Dream interpretation of pipes. Why do you dream about iron pipes?

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a pipe in a dream means that very soon you will be completely absorbed by new, unusual interests.

If in a dream you blow into a trumpet, such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your desires.

Pipes in a dream symbolize peace and tranquility after a long struggle.

Sewer, gas and similar pipes portend extraordinary respect and attentiveness to you in your environment.

An old or broken pipe in a dream is a sign of poor health or stagnation in work.

A dream in which you smoke a pipe will promise you a meeting with an old friend; in addition, this dream promises reconciliation after a quarrel.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Freud's Dream Book

Long city pipes are symbols of the penis.

Pipes on the roofs of houses symbolize the female genital organs.

Cleaning pipes symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Smoking pipes symbolize ejaculation, and sometimes fertilization.

A destroyed pipe symbolizes health problems.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Pipes in general are a blessing.

Seeing a chimney means good money. Smoking - well-being. An air pipe means an unenviable fate awaits you.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Family dream book

Trumpet - symbolizes peace and tranquility after a long struggle.

Seeing a sewer, gas or drain pipe in a dream means that in real life you will earn extraordinary respect for yourself in your environment.

An old or broken pipe is a sign of poor health or stagnation in work.

A dream about a trumpet as a musical instrument means that very soon you will literally be absorbed by new, unusual interests.

If you played the trumpet in a dream, your desires will come true.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Fragments of pipes in a dream, as a rule, symbolize the futility of some business. Such dreams often suggest that some of your plans are doomed to failure, and you better reconsider them.

The longer the piece of pipe you see in your dream, the more time and energy you risk wasting.

At the same time, a pipeline in a dream usually symbolizes a difficult need.

Plumbing means that for the sake of success you will have to sacrifice your freedom and direct all your energy to solving current issues. The more tortuous the pipeline, the more complex the business you have started.

Drainpipes suggest that your energy is being spent on useless quarrels or unpleasant proceedings.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Trumpet - the time has come for you to act and do not hesitate to declare yourself, there will be no other opportunity.

Spyglass - a person of the opposite sex is closely studying you with the aim of developing a serious relationship.

Water pipes - an unexpected acquaintance will only bring disappointment.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Chimney - bankruptcy; smoking - well-being; musical - joy, success; airy - an unenviable lot awaits you.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that someone was playing the trumpet, you will learn important news.

In a dream you played the trumpet - tell someone you know important news for him.

You dreamed that you were being taught to play the trumpet - you yourself will tell one of your friends important news for him and for this you will receive a lot of money.

If you dreamed that you sold or lost your pipe, you will soon learn important news and because of it you will quarrel with your loved one.

If you dreamed that you bought a pipe, you are the creator of your own happiness.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Esoteric dream book

Factory pipe - to loss of job, dismissal.

On the house - to the destruction of the home due to fire, storm and other disasters.

Metal (pipeline, sewer, water supply) - to loss of energy: perhaps an energy vampire or larva has attached itself to you.

If the pipe is rusty or old, one of the dead does not leave you alone.

To see a pipe - you have betrayed your hobby, your life will become colorless.

Playing the trumpet means sadness for losses and deaths.

In the orchestra - together with other people you will mourn some sad events in society, at a funeral.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a pipe in a dream is a sign of the emergence of new, unusual interests in your life.

Playing the trumpet in a dream means your wishes will come true.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

The sound of a trumpet is a messenger of fate; big changes.

The pipe on the roof collapsed - to the death of the owners; high with smoke - to unexpected joys.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you dreamed of a trumpet promises that an unusually interesting event will soon happen in your life.

Playing the trumpet is a symbol of wish fulfillment.

Pipes seen in a dream predict peace and tranquility after a fierce struggle.

Sewer, gas and similar pipes are a sign of innovative thinking and family prosperity.

