Milking parlors - "Herringbone", "Carousel", "Parallel". Arrangement of milking parlors

A properly equipped milking parlor is the key to the success of a dairy farm. Mechanization and automation of the milking process not only facilitates the work of farm employees, but also speeds up milk production, reduces the risk of injury to cows and significantly reduces the cost of the finished product. When organizing a milking parlor, you need to know several features of the process.

Organization of the milking parlor

Proper organization of the milking parlor begins with the purchase of equipment that will simplify the process of mechanical milking and milk collection. When choosing any equipment - milking machine, milk receiver, etc. - it is worth paying more attention to quality, safety of materials, speed and power, ease of use.

Milking parlors are most often equipped on medium and large cattle farms. For a farm with a small number of cows, the milking parlor is not so cost-effective.

It is possible to organize the work correctly only taking into account the following factors:

  • Hall power. Calculated based on the total number of cattle,
  • Room area. Must meet minimum requirements
  • Qualification of employees.

Of the mandatory requirements for the arrangement of the hall:

  • Availability of a reliable electric line,
  • Availability of good water supply.

How a milking parlor works

There are several types of milking parlors:

  • Carousel,
  • herringbone,
  • Tandem,
  • Parallel.

For all types of halls, the technology of milking cows and the milking machines used are the same.

Usually, cows are brought in groups to the milking parlour, selecting animals similar in terms of milk production. Cows occupy separate boxes and are fixed in them. The operator attaches the teats of the milking machine to the udder, which both milk the cow and turns on the machine. A special sensitivity program allows the cluster to detach from the udder automatically as soon as the milk collection is finished. After that, the door of the box opens and the cow leaves the stall. Then the next group starts.

Necessary equipment

Mandatory equipment for the milking parlor is:

  • Dairy post with control panel for the operator,
  • Milk receiver,
  • Milking machine,
  • vacuum pumps,
  • milk pipeline,
  • Cleaning system.

Milking machine control

The dairy post allows you to monitor the milking process and take into account the milk yield from each cow. The control apparatus is also responsible for the vacuum, transportation of milk through the pipeline, power supply and water supply. Most often, the milking machine is connected to the milk pipeline, but for milking cows with a difficult character, it is better to provide for the placement of a bucket under the teats of the machine. Mandatory washing of all systems of the milking machine occurs automatically before and after milking cows. For this purpose, a water heating system is built into the complex to the desired temperature.

Hall type "Carousel"

Milking parlors "Carousel" are more efficient on large farms, designed for livestock of thousands of cows. The capacity of such a hall is one hundred animals per hour. The platform with the equipment placed on it and the operator is built on the principle of a rotating rotor. There are two types of Carousel milking parlour.

Hall Malaya Karusel

The scheme of the first design provides for the placement of stalls for cows in the center of the platform, and the operator and equipment - outside. Milking parlors of the second type are distinguished by the fact that the stalls are located on the outside, and the staff and equipment are located in the center. The control panel controls the start and end of milking. The speed of movement of the cows is adjusted depending on the speed of the return of milk. If the milking of one of the cows is over, the operator can reduce the speed or stop the entire process.

The advantage of the Carousel Hall is its high throughput.

Hall Bolshaya Karusel - the operator works from the inside

It is ensured by a continuous milking process and ease of maintenance. The rotating unit also takes up less space. Milking cows on the carousel is more relaxed thanks to the built-in soundproofing system. A noise reduction device is installed on the vacuum pumps. Milking parlors "Karusel" have comfortable and safe stalls made of galvanized steel and can be additionally equipped with automatic feed or water supply.

Hall type "Herringbone"

The layout of the “Herringbone” milking parlors is distinguished by the parallel arrangement of cows for cows on both sides of the passage. Each machine consists of ten boxes located at an angle of 30 degrees to the aisle. The stalls are made of galvanized pipes, and stainless steel is used for the manufacture of working passages.

The control module consists of:

  • milking cups,
  • Milking machine shutdown systems,
  • milk yield counter,
  • electromagnetic pulsator.

