Generating electricity from the ether.  The key to the magical world of ether

The very idea of ​​a device for obtaining free energy from the ether was invariably in great demand. Not only amateurs, but also many eminent scientists have seriously and not without success dealt with this issue. Nowadays, there are no fewer people who want to develop such an installation and make it themselves. Today you can try to obtain energy from the ether for your home using simple and affordable schemes.

Science does not provide an intelligible definition of either field or energy. But she clearly formulates - energy does not come from nowhere and does not disappear anywhere. Trying to extract “energy from nothing,” we can only try to “fit in” to the process of its natural transformation from one type to another.

Energy is determined by useful work, and the field is determined by the spatial characteristics of the influence of its source. Both the static electric charge, the dynamic magnetic effect around a current-carrying conductor, and the heat of a heated body are considered fields.

Any field can perform useful work, and therefore transfer part of its energy. It is this property that prompts us to look for sources of free energy in various fields. It is believed that there is many times more such energy than in traditional sources mastered by mankind.

For example, we know how to use the gravitational energy of the huge Earth, but we do not know how to extract it from the attraction of a tiny stone. It's too small to make sense, but it's practically inexhaustible. If we come up with some way to extract it from a stone, we will get a new source of energy.

This is roughly what researchers and developers of all kinds and stripes are doing in an attempt to extract “energy from nothing.” The field from which various prospectors strive to learn how to extract an energy resource is what they call ether.

Ether and its properties

Many of his developments are considered lost since his death.. Some of them are known exclusively as principles, others only in general terms. However, many current designers are trying today to reproduce Tesla's discoveries and devices, taking advantage of modern scientific and technological discoveries.

Most of Tesla's ideas are based on extracting it from the fields formed by the interaction of the Earth with its ionosphere. This system is considered as a large capacitor, in which one plate is the Earth, and the other is its ionosphere, irradiated by cosmic rays. Like any capacitor, such a system constantly accumulates charge.

And various home-made devices developed according to Tesla’s ideas are designed to extract this energy.

Current and classic developments

Modern discoveries and technological developments provide a wide field of activity in obtaining “cold electricity”. In addition to devices based on Tesla’s ideas, today such developments for obtaining “energy from emptiness” as:

All these methods have their adherents, but most of them are quite resource-intensive and costly. It is also important that they require deep specialized knowledge and ingenuity. All this makes such construction at home difficult. Energy from the ether can be obtained with your own hands using simple and affordable schemes. Their implementation will not require deep knowledge or high costs, but some adjustment, configuration and calculations will still be needed.

Not all such developments can be called extracting “ethereal energy”. From the point of view of the absence of resource consumption for electricity generation, they can rightly be called extracting “energy from nothing.” The energy carriers of these systems are not destroyed during the transfer of energy - after giving it away, they immediately accumulate it again. The system itself can generate electricity, if not forever, then at least for a very, very long time.

Air thrust energy

This idea is a typical example of such a device. It is not, in the strict sense of the word, a way to extract energy from the ether. It is, rather, a way to obtain it simply, cheaply and for a long time.

To implement it, you will need a high pipe, 15 meters or more. This pipe is installed vertically. The bottom and top holes must be open. Electric motors with propellers of the appropriate diameter are installed inside it, which should easily spin with the rotor. The upward flow of air rotates the blades and rotors of electric motors, and electricity is generated in the stator.

Uncomplicated home mini-power station

One of the most basic devices can be made independently from a computer cooler (Fig. 1). It uses such modern development as neodymium magnets.

To make it you need:

Such a power station allows a small light bulb connected to it to work. By using a larger motor and stronger magnets, you can get more electricity.

Application of magnets and flywheel

The capabilities of such a power plant are significantly increased by using the inertia of a heavy flywheel. A simplified model of such a design is shown in Fig. 2.Today, there are a lot of developments - including patented similar designs with a horizontal and vertical flywheel arrangement. They all have a common device design.

The main part is the flywheel drum, around the circumference of which there are quite powerful neodymium magnets. Along the circle of motion of the rotor-flywheel there are several electric coils that act as an electromagnet and an electricity generator (stator). The kit also includes a battery and a device for switching the direction of voltage supply.

Once started, the flywheel, rotating in a circle, excites an electromagnetic field in the coils with its magnets. This leads to the appearance of an electric current in the conductor, which is supplied to charge the battery. Periodically, part of the generated electricity is used to push the flywheel. The efficiency of such a mechanism declared by the developers is 92%.

In both of these devices, energy is generated by rotational inertia and relatively recently developed powerful magnets. Understanding the principle of operation of the device, you can try to make it yourself at home. According to the designers, it can be used to generate up to 5 kWh of useful power.

Simple Tesla Generator

Today's airspace is much more ionized than in Tesla's time.

The reason for this is the existence of a huge number of power lines, sources of radio waves and other causes of ionization. Therefore, an attempt to obtain electricity from the ether with your own hands using the simplest designs according to Tesla’s ideas can be very effective.

It is better to start independent experiments with devices available for making at home. One of them is the simplest Tesla transformer. This device allows you to literally “get energy from thin air.” Its circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 3.This setup uses two plates. One is buried in the ground, and the other rises to a certain height above its surface.

On the plates, as in a capacitor, potentials of the opposite sign accumulate. The device itself consists of a starting power source (12 V battery), connected through a spark gap to the primary winding of the transformer, and a capacitor connected in parallel. The accumulated charge of the plates is removed from the secondary winding of the transformer.

This design is dangerous because it actually simulates the occurrence of an atmospheric lightning discharge, and work with such an installation must be carried out in compliance with all safety measures.

Using this design, you can generate a small amount of electricity. For more serious purposes, it will be necessary to use more complex and expensive schemes to implement. In this case, you also cannot do without sufficient knowledge of physics and electronics.

Device designed by Steven Mark

This installation, created by electrician and inventor Stephen Mark, is designed to produce quite a significant amount of cold electricity (Fig. 4). It can be used to power both incandescent lamps and complex household devices - power tools, television and radio equipment, electric motors. He called it the Steven Mark Toroidal Generator (TPU). The invention is confirmed by a US patent dated July 27, 2006.

The principle of its operation is based on the creation of a magnetic vortex, resonant frequencies and electric shocks in the metal. Unlike many other similar devices, once started, the generator does not require recharge and can operate for an unlimited amount of time. It has been recreated many times by various testers who confirm its functionality.

There are several designs of this device. Fundamentally, they do not differ from each other; there are some differences in the implementation of the scheme.

Here is the circuit and design of the 2-frequency TPU. The principle of its operation is based on the collision of rotating magnetic fields. The device weighs less than 100 g and has a fairly simple design. It includes the following components:

Inner ring-shaped base(Fig. 5) acts as a stable platform around which all other coils are located. The material for making the ring is plastic, plywood, soft polyurethane.