Old, bent pipes - dream of deteriorating health and stagnation in business.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

(musical instrument) - joy, success in business; chimney - bankruptcy.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a tower, a lighthouse, a factory chimney (without smoke) is a plan that can be successfully implemented / a call to chastity / to feel dissatisfaction in love.

Looking from the tower, a falling tower is a failure from an unforeseen event.

Seeing a tower far away on the horizon means longing for a loved one.

The Watchtower is a dubious adventure.

Seeing a trumpet and blowing it means work and troubles.

In a field or in the forest - to worry.

Not working, but playing the trumpet and musical instruments - good prospects for the future / a warning against excessive chatter.

Hearing fanfare is a warning that need and anxiety lie ahead.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Trumpet - disclosure of personal things.

Stove pipe, chimney - psychological climate in the family; birth canal; esophagus.

With light smoke - a calm streak of life, with black smoke - evil in the house.

The collapse of a pipe means a collapse in the family; disease.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a chimney mean in a dream - Good earnings and success in love affairs. Imagine that the pipe is large and strong. From it comes fragrant smoke from burnt dry wood.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of a Trumpet, what is it for 1. On a purely practical level, a pipe can represent many things. A water pipe can provide information about how we should deal with our own emotions (in this case, its size and type will matter). The pipe and hookah can represent escape, while the trumpet, a musical instrument, can represent our connection to the rhythm of life. 2. When we experience difficulties in our daily lives, a simple dream symbol such as a pipe can show how to connect different aspects of the situation, which will ultimately help resolve it. 3. The trumpet suggests a type of spiritual pipeline.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Trumpet - you see a trumpet in a dream - your struggle, your confrontation will end; you will finally have the opportunity to relax and unwind. You see in a dream a large pipe - sewer or gas - you will be happy with your surroundings, and the people around you will treat you with respect. If you dream of an old pipe - broken or rusty - you will have reason to complain about your health. You see a trumpet in a dream - a musical instrument - new interests and hobbies will greatly brighten up your life.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does a Trumpet (musical instrument) mean in a dream - you will have a new interesting activity, a hobby that will paint your life with bright colors and make it much more eventful, bringing joy and satisfaction. Imagine a brand new pipe shining in the sun. You take it in your hands, go out to some high place - for example, on a balcony and begin to play soulfully so that the sounds of your trumpet spread far around and gather many listeners.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

A pipe (sewer, gas, etc.) is a situation in life that you will have difficulty overcoming; old or broken pipe - slight discomfort; stagnation in work.

What does a chimney mean in a dream - your efforts will be in vain.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you dreamed that you were playing the trumpet, then in the near future your life will be like a holiday. To make this time last as long as possible, simply blow into the trumpet.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were buying a pipe, in the near future you will be forced to look for another job. To avoid this, whistle before getting out of bed every morning for a week.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream book of catchphrases

PIPE (industrial) - “pipe business” (bad), “fly down the drain” - collapse, poverty, ruin; “stove pipe, factory”; “dirty as a chimney sweep”; “pipeline” is a system for transmitting something, a communication channel.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Idiomatic dream book

“Pipe business” is bad; “fly down the drain” - collapse, poverty, ruin; “chimney, factory” - turbidity; “dirty as a chimney sweep” - hard work; “pipeline” is a system for transmitting something, a communication channel.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Trumpet - expect profit, good luck and large purchases.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Online dream book

The trumpet, according to the dream book, promises something very favorable for you.

You play it - this is a sure sign that your cherished dream will certainly come true.

Take lessons in playing it - whoever owns the information owns the world. You will soon be convinced of this when you receive a substantial reward for the information provided.

Buying a pipe in a dream means that only you can change your life for the better.

If you dreamed that an old and worn-out pipe burst, you should pay attention to your well-being, and also take a more responsible approach to your official duties, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

A water pipe in a dream is a reflection of what direction you should move in life in the future, and how to react to emerging situations.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

American dream book

A pipe through which a liquid or gas passes means streams of energy that flow into you or into space.

