained there.

The ideal temperature for the culture is + 20 degrees. In order for the plant to actively grow and not experience discomfort, the temperature should not rise above + 28 and fall below + 14. If the grower does not have the opportunity to provide the culture with such temperature conditions, then it will have to be looked after more carefully.

Nephrolepis is a moisture-loving plant. While maintaining moderate temperature conditions for the fern, even dry air will be tolerated by them normally, however, if regular watering and spraying is ensured.

If the temperature conditions are above + 20 degrees, then the fern should be sprayed every day with settled soft water. In the summer, the plant must be transferred to a deep shade. Also in summer, wet moss or expanded clay should be placed in a pot with a pot, which from time to time need to be moistened with water. If the temperature is lower than the set one, then it is necessary to ensure that the nephrolepis does not get cold, otherwise a fungal disease may develop, which will lead to the death of the plant.

Nephroleris Fern Lighting

As mentioned above, in nature, the fern grows in shady areas, so diffused sunlight will be ideal lighting for it. It will feel good both in partial shade and in the shade, because it grows in forests where the sun practically does not fall.

It is best to grow it on the north window, in the back of the house or even in the bathroom, but only if there is a window. If there is too much light for the culture, it will slow down in growth, the shoots will grow short, and the leaf plates will begin to spin due to burns.

The davallia fern is also a member of the Davalliev family. It is grown when caring at home without much hassle, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering nephrolepis

Watering the plant due to its tropical roots should be regular and plentiful. It is necessary to ensure that the compatriot does not overdry. If the fern begins to wither, then it will be extremely difficult for him to return his former luxury.

The amount of moisture applied should be increased during the growing season and reduced during the dormant period. It is impossible to stop watering, however, the soil should not be waterlogged, otherwise the stagnation of water in the roots will lead to their decay and death of the plant.

Water for irrigation should be soft and free of lime particles. The fern should be sprayed twice a day, and in the summer this procedure should be increased up to 5 times.

Primer for nephrolepis

Planting a young plant must be carried out in soddy or leafy soil. But in order for the fern to grow and develop better, and besides, it was not limited in nutrients, you should independently prepare a substrate for it from peat, coniferous soil, greenhouse land and a small amount of sand.

At the bottom of the pot, you need to put fine expanded clay, which will act as a drainage layer and will not allow water to stagnate at the roots.

Pot for nephrolepis

A fern pot should be chosen wide and shallow. Such a capacity for planting should be because the root system of the plant is superficial.

At the bottom of the pot, be sure to put small expanded clay or pebbles, which will act as a drainage layer that prevents the accumulation of liquid.

Nephrolepis transplant

In order for the fern to grow well and not get sick, it should be transplanted annually. Transplantation should be carried out in the spring. If the culture has already reached the age of three years, all subsequent transplants should be carried out every three years.

If the grower noticed that the root system is cramped in a pot, then it is necessary to transplant it into a larger container to accelerate the growth and development of the plant in the future. Fern planting should be carried out in a substrate from a mixture of peat and coniferous soil, not forgetting to create a drainage layer from expanded clay.

Fertilizer for nephrolepis

The plant should be fed during the growing season, which happens with ferns in spring and autumn. Top dressing should be applied weekly. For this purpose, organic or mineral fertilizers should be used.

In winter, during the dormant period, you need to fertilize the fern once a month, maintaining the order of organics and mineral compositions.

It is necessary to feed only adult crops, since it is possible to fertilize nephrolepis only when the root system has already fully developed and formed.

Blooming nephrolepis

The fern does not bloom, so the grower should not expect the appearance of inflorescences.

The absence of flowering does not spoil the culture at all, since, thanks to its luxurious leaf mass and exoticism, it has excellent decorative effect, which is preserved all year round.

Pruning nephrolepis

Like any decorative culture, nephrolepis needs to be ennobled. Over time, his leaf plates, branches turn yellow and dry out, and also children form in the ground. For this reason, cosmetic and sanitary pruning is carried out.

During the procedure, excess and dried branches, as well as yellowed leaves, are removed. Children are removed when the plant is transplanted. Carrying out a similar procedure annually, the florist will help the plant not lose its decorative effect, develop properly and increase its green mass.

Care for nephrolepis in winter

Since the fern does not bloom, it does not make sense to stimulate the laying of buds with a dormant period. If the plant is on the windowsill, then with a decrease in daylight hours and a decrease in temperature indicators, the dormant period will come by itself. The soil mixture will dry out less, watering will be reduced, and top dressing will stop. As a result, the fern will slow down its growth and begin to rest.

