Classic tarot spreads. Tarot Shop! Buy classic tarot! Interpretation of mini tarot cards classic

Classical, or full, the deck includes 22 major arcana, 56 minor arcana and 2 white cards. Since various combinations of Tarot cards are used during fortune telling, you can come across such concepts as “Tarot decks”. So, there are decks called abbreviated, that is, consisting only of a reduced number of cards relative to the full deck. The most common types of decks are:
- older- consisting of the major arcana.
- younger- consisting of the minor arcana.
- minor truncated- consisting of the minor arcana, equivalent to a 36-card playing deck.

Note: Gypsy fortune telling uses a 36-card deck of playing cards, but in essence it is a minor truncated Tarot deck.


The terms “major” (major, major, etc.) and “minor” (minor, minor, etc.) arcana were introduced by the French occultist Paul Christian. The images, names and assigned meanings of the arcana in each Tarot deck are different and can be completely different. Various occult schools have also developed various systems for numbering the major arcana, their astrological, alphabetical and other “esoteric” correspondences. Representatives of individual schools may argue about whose system is “traditional” or “correct.”

Major Arcana

Major (or great) arcana. These include 22 cards, each of which has its own original name. In the classic (most common) version, the trump cards have names: “Fool” (“Jester”), “Mage”, “Priestess”, “Empress”, “Emperor”, “Hierophant” (“High Priest”), “Lovers” (“ Choice"), "Chariot", "Justice" ("Justice"), "The Hermit", "Wheel of Fortune", "Strength", "The Hanged Man", "Death", "Temperance" ("Time"), "The Devil" , “Tower”, “Star”, “Moon”, “Sun”, “Last Judgment” (“Judgment”), “World”.

A special role in the group of major arcana is played by a card, in Russian most often called “Fool”, “Madman” or “Jester”. In card games with Tarot decks, it plays the role of a joker and most often either has no number at all or has the number 0. The placement of the “Fool” in the sequence of other major arcana is an important point in many occult teachings that use the Tarot as a symbolic base.

Historians who study this issue believe that the trumps (Major Arcana) of the Tarot were created and added to the deck in Italy no earlier than the mid-15th century. The significance of the Tarot in the esoteric tradition began to emerge in the 18th century, when Cour de Gébelin published The Primitive World, in which he stated that the Tarot had its origins in the Egyptian tradition. Although playing cards came to Italy (the birthplace of the Tarot) from the Islamic East and may have more ancient Indian or Chinese origins [ ] . And the senior arcana of the Tarot owe their origin to knowledge from ancient times; they contain ancient Egyptian, ancient Indian and other symbolism [ ] .

Minor Arcana

The remaining 56 cards, the minor arcana, are divided into four suits:

  • wands (sticks, staves, scepters)
  • swords (spears, sabers)
  • bowls, cups
  • pentacles, coins (discs, denarii)

Thus, the deck contains 14 cards of each suit. Of these, 4 cards are figured cards, or the so-called “court cards” (“court cards”), which depict people:

  • king (Pharaoh, Knight)
  • Queen (Dame, Sibyl)
  • prince (knight, cavalier, horseman)
  • page (princess, jack, messenger).

The remaining 10 cards of the suit are point cards, that is, they have values ​​from 1 point to 10. Single-point cards are called aces.

The suits of the Minor Arcana correspond to the suits of European playing cards: Wands (Scepters, Staves, etc.) - clubs, Cups (Cups) - hearts, Swords - spades, Coins (Denarii, Circles, Pentacles, etc.) - diamonds. This is the most common [ Where?] correspondence system, although there are other options.

