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If we turn to Orthodox traditions, then one of the commandments requires observing the rule: six days to work, and one to devote to the thoughts and deeds of God. There are more church holidays when labor is considered a sinful occupation. So, on which Orthodox holidays you can’t work?

What is commandment number four

This commandment commands to work for 6 days, and on the seventh day - to rest from everyday problems, devote time to enlightening the mind and purifying the soul, helping the poor and sick people, and doing other merciful deeds. The Old Testament recognized this day as the Sabbath, while in the New Testament it is Sunday.

Weekly getting rid of the hustle and bustle of everyday life allows you to gather your thoughts, feel the beauty of life, know yourself, reconsider your beliefs and views. Those who work the seventh day, and those who do not work at all, break the fourth commandment.

Some people will have a question when to work if there are only celebrations on the calendar. But it's not. There are only 12 major holidays.

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Orthodox holidays when you can not work:

  • in January, the 7th is the day of the birth of Christ and the 19th is Epiphany;
  • February, 15 - ;
  • April 7 - Annunciation;
  • Palm Sunday before Easter;
  • Easter is a transitory number according to the solar calendar;
  • on the 40th day after Easter - the Ascension of Christ;
  • Trinity is fifty days from Easter;
  • in August there are two holidays: on the 19th - Transfiguration and on the 28th -;
  • in September there are also two holidays: on the 21st - the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and on the 14th - the Exaltation;
  • December 4 - entering the temple Holy Mother of God.

What Not to Do

The priests give this explanation: if a person has to work according to a schedule or has urgent business, then this is not considered a sinful occupation. You can devote your thoughts to the Lord at any time and in any place. Can I work on Orthodox holidays? It all depends on the current situation. This custom has been preserved and has come down to our times.

Back in the days Kievan Rus housework was forbidden. The state authorities observed and honored church celebrations. Markets and baths did not work so that people could attend services in the church. What not to do on holidays:

  • Older people are not advised to clean the premises. It is advisable to do this on ordinary days, and rest on the weekend.
  • It is also not recommended to wash. In the past, washing things for women took a lot of time, almost all day. It turned out that women had no time to pray.
  • It is also impossible to sew, embroider and sew anything. This is especially true for pregnant women. It is believed that she can sew up the baby's eyes or mouth. On the Annunciation and the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, do not allow any work.
  • Not to use swear words is one of the postulates of Orthodox belief on a festive and ordinary day.

Signs and beliefs

The biggest holiday, Christmas, has many restrictions:

  • It is not allowed to go hunting and fishing.
  • Do not clean the room, do not do laundry.
  • Do not let the first woman into the house on the threshold, because all the women in the family will get sick.
  • On the Candlemas, it is not advised to leave the house for a long time, because the trip will be unsuccessful.
  • Seven days before Easter and on the holiday, you should refrain from any household work.
  • Ascension is a great celebration. It is not allowed to work in the field, but it should be plowed after the holiday.
  • On Trinity, any land and household work is not recommended.

Why You Shouldn't Work on Orthodox Holidays: It's commonly said that those who don't keep the holidays face bad luck, poverty, and ill health. Traditions come and change. One person can only decide what to do.

The Lord is always with you!

Many churched people consider any work on Sunday or on church holidays almost a sin. It went, apparently, from those times when on a Sunday or a holiday, the peasants went to the service with the whole family in the morning, and preferred to rest the rest of the day, because there were so few days when you could not work for the master.

Perhaps the superstitious tradition that forbids working on God's days has a different origin, but now it has been distorted to such an extent that in some families even a flower pot overturned by a cat on Easter Sunday or another twelfth holiday lies untouched until a weekday. For for touching a broom and a scoop on this day, "God will punish." Let's figure out what can and cannot be done on church holidays.

What do Orthodox people not do on holy holidays?

“Six days work, and do all your works; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God,” one of the 10 commandments given by the Lord to Moses sounded.

Believers believe that cleaning, washing or gardening and field work is the lot of weekdays. They are in a hurry to finish these vain activities by Sunday, and even more so by church holidays, in order to devote time to God and loved ones. So what don't Orthodox Christians do on God's days?

Many superstitious people equate physical labor during church holidays with a mortal sin.

