Cell cycle. Mitotic cycle





DISCIPLINE: “Human and Animal Biology”

ON THE TOPIC: “Mitotic cycle. Cell cycle, phases M, G1, S, G2, auto- and heterosynthetic cell functions"

Completed by: 1st year student of group BM-101 Tonkikh M.A.

Checked by: professor, doctor of medicine. Science L. B. Dmitrenko


Cell cycle: overview

The repeating set of events that ensure the division of eukaryotic cells is called the cell cycle. The length of the cell cycle depends on the type of dividing cells. Some cells, such as human neurons, stop dividing altogether after reaching the stage of terminal differentiation. Cells of the lungs, kidneys or liver in an adult body begin to divide only in response to damage to the corresponding organs. Intestinal epithelial cells divide throughout a person's life. Even in rapidly proliferating cells, preparation for division takes about 24 hours. The cell cycle is divided into stages: Mitosis - M-phase, division of the cell nucleus. G1 phase is the period before DNA synthesis. S-phase is the period of synthesis (DNA replication). G2 phase is the period between DNA synthesis and mitosis. Interphase is a period that includes G1, S and G2 phases. Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm. Restriction point, R-point - the time in the cell cycle when the cell's progress towards division becomes irreversible. G0 phase is the state of cells that have reached a monolayer or are deprived of growth factors in the early G1 phase.

mitozumeiosis) is preceded by chromosome doubling, which occurs in the S period of the cell cycle. The period is designated by the first letter of the word synthesis - DNA synthesis. From the end of the S period until the end of metaphase, the nucleus contains four times more DNA than the nucleus of a sperm or egg, and each chromosome consists of two identical sister chromatids.

During mitosis, chromosomes condense and at the end of prophase or the beginning of metaphase they become visible under optical microscopy. For cytogenetic analysis, preparations of metaphase chromosomes are usually used.

At the beginning anaphase centromere of homologous chromosomes are disconnected, and chromatids diverge to opposite poles of the mitotic spindle. After complete sets of chromatids move to the poles (from now on they are called chromosomes), a nuclear membrane is formed around each of them, forming the nuclei of two daughter cells (the destruction of the nuclear membrane of the mother cell occurred at the end prophase). Daughter cells enter period G1, and only in preparation for the next division do they enter the S period and DNA replication occurs in them.

Cells with specialized functions that do not enter into mitosis for a long time or have generally lost the ability to divide are in a state called period G0 .

Most cells in the body are diploid - that is, they have two haploid set of chromosomes(the haploid set is the number of chromosomes in gametes; in humans it is 23 chromosomes, and diploid set of chromosomes - 46).

In the gonads, the precursors of germ cells first undergo a series of mitotic divisions and then enter meiosis, a process of gamete formation consisting of two successive divisions. In meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair (paternal 1st chromosome with maternal 1st chromosome, etc.), after which, during the so-called crossing over recombination occurs, that is, the exchange of sections between the paternal and maternal chromosomes. As a result, the genetic composition of each chromosome changes qualitatively.

In the first division meiosis Homologous chromosomes (and not sister chromatids, as in mitosis), resulting in the formation of cells with a haploid set of chromosomes, each of which contains 22 doubled autosomes and one doubled sex chromosome.

There is no period S between the first and second divisions of meiosis ( rice. 66.2, right), and sister chromatids separate into daughter cells in the second division. As a result, cells with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed, in which there is half as much DNA as in diploid somatic cells in the G1 period, and 4 times less than in somatic cells at the end of the S period.

During fertilization, the number of chromosomes and DNA content in the zygote becomes the same as in a somatic cell in the G1 period.

The S period in the zygote opens the way to regular division, characteristic of somatic cells.

Cell cycle: phases

The eukaryotic cell cycle is divided into four phases. At the stage of direct cell division (mitosis), condensed metaphase chromosomes are equally distributed between daughter cells ( M phase of the cell cycle - mitosis). Mitosis was the first phase of the cell cycle identified, and all other events occurring in the cell between two mitoses were called interphase. The development of research at the molecular level has made it possible to identify a stage of DNA synthesis in interphase, called S-phase (synthesis). These two key stages of the cell cycle do not transition directly into one another. After the end of mitosis, before DNA synthesis begins, G1 phase of the cell cycle (gap), an apparent pause in cell activity during which intracellular synthetic processes prepare the replication of genetic material.