"Herringbone" is equipped with a working display, which displays the cow number and the amount of milk in real time. The cow number is read by the identification system from the collar or tag. The operator can also enter the number himself. The operating mode of the pulsator is set automatically for each cow, depending on the rate of milk ejection. The Herringbone kit also includes a milk receiver, an equipment washing system and three units, each of which has vacuum pumps. The automatic udder washing system includes an electric water heater, a pipeline and a water sprinkler in the form of a pistol. There is also a system for removing waste after washing the trench and cleaning the entire hall.

Hall type "Tandem"

The scheme of the milking parlor "Tandem" differs from the "Herringbone" in a wider front of milking. Cow stalls are arranged one behind the other parallel to the central aisle. Each box has a separate gate through which the cow enters the box. Milking machines "Tandem" have their advantages:

  • Quick placement of cows in boxes,
  • Possibility to see the animal
  • Milking equipment is able to detect mastitis inclusions in cows.

Today, Tandem mobile halls for cattle are more popular. They consist of a mobile milk pipeline platform.

You can use the mobile hall even on pastures with paddocks, as well as on farms where cows are tethered.

The platform is designed for six boxes with feeders. The equipment includes vacuum pumps, a milk receiver and a milk pipeline. pipeline and flexible hoses for flushing the system. The platform can be raised or lowered by means of jacks and is adjustable to the height of the box, which facilitates the work of the operator. The automatic udder wash system is activated before and after milking.

Another advantage of such a hall is the covering of the platform. It is durable, easy to clean, does not retain moisture and odors. The platform is mounted on four wheels, and the roof of the device is made of corrugated metal-plastic.

Hall type "Parallel"

The layout of the Parallel hall is very simple and is most often used on small and medium-sized farms. The stalls are arranged in two parallel rows, between which there is a passage and an operator console. The maximum number of boxes for cows in one row is no more than 14. Most often, cows are milked in groups, selected according to their milk yield and milk release rate. In the stalls, the udders of cows are washed and the nipples of the milking machine are put on. After milking is completed, the udder is processed again and the cows are released through the rotating gate.

  • The practice of using the "Parallel" hall shows that it is more efficient to milk high-yielding cows first and only at the end - young and slow-milking ones. The milking system allows you to keep an individual record of milk from each cow and the entire group.
  • Hall "Parallel" has a fairly high throughput, as it has a wide exit area. Placing cows in close proximity to each other saves floor space.
  • In the halls "Parallel" the stall is located at a right angle to the operator. The main advantage of the Parallel Hall is its compactness and ease of maintenance. The minimum floor space for milking boxes is 55 sq.m. This is enough to serve a herd of 100-200 heads.

Standard equipment "Parallel":

  • stall structures,
  • vacuum pumps,
  • Automatic three-stroke milking machine,
  • Milk pipeline connected to the milk receiver,
  • Washing system.

Conveyor-ring milking machines ("Carousels") are designed for machine milking of cows on dairy farms with a population of 300 to 2000 cows.

The use of these installations makes it possible to introduce completely new forms of the technological process of milking cows, organizing and dividing labor of workers in a dairy farm: each operator performs only one group of operations (washing the udder, connecting milking cups, machine milking, removing milking cups from the animal's udder, etc.). and he does not need to waste time on transitions.

On conveyor-ring installations, the cow enters the machine and leaves it after a strictly defined time, depending on the speed of rotation of the platform. As a result, all technological operations are performed with a certain rhythm, typical for industrial enterprises. The design of conveyor-ring installations made it possible to automate many operations of machine milking of cows.

The "Carousel" installations used on dairy farms in the country differ from each other mainly in the number of milking machines (sizes), i.e., productivity. The compactness of the "Carousels" allows them to be mounted in any building with spans between supports of at least 6 m.

An annular platform with milking machines is located in the milking parlour, around which are located the premises of auxiliary services.

To the platform from two sides (when servicing dairy herds located in two barns on both sides of the milking parlor) there are corridors divided along into two passages. On one side of the corridor, the cows go to the moving platform, on the other side they leave the hall after milking.

Carousels are supplied in two types: M-690-16 with sixteen tandem milking machines M-691-40 with 40 herringbone machines.

