Walking in the Eternal City: what you can see in Rome. Attractions of Rome, what to see interesting

Needless to say, a couple of days are not enough for Rome. But nevertheless, the most iconic places you can visit. The first thing that attracted my personal attention was the Colosseum.


It not only delights and amazes with its size, but also paradoxically affects your imagination. Climbing its high steps, you literally plunge into a world that has disappeared completely today. There are only legends and ghosts. But what! Read the history of the opening of this incredible theater, and you will understand that it was not just an event in its time - but an event! For a hundred days they celebrated the completion of the construction of the Colosseum, for a hundred days it buzzed, enjoying the bloody spectacles: the executions of hundreds of criminals, battles with tigers and elephants, and gladiator fights. All this is easy to imagine, looking at the arena of incredible size, which, like a crater, seethed with human passions!


It's next to the colosseum. Remains of a once great culture. Forum is an incredible place. Probably, in its strength, not inferior to the Colosseum. The center of life of Roman society. It's amazing how they didn't get ripped off! Such an organized beautiful life with temples, baths, markets, public buildings, offices and magistrates, courts, shops, basilicas. The valley between the three hills was made "a place for trade and common meetings." And at some point it all turns into a huge quarry, from where everything is taken necessary material. Someone needs to build a house, someone needs to lay down a fence. And what? Roman ruins in the economy is a necessary thing.

Trevi Fountain.
Those who have not seen him in the film "Dolce Vita" by Fellini cannot imagine what a tourist who suffers from beauty really wants to see. Clearly, a wet girl emerging from the waters of the fountain to the accompaniment of beautiful music. But what you see when you turn into a small square is still unexpected and beautiful. Even without the wet girl.

The fountain is huge for this place. Its dimensions could well compete adequately with the fountain-monument to the Girondins in Bordeaux. But there, Kincons Square is simply cosmically spacious. Here, the entire sculptural group literally rushes at you, barely holding back the horses. The sun illuminates the fountain, and it radiates from within with a soft pearl light. Although it did not work completely, this spectacle made a great impression on me. It was a very beautiful place.


Quarter of old streets. What a pleasure to walk through these picturesque places! The real Italian life flows here: the accordion plays on the square, the tobacco shop is full of people! There are small cozy osteria, smells of coffee and fresh pastries. Here you can feel the breeze from the eternal Tiber and its bridges connect entire epochs!

Every self-respecting tourist, first of all, should visit the capital of Italy, the embodiment of greatness and power - the city of Rome. Rome is not only the political and economic, but also the cultural center of the country and the entire European Community, but also one of the oldest cities in the world, rich in cultural historical monuments, rightfully considered the "eternal city". Rome has many epithets - it is also a city on seven hills, a city to which all roads lead, a treasury of world culture, but Rome owes its status as the "Eternal City" to those closely adjacent historical legacies of the ancient era, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and classicism. And after all, there is something to see and, for example: the Pantheon, the Temple of Vesta, the ancient hippodrome Circus Maximus, the symbol of the city - the Colosseum, you should definitely visit museums such as the Roman Museum of Modern Art, an aristocratic residence with a chapel, a private theater Palazzo Altemps, go to cinemas Cinema Roma, Multisala Barberini, immerse yourself in the world of opera and ballet, visiting theaters, concert halls such as the Auditorium Parco della Musica, the Olimpico theater, dine in the best restaurants in Rome, Trattoria Monti, La Campana, or light up all night in famous clubs of the city Gilda, Goa, La Maison.

Bridge over the river Tiber

Castel Sant'Angelo

Temple of all gods

The first, visitors aspire, is the Colosseum - an impressive amphitheater that left behind ruins. The Colosseum also has another name - the Flavian Amphitheater. It is one of the most grandiose architectural monuments not only of Ancient Rome, but also ancient world all in all. The amphitheater was built in 72 BC. by an unknown architect by order of the emperor Vespasian. For quite a long period, the Colosseum served as a venue for tough gladiator fights, and was also proclaimed a holy place for the “death of Christ”. For more than 2 millennia, the Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) has become a symbol of Rome, and in July 2007 it was recognized as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

Colosseum in the morning

The best example of ancient Roman architecture is the Pantheon temple, or it is also called the “temple of all gods”. It was erected in 126 AD. e by order of Emperor Hadrian in Piazza della Rotonda. The Pantheon has a huge size and one feature: there is a hole in the roof through which at noon you can observe the "column" of light. Famous people of Italy are buried in the temple, such as Raphael, King Umberto I.