Don't swear

Orthodox people really should not quarrel and scold on holy days, just like on any other day. After all, the Bible equates foul language with a mortal sin. The word is given to a person for prayer, communication with God and neighbors.

Scolding, even on church holidays, even on weekdays, a person defiles a part of his soul. It is difficult to call the ban on swearing and quarrels on holy days superstition, because this should be the norm for a Christian.

They don't clean up

Most of us will probably remember how our grandmother once said, “Today is a great holiday, don’t sweep,” and an unmotivated ban pulled us to do something contrary.

The tradition of not cleaning the house, not working in the garden and not doing needlework on holidays dates back to the days of the emergence of Christianity in Russia, when religion was forcibly planted. In order to gather newly converted Christians in the temple in the midst of suffering, it was necessary to forbid them to work under pain of God's punishment.

The ban worked, and every Sunday morning the peasants began with a service in the church. This tradition has reached modern days in a somewhat distorted form - as a ban on any physical activity, for example, cleaning. Moreover, the explanation of the ban by visiting the temple during the years of Soviet atheism was somehow obscured.

From the point of view of the clergy, it is better to finish putting things in order in the house on weekdays so that on a holiday not to be distracted from prayer, but they do not see a crime in doing worldly affairs after the service.

“Whoever works, he prays” - this is how priests in a Protestant church instruct their parishioners. Orthodox priests say that any work, including on Sunday, done with a prayer on the lips, is a charitable occupation.

Do not wash

On God's days, it is better not to arrange laundry, but to postpone it for another day, if possible

Laundry also belongs to physical work, which has fallen under the ban on the days of church holidays. Fortunately, the appearance washing machine Orthodox people were saved from this ban - it was no longer necessary to work on their own, having such an assistant in the house.

But in the villages, you can always catch the sidelong glances of your neighbors, hanging up the linen on God's day. Laundry "by hand" was and always will be hard work, especially when water has to be hauled from the well. And it takes all day - if you do laundry in the morning, it will not be up to church anymore.

That is why it was forbidden to wash on holy days, and if there was already a need in the form of a pile of diapers from a small child who cannot be forbidden to defecate on God's day, then this work was done after the service. So today, instead of prayer, the church does not allow doing laundry, and after or along with prayer - for God's sake!

Do not wash

By “washing” everyone understands something different, but no one is forbidden to take a shower on holy days

Do not wash on a holiday, otherwise you will then drink water in the next world - such an explanation of the ban on washing on God's days can be heard from our contemporaries. From a logical point of view, its interpretation is as follows: in order to heat the bath, you need to chop wood, apply water, watch the stove for several hours - there is a lot of work. In the old days, peasants tried to wash themselves before Sunday or before the holiday, in order to devote time to God, and not to chores.

In the 17th century, a royal decree was issued, according to which all bazaars and baths were closed before the all-night service, so that believing Christians would surely get to the church, and not turn off somewhere along the way.

Today, washing does not present such difficulties, so it is quite possible to take a bath or shower even before the service and go to church with pure thoughts and body. Priests consider all speculation about the ban on bathing to be superstitions.

Do not do needlework

Women are most annoyed by the ban of the older generation on needlework on Sundays, church holidays and, moreover, on Christmas Eve.

When there were no factory production and ready-made clothes in stores, needlework was the only opportunity for the hostess to dress the family for all seasons, and for the girl to prepare a dowry, all those sheets, pillows, towels, rugs that her future family would use. Of course, needlework was perceived as work, and even tedious and harmful to health!

The clergy allow needlework on the days of church holidays, the main thing is not to forget to visit the church

In Russia, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was the "woman's saint", the patroness of needlework. Honoring her memory, on Fridays the peasant women did not spin, did not weave, did not sew or knit. And on the day of her name day on November 10, the needlewomen showed each other everything that they managed to create in a year.

The Church considers needlework to be a charitable occupation, and it is not for nothing that the simplest needlework is a common thing in monastic practice. And the association of a needle or a knitting needle with nails that stuck into the body of Christ, and other conjectures of our grandmothers, are considered by the clergy as superstition. There is no church ban on needlework on holidays, so modern craftswomen who enjoy this activity can create on any day, not forgetting about the Creator and the need to visit his temple.