Description and interpretation of cards

Major Arcana
Ill. Name Description and meaning Keywords
The Fool
le Fou (le Mât/il Matto)
der Narr
Egypt- Crocodile
The card shows a man dressed as a jester, holding a rose in his hand. He has a stick slung over his shoulder, from which hangs a bag embroidered with witchcraft symbols. He, looking at the sky, steps towards an invisible cliff, from which the little dog unsuccessfully tries to hold him back. archetype- Child, Naive Fool;
task- unbiased perception of new things, learning through play;
target- joy of life, accumulation of experience “playfully”;
risk- remain uncouth, inept, frivolous, stupid, no plans in the head;
feeling of life- entrepreneurial spirit, the habit of trusting instinct, amazing openness, unclouded joy of life, curiosity, the desire to experience everything for yourself, carelessness, carelessness
I Mage
The Magician (The Mountebank)
le Magicien (le Bateleur)
der Magier (der Gaukler)
The card shows a magician in a loose dress with a raised hand holding a magic wand. Above his head is an infinity symbol, two snakes biting each other's tails form his belt. Plants bloom at his feet, and in front of him lie four objects (personification of the suits of the minor arcana): a rod, a cup, a sword and a denarius. archetype- Creator, Master;
task- activity, initiative, incentive, problem setting and solution;
target- mastery, self-realization, knowledge;
risk- fall into delusions of grandeur, into dreams of omnipotence, into charlatanism;
feeling of life- self-confidence, huge potential, power
II High Priestess
The High Priestess (Popess)
la Papesse
die Hohepriesterin
Egypt- Sanctuary Gate
The priestess sits on a throne between two columns (black and white), on which the Hebrew letters Yod and Beit, denoting the Sun and Moon (with which Solomon decorated the columns in the Temple), can be affixed. The priestess is wearing the papal tiara and holding a scroll. Also depicted are a crescent moon, cut pomegranate fruits, and water flowing below. archetype- Queen of Heaven;
task- patient waiting for an impulse (from outside or inside), a single moment, readiness for perception, the essence of an echo;
target- intuitive confidence, deep understanding, insight, awareness of vision, anticipation of developments;
risk- escape from reality, self-deception, indecision are possible;
feeling of life- the ability to let everything go its own way, trust in the supreme leadership, inspiration in a state of abstract consciousness.
III Empress
The Empress
die Herrscherin
Egypt- Isis
The Empress sits in a chair in the middle of the garden, surrounded by flowers and cereals. A river flows through the garden. At the foot of the chair there may be a heart-shaped shield decorated with the sign of the planet Venus. On her head the Empress wears a crown with 12 stars, which represent the signs of the zodiac. archetype- Mother (Mother Nature);
task- fertility, birth of a new one;
target- vitality, growth, cyclical renewal, life affirmation;
risk- wildness and inconstancy are possible;
feeling of life- entry into a fertile field, joy of life, knowledge of cycles, trust in the fullness of being.
IV Emperor
The Emperor
l'Empereur (l'Auctoritas)
der Herrscher
Egypt- Throne
The Emperor sits tensely on a simple throne of stone. Around him are bald mountains and a red sky, which symbolize the planet Mars. The throne can be decorated with rams' heads (sign of Aries, house of Mars). This card in the major arcana opens the circle of the zodiac. archetype- Father (fatherland);
task- consistent implementation of ideas, intentions and, perhaps, long-cherished aspirations, perseverance;
target- creating and ensuring order and security, structure, restraint;
risk- possible stubbornness, pedantry, inertia, inflexibility;
feeling of life- consciousness of responsibility, the ability not to lose the red thread, realism, sobriety.
V High priest
Priest, Pope
High Priest
The Pope (The Hierophant)
le Papeder
Hierophant (Papst)
Egypt- Lord of the Arcana
A man in church vestments sits on a throne. His hands are raised in a blessing gesture. Red roses and white lilies may be depicted. archetype- Saint;
task- attention to the visible and the invisible, search for the essence target;
target- finding the quintessence, essence and path;
risk- become a saint, a reasoner, a “great guru”;
feeling of life- support thanks to faith in providence, knowledge of the essence of things.
VI Lovers
The Lovers
die Liebenden
Egypt - Two ways
Adam and Eve are depicted naked in the Garden of Eden. A blessing angel hovers above them. Behind the foremother is the Tree of Knowledge, behind Adam is the Tree of Life. Sometimes the serpent is depicted as a symbol of temptation. In some versions of the Tarot, three figures are depicted - a young man and two girls, an innocent one and a seductive one. archetype- Choice, “knight at the crossroads”;
task, - a choice at the behest of the heart, a decision made with all the soul;
target- irrevocable determination to follow a given path, to be with a given person, to complete a given task;
risk- overestimate your strength, go into daydreams;
feeling of life- “heart, how good it is to live in the world!”, willingness and ability to choose.
VII Cart
The Chariot
le Chariot
der Wagen
A charioteer is depicted on a chariot. He is wearing armor and gloves. In some versions, the cart may be harnessed to the symbols of the evangelists (bull, lion, eagle and angel, as in Merkabah); two sphinxes (sad and joyful). There is a canopy (starry sky) above the driver's head, and the cart is decorated with images of stars and the symbol of a lingam with wings. archetype- Entering the world, Breakthrough;
task- removing contradictions, searching for something new;
target- understanding the world, penetrating its secrets, accomplishing great things, preparing for an important leap forward;
risk- bravado, “the madness of the brave,” inability to restrain oneself;
feeling of life- optimism, thirst for work, openness, self-awareness, growing up.
VIII Justice
The Justice
la Justice
Egypt - Balance and sword
The daughter of Themis, the goddess Dike, is depicted. This is a woman in a simple outfit, she has a sword in one hand and scales in the other. There are columns on either side of her and a curtain behind her. There may be a crown on the head. archetype- Mind;
task- awareness of existing laws, the ability to make reasonable, balanced judgments, civil courage;
target- responsibility, objectivity, fair play, balance, gaining experience;
risk- tyranny, infallibility, prejudice, desire to judge, intrigue;
feeling of life- you reap what you sow, play fairly - and they will play with you fairly; before you decide - think.
IX Hermit
Old man
The Hermit
der Eremit
Egypt - Inner Light
A man in monastic robes is depicted standing on the top of a mountain. He holds in his hand a lantern in which a star is burning, and with his other hand he leans on a staff of gold. archetype- Wise old man;
task- withdrawal from affairs, even within oneself, worthy seriousness, reflection, internal composure;
target- know yourself, protect yourself from external influences, create your own value system, be yourself;
risk- become a loner, withdraw into yourself, become embittered;
feeling of life- clarity and unambiguity, inner peace, finding oneself and being true to oneself.
X Wheel of Fate
Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune
la Roue de Fortune
Rad des Schicksals
Egypt - Sphinx
In the middle there is a wheel decorated with writing. These are four Hebrew letters (Tetragrammaton Yod-He-Vav-He) and four Latin letters (TORA or TARO, if read backwards). There are also alchemical symbols for mercury, sulfur, water and salt. In the corners are the symbols of the evangelists (eagle, lion, bull and angel). There is also one of the snakes from the Magician's belt, one of the Sphinxes from the Cart, and Hermanubis (winged demon). In other versions, instead of them are the monkey king Hanuman, the cat goddess Bast and the monster Typhon. On ancient decks you can see images of people chained to a wheel. archetype- Vocation, Oracle Prediction;
task- awareness of the higher Law, acceptance of the task;
target- transformation of the lower into the higher, fulfillment of a life task, achievement of integrity;
risk- fatalism, incorrect understanding of one’s task;
feeling of life- lessons and experiences that allow us to gain integrity, although at first we really don’t like them.
XI Force
The Force
la Force
die Kraft
Usually depicts a woman playing with a lion. On her head she has a wreath of flowers, another wreath is a belt. An infinity symbol may be placed above the head. archetype- taming the beast;
task- acceptance of your life with joy, courage and “involvement” in what is happening;
target- love of life, sacred passion, meeting one’s own desires and wild impulses;
risk- become a hybrid, harden, harden;
feeling of life- feel the fullness of life, joyfully “getting involved” in everything, but if necessary, showing your claws.
XII Hanged
The Hanged Man (The Traitor)
le Pendu (le Traitre)
der Gehängte
Egypt - Victim
A young man is depicted suspended by his leg from a T-shaped cross. His hands are tied behind his back, his left leg is thrown over his right, and his face is calm. archetype- Trial;
task- turn, comprehension and willingness to sacrifice something;
target- growth in depth;
risk- “get stuck”, fall into a vicious circle;
feeling of life- I’m hopelessly stuck in a problem, in the wrong place, in a crisis, I’m in my own way, I’m leading a meaningless life, I’m exhausted; “exam” for humility and patience.
XIII Death
The Death
la Mort
der Tod
A skeleton (on foot or on horseback) in a cassock or armor is depicted. He may be surrounded by people whom he takes with him - a rich man and a poor man, an old man and a child, a warrior and a bishop. Death is holding a scythe, a bow and arrows, or a black banner depicting a white flower with five petals. In the background is the Lethe River, with a boat near its shore. The sun is setting on the horizon. archetype- Death;
task- farewell, descent into the underworld, departure, completion, denouement;
target- liberation, overcoming the ego, breaking down barriers, deep transformation;
risk- freeze with fear, stumble and fall into the abyss;
feeling of life- the play is over, the plot is exhausted; the desire for peace, for restoration of strength; saying goodbye to something.
XIV Moderation
The Temperance
la Tempérance
Die Mäßigkeit
Egypt - Two vessels
A woman is depicted holding two cups or jugs in her hands. Water flows from one to another, this symbolizes the cycle of energy in the Universe. The woman has two wings behind her shoulders, since she is the angel of time, the Solar genius. The decoration on the chest is a triangle enclosed in a square. This is a symbol of spirit hidden in matter. Usually stands on the bank of a river or on water and does not cast a shadow. archetype- Angel, guide of souls;
task- trust in the supreme leadership, find your true measure;
target- unmistakable inner confidence, achieving middle ground and integrity, patience;
risk- follow a false suggestion, mediocrity;
feeling of life- help from some powerful force, harmony, freedom, health.
XV Devil
The Devil
le Diable
der Teufel
Egypt - Typhon.
A huge tailed devil with wings is depicted. An inverted pentagram may be drawn between the horns, and a torch is held in the hand. In ancient maps, the torso may end in the "second person". Sits on a stone to which a man and a woman are chained (Adam and Eve from the Lovers card). archetype- Enemy;
task- overcoming internal inconsistency, getting to know your shadow, previously unknown sides, realizing them, removing projections;
target- understanding one’s own mistakes, discovering previously unknown sides in oneself, liberation from envy;
risk- to fall victim to one’s own shadow, to return to the old, to fall into immoderation, lust, passion for the struggle for power.
XVI . archetype- Liberation;
task- breaking down the framework that has become tight, overcoming everything that is outdated, outdated, overcoming “black and white” thinking, “exploding a bomb”;
target- liberation from authoritarian internal images and imposed ideas, a breakthrough to freedom;
risk- fail, become broken;
feeling of life- a phase of drastic changes, uncertainty and unexpected liberation will help you break out of captivity.
The Star
les Etoiles
der Stern
Usually a woman is depicted kneeling on one knee near the water. She has two jugs in her hands, from which water is pouring down. There is a beautiful landscape around her, a bird is sitting on a tree. One large and seven small stars are visible in the sky, each with eight rays. The woman's feet do not touch the ground, and she does not cast a shadow. archetype- Wisdom;
task- hope, vision of the future;
target- understanding of higher relationships, familiarization with the wisdom of the Cosmos;
risk- lost control over the present in search of the future, chasing fireflies;
feeling of life- faith in the future, a feeling of renewal, a surge of strength.
The Moon
la Lune
der Mond
Egypt - Dusk
The Moon is depicted, which illuminates the earth and the river. A dog and a wolf howl at it; a crayfish or fish may be depicted in the river. From the river to the horizon there is a path that runs between two stone pillars. They separate this world from the other world. This card, corresponding to the sign of Pisces, completes the cycle of zodiac signs. archetype- Night, Beginning of dawn;
task- change of direction, carefully overcoming the threshold of fear, the main thing is not to get lost or get lost;
target- return to the light;
risk- get lost in a maze, lose target, give in to fear;
feeling of life- wandering, uncertainty, nightmares, fears, melancholy.
The Sun
le Soleil
die Sonne
The Sun is depicted above a peaceful landscape; below, one or more children may be depicted playing against the backdrop of a stone wall. archetype- Dawn, Morning dawn;
task- genuine reconciliation;
target- revival, understanding and awareness of the need to be modest;
risk- become a banal reasoner;
feeling of life- calmness, joy of life, the ability not to create problems for yourself, lightness and non-obsession.
XX Court
The Judgment (The Angel)
le Jugement (Dernièr)
das Gericht
Egypt - Resurrection from the Dead
The approach of the Last Judgment is depicted. An angel trumpets above, graves open below, from which the dead rise. archetype- Miracle of transformation;
task- healing, liberation;
target- The rescue;
risk- turn out to be a charlatan;
feeling of life- freedom, mental and physical health, peace in the soul.
XXI World
The World
le Monde (le Chaos)
die Welt
Egypt - Crown of magicians.
A circle is depicted, symbolizing the harmony of the Universe. It may depict the Earth with mountains and forests, cities, or an androgyne dancing against the sky. The androgyne holds a rod (or two rods) in his hand. The circle can be formed by a wreath or garlands of flowers. There may be symbols of evangelists in the corners of the map. archetype- Newfound paradise;
task- come to the goal, find your purpose;
target- take your place, do your job, be yourself;
feeling of life- peace, a feeling of deep satisfaction.

