When and why did the first states appear? Where did the first states appear? Which state appeared first? The oldest countries One of the most ancient states on earth.

It has been established that the most ancient states of the world were formed approximately six thousand years ago, and most of them disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving at best their names in memory of their descendants. But among them there are also those who, passing through the centuries, were able to adapt to constantly changing realities at all historical stages and, thus, survive to this day.

Regarding where and when the world's first civilization arose, researchers do not have a consensus, but most of them agree that, most likely, it was the state of Sumer. Formed at the end of the 4th century BC in the region of Southern Mesopotamia (Southern Iraq) and existing for more than two thousand years, it disappeared from the historical scene, leaving many monuments of its culture discovered during excavations. Like many other ancient states of the world, it collapsed under the onslaught of conquerors.

At the dawn of civilization, states, as a rule, occupied very small territories and did not have a large population. It is known, for example, that in the middle of the fourth millennium BC there were more than forty of them in the Nile Valley alone. The center of each of them was a fortified city, which housed the residence of the ruler and the temple of the most revered local deity.

Survival of the fittest

The ancient states of the world waged a constant struggle for survival, since there were few fertile lands, and there were many applicants for their possession. As a result, endless wars broke out, in which the local ruler acted as leader, and, if successful, supervised irrigation work. Slave labor was used little, since, due to the primitiveness of the weapons, it was dangerous to keep a large number of prisoners. They were usually killed, leaving only women and teenagers.

Formation of the state of Ancient Egypt

The picture changed at the beginning of the fourth millennium BC, when the most successful of the local kings, who went down in history under the name of Pharaoh Mines, managed to subjugate several neighboring peoples. The names of the states of the Ancient World that were part of the new kingdom remained mostly unknown, but they gave rise to a great civilization, which modern Egyptologists call the Early Kingdom.

Of all the existing states, Egypt is considered the most ancient. Its history goes back about forty centuries and is divided by researchers into several stages, each of which has its own characteristics of government and economic development. This unique culture of the country of the pharaohs enriched the world with many forms of art, which then spread to other continents.

Armenia, which came from time immemorial

The first states of the Ancient World, which have survived to this day, for the most part had a completely different ethnic composition of the population compared to what exists today. An example of this is Armenia, which has a history of two and a half thousand years, but, according to a number of researchers, arose much earlier and originated from the ancient kingdom of Arme-Shubria, which existed back in the 12th century BC.

In those years, it was a complex conglomerate of small but independent states and peoples, constantly replacing each other. As a result of a long historical journey, the Armenian nation was formed on their basis. The very name of this state in its modern sound was first mentioned in one of the documents dating back to 522 BC. There, Armenia is described as a region subordinate to Persia and located on the territory of the ancient state of Urartu, which had disappeared by that time.

Ancient Iranian state

Another ancient state in the world is Iran. Regarding the period of its origin, scientists agree that it was formed from the state of Elam, which existed in the same territory five thousand years ago and is mentioned in the Bible. In the 7th century BC, the Iranian state significantly expanded its territory, strengthened economically and transformed into the powerful and warlike Kingdom of Media, which in size exceeded the territory of present-day Iran. Its military potential was so great that over time the Medes were able to defeat the hitherto invincible Assyrians and subjugate their surrounding neighbors.

Iran, like many ancient states of the world, paved its way into the future with fire and sword. In the oldest monument of ancient Iranian literature, the Avesta, it is called the “country of the Aryans.” The tribes that later made up the bulk moved to it from the northern regions of the Caucasus and the steppes of Central Asia. Having quickly assimilated the local non-Aryan peoples, they were able to establish control over the entire territory of the country without much difficulty.

Civilization of Ancient China

When listing the states of the Ancient World that were most adapted to the vicissitudes of history, one cannot help but recall China. According to scientists of this vast eastern country, civilization on its territory arose no later than five thousand years ago, although a number of written monuments indicate a slightly younger age - three thousand six hundred years. It was during this period, marked by the reign, that a strict administrative system was founded in the country, constantly improving and covering all aspects of society.