The machines are equipped with the "Physiomatic" system, which provides mechanical excitation of the milk ejection reflex and automatic shutdown of the milking machines at the end of milking. Washing and disinfection of all parts of the installation that come into contact with milk, including milking machines and recorders, are carried out by an automated circulation system with program control. The feeding of animals with concentrates in accordance with their productivity has also been automated. Manure at the installation falls through the slots of the platform into the chute, from where it is raked with a special brush into a gravity channel. The time of one turn of the Carousel can be adjusted from 6.5 to 18 minutes.

The device of the milking machine M-691-40 "Carousel" is shown in fig. 34. On the installation ring, 40 pens are placed in a herringbone pattern, each of which has a feeder and a device for fixing a cow. The floor in the machines is slatted. At the entrance of cows to the machines of the milking plant, there is a feed dispenser with a control panel.

Rice. 34. Scheme of the milking machine M-691-40 "Carousel": 1 - passages for the entry and exit of cows, 2 - feed storage, 3 - feed dispenser, 4 - sanitary unit, 5 - washing machine, 6 - control panel, 7 - beam - boom, 8 - milk collectors (recorders), 9 - feeders, 10 - machine tools, 11 - electric drive, 12 - milk receiving, 13 - utility room, 14 - vacuum pumping, 15 - electrical distribution, 16 - refrigeration unit

From the inside of the ring on the fence of the machines there is milking equipment. On top of the diameter of the carrier ring, on the beam-boom, a current collector, pipelines for milk, vacuum, compressed air and an air separator (releaser) are mounted. The installation ring is driven by a DC motor, which allows you to change the direction of rotation and adjust its speed. The optimal time for one turn of the Carousel is 10-13 minutes.

Through a special coupling, air is pumped out by vacuum pumps from the rotating part of the "Carousel" vacuum system, which consists of an annular vacuum line and a combined vacuum-washing pipeline, through which a washing solution circulates during washing. The air is sucked out from the interwall and suction cup spaces of the teat cups. Milk collectors are calibrated to account for milk from each cow and are equipped with a device for taking milk samples.

Every 10 recorders are connected with hoses covered with clamps to one of the four branches of the milk pipeline, from where milk enters the milk collector of the air separator (releaser) and is sent to the cooler with the help of a pump. The clips of the recorders can take three positions: the middle one - when washing, the right one - during milking and the left one - when sucking milk.

Before entering the milking parlor, the milkmaid (operator), using a sprinkler, washes the udder with warm water and lets the cow into the milking machine.

The second milkmaid (operator) wipes the udder of the cow that entered the machine, gently massages it, squeezes the first streams of milk from each nipple into a separate mug and puts milking cups on the nipples. The third milkmaid supervises the milking, makes the final massage, performs machine milking and removes the cups from the udder teats. The milked cow leaves the barn and passes along the corridor to a special room.

The feeder of the freed pen is filled with food, then the next animal enters the pen, and the process is repeated.

The entrance and exit of cows from the milking machines are located in one place. Here is also the central passage for the driver; the worker who releases the cows can drive a stray cow.

In the interval between milkings, the milking equipment is in the "washing" position.

Before milking, by turning on the first washing program, the milk line of the milking machine is disinfected. The execution of the program is controlled by signal lamps on the control panel.

As soon as the disinfectant solution begins to drain, it is necessary to close the manual valve between the water mixer solenoid valve and the milk line so that in the event of a valve failure, no water enters the milk line. Then the milking machines are removed from the distribution plates, the recorder clamp is set to the "milking" position and, by turning the handle of the three-way valve on the "boom", the vacuum-flushing pipeline is separated from the flushing pipeline, thereby connecting it to the vacuum system.

To remove residual disinfectant solution from the milk ducts of the installation, open the cone valve of the device collector and at the same time put the recorder clamp in the "suction" position, then open the cone valve and the recorder clamp of the next device. No more than three devices should be in the "suction" position. The valve of the collector of the previous device is closed and the clamp is returned to the "milking" position when the liquid is completely sucked out of the next device and the recorder. This operation starts simultaneously on both sides of the vacuum gauge and ends at the "boom". Similarly drain the second half of the milk line. The washing solution from the milk pipeline connecting the milking machine to the dairy department is displaced by the first portions of milk (milk is separated from water by a sponge rubber ball).