It is very important to ensure that the temperature does not fall below + 14 degrees and there are no drafts. If the room is warm as in summer, then you need to take care of the crop in the same mode, only it should be sprayed more often, as the air will begin to dry out due to heating devices.

To lengthen the daylight hours, it is enough to illuminate the plant with a phytolamp. Top dressing should be reduced to once a month, as there will be no such need for them as in the spring and summer seasons.

Reproduction of nephrolepis by dividing the bush

Nephrolepis reproduces in three ways, one of which is not used for cultivated plant varieties. In the wild, the fern is sown with spores, while at home it is propagated by mustache and bush division.

One young fern has one root system and one growth point, which forms shoots with a rosette. If the bush is an adult, then it has several rosettes and, accordingly, growth points, so it can be propagated by division. This procedure is carried out in early spring during transplantation.

To separate the bush, remove the plant from the pot and shake off the root system from the ground, dismantling the fern into rosettes. If they do not separate, the roots should be washed in water and separated. Each part that has its own growing point should be planted in a pot with a special earth mixture designed for ferns.

In order for young plants to take root faster, the necessary air humidity and temperature should be maintained at least + 15 degrees.

Nephrolepis mustache reproduction

You can also propagate the culture with the help of processes called mustaches. To carry out the procedure, you should take a container with soil and place it next to the pot in which an adult plant is planted. Dig a mustache in a container, deepening it by 0.5 centimeters, so that its upper part is above the ground. To prevent the process from pulling out of the ground, it must be secured with a hairpin.

During the rooting process, the soil should always be kept moist. Two weeks later, a new shoot will appear, and when it begins to grow and gets stronger, it can be separated from an adult fern by cutting off the whisker near the ground, sprinkling the cut with crushed charcoal and planting it in a permanent place of growth.

Nephrolepis pests

The fern is threatened not only by diseases, but also by pests that appear as a result of improper care of the crop.

The following harmful insects are dangerous for nephrolepis:

  • Shchitovka - this pest is considered the most dangerous for the fern, as it affects the leaf plates. First, it appears on the inside of the leaves, then spread throughout the plant. It is extremely difficult to fight him. Therefore, in order to prevent its occurrence, the leaf plates should be inspected every day, and if it is found, it is necessary to treat the culture with the Actellik insecticide in several approaches, since it will not be possible to remove the pest at a time. It should also be noted that scale insects are the cause of the appearance of sooty fungus, which can lead to death of the fern.
  • spider mite - the presence of a spider mite on the leaves is evidenced by emerging spots and white cobwebs. The pest leads to the fact that gradually the culture begins to dry out. You can eliminate it by treating it with the Actellik insecticide.
  • leaf nematode - the nematode settles on the leaves, causing them to darken, and over time, the leaf plates turn brown, and the plant dies. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate the pest, so nephrolepis will have to be destroyed along with the earth.
  • Mealybug - if, when examining a fern, the grower noticed white lumps on the foliage and rosette, this is evidence of the appearance of a mealybug. It must be eliminated in time, otherwise the plant will begin to turn yellow and dry. You can destroy the worm by spraying with Karbofos.

Diseases of nephrolepis

Of the diseases, the plant is threatened by ailments of fungal etiology, represented by:

  • root rot ;
  • fungus ;
  • Bacterial lesion .

To eliminate all of the above ailments, you should remove the fern from the planting container, clean it from the infected soil, treat the root system with a fungicide and transplant it into a new pot and a fresh substrate. Proper care of the crop and moderate watering will help to avoid these ailments.

Problems in growing nephrolepis

When growing a fern at home, the florist may face a number of problems presented:

  • Drying of leaf plates - most often the leaves dry due to lack of moisture or severe dryness of the air. This symptom can be eliminated by regular watering and daily spraying, especially in summer and winter.
  • Drying of the tips of the leaves - if the ends of the leaves of the plant began to dry, this may be evidence of a lack of light. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper illumination.
  • Lack of growth - if the fern does not grow for a long time, then most likely it has become crowded in a pot and needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

Also, many flower growers are wondering how to provoke new shoots in nephrolepis. Active formation of sprouts begins only in plants that have reached the age of three, so you should wait until the fern grows up and then there will be no problems with the appearance of shoots.

Nephrolepis signs and superstitions

Fern has long been considered a magical plant with positive energy, which can positively influence human destiny. Based on ancient legends, a fern, or rather, its flower, plucked on the night of Ivan Kupala, will help find happiness and wealth. But in order to find it, you need to be a real daredevil, because during the search, various evil spirits will chase a person, preventing him from turning his plans into reality.