The natural conditions of China, which developed in the basin of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers, were extremely conducive to the development of agriculture, thus determining the agrarian nature of its economy. Other neighboring states of the Ancient World were located in mountainous and steppe regions unsuitable for arable farming.

From the moment of its inception, China pursued an active aggressive policy, which, with sufficient economic potential, allowed it to significantly increase its already vast territory. It is widely known how high the level of science and culture was in Ancient China. Suffice it to mention that already in the 11th century BC its inhabitants used the lunar calendar and knew the basics of hieroglyphic writing. Around the same period, a regular army, created on a professional basis, appeared in the country.

Cradle of European civilization

This title rightfully belongs to Greece. It is known that about five thousand years ago the island of Crete became the birthplace of a unique culture, which over time spread to the mainland. On it, for the first time, the foundations of statehood were formed, trade and diplomatic relations were established, and writing in its modern form and the foundations of legislation were born.

The state and law of the Ancient World reached the highest point of their development on the coast of the Aegean Sea, where in the first millennium BC a civilization that was advanced at that time developed. It was a fairly developed state structure, built on a model and having at its disposal a developed bureaucratic apparatus. The influence of Greece in a short time spread to vast areas of the Northern Black Sea region, Southern Italy and

Despite the fact that historically the name Hellas belongs to Ancient Greece, today the inhabitants of this country extend it to the modern state, thereby emphasizing the connection with the great culture of which they are the heirs.

A country born on the islands

And at the end of the article, it is appropriate to recall another, this time an island state that came to our world from ancient times - Japan. In 661 BC, the reign of her first began. He began his activities by establishing control over the entire archipelago, which he achieved not so much by force of arms as by thoughtful diplomacy.

Japan has gone through a unique path in its development. While states associated with wars appeared on the world stage and then disappeared without a trace, the Land of the Rising Sun for many centuries managed to avoid any serious political and social upheavals. Undoubtedly, this was largely facilitated by the geographical isolation of the state. In particular, it was she who saved the country from the Mongol invasion, which at one time swept over a significant part of Asia.

A country that has preserved itself through the centuries

Japan is the only country where the dynastic continuity of imperial power has been maintained for two and a half millennia, and the outlines of its borders have remained virtually unchanged. This allows us to consider it the most ancient country, preserved almost in its original form, since other ancient states of the world, even those who managed to overcome a centuries-old path, repeatedly changed their political appearance.

The first states appeared about 6,000 years ago, but not all of them were able to survive to this day. Some have disappeared forever, others only have their names left, but there are also those that have retained their connection with the Ancient World.


The history of Armenian statehood goes back about 2,500 years, although its origins should be sought even deeper - in the kingdom of Arme-Shubria (XII century BC), which, according to historian Boris Piotrovsky, at the turn of the 7th and 6th centuries BC. e. turned into a Scythian-Armenian association.
Ancient Armenia is a motley conglomerate of kingdoms and states that existed simultaneously or succeeded one another. Tabal, Melid, the Mush kingdom, the Hurrian, Luwian and Urartian states - the descendants of their inhabitants eventually merged with the Armenian people.

The term “Armenia” is first found in the Behistun Inscription (521 BC) of the king of Persia, Darius I, who so designated the Persian satrapy on the territory of the disappeared Urartu. Later, in the valley of the Araks River, the Ararat kingdom arose, which served as the basis for the formation of three others - Sophen, Lesser Armenia and Greater Armenia. From about the 3rd century BC. e. the center of political and cultural life of the Armenian people moves to the Ararat Valley.


The history of Iran is one of the most ancient and eventful. Based on written sources, scientists suggest that Iran is at least 5,000 years old. However, in Iranian history they include such a proto-state formation as Elam, located in the southwest of modern Iran and mentioned in the Bible.

The first most significant Iranian state was the Median kingdom, founded in the 7th century BC. e. During its heyday, the Median kingdom was significantly larger than the ethnographic region of modern Iran, Media. In the Avesta this region was called the “Country of the Aryans.”