In the modern world, purchasing a deck of Tarot cards is not difficult. After all, you can buy this mysterious thing not only in specialized stores of magical attributes, but also in almost any bookstore. But before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of Tarot and choose the deck that will be convenient to work with.

Waite Tarot - the most popular and practical deck

The most practical and popular is the Waite Tarot deck. A characteristic feature of the attribute is that there are drawings with the plot on both the Minor and Major Arcana. For this reason, the Rider Waite Tarot is used as the basis for Tarot training courses.

The origin story of the Waite Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite was not only a researcher and translator, but also the creator of several dozen books about the occult. He also wrote biographies of famous mystics and magicians. And in 1909, esotericist Edward Waite created his own unique deck of Tarot cards. The name of the deck comes from the name of the ideological instigator Arthur Edward Waite, the publisher Williams Ryder and the American artist Pamela Colman Smith.

It is worth noting that Pamela Colman Smith was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, a talented artist and a woman with magical abilities.

For this reason, Arthur chose her to create illustrations for a deck of Tarot cards. The drawings were made in a simple style, but her individuality lies in the fact that she selected the background favorably and successfully imparted emotions to the depicted faces. And after publication, the classic tarot deck gained momentum in popularity.

On the front of the box there is an image of a boy releasing a dove, and on the back there is an image of the Queen of Pentacles.

Tarot cards are divided into the Minor and Major Arcana

The minor arcana are divided into suits:

  • Swords suit;
  • Cups suit;
  • suit of Pentacles;
  • suit of Wands.

Major Arcana

When doing fortune telling, the major arcana of the Waite Tarot give a description of significant events and serious turns in the fate of the person for whom the alignment is being made. Moreover, they reveal the very essence and causes of circumstances.

By getting to the root cause of events, a person can influence what is happening and prevent some unpleasant moments.

For this reason, if the client wants to find out about serious events in life, then the fortuneteller uses a shortened deck during fortune telling, consisting only of the major arcana.

List of Major Arcana

Fool, buffoon. Mage Priestess. Empress. Emperor. Priest. Lovers. Chariot. Force. Hermit. Wheel of Fortune. Justice. Hanged. Death. Moderation. Devil. Tower. Star. Moon. Sun. Court. World. Suit of Swords


Swords are the most dangerous and powerful suit of all that exist. It symbolizes power that is directed for one's own benefit. It also reflects evil and self-interest.

Swords - Minor Arcana, reminding that there can be no victory without defeat

Even during fortune telling, the suit of Swords symbolizes our plans and can warn of approaching dangers, scandals, quarrels and defeat in business. It is worth noting that this suit not only describes our thoughts, but also fully reveals their essence. Also, the minor arcana indicate decisive action and victory, but also remind us that there cannot be victory without defeat. And what is a victory for one is a defeat for another.

The swords include two groups of amrahs with 7 cards in one group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Swords "Victory".
  2. Two of Swords “Ready to fight.”
  3. Three of Swords “Heart Wound.”
  4. Four of Swords "Calm".
  5. Five of Swords “Defeat”.
  6. Six of Swords “Difficulties are behind us.”
  7. Seven of Swords “Cunning”.

Group two:

  1. Eight of Swords “Powerlessness”.
  2. Nine of Swords "Suffering".
  3. Ten of Swords “Loss”.
  4. Page of Swords “Dangerous Encounters.”
  5. Knight of Swords "Ally".
  6. Queen of Swords “High Patronage.”
  7. King of Swords "Power".