Roof of the Pantheon

Another of the main attractions of this city is the Roman Forum. In ancient times, the Forum was the square with adjacent buildings in the center of Rome, which originally housed the market, and later it became the place of public meetings, meetings of the Senate, becoming the political and economic center of Ancient Rome. The Roman Forum is the economic, political and religious center of ancient Rome.

Roman forum

Arch of Tiberius. Roman forum

The Capitol or the Capitoline Temple is the religious center of Rome, a place of public gatherings, the oldest temple on the Capitoline Hill. The Capitoline Temple was recognized as the religious center of imperial and republican Rome. The Romans symbolized the temple with the strength, power and immortality of Rome. Now the Capitoline Temple is the seat of the mayor of the city and the Roman municipality.

Capitoline Square in Rome

Capitoline Temple in Rome

It is worth walking along the famous squares of Rome, for example, such as Piazza di Spagna, located in the Campo Marzio area, almost in the center of Rome. The square is named after the Spanish embassy located on it. The northern part of the square is formed by the Spanish Steps, in front of which is the Barcaccia fountain, and the church of Trinita dei Monti,

Plaza of Spain in Rome

The fountain. Plaza of Spain.

The list of what every tourist should include the famous Piazza Navona (Piazza Navona), which has the shape of a rectangle. There are 2 churches along the square, including the church of St. Agnes and several palaces, for example, such as the Palazzo Pamphili. And also, Navona Square attracts with its two fountains - the Fountain of the Moor and the Fountain of Neptune, located in the southern and northern sides of the square.

Navona Square

Fountain of the Moor. Rome.

Fountain of Neptune. Rome.

Since we are talking about fountains, it is worth noting the fact that many tourists go to Rome for the sake of photography against the backdrop of the Trevi Fountain, that famous fountain that was in the frames of such films as "Roman Holiday", "Madly in Love", and also " Sweet Life”, where the sculptural and water composition appears almost in leading role. It is also worth noting that the Trevi Fountain is the largest fountain in Rome (height - 25.9 m, width - 19.8 m).

Trevi Fountain. Rome.

Trevi Fountain.

Within Rome is the smallest, closed and independent center of the entire Catholic world, the city-state of the Vatican. This is another item on the list of must-haves for every visitor. On the territory of this city-state, many sculptures, valuable collections of coins, paintings, and architectural monuments have been preserved. Such a wonderful monument is the Catholic Cathedral of St. Peter (Basilica di San Pietro) - this is the largest Christian church in the world. Don't forget to buy an elevator ticket to climb up to the cathedral's dome for a breathtaking view of the entire Vatican.

Cathedral of St. Peter. Vatican.

Basilica di San Pietro

The Vatican has long been famous for its museums. The most famous is the Sistine Chapel. Previously, it was a house church, but now it is a museum, famous for its frescoes created by the outstanding Michelangelo.

The Sistine Chapel

Detail of the "Creation of Adam" mural.

If you are interested in high art, then you should be such famous museums as:

Rome "s Museum of Contemporary Art (Rome Museum of Modern Art), founded in 2002. It presents more than 600 works by Italian artists of the mid-20th century, including paintings by Pino Pascali, Carla Accardi, Mimmo Rotella, as well as paintings by painters of the current generation, such like Giovanni Albanese and Enzo Cucci.

Rome's Museum of Contemporary Art

Roman Museum of Modern Art

And of course, you should pay attention to the work of the National Roman Museum.