Ring sizes:

  • width: 25 mm;
  • outer diameter: 230 mm;
  • internal diameter: 180 mm;
  • thickness: 5 mm.

Internal collector coil can be made from 1–3 turns of 5 parallel stranded Litz wires. To wind turns, you can also use a regular single-core wire with a core diameter of 1 mm. A schematic view after manufacture is shown in Fig. 6.

External collector coil, it is also a bipolar type output collector. To wind it, you can use the same wire as for the control coils. It covers the entire accessible surface.

Each of control coils(Fig. 7) - flat type, 90 degrees for installing a rotating magnetic field.

To make coils with the same number of turns, you need to cut 8 wires slightly longer than a meter before winding. The findings will help you distinguish between different colors of wires. Each coil has 21 turns of two-wire standard single-core wire with a cross-section of 1 mm and standard insulation.

The terminals with tips (Fig. 7) are two terminals of the internal collector coil.

It is mandatory to install a common return ground and a 10 microfarad polyester capacitor, without which all equipment will be negatively affected by currents and returned radiation.

The connection diagram is divided into 4 sections:

  • entrance;
  • management;
  • coils;
  • exit.

The input section is designed to provide an interface to the square wave generator

and outputting synchronized square waves in a suitable manner. This is achieved using a CMOS multivibrator.

To implement the MOSFET control section, the best solution is the standard IRF7307 interface offered by the designer.

As can be seen from the latest model, it will be quite difficult for a person without special education and skills in working with physical devices and instruments to assemble such a structure at home.

There are many diagrams and descriptions of similar devices by other authors. Kapanadze, Melnichenko, Akimov, Romanov, Donald (Don) Smith are well known to everyone who wants to find a way to generate energy from nothing. Many designs are quite simple and inexpensive to make and generate energy from the ether for your home yourself.

It is quite possible that many such amateurs will be able to practically reliably find out how to get electricity at home.

The universal use of electricity in all spheres of human activity is associated with the search for free electricity. Because of this, a new milestone in the development of electrical engineering was an attempt to create a free energy generator that would significantly reduce the cost or reduce to zero the cost of generating electricity. The most promising source for realizing this task is free energy.

What is free energy?

The term free energy arose during the time of large-scale introduction and operation of internal combustion engines, when the problem of obtaining electric current directly depended on the coal, wood or petroleum products used for this. Therefore, free energy is understood as a force for the production of which there is no need to burn fuel and, accordingly, consume any resources.

The first attempts to scientifically substantiate the possibility of obtaining free energy were laid by Helmholtz, Gibbs and Tesla. The first of them developed the theory of creating a system in which the generated electricity should be equal to or greater than that spent for the initial start-up, that is, obtaining a perpetual motion machine. Gibbs expressed the possibility of obtaining energy through a chemical reaction so long that it was enough for a full power supply. Tesla observed energy in all natural phenomena and proposed a theory about the presence of ether, a substance that permeates everything around us.

Today you can observe the implementation of these principles to obtain free energy in. Some of them have long been at the service of humanity and help to obtain alternative energy from wind, sun, rivers, ebbs and flows. These are the same solar panels and hydroelectric power stations that helped harness the forces of nature that are freely available. But along with already proven and implemented free energy generators, there are concepts of fuel-free engines that try to circumvent the law of conservation of energy.

The problem of energy conservation

The main stumbling block in obtaining free electricity is the law of conservation of energy. Due to the presence of electrical resistance in the generator itself, connecting wires and other elements of the electrical network, according to the laws of physics, there is a loss of output power. Energy is consumed and to replenish it, constant external replenishment is required, or the generation system must create such an excess of electrical energy that it is enough to both power the load and maintain the operation of the generator. From a mathematical point of view, the free energy generator must have an efficiency greater than 1, which does not fit into the framework of standard physical phenomena.

Circuit and design of the Tesla generator

Nikola Tesla became the discoverer of physical phenomena and based on them he created many electrical devices, for example, Tesla transformers, which are used by mankind to this day. Over the entire history of his activities, he has patented thousands of inventions, among which there is more than one free energy generator.

Rice. 1: Tesla Free Energy Generator

Look at Figure 1, this shows the principle of generating electricity using a free energy generator made from Tesla coils. This device involves obtaining energy from the ether, for which the coils included in its composition are tuned to a resonant frequency. To obtain energy from the surrounding space in this system, the following geometric relationships must be observed:

  • winding diameter;
  • wire cross-section for each winding;
  • distance between coils.

Today, various options for using Tesla coils in the design of other free energy generators are known. True, it has not yet been possible to achieve any significant results from their use. Although some inventors claim the opposite, and keep the results of their developments in the strictest confidence, demonstrating only the final effect of the generator. In addition to this model, other inventions of Nikola Tesla are known, which are generators of free energy.

Magnetic free energy generator

The effect of interaction between a magnetic field and a coil is widely used in. And in a free energy generator, this principle is used not to rotate a magnetized shaft by applying electrical impulses to the windings, but to supply a magnetic field to an electric coil.

The impetus for the development of this direction was the effect obtained by applying voltage to an electromagnet (a coil wound on a magnetic circuit). In this case, a nearby permanent magnet is attracted to the ends of the magnetic circuit and remains attracted even after turning off the power from the coil. A permanent magnet creates a constant flow of magnetic field in the core, which will hold the structure until it is torn off by physical force. This effect was used to create a permanent magnet free energy generator circuit.

Rice. 2. Operating principle of a magnetic generator

Look at Figure 2, to create such a free energy generator and power the load from it, it is necessary to form a system of electromagnetic interaction, which consists of:

  • trigger coil (I);
  • locking coil (IV);
  • supply coil (II);
  • support coil (III).

The circuit also includes a control transistor VT, a capacitor C, diodes VD, a limiting resistor R and a load Z H.

This free energy generator is turned on by pressing the “Start” button, after which the control pulse is supplied through VD6 and R6 to the base of transistor VT1. When a control pulse arrives, the transistor opens and closes the circuit of current flow through the starting coils I. After which the electric current will flow through the coils I and excite the magnetic circuit, which will attract a permanent magnet. Magnetic field lines will flow along the closed contour of the magnet core and permanent magnet.

An emf is induced from the flowing magnetic flux in coils II, III, IV. The electrical potential from the IV coil is supplied to the base of the transistor VT1, creating a control signal. The EMF in coil III is designed to maintain the magnetic flux in the magnetic circuits. The EMF in coil II provides power to the load.

The stumbling block in the practical implementation of such a free energy generator is the creation of an alternating magnetic flux. To do this, it is recommended to install two circuits with permanent magnets in the circuit, in which the power lines are in the opposite direction.

