Detail drawings and assembly drawing. State standards (gost)

GOST 2.109-73

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

ISS 01.100.01

Introduction date 1974-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee for Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 27, 1973 N 1843

Amendment N 9 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes N 13 of May 28, 1998)

Registered by the Technical Secretariat of the IGU N 2907

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine

Amendment N 10 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes N 17 dated June 22, 2000)

Registered by the Technical Secretariat of the IGU N 3526

Voted for the change:

State name

Name of national authority
for standardization

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of the Republic of Belarus



The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"

Amendment N 11 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (minutes N 23 dated February 28, 2006)

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to IEC (ISO 3166) 004]

3. INSTEAD OF GOST 2.107-68, GOST 2.109-68, GOST 5292-60 in part of section VIII


Item number

1.3.5, 5.6, 5.7

1.1.5, 1.1.15

5. EDITION (April 2011) with Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, , approved in February 1980, November 1981, May 1984, December 1984, March 1985, September 1985, March 1986, September 198 7, February 1999, December 2000, June 2006

This standard establishes the basic requirements for the execution of drawings of parts, assembly, dimensional and installation drawings at the stage of development of working documentation for all industries.


1.1. General provisions

1.1.1. When developing working drawings provide:

a) optimal use of standard and purchased products, as well as products mastered by production and corresponding to the state of the art;

b) a rationally limited range of threads, splines and other structural elements, their sizes, coatings, etc.;

c) a rationally limited range of grades and assortments of materials, as well as the use of the cheapest and least scarce materials;

d) the necessary degree of interchangeability, the most advantageous ways of manufacturing and repairing products, as well as their maximum ease of maintenance in operation.

1.1.1a. Working drawings on paper (in paper form) and electronic drawings can be made on the basis of an electronic model of a part and an electronic model of an assembly unit (GOST 2.052).

General requirements for electronic documents - according to GOST 2.051.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 11).

1.1.2. When references in the drawings of serial and mass production products to technical specifications, the latter must be registered in the prescribed manner (in states where state registration of technical specifications is mandatory).

It is allowed to give references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product; at the same time, they must be attached to the set of design documentation for the product when it is transferred to another enterprise.

It is not allowed to give links to individual paragraphs of standards, specifications and technological instructions. If necessary, the drawing gives a link to the entire document or to a separate section of it.

It is not allowed to give references to documents that determine the shape and dimensions of the structural elements of products (chamfers, grooves, etc.), if there is no symbol for these elements in the relevant standards. All data for their manufacture must be given on the drawings.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4, 10, 11).

1.1.3. It is not allowed to place technological instructions on the working drawings.

As an exception, it is allowed:

a) indicate the methods of manufacture and control, if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product, for example, joint processing, joint bending or expanding, etc.;

b) give instructions on the choice of the type of technological workpiece (castings, forgings, etc.);

c) indicate a certain technological method that guarantees the provision of certain technical requirements for the product that cannot be expressed by objective indicators or quantities, for example, the aging process, vacuum impregnation, gluing technology, control, pairing of a plunger pair, etc.

1.1.4. For products of the main unit * and auxiliary production, on the drawings intended for use at a particular enterprise, it is allowed to place various instructions on the manufacturing technology and control of products.


* The rules for the execution of drawings for products of a single production also apply to auxiliary production.

1.1.5. The drawings use symbols (signs, lines, alphabetic and alphanumeric designations) established in state (interstate) standards.

Symbols are used without explaining them in the drawing and without indicating the standard number. The exception is the symbols, which provide for indicating the number of the standard, for example, a center hole C12 GOST 14034.


1. If there are no corresponding symbols in the state (interstate) standards, then the symbols established in the national standards and standards of organizations with mandatory references to them are used.

2. It is allowed to use symbols that are not provided for in state (interstate) and national standards and standards of organizations. In these cases, the symbols are explained in the field of the drawing.

1.1.6. The dimensions of conventional signs that are not established in the standards are determined taking into account the visibility and clarity of the drawing and are kept the same with repeated repetition.

1.1.7. On the working drawing of the product, indicate the dimensions, maximum deviations, surface roughness and other data that it must comply with before assembly (Fig. 1a).

The exception is the case specified in clause 1.1.8.

The dimensions, limit deviations and surface roughness of the elements of the product, resulting from processing during the assembly process or after it, are indicated on the assembly drawing (Fig. 1b).

1.1.8. The product, the manufacture of which provides for an allowance for the subsequent processing of individual elements during the assembly process, is depicted in a drawing with dimensions, maximum deviations and other data that it must correspond to after final processing. Such dimensions are enclosed in parentheses, and in the technical requirements they make an entry like: "Dimensions in brackets - after assembly" (Fig. 1c).

1.1.9. On the working drawings of the products to be coated, indicate the dimensions and surface roughness before coating. It is allowed to indicate simultaneously the dimensions and surface roughness before and after coating. In this case, dimension lines and designations of surface roughness before coating and after coating are applied, as shown in Figure 2.

If it is necessary to indicate the dimensions and surface roughness only after coating, then the corresponding dimensions and designations of surface roughness are marked with an "*" and in the technical requirements of the drawing an entry is made like: "* Dimensions and surface roughness after coating" (Fig. 3).

1.1.10. A separate drawing is made for each product. The exception is a group of products that have common design features, for which a group drawing is made in accordance with GOST 2.113.

1.1.11. On each drawing, the main inscription and additional columns to it are placed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.104.

1.1.12. The columns of the main inscription are filled in taking into account additional requirements:

when a drawing is made on several sheets, the same designation is indicated on all sheets of one drawing;

in column 5 indicate the mass of the product: on the drawings for the manufacture of prototypes - the calculated mass, on the drawings, starting with the letter , - the actual. In this case, the actual mass should be understood as the mass determined by the measurement (weighing of the product).

On the drawings of products of single production and products with a large mass, and large-sized products, the determination of the mass of which by weighing causes difficulty, it is allowed to indicate the estimated mass. At the same time, on the drawings of products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, an indication of the estimated mass is allowed only upon agreement with the customer (representative of the customer).

The mass of the product is indicated in kilograms without specifying the unit of measurement.

It is allowed to indicate the mass in other units of measurement, indicating them, for example: 0.25 tons, 15 tons.

If necessary, it is allowed to indicate the maximum deviations of the mass of the product in the technical requirements of the drawing.

On the dimensional and assembly drawings, as well as on the drawings of the details of prototypes and unit production, it is allowed not to indicate the mass.

1.1.13. (Deleted, Rev. N 11).

1.1.14. If the rib (edge) must be made sharp or rounded, then an appropriate indication is placed on the drawing. If the drawing does not contain any indication of the shape of the edges or ribs, then they must be blunted.

If necessary, in this case, you can specify the size of the bluntness (chamfer, radius) placed next to the sign "", for example, drawing 3a.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 9).

1.1.15. If the finished product must have center holes made in accordance with GOST 14034, then they are depicted conditionally, with a sign, indicating the designation in accordance with GOST 14034 on the shelf of the leader line. If there are two identical holes, one of them is depicted (Fig. 4a).


If center holes in the finished product are unacceptable, then a sign is indicated (Fig. 4b).

Center holes are not depicted and no indication is given in the technical requirements if the presence of holes is structurally indifferent.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 7).

1.1.16. In justified cases (for example, when changing the dimensions of the drawing during its development, when redrawing the drawing is impractical, when using blank drawings *, etc.), deviation from the image scale is allowed if this does not distort the visibility of the image and does not make it difficult to read the drawing in production.

* Blank drawings - blanks of design documents that are used after the missing dimensions and other necessary data have been entered into them.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 8).

1.2. Drawings of jointly processed products

1.2.1. If individual elements of a product must be processed together with another product before assembly, for which they are temporarily connected and fastened (for example, body halves, crankcase parts, etc.), then independent drawings must be issued for both products in a general manner, indicating on them all dimensions, maximum deviations, surface roughness and other necessary data.

Dimensions with maximum deviations of elements processed together are enclosed in square brackets and an indication is placed in the technical requirements: "Processing by dimensions in square brackets should be carried out together with ..." (Fig. 5).


1.2.2. In complex cases, when specifying the dimensions connecting the various surfaces of both products, next to the image of one of the products that most fully reflects the conditions of joint processing, a full or partial simplified image of the other product is placed, made with solid thin lines (Figure 6). It is not allowed to release individual drawings for joint processing.

1. Processing according to the dimensions in square brackets is carried out together with the det...

2. Details apply together.

1.2.3. The technical requirements relating to the surfaces processed together are placed in the drawing, which shows all the jointly processed products. Joint processing instructions are placed on all drawings of jointly processed products.

1.2.4. If individual elements of the product must be processed according to another product and (or) fitted to it, then the dimensions of such elements should be marked with an "*" or letter designation in the image, and corresponding instructions are given in the technical requirements of the drawing (Fig. 7).

1. Process surface A according to detail ..., maintaining dimension B

2. Details apply together.


1.2.5. When the processing of holes in the product for mounting bolts, screws, rivets, pins must be carried out when assembling it with other products without pre-treatment of a hole of a smaller diameter, the holes are not shown on the drawings of the detail and no instructions are placed in the technical requirements.

All the necessary data for processing such holes (images, dimensions, surface roughness, location coordinates, number of holes) are placed on the assembly drawing of the product in which this product is an integral part (Fig. 8).

Assembly drawing

Detail drawings

When using conical pins on the assembly drawings of products, only the surface roughness of the hole is indicated and under the shelf of the leader line with the position number of the pin, the number of holes.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 11).

1.2.6. On the drawing of a product obtained by cutting a workpiece into parts and interchangeable with any other product made from other workpieces according to this drawing, the image of the workpiece is not placed (Figure 9).


1.2.7. For a product obtained by cutting a workpiece into parts or consisting of two or more jointly processed parts, used only jointly and not interchangeable with the same parts of another of the same product, one drawing is developed (Fig. 10).

1.3. Drawings of products with additional processing or alteration

1.3.1. Drawings of products manufactured with additional processing of other products are performed taking into account the following requirements:

a) the blank product is depicted by solid thin lines, and the surfaces obtained by additional processing, newly introduced products and products installed instead of existing ones, by solid main lines.

The parts removed during the alteration are not depicted;

b) apply only those dimensions, limit deviations and designations of surface roughness that are necessary for additional processing (Fig. 11).

