Intellectual KVN with parents and children outline of the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. KVN between parents and children KVN in kindergarten family traditions


Hello dear parents! We are glad to see you again in our hall. So let's start KVN!

(the presenter introduces the participants of KVN)

1 team "Fortress"- fathers of 5 people. Representing the captain...

Team 2 "Kids"- mothers of 5 people. Representing the captain...

(go out to the song "We start KVN")

The moderator introduces the members of the jury.

Stage 1: Greeting teams.

1 team. To the "Kids" team, our parental greetings! We wish you not to win, but we do not want to lose!

2 team. Our maternal greetings to the Krepyshi team! Sour, sour stokvasha, all the same, our victory!

Stage 2: Homework.

Task: to play a scene where cases from the life of children and adults “What should not be” would be reflected

Scene of the team "Fortress" - "Good girl"

Vedas: a two-year-old granddaughter bit off half of the candy, and handed the other to her grandmother.

Grandmother: Oh, you are my gold!

Vedas: She was touched, kissing a tiny hand.

Grandmother: You are my good, never greedy and everyone will love you.

Vedas: But she didn’t take the candy herself.

Grandmother: Eat yourself, I'm not small.

Vedas: In the evening, playing for parents, my grandmother asked slyly ...

Grandmother: Give me a piece of an apple.

Girl: take it.

Vedas: The baby willingly agreed, and mother was touched.

Mom: Will you treat me?

Vedas: The girl readily ran to her.

Dad: And me?

Vedas: Dad joined the game. Everyone stroked her head and praised her, but no one took the apple.

Vedas: The girl liked to be generous. She treated both neighbors and guests. And they also smiled and said: “Good girl!”. But all of them were not “small” as if by selection, and therefore they did not take anything.

But then one day, a few months later, one of the acquaintances said: “Thank you” and put a treat in his mouth. The baby was dumbfounded, then her face wrinkled and she said ...

Girl: Give it up!

Mom: Aren't you ashamed? After all, you yourself treated your uncle? She was such a kind girl...

Girl: Why did he take it?

The scene of the team "Kids" - "Not a tasty pie"

Vedas: A neighbor baked a pie. I cut off a large piece and brought it to two-year-old Kostya.

Kostya: Your pie is not tasty!

Vedas: And turned away.

Neighbor: But you haven't even tasted it, take a bite.

Kostya: No, mom says it's not tasty.

Vedas: Mom blushes, and the neighbor is offended. Kostya stands in the corner, punished for his insolence and weeps bitterly.

After all, he told the truth, repeated what he had heard the day before, when my mother was discussing the neighbor's pies with

his friend, and he was punished for it.

Stage 3: Solving pedagogical problems.

1 team. Baby 1 year old 10 months Tries to dress himself. Here he puts on pantyhose, groaning, nothing

It turns out. The mother intervenes. I myself! the child protests. Sit still, otherwise I won’t take a walk!

I myself want! the kid says again.

Question: 1. Is the mother doing the right thing?

2. What range of labor activities is available to a child of the second year of life?

2 team. Mom offers Alyosha 2 - wow years to go to sleep, but he does not want to. She turns to her son and

He says: “After all, you are already big. Now dad will see how you learned to unlace your shoes and how you can neatly fold clothes yourself.

Question: 1. Why does the mother make demands in this way?

2. Do you think Alyosha will go to bed willingly?

1 team. A two-year-old child was given a pencil and paper, after 2 seconds the paper on which the

One line, lying under the table. After a few more seconds, the baby draws on the table, wall, and then the pencil flies after the paper. The car is already in the hands, having moved it a little, it is already running to the kitchen to turn

Taps of the gas stove, or climbs on the table to put his finger in the electrical outlet.

Question: 1. What can explain the rapid change in the baby's actions?

2. Give parents advice on raising such a child.

2 team. Bought a new toy for a 2 year old. He rejoices, calls the neighbor's boy to play.

But mom immediately extinguishes this joy: “Don’t give it to anyone, play it yourself, otherwise they will take it away.” But the toy immediately gets bored, the baby throws it and runs to play with the children.

Question: 1. What qualities can a baby develop as a result of this kind of instruction?

2. Give examples of instilling in children the desire and ability to share with others,

Give in to others.