In addition to the above free energy generator using magnets, today there are a number of similar devices designed by Searle, Adams and other developers, the generation of which is based on the use of a constant magnetic field.

Followers of Nikola Tesla and their generators

The seeds of incredible inventions sown by Tesla gave birth to an insatiable thirst in the minds of applicants to turn into reality fantastic ideas for creating a perpetual motion machine and send mechanical generators to the dusty shelf of history. The most famous inventors used the principles laid down by Nikola Tesla in their devices. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Lester Hendershot

Hendershot developed a theory about the possibility of using the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity. Lester presented the first models back in the 1930s, but they were never in demand by his contemporaries. Structurally, the Hendershot generator consists of two counter-wound coils, two transformers, capacitors and a movable solenoid.

Rice. 3: general view of the Hendershot generator

The operation of such a free energy generator is only possible if it is strictly oriented from north to south, so a compass must be used to set up the operation. The coils are wound on wooden bases with multidirectional winding to reduce the effect of mutual induction (when EMF is induced in them, EMF will not be induced in the opposite direction). In addition, the coils must be tuned by a resonant circuit.

John Bedini

Bedini introduced his free energy generator in 1984; a feature of the patented device was an energizer - a device with a constant rotating torque that does not lose speed. This effect was achieved by installing several permanent magnets on the disk, which, when interacting with an electromagnetic coil, create impulses in it and are repelled from the ferromagnetic base. Due to this, the free energy generator received a self-powering effect.

Bedini's later generators became known through a school experiment. The model turned out to be much simpler and did not represent anything grandiose, but it was able to perform the functions of a generator of free electricity for about 9 days without outside help.

Rice. 4: schematic diagram of the Bedini generator

Look at Figure 4, here is a schematic diagram of the free energy generator of that same school project. It uses the following elements:

  • a rotating disk with several permanent magnets (energizer);
  • coil with a ferromagnetic base and two windings;
  • battery (in this example it was replaced with a 9V battery);
  • control unit consisting of a transistor (T), resistor (P) and diode (D);
  • Current collection is organized from an additional coil that powers the LED, but power can also be supplied from the battery circuit.

With the start of rotation, the permanent magnets create magnetic excitation in the coil core, which induces an emf in the windings of the output coils. Due to the direction of the turns in the starting winding, current begins to flow, as shown in the figure below, through the starting winding, resistor and diode.

Rice. 5: start of operation of the Bedini generator

When the magnet is located directly above the solenoid, the core is saturated and the stored energy becomes sufficient to open the transistor T. When the transistor opens, current begins to flow in the working winding, which recharges the battery.

Figure 6: Starting the charging winding

At this stage, the energy becomes sufficient to magnetize the ferromagnetic core from the working winding, and it receives a pole of the same name with a magnet located above it. Thanks to the magnetic pole in the core, the magnet on the rotating wheel is repelled from this pole and accelerates the further movement of the energizer. As the movement accelerates, pulses appear in the windings more often, and the LED switches from flashing mode to constant glow mode.

Alas, such a free energy generator is not a perpetual motion machine; in practice, it allowed the system to work tens of times longer than it could function on a single battery, but eventually it still stops.

Tariel Kapanadze

Kapanadze developed a model of his free energy generator in the 80s and 90s of the last century. The mechanical device was based on the operation of an improved Tesla coil; as the author himself stated, the compact generator could power consumers with a power of 5 kW. In the 2000s, they tried to build a 100 kW industrial-scale Kapanadze generator in Turkey; according to its technical characteristics, it required only 2 kW to start and operate.

Rice. 7: schematic diagram of the Kapanadze generator

The figure above shows a schematic diagram of a free energy generator, but the main parameters of the circuit remain a trade secret.

Practical circuits of free energy generators

Despite the large number of existing schemes for free energy generators, very few of them can boast of real results that could be tested and repeated at home.

Rice. 8: Tesla generator working diagram

Figure 8 above shows a free energy generator circuit that you can replicate at home. This principle was outlined by Nikola Tesla; it uses a metal plate isolated from the ground and located on some hill. The plate is a receiver of electromagnetic oscillations in the atmosphere, this includes a fairly wide range of radiation (solar, radiomagnetic waves, static electricity from the movement of air masses, etc.)

The receiver is connected to one of the plates of the capacitor, and the second plate is grounded, which creates the required potential difference. The only stumbling block to its industrial implementation is the need to isolate a large plate on a hill to power even a private home.

Modern look and new developments

Despite widespread interest in creating a free energy generator, they are still unable to displace the classical method of generating electricity from the market. Developers of the past, who put forward bold theories about significantly reducing the cost of electricity, lacked the technical perfection of the equipment or the parameters of the elements could not provide the desired effect. And thanks to scientific and technological progress, humanity is receiving more and more inventions that make the embodiment of a free energy generator already tangible. It should be noted that today free energy generators powered by the sun and wind have already been obtained and are actively being used.

But, at the same time, on the Internet you can find offers to purchase such devices, although most of them are dummies created with the aim of deceiving an ignorant person. And a small percentage of actually operating free energy generators, whether on resonant transformers, coils or permanent magnets, can only cope with powering low-power consumers; they cannot provide electricity, for example, to a private house or lighting in the yard. Free energy generators are a promising direction, but their practical implementation has not yet been implemented.

The first to seriously tackle the problem was the brilliant Nikola Tesla. Tesla considered the energy of the Sun to be the source of free electrical energy. The device he created received electricity from the air and earth. Tesla planned to develop a way to transmit the received energy over long distances. The invention patent described the proposed device as using radiation energy.

Tesla's device was revolutionary for its time, but the amount of electricity it generated was small, and it was wrong to consider atmospheric electricity as an alternative source of energy. More recently, inventor Stephen Mark patented a device that produces electricity in large quantities. Its toroidal generator can supply electricity to incandescent light bulbs and more complex household appliances. It works for a long time without requiring external recharge. The operation of this device is based on resonant frequencies, magnetic vortices and current shocks in the metal.

The photo shows a working example of Steven Mark's toroidal generator

How to get electricity from air at home

Nikola Tesla's experiments showed that you can generate electricity from the air with your own hands without much difficulty. Nowadays, when the atmosphere is permeated with various energy fields, this task has become easier. Everything that produces radiation (television and radio towers, power lines, etc.) creates energy fields.

The principle of generating electricity from the air is very simple: a metal plate rises above the ground, which plays the role of an antenna. Static electricity occurs between the ground and the plate, which accumulates over time. Electrical discharges occur at certain time intervals. In this way, atmospheric electricity is generated and then used.

This scheme is quite simple - only a metal antenna and ground are required for generation. The potential that is established between conductors accumulates over time, although it is impossible to calculate its strength. When a certain maximum potential value is reached, a current discharge occurs, similar to lightning.