The milking machine is controlled from a central console located in the center of the Carousel.

System "Physiomatic" three-mode, works as follows. After preparing the udder for milking, the machine is removed from the hook 16 (Fig. 35), the switch 17 turns on the electronic control unit 3, which sends a signal to the pulsator control unit 9 and the push-button signal panel 10, where the green light 11 lights up. The pulsator control unit 9 turns on the electromagnetic push-pull pulsator 7. Thanks to the “recorder”, a constant vacuum is created in the nipple spaces of the cups, and a variable vacuum is created in the interstitial spaces, alternating with atmospheric pressure at a frequency of 45-50 double pulses per minute. This period, according to the program, lasts 20 seconds, during which the milkmaid (machine milking master) must put the cups on the udder teats. After the specified time has elapsed, the yellow light 12 lights up on the signal panel. The pulsator control unit 9 turns on the magnetic valve 6, as a result of which compressed air is periodically supplied to the interwall chambers of the milking cups during the compression stroke instead of atmospheric air, massaging the udder teats (first mode ). At the end of the massage on the signal board, the yellow light 12 goes out, and the green light 11 continues to light, indicating that the device is operating in normal mode (second mode).

Rice. 35. Scheme of the Physiomatic system: 1 - vacuum pump, 2 - compressor, 3 - control unit, 4 and 6 - fittings, 6, 7 and 8 - electromagnetic valves, 9 - pulsator control unit, 10 - push-button signal panel, 11, 12 and 13 - green, yellow and red signal lights, 14 - button, 15 and 21 - hoses, 16 - hook-switch for the hanging part of the machine, 17 - switch, 18 - milk collector, 19 - milk flow sensor, 20 - device manifold, 22 and 23 - interwall and nipple spaces of the glass

After 60 seconds of operation of the machine, the sensor 19 is switched on. In the process of milking, no signals are sent to the sensor's photocell, since the flow of milk flowing through the milk hose blocks the light from the lamp.

As soon as milking stops, the light from the lamp hits the photocell, and after 4 s the pulsator turns off on the compression stroke. Atmospheric air enters the interwall spaces of the cups of the machine, and a constant vacuum remains in the cups: at the same time, the rubber compresses the teats (third mode), the milking machine continues to be held on the teats of the udder.

On the panel 10, the green light goes out and the red light 13 lights up, signaling the immediate completion of machine milking. The milkmaid presses the button 14, turns off the automation, turns on the two-stroke electromagnetic pulsator and performs milking.

During milking, the red light goes out and the milking unit operates in normal mode (second mode). After machine milking, by turning the locking cone of the collector, the milk hose is closed, the glasses are removed and hung on hook 16.

The milkmaid should carefully monitor the change of light signals. If the red light comes on at the beginning or in the middle of milking, it is necessary to find out the cause of the delay in milk flow and eliminate it. As soon as the red light comes on, you must immediately start machine milking, otherwise the blood circulation in the nipple will be disturbed.

The technical characteristics of the installation are given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Technical indicators of milking machines of the "Carousel" type

Milking parlor "Carousel", external.
The volume and performance of the milking parlor is of great importance for the functioning of farms with large livestock. It is necessary that as many cows as possible be milked every hour. This requires a large parlor, but not only the size of the parlor is decisive. The design and type of the parlor is also important.

Milking parlor "Carousel" SAC designed for large farms, as it has maximum productivity. It is most effective to use on large farms with a livestock of 800 dairy cows.

Distinctive features of the milking parlor Carousel:

  • Cows stand at an angle of 90 (outside) with respect to the milker;\
  • The operator is outside the platform - milking from the outside;
  • The milking parlor is round and wide;

Characteristics milking parlor "Carousel" SAC with milking outside:

  • Completely new cow friendly design;
  • Available in both galvanized and stainless steel;
  • The swivel base comes with both concrete and non-slip rubber surfaces;
  • Adjustable length of the milking place;
  • Optimized milk flow ensures high quality milk from the teat to the cooling tank;
  • Improved place for a milker;
  • Optimum teat cup position;
  • New hose guides ensure the teat cup is positioned perfectly below the cow;
  • The Quickstart function minimizes the burden on the cow;
  • The touch screen provides a complete overview of milking from start to finish.

