Fats in products (list). Fat-Rich Foods Where the Right Fats Are Found

healthiest fats food list

Ever since fat has been demonized, people have been eating more sugar and processed foods. As a result, people become more and more ill.

However, times are changing. Studies show that fat, including saturated fat, is not unhealthy (,).

All types of healthy foods that contain fat are now recognized by scientists as healthy foods. Here are 10 high-fat foods that are actually incredibly healthy and nutritious.

Natural unrefined olive oil contains vitamins E and K, and is rich in potent . Some of these antioxidants may fight inflammation and help protect blood LDL particles from oxidation ( , ).

It has also been found to be associated with lower blood pressure, improved cholesterol markers, and all sorts of benefits associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease ().


Unrefined natural olive oil contains healthy fats and helps prevent heart and vascular disease, type 2 diabetes and inflammation.

Whole eggs were considered unhealthy because the yolks are high in cholesterol and fat. In fact, one egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is 71% of the recommended daily intake. In addition, 62% of the calories from whole eggs come from fat ().

However, new studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs does not affect blood cholesterol levels, at least in most people ().

In fact, eggs are one of the few on the planet. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and contain almost all the nutrients we need.

Eggs are also a food that helps to lose weight. They are filling and high in protein, the most important nutrient for weight loss ().

Despite their high fat content, people who replace breakfast cereals with eggs end up consuming fewer calories and losing weight ( , ).

This product contains vitamins A, B and E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and flavonoids (plant antioxidants). It is so rich in antioxidants that it showed one of the highest results, even ahead of ().

Some of the antioxidants present in it have strong biological activity and can lower blood pressure and protect blood LDL cholesterol from oxidation ( , ).

Studies also show that people who eat dark chocolate 5 or more times a week have more than half their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to people who don't eat it at all ( , ).

There are also some studies showing that dark chocolate can improve brain function and protect the skin from damage caused by sun exposure ( , ).

Just be sure to choose a quality dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa, as it contains the highest amount of flavonoids.


Dark chocolate is high in healthy fats, nutrients, and antioxidants. It is very effective in improving cardiovascular health.

This fish is rich in cardiovascular-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality proteins, and all sorts of important nutrients.

Studies show that people who eat fish tend to be much healthier and have a significantly lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, and all sorts of common diseases ( , , ).

If you can't (or don't want to) eat fish, then taking fish oil may be good for your body. Cod liver oil is the best - it contains all the omega-3 fatty acids you need, as well as plenty of vitamin D.


Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and herring are rich in important nutrients, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Eating oily fish has been linked to improved health and reduced risk of all kinds of diseases.

Natural yogurt is incredibly healthy. It contains all of the same important nutrients as other dairy products, but on top of that, it also contains probiotic bacteria, which can have powerful positive effects on your health.

Studies show that eating yogurt can lead to significant improvements in digestive health and may even help fight cardiovascular disease and obesity ( , , ).

Unfortunately, many of the yogurts sold in grocery stores are low in fat and contain sugar. It is better to avoid the use of store-bought yogurts and use homemade yogurts whenever possible.


Natural yogurt contains fats that are healthy for the cardiovascular system, and in addition contains probiotic bacteria that improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Avocado is different from most other fruits. While most fruits are mostly carbohydrates, avocados are rich in healthy fats. In fact, 77% of the calories from an avocado are found in its fat, which makes this fruit more fatty than most animal products ().

The main fatty acid in avocados is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. This fatty acid is also found in high amounts in olive oil and has been linked to various health benefits ( , ).

Avocado is one of the best sources of potassium. It contains 40% more potassium than, which are famous for their high content of this trace element.

Avocados are also a great source, whereby this fruit helps (bad cholesterol) and while raising HDL (good cholesterol) levels ( , , ).

Even though avocados are high in fat and calories, one study shows that people who eat the fruit regularly tend to lose weight and have less belly fat than those who don't ().

One medium avocado has about 23 grams of fat, but it's mostly monounsaturated fat. Plus, a medium avocado covers 40% of your daily fiber needs, is naturally sodium and cholesterol free, and is a good source of lutein, an antioxidant that can protect your eyesight.

When eating avocados, keep in mind that this fruit contains quite a lot of calories, so try to eat no more than 1/4 of an avocado at a time.