Task: Marina, a two-year-old girl, has a bad habit of sucking her thumb. The teacher repeatedly reminded the girl that it was impossible to suck paley, but this did not help. Then she began to carefully observe Marina, and as soon as she put her finger in her mouth, the teacher offered her

An interesting toy or began to play with without saying “you can’t take a finger in your mouth.” But

The habit took over. The teacher decided to tie a shoulder. And one day Marina said to the teacher "And I spat my finger"

Question for the teams:Who can name more examples of techniques that can be used to

Wean children from bad habits.

Stage 4: "Guess"

Question: What can you tell about a child by looking at his facial expression. What is he?

Team 1: Surprise, fear, tears.

Team 2: Sadness, joy, anger.

Exercise: Who will quickly pick up a facial expression for the corresponding picture.

Stage 5: "Folk poetry for children"

He carefully accompanied the people with a poetic word at every stage in the life of a child. The first works of art - the words that a child hears in childhood - are folk songs. AT

Families with small children hear melodious lullabies and funny nursery rhymes. The calm melody of a lullaby calms the child, a cheerful nursery rhyme pleases.

I propose to name folk songs and nursery rhymes that are diverse in content and that you tell your children.

Stage 6: Competition of captains - "artists"

Exercise: Copy your children in any situation.

Note: After each stage of KVN, the jury reports on the results of the competition. You can add puzzles, crosswords, charades to the script.

KVN for children and parents of the senior group on speech development with elements of sand therapy.

Entertainment in the senior group "Journey to the sandy country." Scenario

Target: strengthening the relationship between the family and the kindergarten in order to ensure the unity of speech impact on preschoolers.
Equipment: two basins with sand, replicas of vegetables and fruits, a basket, cut pictures, blank sheets of paper, pens, wet wipes, a winner's diploma (2 pieces) and a participant's diploma, prizes.


Leading. I inform everyone, everyone, everyone, we are starting our KVN! Please welcome our teams: the Friendship team and the Smile team. (music from KVN sounds, teams enter, take places at the tables). Today we have gathered with you here in order to play, have fun, show ourselves and look at others. It's great that we succeeded, because we are waiting for a very exciting and interesting journey to the sand country. But in order for us to get there, I suggest you close your eyes and say the magic words:
We close our eyes tightly
And we all count to five:
One two three four five
You can open your eyes.
Hello dear guests, I am a sand fairy. I am very glad to welcome you to my country. As in any other journey, there will be difficulties and obstacles on your way, and in order to overcome them you will need courage, courage, ingenuity and, of course, knowledge. To begin with, I would like to introduce you to our jury, which will evaluate your progress. (representing the jury). well,
I introduced you to the jury, and now I invite the teams to get to know each other and greet each other. This is our first competition task, which is called "Greeting". Let's start with the Friendship team, please. (the captain of the team gets up, says the name of the team, the motto and greetings to the opponents).
Host: Thank you. And now the Smile team, please. (the captain of the team gets up, says the name of the team, the motto and greetings to the opponents).
Moderator: Well, and we are moving on to the second warm-up contest, which is called “Finish the sentence.” I will pronounce the beginning of the sentence, and you will have to finish it with one word. For example, I will say "One chair, but many ...", and you should say "... chairs." I will read
offers to each team in turn, if one of the teams finds it difficult, the opponents can answer. Does everyone understand? Well, well, then be careful, we start with the Friendship team.
One table, but many ... (tables)
One closet, but a lot ... (closets)
One sock, but a lot ... (socks)
One shoe, but a lot ... (shoes)
One bed, but many ... (beds)
One bow, but many ... (bows)
One coat, but a lot ... (coat)
One chair, but many ... (chairs)
One car, but many ... (cars)
One boot, but a lot ... (boots)
One dress, but many ... (dresses)
One stocking, but a lot ... (stockings).
Host: Well, you did a great job with the warm-up, let's see what happens next. The next competition is called "Collect a picture". Now I will tell you about the rules of this competition. Pay attention, here (I draw the attention of those present to the basins of sand) there are two mini-sandboxes, each team has its own. In the sand are hidden parts of the split picture that you need to find and fold. You have a certain time for this competition, exactly as much as the hourglass shows. You must complete the task before all the sand is poured. Is everything clear to everyone? (Yeah) Well, well, then I turn the clock and the time is up. (Teams begin to perform the task).
Host: Dear viewers, while our teams are busy, I suggest you play a little, train your speed of thinking and speech. I will make riddles, and therefore you will guess them. So, let's begin.