Cups suit


The meaning of the cards in the suit of cups is a symbol of strong experiences and other human feelings. Cups denote not only love feelings, but also such strong emotions as:

  • excitement;
  • happiness;
  • disappointment;
  • anger;
  • sincerity;
  • jealousy;
  • oppression.

The suit of Cups is also called Cups. In regular cards, Cups represent the suit Hearts.

The cups include amrahs which are also divided into two groups, with 7 cards in each group

Group one:

  1. Ace of Cups “Ideal Feelings.”
  2. Two of Cups “Mutual Love”.
  3. Three of Cups "Holiday".
  4. Four of Cups “Satiation”.
  5. Five of Cups “Regret”.
  6. Six of Cups “Sincerity”.
  7. Seven of Cups “Temptations and Dreams.”

Group two:

  1. Eight of Cups “Searching for a new path.”
  2. Nine of Cups “Fulfillment of desires.”
  3. Ten of Cups “Family Happiness”.
  4. Page of Cups “Imagination and Dreams.”
  5. Knight of Cups “Power of Feelings.”
  6. Queen of Cups "Harmony of the Soul".
  7. King of Cups “Stability of feelings.”

Suit of Pentacles


In Waite's tarot card layouts, Pentacles indicate financial needs and feelings. The description also suggests that the person has everything under control: both relationships and career. But do not forget that the spectrum of meaning of the cards of Pentacles is large. In addition, the Pentacle cards symbolize:

Pentacles cards can talk about sexual relationships

  • poverty, wealth;
  • intimate relationships;
  • family and Children;
  • career growth.

The suit of Pentacles also has another name - Denarii. In a deck of playing cards, it matches the suit of Diamonds.

The suit of Pentacles includes two groups of amrahs of 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Pentacles “At the pinnacle of success.”
  2. Two of Pentacles "Dexterity".
  3. Three of Pentacles “Mastery”.
  4. Four of Pentacles "Possession".
  5. Five of Pentacles "Loss".
  6. Six of Pentacles "Generosity".
  7. Seven of Pentacles "Waiting".

Group two:

  1. Eight of Pentacles “Labor”.
  2. Nine of Pentacles “Security”.
  3. Ten of Pentacles “Prosperity and Stability.”
  4. Page of Pentacles "Acquisition".
  5. Knight of Pentacles "Master of the situation."
  6. Queen of Pentacles "Wealth".
  7. King of Pentacles “The Power of Money.”

Suit of Wands


In Rider White tarot layouts, the suit is called “Wands”, the description suggests that amrakh is a symbol of everyday affairs, and also denotes work or study, business, responsibilities. The implementation of conceived plans, the advancement of affairs, obstacles, the defense of one’s own opinion - all such areas of activity are symbolized by the Wands.

The suit of Wands is also called “Maces” and “Staves”. In a deck of regular playing cards, Wands are identical to Clubs.

The suit of Wands includes two groups of amrahs, 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Wands "Success".
  2. Two of Wands “Plans and Prospects.”
  3. Three of Wands “The beginning of a new stage.”
  4. Four of Wands “First Fruits”.
  5. Five of Wands “Rivalry”.
  6. Six of Wands "Triumph".
  7. Seven of Wands “Guarding your interests.”

Group two:

  1. Eight of Wands “Movement without obstacles.”
  2. Nine of Wands “Readiness for anything.”
  3. Ten of Wands “Heavy Burden.”
  4. Page of Wands “Business Connections”.
  5. Knight of Wands “Professionalism”.
  6. Queen of Wands “High patronage.”
  7. King of Wands “Career and Power.”

What are the Waite Tarot spreads?

The Rider Tarot layouts, the Waite Tarot, the interpretation of which is quite simple for beginners, are the third type in the history of tarot cards in chronological order. Thanks to the efforts of Arthur Waite and artist Pamela Smith, a unique deck was created that has been valued for a century. According to tarologists, although a large number of cards have been published by other authors, the universal Waite tarot has no analogues.

Waite's Universal Tarot - a deck that has no analogues

The peculiarity of the deck is that during fortune telling, the fortuneteller penetrates the client’s subconscious and intuitively, with the help of the layout and his own feelings, reveals the meaning of the questions of interest. And to reveal small events and other details, not only the major arcana were needed, but also the minor ones. For this reason, a complete set of cards with illustrations, called “Classic Tarot Cards,” has become a real find for fortune tellers, as well as for experienced fortune-tellers and beginners.

Description of the Waite Tarot cards

The tarot card gallery consists of 78 units. The meaning of each of them is purely individual. A big role is played by the position in which the card fell - upright or upside down. When reading the Waite Tarot, you can ask a wide variety of questions, to which you can actually get answers in the smallest detail.

But before you lay out the cards and try to correctly interpret their meaning, you need a lot of preparation. I will tell you how to carry it out based on my own experience, because I began to guess professionally and correctly interpret the meaning of the layout 8 years later, after the Tarot deck was in my hands.

Should you trust inexperienced predictors?

Fortune telling is a very serious and responsible process. After all, without having skills in this matter, it is not recommended to seriously evaluate the alignment. Let me give you an example of what a false interpretation can lead to. You have probably all heard that we ourselves attract certain events into our lives.

If an inexperienced fortune teller or, God forbid, a charlatan, “sees” something in her own way and tells a woman that her husband has a mistress and will soon leave his family, then you can roughly guess what will happen. The wife will become a real “detective.” She will carefully check her husband’s phone and pockets, will monitor his behavior, and if the unfortunate man stays at work for an extra hour, then the wife will have a verdict in her head: “he is with his mistress.”

As a result, his wife will still pester him with her jealousy, causing him to pack his bags and head in an unknown direction. For this reason, you should not trust a fortune teller about whom you know nothing. You shouldn’t try to tell fortunes yourself if this is your first time holding a deck in your hands.

Preparing for Tarot reading

It is required to study in detail the interpretation of the Waite tarot cards using a textbook for beginners, which is called the “classic Waite tarot.”

The above points must be completed. After all, this is required for the correct execution of the ritual. The main thing is that there must be a special desire to use the power of thought to find the desired amrah and interpret it correctly. If a person does not believe the cards, then this will only get in the way. Therefore, this ceremony must be taken seriously.

It is very important to reflect and imagine what incident might fit the scenario. Therefore, not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also your own feelings. In other words, the “sixth sense” must be well developed.

The meaning of cards in fortune telling is one of the fortuneteller’s supports when interpreting the layout. After all, it is important not only to ask the question correctly, choose the necessary layout and cards, but also to give the correct interpretation. Below we will talk about the classic interpretation of Tarot cards.

In the article:

Interpretation of cards for fortune telling

Despite the existence of several schools of Tarot, in which there are sometimes significant and sometimes not very significant differences, most of the meanings are still similar. This way, you won't have to memorize new interpretations for each new deck. It is enough to know the classical meanings; based on them, it is much easier to understand and remember the non-traditional meanings of modern schools.