Not working in the garden

Gardening and field work also fall under the activities prohibited for Christians on church holidays. As in the case of other physical labor, agricultural labor takes a lot of effort and time, which on God's day is better spent in prayer. Of course, it is quite possible to postpone planting potatoes or sowing spring crops in honor of a holy day, but not milking a cow, or watering a horse, not feeding a poultry house, citing the fact that work is prohibited, is unlikely to occur to anyone.

According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus treated a sick man with dropsy in the house of one of the Pharisees' leaders. It happened on Saturday - the day of the Lord, when the Jews did not work. Having healed the sick man, Jesus said: “If one of you has a donkey or an ox falls into a well, will he not immediately pull it out on the Sabbath?”
According to the Gospel of Luke, chapter 14, verse 1-5

God allows you to work on God's day, the main thing is that the work should be done with prayer

Among the agricultural works, there are those that can be put off and find time to visit the temple, but there will always be things to do after prayer.

The church and clergy are loyal to any work on Sunday and holy holidays. Modern society has given birth to many professions whose working activity cannot be stopped for the sake of God's days. And a person will not always find the strength to give up the earnings that he feeds his children in order to pray every Sunday in the temple like a true Christian.

The Church advises to celebrate holidays with prayer. And, as on any other day, do not scold and try to do good, charitable deeds. And in the need to defend the work shift, tidy up one's own house or water the cattle after prayer, the clergy do not see anything sinful.

Now there is a substitution of concepts, when the ban on work is perceived as permission to be lazy. From the point of view of Christian teaching, one of the seven deadly sins is laziness. Therefore, when a person does not visit the temple on Sunday or on holy holidays, but spends the day in idleness, for example, in front of the TV or drinking, motivating this by saying that nothing can be done anyway, this is perceived by the church as a greater sin.

Of course, it is better for a believer to spend a holiday with his family, not forgetting to visit the temple in the morning, but also to wipe the dust, remove the broken flower pot, bathe or wash soiled children's panties by the church, and moreover, by God, is not forbidden.

Archpriest Nikolai Agafonov answers readers' questions.

I work for a secular organization. Often big church holidays fall on weekdays, and I cannot go to church. And vice versa: civil holidays, most of which I do not consider as such, are days off. I can't quit my job. What to do in such a situation?

According to canonical Church law, an Orthodox Christian is obliged to attend church on Sundays and on Twelve Feasts. Those who missed two or three Sunday services without good reason were considered to be cast out of church communion.
Now let's figure out with you what these can be good reasons. Such reasons can be any external circumstances that do not depend on our will. Illness of a person when he is forced to comply with bed rest. In this case, after the service, relatives or parishioner friends should visit him and bring him a prosphora from the church or something that was consecrated in the church on this holiday: an apple, willow, Epiphany water or an Easter egg.
An important reason is also the obligation to care for a sick relative or friend when he cannot be left alone. Important reasons also include responsibilities at work or service. If the working day coincided with a church holiday, this, of course, is unpleasant for an Orthodox person, but his sin is not here. You need to go to the temple before or after work and submit a note for a commemoration of health (you can do it the day before).
The fact that you work during the holiday at work is not a sin, since it does not depend on you. But if you work at home: you make repairs to your apartment, or you do laundry on holidays, or you work in the garden at this time, this is a sin. A person is obliged to work six days a week, and devote the seventh day to God, that is, putting aside all his daily affairs, think about his soul. In the Old Testament, this day was Saturday, for Christians this day became Sunday, since the Lord on this day rose from the dead.
But even in these rules hypocrisy must be avoided. On Sunday, you can work, but not for the sake of food, but for the soul, when it is necessary to fulfill the commandment of love for one's neighbor, which is above all laws and prophets. For example, to visit a sick person on Sunday and clean his apartment, or to serve Him with some other work. Helping to clean the temple after the service on Sunday is also a charitable deed.
So you don't have to quit your job, but rejoice in the fact that the two greatest holidays - Easter and Christmas - always fall on weekends, especially since services on them are performed at night.

It often happens that you are riding a bus, and next to you they are talking and swearing, young and old, without embarrassing anyone. It seems to me that a Christian in such a situation should not be silent. I say: "Know that swearers will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. You insult the Most Holy Theotokos and your mother." Such words are overwhelming, usually helpful. Am I doing the right thing?
Servant of God Ludmila, Samara

You do right when you take the trouble to rebuke the wickedness of the people. The most important thing is that the proud pharisaical thought does not settle in your heart that you are somehow better than those whom you denounce.

