Successful and promising projects in Russia. Bulletin board: commercial real estate - Are you interested in any specific projects

Today, for many, including liberally burdened minds, it is no longer a secret that Russia will not break down under Western sanctions, but rather, on the contrary, is gaining a new breath and implementing large-scale state projects in the defense industry, the space industry, in the Arctic, in aircraft construction, in creating modern infrastructure, in the IT field, etc. becoming more and more self-reliant and independent. And at the same time, it is obvious that in addition to state projects, people's initiatives and projects of private companies are becoming more widespread. Of greatest interest are such companies as Open House, which, on the basis of the principle of cooperation and their own technologies, implement socially significant, large-scale projects. The key point is that the main goal of the "Open House" is the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of a person.

1. Hypermarket Real Estate Rentals OPENh.RU

An Internet service for renting and selling any real estate, the co-owner of which can be an adult citizen of any country and receive further income from his work. Transactions on the service will take place directly between the owner and the tenant, excluding intermediaries. The main features of the service will also be exceptionally reliable and verified ads in the database and a wide range of additional services. The minimum amount to invest in the project is only 7.5 rubles.

The project budget is more than 100 million rubles.

Number of co-owners - 7068 people.

Invested in the project - 125,362,659 rubles.

First income forecast - summer 2018

2. Federal office network "Open House"

A project to create a network of "Open House" offices for the most effective promotion of the company's products throughout Russia. At the first stage, it is planned to open 37 offices in the largest cities of the country with a population of over 500 thousand people. Investors financing the project create for themselves a source of stable income from the operation of the office network. Payments to participants are made monthly from October 2017. The minimum amount for investment is 105 rubles.

The project budget is more than 1 billion rubles.

Number of Investors - 2 396 people.

Invested in the project - 34,355,603 rubles.

Number of open offices - 1 (Magnitogorsk)

3. Programs of consumer cooperation "KOPIKUPI"

A social project that allows you to purchase real estate (residential, commercial) or a car on very favorable terms at 0% per annum (without using a bank loan). Participants pay only a membership fee of 10% of the loan amount (minus savings) in the "KOPIKUPI-AUTOMOBILE" program and 8.4% in the "KOPIKUPI-REAL ESTATE" program. Real estate and cars must be registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and are pledged until the loan is repaid.

Number of participants - 2 911 people.

Number of loans issued: 56 pcs.

The amount of loans issued: 55,614,197 rubles.

4. Public funding service OPENi.RU

A modern crowdinvesting platform that allows you to implement large-scale projects with a budget of hundreds of millions and even billions of rubles. The OPENi.RU service was also created using the technology of public financing with the involvement of a team of Co-owners of several thousand people. Since October 2015, all participants who have invested in the project receive monthly income in proportion to their share.

"Hypermarket of Real Estate Leasing" became the first major project on the OPENi platform, on which the entire sequence of actions is being worked out: from launch to successful implementation. In 2018, the possibility of implementing projects for authors will open. The service is constantly developing, being tested for strength, shortcomings are being corrected, new opportunities are emerging.

The successful implementation of the company's projects is ensured by three technologies:

Technology of public financing. Funding for the implementation of projects is carried out at the expense of insignificant investments of a large number of people. At the same time, each participant receives a share in the project, commensurate with their investments. You can achieve the desired result both with the help of investments of 1000 people for 1000 rubles, and investments of 1 person in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles.

Technology of phased implementation. Any project is divided into separate stages, the so-called "goals". Financing occurs in stages: from one goal to another. The advantages are obvious: trust is formed between the author of the project and the Co-owners. The guarantee of the safety of funds and the successful implementation of the goals set are provided.

Shared storage technology. Participants independently accumulate money for themselves for real estate or a car, but use a mutual fund as a “piggy bank”. Due to this, it becomes possible to issue interest-free loans to participants, and collateral serves as a 100% guarantee of the return of contributions.

What do the participants of the Open House projects get?

A source of stable income that will help you realize yourself in life: in creativity, knowledge of the world, raising children, own business, charity.

Realization of basic needs in housing and a car on comfortable conditions through participation in consumer cooperation programs "KOPIKUPI".

Opportunity to implement your project on the platform "Crowd Financing Service OPENi.RU", to translate into reality your ideas that will be useful to society.

New social connections. Joint work on projects allows you to establish communication with like-minded people from different cities and countries. In the Open House, such cooperation is based on cooperation and trust, which undoubtedly creates the conditions for fruitful communication. In addition, company events such as the “Home Council” provide an opportunity to personally meet project participants, as well as learn the latest news from employees.

Positive emotions, interesting information, inspiration and motivation to develop with us.

Join the projects of the "Open House"!