The Iranian-speaking tribes of the Medes, according to one version, moved here from Central Asia, according to another - from the North Caucasus and gradually assimilated the local non-Aryan tribes. The Medes very quickly settled throughout western Iran and established control over it. Over time, having grown stronger, they were able to defeat the Assyrian Empire.
The beginnings of the Medes were continued by the Persian Empire, spreading its influence over vast territories from Greece to India.


According to Chinese scientists, Chinese civilization is about 5,000 years old. But written sources speak of a slightly younger age - 3600 years. This is the beginning of the Shang Dynasty. Then a system of administrative management was laid down, which was developed and improved by successive dynasties.
Chinese civilization developed in the basin of two large rivers - the Yellow River and the Yangtze, which determined its agricultural character. It was developed agriculture that distinguished China from its neighbors, who lived in less favorable steppe and mountainous regions.

The state of the Shang dynasty pursued a fairly active military policy, which allowed it to expand its territories to the limits that included the modern Chinese provinces of Henan and Shanxi.
By the 11th century BC, the Chinese were already using a lunar calendar and had invented the first examples of hieroglyphic writing. At the same time, a professional army was formed in China, using bronze weapons and war chariots.


Greece has every reason to be considered the cradle of European civilization. About 5,000 years ago, the Minoan culture arose on the island of Crete, which later spread to the mainland through the Greeks. It was on the island that the beginnings of statehood were indicated, in particular, the first writing appeared, and diplomatic and trade relations with the East emerged.

Appeared at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. Aegean civilization already fully demonstrates state formations. Thus, the first states in the Aegean Sea basin - in Crete and the Peloponnese - were built according to the type of eastern despotism with a developed bureaucratic apparatus. Ancient Greece grew rapidly and spread its influence to the Northern Black Sea region, Asia Minor and Southern Italy.
Ancient Greece is often called Hellas, but local residents extend the self-name to the modern state. It is important for them to emphasize the historical connection with that era and culture, which essentially shaped the entire European civilization.


At the turn of the 4th-3rd millennium BC, several dozen cities of the upper and lower Nile were united under the rule of two rulers. From this moment the 5000-year history of Egypt begins.
Soon a war broke out between Upper and Lower Egypt, which resulted in the victory of the king of Upper Egypt. Under the rule of the pharaoh, a strong state is formed here, gradually spreading its influence to neighboring lands.
The 27-century dynastic period of Ancient Egypt is the golden time of ancient Egyptian civilization. A clear administrative and management structure is being formed in the state, advanced technologies for that time are being developed, and art and architecture are rising to unattainable heights.
Over the past centuries, a lot has changed in Egypt - religion, language, culture. The Arab conquest of the country of the pharaohs radically turned the vector of development of the state. However, it is the ancient Egyptian heritage that is the hallmark of modern Egypt.


The first mention of Ancient Japan is contained in Chinese historical chronicles of the 1st century AD. e. In particular, it says that there were 100 small countries in the archipelago, 30 of which established relations with China.
The reign of the first Japanese Emperor Jimmu supposedly began in 660 BC. e. It was he who wanted to establish power over the entire archipelago. However, some historians consider Jimma a semi-legendary person.
Japan is a unique country, which, unlike Europe and the Middle East, has developed for many centuries without any serious social and political upheavals. This is largely due to its geographical isolation, which, in particular, protected Japan from the Mongol invasion.
If we take into account the dynastic continuity that has been uninterrupted for more than 2.5 thousand years and the absence of fundamental changes in the country’s borders, Japan can be called a state with the most ancient origins.

6 most ancient states in the world

The first states appeared about 6,000 years ago, but not all of them were able to survive to this day. Some have disappeared forever, while others only have their names left. Let us note 6 states that, to one degree or another, have retained connections with the Ancient World. 1. Armenia

Armenia can rightfully be called one of the most ancient states in the world, if not the most ancient. The history of Armenian statehood goes back about 2,500 years, although its origins should be sought even deeper - in the kingdom of Arme-Shubria (XII century BC), which, according to historian Boris Piotrovsky, at the turn of the 7th and 6th centuries BC. e. turned into a Scythian-Armenian association. Ancient Armenia is a motley conglomerate of kingdoms and states that existed simultaneously or succeeded one another. The Armenian presence in Asia Minor has lasted for about 20,000 - 30,000 years. Tabal, Melid, the Mush kingdom, the Hurrian, Luwian and Urartian states - the descendants of their inhabitants eventually merged with the Armenian people. The term “Armenia” is first found in the Behistun Inscription (521 BC) of the king of Persia, Darius I, who so designated the Persian satrapy on the territory of the disappeared Urartu. Later, in the valley of the Araks River, the Ararat kingdom arose, which served as the basis for the formation of three others - Sophen, Lesser Armenia and Greater Armenia. From about the 3rd century BC. e. the center of political and cultural life of the Armenian people moves to the Ararat Valley.