Museo Nazionale Romano (National Roman Museum) is one of the oldest Roman museums, containing the richest collections of ancient sculptures. The collection of the museum is located in 4 buildings, for example, in the baths of Diocletian you can see a collection of inscriptions, in the Palazzo Massimo there are collections of medieval and antique coins, mosaics of the Villa Farnesina and frescoes of the Villa Livia. The Palazzo Altemps presents collections of 104 antique sculptures of the Ludovisi family, the Egyptian collection of Del Drago, and the Crypt of Balba presents collections of the history of the development of the city.

National Roman Museum

Hermaphrodite statue

Those interested in opera or ballet can devote their evenings to theaters and concert halls such as the Auditorium Parco della Musica, a huge concert hall that hosts many opera, theater and ballet productions daily.

Auditorium Parco della Musica

Or the Teatro Olimpico, one of the oldest theaters in Rome, included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.

If you are a movie lover, then on your list, you should definitely include such famous cinemas as Cinema Roma, UCC Cineécité, one of the largest cinemas in Rome, Multisala Barberini, or go to see 3D films at THESPACE cinema, which presents wide selection film masterpieces of various genres.

Popular cinemas in Rome

For those who like to spend their nights in a crazy dance rhythm, the owners entertainment venues offer to spend their time in clubs. The most famous and popular clubs are:

Gilda is one of the most popular nightclubs in Rome not only among ordinary people, but also among celebrities, politicians, and businessmen.

Night Club Gilda

Goa is the most famous nightclub in Rome, where the most popular Italian DJs and foreign stars perform.

Nightclub Goa

La Maison is a stylish place for those who like to relax beautifully. Dark red walls, a checkerboard-style dance floor, luxurious chandeliers create the atmosphere of a glamorous Hollywood movie.

Also, Rome is an abyss of chic restaurants and smaller restaurants that are very popular with visitors.

Visit the famous restaurant near Campo dei Fiori - Pagliaccio, where your handbag will be provided with a special chair. Fine dining is served according to traditional Italian standards.

"Agata e Romeo" is the place that any city dweller will advise you to add to your list of those. You will certainly be satisfied with high Roman cuisine. It is located near the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

But the Italians themselves do not prefer gastronomically chic restaurants, but smaller and more modest restaurants. This is the oldest restaurant La Campana , which will invite your stomach to taste the most authentic Roman food.

Or visit Rome's popular pizzeria « Baffetto » which is only open in the evening. It prepares traditional Italian pizza, which every tourist should try.

And don't forget to mention the place where you will have to stay during your Roman holidays. There is a wide range of hotels in Rome, mostly they are all 4-star, the most famous and frequently visited are:

Hotel Best Roma, with a friendly atmosphere reigning in it. The hotel provides 25 comfortable rooms. For a room you will have to pay from 90 €.

The Bettoja Hotel Mediterraneo, which has 251 comfortable rooms, where you will have to pay from 130 € per room per night.

Bettoja Hotel Mediterraneo

You can also stay in 5-star hotels, the most famous are:

Hotel Bernini Bristol, whose rooms are equipped with the latest technology. The hotel has a total of 127 luxury rooms, including deluxe rooms. You will be invited to visit the bathhouse at the hotel, pamper yourself with SPA treatments without leaving the hotel, or “stretch your bones” in the gym. For a day you will have to pay from 220 €.

Hotel Bernini Bristol

But no less luxurious and expensive is the Hotel De Russie, offering you 122 rooms that meet the highest requirements. The hotel will offer you to undergo various medical procedures, go for a massage. Jacuzzis are very popular among tourists, gym hotel, and the offered bike rental. A room per day will cost over 450 €.

Also in Rome there is a huge number of 3 and 2 star hotels, the most famous are:

3-star hotel Antica Dimora Contessa Arrivabene, offering you 10 comfortable rooms, 8 of which are 2-bed. For a room you will have to provide more than 95€. The hotel additionally provides car rental services and free parking spaces.

Antica Dimora Contessa Arrivabene

2-star hotel Hotel Ferraro, which has 10 comfortable rooms. For a room per day you will have to pay from 60 €.

