Bitter truth is better than sweet lies. Bitter truth or holy lie - what is more valuable for history and society? On the right is the nephew of Dinmukhamed Kunaev - Diar Kunaev

Kazakh women have ceased to trust their men and prefer foreigners.

This is stated in the release of the program on We bring to your attention the translation.

If I choose a foreigner - this is the weakness of Kazakh men

Nurlan Espanov and Zhanerke Elshin

- The vast majority of Kazakh guys work in security and are happy about it. This suits them, pride does not hurt. They do not even try to improve their lives, they do not want to correspond to their time - they are content with what they have. How can such men be trusted with their lives, their future? - says the guest of the studio Zhanerke Elshina, who decided to link her fate with a foreigner. - I am 27 years old. I met with many Kazakh men, but I could not meet my betrothed. Maybe I'm too selective, maybe this is the weakness of our Zhigits, who failed to charm me. Previously, I looked with disgust at the Kazakh women who walked hand in hand with foreigners, but recently my opinion has changed dramatically. There are reasons for this.

Now I do not condemn Kazakh women who want or have already married foreigners.

If I marry a foreigner - this is the weakness of our zhigits

For example, Caucasians do not give their women to foreigners. If this happens, the whole village is in mourning. Their women marry only representatives of their own nation. If our zhigits had self-esteem and pride, then the Kazakh women would not leave in droves over the hill. They would take at least some steps to meet their requirements. Unfortunately, I do not see such a desire. On the contrary, they only gloat. No, really, I was very disappointed in our young people.

Zhanerke Elshin

Of course for me great importance has the religion of the future chosen one, because I was brought up in a Kazakh family.

The Kazakhs say "it is better for a zhigit to die than not to keep his word." Unfortunately, most of the guys I met on my life path, turned out to be slippery, quickly forgot about the promises made, and this does not bother them in any way.

So now they don't exist for me.

I thought maybe older men are sedate. But they turned out to be no better - they are satisfied that they meet with one or the other. Although they are already over 30, they are the same "dummy".

Our guys are only interested in wealthy girls

The main drawback of our zhigits is irresponsibility.

If they were responsible for their actions, we would not have orphanages, and women would not have abortions. We are a small nation, but we are among the first in terms of the number of abortions

This is not my personal opinion, this is evidenced by statistics. Why are abortions allowed, why do we have many abandoned children? Because Kazakh zhigits are not well-equipped in everyday life, so they are afraid to create families, they doubt that they will be able to support their loved ones, and avoid responsibility.

According to the logic, our guys must first solve housing problems. But what do our men do instead?

They prefer to marry wealthy girls and women. The main thing is that they have housing, a car and even an established business.

And what prevents them from achieving everything themselves? Instead, they choose the job of a security guard and are not ashamed, but rather proud of it. So they found easy way in life…

The girls are to blame

Zhanerke's opinion touched another guest of the studio, singer Nurlan Espanov. He rushed to defend his brethren zealously:

Zhanerke, don't treat everyone with the same brush, your entourage has no pride and vanity. For example,

Turkmens, when they give a horse of the Akhal-Teke breed, sterilize it so that it does not give offspring. Therefore, the Kazakhs first of all need to think about how not to give their women to the side

A nation that has lost its women, in principle, is no longer a nation. Actually, I feel sorry for you. Perhaps you looked down on your surroundings that for 27 years you did not choose your betrothed. For example, there was an excellent student in our class. None of our classmates dared to approach her and confess their feelings. Later, she married a guy from a remote village. When years later we met again, she threw me in the face: “What was I supposed to do, Nurlanchik? None of you, as a man, has opened up to me.” And we were really shy, did not dare to approach her, were afraid to offend, thought that we were unworthy of her ...

Girls enchant with their manners, actions. We were young too. And they conquered us with their manners. But you could not imagine yourself from a favorable side for yourself. If I could, I would have found someone long ago. Previously, you wanted to study and answered all the proposals: “I need to study, get a diploma.” So I lost time, sat up. I thought that the guys would not go anywhere, they would wait. However, guys do not like to wait, give them everything right now. In addition, parents insist: “Oh bye, it's time to get married! What kind of guy are you? It's uncomfortable in front of people. At least bring a neighbor, we know our parents well, and our daughter grew up before our eyes. And what kind of girl is yours, who studies in the city, only God knows.

So my advice to girls is

the opportunity presented itself - get married!

And you missed the time. Moreover, you touch the nerve of our zhigits. And this is wrong...