It is also believed that the plant protects housing from evil spirits, the evil eye, damage and other negativity. It brings success in a career, attracts money to its owner and protects him from their irrational spending.

He is able to smooth out conflicts and mitigate human aggression, bringing harmony into the relationship of people with different characters.


Culture is a living filter, as it purifies the air of harmful compounds and pathogenic microorganisms.

The plant is not poisonous and completely safe for the health of others, so if you want to decorate your interior with exotic nephrolepis, be sure to do it.

Fern, or nephrolepis (lat. Nephrolepis) is a very beautiful decorative and deciduous flower, which is popular both with gardeners for planting in open ground and with flower growers who plant it indoors. However, often the owners of the fern are upset by the fact that the leaves of the flower turn yellow and dry, or, as they are correctly called in this plant, fronds. If you look through the most popular topics of online gardening forums, it turns out that this is a very common problem. And the reasons why the fern turns yellow lie in the wrong care.

In this article, we have selected a list of the most common mistakes that are made when growing this ampelous plant at home and provoke the occurrence diseases of indoor fern. By avoiding them, you can count on Nephrolepis to delight you with its lush green bushes for a long time.

Did you know? In addition to decorative properties, the fern also purifies the air in the apartment from substances harmful to human health, emitted by finishing materials and furniture, in particular, formaldehyde, toluene and xylene.

Why fern leaves turn yellow, care errors

Nephrolepis is an unpretentious plant with a fast growth rate. Usually tolerates room conditions - humidity, temperature. However, there are times when a flower needs help to overcome adverse factors or cope with a disease. This is especially true of the off-season, at the beginning of the heating season or immediately after its completion.

If suddenly you began to notice that your indoor fern began to look worse, grow poorly, its leaves turn yellow and dry, we advise you to take a test to see if you are caring for it correctly and keep it in comfortable conditions.

Important! Nephrolepis may need some time to get used to new environmental conditions, for example, after a purchase or transplant. So, a two-three-year-old plant will need 1.5-2 months to settle down in a new place. For a young seedling, this period will be longer.

The main growing mistakes that can be the reasons why the fern dries at home are:
  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • incorrect temperature regime;
  • insufficient humidity in the room;
  • insufficient lighting or access to the plant in direct sunlight;
  • excessive or improper feeding.
In the following sections, you can find recommendations for proper plant care.

Improper watering and spraying the plant

The most common reason why indoor fern leaves dry is improper watering. It is the lack or excess of moisture that often affects the appearance of the plant.

If the flower suffers from severe waterlogging, then its lower leaves will turn yellow, and their tips will turn brown and dry. On them, as well as on the roots, mold and rot may appear. Later, the fronds will fall off.

In case of insufficient moisture, the flower will signal you with a stop in the growth of the leaves and their yellowing. They will look drooping, lethargic, unhealthy.

If you have begun to worry about the fact that the indoor fern dries up, the first thing you need to do is switch it to the correct watering mode. When growing nephrolepis, you should make it a rule to water the soil to a state of light moisture. It should not be overdried, but the plant also does not tolerate an excess of moisture.

Did you know?Plants growing in ceramic pots require more frequent watering than those planted in plastic.

Ferns are watered abundantly in late spring, summer and early autumn, that is, during especially hot periods. Whether the plant needs another watering is determined by the condition of the soil - if the top layer is dry, then it must be moistened. On average, in the summer, a fern will need moisture once every two to three days.

Watering in the cold season will depend on the temperature in the room. If the apartment is hot, then the flower is moistened in the same volume as in the summer. At moderate temperatures, watering is carried out rarely and in small portions. The optimal frequency of soil moisture for the winter period will be once a week.

Important! Watering is carried out only with warm well-settled or rain water.

Such a change in the appearance of the fern, as yellowing, browning, and then curling, indicates that you are using too cold, hard or too chlorinated water for watering.

The fern loves spraying daily or at intervals of one day. They are also produced with soft warm water. Spraying will allow the plant to get rid of dust on the leaves and humidify the air in the apartment.

Important! It is forbidden to spray the plant during the period when direct sunlight falls on its leaves. This can cause burns, which is also a possible reason why fern leaves turn yellow..

Non-compliance with the requirements for temperature and humidity

The second common mistake when growing a fern is the temperature and humidity of the air that are incorrectly selected for its maintenance. If the leaves turn yellow and the growth of the plant slows down, pay attention to the compliance of the conditions in your apartment with the recommended indicators.