He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals
And once a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.

He's famous, he's famous
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)

Run away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And on the road, tears are pouring. (Fedora)

What a strange
Little wooden man
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key?
He sticks his nose everywhere
Who is this? -... (Pinocchio)

Before the wolf did not tremble,
Run away from the bear
And the fox on the tooth
Still got caught ... (Kolobok)

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl no more than a fingernail.
Who read this book
Knows a baby girl. (Thumbelina)

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children? (seven kids)

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (three Bears)

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp someone raised it.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
Did you instantly become beautiful, comely? (Princess Frog).

Host: I hope you enjoyed this game. But it's time for us to get back to our teams. There is very little sand left in our watches, it is about to end ... That's it, the time is up, let's see what happened with our teams. Let's start with the "Smile" team. Sasha, please tell me what is shown in your picture, and what is it for? (child answers).
Quite right, well done. Now it's your turn, Friendship team, Olya, please answer. (child's answer).
That's right, well done. You can go to your seats. Both teams have fully coped with the task, but how you did it will be appreciated by our esteemed jury, which has been following you closely. And we will move on to the next competition, the captains competition called "Plant vegetables and fruits." Please, captains, come to me. So, guys, imagine that these are your small garden plots and you need to plant vegetables or fruits on them. And here is a basket with these same vegetables and fruits. In order for everything to be fair, we will choose by lot who will plant what. I have two cards in my hands, one says "vegetables" and the other says "fruits". I suggest you choose any of them. (children take cards). Well, let's see who gets what. Masha, the captain of the Friendship team, has the word “vegetables” written on it, which means Masha is planting vegetables. And Dima, the captain of the “Smile” team, has the word “fruits”, and therefore he will plant fruits. Other team members may support their captains, and
cheer for them. So guys, let's get ready. (captains perform the task, team members cheer for them).
Host: So, both captains completed the task, well done guys. Now let's check if you did it right. I give the floor to the captain of the "Smile" team. Dima, tell us what you planted on your site. (apple, pear, orange, etc.). How can you call it in one word? (fruits). You are right, well done. Well, now let's check if the captain of the Friendship team coped with the task. Masha, please tell us what you planted (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.). How to call it in one word? (vegetables). That's right, it's vegetables, well done. Well done guys, I congratulate you, you did an excellent job, you can go to your teams, and we will continue our journey through the sand country. We have a final competition ahead of us, called "Homework". The teams had to come up with a sand game and today tell us about it, that is, the goals of the game and how to play it. Dear teams, you have a few minutes to get ready and present your game to us. You can start. And I again appeal to you, dear viewers. So that you don’t get bored and you suddenly don’t fall asleep while our teams are preparing, I suggest you play a little more. And the game is called "Come up with a proposal." The rules of the game are simple: I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example: I will say the word "nearby", and you will quickly answer "I live next to the kindergarten." So, attention.
Travel (I like to travel the world)
Kindergarten (I love going to kindergarten)
Sand (Yesterday they brought sand to kindergarten)
Mom (My mom is the best)
Family (We have a friendly family)
Children (Children are the flowers of life).
Host: Great, you have a well-developed speed of thinking. It was a pleasure for me to play with you, but we need to get back to the teams, they are already ready, aren't they? (Yes). Well, let's start and I give the floor to the Friendship team. Please, we are listening. (One of the adults tells the goals and the course of the game).
Thank you, well done, and now we pass the floor to the “Smile” team. Please, you have the floor. (One of the adults tells the goals and the course of the game). Excellent, well done.
Host: As a rule, everything in this life comes to an end someday, so our journey has come to an end. You are all great fellows, you coped with all the tasks, showed your good knowledge and skills. And now I want to turn to our esteemed jury: are you ready to announce the results or do you need time? (We are ready) Then you have the floor. (the jury announces the results). And now we are moving on to the most solemn and joyful event: the awards. (I give prizes to the teams). I congratulate everyone, I wish you that parents spend time with their children as often as possible, because this is so important.
We were born to live happily
To play together, to be strong friends.
To give each other smiles and flowers,
So that all our dreams come true in life.
Thank you for your participation and see you next time.