2. Iran

The history of Iran is one of the most ancient and eventful. Based on written sources, scientists suggest that Iran is at least 5,000 years old. However, in Iranian history they include such a proto-state formation as Elam, located in the southwest of modern Iran and mentioned in the Bible. The first most significant Iranian state was the Median kingdom, founded in the 7th century BC. e. During its heyday, the Median kingdom was significantly larger than the ethnographic region of modern Iran, Media. In the Avesta this region was called the “Country of the Aryans.” The Iranian-speaking tribes of the Medes, according to one version, moved here from Central Asia, according to another - from the North Caucasus and gradually assimilated the local non-Aryan tribes. The Medes very quickly settled throughout western Iran and established control over it. Over time, having grown stronger, they were able to defeat the Assyrian Empire. The beginnings of the Medes were continued by the Persian Empire, spreading its influence over vast territories from Greece to India.

3. China

According to Chinese scientists, Chinese civilization is about 5,000 years old. But written sources speak of a slightly younger age - 3600 years. This is the beginning of the Shang Dynasty. Then a system of administrative management was laid down, which was developed and improved by successive dynasties. Chinese civilization developed in the basin of two large rivers - the Yellow River and the Yangtze, which determined its agricultural character. It was developed agriculture that distinguished China from its neighbors, who lived in less favorable steppe and mountainous regions. The state of the Shang dynasty pursued a fairly active military policy, which allowed it to expand its territories to the limits that included the modern Chinese provinces of Henan and Shanxi. By the 11th century BC, the Chinese were already using a lunar calendar and had invented the first examples of hieroglyphic writing. At the same time, a professional army was formed in China, using bronze weapons and war chariots.

4. Greece

Greece has every reason to be considered the cradle of European civilization. About 5,000 years ago, the Minoan culture arose on the island of Crete, which later spread to the mainland through the Greeks. It was on the island that the beginnings of statehood were indicated, in particular, the first writing appeared, and diplomatic and trade relations with the East emerged. Appeared at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. Aegean civilization already fully demonstrates state formations. Thus, the first states in the Aegean Sea basin - in Crete and the Peloponnese - were built according to the type of eastern despotism with a developed bureaucratic apparatus. Ancient Greece grew rapidly and spread its influence to the Northern Black Sea region, Asia Minor and Southern Italy. Ancient Greece is often called Hellas, but local residents extend the self-name to the modern state. It is important for them to emphasize the historical connection with that era and culture, which essentially shaped the entire European civilization.

5. Egypt

At the turn of the 4th-3rd millennium BC, several dozen cities of the upper and lower Nile were united under the rule of two rulers. From this moment the 5000-year history of Egypt begins. Soon a war broke out between Upper and Lower Egypt, which resulted in the victory of the king of Upper Egypt. Under the rule of the pharaoh, a strong state is formed here, gradually spreading its influence to neighboring lands. The 27-century dynastic period of Ancient Egypt is the golden time of ancient Egyptian civilization. A clear administrative and management structure is being formed in the state, advanced technologies for that time are being developed, and art and architecture are rising to unattainable heights. Over the past centuries, a lot has changed in Egypt - religion, language, culture. The Arab conquest of the country of the pharaohs radically turned the vector of development of the state. However, it is the ancient Egyptian heritage that is the hallmark of modern Egypt.