  • Simplicity. The principle can easily be tested at home;
  • Availability. No instruments or complex devices are needed - just a conductive plate is enough.


  • Inability to calculate the current strength, which can be dangerous;
  • Lightning is attracted to the open circuit formed during operation. A lightning strike can reach 2000 volts, which is very dangerous. That is why the method is not widely used.

Where atmospheric electricity is already used

Nevertheless, there are examples of the use of devices that work according to the described principle - the Chizhevsky chandelier ionizer has been sold for decades and has been operating successfully.

Another working scheme for generating electricity from air is the TPU generator by Stephen Mark. The device allows you to obtain electricity without external recharge. This scheme has been tested by many scientists, but has not yet found wide application due to its peculiarities. The principle of operation of this circuit is to create a resonance of currents and magnetic vortices, which contribute to the occurrence of current shocks.

Kapanadze's generator is currently being tested in Georgia. This energy source also works without external power and extracts electricity from the air without additional resources.

The photo shows the Kapanadze generator ready for operation.


New ways to obtain cheap energy raise concerns among many scientists due to interference in the processes of the atmosphere and ionosphere. Their influence on the emergence and course of life on Earth has been poorly studied, so the impact can have a detrimental effect on the state of the planet.

But personally, I believe that the technology of atmospheric electricity is being slowed down deliberately. Moreover, there is a fact of large-scale use of electricity from the air before 1917. In the video below you can see for yourself that electricity existed even in the 17th century.

Ether is able to compress, deform and penetrate through small holes in metal (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Mechanism of penetration of ball lightning through a small hole in metal

Thus, the ether-dynamic model of ball lightning, in principle, corresponds to all its currently known properties.

The closest model of ball lightning of all currently existing is the model that assumes that ball lightning is a magnetic field flow closed on itself. This model, however, does not explain how such a field can be contained in a closed volume, since a magnetic field does not have such concepts as a boundary layer, viscosity, compressibility or temperature. It cannot explain the fact that lightning sticks to metal objects. But still, this model came closest to the essence of ball lightning. Today, to explain the stability of this model, concepts such as plasma stability, self-focusing, and even feeding of the lightning body by an external source located far beyond the lightning itself are used.

All these artificial constructions are not needed for the ether-dynamic model.

How can you create ball lightning in the laboratory? It’s difficult to talk about this now, because ball lightning occurs at the most inopportune moment in the most seemingly ordinary conditions. It can jump out of a regular outlet, from a magnetic starter, during or after a thunderstorm, or even just anywhere. But it has been noticed that the most common cases of ball lightning are associated with spark gaps, spark gaps or simply bad contacts

You can try to create a closed magnetic field that exists independently in space. To do this, you can use a high-speed electric switch, for example, a spark gap, which can quickly pass a large current and lock the self-induction emf. The first is necessary so that a large gradient of magnetic field is formed in space, in which a gradient of the speed of the ether flow is formed and thereby the conditions for creating the boundary layer of the future ether toroid. The second is necessary in order to quickly cut off the magnetic field from the conductor, where it will try to hide after the current stops.

If the spark gap breaks the current in a short time, then a self-induction emf will arise on it equal to

E = –Ldi/dt (6)

If the current passed is 1 Ampere, the circuit break time is 1 microsecond, and the inductance of the line (1 meter of wire) is 1 microHenry, then the self-inductive emf will be equal to 1 Volt. But this is probably not enough to create ball lightning, since in a time equal to 1 microsecond, the magnetic field will have time to hide in the conductor. This means that shorter intervals are needed, for example, 1 nanosecond. Then the field returning to the conductor at the speed of light will only have time to travel 30 cm, and the rest of the magnetic field will be outside. It will collapse and an etheric or magnetic toroid will be created. But here the spark gap must be able to withstand a self-induction emf of 1000 Volts. In this case, the energy of the formed toroid will be small, on the order of millionths of a Joule.

To increase the energy of the formed magnetic toroid, it is necessary to increase the value of the interrupted current. But with a current of 1000 Amperes, it will be necessary to resist an emf value of 1 million Volts. The initial energy of the future ball lightning will be in this case units of Joules. If, to create a field, we use air inductance of at least a few hundredths of a Henry, then the initial energy content of lightning will be hundreds and thousands of Joules, but the counter-emf here will already be many millions of Volts. However, all this is not counting the subsequent compression of the lightning body by the ether, in which the energy content of the lightning will increase as the lightning body is compressed by the pressure of the ether in proportion to the square of the decrease in its radius. And after ball lightning is created, it will be possible to think about how to use its energy. This can be done, for example, by driving lightning into a barrel of water...

Thus, there is still a fundamental way to both create artificial ball lightning and extract energy from a vacuum, but the trouble is that dischargers with the above characteristics do not yet exist.

However, in nature, ball lightning appears under the most ordinary conditions and at the most inopportune times. Apparently, something exists in addition to what was stated above, some additional conditions that contribute to the formation of ball lightning without arresters with the parameters mentioned above, something simpler.

Based on the above, we can still expect that, with the help of high-frequency spark gaps and some other devices, devices will appear that make it possible to use the energy of the ether. And it seems that the first such devices have begun to appear.

4. Tesla Transformer

4.1. How to estimate the energy of a magnetic field?

Of all types of force fields, the most convenient for practical use are magnetic fields created by currents flowing in conductors. They are energy-intensive, safe, easy to create, capable of providing force interactions between various objects, and it is this circumstance that has made it possible to use them in all kinds of power plants, including generators and engines of a wide variety of designs.

As is known, the energy contained in a magnetic field is determined by the expression

μ O H 2

w = ò -- dV, W, (7)

Where μ o = 4π.10–7, Gn/m – magnetic permeability of vacuum, H, A/m – magnetic field strength, V, m3 – volume of space filled with a magnetic field.

The distribution of magnetic field strength around a current-carrying conductor is determined by the Total Current Law

ò HDL = i, (8)

Where l, m – a segment of the length of the magnetic field line around a conductor with current; i, A – the amount of current flowing through the conductor.

From the Total Current Law it follows that the magnitude of the magnetic field strength at a distance R from the conductor is

N = --, (9)

and the ratio of magnetic field strengths at different distances must obey the hyperbolic law, i.e.

N 1 R 2

N 2 R 1

and in relative coordinates can be depicted as a hyperbola (Fig. 10, curve 1).

However, direct measurements have shown that this is not entirely true. Already at a current of 0.1 A, the voltage ratio differs significantly from the indicated distribution, and with increasing absolute value of the current, the deviation increases more and more. There is a clear deviation of the real distribution of magnetic field strength from the hyperbolic law, while the deviation from this law in relative coordinates increases with increasing absolute value of the current in the conductor (Fig. 12, curves 2 and 3).