Second break in visible activity ( phase G2) is observed after the end of DNA synthesis before the onset of mitosis. In the G2 phase, the cell monitors the accuracy of the DNA replication that has occurred and corrects detected failures. In some cases, the fifth phase of the cell cycle is distinguished ( G0), when after completion of division the cell does not enter the next cell cycle and remains dormant for a long time. It can be removed from this state by external stimulating (mitogenic) influences.

The phases of the cell cycle do not have clear temporal and functional boundaries, however, during the transition from one phase to another, an orderly switching of synthetic processes occurs, allowing these intracellular events to be differentiated at the molecular level.

Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases

Cells enter the cell cycle and synthesize DNA in response to external mitogenic stimuli. Lymphokines(For example, interleukins), cytokines(in particular interferons) and polypeptide growth factors, interacting with their receptors on the cell surface, induce a cascade of phosphorylation reactions of intracellular proteins, accompanied by signal transmission from the cell surface to the nucleus and induction of transcription of the corresponding genes. Among the first to be activated are genes encoding cyclin proteins, which get their name from the fact that their intracellular concentration changes periodically as cells pass through the cell cycle, reaching a maximum at certain stages. Cyclins are specific activators of the family cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) (CDK - cyclin-dependent kinases) are key participants in the induction of transcription of genes that control the cell cycle. Activation of an individual CDK occurs after its interaction with a specific cyclin, and the formation of this complex becomes possible after the cyclin reaches a critical concentration. In response to a decrease in the intracellular concentration of a particular cyclin, the corresponding CDK is reversibly inactivated. Some CDKs are activated by more than one cyclin. In this case, a group of cyclins, as if transferring protein kinases to each other, maintains them in an activated state for a long time. Such waves of CDK activation occur during the G1 and S phases of the cell cycle.

Cyclins: general information

Each type of cyclin, designated A to H, has a homologous region (150 amino acid residues called " cyclin box". This region is responsible for binding to CDK. There are 14 known proteins in the cyclin family (cyclin A - cyclin J). Some members of the family form subfamilies. For example, the D-type cyclin subfamily consists of three members: D1, D2 and D3. Cyclins are divided into two subfamilies: G1-cyclins (C , D And E) And mitotic cyclins (A And B).

Cyclins are rapidly exchanging proteins with a short half-life, which is 15-20 minutes for D-type cyclins. This ensures the dynamism of their complexes with cyclin-dependent kinases. The N-terminal sequence of amino acid residues called destruction box. As cells pass through the cell cycle, following the activation of individual CDK they are inactivated as needed. In the latter case, proteolytic degradation of cyclin, which is in complex with CDK, takes place, which begins with a destruction box.

Cyclins themselves cannot fully activate the corresponding CDKs. To complete the activation process, specific phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of certain amino acid residues in the polypeptide chains of these protein kinases must occur. Most of these reactions are carried out CDK activating kinase (CAK), which is a complex CDK7 With cyclin H. Thus, CDKs become capable of performing their functions in the cell cycle only after their interaction with the corresponding cyclins and post-translational modifications under the influence of CAK and other similar cell cycle regulatory proteins.

Eukaryotic cell division: beginning

In response to a mitogenic stimulus, a cell in phase G0 or early G1, begins its passage through the cell cycle. As a result of induction of expression cyclin D genes And E, which are usually grouped cyclins G1, their intracellular concentration increases. Cyclins D1 , D2 And D3 form a complex with kinases CDK4 And CDK6. Unlike cyclin D1, the latter two cyclins also combine with CDK2. The functional differences between these three cyclins are unknown, but available data indicate that they reach critical concentrations at different stages of G1 phase development. These differences are specific to the type of proliferating cells.

Activation of CDK2/4/6 leads to phosphorylation squirrel RB(product retinoblastoma gene pRb) and associated proteins p107 And p130. At the beginning of the G1 phase pRb protein weakly phosphorylated, which allows it to be in complex with transcription factor E2F, which plays a key role in the induction of DNA synthesis, and block its activity. The fully phosphorylated form of pRb releases E2F from the complex, which leads to transcriptional activation of genes that control DNA replication.