So, in any Tarot deck there is 22 Major Arcana And 56 Junior. This is a standard number, and no matter how the names or their meanings change, the number of cards remains the same. If your deck has fewer Major Arcana, or it is not divided into Major and Minor Arcana at all, this means that you are holding in your hands, and the traditional Tarot meanings will not suit you. For all other cases, you can safely use the interpretations presented below.

We provide a brief, very general meaning of each of the arcana, which can be used on or as a hint. It is important to understand that each of the arcana is much more multifaceted and broader in its meaning, especially depending on the position of the card in the layout, as well as on the other cards surrounding it.

Decoding Tarot cards for fortune telling

There are many options for the internal hierarchy of the Major Arcana: cards are divided into titled and allegorical, symbols of the main virtues and astrological elements, signs of luck and universal predestination.
J. Baines, S. Vronsky “Fate on the steps of the Golden Tarot”

"Jester"- this is the first, and sometimes zero arcan, since some decks begin with it, and some end with it. The card speaks of simplicity, childish inexperience and trust in the world on the one hand, and excessive impulsiveness, “blind” trust, stupidity, on the other. At the same time, the zero lasso symbolizes great potential, unusualness, and often symbolizes "white crows", standing out sharply against the background of the gray mass.
"Mage"- the first of the Elders. Talks about the beginning of a new path, the emergence of a new idea. « Magician" indicates will and enterprise, symbolizes the onset of the stage of implementation and manifestation of initiative.
"Priestess"- the second lasso in the deck and the first female card. This map of knowledge. She talks about the need to trust yourself and your intuition, about the benefits of acquired knowledge about the people around you.
"Empress"- the next Major Arcana, which is a symbol of femininity. « Empress" - This is the embodiment of a woman in the roles of mother and housewife. Symbolizes harmonious relationships, marriage, the birth of children, family prosperity and general material well-being.
"Emperor"- the fourth card, talking about power and authority. Symbolizes a stable position in society, promotion and implementation of planned projects. Sometimes « Emperor" goes too far and becomes a brutal dictator. It also speaks of the help of an influential friend from the outside.
"High priest"- the fifth lasso, also represented by a male card. "Priest" or « Dad" , as it is sometimes called, can indicate both the learning process, both literally and figuratively, and the need for humility and playing by the rules.
"Lovers"- the sixth lasso, which has the main meaning of love. Another, no less common, is the choice between two opposite and equally attractive options.
"Chariot"- 7 lasso, speaks of victory after a difficult struggle or of small victories with daily difficulties.
Following her "Force" tells us about a person’s inner strength, which helps him overcome obstacles in his path.
Further "Hermit" First of all, it symbolizes the stage of loneliness, a period of temporary peace and silence, which is necessary for reflection and the search for meaning, patience, and acceptance of current events.
Tenth Arcana "Wheel of Fortune", as is already clear from the name, says that everything changes, nothing lingers in our lives. In practical terms, the card symbolizes a rapid change of events, a quick change in the current situation.
Eleventh Arcana "Justice" or "Justice", as it is also called, symbolizes rigor and impartiality. He says that it’s time to make a sound decision, objectively assess the situation, and not be led by emotions.
"The Hanged Man" - one of the heaviest lassos in the deck, indicates a person’s weak position, his dependence on circumstances, people and the inability to influence them. By my position « Hanged" offers a new look at the current situation. The card speaks of the necessary, often unpleasant sacrifice that must be made, as well as the lessons that are important to learn and understand in order to move on.
Thirteenth Arcana "Death", as a rule, does not imply physical death at all. We are talking about a metaphorical one. A person experiences changes on a psychological level. The old is already gone, but what the new looks like is still unclear.
Next after « Death""Moderation" speaks for itself. It symbolizes balance in everything. The card shows the importance of avoiding extremes and patience.
The next one of the most popular among the Major Arcana is the fifteenth Arcana “ Devil". This card talks about addictions, negative influences, provocations, slavery in the spiritual and physical sense.
"Tower", the sixteenth lasso, speaks of imminent dramatic changes. However, unlike the thirteenth lasso, the situation changes precisely at the physical level. Usually under this lasso one is unexpectedly fired from a job, loses a partner, and so on. The events spoken of by the sixteenth lasso are difficult to experience. However, it is important to remember that " Tower» - this is always the beginning of a new stage.
Seventeenth Arcana " Star » speaks of dreams coming true, hopes coming true. This card also symbolizes the successful completion of plans, creative implementation and success in any endeavor.
"Moon » , the eighteenth Major Arcana, demonstrates fears and complexes. The map suggests that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The lasso also symbolizes secret knowledge, magic and external influences.
"Sun » - the nineteenth lasso, appears to indicate the onset of a time of clarity, creativity, optimism, and unlocking potential. May indicate pleasant acquaintances, quick marriage and the birth of children.
Twentieth Arcana " Court » also a very positive card. She speaks of the beginning of a new stage, a time when your efforts will be rewarded and you will get what you deserve.

Classic Tarot is one of the most popular types of fortune telling. The Tarot deck consists of the Minor Arcana, which has 4 suits: Pentacles, Cups, Wands and Swords with 14 cards each, and the Major Arcana, with 22 “triumphs”.

In the article:

Classic Tarot - Origins

Surprisingly, the origins of some of the most popular divination tools still remain a mystery. There are many theories on this issue, but none of them are completely reliable. According to one of them, the classic Tarot came to us from China, since it was there that playing cards were first created. However, the fact that the appearance of the eastern version has practically nothing in common with its western counterpart refutes this theory.

Many occultists believe that the Tarot was known in ancient Egypt as the book of Thoth, which contained the secret of immortality. The modern deck is a simplified version of this manuscript. Trying to preserve their knowledge, the priests of Egypt encrypted it in such a form so that it would not disappear over time. Therefore, as Gebelin, Levy, Papus and many others said, even Tarot fortune telling is not able to reveal all the mysteries, and much more in-depth research is needed.

Other researchers suggest that the Tarot came to us from India. Today this is one of the most common opinions. In ancient paintings Ardhanari, a four-armed Indian deity, often holds a sword, scepter, cup and ring. Hanuman, the ape-like god, was also occasionally depicted with symbols that relate to the Tarot, such as Cups, Wands, Swords and Coins. However, this assumption also does not stand up to serious criticism, since such images were not noticed in the Indian version. In addition, their appearance is also different, since traditionally cards in India were round in shape.

There is also the so-called Covelluso theory, which states that Tarot was brought to Europe by the Arabs. According to Covelluso, the Arabs had a card game naib, and, having captured many European countries, they spread it throughout the world. His words can be confirmed by the fact that the name of the cards in Spanish is naipes. And yet this word could also come from the Flemish word knaep- paper. And Arab historical sources do not confirm the scientist’s words, so this study cannot be called final.