Rice. 12. Distribution of magnetic field strength around a current-carrying conductor

The experimentally obtained deviation can be easily explained if we take into account the compressibility of the ether and, as a consequence, the compressibility of all structures, including the magnetic field. The total current law turns out to be valid only for extremely low magnetic field strengths, at which compressibility can be neglected. But it is not completely true for large currents, even 0.1 A. This means that the actual magnetic field per unit volume carries more energy than follows from the Total Current Law and existing calculation methods.

From the above it follows that a circuit with high-quality coils, tuned into resonance, must accumulate significantly more energy than it follows from existing calculations, because energy is determined not only by the speed of helical ether flows, which represent a magnetic field, but also by their mass density. Perhaps this circumstance was taken into account by Nikola Tesla when constructing his high-frequency power transformers, which necessarily used resonance and which resulted in high voltages amounting to millions of volts, which did not follow from conventional calculations.

But this same circumstance allows us to take a different approach to the energy of ball lightning, which can be considered as a compacted magnetic field closed on itself with the only peculiarity that existing theories of the magnetic field do not in any way provide for the presence of a gradient boundary layer in such formations. To do this, you need to turn to ether-dynamic ideas about the physical essence of force fields of interactions.

4.2. Fast-acting keys and etheric energy

It is easy to verify that a discharge in a vacuum has high energy by charging a high-voltage capacitor to a voltage of several thousand volts, and then discharging it onto two independent electrodes of an old glass radio lamp. By gradually increasing the voltage and capacitance of the capacitor from 100 pF and further, and connecting it to the electrodes of the lamp, you can make sure that, starting from a certain value, the electrodes inside the lamp will begin to explode, so that they are left with dust. The lamp bulb remains intact. It follows from this that a vacuum discharge has high energy.

Professor of the Economic University named after. Chernetsky conducted a series of experiments with a vacuum discharger in the 70s and 80s. One of the devices was assembled according to the diagram shown in Fig. 13.

The circuit had a constant current source and a circuit consisting of a 1 µF capacitor, an adjustable spark gap and two identical 60 W light bulbs. One lamp was turned on before the capacitor, the second - after the spark gap.

The voltage was selected so that when the spark gap was closed, both lamps glowed slightly. When the spark gap was opened, both lamps naturally did not light up. Then, by bringing the electrodes of the spark gap closer together, it was necessary to establish a stable discharge (usually, this corresponded to a distance between the electrodes of several tenths of a millimeter) and then, by adjusting the spark gap, i.e., by adjusting the distance between the electrodes using a micrometer screw, the incandescence of the lamps was changed. In this case, the first lamp could go out completely, and the second was brought to a high intensity, at which it could burn out.

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~ BP L

Rice. 13. Chernetsky: BP – power supply, R – spark gap, C – capacitor, L – incandescent dumps.

It created a strange impression. Both lamps were connected in series in a circuit powered by direct current, but one lamp went out and the second glowed brightly, which clearly indicated that it was being fed with additional energy. In fact, this is not necessary at all. Here the so-called shape coefficient played a significant role.

At one time, there were significant difficulties in determining the amount of power released. This difficulty can be easily overcome if you use two more of the same lamps, each powered by a separate direct current source, in the circuit of which measuring the power consumption is not difficult. By using a pyrometer, bringing the incandescence of each lamp to the incandescence of the lamps in the main circuit, you can accurately determine the power they emit and compare it with the power consumed by the main circuit.

Unfortunately, similar attempts by other researchers did not confirm the expected result. However, it was suggested that these researchers did not bring the current value to a certain critical value at which the effect would begin to appear. Therefore, it is advisable to continue experiments in this direction.

It is necessary to bring to the attention of the reader that the professor died from skin cancer on his face, presumably having been irradiated in the process of conducting experiments from a pulsating magnetic field or a field of another nature surrounding the spark gap. This means that when conducting such experiments, care must be taken not to get close to the spark gap.

The American scientist Shoulders proposed a device using a high-speed electric switch (vacuum discharger) to obtain energy from the environment, in which a 30 to 50-fold increase in energy was obtained, albeit in small quantities. Presumably, the same mechanism of magnetic field formation and compression described above is implemented here. The high efficiency of the device confirms the feasibility of continuing work in this direction.

Thus, the use of high-speed keys to obtain energy from the ether may turn out to be very promising.

4.3. Tesla's double helix

In some of his devices, Tesla used two flat spirals located in a common plane, connected in series (Fig. 14). For what?

In Fig. Figure 15 shows the direction of propagation of the magnetic field along the outer turns of the spirals and along their centers, from which it follows that the created field should close into a toroidal vortex. Thus, the use of double flat spirals as an element of electrical circuits takes on a specific meaning. However, a few additions need to be made.

Rice. 15. Formation of a magnetic toroid around flat spirals

Firstly, the closure of the magnetic toroid and its subsequent compression will occur if the current in the circuit is pulsed and the leading and trailing edges are sufficiently short. This especially applies to the trailing edge, the steepness of which directly determines whether a boundary layer will be formed on the surface of the toroid or not. Secondly, it is possible that the location of the spark gap relative to the spirals plays a certain role: Tesla’s spark gap was located in the gap between the spirals, which guaranteed the simultaneous creation of magnetic fields in both spirals.

Since at present there is practically no clear methodology that allows calculating the parameters of spirals and arresters, the selection of parameters will have to be done experimentally at first.

4.4. Tesla Transformer

The design diagram of the Tesla transformer is shown in Fig. 16.

Rice. 16. Tesla transformer connection diagram: BP – power supply; P – spark gap, C1 – discharge capacitor; Tr – Tesla transformer, C2 – resonant capacitor.

The Tesla transformer is a device consisting of a coreless transformer, a spark gap and an electrical capacitor. The primary winding of the transformer is made in the form of several turns of thick copper wire, and the secondary winding, placed inside or next to the primary winding, consists of a large number of turns of insulated thin copper wire.

The primary winding is connected through a spark gap and a capacitor to an alternating current source, in the secondary winding, in which resonance conditions are met.

The operating principle of the Tesla transformer circuit is as follows.

The voltage of the alternating current source is selected sufficient for the breakdown of the arrester. As a result of the breakdown of the spark gap in the primary winding, an intermittent current is excited, an intermittent magnetic field appears, inducing high-frequency oscillations with a frequency of about 150 kHz in the secondary winding. Thanks to resonance, the voltage on the secondary winding rises to 7 million volts.

The Tesla transformer was used in the period 1896 - 1904 to create powerful radio stations (for example, in 1899, under the leadership of Tesla, a 200 kW radio station was built in Colorado). It was used until the mid-20th century for the same purposes.