KVN speech therapy entertainment in the preparatory group between teams of children and parents.

Integration of educational areas:

"Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

Types of children's activities:


  • speech Target: Education of mutual assistance, collectivism, the ability to work together, help each other, the ability to listen to each other, a sense of responsibility to your team.


    "Speech development": to systematize the knowledge gained in the classroom in children; to develop the grammatical structure of speech; enrich vocabulary, develop memory, speech attention, imagination; develop the ability to learn to think, draw conclusions, analyze; develop phonemic hearing, auditory attention, visual memory.

    "Physical development": develop correct posture, coordinate movements, navigate in space, develop graphic skills, fine motor skills and a sense of rhythm.

    "Artistic and aesthetic development": to develop interest in the artistic word, in speech, to expand knowledge and horizons;

    "Social and communicative development": educate independence, self-control, mutual assistance. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from a joint event. Encouraging children and parents to actively participate. Involving parents in a joint event to establish a good, trusting relationship with the child.

Equipment: letters KVN, split pictures, letters for composing words, circles: blue, red, green, hoops (baskets), subject pictures, emblems, autumn leaves for the jury.

Entertainment progress:

I. The participants of the game to the music "We are starting KVN ..." enter the hall.

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! We start our KVN. Today there are two teams. Your rivals, dear parents, will be your children - the Umnikov team. "Smarts", and your rivals are the "Wise Men" team. I suggest players choose captains. So here we go! I invite the teams to take their places. Our competition will be evaluated by a competent jury (the name and patronymic of the head of the structural unit of the kindergarten are announced).

1. The first task is a warm-up (Logic, memory, thinking). Find the missing word:

1) Bagel, saucepan, cup, ladle.

2) Sausages, spoon, fork, knife.

3) Pot, frying pan, milk, cup.

4) Kettle, milk jug, cup, boots.

5) Frying pan, pear, sugar bowl, slotted spoon.

6. Coffee pot, candy, saucer, tureen.

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition

2. We continue KVN.

Second competition Minus - plus, Fire - water, Daring - cautious. All antonyms are always opposite.

The opposite game.(Questions are given alternately to one and the other team). Sugar is sweet, and pepper The road is wide, and the path ... Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... Tea is hot, and ice cream ... Kissel is thick, and fruit drink ... The sheet of emery is rough, and the sheet of paper ... The hare runs fast, and the turtle crawls ... It is light during the day, and in the evening ... Porridge is boiled thick and ... Animals are bold and ... Carrots can be eaten raw and ... Apples can be small and ...


3. The third competition.

Who wants to talk he must pronounce everything correctly and distinctly, so that everything is clear. Therefore, the next task is “Who will talk to whom”. (The task is to remember the tongue twister, pronounce it quickly and clearly). From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Forty forty ate cheese in a short time. The cuckoo bought a hood for the cuckoo The cuckoo put on a hood How funny he is in the hood. Spruce looks like a hedgehog, spruce in needles is a hedgehog too. The raven raven crowed. On a swamp hummock on a dark night, a duck bird drank some water. Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rumble. Near the stake they beat the bells. The owl advises the owl, sleep the neighbor on the sofa. On the sofa, you sleep so sweetly about the owls, you will have a dream.

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

4. Fourth competition"Tell a poem." For this task, I invite team captains. I ask the captains of both teams to come to me. The task for you is very simple: you need to tell the poems using gestures and facial expressions. The task of the rivals is to guess the "told" poem. Team "Clever Men" - the poem "Clumsy Bear" Team "Wise Men" - the poem "They dropped the bear on the floor ...")

Leading: And again, the time of the jury has come. It has become a tradition to put marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

5. Fifth competition - “Contest of knowledge”. It consists of 4 tasks.

- 1. The first task “Choose pictures with sound K from the tray » Parents are looking for the sound K in the middle of the word, and the children are looking for the sound k at the beginning, and the captain calls the player who tells why he collected these particular items. For example: “Saucepan, in this word the sound “K” is at the beginning of the word.”

- 2. The second task "Guess the encrypted word." (They call the word by the sounds of the team guess) Parents have the word KNIVES, and children SPOON.