Many believers are interested in: what can and cannot be done during church holidays? There are several such holidays. The biggest Orthodox holiday is Easter, the Bright Resurrection of Christ. In addition to Easter, believers celebrate twelve great holidays:

  • Nativity of the Virgin,
  • Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord,
  • Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos,
  • Nativity,
  • Epiphany,
  • Presentation of the Lord,
  • Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos,
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem
  • Ascension of the Lord
  • Day of the Holy Trinity,
  • Transfiguration,
  • Assumption of the Virgin.

There are also holidays in honor of great saints and angels.

What can not be done on the days of Orthodox holidays?

We will tell you what you can not do on church holidays. According to the established tradition, these days you can not do housework - cleaning and washing, as well as sewing, knitting, embroidering, working in the garden and garden. It is recommended to stop watching entertainment TV shows, visiting the theater and cinema.

The meaning of such prohibitions is not that certain actions cannot be performed, but that an Orthodox holiday is, first of all, a day that is dedicated to God.

Believers should be distracted from worldly, everyday affairs and devote themselves to spiritual concerns. Try to show more warmth and care towards friends and relatives, help the poor and sick people.

How to celebrate Orthodox church holidays?

Conduct Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary need with pure thoughts. One should not allow oneself even evil thoughts, and not only bad deeds. It is believed that from this day begins new life. It is customary to extinguish an old candle in the house, and light a new one. In Russia, this holiday was associated with the arrival of autumn and the harvest festival, for which they thanked the Mother of God.

On the day of celebration Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord believers observe a strict fast (you can not eat meat and dairy products, eggs, fish). It is believed that those who fast will be forgiven of seven sins.

In the old days, on this day, people drew crosses with garlic, charcoal or chalk on the doors of their houses, lintels or mats to protect the house and household from evil spirits. On this day, you should not start new business, lend and lend money.

Holiday Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos considered a clean and blessed day. After visiting the temple, the godparents give their godchildren gifts and treat them with sweets.

AT Christmas Eve before Christmas believers refuse food until the first star. This tradition is connected with the legend of the Star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Christ. Sochivo is served at the table - lean porridge with honey, dried fruits and nuts.

It is believed that on the bright holiday of the birth of Christ, one should not wear black clothes, as they symbolize mourning. These days it is customary to do charity work. In the old days, there was a custom to invite lonely people to dinner, treat the poor and put treats for homeless animals outside the house.

AT Epiphany Christmas Eve and for the holiday Theophany of the Lord they sanctify water in temples and in natural reservoirs, for which ice holes are cut down in rivers and lakes.

It is believed that swimming in an ice-hole cleanses the soul and body, and a true believer after that does not get sick with any diseases for a year. Holy water is kept for a year next to the icons. It is sprinkled at home, consumed on an empty stomach along with a piece of prosphora.

On the Candlemas candles are consecrated in churches as a sign of the purification of the world by the light of the Gospel of Christ. People keep these candles at home for a year and light them on special occasions - for example, while praying for the sick, in moments of spiritual anxieties and unrest. Also in temples, water is blessed, which is believed to have the ability to heal people from various diseases.

On the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in some churches, after the liturgy, white doves are launched into the sky, which personify the good news. It is also customary to release birds from cages into the wild. On this day, according to signs, "the bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids."

It is better not to visit the hairdresser and even if possible not to comb, otherwise the hair will fall out. Not accepted to wear new clothes, which, according to legend, can get dirty or torn. In Russia, it was believed that before this date nothing could be sown in the field and in the gardens, since the earth was still asleep.

AT Lazarus Saturday the day before Palm Sunday in Orthodox churches willow branches are consecrated, which believers keep at home as amulets. They protect the house from fire and lightning, and retain their magical properties during a year. On this day, it is not recommended to wash, except in exceptional cases, since water on Palm Sunday can “wash away” grace and happiness from a person.

On the eve of the main Christian holiday - Easter- observed multi-day great post. On Easter, painted eggs, Easter cakes and cottage cheese Easter are consecrated in churches, which are served at the table throughout the Easter week.