6. Japan

The first mention of Ancient Japan is contained in Chinese historical chronicles of the 1st century AD. e. In particular, it says that there were 100 small countries in the archipelago, 30 of which established relations with China. The reign of the first Japanese Emperor Jimmu supposedly began in 660 BC. e. It was he who wanted to establish power over the entire archipelago. However, some historians consider Jimma a semi-legendary person. Japan is a unique country, which, unlike Europe and the Middle East, has developed for many centuries without any serious social and political upheavals. This is largely due to its geographical isolation, which, in particular, protected Japan from the Mongol invasion. If we take into account the dynastic continuity that has been uninterrupted for more than 2.5 thousand years and the absence of fundamental changes in the country’s borders, Japan can be called a state with the most ancient origins.

The history of some countries and peoples began thousands of years ago. Not all states that arose in ancient times have survived to this day. There are now other national state entities on their territory. For example, the area of ​​modern Iraq was once part of the vast Assyrian Empire. This region is known in scientific literature as Northern Mesopotamia. Assyria existed for almost 2 thousand years - from the 14th century. until the beginning of the 7th century. BC. Then the empire was captured by Media and Babylonia, which began to create their own states on the ruins of Assyria. The ancestors of the Assyrians now live in a variety of countries, including Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

Great and powerful in ancient times was Babylonia(Babylonian Kingdom), which arose in the 2nd millennium BC. The kingdom lasted until 539 BC, falling under the onslaught of the Persians. Now the ruins of ancient Babylonian cities, monuments, and houses are found in the south of Iraq, which is known as the Mesopotamia region. It was here, on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, that two powerful states of Sumer and Akkad arose. Nowadays it is the territory of Iran, Iraq, part of Turkey and Syria.

Countries can be considered ancient according to various criteria, but scientists always take into account such criteria as the presence of their own territory, language, symbols, and the acquisition of independence. Based on this, the dwarf state of San Marino, founded in 301, cannot be included in the list of ancient countries. It received actual sovereignty from Italy only three centuries later. Thus, states on Earth appeared a very long time ago, approximately six thousand years ago. Traces of many of them have been lost, but the memory of them comes through mythology, fairy tales, and traditions of other peoples. Let's look at countries with ancient history.

12. Bulgaria, 632 AD

On the territory of the modern Bulgarian Republic there was a state Great Bulgaria. It was located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula, where tribes of Proto-Bulgarians settled in the 5th-7th centuries. Their statehood arose in 632, when the first information about Great Bulgaria began to appear in the chronicles. Its capital was the city Phanagoria, and the ruler is Khan Kurbat, reigned until 671. It was he who founded the first state Bulgarian association, which disintegrated after his death, but in its place arose the powerful Bulgarian kingdom.

11. Japan, 250 AD

A beautiful legend is associated with the emergence of the state of Yamato (modern Japan). It says that the Land of the Rising Sun appeared in 660 BC, thanks to the efforts of a man named Jimmu. He is considered the first ruler - the emperor of the country.

But it is documented that on the Japanese Islands in the 3rd century. AD there were 30 state associations. The most powerful of them was Yamato or Yamatai, which arose in 250 and lasted until 538. This period in the history of ancient Japan is called Kofun - from the culture of the unique Kofun mounds.

10. Armenia, 190 BC

The full name of the state is Greater Armenia, information about which can be found in the records of Greek historians and travelers, Persian cuneiform tablets, and maps of ancient states. The country covered the area from the Caspian Sea to Palestine.

Armenia arose as a result of the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great. The neighbors of Greater Armenia were two other Armenian entities - Sophene and Lesser Armenia.

9. Georgia, 229 BC

In the sources you can find the name of the country as Iberia. State associations began to appear in the mountains of modern Georgia at the turn of 3-2 thousand BC. All kingdoms were included in the Colchis kingdom, which was located in the east of the Black Sea. The peak of power came under the reign of King Farnavaz, who was engaged in an active policy of conquest, constantly annexing new territories.

8. South and North Korea, 300 BC

In ancient times, the Korean Peninsula and neighboring islands were the territory of one state, which was called Chin. By 300 AD. The tribal association of Koreans began to acquire all the features of a centralized state. Historians believe that it was Chin. Thus began the history of Korean statehood, which took on new forms after the end of World War II. The allies - the USA and the USSR - divided the territory of the peninsula into two parts, which caused the formation of two modern countries - South and North Korea.