- 3. The third task "Cryphers" (sound analysis of the word)“Spread the circles” and overtake the team of wise men . Remember that hard consonants are indicated by a blue circle, and soft ones by green. Vowels are circled in red. Each team from the circles makes up words. Children of the word CUP, and parents. MUGS.

- 4 Task “Guess the word by the first sounds of words. Pictures are displayed first for the first team, and then for the second. At mniki BUCKET - pan, hoop, bucket, slotted spoon. nerds Wise men. KETTLE - stocking, watermelon, iodine, thread, needle.

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

6. The sixth task "Tell me a word." This task starts with the parents. There is one game for you:
I will read poetry now
I will start, and you try,

Necessary buzzwords
Add in unison.

1. And all green in autumn

It is thick, pine ... (forest)

2. If the sun is hot

Or rain wets the lawn

It won't scare us

Will cover us with you (umbrella)

3. By the river, by the water of the clouds caravan

It spreads white, autumn ... (fog)

4. To keep us warm,

We wear in the fall ... (coat)

5. There are autumn gray clouds

Your angry leader

Shooting arrows all day - Silver (rain)

6. Everyone is happy with such a miracle - Autumn gives us (leaf fall)

7. Fields are empty,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen? (in autumn)

8. Empty garden in the village,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us? (September)

9. All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens, bare forests,
Wet bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us? (October)

10. The field became black and white;
It's raining, it's snowing,
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please? (november)

11. It is not known where he lives.
It flies, the trees are oppressed.
Whistling - trembling along the river
Mischievous, but you won’t get away. (wind)

12. Leaky bags wander,
And sometimes it happens
Water flows from the bags.
Let's hide better
From leaky ... (clouds)

13. Came without paints and without a brush,
I repainted all the leaves. (autumn)

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

7.The seventh task "Collect the picture." Say what parts it consists of an object.

8. The eighth task: "Find a clue" It happens in the mornings and evenings; because of it, nothing is visible ahead. When he walks, without ceasing to become sad at heart and wet on the street. It is very beautiful and solemn trees throw off their golden outfit .. He can whisper, whistle, rage, get angry, push passers-by in the back, pluck leaves from trees. It looks like snow needles that decorate tree branches. She floats across the sky dark, threatening, and then suddenly bursts into tears with bitter tears.

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

9. The ninth task. "Find the mistake" I will name words denoting objects and phenomena related to autumn, but I will deliberately make mistakes. Your task is to find them.

Falling leaves, the beginning of the school year, snowdrop, wind.

Fog, hoarfrost, picking mushrooms, ice drift.

Santa Claus, harvest, flying birds, first snow.

Clouds, the opening of the swimming season, rain, cold snap.

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

10..The tenth task. Work with matches. It often rains in autumn, and therefore we can not do without an umbrella. See how an image of an umbrella made of matches is drawn on a piece of paper. I give both teams a few seconds to memorize the image. And now I will turn the leaf over, and you will also repeat from memory ..

Now let's make things harder. Move only two matches so that you get three identical triangles. Which team is the fastest.

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

11. Leading (speech therapist): Task - "Learn the word." Children are called: 6 people, each speech therapist says 1 sound in each ear, then they pronounce these sounds in turn and recognize the word P-O-B-E-D-A (VICTORY); Then parents - 6 people - the word D-R -U-F-B-A (FRIENDSHIP)

Leading: And again, the jury's time has come, it has become a tradition to give marks. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition. In the meantime, the jury is conferring and summing up the final results, I announce a musical pause (the tape recorder is turned on). Now comes the most important moment. Whoever is ahead, we can say with confidence: friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness have won today.

Meanwhile, the jury summed up the results. Leading: We thank our jury members for their creative work in judging our competitions. And we thank the team members for their resourcefulness, ingenuity and perseverance in achieving fame and success. Prizes or certificates are awarded.

Leading: We look forward to new tournaments, games, meetings!

Child reads a poem

We thought and had fun

And sometimes they even argued

But very friendly

For our game.

The game is replaced by the game,

The game is over!

But the friendship doesn't end. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Final count.

We are ending our holiday

And let's all count together:

May everything work out in your life!

Were healthy so that always two!

To warm the soul from the inside - three!

So that everyone lives in love and peace - four!

To never lose heart - five!

Friends so that you can not count - six!

To give warmth to everyone - seven!

So that autumn was fruitful - eight!

That everything will be fine, believe- nine!