As a man, I can say: in principle, girls like wild, unbridled guys, bold, arrogant, the one who "came, saw and conquered." Let's say a shy guy does not dare to approach the girl he likes, to open up to her. In order to somehow show his intentions, feelings, he constantly revolves around her under various pretexts, but does not dare to open up. And when such guys appear next to you, you turn up your nose and look down on them, you definitely need impudent, impudent guys. But don't dream

you can’t find the old zhigits this afternoon with fire - today men like us are a rarity

Today's guys are weak, indecisive. Yes, and you do not let them take a breath with your nit-picking. So they spin around you silently, preferring not to stick out.

Basically, women make boys into men. Everything depends on women. According to statistics, men need to be protected, cherished. Why do you want to marry a foreigner? Do you think he's rich and successful? Have you thought about why these foreigners came to Kazakhstan?

If he is smart, educated, competitive, then what should he do in Kazakhstan?

Perhaps he broke the law there, did something, and now he is hiding with us. If he is a sought-after specialist, why does he not work in his own country? Need to think about it. You should not pursue the goal of marrying a foreigner at any cost.

Azattyk: Today, the ex-president, chairman of the SDPK Almazbek Atambayev met with the deputies of the faction. What issues were discussed at the meeting?

Mombekov: This is an ordinary working meeting of the party leader with the deputies of the faction. The chairman of the party, Almazbek Sharshenovich, spoke about the results of his trip to China, the meeting with the leader of the faction in the Jogorku Kenesh, and the direction in which the party would work. He said that next week there would be a meeting with members of the political council of the party, changes in the composition of the political council, re-elections of the deputy chairman of the party, internal party politics, and also expressed his opinion on the socio-political situation in the country.

We also expressed our opinion, tried to tell the “bitter truth”. I personally tried to tell this bitter truth to Almazbek Atambayev. Not only me, but also Elvira Zhyrgalbekovna Surabaldieva, Evgenia Strokova tried to tell the whole truth. We have spoken. Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie. He listened.

Almazbek Sharshenovich said that it would be good to meet more often. I also said: “When you were president, you never met with members of the faction. You meet after you step down as president. Of course, what has not happened in 2.5 years in the faction.” He doesn't know the whole truth either. They told the truth about his inner circle, random people in politics, about past and future political actions. In general, it turned out to be an interesting working meeting that satisfied both parties.

Azattyk: During the meeting, did you talk about the political situation in the country, the dismissal of the head of the State Committee for National Security, the Prosecutor General, about relations with the current President Sooronbai Jeenbekov?

Mombekov: Of course, the ex-president expressed his opinion on this matter. According to him, since this happened, it means that there was a share of Indira Ryspaevna's fault in something. She had to go, and if she didn’t go, she could write a statement so that the issue would not be brought to a vote.

He also said that there are certain mistakes in the personnel policy of the current president. But we also talked about his personnel mistakes. We said that we, too, were once dissatisfied with certain appointments. We have tried to restore relations. He listened to a lot. A lot of bitter truth was expressed. He was forced to listen to it. He listened silently. He said that he had a meeting with the speaker of Yakutia, there was little time. That he knows what we are talking about, but disagrees with some things.

We tried to present the facts. He said that such meetings are necessary. This week we will also organize a meeting to hear the opinion. He said that he had a great responsibility to the people. Because it was he who proposed the candidacy of Sooronbai Sharipovich [Jeenbekov] and made many promises, in particular, that there would be no clan rule as in the days of Bakiyev. He talked about how he was worried about it.

Azattyk:How many deputies came to the meeting?

Mombekov: Exactly 50 percent of the members of the faction, 19 deputies, took part in the meeting. A number of deputies did not come for good reasons, some were abroad, some were in the south on a working trip. There were 19 of us in total.

Azattyk: Sapar Isakov appointed Bolot Suyumbaev to the post of head of the State Service for Combating Economic Crimes, earlier he was dismissed from the post of deputy chairman of the State Committee for National Security by President Sooronbai Jeenbekov. Some experts believe that this dismissal and appointment showed the confrontation between the president and the prime minister. How did you take this appointment?

Mombekov: I supported the candidacy of Bolot Turarovich and will continue to support him. He was not an important deputy there, he was a simple deputy. And I have not yet heard that he made a big political mistake. This is not a continuation of the confrontation, it is, if necessary, a softening of the confrontation. Bolot Turarovich is a person who, in dangerous moments, did an excellent job as a bodyguard, ensured the safety of Sooronbay Sharipovich, Almazbek Atambayev and, in general, the leaders of the SDPK party. Regarding his appointment, I do not think that Sapar Dzhumakadyrovich decided everything himself. I think that this is a personnel decision that was agreed with Sooronbai Sharipovich.