Outer diameter of the milking parlor:

External carousel
Number of milking places Outer dia., mm
28 8 910
32 10 180
36 11 460
40 12 734
44 14 000
50 15 920
60 19 100
72 22 920
80 25 464

Advantages SAC carousel platforms:

  • The driving device ensures smooth movement of the carousel platform without additional vibrations. In milking parlors from 40 places, CAC installs 2 drives. So, if one drive suddenly stops working, then the other drive will take control of the Carousel;
  • Nylon wheels under the carousel ensure that there is no vibration during the carousel's movements. This means that if necessary, the carousel platform can be moved manually;
  • The diameter of the carousel is one of the smallest on the market, which means less square meters inside the building is needed to accommodate the carousel and a corresponding reduction in construction costs;
  • The concrete on the platform provides a non-slip surface for the cows;
  • The maintenance costs of the SAC carousel are low;
  • It is easy for milkmaids to work with the cows, because the cows are very well positioned on the platform of the parlor, and the animals cannot fall off the platform due to the presence of a pipe around.

The specific specification of the Carousel milking parlor is selected in full accordance with the individual wishes of the farmer.

More detailed information on parts of milking equipment can be found by clicking on the appropriate category:

    Milking platform. Reliable, stable, rotating platform. External "Carousel" SAK is made of highly reliable materials and is designed for 24/7 operation. Designed for large herds due to high performance, but also during development, a significant role was paid to the comfort of the animal during milking. Milking can be performed by 2 or more milkers at the same time. The platform is made of concrete and perfectly balanced, which allows the animals to stand stable and safe during milking. The cows are guided through a passage 3 m long. Depending on the size, the "Carousel" has at least 1 double drive station with a constantly changing speed. Nylon platform wheels, an important part of the system, provide low friction and soft rolling, resulting in a smooth ride of the entire platform during milking. The IDCs with Quickstart are positioned in such a way that they provide a comfortable working place for the milker. Also, the Carousel delivery set includes an anti-clamping system with water spraying, which provides maximum safety for animals leaving the installation platform.

  • . The UNIWASH washing machine has a large number of useful programs and functions, which is its distinguishing feature. We can confidently say that this is one of the best machines for flushing milking equipment;
  • Washing equipment arm automatic opening and closing function

  • . Choice of SACCO oil pump or UNIPUMP oil-free pump. The UNIPUMP pump rotors do not touch as they are synchronized by a closed gear train. Therefore, unlike conventional vacuum pumps, this pump does not need to be lubricated;
  • And . A distinctive feature of the IDC teat cup remover/milk counter is that everything is in one device (measuring part, control, electronics). As a result, fewer breakdowns. Suspension and liner are gentle on milk and animals. As a result, milk fat globules remain unchanged, and the number of mastitis and other diseases decreases;

  • . The milker can adjust the height of the floor in the milking pit for easy milking;

    holding gate, allowing you to leave the cow for the second round of milking. For example, if the milker wants to check the cow again after milking. The shutter ensures that the cow cannot get out of the "carousel" at the exit. This system is ideal especially in cases where the farmer does not want the cow to end up in the breeding area;

  • . Recycling water that is used when washing the parlor to clean the floor/equipment after milking;

  • Upon entering the carousel, the cow passes through a fully automatic teat pretreatment system. The applied agent clouds the udder and makes it more pliable for subsequent processing with wet wipes. Excellent preparation before the start of milking made. When a cow leaves the carousel, the milker is confident that as she passes through the fully automatic teat treatment system, her udder is treated with the necessary disinfectant and is protected from contamination and infection.