The avocado is a fruit that consumes 77% of its calories from its fat. This fruit is an excellent source of potassium and fiber and has been shown to be very beneficial for human cardiovascular health.

Chia seeds are not usually perceived as a "fatty" food. However, 100 grams of chia seeds contain 31 grams of healthy fats. Considering that almost all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fiber, most of the calories in them (80%) actually come from fat. This makes them an excellent fatty plant food.

And it's not just any fat - most of the fat in chia seeds is a healthy omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Chia seeds also have numerous health benefits that help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation in the body ( , ).

They are also incredibly nutritious. In addition to being rich in dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds are also rich in minerals.


Chia seeds are very rich in healthy fats, especially an omega-3 fatty acid called ALA. They are also high in fiber and minerals, and have numerous health benefits.

Cheese is incredibly nutritious. This makes sense given that a whole glass is used to produce one dense piece of cheese. Cheese is an excellent source of calcium, and phosphorus, and contains all kinds of other nutrients ().

It is also very rich in protein - 100 grams of cheese can contain 20 to 40 grams of high-quality protein. Cheese, like other high-fat dairy products, also contains powerful fatty acids that have been linked to various health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes ().


Cheese is incredibly nutritious. Just one bite contains as many nutrients as a glass of milk. It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, quality proteins and healthy fats.

10. Coconuts and Coconut Oil

Coconuts and coconut oil are the richest sources on the planet. In fact, about 90% of the fatty acids in them are saturated.

Populations that consume high amounts of coconut do not have high rates of cardiovascular disease and are in excellent health (43).


Coconuts are very rich in medium chain fatty acids, which are metabolized differently than other fats. They can reduce appetite, increase fat burning, and provide numerous health benefits.

As you can see, the healthiest fats, the list of foods you saw above, allow you to maintain optimal levels of heart and blood vessel health, prevent the development of obesity, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, stress, brain diseases and many other diseases and pathological conditions.

When we talk about fats, for most of us, this word is associated with being overweight and other related diseases. However, completely avoiding them in the diet is dangerous. Because fat is a component of any cell. It helps to absorb vitamins and synthesize hormones, protects our internal organs. How to find a compromise?

The fact is that fats are conditionally divided into harmful and healthy or, in other words, saturated and unsaturated. It is the latter that improve metabolism, lower cholesterol levels at times, and regulate blood sugar levels. Our task is to know the products containing healthy fats and try to replace the bad fats with them as much as possible.

Foods containing healthy fats (unsaturated)

Sea fish

Fatty fish contain the same polyunsaturated acids: omega-3 and 6. Their EPA and DHA varieties are found in tuna, salmon, and salmon. These acids serve as a prevention of cancer, reduce the formation of blood clots, and make the vessels elastic. It is advisable to eat at least twice fish dishes per week.

To preserve the beneficial acids as much as possible, it is recommended to steam or bake the fish. As a preventive measure, use fish oil - a product that tastes nasty, but extremely useful. You can buy fat in capsules and take it without problems. A whole storehouse of omega-3, 6, 9 favorably affects the brain, suppresses the stress hormone, increases the level of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood.

Vegetable oils

This is another natural source of polyunsaturated omega acids. Use unrefined flaxseed, peanut, olive and sunflower oils for food. Thus, you will prevent the deposition of saturated fats on the walls of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots, and strengthen the immune system. Oils are best added to cereals or salads. Their heating leads to oxidation and destruction of unsaturated acids. For the same reason, you should not store the oil in the light.


For the prevention of strokes, experts advise introducing nuts into the diet. The most fatty are hazelnuts and almonds, the least fat are walnuts. Pistachios help to reduce the level of lipoprotein in the blood, and pine nuts perfectly satisfy hunger and reduce appetite. Walnuts contain a massive dose of omega-3s. However, try not to exceed the daily serving, which is 30 g, as nuts are quite high in calories.


Eat pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, as well as sesame seeds. Their healthy fats lower bad cholesterol levels. Ground flaxseed can be sprinkled on your food and used in baking.


This delicious fruit contains about 75% fat, however, its composition is represented by poly- and monounsaturated triglycerides. Together with plenty of vitamins and minerals, fats will take care of your heart and prevent osteoarthritis. Eat raw avocados in salads, desserts, or make guacamole.