7. Sri Lanka, 377 BC

The local population calls their homeland the Blessed Land, where the first human settlements began to appear as early as 4-3 thousand (Neolithic). Later, Aryan tribes arrived on the island and taught the aborigines metallurgy, navigation and writing. The formation of statehood began in 247 BC, when Buddhism began to spread in Sri Lanka. By 377 B.C. A Kingdom arose on the island, the capital of which was in Anuradhapura.

6. Sudan, 1070 BC

The northeast coast of Africa has been inhabited by primitive people since ancient times. In 1070 BC. in the north of modern Sudan the Meroitic kingdom appeared or Kush, which lasted until 350 BC.

It was a developed state that pursued a colonial policy, subjugating neighboring tribes and countries. Archaeologists have found many temples, observatories, hospitals, and sculptures on the territory of ancient Kush, which indicates the existence of a highly developed civilization in the kingdom.

5. China, 1600 BC

Civilization in China arose a very long time ago, and dates back about 3.5 thousand years. This is confirmed by numerous sources, archaeological excavations and artifacts. For many centuries, proto-states existed in East Asia, whose populations were engaged in irrigated agriculture. The ability to create a complex system of watering fields, strict administrative control, and the spread of Confucianism, which became the ideology and mentality of the Chinese, created the conditions for the formation of a state.

Only by 1600 BC was it possible to form the first centralized Shan-Yin association, which lasted until 1027 BC. Then came a period of long internecine wars, the end of which came only by 221 BC. Emperor Qin Shi Huang conquered all tribes and states, creating the powerful Qin Empire. In area it was equal to the territory of modern China.

4. Vietnam, 2897 BC

The country, which is located on the Indochina Peninsula, was formed much earlier than China and Sudan. The Viet tribes, who lived from ancient times on the banks of the Red River, by 2897 BC. were united into a single state called Wanglang.

In the 3rd century. BC, immediately after the formation of the Qin Empire, the Vietnamese were captured by the Chinese. This was followed by centuries of persistent struggle for independence. In the 19th century Vanlang's territory was taken over by France, which granted sovereignty to its colony in 1954.

3. Egypt, approximately 3000 BC

The civilization of ancient Egypt arose on the banks of the Nile thousands of years ago. Residents of the river banks were able to calculate the correct ebb and flow regime of the Nile in order to create a unique irrigation system for growing wheat and other crops. By 3000 B.C. Pharaoh Mines began to gradually unite Lower and Upper Egypt, as a result of which the Early Egyptian Kingdom arose. On its basis, the statehood of Egypt began to develop.

2. Iran, 3200 BC

In southwest Asia, the first Iranian state of Elam appeared in the 4th century BC. (3200 year). The country covered such modern provinces of Iran as Lurestan and Khuzestan, the capital was in the city of Susa. On the basis of the Elamite state, the powerful empire of Darius the First arose - Persia, which occupied the territory from the Indus River to modern Greece and Libya.

1. Greece, 5000 thousand years BC.

On the island of Crete in the 6th century. BC. The Minoan civilization arises, whose representatives gradually began to populate mainland Greece. By the end of 3 thousand BC. a developed Aegean civilization was formed here. A distinctive feature of Greek statehood was the presence of many city-policies (states), which were governed by the people, had their own bureaucracy, and elected positions in the city administration. The common name for all Greek city-states was Hellas, which is why the culture and heritage of the Greeks is often called Hellenistic.

Today there are more than 250 countries in the world. But only 193 are members of the UN, while the rest have an unclear status. Many states have recently gained independence, while others are just on the path to gaining sovereignty. At the same time, historians clearly know the dates of the appearance of the youngest countries, and when the ancient and first such formations arose is hidden by a thick layer of thousand-year-old dust. Even the method of birth of countries is difficult to determine. After all, every nation has its own myths and legends about the timing of the emergence of the state.

For example, the legends of San Marino say that in 301, a member of one of the first Christian communities created a refuge for himself on the top of Monte Titano. Since then, the statehood of the small country has been counted. However, we can talk about the independence of this settlement only from the 6th century, when Italy broke up into many independent states.