  • Optionally, the latest TIM herd management program is installed in the SAC milking parlors, which allows you to accurately calculate the economic costs of keeping cows (feed, medicines, vaccines, etc.), as well as analyze what needs to be done to improve economic performance on the farm;
  • Activity sensors( or data transmission during the passage of animals for milking) and sensors on the ear/neck/legs of the animal. A new way of identification in the milking parlor - . This method allows you to increase the percentage of correct detection of animals at the milking place up to 100%.
  • . Facilitates the management of the milking parlour. The touch monitor allows you to monitor and control the situation in the milking parlor from one workplace (there is no need to monitor each milking counter separately). You can see the indications for milk yield, animals, the correctness of putting on milking machines, errors with identification, and much more. Here you can mark a cow for direction to a separate zone when leaving the milking parlor through the selection gate, correct the numbering of cows in case of incorrect identification, and more;
  • . Cows are separated after leaving the milking parlor in a separate area;

  • . Allows you to separate milk from problem cows into a separate container;

AutoRotor milking carousels revolutionized milking around the world over 10 years ago. Today, milking on a carousel means even higher throughput, durability and overall optimization of the entire work system. The carousel allows you to milk calmly and continuously, save time during the pre-milk routine, carry out automatic stimulation - in short, milking quickly and efficiently! AutoRotor systems accelerate animal progress, increase productivity and minimize labor costs. This improves the efficiency of the entire enterprise. In addition, the load on the equipment is optimal and uniform.

Benefits of milking parlors "Karusel":

  • minimization of labor and personnel costs;
  • relaxed movement of animals at the highest throughput;
  • convenient easel equipment for animals, with the optimal area of ​​the milking place;
  • long operating time, from 15 to 24 hours a day;
  • a reliable platform with a special non-slip coating that protects the surface from destruction;
  • efficient and durable - the equipment does not require frequent maintenance;
  • from 16 to 90 milking places;
  • retaining arch for milking in the second circle (option);
  • PosiGuide: Hose guidance for efficient connection and clutter-free milking
  • PosiForm: master hand for raising and lowering the cluster with improved ergonomics and hygiene;
  • DeMax milking control devices for the use of automatic demounting machines
  • Metatron/DemaTron milking controllers for professional milking management and accurate milk yield measurement.

AutoRotor PerFormer - Carousel made to measure

Continuously, non-stop and at constant speed, this is how the AutoRotor PerFormer rotates with 24 to 80 milking places. ability, that is, the passage of more cows through one milking place per hour.

New features include an optional holding bar. If necessary, she does not let the animals leave the platform and leaves them for a second round for milking, and without stopping. Thus, it is more convenient to control animals, and you can automatically select them. As an alternative to the holding bar, you can order the SpeedControl system, which allows you to reduce the speed of the carousel so that the cow has time to milk in one circle.

AutoRotor Magnum 40/40-F

Tested all over the world - premium product.

All over the world, milkers and herd managers appreciate the comfort that comes with a carousel of milking from inside the circle. The optimal positioning of the animals and the ease of operation of the AutoRotor Magnum 40 are unique. The state-of-the-art electric or hydraulic drive provides smooth start and quiet rotation, and is characterized by exceptional reliability and durability. At the same time, it is distinguished by convenience in carrying out service work and maintenance, and efficient energy consumption.
The AutoRotor Magnum 40-F has an optional parlor feeder and is supplied to customers in standard sizes from 16 to 40 parlors.

Easy work for the operator. Thanks to short transitions and optimal positioning of the animals, at an angle of 0 degrees to the operator, one operator can milk up to 100 cows or more per hour, while he can observe the animals without interference.

Compact technology - more space and comfort.
Thanks to the comfortable, open design of the milking place and the rounded design details, the animals enter and leave the platform willingly and quickly. All processes take place quickly and without interference, even at high hourly throughputs. On the AutoRotor Magnum 90, state-of-the-art technology is integrated into an ergonomic, comfortable and visually beautiful cabinet.

Sophisticated technology – easy maintenance.
Powerful hydraulic motors and rollers ensure a smooth start and quiet rotation. They are exceptionally reliable and durable.

AutoRotor Magnum 90-S
The Subway system allows you to quickly get to the most important components of milking equipment: this is a guarantee of cleanliness, dryness in the working and service area. The service life of all important components is thus extended. AutoRotor Magnum 90 Subway can be ordered from 50 to 80 milking stalls.

More value for less investment – ​​maximize savings
The Global 90 milking carousel provides a compelling case for low investment. AutoRotor Global 90, ideal for cost and time savings in the plant, is suitable for large farms and large enterprises that prioritize high throughput and efficiency.
The user-friendly design ensures optimal positioning of the animals on the platform and increases operator comfort. The PosiGuide hose guidance arm reduces the lift on the cluster during milking and ensures smooth milking.