Damn 11

It is allowed to apply reference, overall and connecting dimensions.

It is allowed to depict only a part of the workpiece, the elements of which must be further processed.

1.3.2. In the drawing of a part manufactured by additional processing of the workpiece, in column 3 of the main inscription, the word "Product-workpiece" and the designation of the product-workpiece are recorded.

When using the purchased product as a blank product, column 3 of the main inscription indicates the name of the purchased product and its designation, which are contained in the accompanying documentation of the manufacturer (supplier).

1.3.3. The workpiece is recorded in the appropriate section of the product specification. At the same time, the column "Pos." cross out.

In computer-aided design, it is allowed to record a blank product after a modified product without taking into account the specification section.

In the column "Name" after the name of the blank product, indicate in brackets "Product for ... XXXXXX ...".

(Changed edition, Rev. N 6).

1.3.4. When using an assembly unit as a workpiece, the drawing of the product made from the workpiece should be performed as an assembly. In the specification of this product, a blank product and other products installed during rework are recorded. The converted product is assigned an independent designation.

When documents are executed in electronic form, the workpiece is included in the electronic structure of the product (GOST 2.053).

In the technical requirements of the drawing, it is allowed to indicate which assembly units and parts, when reworking, are replaced with newly installed ones or excluded without replacement, for example: "Parts pos. 4 and 6 should be installed instead of the existing roller and bushing", "Remove the existing bushing", etc.

1.3.2-1.3.4. (Changed edition, Rev. N 11).

1.3.5. If the revision of the product, which is an assembly unit, consists in the removal or replacement of its components, then the assembly drawing for the modified product may not be released. The specification of such a product should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.106, taking into account the following features:

the finished product is recorded in the "Assembly units" section in the first position;

the components removed from the finished product are recorded under the position number according to the specification of the finished product in the appropriate sections under the heading "Removed components";

newly installed components are recorded in the appropriate sections under the heading "Newly installed components" indicating the position numbers that are a continuation of the positions indicated in the finalized product.

Note. This method is not allowed to be used when finalizing purchased products.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 6).

1.4. Product drawings with inscriptions, signs, slag*, photographs

* The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

1.4.1. Inscriptions and signs applied to a flat surface of a product are depicted, as a rule, in the corresponding form in full, regardless of the method of their application. Their location and design must comply with the requirements for the finished product. If these products in the drawing are shown with breaks, then it is allowed to apply inscriptions and signs on the image incompletely and give them in the technical requirements of the drawing.

1.4.2. If inscriptions and signs must be applied to a cylindrical or conical surface, then the image of the inscription in the form of a scan is placed on the drawing.

On a view where inscriptions, numbers and other data are projected with distortion, it is allowed to depict them without distortion. It is allowed to depict on this view only a part of the applied data necessary to link the view with the sweep (Fig. 12, 13).

1.4.3. With a symmetrical arrangement of the inscription relative to the contour of the part, instead of the dimensions that determine the location of the inscription, as a rule, the technical requirements indicate the maximum deviations of the location (Fig. 14).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 6).

Deviation from the symmetrical arrangement of the inscription is not more than 0.5 mm.

1.4.4. The drawing should indicate the method of applying inscriptions and signs (engraving, stamping, chasing, photographing, etc.), covering all surfaces of the product, covering the background of the front surface and covering the applied inscriptions and signs (Fig. 15).

1. Photochemical etching flat:

a) the background of the front surface is black;

b) inscriptions, letters, signs and a platform - metal colors.

2. Font - according to normative and technical documentation.


1.4.5. If the application of inscriptions, signs or other images on the product must be carried out by photographing or contact printing directly from the original working drawing of the product, then the drawing (Fig. 16) in this case must be performed in compliance with the following requirements:

a) the product must be drawn in full size or on an enlarged scale. The scale should be selected depending on the method of applying the image (for example, for contact printing, the scale should be 1:1);

b) there should not be any construction lines on the image of the product. All necessary dimensions, dimension and extension lines must be placed on the drawing field, outside the image.

Devil 16

The dimensions of the holes made on the product may be given in the technical requirements.

1.4.4, 1.4.5.

1.4.6. If it is advisable to apply an image to a product by photographing from the original of any design document (for example, from an electrical circuit diagram), then the drawing of such a product (Fig. 17) must be made in compliance with the following requirements:

a) the applied images are not drawn;

b) inside the contour of the product indicate the boundaries of the location of the image (solid thin line);

c) in the field of the drawing or inside the contour of the product indicate the designation of the document from which photographing should be made, and provide additional information about which part of the document is to be photographed;

d) inside the contour of the product, draw (with the indication of the required dimensions and coordinates) the inscriptions, signs and other data missing in the document that must be added to the applied image.

1.5. Drawings of products manufactured in various production and technological options

1.5.1. Drawings that allow the manufacture of products in two or more production and technological options should be performed according to the rules established for drawings of parts and assembly drawings, taking into account the additional requirements given in clauses 1.5.2-1.5.8.

Note. Production and technological options are such options for the execution of the product, which are provided for in the drawings in relation to various known production conditions or technological methods and means of manufacture.

Production and technological options should not violate the interchangeability, technical characteristics and performance of the product.

1.5.2. For each option for manufacturing a part that differs from other options in manufacturing technology (casting, die forging, welding, pressing from press material, etc.), a separate drawing is produced with an independent designation.

1.5.3. On the drawing of a part that can be manufactured in various versions that differ in structural elements or their shape (grooves for tool exit, chamfers, rolled or cut threads, etc.), allowable replacements are indicated. If necessary, place an additional image with the inscription above it: "Option". With several options, the inscription indicates the number of the option. Instructions allowing the manufacture of parts in accordance with the depicted option are not given in the drawing (Fig. 18).


1.5.4. When the assembly drawing provides for options for manufacturing the component parts of the product according to independent drawings (for example, parts made from metal casting or stamping forging, or pressed from plastic), all options are recorded in the specification of this assembly unit in separate positions under their designations.

The number of components in the column "Number." specifications are not affixed, but in the "Note" column they indicate "... piece, tolerance, replacement for pos ...". On the shelf, the leader lines from the image of the component indicate the position numbers for all variants of this part, for example: "6 or 11".

1.5.5. It is allowed to produce parts from two or more parts (for example, sheathing sheet; separate parts of fences, etc.); at the same time, an indication is placed in the technical requirements on the admissibility of manufacturing such a part, the method of connecting the parts and the materials necessary for the connection.

If the place of the possible connection of the parts and their preparation for connection must be precisely determined, then additional data is placed on the drawing: image, dimensions, etc. The junction is depicted by a dash-dotted thin line.

1.5.6. The assembly drawing of the product, which includes a part with various manufacturing options (according to clauses 1.5.3 and 1.5.5), is drawn up without additional instructions.

1.5.7. If the options for manufacturing a product are that its components, while remaining equivalent, differ in any structural elements that it is advisable to show on the assembly drawing, then the corresponding additional images are placed.

An inscription is made above the additional image, explaining that this image refers to a manufacturing option.

With several options, the inscription indicates the number of the option.

The positions of the components included in the variants are placed on the corresponding additional images (Fig. 19).

1.5.8. If the option for manufacturing parts is a detachable connection consisting of several parts, then an assembly drawing for this option is not developed.

In the product specification, the details that make up the variant are recorded as separate positions.

Count "Col." specifications are not filled in, but in the "Note" column they write:

for the main part: "piece, tolerance, replacement for pos ...", while indicating the position numbers of all the parts that make up the option, and the quantity of each of them;

for the details of the option (detachable connection): "... pcs., used from pos. ... instead of pos ..." (Fig. 20).


2.1. Working drawings are developed, as a rule, for all the parts that make up the product.

It is allowed not to issue drawings for:

a) parts made from shaped or sectional material by cutting at a right angle, from sheet material by cutting along a circle, including those with a concentric hole or along the perimeter of a rectangle without further processing;

b) one of the parts of the product in the cases specified in clauses 3.3.5 and 3.3.6;

c) parts of products with permanent joints (welded, soldered, riveted, glued, knocked down with nails, etc.), which are components of single-piece production products, if the design of such a part is so simple that three or four dimensions on the assembly drawing are sufficient for its manufacture or one image of such a part on the free field of the drawing;

d) parts of single-piece products, the shape and dimensions of which (length, bending radius, etc.) are established in place, for example, individual parts of fences and flooring, individual sheets of frame and bulkhead sheathing, strips, squares, boards and bars, pipes, etc .;

e) purchased parts subjected to an anti-corrosion or decorative coating that does not change the nature of mating with adjacent parts.

The necessary data for the manufacture and control of parts for which drawings are not issued are indicated on the assembly drawings and in the specification.

2.2. On the drawings of parts, in the specification or in the electronic structure of the product, the symbols of the material must correspond to the symbols established by the standards for the material. In the absence of a material standard, it is designated according to technical conditions.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 11).

2.3. The designation of the material of the part according to the standard for the assortment is recorded on the drawing only in those cases when the part, depending on the design and operational requirements imposed on it, must be made of a sectional material of a certain profile and size, for example:

It is allowed not to indicate the accuracy group, flatness, hood, edge trimming, sheet length and width, tape width and other parameters in the symbol of the material, if they do not affect the performance of the product (part). At the same time, the general sequence of recording data established by standards or specifications for materials must be preserved.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 8, 10, 11).

2.4. In the title block of the detail drawing, no more than one type of material is indicated. If the use of material substitutes is envisaged for the manufacture of a part, then they are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing or the technical specifications for the product.

2.5. If the shape and dimensions of all elements are determined on the drawing of the finished part, the development (image, development length) is not given.

When the image of a part being made flexible does not give an idea of ​​the actual shape and dimensions of its individual elements, a partial or full development of it is placed on the drawing of the part. On the image of the scan, only those dimensions are applied that cannot be indicated on the image of the finished part.

A conditional graphic designation is placed above the scan image (Fig. 21).


2.6. The development is depicted by solid main lines, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the lines of the visible contour in the image of the part.

If necessary, fold lines are applied to the image of the scan, performed by a dash-dotted thin line with two points, indicating the leader line "Fold line" on the shelf.

2.7. It is allowed, without violating the clarity of the drawing, to combine the image of a part of the sweep with the view of the part. In this case, the development is depicted by dash-dotted thin lines with two dots and the conventional graphic designation is not placed (Fig. 22).