AT Soviet years When many temples were closed, it became customary to visit the graves of relatives on this day. However, the church does not recommend this, because Easter is a bright holiday for Christians, and you should not indulge in despondency at this time.

AT Ascension of the Lord one cannot work on the land, otherwise the year will be lean. The hostesses are rectangular cakes with small crossbars, symbolizing the ladder - the path of Jesus to heaven.

the day before Trinity temples and houses are decorated with fresh greenery and flowers. For the decoration of houses, branches of birch and oak are most often taken, and it is forbidden to use willow or aspen for this.

The greens that are used to decorate the temple can be dried and then used to treat various diseases. In Russia, it was customary to go to church on Trinity with a bunch of grass, which should be mourned; tears symbolized rain. It was believed that after that there should be no drought in the summer.

For the holiday that bears the name The origin of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord or Honey Spas, honey and bee products are consecrated in temples. A small blessing of water is also held, in honor of which this day is called Savior on the water (Wet Spas).

Believers make religious processions to reservoirs and springs. It is believed that people who bathe in holy water can be healed of illnesses.

On holiday Transfiguration of the Lord, which is also called Apple Savior, in temples they consecrate the fruits of the new harvest, people give each other apples, treat the sick and the poor. In the old days, before this time, it was forbidden to eat the fruits of the new crop.

On holiday Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary peasants do not work in the fields. Among the villagers there is a belief that on the Assumption you need to leave a few ears in the fields so that a good harvest will be born next year.

Also on this day, you can not walk barefoot on the ground, especially in dew. It is believed that dew is the tears of the Mother of God, so walking barefoot promises illness and adversity.

Many believers often wonder if it is possible to work on church holidays? The answer in this case cannot be unambiguous, as it depends on various factors.

If we are guided by what is written in the Old Testament, then its fourth commandment says that the Sabbath day should be held holy and dedicated to the Lord. The remaining six days of the week must be devoted to work.

According to this commandment, received by Moses from God on Mount Sinai, once a week there should be a day to rest from everyday troubles, when you need to devote your thoughts and deeds to the Lord, attend church and temple, study the Word of God.

What does the New Testament say?

New Testament texts call Sunday such a day, which became for believers a day when it is not worth working, but it is better to visit church and pray. But given the pace of modern life, few people manage to step back from performing a variety of tasks, so even on a day off, people continue to deal with current issues.

Why can't you work on church holidays?

Nevertheless, there are periods when believers try to put off all things - these are church holidays. It is believed among the people that it is a sin to work on these days, since they are dedicated to saints and events from the Bible that should be revered.

A person who violates the tradition and prescriptions of the New Testament will be punished. Therefore, Christians try to refrain from work on the main (twelfth) church holidays.

What holidays are not allowed to work?

It is considered a particularly great sin to work on major church holidays, including:

    February 15: Meeting of the Lord - the meeting of Jesus Christ in the Jerusalem Temple with Simeon the God-Receiver;

    April 7: Annunciation - on this day, the Archangel Gabriel informed the Blessed Virgin Mary about the imminent Birth of the future Savior of the World, the Son of God Jesus Christ;

    Last Sunday before Easter: Palm Sunday or Palm Sunday - Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem on a donkey, where he is greeted by the locals;

    Passing date (depends on the lunisolar calendar) - Easter: the most significant holiday of Christians, the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ;

    Thursday of the 40th day after Easter: Ascension of the Lord - the ascension of Jesus to heaven in the flesh;

    Fiftieth day after Easter: Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Virgin Mary;

    August 6: Transfiguration of the Lord - the manifestation of the Divine Majesty of Jesus in front of his three closest disciples during prayer;

    August 15: Assumption of the Virgin - the day of the burial of the Virgin Mary and the day of remembrance of this event;

    December 4: Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos - the day on which Anna and Joachim brought Mary to the Jerusalem Temple to consecrate her to God.

What can not be done on holidays?

To avoid unpleasant situations, still try to avoid working on big holidays, even if you are not a very religious person and don't attend church often.

What are the signs and beliefs?

    At Christmas, you should not go hunting, fishing, hiking - in general, actively spend the day, as there is a high probability of an accident. This holiday is a family holiday, and it should be spent in the circle of relatives and friends.