Over the course of many years, many have tried to explain the principle of operation of the Tesla transformer, based on traditional concepts, in particular, by the appearance of self-induction emf at the steep fronts of current interruption by the spark gap in the primary winding, but an explanation has not yet been found and, above all, because everyone has tried explain the operation of the Tesla transformer on a traditional basis.

From the standpoint of etherodynamics, some aspects of the operation of the Tesla transformer begin to become clearer.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of self-induction emf in a Tesla transformer occurs when the current in the primary winding is interrupted. However, presumably, the Tesla transformer uses several effects, the main one of which is the supply of additional energy from the ether due to the compression of the magnetic field by the pressure of the ether. The use of resonance makes it possible to accumulate large currents and use the nonlinear effects described above, which enhance the efficiency of the phenomenon. It is likely that the use of vacuum arresters instead of air arresters can help reduce electromagnetic interference. Research into the operation of circuits with a Tesla transformer may be of fundamental importance for the future of energy.

One of the Tesla transformer models and the radiation emanating from the upper part of the secondary (internal) winding are shown in Fig. 17" width="124" height="212 src=">

Rice. 17. Tesla transformer: a) general view of the laboratory sample; b) type of discharge at the output of the secondary (internal) winding of the transformer

In the transformer shown in the photograph, the task was to obtain the highest possible voltage; the problem of obtaining additional energy was not raised. The fact that high voltage was obtained is evidenced by the electrical discharge corona, clearly visible in the photograph. However, using a similar transformer, you can try to obtain additional energy from the ether.

There are several features of pulse formation in the primary circuit of the Tesla transformer

If in the inductor L, Gn current flows i, A, then the energy w L stored in the magnetic field will amount to

w L= L--, J (11)

Noteworthy is the fact that, in contrast to the capacitor C, F, charged with voltage U, V, in which the stored energy wC, J is equal to

w C = WITH--, J, (12)

and this energy is conserved and can be stored indefinitely, if there are no losses, then in the inductor the energy disappears as soon as the current stops flowing, and the energy stored in the magnetic field is returned to the circuit that created the magnetic field. But if this energy is returned not to the circuit that created the magnetic field, but to another circuit in which the energy can be accumulated, for example, in a capacitor, then the total amount of energy will be proportional to the number of pulses N, i.e.

w L= N L--, J (13)

Here it is assumed that the current value is established in each pulse in a vanishingly small time. The vanishingly short time to establish the current in a pulse can be assumed to mean that the duration of the pulse front is incommensurably short compared to the duration of the pulse itself, i.e., approximately ten times shorter. Then the energy accumulated in the capacitor connected to the second circuit will grow unlimitedly over time.

The instantaneous power of each pulse with a duration T will be:

R L = --, W, (14)

and, if the pulse shape corresponds to a meander, that is, the pulse duration and pause duration are equal, then the total power will be:

P L = ---, W, (15)

If the radii of the primary winding r1 and secondary winding r2 are not equal, then

r 12FL i 2

P L = -----, W. (16)

Here it should be taken into account that the ratio of the radii should not be large, since the dependence here is nonlinear and has yet to be established.

The time constant of the key circuit - the primary winding of the transformer is

T LR= L /R, (17)

Where L– inductance of the primary winding, H, R– resistance of the key in the open state.

If the pulse duration is equal to the time constant of the switch-primary winding circuit of the transformer, then during the pulse duration the current in the circuit will increase to a value of 0.632 of the total current when the circuit is powered with direct current. Then the total maximum power that can be obtained will be:

0,6322 R r 12 i 2 r 1 2

P L = ------- = 0.1 R i 2 --, W. (18)

4 r 2 2 r 2 2

With radius ratio r 1/ r 2 = 2 we get the maximum power value

P L = 0.4 R i 2, W. (19)

With the ratio of radii r1 / r2 = 3 we get:

P L = 0.9 R i 2, W. (20)

With a supply voltage of U = 100 V and an open key resistance of 100 Ohms, the current will be 1 A and the maximum received power in the first case will be 40 W, in the second - 90 W. If keys capable of passing 10 A are used, then in the first case the maximum power will be 4 kW, in the second 9 kW. The power spent on maintaining the process in both cases will be 0.1 R i 2, i.e. at a current of 1A 10 W, at a current of 10 A - 1 kW. This power is released at the key, which requires serious measures to be taken to cool it.

If the inductance of the primary winding is 100 μH, the time constant of the circuit will be 10–4/100 = 10–6 s, therefore, the switching frequency will be 500 kHz, and taking into account the required steepness of the fronts, the frequency response of the switch should be no worse than 5 MHz.

If the inductance of the primary winding is 100 μH = 10–4 H, and the pulse repetition rate is 1 mHz = 106 Hz, then with a pulse current of 1 A, the magnetic field power will be 100 W. At high frequencies, it will be correspondingly greater if, during the duration of the pulse, the current in the primary winding has time to reach its full value. In this case, the duration of both the leading and trailing edges should each be no more than 0.1 of the duration of the pulse itself.

It follows from the foregoing that in order to increase the output power, one should find the optimal ratio of the diameters of the primary and secondary windings, and also strive to increase the frequency of current switching by the switch, which is possible only by increasing its resistance, and therefore increasing the supply voltage and, accordingly, the power allocated to the switch.

The measurements showed that with increasing wire cross-section, the specific inductance of the wire decreases. As the wire cross-section increases, its inductance decreases according to the logrithmic law:

Wire cross-section, mm2 Specific inductance, µH/m

When calculating the inductance of solenoids, as a rule, the cross-section of the wires themselves is not taken into account; this is incorrect. However, one way to reduce inductance values ​​to obtain short edges is to increase the coil wire size.

There is a second method - increasing the active resistance of the circuit to reduce the time constant of the circuit, but this method is not profitable, since it will require an increase in pulse power. In addition, at high frequencies the skin effect should play a role, according to which not the entire cross-section of the wire will be used in the primary inductor, but only the surface layer, which will lead to an increase in the active resistance of the circuit.

Thus, increasing the cross-section of the primary winding wire is the best way to reduce the duration of pulse fronts, which is what was done in the Tesla transformer: the primary winding is made of thick wire with a cross-section of tens and hundreds of square millimeters.

When the key supply voltage U= 1000 V, R= 100 Ohms and a current of 10 A, the power released on the switch will be 10 kW, and the output power, taking into account the loss for return power, will be 30 kW in the first case, and 80 kW in the second.

Tesla used frequencies of about 200 kHz in his transformers; it can be assumed that this frequency is optimal, at least for the initial stage of work.

We will calculate the charging capacitance shunting the power circuit of the electronic circuit based on the relationship for the electric charge

Q = CU = iT, (21)

WITH = -- (22)

If the entire electronic circuit is powered by a voltage of 100 V, then with a current i = 1 A and pulse duration T= 10–6 s ( F= 0.5 MHz), we get:

WITH= 0.01 µF.

However, this assumes a complete discharge of the capacity, which is impractical. In order for the capacitance to keep the supply voltage within changes of no more than 10%, it is necessary to increase it 10 times, therefore, for the example given, it is sufficient to have a shunt capacitance value of 0.1 μF at an operating voltage of 1000 V and frequency characteristics of up to 1- 2MHz.

With an operating voltage of 1000 V and a pulse current of 10 A, a capacitor with a capacity of the same 1 µF will be required at an operating voltage of 1000 V and the same frequency characteristics.

Thus, the following principle of operation of the device for obtaining energy from the ether emerges.

Current pulses with short edges are supplied to the primary winding of the transformer with the highest possible repetition frequency. Pulses are taken from the secondary winding, which has a greater number of turns than the primary, and are sent through a rectifier diode to a capacitor that shunts the power supply circuit of the pulse generator, thereby providing positive feedback designed to support the entire process. The initial start-up of the entire circuit is carried out from the starter - a separate power source for the pulse generator (mains, battery, accumulator), which is turned off after the device enters the mode.

The energy for the external consumer is removed from the third winding, which is placed, similarly to the secondary winding, inside the primary winding. A rectifying diode is also connected to this third winding, and then a smoothing capacitor. The resulting direct voltage can be used either directly or through appropriate converters that convert the direct current into the type of energy needed by the consumer.

4.5. Features of positive feedback and regulation of energy flows

Self-sustaining of the process of extracting energy from the environment in any scheme is possible only if part of the received energy is directed to the input of the device, this means that the system must be covered by positive feedback and the gain of the closed circuit must be equal to unity (Fig. 18) .

Rice. 18. Power plant covered by positive feedback:A) structure; b) damped transient process; V) divergent transient process

If less energy is returned to the system input than is needed to maintain the working process, the process will inevitably die out. The damping of a process, even one of an oscillatory nature, usually occurs according to an exponential law, and the exponent has a negative sign.

If the gain of the closed circuit is greater than unity, then the system begins to accumulate energy, the process develops according to an exponential law, but the exponent has a positive sign, and the system goes into overdrive.

In this case, there is some weakest link in the system that fails and interrupts the process. One option for such an event is an explosion.

It is practically impossible to ensure that the gain of a closed circuit is exactly equal to unity without regulation; in all cases, the operation of such a system will be unstable, it will either stop or go into disarray.

In order to prevent this from happening, a regulator must be included in a system covered by positive feedback, the task of which is to limit that part of the energy that is returned to the input of the system through feedback. Such a regulator can be implemented in several ways.

The first method is to simply limit the amount of reverse energy by some saturable link. Such links can be any links with nonlinear characteristics such as saturation of iron or zener diodes. In the case of an iron core transformer, increasing the voltage in the primary winding after the core has been saturated does not increase the voltage in the secondary winding. In the case of using zener diodes, excess energy is directed bypassing the feedback circuit, which limits the flow of energy to the system input.

The second way is to use nonlinear negative feedback. Through the negative feedback circuit, a second energy flow with a sign opposite to the sign of the energy flow coming through the positive feedback circuit to the same input must arrive at the system input. If the process is oscillatory, then the reverse flow must arrive at the input in antiphase to the flow of positive energy; if the feedback is made in the form of a voltage of positive polarity, then energy in the form of a voltage of negative polarity must flow through the negative connection circuit to the same point. In each specific case, the type of energy used in the positive and negative connection circuits is established specifically, in accordance with the principle of operation of the system.

The options for the functioning of negative feedback can also be different. Its parameters can be chosen, for example, such that it does not turn on at all until the energy level in the positive feedback reaches a certain threshold, only after which it begins to interfere with the process. These or other options for regulating processes are described in sufficient detail by the theory of automatic control, without the use of which it is difficult to build the systems under consideration even if all fundamental solutions are found.

In this article we will talk about Nikola Tesla. Let's try to figure out whether what they say and write about him is true. And who exactly was Nikola Tesla?

- a brilliant scientist-practitioner who left a bright mark on the history of mankind. The unit of magnetic induction is named after him. He made about 1000 different inventions and received about 800 patents for inventions.

His inventions include: induction motor, asynchronous machine, alternating current generators, three-phase transformers. He, being an opponent of Edison, radically changed the principles of using electricity that existed at that time, justifying the prospects of alternating electric current. It is believed that Tesla built the first wave radio transmitter in 1893, beating Marconi.

In addition to his famous works and inventions, Tesla, through his numerous experiments, promised to discover the laws of existence and the production of free energy, but secrets that no one had ever revealed.

Let's try to figure out whether what they say, write about him, and show in sensational films is true.

In his old age, Tesla announced that he had invented the Death Rays: “It becomes easily possible to explode gunpowder and weapons depots by means of high-frequency currents induced in every particle of metal located at a distance of five to six miles or more,” “My invention requires large areas, but once used, it makes it possible to destroy everything, people or equipment located within a radius of 200 miles".

It is believed that Tesla kept such inventions secret for humanitarian reasons, so that greedy people could not use them for evil. This is hardly true! Tesla was an obsessive experimental scientist. No one will ever refuse to put their discovery to the test, and no altruistic views will stop the inventor! Einstein, Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, Enrico Fermi, Arthur Compton - all these famous scientists agreed to conduct live tests of nuclear explosion energy. None of them thought about the future of humanity. Although, they say about Einstein that he was an ardent pacifist.

How to perceive the fact that Tesla, a humanist, proposed many ideas for military purposes, including radio-controlled ships filled with explosives, the idea of ​​​​wirelessly transmitting energy to defeat the enemy, and creating resonant weapons. From 1936 to 1942, he was director of Project Rainbow, a stealth technology project that carried out the infamous Philadelphia Experiment. Whatever they write about this experiment, it is much more plausible not that the ship disappeared, but that people who fell within the range of the “Miracle Installation” were exposed to powerful high-voltage and high-frequency electromagnetic influences. What consequences could there be for them? It is stupid to explain what high-voltage voltage is, in a home power outlet it is several orders of magnitude less than what was on the ship, and the high-frequency field on the destroyer Eldridge is a microwave oven on a huge scale. It is not surprising that almost all the members of both crews were patients in hospitals for the mentally ill - some of the crew’s brains were cooked and they soon died, and those who were not cooked, in the terminology of psychiatrists, turned into “vegetables”. And the nausea of ​​the crew members after the first experiment is a sign of strong radio irradiation of the brain (not radioactive, but high-frequency).

Teleportation of the destroyer in general is not confirmed by any real documents. Or did the intelligence services of other countries not work at that time? If such a fact of movement had taken place, it would certainly have surfaced in intelligence reports of other countries.