The peace pipe of the Indians was considered sacred and was treated with the greatest respect. It symbolizes unity with the Great Spirit.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

An old English dream book

Playing the trumpet in a dream is a harbinger of your well-being in the future and the complete collapse of the plans of your enemies, who made a lot of effort to cause you trouble.

But if you simply hear the sound of a trumpet in a dream, this promises misfortune. Your rivals in trading or any other activity will try to get ahead of you and damage your business. Perhaps quarrels await you in your family or with friends; The news of some kind of disaster will lead you to confusion. And if you are in love, you will soon hear your opponent’s call in reality. And your opponent, alas, will win.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Russian dream book

Stove chimney - for construction, which will bring a lot of trouble and worries.

Why do you dream about a pipe?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements - wood, water, earth.

Elements - wind, cold, humidity.

Emotions - anger, fear, doubt.

Organs - liver, kidneys, spleen.

Planets - Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn.

Explanation and Interpretation

Looking through a telescope - the yang action and the yin state change places and become confused. A state of limitation, anxiety, melancholy. A spyglass - in a dream symbolizes limitation and fear, which are always inseparable from anger. Internal depression and anger at others do not allow us to understand the situation as a whole, forcing us to consider only individual fragments of what is happening, and in a distorted form: a spyglass changes the distance and scale of an object, bringing it closer and further away at our request.

A spyglass in a dream is our desire to highlight one thing from the overall picture and in the future deal only with this. If every object in a dream is a symbol indicating the predominance of one or another emotional state, then examining objects (states) through a telescope indicates a dead end, a complete unwillingness to cooperate and trust anyone, constant blaming everyone except oneself. Here there is fear and an attempt to isolate oneself from others, to look at everyone from afar, to see only what you want and when you want. This emotional state will invariably entail a series of mistakes and miscalculations, unexpected, unpleasant changes in relationships with others and in affairs due to inadequacy of perception - distortions of feelings, space and time. The dream is unfavorable, but by changing your attitude towards the world, it is still possible to change the situation in your favor. Medically, there is stagnation of energy in the liver, kidneys and spleen. But it is very likely that self-analysis and self-criticism are all that is needed to heal.

Seeing yourself in the role of a stove maker or chimney sweep, building or cleaning a chimney - to well-being and victory over competitors.

If you have seen a chimney in your own home, you need to pay attention to the condition in which it was.

A whole, cleanly bleached pipe - to the well-being and prosperity of your family.

If the chimney smoked heavily, the dream foreshadows conflicts and discord in the family.

In this case, imagine that you are cleaning the chimney and the pipe stops smoking.

Seeing that a pipe has collapsed is a very bad sign. The dream foreshadows a serious illness or even the death of the head of the family.

Imagine that you call a stove repairman and he will restore the collapsed areas and strengthen the entire pipe. You have nothing to fear anymore.

Sitting on a pipe means an unusually interesting event will happen in your life soon.

Whitewashing a pipe - you have work ahead of you that will bring you financial profit and aesthetic pleasure.

Seeing a factory chimney means hard, poorly paid work.

If you dreamed of a factory chimney, imagine that you are getting into a car and driving away from this place (see Car).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation water pipe burst

When a pipe breaks in our apartment in real life, it’s hard to imagine a worse situation. What if this event happened in night vision? Why do you dream about a pipe burst?

Trouble with plumbing

The pipeline, as a symbol from a dream, shows your vital energy. When troubles happen to him, we can safely say that you are experiencing a leakage of vitality.

When a pipe bursts in night vision, there is a gap in your body. The dreamer may also be haunted by some troubles along the way.

Breakthrough site

When you start looking at the dream, you should first of all decide where exactly you saw the pipeline at the moment when it burst:

Pipeline accident

  • in the bathroom - you will find yourself in a situation that will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable for you, you will need privacy to put your thoughts in order;
  • in the toilet - you will become the object of unpleasant conversations, people will gossip about you;
  • in the kitchen - you set the wrong goals for yourself, you should re-evaluate everything you have;
  • heating pipe - behave more restrained, otherwise you risk getting into a conflict situation.