2.8. Parts whose individual elements must be measured after changing (within the limits of elastic deformations) the original shape corresponding to the free state of the part are depicted by solid main lines in the free state and dash-dotted thin lines with two points - after changing the original shape of the part. The dimensions of the elements that must be measured after changing the original shape of the part are applied to the image made by dash-dotted thin lines with two points (Fig. 23).


If for such a part the deformable elements in the free state can have an arbitrary shape, then the part is depicted in the drawing in the state of its measurement with a corresponding indication in the drawing field (Fig. 24).


2.6-2.8. (Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

2.9. If the part is to be made from a material with a specific grain direction, warps, etc. (metal tape, fabrics, paper, wood), then on the drawing, if necessary, it is allowed to indicate the direction of the fibers (Fig. 25).

a - for metal; b - for fabrics; in - for paper; g - for a tree; d - for plywood.

Instructions on the location of the material layers of a part made of textolite, fiber, getinaks or other layered material, if necessary, are placed in the technical requirements (Fig. 26).

2.10. On the drawings of parts made from materials that have front and back sides (leather, some types of fabrics, films, etc.), if necessary, the front side is indicated on the shelf of the leader line (Fig. 27). Such indications may also be placed on the assembly drawings of products, which include parts that have a front and back side (Fig. 28).


2.11. Parts made of transparent materials are depicted as opaque. The inscriptions, numbers, signs and other similar data applied to the parts on the reverse side of the observer, which should be visible from the front side of the finished part, are depicted in the drawing as visible and put the corresponding indication in the technical requirements (Fig. 29).

Engrave the inscription on the reverse side.


3.1.1. The number of assembly drawings should be minimal, but sufficient for the rational organization of production (assembly and control) of products. If necessary, assembly drawings provide data on the operation of the product and on the interaction of its parts.

3.1.2. The assembly drawing must contain:

a) an image of the assembly unit, giving an idea of ​​the location and interconnection of the components connected according to this drawing, and providing the possibility of assembly and control of the assembly unit.

It is allowed to place additional schematic images of the connection and location of the component parts of the product on the assembly drawings;

b) dimensions, limit deviations and other parameters and requirements that must be met or controlled according to this assembly drawing.

It is allowed to indicate as a reference the dimensions of the parts that determine the nature of the pairing;

c) instructions on the nature of the pairing and methods for its implementation, if the accuracy of the pairing is ensured not by the specified maximum deviations of dimensions, but by selection, fitting, etc., as well as instructions on the implementation of permanent joints (welded, soldered, etc.);

d) the position numbers of the components included in the product;

e) overall dimensions of the product;

f) installation, connecting and other necessary reference dimensions;

g) technical characteristics of the product (if necessary);

h) coordinates of the center of mass (if necessary).


1. The data specified in listings e), f), may not be indicated on the drawings of assembly units that are not the subject of self-delivery.

2. The data specified in subparagraphs g) and h) of this paragraph are not placed on the assembly drawing if they are given in another design document for this product, for example, on a dimensional drawing.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 8, 11).

3.1.3. When specifying the installation and connecting dimensions, the following must be applied:

location coordinates, dimensions with maximum deviations of elements used for connection with mating products;

other parameters, for example, for gears that serve as elements of external communication, module, number and direction of teeth.

3.1.4. On the assembly drawing, it is allowed to depict the moving parts of the product in the extreme or intermediate position with the appropriate dimensions. If, when depicting moving parts, it is difficult to read the drawing, then these parts can be depicted on additional views with appropriate inscriptions, for example: "The extreme position of the carriage pos.5".

3.1.5. On the assembly drawing of the product, it is allowed to place an image of border (neighboring) products ("environment") and dimensions that determine their relative position (Fig. 30).

The component parts of the product, located behind the situation, are depicted as visible. If necessary, it is allowed to depict them as invisible.

Items of "furnishings" are simplified and provide the necessary data to determine the installation location, methods of fastening and attaching the product. In cuts and sections, the "environment" may not be hatched.

3.1.6. If it is necessary to indicate on the assembly drawing the names or designations of the products that make up the "furnishings", or their elements, then these indications are placed directly on the image of the "furnishings" or on the shelf of the leader line drawn from the corresponding image, for example: "Automatic pressure (designation)"; "Oil cooler connection (designation)", etc.

3.1.7. On the assembly drawing of an auxiliary production product (for example, a stamp, a conductor, etc.), it is allowed to place an operational sketch in the upper right corner.

3.1.8. Assembly drawings should be performed, as a rule, with simplifications that meet the requirements of the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation and this standard.

On assembly drawings it is allowed not to show:

a) chamfers, roundings, grooves, recesses, protrusions, knurling, notches, braids and other small elements;

b) gaps between the rod and the hole;

c) covers, shields, casings, partitions, etc., if necessary, show the component parts of the product covered by them. At the same time, an appropriate inscription is made above the image, for example: "Cover pos. 3 is not shown";

d) visible components of products or their elements located behind the mesh, as well as partially closed in front of the components located in front;

e) inscriptions on plates, nameplates, scales and other similar details, depicting only their outline.

3.1.9. Products made of transparent material are depicted as opaque.

It is allowed on assembly drawings to depict components of products and their elements located behind transparent objects as visible, for example: scales, instrument arrows, the internal arrangement of lamps, etc.

3.1.10. The products located behind the helical spring, shown only by the sections of the coils, are shown up to the zone conditionally covering these products and determined by the axial lines of the sections of the coils (Fig. 31).

3.1.11. On assembly drawings, the following methods of simplified representation of the components of products are used:

a) on the cuts, the components are depicted as undissected, for which independent assembly drawings are drawn up. It is allowed to make drawings as shown in Fig. 32;

b) typical, purchased and other widely used products are depicted as external outlines (Fig. 33).

3.1.12. The external outlines of the product, as a rule, should be simplified without depicting small protrusions, depressions, etc. (Fig. 33, 34 a, b).

3.1.11, 3.1.12. (Changed edition, Rev. N 5).

3.1.13a. On assembly drawings, it is allowed to depict seals conditionally, as shown in Fig. 34 (c, d, e), indicating the direction of action of the seal with an arrow.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 5).

3.1.13. On assembly drawings that include images of several identical components (wheels, track rollers, etc.), it is allowed to perform a complete image of one component, and images of the remaining parts - simplified in the form of external outlines.

3.1.14. A welded, soldered, glued and similar product made of a homogeneous material assembled with other products in sections and sections is hatched in one direction, depicting the boundaries between the product parts with solid main lines (Fig. 35). It is allowed not to show the borders between the details, i.e. depict the structure as a monolithic body.

3.1.15. If it is necessary to indicate the position of the center of mass of the product, then the corresponding dimensions are given on the drawing and the inscription is placed on the shelf of the leader line: "C. M."

The lines of the centers of mass of the component parts of the product are applied with a dash-dotted line, and the inscription is made on the shelf of the leader line: "Line C. M."

3.2. Position numbers

3.2.1. On the assembly drawing, all components of the assembly unit are numbered in accordance with the position numbers indicated in the specification of this assembly unit. Position numbers are applied on the shelves of leader lines drawn from the images of the component parts.

3.2.2. Position numbers indicate on those images in which the corresponding components are projected as visible, as a rule, on the main views and sections that replace them.

3.2.3. The number of positions is placed parallel to the main inscription of the drawing outside the outline of the image and grouped into a column or line, if possible on the same line.

3.2.4. The position number is applied to the drawing, as a rule, once. It is allowed to repeatedly indicate the position numbers of the same components.

3.2.5. The font size of position numbers should be one or two numbers larger than the font size adopted for dimension numbers in the same drawing.

3.2.6. It is allowed to make a common leader line with a vertical arrangement of position numbers:

a) for a group of fasteners related to the same attachment point (Fig. 36). If there are two or more fasteners, and at the same time different components are fastened with the same fasteners, then their number can be put in brackets after the number of the corresponding position and indicated only for one unit of the fastened component, regardless of the number of these components in the product;

b) for a group of parts with a clearly expressed relationship, excluding a different understanding, if it is impossible to draw a leader line to each component (Fig. 37).

In these cases, the leader line is removed from the fixed component;

c) for individual components of the product, if it is difficult to graphically depict them, in this case it is allowed not to show these components on the drawing, but to determine their location using the leader line from the visible component and on the drawing field, in the technical requirements, place the appropriate indication, for example: "Wrap harnesses pos.12 under brackets with pressboard pos.22".

(Changed edition, Rev. N 10).

3.3. Implementation of certain types of assembly drawings

3.3.1. On the assembly drawing of the product, which includes parts for which working drawings are not issued, on the image and (or) in the technical requirements, additional data is provided to the information specified in the specification, necessary for the manufacture of parts (surface roughness, shape deviations, etc.).

On the assembly drawings of unit production products, it is allowed to indicate data on the preparation of edges for permanent joints (welding, soldering, etc.) directly on the image or in the form of a remote element (Fig. 38), if these data are not shown on the detail drawings.


3.3.2. Depending on the nature of production, the component parts of the product, for which it is allowed not to issue drawings, can be accounted for in two ways: as parts with the assignment of a designation and name to them, or as a material without assigning a designation and name to them and indicating the quantity in units of length, mass or other units (Fig. 39-42).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 5).

3.3.3. When for the manufacture of a part of a simple configuration according to an assembly drawing (without issuing an independent drawing for it), a certain sectional material is installed, then the corresponding dimensions of the part are given in the specification.

If there is no need to establish a specific grade material for a part, then on the assembly drawing all dimensions are placed on the image of this part, and only the material grade is indicated in the specification.

3.3.4. It is allowed to place separate images of several parts on the field of the assembly drawing, for which it is allowed not to issue working drawings, provided that the clarity of the drawing is maintained.

Above the image of the part, an inscription is applied containing the position number and the scale of the image, if it differs from the scale indicated in the main inscription of the drawing.

3.3.5. If a part of large dimensions and complex configuration is connected by pressing, soldering, welding, riveting or other similar methods with a part of less complex and smaller dimensions, then, provided that the clarity of the drawing and the possibilities of production are maintained, it is allowed to place on the assembly drawings of products all the dimensions and other data necessary for the manufacture and control of the main part, and issue drawings only for less complex parts.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 8).