- one of the most beautiful cities on the planet, which is called the Eternal City, it combines centuries-old history, culture and modernity.

It is very difficult to single out only 10 places that you need to see in Rome, but you always need to start somewhere and for those who visit Rome for the first time, our ten will be a good guide-hint.

1. Colosseum.

The Colosseum is an ancient Roman amphitheater and the most famous archaeological site of Rome, which has become a symbol of the city. He saw spectacular gladiator fights and is striking in the scale of implementation.
The Colosseum measures 188 meters by 156 meters and is the largest ancient Roman amphitheater in the world.

2. Roman Forum and Palatine.

Roman Forum - the center of public life of Ancient Rome, where the most important buildings are concentrated, which have become picturesque ruins. The Palatine is the oldest of the seven Roman hills. When there was not enough space in the Roman Forum, city buildings began to be erected on the neighboring Palatine.
A single ticket gives you the opportunity to visit the Roman Forum and the Palatine.
Tip: come to the opening before the crowds of tourists have destroyed the charm of the ancient ruins. The Roman Forum is also beautiful in the sunset light.
Roman forum

3. Piazza Venezia and Vittoriano.

Piazza Venezia is one of the most important crossroads in Rome. Here begins Corso Street (via del Corso), which ends at Popolo Square (piazza del Popolo) - the commercial artery of the city.
Despite the busy traffic, Piazza Venezia is magnificent, thanks in large part to the imposing Vittoriano Monument, a huge colonnaded altar erected in honor of King Victor Emmanuel II. And let the Romans call it a "typewriter", tourists do not stop admiring the Vittoriano.
On Piazza Venezia, the day of the Republic is solemnly celebrated on June 2, and in new year's eve concerts are taking place.
At this point, shopaholics headed for Via Corso and went, looking into the shops, up to the "golden triangle", where the shops of the most prestigious brands are collected.
About Piazza Venezia and more

Pantheon - Temple of All Saints, a Christian building dedicated to pagan gods. The Pantheon was built in II BC. as a pagan temple, in the 7th century. became a Christian basilica.
Entrance is free, but it's worth bumping and popping in to admire the perfect geometry and one of the largest domes in the world with an interesting opening that gives a striking light effect. In addition, there are tombs in the Pantheon. famous people, including the artist Raphael and King Victor Emmanuel.
From Piazza Navona to the Pantheon

The Trevi Fountain competes with the Colosseum for the title of Rome's most famous landmark. An imposing fountain occupies the entire small area, casually leaning on the Poli Palace.
This is one of the brightest examples of the Roman Baroque, where the romantic scene unfolded in the film La Dolce Vita by Federico Fellini. By the way, you should not try to repeat the night bathing of the sexy blonde from the film, the fountain is turned off at night, the flow of water stops to the delight of the locals and the pool is empty to fill up again in the morning.

Piazza Navona is one of the largest and most beautiful squares in Rome. The smooth oval repeats the shape of the ancient stadium of Domitian, which was located here in the 1st century BC. AD Fountains are installed on both sides and in the center, two of which are the work of Lorenzo Bernini. The magnificent church of St. Agnes, designed by Francesco Borromini, a creative rival of Bernini, attracts attention.
On Christmas days until January 6, a noisy fair unfolds on Piazza Navona, where souvenirs are sold, cotton candy is wound and delicious cakes are baked.
From Piazza Navona to the Pantheon

Geographically, we are no longer in Rome and not even in Italy, but in the Vatican - an independent state. True, no signs and borders are visible, except for a thin line of travertine that separates the two countries.
Here on Piazza San Pietro is the Basilica of the same name - one of the largest and most impressive religious buildings in the world.
Entrance is free, but there is often a queue, also do not forget that this is a working church, so shorts, miniskirts and open shoulders are prohibited.
Inside St. Peter's Basilica are numerous works of art, including Michelangelo's Pieta.
A special mention is the panorama that opens from the dome. Climbing to the top is paid and depends on the method of transportation: elevator or on foot.
Piazza and St. Peter's Cathedral