Probably the most popular assumption is that the Tarot was invented by gypsy tribes. But the fact that the gypsies spread to Europe 100 years later than the Tarot appeared casts doubt on this statement. Undoubtedly, the gypsies introduced, supplemented and changed a lot in the art of fortune telling, but they were not the inventors of the Tarot.

Interpretation of the first 11 Major Arcana

  1. (The Jester) depicts a young man with his youth and innocence. He strives not to stain himself with everyday dirt, as demonstrated by the white rose in his hand. He is still inexperienced and a little unreasonable, as he is on the very edge of a cliff. His face is raised to the sky in search of adventure. His bag is light, just like his soul. This lasso can signify a new beginning or spiritual awakening. What might seem like a reckless act to others is a karmic lesson that needed to be learned. Positive associations with this card are freedom, a new beginning, adventure, a positive outlook and innocence. Negative - irresponsibility, inexperience and immaturity.
  2. . This serene-looking man with a double halo above his head is a keeper of secret knowledge who can use his power as he wishes. This lasso speaks of intelligence and creativity. The ability to look beyond the material and ordinary. Positive associations: magic, insight, spiritual development and self-discovery. Negative associations: a person who uses his power to fulfill selfish desires, deception.
  3. lies between the two poles of life. One pole is the dark force of water and earth, and the other, respectively, is the elemental forces of fire and air. The High Priestess demonstrates that you can make a difference by first dealing with the emotional area before moving on to other areas of our lives. An unfavorable interpretation may indicate blocked energy that is preventing you from giving up old methods and habits. This card encourages you to let go of emotional attachments to things that have served their purpose as a new phase of life takes hold. The presence of this lasso in any scenario shows that you will experience spiritual enlightenment, even if the path to it lies through mistakes.
  4. . This lasso symbolizes abundance and gentle power. Twelve stars above her The head represents the twelve signs of the Zodiac. She is the universe and is open to everyone who seeks her. The seven pearls that adorn her neck represent the seven major chakras of Hinduism. This is a powerful card of intuition, spiritual development and the ability to control oneself. Arkan tells you to follow your deepest instincts and gut instincts. The Empress signifies a start, such as starting a business, having a child, or making new friends. Unfavorable meaning: Loss of a loved one, especially a child. She also warns that vanity can lead you down a dark path from which it is not so easy to get out.
  5. . This card is a mirror image of the Empress. Like her, the Emperor is also powerful, possessing great spiritual strength and wisdom. The yellow ball he holds in his hands shows his need for female intuition and energy. The Emperor expects you to learn through your own mistakes. This knowledge is given to you for self-knowledge and teaching others. Benevolent aspect of the Emperor: effort and self-discipline will yield results and return to you a hundredfold. Negative meaning: lack of control over feelings. Vanity can cloud your eyes and you will stop listening to the opinions of your loved ones.
  6. - the figure of a priest with two disciples at his feet. This lasso denotes spiritual knowledge. The triple crown he wears on his head means that his powers are granted by heaven and can be used in our world at his discretion. His left hand holds a scepter, indicating his knowledge and understanding of the seven deadly sins. The priest is the image of a person who wants to help people reject all the bad and comprehend grace. This card talks about partnerships, alliances, and advice from a good friend. The priest speaks of the purification and elevation of man through meditation and reflection. An unfavorable meaning indicates that someone, hiding under the guise of a friend, wants you harm. It could also mean that a recent decision may have been wrong. Advice from a trusted person will help you make the right decision.
  7. - one of the most difficult Tarot cards to interpret, which equally belongs to both the sphere of love and the Universe as a whole. Lovers denote the all-pervading force of vital energy, creative love, which, however, can be destructive and unhappy. Lovers also hint at the possibility of a choice that will become a turning point and, perhaps, begin a new stage in your life. People in love do not necessarily talk about the love of two people, it could be a new job, establishing a connection with family, even the fulfillment of a wish. People who lead a quiet, sedentary lifestyle often have deeply hidden desires and dreams that they do not admit even to themselves. Lovers are a push that releases them and gives them the possibility of realization. Therefore, the appearance of the sixth lasso suggests that you become honest with yourself and decide what is of the highest value to you. The time has come to make a decision and be responsible for it. In addition, this sign can appear as a symbol of peace. “A bad peace is better than a good quarrel” - that’s what the Lovers say.
  8. denotes a person’s desire to move forward, his ability to take advantage of the chances that fate provides him. It is also a sign of balance and harmony between the inner and outer world. The chariot symbolizes a strong personality, her will to success and victory. But at the same time this can mean disputes, disagreements that the leader can suppress, but cannot resolve. In addition, the lasso warns of self-confidence and recklessness, which can have bad consequences. Therefore, when starting any business, you should think about whether the desired goal is worth the effort; will it turn out that in order to achieve it, your existence will change dramatically for the worse? In addition, the Chariot acts as a symbol of protection or a mask that helps you assert your rights and achieve what you want. However, there is a danger that the mask will adhere to the skin and you will not be able to become yourself.
  9. - is a symbol of harmony, the unity of opposites that complement each other. She talks about how important it is to find a point of balance between two antagonistic aspirations. You must soberly understand what exactly you are doing and be prepared to be responsible for your choice. Justice invites you to look at the situation from the other side, to understand whether the truth is really on your side this time. It can be a harbinger of retribution if your conscience is not clear. Otherwise, it brings reassurance and recognition. You need to carefully analyze the situation and make the only right decision, even if it is unsightly. Justice can also foreshadow the conclusion of an alliance, contracts, negotiations and legal cases.
  10. suggests that the time has come to retire in search of enlightenment and understand yourself. Maybe your desires have led you to a dead end. It's time to throw away all the pretense and get to the deepest essence of yourself. Don't be afraid of your thoughts. You need to exhale and relax from the everyday hustle and bustle that hides the most important thing. Also, sometimes this lasso indicates an imminent meeting with a spiritual mentor or teacher. Both the Priestess and the Hermit often denote something hidden, but this card more likely means hidden or lost rather than secret. If the Hermit is interpreted in everyday life, then it portends loneliness and slowdown.
  11. - a symbol of change and change. It marks the beginning of a new cycle of life. Everything passes, everything changes. You should take a break from your current worries and remember that you should not devote yourself entirely to problems. They will fade into oblivion, but new ones will soon appear in their place, so it is important to enjoy every moment of existence. Remember that the trouble that befalls you today may turn out to be a blessing in the future. The new replaces the old, which gives way to it in reality. Some people believe that the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes karma - you collect the results of your deeds. It is also possible that the Wheel of Fortune is telling us the need to accept life as a cycle of constant change. We are not able to stop changes, just as we cannot achieve complete constancy - this is the structure of the world.