W On the 6th of April Russia celebrates the Day of the worker of the investigating authorities. On the eve of this date, we talked with Indira Valieva, senior investigator of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Yanaul district, captain of justice.

- Indira, as I know, you are from Kazakhstan. Meanwhile, there are many in Yanaul who left this country at the end of the last century. Tell your story.
- If you start from afar, I can say that my grandmother lived in Progress. In the fifties, she and her grandfather and mother, who was then small, came to the Kazakh SSR to raise virgin lands (we remind our readers, especially from among the young, that this term meant a set of measures to eliminate the backlog of agriculture and increase grain production in various parts of USSR - ed.).
Later, my mother married a local guy named Zhetpysbai, they had three children, the youngest of whom is in front of you (smiles).
We lived in a city in the north of Kazakhstan, which is called Kokshetau (population - more than 140 thousand people). Dad worked as a driver all his life, while mom was an accountant, a laboratory assistant, and a knitter ... After the Soviet Union ceased to exist, my parents went into business.
- Successfully?
- We had two or three stores where they sold food. As you understand, doing business in the nineties in Russia and Kazakhstan are very similar things. It was restless. At the very beginning of the 2000s, my family left, so to speak, for their historical homeland. Without me.
- ???
- By that time, at the insistence of my mother, I entered the Adilet High School of Law. This is a very prestigious educational institution in Kazakhstan, and studying in it cost a lot big money. About a thousand dollars a year. Studied well, without triples. She defended her diploma and arrived in 2003 in Yanaul.
- By that time, extreme nationalist sentiments in Kazakhstan had begun to decline?
- I think yes. But all the same, I was pleasantly surprised by how well representatives of the most different peoples and religions. And in general, it’s much calmer here than in Kokshetau - at first I thought: “But didn’t I return back to the USSR ?!”. After all, in my hometown where Russians, Poles, Germans, Kazakhs, Chechens and Ingush lived, everything was much more tense. Kazakhs in the literal sense of the word were at enmity with the Chechens and Ingush.
- I beg your pardon, but I would like to clarify: speaking of a calm city and region, are you talking like an inhabitant or like an investigator?
- Both. Speaking in professional language, the criminal situation is under control in Yanaul.
-Is it difficult for a woman to work as an investigator?
- Not so easy. On duty, we are almost never at home. But a woman is first and foremost a keeper of the hearth. Yes, and the work itself is very responsible and not to say that it has a lot of pleasant things. You have to deal with different situations different people
-Tell about your family.
- Shortly after moving to Yanaul, I met Florida, who comes from Progress. We got married in 2005, we are raising a son and a daughter.
- I can’t help but ask about your attitude to all kinds of crime series, in particular, to how a police officer is portrayed there, his way of life, his working days ...
- I can say that at best 15-20% is true there.
- What would you like to change in the country?
- I will not go far, I will tell about what I face daily. We need to improve the legislation. Perhaps in the direction of tougher penalties. Often, on some issues, law enforcement agencies are literally bound hand and foot.
- The main thing that your parents gave you and what would you like to pass on to your children?
- You have to be honest and fair. I understand that it is difficult in our time in our world, but this must be strived for. In general, I believe that the bitter truth is always better than the sweet lie.

1. The trap of high claims, or why we will never be happy?

Our grandmothers' generation rarely dreamed of princes, overseas resorts, or even a glass of Martini. All this seemed like an unattainable luxury. Grandmothers rejoiced at the peaceful sky, the opportunity to earn a piece of bread, stable work. They rejoiced, in principle, with almost any husband - from those years the famous came: if only he didn’t drink and beat. And they spent most of the time remaining from hard work and the birth of children on arranging comfort, as Minaev says, “from shit and cobwebs.”

Our generation does not remember those hungry times. Today's 30-year-olds do not even really remember the hardships of the dashing 90s: they met them as children. Therefore, many of the claims of modern granddaughters to grandmothers seem to be “overkill”. Granddaughters do not want to work at a factory or at a construction site. They do not want to work at all - let the migrant workers work.

Compare the fat 2000s and even the current turbulence of the country with all the other years in its history since the beginning of the century. Objectively, life has become better and easier. Subjectively, requiems for hopes are heard from everywhere. It is the moaning of unrecognized geniuses. Unrecognized and self-proclaimed. Nobody wants to be easy.

2. Satiation.

Another cause of all our misfortunes, I declare satiety. Remember how delicious stew with potatoes on the coals seems to be on a hike. What pleasure does a glass of alcohol thrown around in a circle bring? Now compare this to the feeling we have in a restaurant when the Mojito is already sick and the Martini Royale is out of stock. Bars no longer know how to surprise us. Octopuses in every supermarket. Ibid Exotic fruits, alcohol rivers ...