In general, a breakthrough symbolizes the failure of plans and stagnation in business. When this happens in your apartment, the situation in the family will become tense, and constant conflicts and quarrels will occur.

What do dream books say?

If you dream of working pipes, then your life resembles a safe haven. All events happen as usual, nothing bothers you, you are calm and balanced.

According to the dream interpreter, problems with the water supply mean difficulties on the path of life. And only by overcoming them will you achieve your goal.

I dreamed about plumbing

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller believed that if a seemingly good pipe burst in a dream, then you should not start new activities. What you have in mind will be fraught with great difficulties. Constant obstacles will slow things down so much that you will more than once think about abandoning what you started.

Just seeing pipes in a dream through which water flows is a dramatic change. You will never cease to be amazed by what is happening around you.

Dream book of the 21st century

To see a water pipe - you are about to meet a person who will greatly disappoint you. This subject will be unpleasant to the dreamer in communication, and the sleeping person will not be able to avoid his company.

A pipe burst shows that you are wasting your invaluable time and vital energy on unnecessary disputes, on people who do not bring you any benefit or joy. Think about what you can change in your life.

The dream book believes: the larger the section of pipe you saw, the more time and energy you waste.

Seeing a drain in a dream

Rommel's Dream Book

Although a pipe, even a drainage pipe, is viewed positively, promising peace and tranquility after a difficult struggle, at the same time the dream book considers a burst water pipe as a sign of a complete weakening of the body’s defenses.

When a breakthrough occurs due to rust or another malfunction, you risk becoming seriously ill in the foreseeable future. As a result, things at work will also not go well.

But the stream of water that flows from the drainpipe is a symbol of success and joy.

The color of the water from the breakthrough

After dreams of a pipe burst, it would be nice if you noted to yourself its color and consistency:

  • water similar in color and consistency to blood - trouble will happen to your relatives;
  • green - the dreamer learns everything quickly, this has a beneficial effect on his career;
  • red - a sleeping person is in danger, he should be extremely careful;
  • clear water - new horizons are constantly opening up before you, perhaps this is because you are a positive person;
  • rusty - get ready for difficulties along the way;
  • cloudy or mixed with dirt - you are susceptible to illness, there are many implausible rumors circulating around you.

Clear water flows from the gust

What else does a pipe burst promise?

There are symbols that are perceived differently by dream books. They can simultaneously promise happiness, melancholy, profit, and financial loss. This is exactly the symbol that interpreters see as a symbol of a broken water pipe.

Any breakdown in the pipeline indicates that you will have to sacrifice something to achieve your goals.

Did you dream that the pipe didn’t just burst, but water was flowing from it? This means that you are communicating with a person you don’t like, or are busy doing something you don’t like. As a result, your vital energy leaks.

Water drips in a dream

If you believe esotericists, then this vision may also indicate that a certain entity has “attached” to you. A spell has been cast on you, a spell has been cast upon you, or a love spell has been cast - this statement is also found in the interpreter.

Water just drips from a breakthrough - you often waste money on completely unnecessary things.

Was the pipe in your vision literally torn apart? Soon you will have to say goodbye to quite a significant amount of money. True, if you have successfully eliminated the breakthrough, then in reality you will be able to resist the temptation and will not do anything stupid.

Where do events take place in a dream?

Most dream books consider a water pipe break as the dreamer’s incontinence, his inability to control his emotions.

When you were underground and saw a water burst from a pipe, you will soon be faced with a rather serious problem that will need to be solved as soon as possible. The situation is already heating up, but the dreamer, due to his beliefs, stubbornly refuses to notice it.

A pipe burst in the middle of the street means you will have a fun time visiting. Interpreters even indicate that you will have a lot of fun.