The following temperature indicators are considered comfortable for nephrolepis:

  • in winter - 16 ° С;
  • in summer - 22 ° С.

If the temperature exceeds 25 ° C, then it is necessary to increase the frequency of spraying the plant in order to humidify the air in the room. Yellowing of the leaves from the base indicates that the fern is hot and needs to be moved to a cooler place.

When lowering the mercury column on the thermometer to the mark of 12 ° C, it is recommended to reduce the number and volume of watering.

We noticed that young fronds wither and die off - this is a sure sign that the plant is cold: either from the low temperature in the room, or from watering with cold water.

Important! If the lower leaves of a fern turn yellow over time, then this is a natural process. In this case, they simply need to be removed.

The requirements for air humidity in the fern are high - not lower than 60%. As soon as the air becomes dry for him, and the temperature is too high, he will show you this, first by drying out the tips of the leaves, and soon the whole frond. Also, brown spots may appear on the leaves in such conditions.

Optimum performance can be achieved by regularly spraying at intervals of two times a day (morning and evening) to one spraying every other day.

In very hot periods, an outdoor shower is recommended, while in order to avoid water getting on the substrate, it is covered with plastic wrap or a bag. Ferns also feel comfortable if the container in which it grows is placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay, sand or peat. During the heating season, the flower must be placed away from the batteries.

Too much or too little fertilizer

Incorrectly applied top dressing can provoke a number of diseases in the fern. It is necessary to fertilize the plant only during the period of active growth - from spring to early autumn. This needs to be done every two to three weeks. Recommended dosages are best reduced by two to three times. For top dressing, any fertilizer for decorative leafy plants is suitable.

Since the dormant period of nephrolepis falls on October-February, it is necessary to stop any feeding from October until the beginning of spring.

If the plant has become faded, stopped growing, this may be the reason that it lacks nutrients, or the capacity has become small for the development of the root system. The fern needs to be fertilized or transplanted into a larger pot.

Mistakes when choosing lighting

Another reason for the decrease in the decorative effect of nephrolepis leaves is insufficient lighting or prolonged exposure of the plant to direct sunlight.

The fern prefers diffused lighting; it will most likely refuse to grow in the shade. Penetration of direct rays is possible only a couple of hours a day, more nephrolepis will not survive. An excess of lighting will certainly affect the decorativeness of the flower - its leaves will become faded and lethargic.

If the leaves of the fern dry, to the recommendations on what to do in such cases, it is necessary to add the movement of the flower to the north or east sides, where it should be more comfortable.

Why spots and plaque appear on fern leaves, the main pests and diseases of the plant

Also, if yellowing or other spots are found, plaque on the fronds, it is necessary to inspect the flower for pests and diseases. When they are detected, the necessary measures must be taken immediately. However, it is important to understand that with proper planting and care, the risk of fern infection is very low.

home fern pests

Also, the reason that the home fern dries can be a spider mite, which harms by sucking the juices from the plant and likes to make cobwebs on it. The leaves wither, turn yellow and fall off.

With improper watering, a nematode can start in the roots. In this case, only a flower transplant with Aktellik treatment can help.

If the air in the room is too dry, the fern can be attacked by aphids, whiteflies. In case of severe infection, spraying with Actellik, Karbofos, Aktara and other drugs will help. The yellowing of the leaves causes mealybug.

Indoor fern diseases

Low temperatures and excessive watering can provoke the development of fungal diseases, such as gray rot, soot fungus, etc. When these diseases appear, it will be too late to look for information on how to cure indoor fern. It is better to protect the diseased plant from healthy ones in a timely manner in order to avoid infection. The use of fungicides is likely to be ineffective.

The best fight in this case will be the prevention of the onset of diseases - maintaining the required level of soil and air moisture, favorable temperatures.

Why fern leaves turn yellow after transplantation

A prerequisite for caring for a fern is its transplantation. It is recommended to carry out this procedure every year in April-May before the plant reaches the age of three years. After that, once every two or three years. When transplanting, choose a slightly larger capacity. It should not be too deep, but wide enough, slightly larger than the root system of the plant.

It should be noted that nephrolepis does not always tolerate this procedure easily and quickly. He needs time to lay new wai. What to do if you just transplanted a fern, and it began to dry out? First of all, it is necessary to provide the plant with all the conditions that it prefers, and wait a couple of months until it adapts.

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