The mystery of the appearance of a UFO at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has been revealed. The mystery of a huge UFO lying at the bottom of the Baltic Sea remains unsolved Mysterious structure at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

A mysterious object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has delighted many experts. Everyone hastened to study the impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions have been put forward, but what the object actually is is still not clear.

Baltic UFO ( "Baltic UFO"), or Baltic anomaly ( "Baltic Anomaly") - this is what world news agencies call a strange round object, next to which until recently an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindbergh And Dennis Asberg. It has not yet been possible to understand what exactly is there at a depth of 87 meters. But the most unexpected assumptions that experts make after viewing underwater footage appear. One of the latest is the discovery of a secret structure from the Second World War, with the help of which the Germans fought against Soviet and British submarines.

But why does it have such a shape - in the form of a “flying saucer”?

"Baltic UFO" discovered at the end of July last year by the same Swedes who are now exploring it. An object with a diameter of about 60 meters appeared in a sonar image of the bottom.

- In 18 years of professional activity, I have not seen anything like this, - Lindbergh was amazed then.

In fact, the object was striking in its regular geometric shapes, resembling both the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars and some kind of architectural structure like the English Stonehenge. Some even believed that at the bottom lay one of the fascist “flying saucers”, rumors about which were circulating very persistently.

The expedition was organized only this year. And the very first close-up shots of the object showed that it was unlikely that it had ever risen into the air. It looks like this is not a “flying saucer”, but rather some kind of structure. Although a depressed stripe and furrows about 300 meters long run sideways from the “Baltic UFO”. Like a trace from an emergency landing.

- The object looks like a mushroom cap, - said one of the scuba divers-researchers Stefan Hogeborn. - It rises 4 meters above the bottom. At the top of the “mushroom” there is an oval hole, around it there are strange “scorches”: formations similar to hearths, covered with soot.

Three expeditions involving divers to the anomaly last summer discovered mysterious features that to this day defy conventional explanation.

Long corridors with vertical walls, strange corner depressions, an abnormal "radio" signal above the object, separation between the disk-shaped object itself and the elevated seafloor on which it lies, strange temperatures and compass deviations, superheated organic materials on samples obtained for testing, not not to mention at least one significant circular hole on the surface leading into an object that still remains unexplored today.

Artist Hauke ​​VAGT has provided a revised and updated image of what the anomaly looks like in full. You see this image at the beginning of the post.

The first sample to be studied was a rock removed from the surface of the object.
The results of these tests showed that the stone was basalt with traces of burnt organic material.

The Weizmann Institute and the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University conducted research on this specimen.

In the report, the scientists said they were puzzled by the discovered material, which "is likely to be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a ship accident, as in this case."

Professional diver Stefan Hogenborn, who studies various anomalies, says that as soon as divers found themselves directly above this unknown object, cameras and satellite phones immediately failed. As soon as they sail a certain distance, all the equipment immediately starts working.

“All electrical devices refuse to work, but as soon as you move 200 meters away, everything immediately starts working again,” he says.

The Swedish team notes that there are 985 feet of dug-out path leading to this site. but how this object got here in the first place is unclear.

Diver Peter Lindbergh says that he is the biggest skeptic on the team when it comes to various incredible theories, and he also has no explanation for this event. “I was prepared for the fact that we would find some kind of huge stone, or a wash of mud, or something similar, but I didn’t even expect what we saw.

Another team member Denis Asberg I'm sure they discovered something completely unique. "Maybe it's a meteorite or an asteroid or something like that. Or maybe it's a sunken Cold War submarine. What if it's a UFO," he says.

The team managed to take several photographs, but no one can say for sure what it is and how the object got there.

But there is such a version...

Professor of Geology from Stockholm University Volker Bruchert believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia - between Finland and Sweden - is most likely of geological origin As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of a glacier passing through this territory. Which later, having melted, marked the beginning of the formation of the sea.

The professor studied rock samples collected at the site where the mysterious object was discovered. And he told Life's Little Mysteries that the samples given to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt - a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that the basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new seas.

According to the professor, the northern part of the Baltic seabed was influenced by these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of melting glaciers. And what has acquired an unusual shape is understandable. Huge ice masses contained rock fragments. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they were found at the end of the Ice Age. Often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers.”

A mysterious object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has delighted many experts. Everyone hastened to study the impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions have been put forward, but what the object actually is is still not clear.

Baltic UFO ("Baltic UFO"), or Baltic anomaly ("Baltic Anomaly") - this is what world news agencies call a strange round object, next to which until recently an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindbergh and Dennis Asberg worked. It has not yet been possible to understand what exactly is there at a depth of 87 meters. But the most unexpected assumptions that experts make after viewing underwater footage appear. One of the latest is the discovery of a secret structure from the Second World War, with the help of which the Germans fought against Soviet and British submarines.