Japanese legends say that the country was founded back in 660 BC, but history knows about the first state on the island - Yamato. It appeared in 250-538. Ancient Greece was one of the first civilizations and became the cradle of modern culture, science and philosophy. However, the country received complete independence in its modern form only in 1821, having left the Ottoman Empire.

That is why, to compile such a rating, those forms of social organization that correspond to the modern features of the state were taken into account. It must be truly independent, have its own territory, language and state symbols. Our list contains those states that exist on the modern world map.

Elam, 3200 BC e. (Iran). This modern state is located in southwest Asia. The Islamic Republic of Iran appeared on the political map of the planet on April 1, 1979 during the Islamic Revolution. However, the history of statehood of this country is one of the most ancient in the world. For centuries, the states located here played a key role in the East. The country first appeared on the territory of Iran back in 3200 BC, it was called Elam. The resulting Persian Empire extended from Greece and Libya to the Indus River. In the Middle Ages, Persia was a powerful, influential state.

Egypt, 3000 BC e. This is the most ancient state on the planet, whose history is rich in interesting facts. The mysterious and mysterious country of the pharaohs became home to many types and forms of art, which then spread throughout Europe and Asia. It was from here that ancient aesthetics originated, which formed the basis of all modern arts. Egypt is the largest country in the Arab East; it is one of the centers of political and cultural life in the region. For tourists, the country is a real Mecca. Egypt's location is unique - it is located at the junction of three continents - Africa, Europe and Asia. Here two worlds collide - Christian and Islamic. Egypt appeared on the site of a mysterious and powerful ancient civilization, the history of which dates back centuries and millennia. A state appeared here back in 3000 BC, when Pharaoh Mines united several lands and created a new country. Egyptologists dubbed it the Early Kingdom. Traces of that era have come to us in the form of the Great Egyptian Pyramids, the mysterious Sphinxes and the impressive temples of the pharaohs.

Wanglang, 2897 BC e. (Vietnam). This country is located in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina Peninsula. The name of the state consists of two words, translated as “the country of the Vietnamese in the South.” The Viet civilization appeared in the Red River basin. Legends say that the people descended from a dragon and a fairy bird. The first state on the territory of present-day Vietnam appeared back in 2897 BC. For a long time, Vietnam was part of China. Since the mid-19th century, the country was a French colony. It was only in the summer of 1954 that Vietnam gained independence.

Shang-Yin, 1600 BC e. (China). China is located in East Asia and is the largest country in the world by population. It is home to more than 1.3 billion people. In terms of area, China is second only to Russia and Canada. The local civilization is one of the oldest in the world. Chinese scientists claim that it is more than five thousand years old. But written sources only testify to a 3,500-year history. A system of administrative management has long been established in China. New and new dynasties of rulers only improved it. Thus, the Chinese state with an economy based on developed agriculture gained an advantage over its more backward neighbors, the nomads and mountaineers. The country further strengthened with the introduction of Confucianism as a state ideology in the 1st century BC, as well as a unified writing system a century earlier. From 1600 to 1207 BC. On the territory of what is now China, the state of Shang-Yin existed. This is the first state formation in these places, the history of which is actually confirmed by both archaeological finds and narrative, epigraphic written evidence. In 221 BC. Emperor Qin Shi Huang managed to unite all Chinese lands, creating the Qin Empire. Its borders roughly correspond to modern China.

Kush, 1070 BC e. (Sudan). The area of ​​the modern state of Sudan, located in northeast Africa, is comparable to the entire Western Europe. The country's population is 29.5 million people. The country is located in the middle reaches of the Nile, on the plains, plateaus and adjacent coast of the Red Sea surrounding the great river. In the northern part of modern Sudan from 1070 to 350 BC. There was an ancient state of Kush, or the Meroitic kingdom. The remains of temples, sculptures of its kings and gods speak about this state. It is believed that astronomy, medicine and writing were already developed in Kush at that time.