And finally more

Good songs - ten!

More kindness, patience, diligence ...

Well, we say goodbye and tell everyone ...

Nomination "Working with parents"

This form of methodical work in the preschool educational institution contributes to the activation of existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the creation of a favorable psychological climate between parents.

Relevance: raising the level of pedagogical culture of parents through the organization of joint activities.

Goals: optimization of interpersonal relationships, development of group interaction skills, the ability to reckon with the opinions of others. Combining the efforts of parents and teachers associated with diversified development; creating an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation, establishing partnerships in professional communication with the parents of pupils.

Team formation.

3 teams are formed. This is done as follows: everyone sits in a general circle, the command is given: “Women, stand up!”. The first 5 - 7 people are determined.

    Thank you, the rest - sit down!.

    Who respects himself - step forward!

    Who is not sure - step back! (who did - thanks, sat down)

    Interesting people - step forward!

    Leaders, step forward! (first 3 people)

The rest - thank you, sat down, and the leaders - applause.

Dear leaders! Being alone is bad, so quickly look around, find a mate and invite you to your place. Fabulous! You have been chosen, express gratitude to the leaders - applause.

Now show ingratitude, turn around and quickly choose another pair for yourself, you are thanked (applause).

Thank you, now the third leads the fourth, the fourth - the fifth, the fifth - the sixth.

If there are others, then the command is given: "Disperse into teams that you like." So 3 teams are formed.

Team preparation and presentation. Have each team stand in a tight circle and hold hands. Dear leaders, how many people do you have?

If there are 2 - 3 more people, then you need to correct the situation like this: first, the leaders from numerous teams are turned away, then the leader of the small team points to any person from the large team, and the leader from the large team, turning away, calls any number from 1 to 10, and pronounces the words "left" or "right". On whom the score has stopped, he goes to a small team without offense. Please sit in 3 open circles.

I ask for attention and silence. Perhaps you think you already have commands. This is not true. You will have a team only when you become a cohesive team, when you have your chosen captain, team name and slogan. You are given 10 minutes to prepare: you must choose a captain (your leader can also become it, but this is not necessary), you must come up with the name of your team, a slogan and reinforce your slogan with a scene played out. But, if you are Space Pigs, you have to show it. Please note that 10 minutes is very little and that the jury will first pay attention to the cohesion of your team. I wish you to prove that your team is the most friendly! So, now there are full-fledged commands.

Controller wires.

Exercise. Now we will have games, contests, in which the team that understands each other better without words will win. Negotiations and any signs are prohibited, try to achieve consistency by feeling the situation. But it's no secret that you can win by violating the rules, if the team begins to somehow imperceptibly agree within itself. You want your opponents to play fairly, so choose controllers from your team who will stop violations of the rules in your opponents' team. One of the controllers will go to the team to your right, the other to the team to the left.

  • Teams! You know very well how people treat controllers. Controllers prevent people from winning, you send them to someone else's team, almost to certain death. And you just let them go? Please, a solemn farewell to the controllers.
  • Dear controllers! For attempts to agree, you can cancel the results, fine the team.

Team coordination games.

1. Attention! I will speak quickly, listen carefully. Now I will call the number, and on the whistle, as many people as I name should stand in the team. Controllers, beware!

The host calls any number, but not more than the number of people in the team. “Attention, get up (two, five, etc. _.

2. Attention! Raise your hand to your shoulder, thumbs up. On a signal, you need to throw out your hand, point to someone in the group. Where will there be more hands pointing to one? (repeated several times). Let the person in the team stand who thinks that it was he who was pointed out by the most number of hands.

You can't argue with controllers. As before, the victory is recorded each time by the applause of the winning team, and they are given a point for this.

3. Attention! They raised their hand, clenched into a fist. Now on the whistle, you will have to throw out a certain number of fingers! In which team will more people roll the same number of fingers? You can not repeat the number of fingers thrown out the previous time. Controllers, check.

5. Such tender words... For this task, we need two people from each team who have the warmest souls and warmest hearts. 1 minute to choose. Thank you, applause to our speakers. Which team considers itself the strongest? Great, you play first.

The leader puts two chairs in the center one against the other.