3.3.6. If an assembly unit is made by surfacing a metal or alloy part, pouring surfaces or elements of the part with metal, alloy, plastic, rubber and other materials, then a drawing for such parts may not be produced. The drawings of these assembly units indicate the dimensions of surfaces or elements for surfacing, pouring, etc., the dimensions of the finished assembly unit, and other data necessary for manufacturing and control.

3.3.7. The deposited metal, alloy, plastic, rubber and other materials used to fill the reinforcing parts are recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in the "Materials" section.

3.3.8. Examples of the design of drawings of assembly units manufactured by surfacing and pouring parts with an alloy, rubber, are shown in Fig. 43-45.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 5).


3.3.9. If during the assembly of the product for its adjustment, adjustment, compensation, the components are selected, then on the assembly drawing they are depicted in one of the possible applications.

3.3.10. The entry of "selected" components in the specification and the indication on the shelves of leader lines of position numbers are applied depending on the method of application of the components:

a) if the selection is made by the same products (for example, the required spring load is achieved by installing the same washers under it), then in the column "Col. specifications indicate the most likely number of products during installation, and in the "Note" column they write - "Maximum number".

The technical requirements of the assembly drawing contain the necessary instructions for the installation of such "pick-up" parts, for example: "Ensure the spring load by installing the required number of parts. Pos ...";

b) if the selection is made by installing one of the products that have different sizes and independent designations (for example, the gap should be ensured by installing only one adjusting ring), then each “pick-up” part is recorded in the specification under different item numbers. In the column "Col." for each part indicate "1" and in the column "Note" - "Selection". In the technical requirements, an entry of the type is placed: "Size (clearance, stroke, etc.) And ensure the installation of one of the det. pos. ...";

c) if the selection can be carried out by installing several products with different sizes, designations and in different quantities, then all products are recorded in the specification. Each "collective" part is assigned its own position number and its own designation. In the column "Col." in this case, indicate the most probable quantity during installation for each "selective" part and in the "Note" column - "Maximum quantity".

On the shelves of the leader lines, the position numbers of all "collective" parts are placed. In the technical requirements, respectively, indicate: "The size (clearance, stroke, etc.) B should be provided by installing det. pos. ...".

If necessary, in the column "Note" of the specification for "collective" parts, it is allowed to give references to the paragraph of the technical requirements, which gives instructions on the selection, for example: "See p. ...".

3.3.11. When, after assembling the product, it is required to install protective temporary parts (cover, plug, etc.) during its transportation and (or) storage, these parts are shown on the assembly drawing as they should be installed during transportation and storage.

3.3.12. If protective temporary parts for the period of transportation and storage must be installed instead of any devices or mechanisms removed from the product, then appropriate instructions are placed on the assembly drawing in the technical requirements, for example: "Pump pos. ... and regulator pos. ... before packing, remove and install covers pos. ... in their place, tightening them tightly with bolts pos. ...", etc.

On the assembly drawing, it is allowed to place an image of a part of the machine with a protective temporary part being installed, explaining the position of the part.

3.3.13. The assignment of names and designations to protective temporary parts, their image on the assembly drawing and entry into the specification or electronic structure of the product is carried out according to general rules.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 11).

3.3.14. In cases where individual parts of the purchased product are installed in different assembly units of the product (for example, tapered roller bearings), the purchased product is recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in which it is included in the assembled form. The technical requirements of the assembly drawing of the product being developed indicate those assembly units that include individual parts of the purchased product. In the specifications of these assembly units, in the "Note" column, indicate the designation of the specification that includes the purchased product in assembled form. In this case, in the column "Name" indicate the name of the component of the purchased product, and the column "Col. is not filled.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 8).


4.1. Dimensional drawings are not intended for the manufacture of products from them and should not contain data for manufacturing and assembly.

4.2. On the dimensional drawing, the image of the product is performed with maximum simplifications. The product is depicted in such a way that the extreme positions of moving, retractable or folding parts, levers, carriages, hinged covers, etc. can be seen.

It is allowed not to show elements that protrude beyond the main contour by a small amount compared to the dimensions of the product.

4.3. The number of views on the dimensional drawing should be minimal, but sufficient to give a comprehensive idea of ​​the external outlines of the product, the positions of its protruding parts (levers, flywheels, handles, buttons, etc.), the elements that must be constantly in sight (for example, scales), the location of the elements of communication between the product and other products.

4.4. The image of the product on the dimensional drawing is made with solid main lines, and the outlines of the moving parts in the extreme positions are dash-dotted thin lines with two points.

It is allowed to depict the extreme positions of the moving parts on separate views.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

4.5. On the dimensional drawing, it is allowed to depict parts and assembly units that are not part of the product as solid thin lines.

4.6. On the dimensional drawing, the overall dimensions of the product, installation and connecting dimensions and, if necessary, dimensions that determine the position of the protruding parts are applied.

Mounting and connecting dimensions required for linking with other products must be specified with maximum deviations. It is allowed to specify the coordinates of the center of mass. It is not indicated on the dimensional drawing that all the dimensions given on it are for reference.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 8).

4.7. It is allowed to indicate on the dimensional drawing the conditions of use, storage, transportation and operation of the product in the absence of these data in the technical description, specifications or other design document for the product.

4.8. An example of a dimensional drawing is shown in Fig. 46.


5.1. The installation drawing must contain:

image of the mounted product;

images of products used during installation, as well as a full or partial image of the device (structure, foundation) to which the product is attached;

installation and connecting dimensions with limit deviations;

list of components required for installation;

technical requirements for product installation.

5.2. Installation drawings are issued for:

products mounted in one specific place (device, object, foundation);

products mounted on several different places (devices, objects).

An assembly drawing is also issued in cases where it is necessary to show the connection of the components of the complex to each other at the place of operation.

5.3. The assembly drawing is performed according to the rules established for assembly drawings, taking into account the rules set forth in this section.

5.4. The product to be mounted is shown in the drawing in a simplified way, showing its external outlines. They show in detail the structural elements that are necessary for the correct installation of the product.

The device (object, foundation) to which the product to be mounted is depicted in a simplified way, showing only those parts that are necessary to correctly determine the place and method of attaching the product.

The image of the product to be mounted and the products included in the set of mounting parts is made with solid main lines, and the device to which the product is attached is made with solid thin lines.

When making drawings of foundations, the foundation is depicted with solid main lines, and the product to be mounted is depicted with solid thin lines.

5.5. The installation drawing indicates the connecting, installation and other dimensions required for installation.

The installation drawing, intended for mounting the product in various places, also indicates the dimensions that determine the specific requirements for the placement of the product (for example, the minimum distance to the wall of the room, etc.).

The installation drawing of the complex indicates the dimensions that determine the relative position of the components directly included in the complex.

5.6. The list of components required for installation can be made in accordance with GOST 2.106 form 1, with the exception of the "Format" and "Zone" columns, and must be placed on the first sheet of the drawing.

The list includes the product to be mounted, as well as assembly units, parts and materials necessary for installation.

Instead of a list, it is allowed to indicate the designations of these components on the shelves of leader lines.

5.7. Products and materials necessary for installation, supplied by the enterprise that manufactures the product to be mounted, are recorded in the specification of a set of mounting parts in accordance with GOST 2.106 or in the electronic structure of a set of mounting parts in accordance with GOST 2.053.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 11).

5.8. The products required for installation and materials not supplied with the product to be installed are listed on the installation drawing, and an appropriate indication is placed in the "Note" column or in the technical requirements, for example: "Pos. 7 and 9 are not supplied with the product", etc.

If it is impossible to indicate the exact designations and names of non-delivered products, then their indicative names are indicated in the list, and on the drawing, if necessary, dimensions and other data that ensure the correct choice of products required for installation.

5.9. On the installation drawing on the shelf of the leader line or directly on the image, indicate the name and (or) designation of the device (object) or part of the device to which the mounted product is attached.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation.
Basic provisions: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2011

General rules for the design of individual tasks for technical drawing

When preparing explanatory notes, sketches, drawings and diagrams, it is necessary to strictly comply with all the rules and requirements established by the ESKD standards for scales, sheet formats, main inscriptions, drawing font. ESKD standards, adopted in 1968, are determined by classification groups. Group 1 - "Basic provisions", group 3 - "General rules for the execution of drawings", etc. GOST 2.315-68 denotes: 2 - the number assigned to the entire set of ESKD standards; 3 - number of the group of standards according to the assigned classification; 15 - serial number, starting from 01, within this group; 68 - the year of approval of the standard. It should be borne in mind that many standards are periodically updated and appropriate changes and additions are made to them. It must be remembered that non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law.

List of ESKD standards studied in the technical drawing course

Basic provisions. General provisions: GOST-2.001-70. Product types: GOST-2.101-68. Development stages: GOST-2.103-68. Main inscriptions: GOST-2.104-68. Basic requirements for text documents : GOST-2.105-68. Basic requirements for working drawings: GOST-2.107-68. Specification: GOST-2.108-68. Rules for the execution of drawings of parts, assembly, general views, overall and installation: GOST-2.109-68. Specifications, Rules for construction, presentation and design: GOST-2.114-70.

General rules for the execution of drawings. Formats: GOST-2.301-68. Scales: GOST-2.302-68. lines : GOST-2.303-68. Drawing fonts: GOST-2.304-81. Images - views, sections, sections: GOST-2.305-68. Designation of graphic materials and the rules for their application on the drawings: GOST-2.306-68. Application and indication of dimensions and limit deviations: GOST-2.307-68, GOST-2.308-68. Application on the drawings of designations of surface roughness: GOST-2789-73. Application on the drawings of designations of coatings, thermal and other types of processing: GOST-2.310-68. Thread image: GOST-2.311-68. Conditional image and designation of seams of welded joints: GOST-2.312-68. Conditional image and designation of seams of one-piece joints: GOST-2.313- 68. Simplified and conditional images of fasteners: GOST-2.315-68. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings: GOST-2.316-68. Axonometric projections: GOST-2.317-69.

Rules for the execution of drawings of various products(springs, gears, racks, worms, chain sprockets, bearings, etc.) GOST-2.401-68 .... GOST-2.421-70.

P rules for the implementation of schemes and conventional graphic symbols(general requirements, electrical and kinematic diagrams, electrical machines and their elements, hydraulic pumps and motors, pipelines and their elements) GOST-2.701-68 .....GOST-2.786-70.