Some dark green vegetables contain omega-3 fatty acids. By eating 3 cups of vegetables per day, such as:

  • spinach,
  • Brussels sprouts and sprouts

you will provide yourself with healthy fats for the whole day. However, the amount of useful fatty acids in leafy vegetables is several times less than, for example, in the same fish.


Look out for lentils, peas, beans, soybeans, which also contain omega-3 triglycerides, which have a positive effect on mental and physical health.


Cocoa butter, which makes up real dark chocolate, contains unsaturated linoleic acid. Monounsaturated oleic acid helps lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, in moderation, you can treat yourself to this yummy.

Artificially fortified foods

In stores, you can see products that are artificially enriched with omega-3 acids. As a rule, they are added to eggs, milk, bread.

Foods containing saturated fats

Of course, the benefits of unsaturated fats are hard to deny, however, foods that contain limited amounts of saturated fats are also necessary for our body. Among these products are the following:


Diet food is represented by rabbit meat, chicken and venison. It is preferable to eat them if you are a meat eater.


Butter, in addition to saturated fats, contains a certain amount of monounsaturated and even slightly polyunsaturated acids. In addition, milk fat, which is part of it, contains a number of vitamins, including fat-soluble and lecithin, which lowers blood cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels.


In addition to saturated acids, it also contains unsaturated acids, lecithin and fat-soluble vitamins.

So now eat wisely and try to make choices in favor of foods containing healthy fats.

We will talk about dietary fats, their types, functions, harm and benefits for the human body.

Fats are an important part of our diet. Due to the fear of gaining extra pounds, many underestimate their importance and eat only proteins and carbohydrates, which is fraught with health problems. You can’t neglect the fats in your diet, you just need to find out which ones and in what quantities will benefit you.

Fats aid in the digestion of food and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients from food. Nutritional fats help hormones function. Dietary fats replenish our body's energy reserves very quickly. Moreover, the energy released during fat oxidation is stored in the body for a long time. Therefore, in the cold, fatty foods help us keep warm. On the other hand, the body needs to use up all the energy it receives from fat, or it will be transformed into excess weight.

Fat classification:

  • vegetable and animal;
  • natural and trans fats;
  • saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated fats are considered the most harmful to our body, which differ from healthy unsaturated fats in their molecular compounds that linger in the vessels and interfere with the digestion of food, creating health problems. Such fats are found in margarine, palm and coconut oil, spread, butter (there are also healthy fats), cheese, milk, cream, sour cream, fatty red meat, lard, fast food, confectionery, chocolate.

Trans fats are also classified as unhealthy fats. They are made from liquid vegetable oils artificially. Thus, cooking oil, spread and margarine are produced, which are added to sweets, pastries, confectionery and bakery products, mayonnaises, ketchups, sauces, canned food, snacks and other snacks from the store. Such products are practically not digested and contain a huge amount of simple carbohydrates.

Unsaturated fats are of great benefit to our body, which are monounsaturated (contain omega-9 fatty acids) and polyunsaturated (contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids).
The benefits of polyunsaturated fats:
  • decrease in the level of bad;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • pressure normalization;
  • prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • energy production;
  • memory improvement;
  • maintaining the beauty of the skin, nails.
Sources of monounsaturated fats are: sesame, nut, olive, rapeseed, sunflower and butter (butter consists of a third of monounsaturated fats, the rest of harmful saturated fats - it is useful to use in moderation), almonds, peanuts,.

Sources of polyunsaturated fats are: corn, linseed and soybean oil, sesame and sunflower seeds, soybeans, fatty sea fish (salmon, salmon, mackerel, herring).

  • You need to eat sea fish twice a week.
  • Choose lean white meats (chicken, turkey, and rabbit), lean veal, and pork.
  • Do not use meat broths for cooking.
  • Refuse to fry in a pan, cook food on a steam or grill, simmer in a sealed container.
  • Season salads with unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Eat nuts and seeds in limited quantities.
  • Eat low-fat dairy products.
  • When shopping, read labels and avoid products containing modified ingredients, artificial colors, and preservatives.

Pictured is a table of harmful food additives

It is important to add only healthy fats to your diet in the amount of one third of your daily intake.

For many decades, losing weight was afraid to eat foods with a high percentage of fat. But fats are also different!