The concentration of D-cyclins increases during the G1 phase of the cell cycle and reaches a maximum value immediately before the onset of S-phase, after which it begins to decrease. However, at this time, pRb is not yet completely phosphorylated, and the E2F factor remains in the complex in an inactive state. Phosphorylation of pRb is completed by CDK2 activated cyclin E. The intracellular concentration of the latter becomes maximum at the moment of transition of the cell cycle from the G1 phase to the S phase. Thus, the cyclin E-CDK2 complex takes over from the cyclin D complexes with CDK4 and CDK6 and completes the phosphorylation of pRb, accompanied by the release of the active transcription factor E2F. As a result, DNA synthesis begins, that is, the cell enters the S-phase of the cell cycle.

S phase of the cell cycle: DNA synthesis

Period interphase when DNA replication of the cell nucleus occurs, has been called "S phase"

Cell division (mitosis or meiosis) is preceded by chromosome duplication, which occurs in the S period of the cell cycle ( rice. 66.2). The period is designated by the first letter of the word synthesis - DNA synthesis.

After the cell enters the S phase, rapid degradation occurs cyclin E and activation CDK2 cyclin A. Cyclin E begins to be synthesized at the end phase G1 and its interaction with CDK2 is a necessary condition for the cell to enter S phase and continue DNA synthesis. This complex activates DNA synthesis through phosphorylation of proteins at replication origins. A signal for the end of the S-phase and the transition of the cell to phase G2 is activation of another kinase by cyclin A CDK1 with simultaneous cessation of CDK2 activation. Delay between the end of DNA synthesis and the start mitosis(G2 phase) is used by the cell to control the completeness and accuracy of chromosome replication that has occurred. The sequence of events during this period is not precisely known.

When stimulated growth factors mammalian cells found in state of proliferative dormancy , cyclins D-type appear earlier than cyclin E. mRNA and protein cyclin D1 first appear after 6-8 hours, after which D1 levels remain elevated until the end of the cell cycle ( Matsushime H. et al., 1991 ; Won K.A. et al., 1992).

When growth factors are removed from the medium, the level of D-type cyclins drops rapidly, since D-cyclins and their RNA are unstable.

Cyclin D1 associated with CDK4 immediately before DNA synthesis begins. The level of the complex peaks in early S phase before decreasing in late S and G2 phase (Matsushime H. et al., 1992).

Apparently cyclins D2 And D3 act in the G1 period somewhat later than cyclin D1.

Overexpression of D-type cyclins (fivefold relative to normal) with a decrease in cell demand for growth factors and a shortening of the G1 phase leads to a decrease in cell size. Cyclin E necessary for cells to enter into S-phase. It associates primarily with CDK2, although it can form a complex with CDK1 .

Cyclin E mRNA and protein levels, as well as the activity of the cyclin E-CDK2 complex, peak during the transition G1-S and decline sharply as cells progress through mid and late S phases.

When antibodies to cyclin E are microinjected into mammalian cells, DNA synthesis is suppressed.

When cyclin E is overexpressed, cells progress through the G1 phase faster and enter S phase, and such cells require fewer growth factors.

Mitosis: initiation

The signal to begin cell division (mitosis) comes from MPF factor (M phase promoting factor), stimulating the M phase of the cell cycle. MPF is a kinase complex CDK1 with activating it cyclins A or B. Apparently, the CDK1-cyclin A complex plays a more important role in completing the S phase and preparing the cell for division, while the CDK1-cyclin B complex primarily exercises sequence control.

Cyclins B1 And B2 present in very low concentrations in phase G1. Their concentration begins to increase towards the end S- and throughout G2 phases, reaching its maximum during mitosis, which leads to their replacement cyclin A in combination with CDK1. However, this is not enough to fully activate the protein kinase. The functional competence of CDK1 is achieved after a series of phosphorylations and dephosphorylations at specific amino acid residues. Such control is necessary to prevent cells from entering mitosis until DNA synthesis is complete.