In the lower right corner of the format, the main inscription is placed (Fig. 2), all columns of which are filled with inscriptions in font according to GOST 2.304-81. In column 1 of the main inscription indicate the code (number of the record book, task number, group number); in column 2 - the name of the task or the name of the part being performed; in column 3 - the material of the part. The main inscription on A4 sheets is placed along the short side of the sheet, on other formats it can be placed along both sides.

Main inscriptionRice. 2

The drawings are drawn with the drawing tools to scale and placed to fit the entire job as evenly as possible within the format. It is allowed to perform drawings, sketches and calculations on a PC in the AutoCAD graphic system or similar. Those cadets who have been trained at the Naval Lyceum, having completed the tasks in geometric and projection drawing, perform these tasks or adequate ones on a PC. To complete the drawings, it is necessary to have drawing tools: pencils of various hardness (for drawing thin lines, hardness T is best, for solid main lines - brand TM); measuring ruler; squares with angles 30-60-90; a preparation (including a circular compass, a measuring compass, a caliper for drawing arcs and circles of small radius); eraser, buttons, patterns, T-square, etc.

Drawing paper is chosen by the cadet independently, and the quality of the drawing depends on its quality. We can recommend using albums with embroidered A3 sheets, which are often sold in stationery stores.

OST 2.001-93 establishes general provisions for the intended purpose, scope, classification and designation of standards included in the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD) complex.

The unified system of design documentation is a set of state standards that establish interrelated rules and regulations for the development, execution and circulation of design documentation developed and applied by organizations and enterprises at all stages of the product life cycle (during design, manufacture, operation, repair, etc.).

The main purpose of ESKD standards is the establishment in organizations and enterprises of uniform rules for the implementation, execution and circulation of design documentation, which should provide:

1) the possibility of interchange of design documents between organizations and enterprises without their re-issuance;

2) stabilization of completeness, eliminating duplication and development of documents not required for production;

3) the possibility of expanding unification in the design development of projects for industrial products;

4) simplification of the forms of design documents of graphic images, which reduces the complexity of design development of industrial products;

5) mechanization and automation of the processing of technical documents and the information contained in them;

6) improvement of conditions for technical preparation of production;

7) improving the operating conditions of industrial products;

8) prompt preparation of documentation for the rapid readjustment of existing production.

The rules and regulations established by the ESKD standards for the development, execution and circulation of documentation apply to:

1) for all types of design documents;

2) for accounting and registration documentation and documentation for making changes to design documents;

3) on normative-technical and technological documentation, as well as scientific, technical and educational literature in the part in which they can be applied to them and are not regulated by special standards and regulations that establish the rules for the implementation of this documentation and literature, for example, formats and fonts for printed publications, etc.

In accordance with GOST 2.101-68, the following types of products are installed:

A) details - a product made from a material that is homogeneous in name and brand, without the use of assembly operations;

b) Assembly units - a product, the components of which are to be interconnected at the manufacturing plant by assembly operations (screwing, articulation, riveting, welding, soldering, crimping, flaring, gluing, stitching, laying, etc.);

V) complexes - two or more specified items that are not connected at the manufacturing plant by assembly operations, but are intended to perform interrelated operational functions;

G) kits - two or more specified items that are not connected at the manufacturing plant by assembly operations and represent a set of items that have a common operational purpose of an auxiliary nature, for example: a set of spare parts, a set of tools and accessories, a set of measuring equipment, a set of packaging containers, etc.

Types of design documents

Design documents include graphic and text documents that individually or collectively determine the composition and design of the product and contain the necessary data for its development or manufacture, acceptance, operation and repair (ESKD GOST 2.102-68). Table 2 shows the definitions, codes and types of design documents performed by students in the process of working on assignments in the course of engineering graphics.

Document ID

Document type


Detail drawing

Assembly drawing

General arrangement drawing

A document that defines the design of the product, the interaction of its components and explains the principle of operation of the product.

According to GOST 2.701-84

A document that shows in the form of conventional images and symbols the component parts of the product and the links between them.


A document that defines the composition of an assembly unit, complex or kit.

Explanatory note


When making drawings, they use the formats established by GOST 2.301-68. Sheet formats are determined by the size of the outer frame (made by a thin line) of originals, originals, duplicates, copies. The designations and dimensions of the sides of the main formats must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table 3.

Table 3 - Designations and sizes of the main formats

Format designation

Dimensions of the sides of the format,

The main formats are obtained by sequential division into two equal parts parallel to the smaller side of the format with an area of ​​1 sq. m with side dimensions 1189 x 841 mm (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Scheme of division of formats

It is allowed to use additional formats formed by increasing the smoky sides of the main formats by a multiple of their sizes (Figure 7).

If necessary, it is allowed to use the A5 format with side dimensions of 148 x 210 mm.

Figure 7 - Additional formats

It is allowed to use additional formats formed by increasing the short sides of the main formats by a multiple of their sizes. The sizes of derived formats should generally be selected according to Table 4.

Table 4 - Formats


The designation of the derived format is made up of the designation of the main format and its multiplicity according to the table, for example, A0x2, A4x8, etc.


Scale - this is the ratio of the dimensions of the object shown in the drawing to its actual dimensions.

The drawings, in which the images are made in true size, give a melting idea of ​​​​the actual dimensions of the object. However, if the size of the object is very small or, conversely, if it is too large, its image has to be enlarged or reduced, i.e.

The scales are established by GOST 2.302-68 and must be selected from the series shown in Table 5. If the scale is indicated in the column of the main inscription intended for this, then it should be indicated by type 1: 1; 12; 2: 1, etc., for individual images in the drawing field, the scale value is indicated in brackets, for example, for section A-A (1: 2).

Table 5 - Scales

When designing master plans for large objects, it is allowed to use scales of 1:2000; 1:5000; 1:10000; 1:20000; 1:25000; 1:50000.

Drawing lines

For the image of objects in the drawings, GOST 2.303-68 establishes the styles and main purposes of the lines (table 6).

The thickness of lines of the same type must be the same for all images in this drawing, drawn at the same scale. Line thickness S should be in the range from 0.5 to 1.4 mm, depending on the size and complexity of the image, as well as on the format of the drawing.

Table 6 - Line types



Line thickness in relation to the main line thickness

Main purpose

Solid thick main

Line of visible contour

Transition lines visible

Contour lines of the section (exposed and included in the section)

Solid thin

S/3 to S/2

Superimposed section contour line Dimension and extension lines

Hatching lines

Lines - callouts

Shelves of lines - callouts and underline labels

Lines for depicting border details ("furnishings")

Callout Limit Lines in Views, Sections, and Sections

Transition lines are imaginary

Traces of planes, lines for constructing characteristic points for special constructions

Solid wavy

S/3 to S/2

Cliff lines

View and section lines


S/3 to S/2

Hidden contour lines

Transition lines invisible

Stroke - dotted thin

S/3 to S/2

Lines axial and center

Section lines, which are the axes of symmetry for superimposed or extended sections

Stroke - dotted thickened

S/2 to 2S/3

Lines indicating surfaces to be heat treated or coated

Lines for displaying elements located in front of the cutting plane ("superimposed projection")

open circuit

S to 1.5S

Section lines

Solid thin with kinks

S/3 to S/2

Long break lines

Stroke - dotted with two dots fine

S/3 to S/2

Fold lines on reamers

Lines for depicting parts of the product in extreme or intermediate positions

Lines for the image of the scan combined with the view

The drawing of the handle (figure 8) shows examples of the application of some lines. Please note that dashed and dash-dotted lines should only intersect with dashes.

Figure 8 - The main purpose of the lines

Drawing fonts

All inscriptions on the drawings are made in a standard font in accordance with GOST 2.304 - 81. The standard sets 2 types of fonts: type. A and type B, each of which can be made either without a slope or with a slope of 75 degrees to the base of the drain.

Font size h - a value defined by the height of capital letters in millimeters. The height of capital letters h is measured perpendicular to the base of the line. The following font sizes are set: 1.8; 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40. GOST 2.304-81 establishes four types of font:

1. Type A without slope ( d =h /14);

2. Type A with a slope of about 75 o ( d =h /14);

3. Type B without slope ( d =h /10);

4. Type B with a slope of about 75 o ( d =h /10).

The type is determined by the font parameters: letter spacing, minimum line spacing, minimum word spacing, and font line thickness. Fonts are made using an auxiliary grid formed by thin lines into which letters are entered. The pitch of the grid lines is determined depending on the thickness of the font lines d. Type B typeface is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Font type B oblique

When applying the dimensions of diameters, square, indicating the slope and taper, the corresponding signs are applied in front of the dimension number.

Images - views, cuts, sections

The rules for constructing images are regulated by ESKD GOST 2.305-2008, according to which images of objects in a drawing must be performed using the rectangular projection method. In this case, the object is assumed to be located between the observer and the corresponding projection plane. The image in the general case can be considered as a projection of a spatial object onto a plane.

Images in the drawing, depending on their content, are divided into views, sections, sections. The number of images (views, sections, sections) in the drawing should be the smallest, but providing a complete picture of the subject when using the symbols, signs and inscriptions established in the relevant standards.

View - the image of the visible part of the surface of the object facing the observer. To reduce the number of images, it is allowed to show the necessary invisible parts of the surface in views using dashed lines. Types are divided into main, local and additional.

Figure 10 - Main views

As the main projection planes, the faces of a hollow cube are taken, in which an object is mentally placed and projected onto the inner faces of the surface. The following names of views obtained on the main projection planes are established (Figure 10).

1 – front view (main view);

2 – top view;

3 – left side view;

4 – right side view;

5 – bottom view;

6 - rear view.

The image on the frontal projection plane is taken in the drawing as chief. The object is positioned relative to the frontal plane of projections so that the image on it gives the most complete idea of ​​the shape and size of the object.

main view, as a rule, should correspond to the location of the product during the main operation of the technological process of its manufacture or assembly, and the location of products with a clearly defined top and bottom should correspond to their normal position in operation.

The names of the views in the drawings should not be inscribed, except for the case when the top, left, right, bottom, rear views are not in direct projection connection with the main image (view or section shown on the frontal projection plane).