Some fats (trans fats) increase the amount of bad cholesterol and are the cause of diabetes. And others (unsaturated fats) help in strengthening the immune system and preventing cardiovascular disease.

In addition, healthy fats are good for weight loss. Since they are involved in the secretion of hormones and contribute to rapid saturation.

The first benefits of exposure to the right fats can be seen in improving skin color and normalizing bowel function.

And when consumed regularly, they help reduce chronic pain and inflammation, as most foods that contain healthy fats are rich in powerful anti-inflammatory agents (omega-3s).

List of foods with healthy fats for weight loss

Fish fat

Eating this fat is important not only for weight loss, but for overall health. Recently, studies by an Australian professor have been completed, which have shown that the use of fish oil increases the effectiveness of training aimed at weight loss.

You can find this type of fat in large quantities in the liver of Atlantic cod, as well as halibut, sturgeon and salmon.


Many mistakenly believe that this product is fatty and not good for the body. Yes, lard is only made up of fats, but these are healthy fats that help you lose weight.

They contribute to the active burning of excess calories. Although, of course, you should not abuse this product: a small piece per day is enough.


Most grams of healthy fat can be found in pig meat. So, for 100 grams of such meat, there are 2 grams of fat. Of course, we are not talking about a fatty pork cutlet, but about a tenderloin of a young calf, properly steamed or in water.

By the way, eating a small amount of piglet meat has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. It should be noted that steam pig is not only a source of monounsaturated fats, but also potassium and iron.

Nutritionists are inclined to believe that pig meat is healthier than white poultry meat. Of the healthy types of meat, you can also pay attention to the lamb (young lamb). One hundred grams of the product contains 3.5 grams of fat.


Anyone who counts calories knows that nuts are high in calories. But you can eat a handful a day. The product improves the work of the heart and blood vessels, suppresses the feeling of hunger.

Each type of nuts is useful in moderation, all contain healthy fatty acids. So, 10 grams of pistachios contain 2 grams of healthy fat. In the same amount of walnuts, healthy fat will be 0.7 grams, and almonds - 3 grams, in hazelnuts 4 grams, in 100 grams of pine nuts - 1.5 grams.

If your goal is to lose weight, it is better to choose pine nuts, which contain an acid that suppresses hunger. Due to the copper content, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the absorption of iron by the body, pistachios reduce the level of bad cholesterol, and.


All nutritionists agree that olive oil is the most useful oil. It retains a maximum of useful properties, is an excellent antioxidant, and has a great effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. A tablespoon of olive oil contains 9 grams of healthy fats.

Flaxseed oil is also helpful. But it has a special spicy aftertaste that not everyone likes. It is important to buy only cold-pressed oil, which retains unsaturated fatty acids that bring benefits.


10 grams of tender avocado pulp contains 1 gram of healthy fat. Moreover, the fruit itself is 75% composed of vegetable fats. All fats are useful and necessary for a person for health and beauty.

Plus, the fruit pulp contains many vitamins and minerals. It is only important to eat avocado pulp exclusively in its raw form. If the product is thermally processed, then it will no longer be so useful.


Many healthy fats can be found in soybeans or flax seeds. But it is important to use these products in strictly limited quantities.

bitter chocolate

Oddly enough, but the real one is a product to which nutritionists are more than condescending. It helps to lose weight and contains healthy fats, but it is important that the product is 70% or more cocoa.

100 grams of dark chocolate contains 32 grams of healthy fat (if the chocolate contains nuts, this figure will be higher).

hard cheese

In addition to high-quality cheese containing healthy fats, it also contains calcium and vitamins. The only thing to take into account is the fact that when losing weight, you can eat only those cheeses whose fat content does not exceed 40%. For example, consider mozzarella.

And a few more tips:

  1. No matter how healthy unsaturated fats are considered, their consumption also needs to be controlled. The daily norm is 1 gram per 1 kg of your weight.
  2. The less processed the product is, the more useful it is. Prioritize seeds, nuts, vegetables, and then fish, butter, cheese, and other cooked foods.
  3. Variety, variety and more variety! Each product contains a different ratio of fatty acids and its own supply of useful properties.

Include healthy fats from the right sources in your diet and those extra pounds will melt like snow in the spring.