But why does it have such a shape - in the form of a “flying saucer”?

Photo 2.

Let us remind you that the “Baltic UFO” was discovered at the end of July last year by the same Swedes who are now exploring it. An object with a diameter of about 60 meters appeared in a sonar image of the bottom.

“In 18 years of professional activity, I have never seen anything like this,” Lindbergh was amazed at the time.

In fact, the object was striking in its regular geometric shapes, resembling both the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars and some kind of architectural structure like the English Stonehenge. Some even believed that at the bottom lay one of the fascist “flying saucers”, rumors about which were circulating very persistently.

Photo 3.

The expedition was organized only this year. And the very first close-up shots of the object showed that it was unlikely that it had ever risen into the air. It looks like this is not a “flying saucer”, but rather some kind of structure. Although a depressed stripe and furrows about 300 meters long run sideways from the “Baltic UFO”. Like a trace from an emergency landing.

The object looks like a mushroom cap, said one of the scuba divers and researchers, Stefan Hogeborn. - It rises 4 meters above the bottom. At the top of the “mushroom” there is an oval hole, around it there are strange “scorches”: formations similar to hearths, covered with soot.

Photo 4.

Photo 6.

Three expeditions involving divers to the anomaly last summer discovered mysterious features that to this day defy conventional explanation.

Long corridors with vertical walls, strange corner depressions, an abnormal "radio" signal above the object, separation between the disk-shaped object itself and the elevated seafloor on which it lies, strange temperatures and compass deviations, superheated organic materials on samples obtained for testing, not not to mention at least one significant circular hole on the surface leading into an object that still remains unexplored today.

Artist Hauke ​​VAGT has provided a revised and updated image of what the anomaly looks like in full. You see this image at the beginning of the post.

Photo 7.

The first sample to be studied was a rock removed from the surface of the object.
The results of these tests showed that the stone was basalt with traces of burnt organic material.

The Weizmann Institute and the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University conducted research on this specimen.

In the report, the scientists said they were puzzled by the discovered material, which "is likely to be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a ship accident, as in this case."

Photo 8.

Professional diver Stefan Hogenborn, who studies various anomalies, says that as soon as divers found themselves directly above this unknown object, cameras and satellite phones immediately failed. As soon as they sail a certain distance, all the equipment immediately starts working.

“All electrical devices refuse to work, but as soon as you move 200 meters away, everything immediately starts working again,” he says.

The Swedish team notes that there are 985 feet of dug-out path leading to this site. but how this object got here in the first place is unclear.

Photo 9.

Diver Peter Lindbergh says he is the biggest skeptic on the team when it comes to the wild theories, and he also has no explanation for the event. “I was prepared for the fact that we would find some kind of huge stone, or a wash of mud, or something similar, but I didn’t even expect what we saw.

Another team member, Denis Asberg, is confident that they have discovered something completely unique. "Maybe it's a meteorite or an asteroid or something like that. Or maybe it's a sunken Cold War submarine. What if it's a UFO," he says.

The team managed to take several photographs, but no one can say for sure what it is and how the object got there.

But there is such a version...

Photo 10.

Professor of geology from Stockholm University Volker Bruchert believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia - between Finland and Sweden - is most likely of geological origin As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of a glacier passing through this territory. Which later, having melted, marked the beginning of the formation of the sea.

The professor studied rock samples collected at the site where the mysterious object was discovered. And he told Life's Little Mysteries that the samples given to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt - a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that the basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new seas.

Photo 5.

According to the professor, the northern part of the Baltic seabed was influenced by these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of melting glaciers. And what has acquired an unusual shape is understandable. Huge ice masses contained rock fragments. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they were found at the end of the Ice Age. Often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers.”

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Anomaly of the Baltic Sea May 1st, 2016

A mysterious object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has delighted many experts. Everyone hastened to study the impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions have been put forward, but what the object actually is is still not clear.

Baltic UFO ("Baltic UFO"), or Baltic anomaly ("Baltic Anomaly") - this is what world news agencies call a strange round object, next to which until recently an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindbergh and Dennis Asberg worked. It has not yet been possible to understand what exactly is there at a depth of 87 meters. But the most unexpected assumptions that experts make after viewing underwater footage appear. One of the latest is the discovery of a secret structure from the Second World War, with the help of which the Germans fought against Soviet and British submarines.

But why does it have such a shape - in the form of a “flying saucer”?

Photo 2.

Let us remind you that the “Baltic UFO” was discovered at the end of July last year by the same Swedes who are now exploring it. An object with a diameter of about 60 meters appeared in a sonar image of the bottom.