Description of the second part of the Major Arcana

  1. . This lasso indicates that you are going the right way. But now you are facing a fork in the road and you are facing a test of strength and courage. Strength indicates inner strength that helps overcome obstacles. It implies curbing one’s own emotions, the predominance of the spirit over the body. The usual meaning of this lasso is positive - overcoming difficulties (of course, if you show your willpower), successfully resolving unforeseen difficulties. This lasso shows fortitude, activity, perseverance and victory. It will help defeat an external or internal enemy (such as overcoming a weakness). In fortune telling, Strength predicts the possibility of obtaining victory. She advises to act carefully, not aggressively and at the same time not to retreat in the face of difficulties. If you are guessing about some difficult situation, the Force clearly indicates that the problem can be solved, of course, if you make an effort. The main thing is not to doubt yourself.
  2. . This card is traditionally considered unfavorable. But, as you know, everything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Therefore, such an experience can be extremely useful, especially in the field of magic and spirit. As for the meaning of the Hangman in the scenario, it all depends on the goal of the questioner. If it is extremely important for the further development of your life, and you are ready to sacrifice something to achieve it, then the Hangman is on your side. You will achieve it, although it will not be easy. If the goal is fleeting, then the Hanged Man acts as a stopping factor. He hints that there will be no progress and that it is worth postponing the plan for a while. The Hanged Man teaches you to accept fate, pay tribute to duty and patience. Circumstances may limit you, but it is through this that you understand the deeper meaning of life and learn humility.
  3. . This lasso does not have such a negative meaning as it might seem at first glance. It marks the end of the old, the former, the transition to a new round of existence. It should be noted that these changes are inevitable. No matter how much you grab onto the fragments of your former life, you still won’t succeed. Therefore, it is better to accept it and try to find the good sides in this situation. Death symbolizes the abandonment of everything old, unnecessary, the removal of the husk. Therefore, if during the fortune-telling process you asked a question, then this is a definite “no”.
  4. . This card brings a favorable omen. Moderation speaks of relieving tension and resolving conflicts, although at the same time it indicates that you are subject to some kind of test. She promises that the situation will become clearer, a way out of the impasse will be found, the situation that you could not resolve for a long time will be successfully completed, and there will be no resistance. What previously seemed impossible appears before your eyes. If Moderation fell on you during fortune telling, then this is a sign that you can achieve what you want with the help of patience and compromise. Arkan predicts a successful outcome of events, but warns that one should not hope for a quick and decisive conclusion - the matter will progress slowly, but without any special obstacles.
  5. . This card has always had a negative meaning. Its manifestation in everyday life can be very diverse. It shows that a person is not in control of his life, that things are getting out of control. You may become depressed or despondent and take the path of degradation. It is also possible that one aspect of being has acquired too much power over you and you are unable to stop. The devil is extremely difficult to interpret correctly, since it manifests itself differently in each person. The only common feature may be a deviation from one’s own principles, actions that primarily harm you. Thus, if the Devil appears in fortune telling, then you are warned that you need to be very careful and not give in to temptation. This can also be advice to return to the right path and not get into trouble.
  6. . Probably the most unfavorable card in the entire deck. What does it mean? This is a symbol of collapse, failure, crisis. It is an allegory of a disaster that has been brewing for a long time, and is finally about to happen one way or another. You will lose a lot, and what is the basis of your existence will be destroyed. In a more mundane sense, this means significant material damage, serious health problems, undermining authority, etc. The tower pulls a person out of the usual flow of life, destroys everything old and clears the way for the new. Sometimes a person understands this and even expects changes, in which case this stage passes relatively easily.
  7. serves as a symbol of brilliant prospects. It is like a guiding sign showing the fortuneteller the right path. This is a new hope, feeling, faith. The star is a symbol of a higher power that watches over each of us and is ready to help and guide us on the right path. Don't be afraid to trust the flow, what you want will come true. Even if you don't see development, it still happens. Just calmly observe the situation and don't get nervous. This is one of the most favorable cards of the Major Arcana; it opens the door to a happy future, success and acquisitions, renewal and prosperity.
  8. . She talks about mystery and enigma, and, unfortunately, often in a negative sense. In everyday life, the Moon can warn of envy and jealousy of others, which for the time being are hidden under the guise of benevolence. So, according to this lasso, either someone is deceiving you, or you are deceiving someone, or you are deceiving yourself. The main warning of the Moon is that you should not embark on adventures just yet, even if the desired goal looms before your eyes. Be careful, watch your actions and words, and do not rashly trust the wrong person. Of course, you shouldn’t become paranoid and lock yourself at home, but remember that the unknown lies ahead.
  9. . This is probably the luckiest card of the Major Arcana. It does not have the ambiguity that is inherent in other arcana. The sun is pure joy, the flourishing of life, the success you have been waiting for. You will receive some valuable gift from fate, often unexpected. You may consider it undeserved, but don’t think about it, just enjoy life. It also means new horizons, prospects that open up before you. Don't be afraid of anything and boldly take on the job. The Sun gives favorable forecasts for any question in your fortune telling. Any situation will be resolved peacefully and quickly. In a concrete practical sense, this may portend a trip to the sea or to warm countries.
  10. . Usually this lasso has a favorable meaning. It means change for the better, reaching a completely different level. This is also a way out of a deadlock situation, the beginning of a new life. In some ways it is similar to Death, but if Death is the complete and irrevocable destruction of the old existence, clearing space for a new one, then the Judgment speaks of the end of a period of unrest and a direct transition to a new stage. The trial also symbolizes opportunity, an elusive chance that, if you take your time and try hard, you can catch. Also, in a way, this is retribution. Time to stop for a minute and reflect on past activities. Realize what you owe to your current situation.
  11. . A very unique lasso. It closes the deck of the Major Arcana, and therefore marks the end of the path, the completion of the process. It is considered a very favorable lasso. Everything falls into place, all things will be completed. Peace is a person’s harmony with the whole world and with himself, this is the point of balance when everything that one can desire has already been achieved, and all that remains is to enjoy what is happening. Regardless of the scope of the question, it gives a favorable answer and reduces the danger of negative meanings of nearby cards. In a practical sense, it can mean access to the international level, trips to foreign countries.

The classic Rider Waite Tarot is one of the most famous decks, which was developed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite was a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings. The drawings of the cards were made by an American-born artist named Pamela Colman-Smith. The first publisher of this deck was William Ryder. This is how the deck of cards got its double name.

Features of this deck

A distinctive feature of the Rider White Tarot deck is that the 11th and 8th Arcana are swapped, that is, the Justice card is number 11, and the Strength Arcana is number 8. The reasons for this change have not been properly explained by Waite.

The German Tarot specialist Hayo Banzhaf suggested that this change in numbering lies in the fact that Waite was guided by the teachings of the Albigenses, Waldenses and Cathars. Despite all this, many occult and Tarot specialists did not accept this renumbering. And when using the Rider White Tarot deck, the Arcana of Justice and Strength were used with the same numbers.

In decks that were created later, the Arcana of Justice and Strength returned to their previous numbers.