Figure 11 - Body part

If the projection connection is broken, the direction of projection should be indicated by an arrow next to the corresponding image. The same capital letter should be applied above the arrow and above the resulting image (view) (Figure 11, view D). The drawings are drawn up in the same way if the listed views are separated from the main image by other images or are not located on the same sheet with it.

If any part of the object cannot be shown on the main views without distorting the shape and size, then apply additional types obtained on planes not parallel to the main projection planes (Figure 12).

Figure 12 - Angle flange

An additional view should be marked on the drawing with an arrow and a capital letter, and the object associated with the additional view should have an arrow indicating the direction of view, with the corresponding letter designation.

In the case when an additional view is located in direct projection connection with the corresponding image, the arrow and view designation are not applied (Figure 13).

An additional view is allowed to be rotated, but with the preservation, as a rule, of the position adopted for this object on the main image, while the view designation must be supplemented with a conventional graphic designation.

Figure 13 - An example of an image of an additional view that is in a projection relationship

The image of a separate, limited place on the surface of an object is called local view (Figure 11, view D).

The detail view may be limited to a cliff line, as small as possible, or not. The detail view should be marked on the drawing like an additional view.

The ratio of the sizes of the arrows indicating the direction of view should correspond to those shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14 - Dimensions of the arrows indicating the direction of view

Incision - an image of an object mentally dissected by one or more planes, while the mental dissection of the object refers only to this section and does not entail changes in other images of the same object. The section shows what is obtained in the cutting plane and what is located behind it. It is allowed to depict not everything that is located behind the cutting plane, if this is not required to understand the design.

The sections are divided, depending on the position of the cutting plane relative to the horizontal projection plane, into:

horizontal – cutting plane is parallel to the horizontal plane of projections;

vertical – cutting plane is perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projections;

oblique - the cutting plane makes an angle other than a right angle with the horizontal projection plane.

Figure 15 - Examples of execution and designation of cuts

Figure 15 shows: horizontal section B-B and vertical sections: A-A, C-C, G-D.

The execution and designation of the inclined section В-В is shown in Figure 11.

The vertical cut is called frontal , if the cutting plane is parallel to the frontal projection plane (Figure 11, section B-B), and specialized , if the cutting plane is parallel to the profile projection plane.

Depending on the number of cutting planes, the cuts are divided into:

simple - with one secant plane (Figure 15, sections C-C and D-D);

complex - with several cutting planes (Figure 15, sections A-A and B-B).

Complicated cuts are stepped, if the cutting planes are parallel (Figure 15, section B-B), and broken if the secant planes intersect (Figure 15, sections A-A).

In case of broken cuts, the secant planes are conditionally rotated until they coincide in one plane, while the direction of rotation may not coincide with the direction of view.

If the combined planes turn out to be parallel to one of the main projection planes, then a broken section can be placed in the place of the corresponding view. When the cutting plane is rotated, the elements of the object located behind it are drawn as they are projected onto the corresponding plane with which the alignment is performed.

The cuts are called longitudinal if the cutting planes are directed along the length or height of the object (Figure 16).

Figure 16 - Longitudinal section of the spring

The cuts are called transverse if the cutting planes are directed perpendicular to the length or height of the object (Figure 17, sections AA and B-B)

Figure 17 - Cross section

A section that serves to clarify the structure of an object only in a separate, limited place is called local (Figure 18).

Figure 18 - Local section

The local section is highlighted in the view by a solid wavy line or a solid thin line with a break. These lines must not overlap with any other lines in the image.

Part of the view and part of the corresponding section may be connected, separating them with a solid wavy line (Figure 19).

Figure 19 - Examples of combining a part of a view and a section

Part of the view and part of the corresponding section may be connected, separating them with a solid thin line with a break (Figure 20).

Figure 20 - Examples of combining a part of a view and a section

If on the image of a symmetrical detail half of the view and half of the section are connected, then the dividing line is the axis of symmetry (Figure 21).

Figure 21 - Examples of combining part of the view and section

If in a symmetrical detail the axis of symmetry coincides with the contour line, the border of the view and section is shifted from the axis and drawn up as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22 - Examples of combining a part of a view and a section

It is also allowed to separate the section and the view with a dash-dotted thin line coinciding with the trace of the plane of symmetry not of the entire object, but only of its part, if it represents a body of revolution (Figure 23).

Figure 23 - Examples of combining part of the view and section

Introduction date 1974-07-01

This standard establishes the basic requirements for the execution of drawings of parts, assembly, dimensional and installation drawings at the stage of development of working documentation for all industries.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 8,).


1.1. General provisions

1.1.1. When developing working drawings provide:

a) optimal use of standard and purchased products, as well as products mastered by production and corresponding to the state of the art;

b) a rationally limited range of threads, splines and other structural elements, their sizes, coatings, etc.;

c) a rationally limited range of grades and assortments of materials, as well as the use of the cheapest and least scarce materials;

d) the necessary degree of interchangeability, the most advantageous ways of manufacturing and repairing products, as well as their maximum ease of maintenance in operation.

1.1.1a. Working drawings on paper (in paper form) and electronic drawings can be made on the basis of an electronic model of a part and an electronic model of an assembly unit ( GOST 2.052).

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 11)

General requirements for electronic documents - according toGOST 2.051

1.1.2. When references in the drawings of serial and mass production products to technical specifications, the latter must be registered in the prescribed manner (in states where state registration of technical specifications is mandatory).

It is allowed to give references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product; at the same time, they must be attached to the set of design documentation for the product when it is transferred to another enterprise.

It is not allowed to give references to documents that determine the shape and dimensions of the structural elements of products (chamfers, grooves, etc.), if there is no symbol for these elements in the relevant standards. All data for their manufacture must be given on the drawings.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 4, 10,).

1.1.3. It is not allowed to place technological instructions on the working drawings. As an exception, it is allowed:

a) indicate the methods of manufacture and control, if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product, for example, joint processing, joint bending or expanding, etc.;

b) give instructions on the choice of the type of technological workpiece (castings, forgings, etc.);

c) indicate a certain technological method that guarantees the provision of certain technical requirements for the product that cannot be expressed by objective indicators or quantities, for example, the aging process, vacuum impregnation, gluing technology, control, pairing of a plunger pair, etc.

1.1.4. For products of the main unit * and auxiliary production, on the drawings intended for use at a particular enterprise, it is allowed to place various instructions on the manufacturing technology and control of products.

* The rules for the execution of drawings for products of a single production also apply to auxiliary production.

1.1.6. The dimensions of conventional signs that are not established in the standards are determined taking into account the visibility and clarity of the drawing and are kept the same with repeated repetition.

1.1.7. On the working drawing of the product indicate the dimensions, maximum deviations, surface roughness and other data that it must comply with before assembly (Fig. A).

The exception is the case specified in paragraph .

The dimensions, limit deviations and surface roughness of the elements of the product, resulting from processing during the assembly process or after it, are indicated on the assembly drawing (Fig. b).

1.1.14. If the rib (edge) must be made sharp or rounded, then an appropriate indication is placed on the drawing. If the drawing does not contain any indication of the shape of the edges or ribs, then they must be blunted.

If necessary, in this case, you can specify the size of the blunt (chamfer, radius) placed next to the “∟” sign, for example, hell. .

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 9).

1.2.6. In the drawing of a product obtained by cutting a workpiece into parts and interchangeable with any other product made from other workpieces according to this drawing, the image of the workpiece is not placed (Fig.).

1.2.7. For a product obtained by cutting a workpiece into parts or consisting of two or more jointly processed parts, used only jointly and not interchangeable with the same parts of another of the same product, one drawing is developed (Fig.).

1.3. Drawings of products with additional processing or alteration

1.3.1. Drawings of products manufactured with additional processing of other products are performed taking into account the following requirements:

a) the blank product is depicted by solid thin lines, and the surfaces obtained by additional processing, newly introduced products and products installed instead of existing ones, by solid main lines.

The parts removed during the alteration are not depicted;

b) apply only those dimensions, limit deviations and designations of surface roughness that are necessary for additional processing (Fig.).

It is allowed to apply reference, overall and connecting dimensions. It is allowed to depict only a part of the workpiece, the elements of which must be further processed.

1.3.2. In the drawing of a part manufactured by additional processing of the workpiece, in the column 3 the main inscription write the word "workpiece» and the designation of the workpiece.

When using the purchased product as a blank product, column 3 of the main inscription indicates the name of the purchased product and its designation, which are contained in the accompanying documentation of the manufacturer (supplier).

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 11)

Assembly drawing

Detail drawings

The positions of the components included in the options will interfere with the corresponding additional images (Fig.).

3.3.14. In cases where individual parts of the purchased product are installed in different assembly units of the product (for example, tapered roller bearings), the purchased product is recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in which it is included in the assembled form. The technical requirements of the assembly drawing of the product being developed indicate those assembly units that include individual parts of the purchased product. In the specifications of these assembly units in the column "Note" indicate the designation of the specification, which includes the purchased product in assembled form. At the same time, in the column "Name" indicate the name of the component of the purchased product, and the column "Number." is not filled.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 8).


4.1. Dimensional drawings are not intended for the manufacture of products from them and should not contain data for manufacturing and assembly.

4.2. On the dimensional drawing, the image of the product is performed with maximum simplifications. The product is depicted in such a way that the extreme positions of moving, retractable or folding parts, levers, carriages, hinged covers, etc. can be seen.

It is allowed not to show elements that protrude beyond the main contour by a small amount compared to the dimensions of the product.

4.3. The number of views on the dimensional drawing should be minimal, but sufficient to give a comprehensive idea of ​​the external outlines of the product, the positions of its protruding parts (levers, flywheels, handles, buttons, etc.), the elements that must be constantly in sight (for example, scales), the location of the elements of communication between the product and other products.

4.4. The image of the product on the dimensional drawing is made with solid main lines, and the outlines of the moving parts in the extreme positions are dash-dotted thin lines with two points.

It is allowed to depict the extreme positions of the moving parts on separate views.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 3).

4.5. On the dimensional drawing, it is allowed to depict parts and assembly units that are not part of the product as solid thin lines.

4.6. On the dimensional drawing, the overall dimensions of the product, installation and connecting dimensions and, if necessary, dimensions that determine the position of the protruding parts are applied.