Your mark:

The long city pipes are symbols of the penis. The pipes on the roofs of houses symbolize the female genital organs. Cleaning pipes symbolizes sexual intercourse. Smoking pipes symbolize ejaculation and sometimes fertilization. A broken pipe symbolizes health problems.

Modern dream book Trumpet

A dream in which you dreamed of a trumpet promises that an unusually interesting event will soon happen in your life. Playing the trumpet is a symbol of wish fulfillment.

Esoteric dream book Trumpet

Factory - to loss of job, dismissal. On the house - to the destruction of the home due to fire, storm and other disasters. Metal (pipeline, sewer, water supply) - to loss of energy: perhaps an energy vampire or larva has attached itself to you. If the pipe is rusty or old, then one of the dead does not leave you alone.

Dream Interpretation Longo Trumpet

Playing the trumpet in a dream - in reality you often throw words to the wind, not keeping your promises. Reminders of what was promised are always accompanied by conflict situations. You believe that the impossible is being demanded of you, and therefore you defend your imaginary rights in every possible way. If you dream about how you play the trumpet, and not a single sound comes out of it, it means that tomorrow you will fail in what you planned.

Miller's Dream Book Trumpet

Seeing a trumpet (music, instrument) in a dream means that very soon you will be completely absorbed by new, unusual interests. If in a dream you blow into a trumpet, such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your desires.

Esoteric dream book Trumpet

See (musical instrument trumpet) - you have betrayed your hobby, your life will become colorless. Playing the trumpet means sadness for losses and deaths. In the orchestra - together with other people you will mourn some sad events in society, at a funeral.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Trumpet

Air pipe - An unenviable fate awaits you

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Trumpet

Seeing a chimney in a dream means good income. Smoking - well-being

Modern dream book Trumpet

Pipes seen in a dream predict peace and tranquility after a fierce struggle. Sewer, gas and similar pipes are a sign of innovative thinking and family prosperity. Old, bent pipes dream of deteriorating health and stagnation in business.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Trumpet


Dreams to make wishes come true Trumpet

A musical instrument trumpet in a dream - you will have a new interesting activity, a hobby that will paint your life with bright colors and make it much more eventful, bringing joy and satisfaction. Imagine a brand new pipe shining in the sun. You take it in your hands, go out to some high place - for example, on a balcony and begin to play soulfully so that the sounds of your trumpet spread far around and gather many listeners.

The constant movement of energy flows represents a technical pipeline that appears in a dream. And since such highways in the world of night dreams are associated with the spiritual state of a person, any breakdowns may indicate difficulties that have arisen.

At the same time, small plot details can change the context of the prophecy. To understand why you dream of a pipe or why you dream of “a water pipe burst,” and how to correctly interpret such night visions, taking into account all the details of the plot, read on.

Usually, a dream in which a person dreams of a trumpet is a reflection of the well-being and spiritual state of the sleeper. At the same time, the appearance of other symbols in a dream can change the meaning of the prediction, so to get a reliable interpretation, you better look into the dream book. The trumpet is a symbol that can indicate a wide variety of events.

Symbols of the same name with different meanings

In a dream, a working water supply system appeared in which the pipes do not flow - a calm and measured life awaits the dreamer. If the performance of the structure was in question, then in reality you will face obstacles on the way to your goal. If you dreamed of pipes as part of a winding and intricate pipeline, it means that the business you have planned will turn out to be more complicated than you planned.

When wondering what a pipe is in a dream about, you need to pay attention to its appearance, condition and purpose. According to the dream book, a burst pipe on a highway indicates that your source of vitality has dried up. Perhaps you have recently interacted with a negative person or found yourself in tense situations.

And if you are lucky enough to repair pipes in a dream, then in reality you will be able to restore your energy reserves. From an esoteric point of view, if you dreamed of a similar phenomenon, when a pipeline is leaking in the plot of the dream, in the real world you may be attacked by otherworldly forces.