Cell division begins only after CDK1, which is in a complex with cyclin B, is phosphorylated at residues Thr-14 and Tyr-16 protein kinase WEE1, as well as at residue Thr-161 protein kinase CAK and then dephosphorylated at residues Thr-14 and Tyr-15 phosphatase CDC25. Activated in this way, CDK1 phosphorylates structural proteins in the nucleus, including nucleolin , nuclear lamins And vimentin. After this, the nucleus begins to pass through the cytologically clearly distinguishable stages of mitosis.

The first stage of mitosis is prophase- begins after CDK1 is completely phosphorylated, followed by metaphase , anaphase And telophase ending with cell division - cytokinesis. The consequence of these processes is the correct distribution of replicated chromosomes, nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins, as well as other high and low molecular weight compounds into daughter cells. After cytokinesis is completed, destruction occurs cyclin B, accompanied by inactivation of CDK1, which leads to the cell entering into phase G1 or G0 cell cycle.

G0 phase of the cell cycle

Some types of cells at certain stages of differentiation can stop dividing, fully maintaining their viability. This state of cells is called the G0 phase. Cells that have reached a state of terminal differentiation can no longer exit this phase. At the same time, cells that have an extremely low ability to divide, such as hepatocytes, can re-enter the cell cycle after part of the liver is removed.

The transition of cells to a state of rest becomes possible due to the functioning of highly specific cell cycle inhibitors. With the participation of these proteins, cells can stop proliferation under unfavorable environmental conditions, when DNA is damaged or gross errors in its replication occur. Such pauses are used by cells to repair damage that has occurred.

Under certain external conditions, the cell cycle may pause in restriction points. At these points, cells become committed to enter S phase and/or mitosis.

Vertebrate cells in a standard culture medium devoid of serum, in most cases do not enter S-phase, although the medium contains all the necessary nutrients.

Upon reaching a closed monolayer, cells capable of contact braking, exit the cell cycle even in the presence blood serum. Cells that have left the mitotic cycle for an indefinite period of time, maintaining viability and proliferative potential, are called resting cells. This is called the transition to a state of proliferative rest or G0 phase.

In the 90s Discussions continued whether the state of proliferative dormancy could be defined as a phase fundamentally different from G1. Apparently this is indeed the case.

In the nuclei of cells that are in proliferative rest, as well as in cells that are in G1 phase, as a rule, contains an undouble amount of DNA. However, there are significant differences between cells in these two states. It is known that the duration of the G1 phase in dividing cells is significantly shorter than the time of the G0-S transition. Numerous studies on the fusion of quiescent and proliferating cells and on microinjection of mRNA have shown that cells in the G0 phase contain proliferation inhibitors, preventing entry into the S-phase.

These facts suggest that the cell must carry out a special program to exit G0. It should also be noted that they are not expressed in resting cells. CDK2 And CDK4, and also cyclins D- And E-types. Their synthesis is induced only by growth factors ( Lodish H. et al., 1995). IN constantly cycling cells the level of D- and E-cyclins remains high throughout the entire cycle, and the duration of the G1 period decreases compared to the prereplicative period.

Thus, in cells in the G0 phase there are no proteins that allow passage through restriction points and allow entry into the S phase. For the transition of resting cells to S-phase growth factors should induce the synthesis of these proteins in them.

Cell cycle: inhibitors

There are two main stages in the cell cycle (transition points, control points R - restriction points), on which they can be implemented negative regulatory impacts, stopping cells from moving through the cell cycle. One of these stages controls the transition of the cell to DNA synthesis, and the other controls the beginning of mitosis. There are other regulated stages of the cell cycle.

The transition of cells from one phase of the cell cycle to another is controlled at the level of activation CDK their cyclins with the participation inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases CKI. As needed, these inhibitors can be activated and block the interaction of CDKs with their cyclins, and therefore the cell cycle itself. After a change in external or internal conditions, the cell can continue to proliferate or enter the path apoptosis .

There are two CKI groups: p21 family proteins And INK4 (inhibitor of CDK4), members of which within families have similar structural properties. The p21 family of inhibitors includes three proteins: p21 , p27 And p57. Because these proteins were described independently by several groups, their alternative names are still used. Thus, the p21 protein is also known under the names WAF1 (wild-type p53 activated fragment 1), CIP1 (CDK2 interacting protein 1), SDI1 (senescent derived inhibitor 1) and mda-6 (melanoma differentiation associated gene). Synonyms for p27 and p57 are KIP1 (kinase inhibiting proteins 1) and KIP2 (kinase inhibiting proteins 2), respectively. All these proteins have broad specificity of action and can inhibit various CDK .