8. Plaza of Spain (Piazza di Spagna).

famous Spanish steps crowns the church, on its steps tourists and Romans like to sit so much. At the foot of the stairs there is a fountain "Boat" by Bernini father.
If the luxury shops didn't pull you in, then find the statue of the Baboon - this is one of the "talking" statues of Rome and look into the historic Café Greco.
Trevi Fountain - Spanish Steps

9. Baths of Caracalla.

Baths occupied a special place in the daily life of the ancient Romans. The Baths of Caracalla were visited by ordinary people, but the building itself was not devoid of elegance and beauty.

10. Square of the Knights of Malta.

The history of the Knights of Malta in Rome has ancient roots, but we came to the Square of the Knights of Malta (piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta) to look into keyhole and see the famous view from the dome of St. Peter's. The well is often referred to as the "Roman hole".
A bonus addition will be a visit to the Orange Garden with a stunning panorama of Rome.
Tip: the panorama from the Aventine Hill is especially good at sunset, don't forget to bring a bottle

Rome is considered to be an open-air museum. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, the birthplace of law, the Latin alphabet, a territory lying on seven hills. There are a lot of historical sights favored by tourists, which include the world-famous Sistine Chapel, the Colosseum, the ancient Forums. But today we will talk not only about them, but also about interesting places ah, sometimes unjustifiably forgotten even by the natives.

We bring to your attention a new look at Eternal Rome, highlighting exciting routes not marked in the usual guidebooks. We will definitely analyze what fascinating things you can see in the city without spending any money on it. Let's spend the Roman holidays in an extraordinary and new way.

What to visit in Rome - five places unexplored by tourists

As you know: "All roads lead to Rome", and here you are! What to see in the Eternal City and where you should definitely visit? Consider five original places in Rome that can be explored in 1, 2 days. By visiting them, you will know more about the atmosphere in the city than local citizens..

Roman "underground" or acquaintance with the catacombs

Incredible secrets are kept at a depth of eighteen meters underground. They have become available to the public since 2010 at the initiative of an association called "Roma Sotterranea", which means "Underground Rome". The pearl of the underground is the Domus Romane monument, located under the Palazzo Valentini Palace, where the imperial family once lived. Skillful mosaics, picturesque frescoes and traditional Roman baths will appear before you.

Musical evening at the "Boss" house

You can end your walk through the dungeon with a visit to the House of Jazz, located on Viale di Porta Ardeatina boulevard. Here you will be able to enjoy a jazz evening and taste traditional dishes in a restaurant. The unusual atmosphere and interesting program will be remembered in their native lands for a long time to come.

The House of Jazz is located in a luxurious villa built a little less than a century ago by Arturo Osio. She is famous for falling into the hands of the boss of the gangster group Magliana Enrico Nicoletti. When the criminal was arrested, the villa passed into the hands of the state and was transformed into a jazz club. The musical program starts every evening at seven o'clock.

Be sure to visit Underground Rome.

In the pool of bright thoughts with your head

Extend the feeling of romance and purity on the second day of the trip will allow "Villa Hélène" ("Villa Helene"). This is a very sophisticated building, built according to the idea of ​​the artist and sculptor Hendrik Christian Andresen in the twenties of the last century.

This man was an incorrigible optimist, a dreamer, an idealist who believed in the beauty of the human soul. He worked all his life on an unusual project called "Cities of the World", hoping that it would be the beginning of a change in the morality and knowledge of mankind.

This house-museum will touch the deepest strings of the soul, providing for your review more than two hundred sculptures made of bronze or plaster, the same number of paintings and about three hundred works made in the style of graphics.

Paradise in Rome

A trip to the unusual structure of the city, which is made in the Romanesque style, will allow you to prolong the mood of cleanliness and light. This is the Quattro Coronati Church (Basilica dei SS Quattro Coronati). Feel free to enter the gate with an inconspicuous tower at the top, pass through the two courtyards of the monastery, in which the Augustinians labor.