Take a look at Miller’s dream book if you want to understand what the water pipes that appear in a dream mean. If you believe this interpreter, such a symbol promises a series of exciting and very interesting events that will absorb the dreamer in the near future. At the same time, technical collectors may indicate an improvement in social status. But old lines that had leaks and malfunctions are a warning about a possible deterioration in health.

When deciphering such dreams, one must also take into account the fact that the object of the same name appearing in them may have a different purpose. And in this case, Miller’s dream book states the following:

  • Playing the trumpet in a dream means getting what you want in reality.
  • Holding smoking equipment means meeting an old friend.

When making a prediction based on your dream, look into Freud's dream book. According to his version, a pipe in a dream means short-term joy. Well, seeing a smoking pipe or chimney in a dream means upcoming sexual intercourse and possible fertilization.

According to the New Family Dream Book, water pipes symbolize a peaceful period that awaits you after the resolution of a tense situation. If you had to see sewers for other purposes (sewage or gas), it means that in reality the people around you will treat you with respect. Well, broken or outdated industrial products are dreamed of as a sign of impending stagnation in business.

Having seen a dream in which you had to smoke a pipe, look for its interpretation in the collection of transcripts of Simon the Zealot. In it, such an object is associated with a prosperous period, and a chimney, on the contrary, warns of the risk of bankruptcy.

A dream about a supply line, according to a 21st century interpreter, is a symbol of successful completion of a business, and a concrete drainage system is a sign of accuracy. For those who see water flowing through a water pipe in a dream, this dream book promises good luck. Well, if a chimney appears in dreams, a person will wait for his desires to come true.

Are there any favorable changes ahead?

Like other popular dream books, the Esoteric Interpreter offers his own explanations of why a trumpet is dreamed of. In his opinion, a dream in which there was a factory chimney prophesies changes in the financial field. Well, dreaming about collectors is a symbol that you will try yourself in a new role, which will not bring you any benefit or joy.

According to the Esoteric Dream Decipherer, an aged, rusty hollow piece of iron indicates that you are being haunted by someone who has recently died. Well, rust does not indicate that the sleeper will find himself in a situation where it will be difficult for him to express his emotions.

At the same time, the newest interpreter of Ivanov claims that the hot water pipeline is a signal for the start of active action. By taking this advice and putting your plan into action, you will be in a unique position to make the most of this venture. At the same time, if the water pipe was intended to supply cold water, then it is quite possible that a person who has recently appeared in your environment will show restraint in communicating with you.

According to the same dream book, a spyglass can appear in the dream plot of a person who has a romantic relationship ahead. If you had such a dream, know that someone from your environment is currently closely studying you with the goal of getting to know each other more closely.

Are you interested in what dreams of a smoking pipe mean? Take a look at the Collection of Dream Books. As it says, such an invention indicates a new level of spiritual development. Perhaps in reality you will be able to improve your knowledge in this area and find peace.

Interpreters' forecast: “Be patient!”

Among those who saw technical collectors in a dream, there are many who see a breakthrough on the highways. What does such a phenomenon mean and why do you dream of a pipe burst?

The dream book can explain dreams with communication breakdowns. If a water pipe bursts in a night vision, in reality you risk suffering from your own incontinence and impulsiveness. Try to be more patient if you want to become successful and respected in society. When, according to the dream scenario, a water pipe in the house bursts, the sleeper should learn to be cool-blooded and quickly make decisions in extreme situations in order to benefit from any circumstances.

If water pipes are flowing right in the middle in your dream, it means that you are about to participate in large-scale fun. But by paying attention to the quality of the flowing liquid, you can get a different prediction:

  • In a dream, a water pipe burst - happiness awaits you.
  • A cloudy liquid flowing out in a dream warns of a high probability of contracting some kind of disease.
  • If a pipe bursts in a dream with cold water - you will have good health.

When you dream of a telephone receiver, such a plot may mean that you have a desire to change something in your life, although right now everything seems to be working out in it. Do not rush to be led by emotions, so as not to lose what you have. Author: Elena Suvorova