The Internet service "Hypermarket of Real Estate Lease OPENh.RU" is implemented by the limited liability company "People's Company" Open House "(TIN 5505048797), whose head office is located in Omsk. In accordance with the business information, the management company has been operating since July 2015, has an authorized capital of 15 million rubles. and a reliability score of "four out of five". The real estate rental service was created and is being developed according to the “public financing” scheme - anyone can become a co-owner of the project at this stage. The amount of investment is not limited, the registration fee is 500 rubles. The investor is invited to become the owner of a project share in order to further derive passive income. To attract more investors, co-owners are offered a three-level referral program, in which you can participate at will, or you can not participate at all. In addition to the real estate rental service, within the framework of NC Otkryty Dom, several other investment projects are being developed in parallel - the KopiKupi consumer cooperative and the federal network of Otkryty Dom offices.

According to the income calculator posted on the company's website, the creators of the service estimate the profitability from participation in the project as very high, even in a pessimistic forecast, but at the same time they warn that "the implementation of the OPENh.RU Real Estate Hypermarket project, like any commercial project, is associated with a number of objective factors and some risks. In this regard, it is difficult to accurately predict how quickly the service will develop and what level of income can be expected from its implementation.” The general risk warning on the Open House website looks like this: “The information provided should be treated solely as the company's intention to achieve a successful result. It should not be taken as a promise or guarantee of income, since any venture project is subject to risk factors. We are just making every possible effort to minimize it.”

At the time of writing, the service had just over 5,000 co-owners who invested various amounts in the project in anticipation of future profits. All information on the movement of funds raised, as well as the news of the project, NC "Open House" places on its website. The deadlines for achieving the goals set are indicated there. Registration of a company in the Russian Federation, a serious authorized capital and transparency of the project development allow us to say that it has a chance of success, however, in our opinion, estimates of the future profitability of the service and equity participation in it are greatly exaggerated. Remember that the intentions of the company, its actions to develop the project and the preliminary calculations of profit are not a guarantee of income. Your investments are somehow subject to risk factors, about which the company directly warns potential investors.

Based on the results of our review, no signs of a financial pyramid or other fraudulent schemes were found in this project.

Andrey GERMAN: “We are just trying to work with integrity and be on the crest of a wave of new technologies”

The company operates in the field of IT technologies and social communications, implements the concept of "crowd funding" and administers cooperative programs. Andrey GERMAN, the founder of the project, characterizes the main product of the company, the Public Financing Service, as the most open and transparent structure, while, according to him, the Open House company does not use the methods of vertical subordination of employees to the manager, but implements a new way of business relations at a high level. technological level: "Together we create, together we help people, together we get income." KV columnist Nikolay GORNOV talked about the goals, objectives and ways to achieve results with Andrey GERMAN, a patriot of Omsk.

– Andrey, what is your company like today? What is its structure? What projects are being implemented today?

– The main business project of our company is, first of all, the OPENi.RU Public Financing Service itself, launched in December 2015 and which in itself is already a successful example of public co-financing. it was created by attracting investments from over 3 thousand people. We call them co-owners. On this platform, in turn, two directions are implemented - investment and cooperative. The investment direction is the creation of conditions for direct public investment in effective business projects that will generate income for both co-investors and co-owners of the OPENi.RU Public Financing Service. At the moment, with the help of our Internet platform, we are co-financing the project "Hypermarket of Real Estate Rental", which we plan to launch in the first half of 2017. There are also at least two new projects on the waiting list.

On January 20, we open an office in Omsk and launch the KOPICUPI consumer cooperation program on the mass market by order of our partner. In short, it's a zero percent mortgage and a zero percent car loan. The program works at the expense of the general savings of the shareholders of the consumer cooperative who want to buy real estate or a car. Loan term - up to 10 years. The fee for participation in the program for the purchase of real estate is 8.4%. And this is not a percentage that is charged on the balance of the amount, as in the mortgage programs of credit commercial companies. There, often, if he took one million, he is obliged to return twice as much. In the co-administered by us
the operational program, a shareholder who receives 1 million rubles will have to return the same million in ten years. Above it, only a membership fee of 84 thousand rubles. Due to him, the cooperative pays for our services to promote and maintain their programs.

- Tell us about yourself. How did the idea of ​​the public funding service OPENi.RU begin? What prompted you to create the Open House?

– I am 32 years old, in 2006 I graduated from OmGUPS with a degree in “Operation of locomotives”. He worked on the railroad for four years and went into "free swimming". For some time he was an employee of an American network company that uses multi-level sales technology. And this experience was very useful to me, I saw how you can present information in a completely different way, motivate employees differently, without using standard management approaches. At the same time, I thought about how difficult it is to find temporary housing if you come to another city on business and do not want to overpay for a hotel. There were aggregators for finding housing, but they did not help to find an inexpensive apartment in a particular area of ​​the city, for example. Most often these were sites with ads that were not tied to reality. And I wanted to create the most comfortable and user-friendly service. This is how my first idea for the Internet project “Real Estate Rental Hypermarket” appeared in 2012.

- Where did you get the money for the first project, if it's not a secret?

- I collected starting capital among friends, acquaintances, relatives. Probably, it was possible to go to the bank and try to get a loan, but I decided to go a non-standard way - I recorded and sent out a video presentation of my project to everyone. Many agreed to support me. True, the result turned out worse than desired. It is not always possible to understand people's expectations the first time.

- What, in your opinion, is interesting for the People's Company "Open House"?