The task is as follows: looking at this wonderful woman, as long as possible, without pauses, speak kind, warm, beautiful words to her. You can use the epithets "beautiful ... sweet ... amazing ...", or talk about the feelings that she gives rise to in you, but you must speak without pauses, and your words must be pleasant to her. She must listen and feel pleasure. Who can last more than 2 minutes? A pause of more than 5 seconds means the end of the speech. Get ready, please.

Game over.

The results are announced.

  • Thank you! Our KVN has come to an end. KVN caused us a lot of feelings. I ask you to express all these feelings. The last task is to express feelings to yourself, the other team, the activity, and the facilitator. I ask the leaders to speak!

Thank you all, goodbye!


  1. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of the game. M. Pedagogy, 1978. 304 p.
  2. Zolotarevsky L. For cheerful and resourceful. Soviet culture. 1963. Jan 31 C. 2.

Non-traditional parent meeting in the form of KVN on the theme "Connoisseurs of nature".

Senior group

Group parent meeting - KVN.

Subject: "Connoisseurs of Nature".

Target: create conditions for cooperation between parents and children, their emotional and mental rapprochement; increase the interest of parents in the environmental education of their children and ecology in general.

Equipment: Envelopes with proverbs about nature cut into words, puzzles, two drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

Assembly progress.

Introduction . More and more often we hear and pronounce the word "ecology". Science is complex, important and necessary. Science is up to date.

Environmental education is a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of a child, aimed at the formation of his ecological culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the world around him, in a responsible attitude towards his health and the state of the environment, in observing certain moral standards, in system of value orientations.

As practice shows, modern preschoolers have a large amount of knowledge about nature. However, often this knowledge is formed spontaneously, under the influence of television programs, advertising, cartoons. Only in the process of purposeful work of the kindergarten and parents it is possible to form an ecological culture, ecological thinking, ecological consciousness in children.

Our today's meeting is just an attempt to look into the amazingly diverse, unsolved world of nature. An attempt to see and understand that the amazing is always there, you just need to be able to see and hear.

From an early age, we must educate in children a clear understanding: man is part of nature. There will be no greenery, no animals - and he will not live on Earth. And vice versa: the richer the world around, the better a person will live in this world.

The knowledge of nature by a child affects not only the area of ​​the mind, but also the area of ​​moral feelings. Therefore, while giving children knowledge about the animal and plant world, adults at the same time tell them the rules of behavior in nature.

A person who does not see the beauty of nature is worse than a blind man: he has blindness of the soul. And from one whose soul is blind, do not expect kindness or honesty, devotion or courage. Is it necessary to talk about how acute the issue of educating children in respect for the world around them is?

I would like the motto of our today's KVN to be the words of Vadim Shefner from the poem "Man":

You, man, loving nature,

Feel sorry for her sometimes!

On fun trips

Do not trample its fields!

Don't burn it down

And don't go to the bottom.

And remember the simple truth:

We are many, but she is one!

So, now I suggest you split into two teams. The first team will be called"FLOWER - SEMITSVETIK", second"TRAILERS".

Educator: Our competitions will be evaluated by a jury consisting of .. (


Let our jury strictly
But the dream of victory is stronger.
Let's fight honestly
We will try very hard
Make our KVN more fun.

Educator: 1st competition. Command presentation. Have the teams introduce themselves (team name, team captain, greeting).

"Flower - seven-flower"

Nature's true friends!

We are friendly, like one family!

They came to play in KVN,

To know more about nature!


Each of us will protect nature,

About every tree, our soul hurts.

We are ready to play today

All together talk about nature.

Educator: 2nd competition. Warm-up. "A fun quiz."

Questions for the first team:

What flower are we talking about?

A tramp roaming the roads. (Plantain).

Do snails have teeth? (Yes, the snail has 135 rows of teeth located on the tongue. Each contains 105, for a total of 14175).

In ancient Russia, this animal was called veksha. He is graceful and handsome. His cubs are born naked, but then they flaunt in red fluffy outfits. The animal is very trusting. (Squirrel).

The cub was not born, but already given up for education. Who is he? (Cuckoo).

Who builds a hut in the forest without axes, without corners? (Ants).

What can be used in the forest to make tea? (Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, currants, rose hips).

Questions for the second team:

What flower are we talking about?

I am in the field and in the garden,
In front of passers-by.
My head is white
Sprouted with petals. (Chamomile).