In contrast, the group of INK4 inhibitors is more specific. It contains four proteins: p15INK4B , p16INK4A , p18INK4C And p19INK4D. INK4 family inhibitors function during the phase G1 cell cycle, inhibiting the activity CDK4 kinases, however the second protein product of the INK4A gene - p19ARF, interacts with regulatory factor MDM2 protein p53 and inactivates the factor. This is accompanied by increased stability p53 protein and stop

Cell cycle: regulation of the transition from G1- to S-phase

Before the start of the cell cycle p27 protein, being in high concentration, prevents activation protein kinase CDK4 or CDK6 cyclins D1 , D2 or D3. Under such conditions, the cell remains in phase G0 or early G1 phase before receiving the mitogenic stimulus. After adequate stimulation, the concentration of the p27 inhibitor decreases against the background of an increase in the intracellular content of cyclins D. This is accompanied by activation of CDK and, ultimately, phosphorylation pRb protein, the release of the associated transcription factor E2F and activation of transcription of the corresponding genes.

During these early stages of the G1 phase of the cell cycle, the concentration of p27 protein is still quite high. Therefore, after the cessation of mitogenic stimulation of cells, the content of this protein is quickly restored to a critical level and further passage of cells through the cell cycle is blocked at the corresponding G1 stage. This reversibility is possible until the G1 phase in its development reaches a certain stage called transition point, after which the cell becomes committed to division, and the removal of growth factors from the environment is not accompanied by inhibition of the cell cycle. Although from this point on the cells become independent of external signals to divide, they retain the ability to self-control the cell cycle.

INK4 family CDK inhibitors (p15 , p16 , p18 And p19) specifically interact with CDK4 kinases And CDK6. Proteins p15 and p16 have been identified as tumor suppressors, and their synthesis is regulated pRb protein. All four proteins block the activation of CDK4 and CDK6, either by weakening their interaction with cyclins or by displacing them from the complex. Although both p16 and p27 proteins have the ability to inhibit the activity of CDK4 and CDK6, the former has a greater affinity for these protein kinases. If the concentration of p16 increases to a level at which it completely inhibits the activity of CDK4/6 kinases, p27 protein becomes the main inhibitor CDK2 kinase .

Early in the cell cycle, healthy cells can recognize and respond to DNA damage by arresting cell cycle progression in the G1 phase until the damage is repaired. For example, in response to DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light or ionizing radiation, p53 protein induces transcription p21 protein gene. Increasing its intracellular concentration blocks CDK2 activation cyclins E or A. This arrests cells in late G1 phase or early S phase of the cell cycle. At this time, the cell itself determines its future fate - if the damage cannot be eliminated, it enters into apoptosis .

There are two differently directed regulatory systems G1/S- transition: positive and negative.

The system positively regulates entry into S-phase includes a heterodimer E2F-1/DP-1 and activating it cyclin kinase complexes .

Another system inhibits entry into the S-phase. It is represented by tumor suppressors p53 And pRB, which suppress the activity of E2F-1/DP-1 heterodimers.

Normal cell proliferation depends on a precise balance between these systems. The relationship between these systems can change, leading to changes in the rate of cell proliferation.

Cell cycle: regulation of the transition from G2 to M phase

The cell's response to DNA damage may occur before mitosis. Then p53 protein induces inhibitor synthesis p21, which prevents activation

CDK1 kinase cyclin B and delays further development of the cell cycle. The passage of a cell through mitosis is tightly controlled - subsequent stages do not begin without the complete completion of the previous ones. Some of the inhibitors have been identified in yeast, but their animal homologues remain unknown. For example, described yeast proteins BUB1 (budding uninhibited by benomyl) And MAD2 (mitotic arrest deficient), which control the attachment of condensed chromosomes to the mitotic spindle in metaphase of mitosis. Before the correct assembly of these complexes is completed, the MAD2 protein forms a complex with protein kinase CDC20 and inactivates it. CDC20, after activation, phosphorylates proteins and, as a result, blocks those of their functions that prevent the divergence of each of two homologous chromatids during cytokinesis .


Experiments with temperature-dependent mutants of yeast and mammalian cell lines have shown that the occurrence of mitosis is determined by the activation of certain genes and the synthesis of specific RNA and protein. Sometimes mitosis is considered only nuclear division (karyokinesis), which is not always accompanied by cytotomy - the formation of two parts. cells.
Thus, as a result of mitosis, one cell turns into two, each of which has the number and shape of chromosomes characteristic of a given type of organism, and, consequently, a constant amount of DNA.
The biological significance of mitosis is that it ensures the constancy of the number of chromosomes in all cells of the body. During the process of mitosis, the DNA of the chromosomes of the mother cell is distributed strictly equally between the two daughter cells arising from it. As a result of mitosis, all cells of the body, except the sex cells, receive the same genetic information. Such cells are called somatic (from the Greek "soma" - body). cycle). Cellular cycle- this is the period... Mitotic cycle includes mitosis, as well as a period of rest (G0), postmitotic ( G1), synthetic (S) and premitotic( G2... . Postmitotic period ( G1). Phase G1- this is the main thing...

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    Called vital, or cellular cycle. The newly emerged cell... mitotic. In turn, interphase includes three periods: presynthetic - G1, synthetic - S and postsynthetic - G2. In presynthetic ( G1...this phases approximately 4 hours.

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    Temporal organization of the cell. Cellular And mitotic cycles. Cellular cycle– this is the period... Presynthetic (postmitotic) G1– duration from... . c) Postsynthetic period G2– duration is less, ... divided into 4 phases: prophase, metaphase, ...

  • Human body height is caused by an increase in the size and number of cells, the latter being ensured by the process of division, or mitosis. Cell proliferation occurs under the influence of extracellular growth factors, and the cells themselves undergo a repeating sequence of events known as the cell cycle.

    There are four main phases: G1 (presynthetic), S (synthetic), G2 (postsynthetic) and M (mitotic). This is followed by separation of the cytoplasm and plasma membrane, resulting in two identical daughter cells. The phases Gl, S and G2 are part of the interphase. Chromosome replication occurs during the synthetic phase, or S phase.
    Majority cells are not subject to active division; their mitotic activity is suppressed during the GO phase, which is part of the G1 phase.

    M-phase duration is 30-60 minutes, while the entire cell cycle takes place in about 20 hours. Depending on age, normal (non-tumor) human cells undergo up to 80 mitotic cycles.

    Processes cell cycle are controlled by sequentially repeated activation and inactivation of key enzymes called cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs), as well as their cofactors, cyclins. In this case, under the influence of phosphokinases and phosphatases, phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of special cyclin-CZK complexes occur, which are responsible for the onset of certain phases of the cycle.

    In addition, on the relevant stages similar to CZK proteins cause compaction of chromosomes, rupture of the nuclear envelope and reorganization of cytoskeletal microtubules in order to form a fission spindle (mitotic spindle).

    G1 phase of the cell cycle

    G1 phase- an intermediate stage between the M and S phases, during which the amount of cytoplasm increases. In addition, at the end of the G1 phase there is a first checkpoint where DNA repair and environmental conditions are checked (whether they are favorable enough for the transition to the S phase).

    In case nuclear DNA damaged, the activity of the p53 protein increases, which stimulates the transcription of p21. The latter binds to a specific cyclin-CZK complex, responsible for transferring the cell to the S-phase, and inhibits its division at the Gl-phase stage. This allows repair enzymes to correct damaged DNA fragments.

    If pathologies occur p53 protein replication of defective DNA continues, which allows dividing cells to accumulate mutations and contributes to the development of tumor processes. This is why the p53 protein is often called the “guardian of the genome.”

    G0 phase of the cell cycle

    Cell proliferation in mammals is possible only with the participation of cells secreted by other cells. extracellular growth factors, which exert their effect through cascade signal transduction of proto-oncogenes. If during the G1 phase the cell does not receive appropriate signals, then it exits the cell cycle and enters the G0 state, in which it can remain for several years.

    The G0 block occurs with the help of proteins - suppressors of mitosis, one of which is retinoblastoma protein(Rb protein) encoded by normal alleles of the retinoblastoma gene. This protein attaches to skew regulatory proteins, blocking the stimulation of transcription of genes necessary for cell proliferation.

    Extracellular growth factors destroy the block by activation Gl-specific cyclin-CZK complexes, which phosphorylate the Rb protein and change its conformation, as a result of which the connection with regulatory proteins is broken. At the same time, the latter activate the transcription of the genes they encode, which trigger the process of proliferation.

    S phase of the cell cycle

    Standard quantity DNA double helices in each cell, the corresponding diploid set of single-stranded chromosomes is usually designated as 2C. The 2C set is maintained throughout G1 phase and doubles (4C) during S phase, when new chromosomal DNA is synthesized.

    Starting from the end S-phase and until M phase (including G2 phase), each visible chromosome contains two tightly bound DNA molecules called sister chromatids. Thus, in human cells, from the end of the S-phase to the middle of the M-phase, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 visible units), but 4C (92) double helices of nuclear DNA.

    In progress mitosis identical sets of chromosomes are distributed among two daughter cells in such a way that each of them contains 23 pairs of 2C DNA molecules. It should be noted that the G1 and G0 phases are the only phases of the cell cycle during which 46 chromosomes in cells correspond to a 2C set of DNA molecules.

    G2 phase of the cell cycle

    Second control point, where cell size is tested, is at the end of the G2 phase, located between S phase and mitosis. In addition, at this stage, before moving on to mitosis, the completeness of replication and DNA integrity are checked. Mitosis (M-phase)

    1. Prophase. The chromosomes, each consisting of two identical chromatids, begin to condense and become visible inside the nucleus. At the opposite poles of the cell, a spindle-like apparatus begins to form around two centrosomes from tubulin fibers.

    2. Prometaphase. The nuclear membrane divides. Kinetochores form around the centromeres of chromosomes. Tubulin fibers penetrate into the nucleus and concentrate near the kinetochores, connecting them with fibers emanating from the centrosomes.

    3. Metaphase. The tension of the fibers causes the chromosomes to line up midway between the spindle poles, thereby forming the metaphase plate.

    4. Anaphase. Centromere DNA, shared between sister chromatids, is duplicated, and the chromatids separate and move apart closer to the poles.

    5. Telophase. The separated sister chromatids (which from this point on are considered chromosomes) reach the poles. A nuclear membrane appears around each group. The compacted chromatin dissipates and nucleoli form.

    6. Cytokinesis. The cell membrane contracts and a cleavage furrow is formed in the middle between the poles, which over time separates the two daughter cells.

    Centrosome cycle

    In G1 phase time a pair of centrioles linked to each centrosome separates. During the S and G2 phases, a new daughter centriole is formed to the right of the old centrioles. At the beginning of the M phase, the centrosome divides, and two daughter centrosomes move toward the cell poles.

    Being in high concentration, it prevents the activation of protein kinases CDK4 or CDK6 by cyclins D1, or. Under these conditions, the cell remains in the G0 phase or early G1 phase until it receives a mitogenic stimulus. After adequate stimulation, the concentration of the p27 inhibitor decreases against the background of an increase in the intracellular content of cyclins D. This is accompanied by activation of CDK and, ultimately, phosphorylation of the pRb protein, release of the associated transcription factor E2F and activation of transcription of the corresponding genes.

    During these early stages of the G1 phase of the cell cycle, the concentration of p27 protein is still quite high. Therefore, after the cessation of mitogenic stimulation of cells, the content of this protein is quickly restored to a critical level and further passage of cells through the cell cycle is blocked at the corresponding G1 stage. This reversibility is possible until the G1 phase in its development reaches a certain stage, called the transition point, after which the cell becomes committed to division, and the removal of growth factors from the environment is not accompanied by inhibition of the cell cycle. Although from this point on the cells become independent of external signals to divide, they retain the ability to self-control the cell cycle.

    Early in the cell cycle, healthy cells can recognize and respond to DNA damage by arresting cell cycle progression in the G1 phase until the damage is repaired. For example, in response to DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light or ionizing radiation, the p53 protein induces transcription of the p21 protein gene. Increasing its intracellular concentration blocks the activation of CDK2 by cyclins E or . This arrests cells in late G1 phase or early S phase of the cell cycle. At this time, the cell itself determines its future fate - if the damage cannot be eliminated, it enters into

    What is interphase? The term comes from the Latin word "inter", translated as "between", and the Greek "phasis" - period. This is the most important period during which the cell grows and accumulates nutrients in preparation for the next division. Interphase occupies a large part of the entire cell cycle; up to 90% of the entire life of the cell occurs in it.

