How to break a cast iron bath with a sledgehammer. How to break a cast-iron bath: useful tips from experts

Beans are a wonderful legume product that is an excellent substitute for meat in terms of protein content. It is she who is given the palm among the ingredients when fasting begins. It is tasty and nutritious, but the cooking time is scary.

Let's learn how to cook it quickly, so that not only on holidays in vinaigrettes or in fast days in the form of a pate, it appeared on our table in the very different form: in first courses, as a side dish, in pastries.

To the question "How to quickly cook beans?" There are several secret answers.

Cooked in a microwave with a maximum power of 700 watts


  • 150 g of beans;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 3-4 pinches of salt.

Beans have very hard grains and, in order for them to swell, they most often need to be pre-soaked, preferably overnight. Rinse in water, pour into a deep container, and then fill with water at room temperature. Leave for 10-12 hours. Rinse before brewing.

This is the first of the secrets fast food. The second is to cook not in the traditional way - on the stove, but in the microwave. And the third - how to cook without soaking.

How to quickly cook beans without soaking

It is possible to halve the pre-soaking time, the bay is not cool, but hot water literally boiling water. Then you can leave them to swell / soften for 5 hours. To enhance the effect, cover with a lid.

After the specified time, you will be able to see that the beans have swollen by about 2-3 times. Rinse it again with water.

Apply secret number 2: pour the grains into a special container for microwave, pour vegetable oil, which will fill the beans with a velvety taste, as they absorb it during heat treatment.

Pour in the salt. You can choose other seasonings according to your taste: vegetable seasoning, dried herbs, etc.

Pour boiling water into the container so that it slightly covers the grains.

Another little secret- at this stage, you can add 1-2 pinches of soda to the container so that the beans cook faster. But be prepared for the fact that soda produces an insane amount of foam, which will have to be removed every 1-2 minutes.

Speed ​​up the process and add sugar at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of water.

Cover the container with a lid and place in the microwave for 15-17 minutes at maximum power. At the end of the time, check whether it is cooked and if not ready, add another 4-5 minutes. Ready to take out and put in a serving plate, if you did it for a side dish, or let it cool if it was intended for a salad or other dishes.

Serve boiled beans with butter and crushed green onion, if you are not fasting, of course, or drizzle with olive oil and add garlic.

Enjoy your meal!

And here is another way to quickly boil beans:

how to cook beans fast

How to quickly boil beans:

way one

We fall asleep beans, having previously sorted it out and cleaned it of debris, into a saucepan and pour boiling water for thirty to forty minutes. After this time, drain the water and add salt and two or three tablespoons of sunflower oil (or other vegetable oil that is at hand). Pour boiling water again, so that it covers all the beans. We put on fire (small) and make sure that there is enough water in the pan. When it boils, you can add liquid, but a little.

How to cook beans quickly:

method two

Use the tools and devices available in every kitchen today. For example, a pressure cooker, a microwave oven, an air grill and other useful and necessary electrical appliances for every housewife, which greatly facilitate our lives. Information on how to properly cook beans in such devices can be found in the instructions for them, as well as from the World Wide Web.

Third way quick boil beans

In this option, baking soda is used. Only it needs to be taken literally a pinch or at the tip of a knife. Having gone too far with the amount of soda, you can get not beautifully cooked beans, but gruel from it. If a lot of soda is added to the water, the beans simply burst and boil soft.

How boil beans quickly: method four

In this method of cooking legumes, beans are poured into water and brought to a boil. Then the water is quickly drained, and the beans are poured again cold water and is already cooked to full readiness. This method cuts the cooking time in half.

How to quickly cook beans: the fifth way,

method six

1. Soak the beans overnight.
They taught me (taught Georgians, and who better than them to know how to cook legumes correctly) how to quickly cook beans without soaking (and without consequences in the process of assimilation !!!): Beans are poured with cold water, cook, let it boil, cook 2 more -5 min, depending on the mass of the prepared. Drain the water, wash the beans in cold water, pour into a pan with beans cold water and again set to cook, this time until cooked with salt and spices. This method is really very fast and no one has yet complained about the consequences for the digestive system! It is suitable for cooking any legumes, and I also cook rice VERY quickly.

It is far from a secret that before cooking legumes, it is necessary to carry out a number of necessary manipulations so that enzymes that affect increased gas formation come out of them. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to quickly boil beans if you urgently need them as an ingredient for any dish.