– Firstly, we have introduced the technology of the so-called phased implementation. Its essence is that the whole project is divided into stages, which we call goals. Each goal has a budget and a deadline for its implementation. It turns out that all co-investors finance the project gradually. For example, we had a goal to open an office. The target budget is 3.5 million rubles. 3,000 people contributed 1,000 rubles each, and we opened an office. Agree, a thousand rubles is not a lot. In addition, the product that will be created by the funded project finds its potential consumer already at the stage of financing the means of its production. Secondly, we work at a high technological level. Although consumer cooperation is now experiencing another revival, I am not aware of other online formats for implementing cooperative consumer programs similar to ours.

- You talked about projects that you want to implement. Will these be Internet projects too?

– No, we are also interested in production. We want, using already tested technologies of public financing, to attract money to the real sector of the economy, to create new jobs in the Omsk region. Our region is powerful in terms of intellectual potential, but in terms of financial capabilities, we are still lagging behind, alas. Hence the problem - people leave. Only about 40 people of my acquaintances left for Moscow over the past few years.

Are you interested in any specific projects?

– We are interested in building a plant that will process bark and other waste from the timber industry into biologically active fertilizers. Using these fertilizers, soil fertility can be restored in just three years.

Is this someone's finished investment project?

- This is the development of a research institute from Perm, the volume of investments in the plant is 4.5 billion rubles. What is the benefit? The cost of the resulting product is $80 per ton, and the selling price is $1,500-2,000. Moreover, it is possible to build many such plants in Russia.

- And you think it's possible?

- In order to implement such a project, it is necessary to unite the efforts of one hundred thousand co-owners, who will invest an average of 50 thousand rubles. This is a real challenge. And when there is a source of funding, a reliable rear, then everything else is secondary issues that are resolved quite easily.

– Well, what if the efficiency of investment projects turns out to be lower? Or will there not be such a demand for products as expected?

- This is possible, of course, this is an entrepreneurial risk. But, of course, we do not rush into the frying pan without looking. Moreover, we have such a powerful resource as co-owners. When we first announced investment plans, we immediately began to receive requests from different parts of our country from chemists and biologists, and they confirmed that this is a really interesting and promising development. And they expressed their willingness to join.

– If we continue talking about risks. You cannot get a mortgage in a bank without an official salary, without a large down payment. Banks thus reduce risks. You declare on your website that the loan is issued to the participants of the KOPICUPI program without income statements, without guarantors, without a down payment. Do you increase the risks by declaring that you will give money to everyone in a row?

- Firstly, the object, which is purchased with borrowed money, will be pledged until the moment when the shareholder fully pays off the cooperative. Secondly, in order to receive a loan, the shareholder must himself participate in the savings. During this time, the cooperative, as a lender, can already roughly estimate its intentions and financial capabilities. Those. the program already contains a certain algorithm that is unprofitable for people with impure intentions.

- Well, if a person is conscientious, he always paid on time, but then he temporarily lost his job ...

- In this case, the cooperative will not take drastic steps, I can assure you. In the total mass, the money of individual conscientious shareholders experiencing temporary difficulties will not make up a large share. We will negotiate with such shareholders and look for compromises. In any case, the cooperative has an insurance fund.

– The activities of consumer cooperatives are not licensed?

– The cooperative programs we implement do not require a license, since the programs themselves are not commercial. Lending is carried out exclusively in relation to the shareholders of the cooperative. In this case, the activity of a consumer cooperative is regulated by the federal law on consumer societies and their unions.

- You said that the KOPICUPI program will start working in January?

– The KOPICUPI program has been operating on the Internet for about a year and a half. However, after the cooperative began cooperation with our company, the number of shareholders has already exceeded 450. The first three loans for the purchase of cars have been issued. The company was instructed to establish direct interaction with shareholders through offices, where everyone can participate in the presentation, learn about the possibilities of consumer cooperation, and pay fees without commissions through our terminals. Implementing this order, on January 20 we open an office in the center of Omsk, launched our own terminal network, and finalized the necessary software.

- And your "Open House" will not be limited to Omsk, as I understand it?

- Naturally. We already have the technology to open offices across the country. As soon as the terminal network is tested, we will start expanding to other cities. We are able to open ten offices in parallel at once.

What are your plans for the more distant future? How many clients do you expect to see in the People's Company "Open House"?

“We have big plans. By 2021, we intend to implement 20 projects and reach the estimated profit. The number of co-investors by this time should increase to 10 million people. And by 2025, we plan to bring the OPENi.RU Public Financing Service to the international market.

- With such financial opportunities, you may well press the bank mortgage, the real estate business, and even be able to dictate your terms in the housing market. Aren't you afraid that you will have ill-wishers?

– We have no intention to compete with anyone, to enter into conflicts of interest. Each formed sector of the economy has the right to benefit the state and society. However, the arrival of new technologies, new ideas is inexorable. Progress cannot be stopped. One way or another, the new format of legal relations and new technologies will eventually take their place in the social and economic environment. We just try to work with conscience and be on the crest of a wave of new technologies.