“In 18 years of professional activity, I have never seen anything like this,” Lindbergh was amazed at the time.

In fact, the object was striking in its regular geometric shapes, resembling both the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars and some kind of architectural structure like the English Stonehenge. Some even believed that at the bottom lay one of the fascist “flying saucers”, rumors about which were circulating very persistently.

Photo 3.

The expedition was organized only this year. And the very first close-up shots of the object showed that it was unlikely that it had ever risen into the air. It looks like this is not a “flying saucer”, but rather some kind of structure. Although a depressed stripe and furrows about 300 meters long run sideways from the “Baltic UFO”. Like a trace from an emergency landing.

The object looks like a mushroom cap, said one of the scuba divers and researchers, Stefan Hogeborn. - It rises 4 meters above the bottom. At the top of the “mushroom” there is an oval hole, around it there are strange “scorches”: formations similar to hearths, covered with soot.

Photo 4.

Photo 6.

Three expeditions involving divers to the anomaly last summer discovered mysterious features that to this day defy conventional explanation.

Long corridors with vertical walls, strange corner depressions, an abnormal "radio" signal above the object, separation between the disk-shaped object itself and the elevated seafloor on which it lies, strange temperatures and compass deviations, superheated organic materials on samples obtained for testing, not not to mention at least one significant circular hole on the surface leading into an object that still remains unexplored today.

Artist Hauke ​​VAGT has provided a revised and updated image of what the anomaly looks like in full. You see this image at the beginning of the post.

Photo 7.

The first sample to be studied was a rock removed from the surface of the object.
The results of these tests showed that the stone was basalt with traces of burnt organic material.

The Weizmann Institute and the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University conducted research on this specimen.

In the report, the scientists said they were puzzled by the discovered material, which "is likely to be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a ship accident, as in this case."

Photo 8.

Professional diver Stefan Hogenborn, who studies various anomalies, says that as soon as divers found themselves directly above this unknown object, cameras and satellite phones immediately failed. As soon as they sail a certain distance, all the equipment immediately starts working.

“All electrical devices refuse to work, but as soon as you move 200 meters away, everything immediately starts working again,” he says.

The Swedish team notes that there are 985 feet of dug-out path leading to this site. but how this object got here in the first place is unclear.

Photo 9.

Diver Peter Lindbergh says he is the biggest skeptic on the team when it comes to the wild theories, and he also has no explanation for the event. “I was prepared for the fact that we would find some kind of huge stone, or a wash of mud, or something similar, but I didn’t even expect what we saw.

Another team member, Denis Asberg, is confident that they have discovered something completely unique. "Maybe it's a meteorite or an asteroid or something like that. Or maybe it's a sunken Cold War submarine. What if it's a UFO," he says.

The team managed to take several photographs, but no one can say for sure what it is and how the object got there.

But there is such a version...

Photo 10.

Professor of geology from Stockholm University Volker Bruchert believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia - between Finland and Sweden - is most likely of geological origin As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of a glacier passing through this territory. Which later, having melted, marked the beginning of the formation of the sea.

The professor studied rock samples collected at the site where the mysterious object was discovered. And he told Life's Little Mysteries that the samples given to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt - a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that the basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new seas.

Photo 5.

According to the professor, the northern part of the Baltic seabed was influenced by these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of melting glaciers. And what has acquired an unusual shape is understandable. Huge ice masses contained rock fragments. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they were found at the end of the Ice Age. Often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers.”

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Baltic UFO (“Baltic UFO”), or Baltic anomaly (“Baltic anomaly”) - this is what world news agencies call a strange round object, next to which until recently an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindbergh and Dennis Asberg worked. It has not yet been possible to understand what exactly is there at a depth of 87 meters. But the most unexpected assumptions that experts make after viewing underwater footage appear. One of the latest is the discovery of a secret structure from the Second World War, with the help of which the Germans fought against Soviet and British submarines. But why does it have such a shape - in the form of a “flying saucer”?

Let us remind you that the “Baltic UFO” was discovered at the end of July last year by the same Swedes who are now exploring it. An object with a diameter of about 60 meters appeared in a sonar image of the bottom.

In 18 years of professional activity, I have never seen anything like this,” Lindbergh was amazed then.

In fact, the object was striking in its regular geometric shapes, resembling both the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars and some kind of architectural structure like the English Stonehenge. Some even believed that at the bottom lay one of the fascist “flying saucers”, rumors about which were circulating very persistently.

The expedition was organized only this year. And the very first close-up shots of the object showed that it was unlikely that it had ever risen into the air. It looks like this is not a “flying saucer”, but rather some kind of structure. Although a depressed stripe and furrows about 300 meters long run sideways from the “Baltic UFO”. Like a trace from an emergency landing.