We're screwed, gentlemen. We eat too much and tasty, we get everything too easily. We do not appreciate clothes from the last collection, forgetting how our grandmothers darned socks. We whine that we feel bad in comfortable cars with air conditioning. In general, we always whine and eat. We are never enough, nothing surprises us.

Mavrodi spoke correctly - where there is satiety, a vacuum is formed there. No wonder he, having rebuilt his pyramid in South Africa, wears the same sport suit and catches fish.

To be happy, you have to limit yourself. It is not for nothing that fasting exists in any religion. The hungrier a person is, the tastier food. The more a person eats, the food is tasteless, and the soul is more unhappy.

3. Selfishness.

For some reason, we were brought up in such a way that everyone owes us. We did not go to school for 5 kilometers, biting into the granite of science. Teachers in the beak brought us knowledge. We did not help our parents in the field - we were always provided with a hot breakfast. Many of us do not want children. Why care about someone? Infantile men are waiting for a caring mom. Women are waiting for a mentally retarded oligarch to jump on his neck and not work. Nobody wants to do, give, give away!

Getting to know the Kazakhs Chelyabinsk region, I suddenly saw that in some ways they were even more Kazakhs than the people of this nationality living in Kazakhstan. More adherence to traditions and customs. Some "compatriots" from a neighboring country are even a little shy about them. But wherever the Kazakhs live, their main qualities and rules remain unchanged.

All Kazakhs are relatives. The people have the concept of zheti ata - seven ancestors. Every person should know the seven generations of their paternal grandfathers. Their names, outstanding deeds. Not knowing this is considered shameful. The Kazakhs know exactly their clans and tribes, there are connections between them. And after talking for ten minutes, you can find friends and relatives. As Bulat Khasenov says half-jokingly, in the region all Kazakhs are relatives, matchmakers, or simply know and have heard about each other. If we follow this logic, then one of the most respected Kazakhs Southern Urals, the head of the Nagaybak district, Kairbek Seilov, can be called a relative of ... the author of this material. In Kostanay, I have a brother-in-law (bazha in Kazakh) Muratbek Ashubaev, a retired police lieutenant colonel, very interesting person(our wives are sisters). His nephew Kairat recently married Kairbek Khakimovich's niece Aigul. So Seilov and I are matchmakers! And the Kazakhs say: "Son-in-law - 100 years of son-in-law, matchmaker - 1000 years of matchmaking."

Very hospitable people. There is the concept of "kunak as": dinner - to the guest. Anyone could travel from village to village and stay with complete strangers. The guest was obliged to feed, accommodate, question, etc. Until now, there is a custom Auz tiyu - having come to the house of another person, one cannot leave without refreshments. And if a person is in a hurry, then he should eat at least a piece of bread and butter. The validity of these words, I repeatedly with pleasure "experienced on myself." When you sit on the floor in Kazakh style and take the beshbarmak with your hand (you need to be able to do this, there is a whole “technology” here), the sensations are simply amazing. The words “kazy”, “korta”, “shuzhyk” evoke the kindest feelings in me.

They love holidays. A nomadic, free way of life largely determined the qualities of the steppe people. Winters in Kazakhstan are quite severe, it was necessary to protect livestock. In the spring, the Kazakhs migrated to summer pastures - dzhailau. The summer passed in communion, in an endless series of holidays, as the cattle grazed freely on the fat pastures. Kazakhs still love to visit and celebrate holidays. From 100 to 250 people come to an average wedding in the region.

Big wits. From time immemorial, singing competitions of akyns accompanied by dombra - aitys were held in the steppe. Akyns improvised, glorified their family, fellow countrymen and were very sarcastic about their fellow tribesmen and the deeds of their opponent. Such competitions could go on for hours. Today, this line is continued by the Kazakh teams of KVN, which reach the semifinals and finals of the major league of KVN. December 1, 2010 the team "Kazakhi" (Astana) performed in Chelyabinsk at the festival "Snow gullies" among the guests of honor.

They love to lead and control. The steppe itself favors slowness and thoroughness. This is good qualities for the first manager. But sometimes the Kazakhs' non-fussiness borders on slowness. One of my good Kustanai acquaintances was quite lively and energetic, but as soon as she received a high position, she turned into a calm, important-speaking lady. I did not immediately understand that this particular line of behavior is closer to its human and national essence. In Kazakhstan, representatives of the indigenous nation like to hold positions in regulatory bodies - tax inspection, customs, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, etc. At the same time, young girls immediately have a solid folder in their hands.