Mounting and connecting dimensions required for linking with other products must be specified with maximum deviations. It is allowed to specify the coordinates of the center of mass. It is not indicated on the dimensional drawing that all the dimensions given on it are for reference.

image of the mounted product;

images of products used during installation, as well as a full or partial image of the device (structure, foundation) to which the product is attached;

installation and connecting dimensions with limit deviations;

list of components required for installation;

technical requirements for product installation.

5.2. Installation drawings are issued for:

products mounted in one specific place (device, object, foundation);

products mounted on several different places (devices, objects).

An assembly drawing is also issued in cases where it is necessary to show the connection of the components of the complex to each other at the place of operation.

5.3. The assembly drawing is performed according to the rules established for assembly drawings, taking into account the rules set forth in this section.

5.4. The product to be mounted is shown in the drawing in a simplified way, showing its external outlines. They show in detail the structural elements that are necessary for the correct installation of the product.

The device (object, foundation) to which the product to be mounted is depicted in a simplified way, showing only those parts that are necessary to correctly determine the place and method of attaching the product.

The image of the product to be mounted and the products included in the set of mounting parts is made with solid main lines, and the device to which the product is attached is made with solid thin lines.

When making drawings of foundations, the foundation is depicted with solid main lines, and the product to be mounted is depicted with solid thin lines.

5.5. The installation drawing indicates the connecting, installation and other dimensions required for installation.

The installation drawing, intended for mounting the product in various places, also indicates the dimensions that determine the specific requirements for the placement of the product (for example, the minimum distance to the wall of the room, etc.).

The installation drawing of the complex indicates the dimensions that determine the relative position of the components directly included in the complex.

5.6. The list of components required for installation can be made in form 1 GOST 2.106 , with the exception of the "Format" and "Zone" columns, and should be placed on the first sheet of the drawing.


5.8. The products required for installation and materials not supplied with the product to be installed are listed on the installation drawing, and an appropriate indication is placed in the “Note” column or in the technical requirements, for example: “Pos. 7 And 9 are not supplied with the product”, etc.

If it is impossible to indicate the exact designations and names of non-delivered products, then their indicative names are indicated in the list, and on the drawing, if necessary, dimensions and other data that ensure the correct choice of products required for installation.

5.9. On the installation drawing, on the shelf of the leader line or directly on the image, indicate the name and (or) designation of the device (object) or part of the device to which the mounted product is attached.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCEDState Committee for Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED INACTION By the Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 27.07.73 No. 1843

Amendment No. 9 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 13 dated 05/28/98)

Registered by the Technical Secretariat of the IGU No. 2907

State name

Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine

Amendment No. 10 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 17 dated 06/22/2000)

Registered by the Technical Secretariat of the IGU No. 3526

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of the Republic of Belarus



The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"

3. INSTEAD OF GOST 2.107-68, GOST 2.109-68, GOST 5292-60 regarding Sec. VIII



5. EDITION (June 2002) with Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 approved February 1980, November 1981, May 1984, December 1984, March 1985, September 1985, March 1986, September 1 987, February 1999, December 2000

GOST 2.052-2006

Unified system of design documentation


General provisions

Unified system for design documentation. Electronic model of product. general principles

Introduction date - 2006-09-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-97 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application, updating, cancellation "

1 Application area

This standard establishes general requirements for the implementation of electronic models of products (parts, assembly units) of mechanical engineering and instrumentation.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that take into account the features of the implementation of electronic models for products of specific types of equipment, depending on their specifics.

GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.101-68 Unified system for design documentation. Product types

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system for design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.305-68 Unified system for design documentation. Images - views, cuts, sections

GOST 2.307-68 Unified system for design documentation. Application of dimensions and limit deviations

GOST 2.317-69 Unified system for design documentation. Axonometric projections

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replaced (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and Definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1.1 electronic product model(model): An electronic model of a part or assembly unit in accordance with GOST 2.102.

3.1.2 electronic geometric model (geometric model): An electronic model of a product that describes the geometric shape, dimensions and other properties of the product, depending on its shape and dimensions.

3.1.3 geometric element: An identified (named) geometry object used in the dataset.

Note - A geometric object can be a point, a line, a plane, a surface, a geometric figure, a geometric body.

3.1.4 model geometry: A set of geometric elements that are elements of the geometric model of the product.

3.1.5 auxiliary geometry: A set of geometric elements that are used in the process of creating a geometric model of a product, but are not elements of this model.

Note - Geometric elements can be an axial line, spline reference points, surface guides and generating lines, etc.

3.1.6 model attribute: Dimension, tolerance, text or symbol required to define product geometry or feature* 1) .

3.1.7 model space: The space in the model coordinate system in which the geometric model of the product is executed.

3.1.8 plane of designations and indications: The plane in the model space, on which visually perceived information is displayed, containing the values ​​of the model's attributes, technical requirements, designations and instructions.

3.1.9 location data: Data that determines the placement and orientation of the product and its components in the model space in the specified coordinate system.

3.1.10 solid model: A three-dimensional electronic geometric model that represents the shape of a product as a result of the composition of a given set of geometric elements using Boolean algebra operations on these geometric elements.

3.1.11 surface model: A three-dimensional electronic geometric model, represented by a set of limited surfaces that define the shape of the product in space.

3.1.12 frame model: Three-dimensional electronic geometric model, represented by a spatial composition of points, segments and curves that determine the shape of the product in space.

3.1.13 part of the product: A product of any kind in accordance with GOST 2.101, which is part of the product and is considered as a whole.

3.1.14 model file: A file containing information about geometric elements, attributes, designations and indications, which are considered as a whole*.

3.1.15 electronic layout: An electronic model of a product that describes its external shape and dimensions, which makes it possible to fully or partially evaluate its interaction with elements of the production and / or operational environment, which serves to make decisions in the development of the product and the processes of its manufacture and use.

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

POU - the plane of designations and indications;

ПЗ - explanatory note;

KD - design document;

EMI - electronic model of the product;

EMD - electronic model of the part;

EMSE - electronic model of the assembly unit;

EMK - electronic layout;

CAD - computer-aided design system;

EGM - electronic geometric model.

4 General provisions

4.1 In a computer environment, EMR is represented as a set of data that together determine the geometry of the product and other properties necessary for the manufacture, control, acceptance, assembly, operation, repair and disposal of the product.

4.2 EMP is typically used:

To interpret the entire data set (or part of it) that makes up the model in automated systems;

For visual display of the product design in the process of design work, production and other operations;

For the production of drawing design documentation in electronic and / or paper form.

4.3 General requirements for the implementation of design documentation in the form of an electronic product model - in accordance with GOST 2.051. EMI is the content of the corresponding design documentation according to GOST 2.102 (EMD or EMSE). Requirements for the composition and presentation of information according to ISO 10303-1, ISO 10303-11, ISO 10303-42, ISO 10303-201. The requisite part is performed in accordance with GOST 2.104 *.

4.4 EMR, as a rule, consists of a geometric model of the product, an arbitrary number of model attributes and may include technical requirements. The schematic composition of the model is shown in Figure B.1 (Appendix B).

4.5 The model must contain a complete set of design, technological and physical parameters in accordance with GOST 2.109, necessary for performing calculations, mathematical modeling, developing technological processes, etc.

4.6 The completeness and detail of the model at various stages of development must comply with the requirements of the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System.

4.7 An electronic design document made in the form of a model must meet the following basic requirements:

a) attributes (models), designations and indications given in the model must be necessary and sufficient for the specified purpose of release (for example, manufacturing a product or building a drawing in paper and / or electronic form);

b) all dimension values ​​must be obtained from the model;

c) associated geometric elements, attributes, designations and indications defined in the model must be consistent;

d) attributes, designations and indications defined and/or specified in the model and depicted in the drawing must be agreed*;

e) if the model does not contain all the design data of the product, then this should be indicated *;

f) it is not allowed to give references to normative documents that determine the shape and dimensions of structural elements (holes, chamfers, grooves, etc.), if they do not contain a geometric description of these elements. All data for their manufacture must be given in the model;

g) the bit depth when rounding the values ​​of linear and angular dimensions must be set by the developer;

4.8 When visualizing (displaying) the model on an electronic device (for example, a display screen), the following rules are followed:

a) dimensions, limit deviations and indications (including technical requirements) should be shown in the main projection planes in accordance with GOST 2.305, axonometric projections - in accordance with GOST 2.317 or other projection planes convenient for visual perception of the displayed information *;

b) all text (requirements, symbols and instructions) must be defined in one or more SSPs;

c) the display of information in any PSP shall not overlap with the display of any other information in the same PSP;

d) the text of requirements, symbols and instructions within any SOC should not be placed on top of the model geometry when it is located perpendicular to the model display plane;

e) for axonometric projections, the orientation of the SOA must be parallel, perpendicular, or the same as the surface to which it is applied;

f) when turning the model, the necessary reading direction in each POU* must be provided.

An example of displaying the SOA with different orientations of the model in the model space when visualizing the model on an electronic display device is given in Appendix B.

4.9 When visualizing the model, it is allowed:

a) do not represent the model in a drawing format;

b) do not show the display of central (axial) lines or central planes for specifying dimensions;

c) do not show hatching in cuts and sections;

d) not present the details of the main inscription and additional columns to it on the drawing format. In this case, viewing the details of the main inscription and additional columns to it should be provided upon request. The composition of the details - according to GOST 2.104;

e) show additional design parameters using auxiliary geometry, for example, the coordinates of the center of mass;

e) show dimensions and limit deviations without using sections;

g) include links to documents of another type, provided that the referenced document is in electronic form. When transferring design documentation to another enterprise, these documents must be included in the set of design documentation for the product*.

4.10 When setting the attributes, the symbols (signs, lines, alphabetic and alphanumeric designations, etc.) established in the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System are used. The sizes of conventional signs are determined taking into account visibility and clarity and are kept the same for repeated use within the same model. *

4.11 When developing a model, the use of electronic libraries (electronic catalogs) of standard and purchased products is envisaged. The application, methods and rules for the use of electronic libraries are established by the developer, if this is not indicated in the terms of reference or the protocol for considering a technical proposal (draft design)*.

For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the range and technical content of the electronic product libraries used, as well as the regulatory documents of the organization, must be agreed with the customer (representative office of the customer).

4.12 It is allowed to include references to standards and specifications in the model if they fully and unambiguously define the relevant requirements. It is allowed to give references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product.