At the end, you will run into the most beautiful Romanesque church "Quatttro Coronati", decorated with three naves, which has a very long gallery. A beautiful mosaic floor will make a big impression on you.

Ask the nuns for permission to visit the San Silvestro Chapel. This is one of the quietest and most beautiful places in the city. The walls of the chapel are decorated with numerous frescoes dating back to the thirteenth century. They depict the history of the ministry of Pope Sylvester.

Pasta and art

End your soulful day with a visit to a very unusual place called "Pastificio Cer", which is located near San Lorenzo. The building until the sixties was a pasta factory. In the seventies, these walls were chosen by the artists of the San Lorenzo school, making it their studio and place of residence.

Today, the former pasta factory houses thirty art studios, a contemporary art gallery that hosts popular exhibitions, and an artists' residence.

After enjoying the art, you can dine in a stylish restaurant, famous not only delicious food but fun atmosphere. Favorite dishes in this place are Amatriciana ravioli, crispy cod and pork stew.

A dozen attractions that are not included in the standard guidebooks

Consider another ten places that you can see on your own in 3, 4 days. If we add the previous five to these sights, we will get a list of the most interesting places that can be bypassed in 5, 6 days or a week. Such a trip will be especially interesting for those who are not in Rome for the first time.

South Aventine Hill

Dedicate the third day of the trip to one of the seven hills on which the city stands. It is located on the picturesque bank of the Tiber. There are a lot of favorite places for travelers:

  • the ruins of a circus built in antiquity;
  • the pyramid of Cestius;
  • temples of the fifth - sixth century (San Sabina, Sant'Allesio, etc.).

But we are sending you there to get acquainted with two outlandish places:

  1. The keyhole on the Knights of Malta Square allows you to see three independent states at the same time - the Vatican, the Order of Malta and Italy.
  2. The Orange Garden or Savello Park is the most romantic place in the city, laid out in the thirty-second year of the twentieth century around the family fortress. Groves with orange trees, cypresses, oleanders grow here. At the end of the green paradise there is a terrace overlooking the river, the Vatican, Janiculum.

Large trading places

On the fourth day, we propose to change the title of a traveler to the title of a shopaholic.

Rome occupies a special place among European capitals. It is a symbolic city, a primary source city where Western civilization originated. The mighty Roman Empire, which subjugated the entire Mediterranean, began right here - on the banks of the Tiber River. The historical and cultural heritage of Rome is priceless; architectural and cultural masterpieces await tourists at every step.

Rome is the legendary Colosseum and the treasures of the Vatican Museums, the historic ruins of the Capitol and the magnificent facades of baroque villas. The whole city can be regarded as an open-air museum, its streets and squares are home to the history of three thousand years of civilization, thought, art and culture.

The best hotels and hostels at affordable prices.

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What to see and where to go in Rome?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

The main arena of Ancient Rome, a theater for gladiator fights, persecution of captives by wild animals and other no less bloody performances of the annual Games of the capital of the Empire. In honor of the opening of the Colosseum in 80 AD. the Great Games were arranged, which lasted more than 3 months. The ancient stones of the Arena still remember the gladiators killed for the amusement of the public and the slaves from the occupied provinces torn to pieces for pleasure.

Construction of the II century BC, "temple of all gods" in Greek. The Pantheon was created during the period of the highest flowering of ancient Roman architecture. For many centuries, pagan gods were worshiped under the dome of the building, until at the beginning of the 7th century the Pantheon was turned into a Christian temple. The building has survived to this day in good condition thanks to numerous restorations that began before the advent of our era.

City-state, stronghold and main bastion catholic church, residence of the Pope. In total, about 800 people are citizens of the Vatican, mostly priests and church employees. The Vatican is famous for its museums, which contain outstanding collections of paintings, sculptures and applied arts. This is a real treasure trove of humanity. Also, tourists are attracted by the main Catholic church - St. Peter's Cathedral.