    What is interphase

    As a rule, the main part of the cell components grows throughout the entire phase, so it is quite difficult to distinguish any individual stages in it. Nevertheless, biologists have divided interphase into three parts, focusing on the time of replication in the cell nucleus.

    Interphase periods: G(1) phase, S phase, G(2) phase. The presynthetic period (G1), whose name comes from the English gap, translated as “interval,” begins immediately after division. This is a very long period, lasting from ten hours to several days. It is during this period that accumulation of substances occurs and preparation for the doubling of genetic material occurs: RNA synthesis begins and the necessary proteins are formed.

    What is interphase in its last period? In the presynthetic phase, the number of ribosomes increases, the surface area of ​​the rough endoplasmic reticulum increases, and new mitochondria appear. The cell, consuming a lot of energy, grows quickly.

    Differentiated cells, no longer able to divide, remain in a resting phase called G0.

    Main period of interphase

    Regardless of what processes occur in the cell during interphase, each of the subphases is important for the overall preparation for mitosis. However, the synthetic period can be called a turning point, because it is during it that chromosomes are doubled and immediate preparation for division begins. RNA continues to be synthesized, but immediately combines with chromosome proteins, beginning DNA replication.

    The interphase of the cell in this part lasts from six to ten hours. As a result, each of the chromosomes doubles and already consists of a pair of sister chromatids, which will then disperse to the poles of the spindle. In the synthetic phase, centrioles double, if, of course, they are present in the cell. During this period, chromosomes can be seen under a microscope.

    Third period

    Genetically, the chromatids are absolutely identical, since one of them is maternal, and the second is replicated using messenger RNA.

    As soon as complete doubling of all genetic material has occurred, the post-synthetic period begins, preceding division. This is followed by the formation of microtubules, from which the spindle will subsequently form, and the chromatids will diverge to the poles. Energy is also stored, because during mitosis the synthesis of nutrients decreases. The duration of the postsynthetic period is short, usually lasting only a few hours.


    During this process, the cell must pass through certain checkpoints - important “markers”, after which it passes to another stage. If for some reason the cell was unable to pass the checkpoint, then the entire cell cycle freezes, and the next phase will not begin until the problems that prevented it from passing through the checkpoint are corrected.

    There are four main points, most of which are just in interphase. The cell passes the first checkpoint in the presynthetic phase, when DNA integrity is checked. If everything is correct, then the synthetic period begins. In it, the point of reconciliation is the verification of accuracy in DNA replication. The checkpoint in the post-synthesis phase is a check for damage or omissions at the two previous points. This phase also checks how completely replication and cells have occurred. Those who do not pass this test are not allowed to participate in mitosis.

    Problems in interphase

    Disruption of the normal cell cycle can lead not only to failures in mitosis, but also to the formation of solid tumors. Moreover, this is one of the main reasons for their appearance. The normal course of each phase, no matter how short it may be, predetermines the successful completion of subsequent stages and the absence of problems. Tumor cells have changes at cell cycle checkpoints.

    For example, in a cell with damaged DNA, the synthetic period of interphase does not occur. Mutations occur that result in loss or changes in the p53 protein genes. There is no blockage of the cell cycle in the cells, and mitosis begins ahead of schedule. The result of such problems is a large number of mutant cells, most of which are non-viable. However, those that can function give rise to malignant cells, which can divide very quickly due to a shortened or absent resting phase. The characteristic of interphase allows malignant tumors consisting of mutant cells to divide so rapidly.

    Interphase duration

    Let's give a few examples of how much longer the interphase period takes in the life of a cell compared to mitosis. In the epithelium of the small intestine of ordinary mice, the “resting phase” takes at least twelve hours, and mitosis itself lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. The cells that make up the root of faba beans divide every 25 hours, with the M phase (mitosis) lasting about half an hour.

    What is interphase for cell life? This is the most important period, without which not only mitosis, but also cellular life as a whole would be impossible.