For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the standards and technological instructions of organizations must be agreed with the customer (representative office of the customer).

4.13 The model does not include technological instructions. As an exception, it is allowed to include technological instructions in cases provided for by GOST 2.109.

5 General requirements for the implementation of the electronic model of the product

5.1 EMP must contain at least one coordinate system. The coordinate system of the model is depicted by three mutually perpendicular lines with the origin located at the intersection of three axes, while:

The positive direction and designation of each axis must be shown;

The model's right-handed coordinate system (Figure 1) should be used unless another coordinate system is specified.

If necessary, it is allowed to use a non-orthogonal coordinate system of the model.

5.2 When developing EMR, the following types of representation of the product form are used according to ISO 10303-42, ISO 10303-41, ISO 10303-43:

Wireframe representation;

Surface representation;

Solid representation.

The composition and relationship of the types of representation of the product form are shown in Figure B.2 (Appendix B) *.

5.3 When developing EMI, provide the presentation of the model file in accordance with ISO 10303-21, ISO 10303-22.

5.4 In EMR, it is allowed to perform a simplified representation of model parts such as holes, threads, tapes, springs, etc., using a partial definition of the model geometry, model attributes, or a combination of them.

5.5 The initial orientation of the EMP in the model space is not specified.

Figure 1 - Coordinate system of the electronic model of the product

6 Requirements for the types of electronic models of the product

6.1 Electronic part model

6.1.1 EMD is developed, as a rule, for all parts included in the product, if the terms of reference provide for the execution of documentation only in the form of EMR.

6.1.2 EMD, as a rule, should be carried out in dimensions that the product must comply with before assembly. Exceptions are the cases specified in GOST 2.109. The values ​​of limit deviations, surface roughness and other necessary values ​​of the attributes of the product or its elements must correspond to the values ​​before assembly.

Limit deviations and surface roughness of product elements resulting from processing during the assembly process or after it are indicated in the EMCE.

6.1.3 Symbols of the material are recorded in the EMD in accordance with GOST 2.109.

6.1.4 If the use of material substitutes is envisaged for the manufacture of a part, then they are given in the technical requirements. If EMR is performed taking into account the texture of the material, then the texture of the base material should be set.

6.1.5 If the part must be made of a material that has a certain direction of fibers, base, etc. (metal tape, fabric, paper, wood) or the arrangement of layers of the material of the part (textolite, fiber, getinaks), then, if necessary, it is allowed to indicate the direction of the fibers or the arrangement of layers of the material of the part.

6.2 Electronic model of the assembly unit

6.2.1 EMCE should give an idea of ​​the location and interconnection of the components connected to the assembly unit, and contain the necessary and sufficient information for the assembly and control of the assembly unit.

6.2.3 EMSE, which are part of a product of a higher hierarchy level, it is recommended to include in the model of this product as independent models, placing them in the EMSE coordinate system of a higher hierarchy level and specifying the location data.

6.2.4 The organization of the entry levels of the components included in the EMSE of the final product must be necessary and sufficient for the rational organization of production (assembly and control) of products.

6.2.5 EMSE should contain the parameters and requirements that must be fulfilled or controlled by it *:

a) the position numbers of the components included in the product;

b) installation, connecting and other necessary reference dimensions;

c) technical characteristics of the product (if necessary);

d) indications of the nature of the pairing of EMSE elements and methods for its implementation, if the accuracy of the pairing is ensured not by the specified limit deviations of dimensions, but by selection, fitting, etc.;

e) instructions on the implementation of permanent joints (welded, soldered, etc.). In the EMSE of single-piece production, it is allowed to indicate data on the preparation of edges for under (permanent joints (welding, soldering, etc.).

6.2.6 In EMSE, it is allowed to include models of border (neighboring) products ("environments"), observing the dimensions that determine their relative position.

Mounting and connecting dimensions required for linking with other products must be specified with maximum deviations*.

6.2.7 All components of the assembly unit are numbered. Position numbers must correspond to those specified in the specification and / or electronic structure of the product of this assembly unit *.

6.2.8 It is allowed to execute the documentation for the assembly unit only in the form of EMSE. In this case, EMSE provides additional data necessary for the manufacture of parts (surface roughness, shape deviations, etc.).

6.2.9 If during the assembly of the product for its adjustment, adjustment, compensation, the components are selected, then in EMSE they are included in one (main) of the possible applications that provide the nominal parameters.

The technical requirements contain the necessary instructions for the installation of such "selected" parts. The wording of the instructions is in accordance with GOST 2.109.

6.2.10 If, after assembling the product for the period of its storage and (or) transportation, it is required to install protective temporary parts (lid, plug, etc.), these parts are included in the EMSE as they should be installed during storage and transportation. If protective temporary parts for the period of storage and transportation should be installed instead of any devices or mechanisms removed from the product, then their EMD is included in the EMSE, and the relevant instructions are placed in the technical requirements *.

6.3 Electronic layout

6.3.1 EMC is a kind of EMR (EMSE) and is designed to assess the interaction of the components of the modeled product or the product as a whole with elements of the production and / or operational environment.

6.3.2 EMC is developed at the design stages, is not intended for the manufacture of products according to them, and, as a rule, does not contain data for manufacturing and assembly.

6.3.3 As a rule, EMC is performed on the basis of EMSE using multimedia technologies that show the dynamics of movement and the extreme positions of moving, extendable or folding parts, levers, carriages, hinged covers, etc.

6.3.4 EMC should be performed, as a rule, with simplifications corresponding to the objectives of its development. The detail of the EMC should be sufficient to give a comprehensive idea of ​​the external outlines of the product, the positions of its protruding parts (levers, flywheels, handles, buttons, etc.), the elements that must be constantly in sight (for example, scales), the location of the elements of communication of the product with other products.

6.3.5 If necessary, it is allowed to provide data on the operation of the product and the interaction of its parts. These data are entered in the annotation part of the EMC. It is also acceptable to link to an (electronic) text document (usually a PP).

6.3.6 It is allowed not to show elements that protrude beyond the main contour by a small amount compared to the dimensions of the product.

6.3.7 It is allowed to include parts and assembly units that are not part of the product (“environment”) in the EMC, observing their relative position.

6.3.8 The accuracy of the construction of the EMC should be necessary and sufficient to determine the overall dimensions of the product, the mounting and connecting dimensions and, if necessary, the dimensions that determine the position of the protruding parts.

Annex A

Creating a drawing of a part according to GOST

a) Creating a frontal projection of the part (front view) (Fig. 1)

    create a document Drawing;

    fill in the title block: Insert / Title block, or double-click in the title block field;

    enter in the field Names parts - Hull, in the field cipher- group number, grade book number separated by a dot, in the field Developed– your last name;

    activate the panel Geometry, select Rectangle and build a rectangle with axes 50 high and 120 mm wide;

    select Auxiliary lines/ Parallel lines and from the vertical center line, create two parallel lines at a distance of 25 mm;

    similarly create an auxiliary line 12 mm above the horizontal line of the base;

    select Continuous entry of objects and build the contour of the part (Fig. 2);

    to remove unnecessary segments, activate the panel Editing, select Truncate Curve, also delete the horizontal centerline;

    build two pairs of auxiliary lines parallel to the vertical axis at a distance of 8 and 15 mm, also build an auxiliary line parallel to the top line of the contour and 20 mm below it;

    by using Continuous input of objects draw a contour of the central holes;

    remove auxiliary lines;

    create chamfers: panel Geometry / chamfers; install Length 1.6 mm Corner 45 0 (fig.4)

    complete the missing lines (Fig. 5)

    To build mounting holes, build two auxiliary straight lines at a distance of 45 mm from the center line;

    build mounting holes similarly to the central ones, diameter 8 mm, depth 12 mm, width 1.6 mm, angle 45 0;

    apply hatching: Geometry/ Hatching; style-metal, color black, step - 3 mm, angle - 45 0, specify with the mouse the areas that need to be shaded (Fig. 6)

b) Creating a horizontal projection of the part (top view) (Fig. 1)

    to create this projection, you need to use projection links; select vertical auxiliary line and build lines (Fig. 7)

    build rectangle height 50 and width 120 mm (with axles);

    in order to show the location of the mounting holes, build two parallel to the horizontal center line auxiliary straight at a distance of 12 mm (Fig. 8);

    using auxiliary straight, build a fixing hole out of two circles and a boss (Fig. 9);

    To create flats on the boss parallel to the horizontal centerline, draw two auxiliary straight at a distance of 20 mm, using segment draw flats and remove extra segments (command Editing/ Truncate Curve) (Fig. 10);

    select the mounting hole and use Editing / Symmetry build a hole symmetrical about the horizontal axis;

    in the same way, select both mounting holes and build two holes symmetrical about the vertical axis (Fig. 11);

    remove extra auxiliary lines;

    create center holes (Fig. 12);

c) Preparation of the drawing for use in the production process of manufacturing the part.

    put down the required dimensions (Fig. 1);

    build a section line on the horizontal projection (Fig. 1): activate the panel Notation, click cutting line. Since the cut is complex, use on the panel properties button Complex cut.

    edit the relative position of dimension and section designations;

    enter the incision designation on the frontal projection: Symbols / Text. In order for the program to automatically insert the designation of the section of the horizontal projection, right-click in the field Text and from the opened context menu select Insert link, in the dialog box Link the designation of the created section is displayed and press OK.

    set in the window properties to designate a section, font size 7;

    mark the shape tolerance on the frontal projection, which sets the parallelism of the upper part of the base of the part relative to the lower one: Designations / Base. Fix the position of the designation of the base surface (Fig. 14);

    set the form tolerance field: Symbols / Shape tolerance(fig.1 ) . In the window properties click on the Text field to open the window Enter text and right-click from the context menu select Insert special character. In the Special sign window, select Tolerances of shape and location of surfaces / Tolerance of location / Tolerance of parallelism.

    to set the arrow, click in the window properties press the button Add a branch with an arrow;

    Next, you need to put down the designation of the surface roughness: Symbols / Roughness. In the window properties click in the Text field and enter the roughness parameters Ra 1,6. Specify surface line (bottom base) .

    enter the designation of the roughness of the remaining surfaces: Insert / Unspecified roughness. Leave the sign type as default, roughness value 12.5.

    enter Specifications: Insert/ Specifications / Input.