Flower and seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. (Carnation).

Which of the birds always walks with a bag? (Pelican, pelika - in Greek a bag).

What fruits are rich in vitamin C? (Blackcurrant, wild rose).

What do you think the Red Book is?

(Red color is an alarm signal, impending danger, warnings. This book contains animals and plants that are very few left on Earth, they are under the threat of extinction. They must be saved: hunting for them should be banned, protected in reserves).

Which bird has scales instead of feathers on its wings? (At the penguins).

Who has ears on their feet? (Grasshopper).

Educator: 3rd competition. "Collect a proverb."

Teams need to make up proverbs from the given words.

1 team

Snow drifts in the fields - a grain harvest in the bins.

2 team

A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.

Educator: 4th competition. Captains competition.

Each captain will be asked 6 questions. The number of points will correspond to the number of correct answers.

Questions for the first team

1 What is the longest tree in the Urals? (Cedar)

2Why are the leaves of the tree tops the last to fall? (because young)

3. What black berries do you know? (Bird cherry, blueberry, blackberry, chokeberry, black currant,

4. On which coniferous tree do berries grow? (Juniper)

5. No one scolds, but she trembles. Who and why? (Aspen, because the leaf stem is long)

6. A plant associated with ringing? (Bell)

Questions for the second team

1. The name of which plant consists of a particle, a preposition and a sentry box? (forget-me-not)

2. Name the plants that have human names. (Rose, Ivan da Marya, daisy, Ivan tea, cornflower, etc.)

3. Name the surnames that come from the names of animals.

(Zverevs, Volkovs, Koshkins, Krotovs, Zaitsevs, Karpovs, Kozlovs)

4. Name wild edible plants. (Nettle, sorrel, burdock, mint, oregano, wild rose, St. John's wort, etc.)

5. The name of which animals consists of 2 letters? (Hedgehog, really, yak)

6. Name the birds that winter in our area? (Tits, sparrows, bullfinches, magpies, crows, partridges, etc.)

Educator: 5th competition. Musical competition.

Teams take turns singing songs about nature. The team that sings the most songs wins.

The first team sings songs about plants, the second - about animals and birds.

Educator: 6th competition. Ecological tasks.

Vova and her mother went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Look, look, mother bird flies so low that I can catch her! Let her stay at our house.

No, you can't do that, Mom said. Why did she answer like that?

Conclusion. She did not allow her son to take the bird, because she knew it was a chick that was learning to fly. He will grow up in the forest, and in captivity he will die.

2. Once Seryozha and his parents came to the river. Many small fish swam close to the shore.

Give me a jar, I'll catch fish - Seryozha asked his parents.

You can't catch them, - said the father and explained why. What did dad say?

Conclusion. Small fishes are fry of big fishes. They need space to grow and develop, and in a bank they will quickly die. And if everyone catches fry, there will be few fish in the river.

3. Kolya and Vitya were playing in the yard and saw how a large blue butterfly sat on a branch.

Let's catch her, - Vitya asked.

You can't catch butterflies, Kolya said.

From them, all the same, no use - answered Vitya. Which boy was right?

Conclusion. It is impossible to catch and destroy butterflies, since a butterfly is not only a beautiful, but also a useful insect. She catches flies, mosquitoes, midges in the air, which she feeds on. By killing "unnecessary" in our opinion insects, we violate the ecological balance.

4. On Sunday, Katya and her mother went for a walk in the forest. Flowers bloomed on the lawns, birds sang. Katya saw big beautiful bells and wanted to pick a bouquet, but her mother did not allow her. Why?

Conclusion. Bluebells are the beauty of the forest. Many people come to the forest and everyone admires them. In addition, small insects hide in the cups of the bell at night and in bad weather, if you pick flowers, insects will be left without houses.


This concludes our contests.

Smart, skillful

Perky and bold

We played KVN

They showed their knowledge

Educator: And now the jury will sum up and announce the results of our competitions

Educator: So our KVN ended. You have shown excellent knowledge. Therefore, all of you can rightfully be called connoisseurs of nature. And, of course, you will pass on all your knowledge and skills to children.


Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the whole universe,

All alone in the universe

What will she do without us?

Statements about nature.

“A man became a man when he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of a wave and the solemn silence of the night, - he heard, and, holding his breath, listens hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky