The principle of operation of the machine for the production of briquettes from sawdust. What can be made from sawdust: we extract benefits and benefits from wood waste

Sell ​​crusher for fine fraction

Power 18.5 kW. It is used to obtain a fine fraction (3-5 mm), which is ideal for further drying and briquetting. Productivity - 700-800 kg / hour. + (Productivity depends on the type and moisture content of raw materials: cod - 800 kg / hour., Board 50mm - 400 kg / hour.).

tel. 067-67-67-141

Here we will talk about how a smart, enterprising, energetic person can make good money on waste, or rather on sawdust.

The fact is that everyone involved in the sawmill has a global problem. This is sawdust recycling. Since the sanitary and epidemiological station is heavily fined for this, they are ready to give away sawdust for nothing, sometimes they even bring it to you wherever you say. In short, there is an opportunity to make good money on this.

From sawdust, which cost practically nothing, Can produce fuel briquettes.

Now a ton of briquettes Pini-Key (Pini-key) costs from 100 to 140 euros in Ukraine, that is, in your production.

If you make several trucks a month, you can earn good money. The only thing that is needed in this business is raw materials, that is, sawdust. If there are sufficient reserves within a radius of 30 km, then we can say with confidence that everything will be in order and the business will succeed.

This business is unique. And you know what?

This is probably the only business in the world that has no problems with the sale of finished products. Think about it, everyone who has ever been in business knows the main problem of any business - the sale of finished products.

In this business demand for briquettes booms all year round!

Many Europeans struggle year-round for the supply of your products. If only they had time to make, ship briquettes and get paid for it.

If there is a head on the shoulders, then the question arises in it, what is needed for this?

To be able to make such briquettes, you need special equipment. This includes:

briquetting press;

dryer for drying sawdust;


In addition to equipment, of course, you need a smart person - an owner with organizational skills who can organize all this production. This is business. And business is business. It requires some attention and the right approach.

We offer you equipment for the production of Pini-Key briquettes, the most expensive briquette in the world.

At the moment, we can offer you a briquetting press and a crusher. The dryer has already been sold, but we can recommend a good prototype, even better than the one we had.

All equipment used but in excellent condition, as can be seen on the spot during its inspection and demonstration.

A very small production life has passed.

Unfortunately, due to constant troubles and incessant conflicts, and a different vision of such a business, through constant conflicts with our business partners, we have to part ways and sell off production. We need to sell it as soon as possible, so the price will be acceptable for someone who will buy.

After the purchase, we do commissioning of the equipment and provide consulting support for half a year!

This time is enough for you to perfectly master this equipment. In addition, we will teach you how to work on this equipment and make finished products.

And the most important thing!

We will give you several contacts, potential buyers of your finished products, who are ready to take the Pini-Key briquette all year round, since during the season we had 10 customers a day who were ready to pick up the briquette by trucks.

P.S. I would like to share from my experience. Now gas all over the world and in Europe becomes more expensive. The demand for briquettes is increasing year by year. The theme of the business of making briquettes is not yet sufficiently occupied, as well as the territories of the series under it. But that's for now. Now intensively in many regions of Ukraine, briquette production facilities are being opened, where the main component of success is serie, that is, sawdust. The hour is not far off when a person will not be able to open such a production with all his abilities and desire, because the places where you can take sawdust are already occupied.

Perhaps, even now, when you are reading these lines, someone, just like you, is planning the same production, in the same place as you.

If he takes this step first, you will forever miss the opportunity to engage in and own a business in the production of fuel briquettes, the prospects of which will multiply even more in the near future!

Therefore, if you feel in yourself that you will pull this matter;

Do you consider yourself a good host and organizer;

If you are ready to launch such production.

Call right now to:

067 67 67 141

or email us at:

in order for us to help you analyze your resource (number of series) and technical capabilities (electric power and building dimensions).

Don't miss your chance to earn money close to home, much more than some people who work far away.

When processing wood, a large amount of sawdust remains, which must be disposed of or recycled. There are several ways to earn income from sawdust. Consider the most interesting business ideas for the processing of wood waste.

How can sawdust be used?

Despite the fact that many enterprises simply get rid of such waste, sawdust can be useful in many areas:

  • construction and insulation of houses;
  • production of building materials;
  • production of fuel briquettes or pellets;
  • insulation of houses;
  • mushroom cultivation.

What equipment is needed?

It all depends on the final product. However, there is a mandatory list of machines that are needed in any case. Let's list them:

  • Press form;
  • screw conveyor;
  • wood splitter;
  • drying chamber;
  • tamping by hand;
  • storage bin;
  • chipper unit;
  • gas generator;
  • charcoal kiln;
  • mixer.

Production of fuel briquettes

This is the most common sawdust processing method. The thermal conductivity of such a material is close to that of coal. Therefore, briquettes or wood pellets are very popular. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly product that leaves a minimum amount of harmful formations after burning.

For this method of processing sawdust, about 1 million rubles will be needed. And this is the minimum amount that will be spent only on the purchase of equipment. At the same time, the business is characterized by a quick payback and high income.
Pellets give a lot of heat and are very economical

Fiberboard manufacturing

This is a popular material that is actively used in construction, furniture production or repair work. The production process for the manufacture of wood-fiber boards from sawdust includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning and chopping wood.
  2. Steaming.
  3. Re-grinding.
  4. Drying.
  5. Form creation.
  6. Being under pressure.
  7. Grinding.
  8. Finishing.

There is a large selection of ready-made lines of foreign or domestic manufacturers for the manufacture of fiberboard from sawdust.

Sawdust fiberboard is an excellent building material

Where else are sawdust used?

Coniferous sawdust can be used to produce biologically active additives. Coniferous extract is used for cosmetic purposes, in the manufacture of medicines for animals, for adding to feed for birds and other living creatures.

Another common direction is the creation of fertilizers. For this, the composting method is used. To get started, you need to create trenches and lay the wood composition in them. During ripening, nitrogen builds up, which is useful when used on loamy soils, as well as soils with excessive amounts of minerals.

Calculate income and expenses

The wood waste processing business will require considerable investments - about 100 thousand dollars and even more. Such an amount is necessary for the purchase of equipment, the arrangement of premises in compliance with all necessary standards, the start of production, wages and other expenses.

current expenses. If we talk about the production of fuel briquettes, then when the equipment is operated 20 hours a day by three teams, each of which employs 4 people, then about 8 thousand dollars per month will be spent only on costs. These are electricity, wages for workers, the purchase of raw materials, changing nozzles, and so on.

This is a complex, but profitable and fast-payback business.

Russia has the most significant forest reserves, almost a quarter of the world's.

The forests of our country are a colossal resource base.

Wherein used less than half of all wood waste, and in Siberia, that is, in the most “forest” region of our country, no more than 35% of wood raw materials.

The rest is simply thrown away without any attempt at disposal.

Remain unrecycled:

  • tree greens;
  • bark;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

Thus, the figures indicate the presence of business development opportunities in this industry.

In the recent past, sawmill waste was simply destroyed. A business built on the basis of wood waste processing is:

  • promising;
  • does not require significant investments;
  • having an accessible organization of production.

Waste production in the woodworking and forestry industries are lumpy and soft waste:

  • woodworking;
  • plywood production;
  • furniture production;
  • sleepers;
  • sawmilling.

They also include:

  • branches;
  • branches;
  • tree greens;
  • tops;
  • roots;

The scope of wood waste is very extensive.

  1. Sawdust can be used in hydrolysis production, for the manufacture of gypsum sheets, for heating.
  2. From shavings it is possible to produce chipboard and cement chipboard, which are used in the construction of houses.
  3. From wood waste paper is made; they are also used in agriculture.
  4. Wood chips predominantly coniferous species is used for the production of building material that is unique in its characteristics.

Where to get wood waste inexpensively or for free

When using wood in any area, be it furniture production, construction, etc., wood waste can be between 35 and 50%.

Utilization of wood waste in cities is a serious problem. They are formed during the care of trees and during the sanitary felling of green spaces on the street, in parks, forest parks, squares. These wastes are low quality wood of medium size:

  • branches;
  • tops;
  • edging of deciduous and coniferous species.

A significant problem in terms of disposal is sawn timber waste during the repair of premises and buildings, wooden products that have already gone out of use, furniture, and containers. A huge amount of wood waste is generated during sawmilling.

Under the condition of self-delivery, almost all types of wood waste can be obtained absolutely free of charge.

Cost-Effective Options for Using Sawdust

There are many ways to make money on wood waste, in particular, on sawdust. We list the main options, and below we will consider some of them in more detail:

  • production of sawdust concrete. It is possible both at enterprises and privately;
  • on livestock farms, sawdust can be used as bedding for livestock;
  • in greenhouses, industrial greenhouses, sawdust can act as a constituent of the soil, plant nutrition;
  • sawdust on their own excellent fuel;
  • sawdust - compost in agriculture;
  • for private houses sawdust is used as insulation in attics and basements;
  • production of chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, furniture structures sawdust - the main raw material;
  • for sewage treatment plants in industry, sawdust can serve as waste water filters;
  • sawdust in half with peat - magnificent dry closet filler.

During the cooking of pine and cedar bark, woody greens, condensate accumulates at the bottom of the distillation vat, which is called VAT residue.

One of the inexpensive productions is its processing at coniferous extract.

Coniferous extract has a lot of biologically active substances that dissolve in water during prolonged cooking.

This condensate contains a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on living organisms, including humans:

  • vitamins;
  • chlorophylls;
  • organic acids.

Concentration of condensate turns it into a coniferous extract, which has high consumer properties.

The extract can be successfully used as a feed additive for livestock and poultry in agriculture, as well as a preparation for taking therapeutic baths. Coniferous extract can also be used for the industrial production of antibiotics for animals.

Feed meal

After digestion of the extract, approximately 90% of the feedstock (pine and cedar bark, tree greens) remains in the form of waste solid waste. Business income can be increased with further processing of solid waste into feed meal.

Feed flour has bactericidal and anti-tuberculosis properties. It can be used as an alternative to roughage.


Fertilizer can be prepared from wood waste using a fairly simple composting process.

The main costs in the implementation of this project are the laying and equipment of trenches for the preparation of compost mass.

It would be advisable to use such compost to improve the fertility of highly mineralized and loamy soils.


Recycling wood waste is a promising area that has a lot of areas for implementation. Many technologies that are based on the processing of wood waste are successful in the market.

- one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly fuels, consisting of almost one hundred percent carbon. When burned, it does not poison the air with toxic fumes and is quite convenient for quick cooking. It can be used not only in the economy, but also in industrial production.

A number of chemical and metallurgical industries operate on its use, from small to large ones. In the construction industry, it is used as an insulating material. Just like other derivatives of wood waste, it is successfully used in agriculture as a feed additive for livestock and poultry.

The spent mass of wood waste can be used for further processing as fuel.

The use of modern and environmentally friendly fuels will help provide the population with inexpensive energy sources, while reducing the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Thus, the negative impact on the environment is reduced, and the sanitary condition of forests is improved.

In recent years, the EU countries have been undergoing a very active transition to organic fuel. The market is stimulated by government agencies, turning towards:

  • fuel pellets;
  • briquettes;
  • firewood.

Energy carriers from wood waste are currently purchased in significant quantities.

We buy equipment

Of course, processing requires:

  • equipment;
  • electricity;
  • room;
  • warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

Equipment for the production of briquettes and fuel pellets on the market is available in sufficient variety, both from foreign and domestic factories. With equal quality, Russian equipment costs several cheaper.

The equipment package includes:

  • chipper(machine for grinding raw materials), from 180 thousand rubles to 2.3 million rubles;
  • granulator. Cost from 50 thousand rubles. up to 2.1 million rubles The price for the OGM-1.5 granulator model is about 1 million rubles;
  • Dryer. The spread of prices ranges from 150 thousand rubles. up to 2.5 million rubles;
  • packing machine. Price - from 80 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles

In general, equipment for making, for example, pellets can be an industrial line or a mini-granulator.

Approximate cost:

  1. an industrial line that produces 1 ton/hour costs about $132,000;
  2. with a capacity of 2 tons / hour will cost 196 thousand dollars;
  3. the price of the line for 4.5 tons / hour is about 408 thousand dollars.

The price for a finished line, providing a capacity of 300 kg of product per hour, is about 1 million rubles. In the same case, if there is a room (own suburban area) and raw materials (wood waste at the lowest price or free of charge for pickup), then the investment, taking into account organizational issues, will amount to a little more than 1 million rubles.

Implementation and expansion of production

The sale of manufactured products can be carried out through the following channels:

  • wholesale firms that export goods abroad;
  • you can open your own online store;
  • sale through own outlets in the construction and economic markets;
  • sales to organizations that sell in construction markets and supermarkets.

One of the best ways business expansion for the sale of products based on sawdust is cooperation with municipalities.

The fact is that oil-fired boilers are installed in many formations. Their efficiency is many times lower than the efficiency of pellet boilers. If we agree with the local authorities on the replacement of fuel oil with pellet boilers(at the expense of budgetary funds) and the supply of your products, then everyone benefits.

Local authorities receive significant savings during the heating season, and fuel producers receive a significant channel for selling their own products.

It is also worth paying attention to areas where there is no gasification.

In such areas, it is possible with considerable success for business to sell fuel briquettes.

But first it is necessary to explain the advantages of boilers operating on fuel briquettes.

Business expansion opportunities will thus be achieved by increasing the number of sales of manufactured products.


The difficulties that may arise in the implementation of this business are usually reduced to several points:

  • transportation of finished products over long distances is not always profitable;
  • when certifying, for example, fuel pellets, certain difficulties may arise. The second point is the composition of the fuel: it should not contain more than 30% bark;
  • for the full implementation of finished products, it will be necessary to independently search for consumers;
  • Control over workers in production is a must for any type of business.

On the other hand, the domestic market of our country needs more and more various wood processing products, and demonstrates full readiness for their use.

Where to start and the price of the issue

Production activities require the presence of an individual entrepreneur or LLC under the USN taxation system (6% or 15%, respectively). For the operation of the enterprise it is required:

  • 2-3 handymen;
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • sales manager.

A business based on the use of wood waste, if properly organized, can bring significant profit. At the same time, the level of investments can vary from the smallest to the largest. Which production to choose depends on the level of opportunities and claims.

Due to the huge amount of wood waste to be processed in our country and their affordability, it makes sense to start Earn Money in this industry.

Using such waste as raw materials, businesses will help solve a number of pressing environmental problems:

  • cleaning forest areas from wood waste, preventing their decay;
  • prevention of forest fires;
  • when used as a fuel, there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • contributes to the conservation of forests.


In Western Europe and many other countries, in recent decades, they have turned their faces to ecological fuels, as well as to non-waste types of production in general.

With the active support of the state and subsidies from it in support of these types of businesses, we can soon expect more active development of commercial projects based on the processing of wood waste.

The tendencies developing in the West are always or almost always the forerunners of commercial trends in our country, so it may be worth taking a closer look at them.

Given the ever-increasing global demand for environmentally friendly and cheap energy, people with a commercial streak should hurry to take this most profitable and promising business niche which is just starting to fill up.

This is how a wood chipper works:

In contact with

In our modern time, various technologies for processing waste and recyclable materials are increasingly being used. Often, such technologies are not as complicated as they might seem and may well do without complex and expensive equipment. And, nevertheless, there is no doubt about profitability and income. An example is the production of fuel pellets. Moreover, they find a wide variety of applications, but mainly as fuel. By the way, such environmentally friendly fuel has long been used in European countries.

And if so, then pellets can be considered as a good source of income. But before developing a production plan, let's find out some points.

Business Profitability

Many sources of fuel can be found in our country, including trees. However, the mass use of the latter is undesirable, since they are already massively used in construction and other areas. But consumables from trees are available in abundance at any woodworking plant. In this case, a modern business idea regarding what can be made from sawdust becomes relevant. And this idea is to make pellets.

Someone may immediately ask, what are pellets? In fact, these are pressed granules obtained from sawdust, and no serious requirements are imposed on them. In appearance, they are like cat litter. Sawdust can be taken as pure wood, and various impurities can be used: bark, straw, husk. You just need to make sure that their content is no more than 5%. Clean pellets can be used in the household. A good example is as a cat litter. Pellets with impurities are used in industrial production.

Production costs can average 250-300 thousand dollars on average, which usually pays off within a year. However, you can try to set up production at a lower cost. The profitability of such a business can be 95-110%.

Benefits of pellets

The use of pellets as an alternative fuel source offers significant benefits. Pellets have a higher heat transfer compared to conventional firewood. In addition, during the combustion of carbon dioxide granules, ten times less is formed. It is advantageous to store them from the point of view of fire safety, since they do not ignite spontaneously. In addition, they do not take up much space.

The production of fuel briquettes implies obtaining an environmentally friendly product that does not contain toxic substances, harmful impurities, glue and resins. Compared to coal, burning pellets leaves less ash. And most importantly - the consumption of granules is lower, as well as their cost. Transportation of pellets does not cause any difficulties.

local production

If this type of activity is very interested, then you can try to fix everything with your own hands and at home. That is, to establish production in smaller volumes for their own needs. For those who live in rural areas, getting sawdust is not difficult.

It does not hurt to understand the very technology of obtaining pellets, which will allow you to decide on the choice of equipment. The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  1. splitting up;
  2. drying and removal of impurities;
  3. hydration (in some cases, after drying, the humidity level may drop to 8%, and the norm is 12%);
  4. pressing;
  5. cooling with drying;
  6. container packing.

At this stage, when using sawdust from a circular saw, you can do without a crusher. You can also make your own dryer. It is enough to weld metal barrels with each other. The rest of the equipment for the production of sawdust pellets will have to be purchased.

Having established the production of pellets and mastered all the technology, you can get a surplus that can be useful to neighbors. Then it is already possible to move to a new industrial level of production.

industrial scale

Switching to a large-scale production of pellets implies a solid investment of money, so you need to think carefully and draw up a competent business plan. It is worth considering in advance where to get sawdust. Since there is a considerable amount to be taken, it is worth establishing business relations with some kind of woodworking plant. Usually they do not refuse to provide waste.

If successful with a supplier of sawdust, you can go through the process of registering a business. It is usually registered as an LLC. In addition, it will be necessary to choose a taxation system, get approval from the fire inspectorate and conclude several contracts.


First you need to choose the appropriate room. It should be spacious enough to accommodate all the necessary equipment. Ideally in the future, a room with an area of ​​​​150 meters with a ceiling height of at least 10 meters. Warehouses are also needed to store raw materials and finished products.

The entire territory where the enterprise is located must be fenced and preferably under protection. Convenient access roads should lead to the plant to speed up the time of loading and unloading.

Such sites can be found outside the city limits. You can rent a place and build the building of the future plant from scratch, which may increase the cost of production. Or you can use some empty industrial building. It is important that electricity is available for the smooth operation of the enterprise.


As for the equipment, it can be purchased separately, perhaps at a minimal cost. You need to know the list of units:

  • granulator;
  • raw material dryer;
  • crusher;
  • Dryer;
  • screw mixer.

It is necessary to find reliable equipment suppliers and establish service with them. Otherwise, there may be problems that will seriously impede the production process.

As for granulators, they can be as follows:

  • with electric motor;
  • with diesel engine;
  • work on tractor power.

Each type has its own advantages and features, which depend on the operating conditions. For example, a unit with an electric motor implies a stationary installation, while the second type is mobile and can be used at the site of collection of raw materials. The third type is relevant for tractor owners.

If you wish and funds, you can immediately purchase a production line, only their prices are high. A line with a capacity of 700-1000 kg of raw materials per hour will cost more than 100 thousand dollars. If you need a more powerful line up to 2000 kg per hour, then you will have to pay about 200 thousand dollars for it.


It is clear that pellet production technology is impossible without qualified personnel. Here, an experienced technologist is simply needed, without which it is impossible to monitor the condition of the units. It would be nice if the equipment supplier has a special staff training service. Some large companies, in addition to supplying production lines, can acquaint you with all its features in operation.

In addition to the technologist, you need to hire an accountant and a storekeeper. All employees must be qualified. It is also important to create all the necessary conditions for the normal work of employees.

Business profitability

For approximate calculations of income, you can take an eight-hour working day. The working month consists of 22-24 days. All necessary expenses will be about 30% of the total profit. The price of sawdust is 100 rubles per cubic meter, and the production of one ton of alternative fuel will require 7.5 cubic meters of raw materials. This will amount to approximately 750 rubles, since this is only a preliminary figure.

The cost of finished pellets depends on their grade. The first grade will cost from 3800 to 4200 rubles per ton. Industrial grade will be slightly cheaper from 3,000 to 3,500 rubles per ton. Gross income will be equal to the product of daily profit by the number of working days (22-24).

From the point of view of payback, the so-called mini-factories show themselves well, in which the equipment is powered by electric motors or by a tractor. Production lines, especially those that produce up to a ton or more of products per hour, pay off no earlier than a year due to the high cost. However, the lines can subsequently generate substantially more revenue than mini-factories.

It can be concluded that sawdust processing as a business can bring good income. It is worth noting that such activities from time to time become more and more popular and can bring even more income. With such waste-free production, the cost of the final product will only increase from year to year. So far, the sale of pellets is mainly directed to European countries, but over time, consumers will appear among Russian citizens.

Today's market is literally replete with various industrial installations for small and large businesses. Among this diversity, even experienced specialists sometimes literally run up their eyes. In this article, we will consider equipment for the production of sawdust and its derivatives (pellets, granules).

After all, it is not a problem to get raw materials for this business in our country, you can agree with any forestry on the collection and removal of deadwood and dead wood. Thus, you will clear the forest and earn money from it.

Problem of choice

Before purchasing an industrial plant, most buyers have natural questions: “Which type is better to choose?” “Buy new or used equipment?” "Cheap or Expensive?" Let's take a quick look at the three main options.

1. New turnkey installation.

2. Used line.

3. Buy in parts from different manufacturers and self-assemble on the spot.

Each of these options has its pros and cons, but before considering them, you should familiarize yourself with the theoretical part.

What is the equipment for the production of sawdust

In fact, this installation is an elementary wood crusher, its package includes:

1. A chipper designed to grind wood into industrial chips.

2. Hopper-accumulator-dispenser.

3. Chip grinder.

As you can see, such a machine for the production of sawdust is elementary.


The machine for the production of pressed sawdust is a little more complicated, it consists of:

1. Plot grinding.

2. Receiving hopper for sawdust with a moving bottom.

3. Tumble dryer.

4. Heat generator.

5. Cyclone with fan.

6. Receiving hopper for dry raw materials.

7. Press-granulator (briquetting machine).

Equipment for the production of pellets

This unit has several configuration options.