The object looks like a mushroom cap, said one of the scuba divers and researchers, Stefan Hogeborn. - It rises 4 meters above the bottom. At the top of the “mushroom” there is an oval hole, around it there are strange “scorches”: formations similar to hearths, covered with soot.

And today, it seems, the mystery of the “mushroom” has been solved. Professor of geology from Stockholm University Volker Bruchert believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia - between Finland and Sweden - is most likely of geological origin As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of a glacier passing through this territory. Which later, having melted, marked the beginning of the formation of the sea.

The professor studied rock samples collected at the site where the mysterious object was discovered. And he told the publication that the samples given to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt - a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that the basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new sea.

According to the professor, the northern part of the Baltic seabed was influenced by these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of melting glaciers. And what has acquired an unusual shape is understandable. Huge ice masses contained rock fragments. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they were found at the end of the Ice Age. Often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers.”

A mysterious object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has delighted many experts. Everyone hastened to study the impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions have been put forward, but what the object actually is is still not clear.

Baltic UFO ("Baltic UFO"), or Baltic anomaly ("Baltic Anomaly") - this is what world news agencies call a strange round object, next to which until recently an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindbergh and Dennis Asberg worked. It has not yet been possible to understand what exactly is there at a depth of 87 meters. But the most unexpected assumptions that experts make after viewing underwater footage appear. One of the latest is the discovery of a secret structure from the Second World War, with the help of which the Germans fought against Soviet and British submarines.

But why does it have such a shape - in the form of a “flying saucer”?

Let us remind you that the “Baltic UFO” was discovered at the end of July last year by the same Swedes who are now exploring it. An object with a diameter of about 60 meters appeared in a sonar image of the bottom.

“In 18 years of professional activity, I have never seen anything like this,” Lindbergh was amazed then.

In fact, the object was striking in its regular geometric shapes, resembling both the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars and some kind of architectural structure like the English Stonehenge. Some even believed that at the bottom lay one of the fascist “flying saucers”, rumors about which were circulating very persistently.

The expedition was organized only this year. And the very first close-up shots of the object showed that it was unlikely that it had ever risen into the air. It looks like this is not a “flying saucer”, but rather some kind of structure. Although a depressed stripe and furrows about 300 meters long run sideways from the “Baltic UFO”. Like a trace from an emergency landing.

“The object looks like a mushroom cap,” said one of the research scuba divers, Stefan Hogeborn. - It rises 4 meters above the bottom. At the top of the “mushroom” there is an oval hole, around it there are strange “scorches”: formations similar to hearths, covered with soot.

Three expeditions involving divers to the anomaly last summer discovered mysterious features that to this day defy conventional explanation.

Long corridors with vertical walls, strange corner depressions, an abnormal "radio" signal above the object, separation between the disk-shaped object itself and the elevated seafloor on which it lies, strange temperatures and compass deviations, superheated organic materials on samples obtained for testing, not not to mention at least one significant circular hole on the surface leading into an object that still remains unexplored today.

Artist Hauke ​​VAGT has provided a revised and updated image of what the anomaly looks like in full. You see this image at the beginning of the post.

The first sample to be studied was a rock removed from the surface of the object.

The results of these tests showed that the stone was basalt with traces of burnt organic material.

The Weizmann Institute and the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University conducted research on this specimen.

In the report, the scientists said they were puzzled by the discovered material, which "is likely to be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a ship accident, as in this case."

Professional diver Stefan Hogenborn, who studies various anomalies, says that as soon as divers found themselves directly above this unknown object, cameras and satellite phones immediately failed. As soon as they sail a certain distance, all the equipment immediately starts working.

“All electrical devices refuse to work, but as soon as you move 200 meters away, everything immediately starts working again,” he says.

The Swedish team notes that there are 985 feet of dug-out path leading to this site. but how this object got here in the first place is unclear.

Diver Peter Lindbergh says he is the biggest skeptic on the team when it comes to the wild theories, and he also has no explanation for the event. “I was prepared for the fact that we would find some kind of huge stone, or a wash of mud, or something similar, but I didn’t even expect what we saw.

Another team member, Denis Asberg, is confident that they have discovered something completely unique. "Maybe it's a meteorite or an asteroid or something like that. Or maybe it's a sunken Cold War submarine. What if it's a UFO," he says.

The team managed to take several photographs, but no one can say for sure what it is and how the object got there.

But there is such a version...

Professor of geology from Stockholm University Volker Bruchert believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia - between Finland and Sweden - is most likely of geological origin As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of a glacier passing through this territory. Which later, having melted, marked the beginning of the formation of the sea.

The professor studied rock samples collected at the site where the mysterious object was discovered. And he told Life's Little Mysteries that the samples given to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt - a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that the basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new seas.