    At Christmas, it is also forbidden to engage in activities related to productive labor: sewing, knitting, weaving, spinning. The thread is considered a symbol of fate and life, and tying it or doing any other action is a bad omen.

    Christmas is a holiday of family, peace and joy, so you can’t do household chores that can be postponed: cleaning, washing. It is impossible to clean up until January 14 - on this day all garbage is collected and burned on the street so that evil spirits do not disturb the house during the year.

    Another sign associated with Christmas: if you invited guests and the representative of the weaker sex was the first to step on the threshold, then the women in the family will be sick all year.

    On the feast of the Candlemas, you should not leave home, as the trip may not end as you expected, or you may not return home soon.

    On the Annunciation and Palm Sunday, you can not do housework until the evening. It is also not recommended to work on the ground, from which, according to legend, snakes crawl out on this day. There is even a saying: “A bird does not nest, a girl does not braid a braid.”

    It is also recommended to refrain from work on Easter and in general the entire preceding Easter week. But if there are urgent matters, then the church perceives this circumstance loyally.

    Church holiday Ascension. Is it possible to work? Ascension is considered one of the biggest holidays in the church. On this day, as well as on any other holidays, work is strictly prohibited. There is even a saying: “They don’t work in the field on Ascension, but after Ascension they plow.”

    Is it possible to work in Trinity? This is the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and promised them to return after his ascension to heaven. And so it happened. The event has become a holiday for Christians around the world and is celebrated with special honor. Therefore, various works (on the ground, around the house) are not recommended. And to the question of whether it is possible to work on the Trinity, the priest will tell you that it is not advisable to do this.

It is better to make sure that you are doing everything right, especially if you consider yourself to be deeply religious people. Therefore, do not be afraid to once again ask the minister of the church whether it is possible to work on church holidays. The priest will tell you which works are allowed on a particular holiday, and which ones are strictly prohibited. Numerous signs and beliefs explain why it is impossible to work on church holidays: those who violate this ban will be punished in the form of poverty, health problems and all sorts of failures.

What do church leaders say?

Church ministers say that if on holidays or Sundays a person does not pray, does not attend church or temple, does not read the Bible, but simply does nothing, then this is very bad. Days free from work are given just to devote them to serving the Lord, knowing oneself, attending services and peace.

Is it a sin to work on church holidays? From the priest you will hear that if you have to go to work or take a shift according to your schedule, or there is no way to postpone household chores, then this will not be a sin. After all, one can devote thoughts to God not only at home or in church, but anywhere at any time. Everything depends on the situation. The same applies to the question of whether it is possible to work in the garden on church holidays or not. If there is an urgent need, it is better to fulfill your plan and ask God for forgiveness in prayer.

What signs are associated with church holidays?

people for long years accumulated a lot of knowledge that passed from generation to generation. This is also due to various signs, especially those related to public holidays. Therefore, in addition to the topical issue of whether it is possible to work on church holidays, religious people should also be aware of the observations associated with them.

So, it is believed that if it snows on Christmas, then the year will be successful and profitable. If the weather is sunny, then the spring will be cold. It was a pleasant tradition to bake a coin in a pie. The one who gets it will have success and happiness in the new year.

On the feast of the Candlemas, people believed in the magical power of water and in the fulfillment of desires. He was also a harbinger of spring: the weather that day was an indicator of what the coming spring would be like.

The Annunciation is also rich in various beliefs and signs. On this day, you can not borrow money and take something out of the house, so as not to give away well-being and luck. A very interesting observation related to hair: it was not recommended to comb, dye or cut your hair, as you can confuse your fate.

Easter signs

At Easter, there were especially many. Among them are:

    if a child is born on Easter Sunday, be lucky and famous;

    if a child is born on Easter week, he will have good health;

    if Easter cakes are cracked, then there will be no happiness in the family for a whole year;

    if you hear a cuckoo on Easter, it means that replenishment in the family is expected. If an unmarried girl hears a bird, she will soon play a wedding;

    a tradition that has survived to this day - the whole family should start the Easter meal with a piece of Easter cake and an egg consecrated in the church during the festive service.

To work or not to work?

The traditions of the people, passed down from generation to generation, change or are forgotten over time.

Whether it is possible to work on church holidays is up to you. Religious people even now sacredly honor such days and try to adhere to all the prescriptions of the church.