Sri Lanka, 377 BC e. The name of this island state translates as Blessed Land. The country is located in South Asia near the southeast coast of India. The history of human life here dates back to the Neolithic; the first settlements discovered here date back to this period. Written history dates back to the arrival of the Aryans from India. They gave the local population the first knowledge of metallurgy, navigation and writing. In 247 BC. Buddhism appeared on the island, which had an important influence on the formation of the country and the political system. Even earlier, in 377 BC. The first kingdom appeared in Sri Lanka, the capital of which was located in the ancient city of Anuradhapura.

Chin, 300 BC. e. (Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea). Korea is the name given to the geographical territory that is based on the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands. All of them are united by cultural and historical heritage. But once it was a single state. When Japan was defeated in World War II in 1945, Korea, a former colony, was artificially divided into two parts of responsibility. North of the 38th parallel lay the Soviet one, and to the south - the American one. On the territory of these fragments, two countries appeared in 1948 - the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north and the Republic of Korea in the south. Local legends say that the first Korean state was created by the son of a celestial and a bear woman, Tangun, which happened back in 2333 BC. Scientists consider the earliest stage of Korean history to be the period of the Ko Joseon state. Modern historians still believe that the date is 2333 BC. is greatly exaggerated, since no documents confirm it. And it appeared on the basis of Korean chronicles that arose already in the Middle Ages. At the beginning of its existence, Ancient Joseon was a union of tribes, the country existed in the form of separate independent city-states. Only in 300 BC. a centralized state emerged. At the same time, the proto-state Chin appeared in the south of the state.

Iberia, 299 BC e. (Georgia). Modern Georgia appears to be a young and dynamically developing independent state that has almost completely gotten rid of the Soviet legacy. The history of statehood here originates deep in antiquity. Georgia is one of the places where the most ancient monuments of our civilization were found. Historians believe that the first countries appeared on the territory of Georgia 4-5 thousand years ago. The kingdom of Colchis was located on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, and Iberia was located on the territory of modern Georgia. In 299, the legendary king Pharnavaz I came to power in this country. During the reign of him and his descendants, Iberia became a powerful state, subjugating significant lands. And in the 9th century, a new united country appeared on the territory of Georgia. Its ruler was a king from the Bagrationi dynasty.

Greater Armenia, 190 BC. e. (Armenia). For the first time, the existence of this country is mentioned in the cuneiform writings of the king of Persia, Darius I. He reigned in 522-486 BC. Herodotus and Xenophon (5th century BC) also testify to Armenia. Ancient historians and geographers marked this state on maps along with Persia, Syria and other ancient countries. When the empire of Alexander the Great collapsed, three Armenian kingdoms appeared in place of its ruins - Greater Armenia, Lesser Armenia and Sophene. The first of them turned out to be a fairly large state that united lands from Palestine to the Caspian Sea. The country appeared in 190 BC; scientists consider it to be the first in history to exist on the territory of modern Armenia.

Yamato, 250 (Japan). Japan is an important island state in East Asia. It is located on the lands of the Japanese Pacific archipelago, numbering 6852 islands. Local legends say that back in 660 BC. Emperor Jimmu founded the Land of the Rising Sun, becoming its first ruler. The first written evidence of the existence of ancient Japan as a single state is found in the historical chronicles of the 1st century Chinese Han Empire. The code of the Wei Empire already in the 3rd century speaks of 30 countries on the territory of the Japanese Islands, the most powerful of which is Yamatai. Legends say that Queen Himiko ruled there using her magic. During the Kofun period from 250 to 358, the Yamato state appeared in Japan, apparently a confederal state. This era is called “Kofun” due to the Kurgan culture of the same name. It has been common in Japan for five centuries. For example, the Daisenryo mound became the tomb for Emperor Nintoku in the 5th century.

Great Bulgaria, 632 (Bulgaria). This country is located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula, in Southeast Europe. There is evidence that such a union of peoples as Great Bulgaria existed on the territory of the state. It included the tribes of the Proto-Bulgarians and existed in the steppes of the Black Sea region and Azov for several decades from 632 to 671. The capital of this country was the city of Phanagoria, and it was founded by Khan Kubrat, who became the first ruler. This is how the history of Bulgaria as a state began.