1. Line for the processing of wood or its lumpy waste (includes equipment for the production of sawdust).

2. A line that runs on industrial wood waste (an additional shredding machine is not needed).

3. Pelletizing line for raw materials with a moisture content of more than 13% (an additional drying complex is required).

4. A line that works with material whose moisture content is less than 13%.

A complete list of equipment for such an installation: a hammer mill, a disk and drum crusher, a gas boiler (or wood-fired), a drying drum, as well as a mechanism for loading chips into it, a cyclone, a smoke exhauster, a belt or scraper conveyor, movable floors, a fan, a mixer, raw material hopper with conveyor, pellet press, cooler, sieve, dust and screening fan, finished pellet hopper, scales, packing machine.

What should be considered when purchasing equipment for the production of sawdust and its derivatives? Consider the pros and cons of the three options.

turnkey line

The advantages of this option include:

  • The minimum number of labor hours spent on the installation of the installation and the high quality of such work.
  • Excluding the purchase of a "pig in a poke" - high-quality new equipment will function better and longer without breakdowns.
  • In addition, modern technology is characterized by a longer service life, it is less energy intensive, and this will reduce the cost of manufacturing the final product.

The disadvantages include:

  • The high cost of such a project.
  • The lack of the possibility of self-service, which will accordingly lead to equipment downtime even with minor breakdowns. This happens because the unit is under warranty and service. As a result, even if the hose breaks, the replacement of which takes about 20 minutes, it is still necessary to call the company's specialists, and this can take several days.

Used line

The advantage of this option is its low cost. If you monitor the domestic and imported markets for used equipment, then it is quite possible to pick up a used unit in good condition at a low cost. In addition, you can find an option with much more performance than a new line for the same money.

The disadvantages are: the purchase of a "pig in a poke", complex installation with the introduction of their own innovations, not always a complete set of equipment, incomplete documentation. In addition, warranty and service maintenance is excluded, the likelihood of using original spare parts is reduced. If the installation is very old, then spare parts for it are no longer manufactured.

When buying non-new equipment, the following recommendations should be followed: conduct a thorough inspection and listen to the operation of the line for the absence of extraneous noise, special attention should be paid to the head part (drying complex, crusher, press). In addition, stop your choice on efficient lines of more recent years.

complete line

This is a rather rare option, but it also has a right to exist. In fact, this is the cheapest scheme, but at the same time the most complex. It is more suitable for those who have extensive experience in this business. Often, with this purchase option, you can, in addition, get one or another node for almost nothing.

If you decide to install a complete line, then it is better to acquire the most important nodes new, and those of a secondary nature - used ones. In this case, you will be able to save a lot of money, but you will have to tinker with the installation of equipment.

Various options for the implementation of sawdust

Summing up, it can be noted that this business will be very profitable if you do not become obsessed with only one area of ​​\u200b\u200brealization of your product. After all, it is used everywhere - from fertilizers to construction, which means that there will definitely be a demand for it.

For example, you can start the production of sawdust for smoking and fuel briquettes (today such a product is in high demand, because briquettes burn four times longer and give more heat than firewood). For this, it is better to use fruit trees as raw materials. In parallel with this, start the production of sawdust for animals, because bedding is necessary not only for pets, but also for large livestock, for this, establish contacts with farmers.

To make cat litter, you will need to use a granulator. As a raw material, in addition to sawdust, sorption components will be needed: cellulose, chalk, carbomethylcellulose glue, in addition, zeolite should be added to absorb an unpleasant odor.

For the production of bedding, any tree species, corn cobs, etc. can be used as raw materials. Be sure to start manufacturing sawdust-based heaters, because the construction industry is more relevant today than ever. If you occupy several areas at once, then the profit for your enterprise will be ensured.


An additional convenience of such a business is the fact that the line does not take up much space and does not require a large number of qualified personnel. If you live in the private sector, you can even organize the production of sawdust at home. Thus, you can significantly reduce the costly part of your business by saving on renting production space and organizing security.