Beans are one of the slowest foods to cook. But what to do if you urgently need it, and there is very little or no time to prepare? Then try to cook beans without soaking. Cooking methods differ slightly among themselves, depending on its type.

Beans are one of the most popular members of the legume family.

There are also a few secrets to keeping beans tasty and attractive, if that matters to you.

  • Fill the beans with water at the rate of 1:4. Add a tablespoon of sugar to it. Suitable for the most common White sand, not brown. Turn on a high heat on the stove, and then, when the water boils, turn down to medium. The beans will soften quickly: red beans will be ready in half an hour, and white or black in 40-50 minutes.
  • To make the beans cook faster, put a small leaf of dried seaweed in the pan. Nori seaweed used to make Japanese rolls is also suitable. Bring the beans to a boil, then lower the heat to medium and simmer the beans for half an hour.
  • If you know that you will need to cook the beans, but there is no time for soaking, then you can use another method. Arrange the beans in bags, send them to the freezer. When it's time to cook, take the beans out of the fridge without defrosting first. Immediately put it in cool water, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour over medium heat. Do not forget to check readiness half an hour after boiling.

Red beans

Red beans are washed and poured in a saucepan with water so that it covers the legumes for a couple of centimeters. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. After that, the water from the pan is drained, and new water is collected in its place. The beans are brought back to a boil. Turn off the stove and soak the beans for half an hour under the lid.

After the specified time, change the water and boil the beans again over medium heat for fifty minutes. You don't need to overcook, so cook the beans in unsalted water. After that, the beans are ready to be served or added to other dishes.

White beans

There are two ways to cook white beans. The first involves pouring cold water and cooking over medium heat. After the water boils, change it and bring it back to a boil. The procedure is repeated as many times until the beans are fully cooked. This can be determined by its softness: if the beans are freely pricked on the fork, then they are ready.

White beans have a higher protein content than any other variety of the product.

The second way is even easier. To achieve the desired result, add a pinch of soda to the water where the beans are boiled, and then at the very end a little lemon juice to neutralize the alkali. This is necessary so that the taste does not deteriorate.

Remember that you should salt the beans only at the very end of cooking. Otherwise, cooking will slow down and you will lose time.

In the microwave without soaking

Place the beans in any dish suitable for use in microwave oven. For example, it can be a deep glass bowl or plate. We wash the beans under cold water, pour them over and cook the beans in the microwave for ten minutes at the highest power of the device.

After the specified time has passed, remove the bowl, mix the beans well and put them back in the microwave for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the plate, salt and send the beans to cook for another 5 minutes. Remember that salt tends to delay the cooking process. Therefore, it is not worth salting the beans before.

In a slow cooker

Undoubtedly, the owners of the multicooker were more fortunate than others. After all, in this unique device you can cook almost any dish. It can also cook beans without pre-soaking.

You can cook absolutely any beans in a slow cooker.

This method is suitable for both red and white beans. Calculate correctly the number of cooked beans - 100 grams per liter in the bowl. Pour the beans, set the "Cooking" or "Stew" mode for forty minutes. After this time, open the lid and check if the beans are ready. If not, then change the water and set the previous cooking mode again. The check can be done in two ways: bite or crush the bean with your fingers. Ready beans crumble easily.

How to quickly cook beans in a pressure cooker?

The pressure cooker is another miracle of modern kitchen appliances, allowing you to significantly save time allotted for cooking. Rinse the beans with cold water by draining them in a colander. Remove any broken beans and unnecessary debris.

To keep the skin from cracking during cooking, add one teaspoon of salt and 4 cups of water to each cup of beans. The next steps will depend on what type of pressure cooker you are using.

  1. If this is a mechanical (on-plate) device, then pour the beans inside, fill with water and close the lid. Once the pot is under pressure, turn off the heat on the stove and let the beans sit for a couple of minutes. Then open the lid and pour cold water on it. At the same time, try to do it so that moisture does not get on the steam outlet valve.
  2. The following method is suitable for cooking in an electric pressure cooker. Put the beans inside, fill it with water and set the valve to the "Pressure" position. Use any program that can keep the beans in this state for two minutes. After the mode ends, immediately release the pressure using any method present in your device. Open the lid, drain the beans in a colander and rinse with cold water. The beans are completely ready for further use, as with conventional soaking for several hours.