All-inclusive goat milking - carousel with external milking
The AutoRotor Capri 90 external milking carousel for goats meets the highest requirements. Ergonomically located equipment will unload the milking operator; Comfortable milking places and a sophisticated milking system provide your goats with optimal comfort and increased productivity. The AutoRotor Capri 90 offers you everything from a single source: from machine tools and milking technology to a professional herd management system specially designed for goats. It is available in 24, 32, 40, 48, 64 and 72 stall sizes, with a choice of single lap mode or multi-lap mode with animal restraints.

Simple fit:
In order for the animals to pass to the milking places in order, there is a special adjustable box with conical guides. In the box, animals are reliably recognized by means of a walk-through identification system (option). A gate with manual or automatic control closes and opens the fitting box. Thus, convenient management of the movement of animals and a convenient change of animals and entire groups is ensured.

Efficient in terms of labor and costs
The selection compartment (option) in front of the exit allows you to select animals immediately after leaving the platform. There is no need for a separate selection system.

Your benefits:

  • Automatic milking start
  • Orderly entrance to the platform through the entrance box
  • The rotation of the platform occurs in the Start / Stop mode, consistent with the speed of the goats
  • Possibility to continue driving with an empty milking place.
  • Monitoring of the last milking place with visualization via the OPG light sensor

In addition, there are options for extending the functions for the multi-lap milking mode:

  • The number of circles is consistent with the individual degree of milking of goats.
  • The selection zone can be placed before the carousel exit zone
  • Goats can be released individually
  • Animals can be individually sent to the second round
  • If the animal is not recognized, then the automatic milking start function does not work.
  • Central switching from milking to rinsing

The higher the milk yield of cows on the farm, the better should be the conditions for their maintenance, milking and feeding. After all, even the slightest stressful situation affects productivity indicators, and Karusel milking parlors help to provide optimal conditions for both animals and people.

Milking parlors "Karusel" provides in its use such important aspects for each farm as a comfortable workplace for the milker, a good position for the animal, high-quality and speedy milking, reliability and durability, low maintenance and operation costs.

The speed of the milking parlor "Carousel" can be changed both automatically and manually. This is determined by various parameters, for example, the time of processing the udder by one operator and putting on the apparatus by another, the rate of cow's milk yield, the speed of movement of animals. The milker is located inside or outside the platform and, standing still, performs his work. There is no empty milking - the machine turns off automatically, while the cow, meanwhile, calmly waits for the exit from the platform. The most optimal use of the Karusel milking parlor is in large farms: three specialists can milk milk from 1000 heads in just 4 hours! The process is continuous and resembles a factory assembly line.

Veterinarians can control milking, because all information about the process enters the computer system in real time. If a cow has mastitis, she will be milked in a separate tank, thus avoiding mixing sick milk with healthy milk. In the future, computer data can be used to improve the reproduction process.

In 2009, the Karusel milking parlor for 48 heads was installed at Rabititsy Breeding Plant CJSC. The farm receives about 80% of its income from dairy farming. Every day, with the help of the Karusel milking parlor, the farm receives about 30 tons of milk.

In the process of reconstruction of the complex of CJSC "Imeni Ilyich", Krasnodar Territory, the installation of the milking parlor "Karusel" was carried out in the first place. This is primarily due to the positive experience of Kuban farms, in which more than 10 such milking parlors have already been installed.

Before purchasing a milking parlour, consideration should be given to building layout, group sizes, number of operators per shift, shift length, etc. on the farm "Suvorov" (Kuban), "Karusel" for 34 places was chosen based on the calculations of the livestock and the required number of cattle places. Of the 1.2 thousand cows on this farm, 960 are milked twice a day. In the 34-seat milking parlor, 7-8 cows are served per hour at one place. This means that for the average time of the milking cycle - 4.5 hours, a thousand heads will pass.

Along with the milking parlor, you will need related technical equipment: sorting or cut-off gates, adjusting gates, hoof trimmers, scales, etc., to facilitate the work with the herd.

Milking parlors "Karusel" are one of the most common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Such popularity, of course, is due to high productivity and the possibility of using almost any livestock.