St. Peter's Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Catholic branch of Christianity. Here the Pope himself conducts festive masses. The temple arose on the site of the former circus of Nero in the 4th century. At first it was a small basilica where the relics of the Apostle Peter were kept. In the 15th century it was rebuilt into a grandiose building. Raphael, Michelangelo, Peruzzi, Maderno and others worked on St. Peter's Cathedral. In front of the temple is a wide square with a colonnade of 284 Doric columns.

Memorial architectural complex of the 18th-19th centuries. in honor of King Victor Emmanuel, the first ruler of a united Italy. On the site in front of the monumental palace, the Eternal Flame burns and a guard of honor is on duty. The inhabitants of Rome are not too fond of this bulk of white marble, as they believe that it does not fit into the architecture of the city. Some Romans refer to Vittoriano as a ridiculous "wedding cake".

The construction began to be built in the era of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century AD. During its existence, it served as a papal dwelling, prison, warehouse and even a tomb. Today, the fortress houses the Military History Museum. The castle got its name in the 6th century AD. after the image of the Archangel Michael appeared to Pope Gregory. Directly from the castle, a picturesque bridge is thrown across the Tiber River, which was built under the emperor Hadrian. On the bridge it was possible to get to the Champ de Mars by the shortest route.

The very heart of Ancient Rome, where important state and social events took place - the fate of laws was decided, consuls were elected, the triumphs of emperors took place after victorious wars. After the fall of the Empire, the forum was destroyed and devastated, and time did its work, so only fragments have survived to this day. The remains of the forum are part of a protected archaeological area, where an open-air museum operates.

The forum appeared at the turn of II-I centuries. BC. In those days, it was a large square surrounded by a market, the temple of Emperor Trajan, Greek and Latin libraries. The 38-meter column of Trajan made of Carrara marble has survived to our time. Inside the column is the tomb of the emperor himself and his wife. Trajan's Forum is the last building of its type built in Rome.

Remains of ancient Roman baths along the Appian Way. The culture of visiting the term was well developed in the Roman Empire. People came here to talk, learn the latest news or hold business negotiations. The Baths of Caracalla were built in the 3rd century AD. under the emperor Septimius Bassian Caracalla. Already in the 5th century AD. this architectural complex began to be considered a real wonder of the world. In addition to baths and pools, there was a library here.

The triumphal arch erected by Emperor Constantine in honor of the victory in civil war over the troops of his rival Marcus Aurelius Valery Maxentius. It was under Constantine that Christianity became the official religion (the ruler believed that God himself helped him come to power), the capital of the Empire was transferred to Constantinople, and Rome gradually began to lose its former power and decline.

One of the most ancient Christian churches, the first temple of Rome. In the church hierarchy, it is above all others, even above St. Peter's. The Catholic hierarchs awarded her the title of "basilica major", that is, "senior". She is recognized as "the head and mother of all churches." The temple appeared during the reign of Constantine under Pope Sylvester I in the 4th century AD. Six Popes are buried in the basilica and the relics of the Apostles St. Paul and St. Peter are kept.

Temple of the 4th century AD, erected on the burial site of the Apostle St. Peter, who was executed at the behest of Emperor Nero in the 1st century AD. The building was rebuilt several times under the emperors Theodosius I and Valentinian II. Almost every Catholic Pope tried to bring something of his own into the temple complex, so over time, San Paolo Fuori le Mura expanded in size and grew with new additions.

One of the four main Catholic churches in Rome. It has a very high status in the ecclesiastical rank of cathedrals (the highest status is assigned to the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano). The foundation stone of Santa Maria Maggiore was laid in the middle of the 4th century. In the XIV century, a 75-meter bell tower appeared near the church. The facade, which has survived to this day, is a mixture of Romanesque and Baroque styles.

The main Jesuit temple in Rome, where the Grand Master Ignatius Loyola is buried. The first project of the temple was developed by Michelangelo, but the head of the order did not like it. In 1561, another architect, Giacomo Barozzi, began construction according to his own plan. Until the abolition of the Jesuit Order at the end of the 18th century, significant wealth was stored in the church of Il Gesu. The church building itself was taken away from the organization. Only after 1814 it was returned back.