Many people, especially those who are struggling with excess weight, believe that eating fat in the diet is harmful to health and figure. In fact, this statement can be called true only half. The fact is that moderate consumption of fatty foods is not only not harmful, but also necessary for our body. In addition, fats are different - saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. All of them are digested in different ways and participate in metabolic processes.

Fat in food

To talk about a balanced diet, you should designate a list of products that contain fats, and indicate their amount. This will help control your diet and help you stay in shape.

Types of fats

All fats in food are divided into two large groups: saturated and unsaturated fats. The latter, in turn, have two more subspecies - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. About everything in order.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats are the worst absorbed and can create problems not only with digestion, but also in other body systems. For example, excessive consumption of foods high in saturated fat can lead to weight gain and blood clots. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and require a fairly high temperature to dissolve, so the digestive system takes a lot of time and energy to digest. On the one hand, this is good, since a person does not experience hunger for a long time, but, on the other hand, the body is subjected to increased stress. However, you should not exclude foods containing saturated fats from your menu, as they are rich in vitamins and substances that, when absorbed, are converted into useful monounsaturated oleic acid. And in the cold season, such food is even able to warm. Saturated fats are found mainly in foods such as lard, lamb, beef, pork, butter, coconut and palm oils, heavy cream, lobster and shrimp.

meat, heavy cream, lobster, shrimp, lard, coconut and palm oil

unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats in foods are found in a liquid state. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are absorbed by the body quite easily. They contain vitamins and other useful substances, and also cleanse blood vessels. Any fat contributes to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is divided into "bad" and "good". The first can lead to the formation of blood clots, and the second, on the contrary, cleanses the circulatory system of harmful substances. Unsaturated fats are different in that they reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol. They are all divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the first of which, plus everything, produce "good" cholesterol. Due to this, the vessels are cleansed and there is a general improvement in the condition. Polyunsaturated fats are distinguished by their ability to enrich the body with a useful substance called Omega-3, which is not produced independently, but can only come from food. These two types of fatty acids are most often present in foods together in varying proportions. Liquid vegetable oils (unrefined), nuts, sea fish and seeds are the richest in them.

nuts, sea fish, seeds

trans fats

In addition to the two groups described above, one more variety can be distinguished - these are trans fats. Such fats are contained in products subjected to special processing, mainly sausage, biscuits, french fries and others. Trans fats not only do not carry any benefit, but are even dangerous to health. They are obtained by processing liquid vegetable oil, as a result of which it acquires a solid state. With such a modified product, the manufacturer can replace more expensive animal fats, especially since it is cheaper, stored longer and the production process is easier with it.

hamburgers, french fries, nuggets

The quantitative content of fats in products

Fat is found in varying percentages in many foods. It is not found only in vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, honey and some other food. The rest of the diet can be divided into 5 groups. In this case, the type of fatty acids is not taken into account, but only a quantitative indicator is taken into account.

  1. A high fat content (more than 80%) is observed in vegetable and animal oils (butter, sunflower, etc.), margarine, confectionery creams, pork fat.
  2. High fat content (20-40%). This category includes cream and fat sour cream, halva, chocolate, boiled and semi-smoked sausage, sprats, duck and goose meat, pork, cheese and most cakes.
  3. A moderate amount of fat (10-19%) is found in many varieties of fish - sturgeon, herring, saury, salmon, tea sausage and beef sausages, lamb, beef, chicken of the first category, eggs, cream ice cream, processed cheese.
  4. Low fat content (3-9%). Among the products of this group there are also fish - horse mackerel, low-fat herring, mackerel and pink salmon. In addition, chickens of the second category, milk and milk ice cream, fatty kefir, and sweets have a low fat content.
  5. Reduced fat content (less than 3%) is found in products such as hake fish, pike, pike perch and cod, bread, cereals, beans, skimmed milk and cottage cheese.

The place of fats in the daily diet

For a healthy diet, you need to include fat-containing foods in your diet. The main thing is to use them in moderation. So, daily the average person needs only no more than 50 g of fat. In addition, you should pay attention to their quality. It is better if it is unsaturated fats.

Needless to say, the use of trans fats should be avoided altogether. This is not easy to do, but you can at least reduce the risks by giving up fast food and replacing sausages with natural meat. In general, fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts should be present in sufficient quantities in the daily diet, supplemented by seafood, meat dishes and fish.