In the Waite Tarot deck 6, the Major Arcana has a different image from the others. If you look at other old decks, this Arcana is called “Choice or “Decision”. These cards depicted a young man between two women, whose face expressed uncertainty and confusion.

The sixth Arcana in the Rider White Tarot deck is given the name “Lovers.” The card shows naked Adam and Eve in paradise. Image 6 Arcana speaks of love, attraction, sex, original sin. And the topic of choice or any uncertainty is omitted here.

Interpretation of cards

I. Magician

Divinatory meanings: skill, subtlety; illness, pain, loss, a trap woven by enemies; confidence, willpower.
The card says that divine impulses have awakened in a person, that he himself is in the role of God. It also means that a person's thinking is focused on the limit.
The possible meaning of the Magician card is the beginning of change, a new life, a new project, the birth of a child.

Reversed card in the Waite Tarot: shame, anxiety, psychological problems, uncertainty, indecision, lack of will.

II. High Priestess

If we talk about the qualities of a person, then this card talks about his wit and cunning. The good qualities of this person are that he easily adapts to various situations, you can trust him with any secret and be calm, because he will never reveal it to anyone.
In love affairs, the card advises you to be careful, there is a chance of being deceived by your loved one, you should take a good look at him.

Reversed: Conceit, superficial knowledge, passion.

III. Empress

The meaning of the Empress in layouts promises happiness and large offspring for married women, and easy childbirth for pregnant women. But lonely people are promised non-reciprocal love, which is full of anxiety and disappointment.

The meaning of the reversed card in the Waite Tarot deck: truth, finding solutions to problems, various kinds of celebrations.

IV. Emperor

The emperor is an image of a father or a person for whom such status is very important.
The card means that there is a strong person near the questioner who can help him with his problems. If you look at it from the other side, then this person may be the one who is blatantly using the questioner for his own purposes, for personal gain.

Reversed: compassion, trust, immaturity.

V. Hierophant

In the case of fortune telling on a particular person in order to find out more about him, the meaning of “Hierophant” is as follows: the person has good oratorical abilities, knows how to persuade, attracts many people to his idea, usually becomes a big shot and has high authority.
The appearance of the Hierophant may mean that the questioner was under the influence of a strong person.

Reversed: mutual understanding, agreement, weakness, powerlessness.

VI. Lovers

In fortune telling, the Lovers Card signifies choice or problem solving. If they are guessing about a person and his character, then the card indicates that the person has an indecisive and weak character, and has a fear of responsibility.

Reversed: failure, divorce or breakdown of marriage, contradictions in relationships.

VII. Chariot

The chariot is a symbol of supreme power. If this card appears during fortune telling, it means that the person has broken out of the circle of previous interests and is ready to follow a new path. He has confidence and courage, but also inexperience. Therefore, the card advises not to overestimate your capabilities and courage when solving new problems.
Reversed: Rebellion, disputes, verbal clashes, court cases, loss.

VIII. Force

The card represents soft, feminine strength. It is the woman who makes the lion feel his strength.

Bravery and perseverance help a person cope with many problems. If this particular card comes up, it means the questioner has dealt with his fears and anxieties in the past, and he is ready to move on.

Reversed: Even if a person has achieved success in the material sphere of life, he cannot find understanding with other people. The spiritual component of life has been lost.

IX. Hermit

The Hermit card symbolizes a person’s withdrawal into himself, into his experiences and problems, alienation, loneliness, and the search for his own self.

The appearance of the Hermit card indicates that the questioner will soon meet a person who will show the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In personal relationships, the Hermit portends stagnation or respite. There is no need to look at this as a break; perhaps this respite will make it clear to both that they simply cannot live without each other.

Reversed: The questioner does not listen to advice and rejects any help coming from management or close circle.

X. Wheel of Fortune

The questioning person is confident in his luck. The cards dropped nearby will complement the meaning and tell you exactly what you will be lucky about.
The laws of fate are favorable during this period; everything will flourish in the family and in business. In personal relationships, it portends stagnation.

Reversed: means stagnation and bad luck in affairs, both professional and love.

XI. Justice (justice)

The meaning of this card is associated not only with court cases, but also with any area where any disputes arise. If the matter concerns a trial, then the Tarot promises that it will end in favor of the questioner.

From a psychological point of view, the Justice Tarot card speaks of the ability to speak with other people in serious matters, of mature character and life experience.

Reversed: In business, it means long legal proceedings that will get boring. If the question is about a love relationship, then the card foreshadows a breakup or divorce.

XII. Hanged

In the tarot reading, the Hanged Man means that the questioner is moving on to the path of spiritual life, abandoning everything material and physical. That is, a person parts with his old self and moves towards spiritual enlightenment. The card can also mean that the questioner is open to new ideas.

Reversed: Worldly matters come first, which closes the heart and mind to spiritual growth. There may be situations when others want to deceive or hide something from a person.

XIII. Death

Death in a Tarot reading symbolizes change, rebirth or rebirth. Big changes are expected, and it is better to say goodbye to the past. You need to move forward with confidence and firmness.

In love affairs, she talks about a possible break and end to any relationship.
In work it means leaving your previous place and opening new opportunities.

Reversed: Symbolizes stagnation in work and new ideas. The death of a prominent person or some kind of disaster is possible.

XIV. Moderation

The meaning of the Tarot is Moderation - balance, harmony with oneself and other people, calmness. All these qualities are inherent in the questioner.

In personal affairs and the business sphere, everything promises to be stable and measured. No change or changes.

Reversed: personal relationships interfere with work, and therefore work interferes with love affairs. Here you need to clarify the situation and eliminate interfering factors, put all things in order. Give each side of life its own time.

XV. Devil

This card indicates that at the moment the questioner is interested in worldly affairs. In business matters, the Devil means trials and temptations. Perhaps this will be related to drugs, weapons or bribes.

In personal relationships, it threatens separation and quarrels. The card warns that flirting, meaningful promises, passion are possible, which in general will not lead to anything, but will manage to ruin the relationship between two loving hearts.

Reversed: Emotional fears and problems are resolved, you can move on and start a new life.

XVI. Tower

If the Tarot Tower card appears, it means that all plans and ideas are going to hell, nothing will work out in the near future.
In personal relationships, it promises urgent changes. This may be liberation from a relationship with a partner that has long outlived its usefulness. Or it may be that the relationship was on the verge of breaking, and after a serious conversation with your loved one and discussion of all pressing issues, the relationship will become better.

XVII. Star

The Star card symbolizes good health, happiness and inspiration. The one to whom this card is revealed will be happy and his intuitive powers will increase.

Reversed: The star promises a lack of sanity. Parting with loved ones, as well as other losses, are possible.


This card is associated with intuition, dreams and magical manifestations. Don't be fooled by external appearances. You have to accept that you have an animal nature. You need to try to deal with your inner demons.

XIX. Sun

If the Sun falls, it means that everything for the questioner will be on top. And good health, success at work and in business, positive achievements. Efforts and efforts in the past will bear fruit.