Oval square in the central part of Rome, located on the site of the former circus of Domitian. Since the 16th century, ambassadors, cardinals, bankers and other wealthy representatives of society began to settle in this area. From the 15th century until the middle of the 19th century, there was a market here. In the middle of the square is the Fountain of the Four Rivers - a sculptural group with a deep symbolic meaning. In the middle of the composition rises an obelisk, symbolizing the power of the Pope. Around the obelisk are sculptures representing the rivers of four continents.

In a free translation into Italian, the name of this place sounds like "People's Square". Piazza del Popolo played an important role in the life of Rome, as the road to the northern provinces began from here. The square is decorated with the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo and the Egyptian obelisk of Ramses II. Mine modern look the piazza received at the beginning of the 19th century, the architect D. Valadier worked on it.

Palace of the XVI century, built for Cardinal Scipione Borghese on the site of former vineyards. The building is surrounded by a huge park in English style with numerous antique statues. On the territory there is a hippodrome, a zoo, a theater and several museums. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the mansion with the park belonged to the Borghese family, then all the property went to the state.

It is located on the hillside of Pincho on the site of the former gardens of Lucullus. In the middle of the 16th century, the territory near the hill became the possession of the Medici Cardinal, who built a villa-residence here for his family. After the extinction of the Medici dynasty, the house and surrounding lands were transferred to the Lorraine family. The Medici Cardinal acquired many works of ancient art to decorate the villa. Some examples can be admired in the Uffizi Gallery.

Numerous underground galleries and labyrinths that are located under the surface of Rome. Many pre-Christian burials have been found here, but the foundations of some of the underground passages were created in the era of early Christianity. The first associates of Jesus hid in these dungeons. Here they held religious rites, meetings, prayers without the danger of being discovered and caught.

It is believed that the building was erected in the 1st century BC. It served for burial purposes - here is the tomb of Praetor Gaius Cestius Epulus. The construction took place during the period of the conquest of Egypt, when in Ancient Rome there was a fashion for the "Egyptian style". At that time, obelisks, sculptures and other monuments were taken out of the Nile Valley. The Pyramid of Cestius reaches a height of 37 meters and a width of almost 30 meters.

Ancient hippodrome between the Palatine and Aventine hills. In the era of the Roman Empire, chariot races were held here. Under Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar, the circus was rebuilt and grew to a fairly large size. More than 250 thousand people could watch the spectacle at the same time. In the spectator sector, lodges for patricians and standing places for plebeians were equipped.

One of the most important roads of the Roman Empire, which led from the Eternal City to the south of the Apennine Peninsula. The total length of the route is more than 500 km. The road began to be built in the 4th century. Due to the excellent quality of the pavement masonry, the Appian Way made it possible to quickly reach places remote from the capital or to transfer troops in a fairly short time. The roadbed has survived to this day in very good condition.

Italian baroque staircase in the center of Rome. It is recognized as one of the most picturesque in Europe. The stairs start at the Plaza de España and lead to Pincho Hill. The Plaza de España itself is a very expressive place, where it is always pleasant to stroll among the flowering flower beds. In the 17th century, the Spanish embassy was located here. As a sign of good relations between the two countries, the piazza was named after Spain.

Bright and colorful Roman quarter across the Tiber River. Here in the XVIII century BC. the Etruscan tribe settled, from which the history of the Eternal City began. In the era of the Empire, luxurious patrician villas stood here. In the area, many buildings and residential buildings are many hundreds of years old, so they look very authentic and attractive to tourists. People continue to live in dilapidated houses.

The most famous Roman fountain of the 18th century, where every guest of the city is simply obliged to throw a coin for good luck. In a week, coins are thrown in the amount of several thousand euros. All money goes to a charitable foundation. The sculptural composition of the fountain consists of the figure of the sea god Neptune on a chariot and his companions. 16 architects fought for the right to work on the construction of the fountain.