Tesla has developments that have no technical secrets or secrets, but they constantly excite ignorant minds. This is the transfer of energy over one wire, or without wires at all. Interestingly, Tesla did not hide the installations demonstrating this. They are still being reproduced everywhere. There is nothing supernatural about them. Why be surprised? Such energy transfer over a single wire is not used on a domestic scale only because the efficiency of the “power source – converter – single-wire line – converter – load” system is less than 50%. Why waste energy? Wireless energy transfer is an ordinary radio signal. To use it as an energy source, it is necessary to increase its energy, and a powerful radio signal is harmful to all living things.

Those who consider the idea of ​​obtaining energy from the ether plausible do not consider the energy balance of energy transfer and loss, or do so completely ignorantly. For some reason, no one thinks about why such a wonderful achievement is not implemented in the same way as Tesla’s current inventions. They talk about efficiency exceeding 100%. It turns out that in the process of energy transfer it is even multiplied by that which was in the source! There are many articles, even citing patents, which state that efficiency reaches more than 100%. When asked where energy comes from, they say that energy is miraculously extracted from the “ether.” But, in no experiment, at any level, in any interactions, leaks from the space that they are trying to call “ether” are detected.

The imagination of people, deprived of scientific knowledge, or simply trying to make a sensation, goes so far as to declare the Tunguska meteorite a failed experiment by Tesla on wireless energy transfer. They do not think at all that the energy of the Tunguska explosion is so enormous that it simply could not have been emitted by Tesla, even if we assume an efficiency of more than 10,000%! An attempt to transmit such energy through any device would cause a huge explosion not in Siberia, but in America!

From these articles on this topic, you can find an incredible fantasy that puts forward the version that Tesla used multiple resonant reflections from the Moon. It is impossible to come up with greater stupidity. If a powerful laser beam with a diameter of 1 centimeter is directed towards the Moon, then on the Moon it will have a diameter of at least a kilometer. This is despite the fact that the beam is coherent. If you carry out mathematical calculations, then you will see 99.99% of energy loss. Tesla at that time could not have had a narrow beam transmitter that was as good as a laser. What kind of resonant multiplication can we talk about? Such statements are very reminiscent of the “US Star Wars Concept”, or “SDI”, where it was supposed to detonate a nuclear bomb on Earth, then, with the help of a satellite located in Earth orbit, receive energy from this explosion, and only then destroy enemy ground targets with a laser beam. This was also nonsense, but due to a well-executed deception operation by the United States, the leadership of the Soviet Union fell for this nonsense and got involved in an arms race.

Another equally important question: Why did Tesla’s “explosion” occur in Siberia and not in America? And how did he calculate this? If we forget that the Moon is far away, that it is not capable of resonance, and still believe the theory of resonant reflection from the Moon, then taking into account the wavelength (which is clearly huge) and the speed of light, the explosion should have occurred in America rather than in Eurasian continent. Moreover, Tesla argued that energy travels in the ether faster than the speed of light. This statement completely destroys the myth about the Tesla origin of the Tunguska explosion.

Just think: why do people need to know the simple things that the absence of meteorite matter at the site of the Tunguska explosion is explained by the fact that the Tunguska body was a fragment of a comet and exploded upon entering the earth’s atmosphere? The comet, which turned into dust during an atmospheric explosion, could not and cannot be detected in the swamps surrounding Tunguska. In addition, there is absolutely no need for people to know that most English-language commentators on the idea of ​​​​Tesla’s “guilt” point to the incomparability of the energy that Tesla emitted with the help of his tower and the energy of the Tunguska explosion. The main thing is not reliable information, but “sensation”, which leads to public “resonance”. Someone claims that the trees were not felled from the epicenter of the explosion, but, on the contrary, towards the epicenter. Even if you believe this, you can draw an analogy with a new type of weapon, the “vacuum bomb”. Its operating principle is as follows: first, the space is filled with a mixture of gases, and then, during its sudden combustion, a vacuum occurs. And who said that a comet cannot be a carrier of such a mixture of gases?

In articles dedicated to the scientist they write that the Tesla towers created a glow in the sky for many kilometers. Flying butterflies glowed and horses received electric shocks from the "stepping voltage". If we consider that the tower is a Tesla transformer, powered by a powerful current source - over 100 kW, then such a huge transformer, with a significant height of the tower, is capable of creating any kind of glow. And the ground, which acts as a conductor and has some resistance, will naturally be a source of dangerous voltage - any experienced electrician knows this. There is nothing supernatural here either! Apart from, of course, the added fantasies of people.

The most interesting of Tesla's works is his car. Tesla not only “figured out” the ether, but also began to easily extract energy from it! The information in the various descriptions is similar and brief. It does not allow one to seriously judge the authenticity of the existence of such a car.

“With the support of Pierce-Arrow Co.” and General Electric in 1931, the now elderly Tesla removed the gasoline engine from the new Pierce-Arrow car and replaced it with an 80-horsepower AC electric motor. without any traditionally known external power sources. At a local radio store, he bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires, a handful of assorted resistors, and assembled all this equipment into a box 60 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15 cm high with a pair of 7.5 cm long rods sticking out outside. Securing the box behind the driver's seat, he pulled out the rods and announced, "We now have power." After that, he drove the car for a week, driving it at speeds of up to 150 km/h.”

Since the machine had an AC motor and no batteries, the question rightly arises, where did the energy come from?

Accusations of “black magic” were made. The sensitive genius did not like such skeptical comments from the press. “He removed the mysterious box from the machine and returned to his laboratory in New York, and the mystery of his energy source died with him.”.

It is worth noting that Tesla cannot be called vulnerable and touchy, given how he won a commercial dispute with opponents of alternating current and Edison, introducing his alternating current mechanisms, as he used living people for the sake of science on the destroyer Eldridge! The Tesla car is nothing more than a spectacular demonstration when the magician, counting on the audience's understanding, does not reveal the secret of the trick. This is very much in the spirit of sensationalism.

Any specialist familiar with electronics understands that a vacuum tube capable of switching electric currents for such a car engine must have very large dimensions. No one has ever sold or bought such a lamp in ordinary stores. For example: one of the most powerful triodes of “our day” - GI-42B weighs 30 kilograms, has a length of 44 cm and a diameter of 23 cm, with a pulse power of 3.5 MW. What will be the average power? My answer is that with the maximum storage-generation ratio equal to 140, the average output power will be equal to 25 kW. I note that the GI-42B consumes more than 6.5 kW of power just for heating with a filament. This is already a loss of energy - at least up to 19 kW. And Tesla’s engine is 80 hp, which is approximately 60 kW. Compare 19 kW and 60 kW! Where did he find such a lamp, which the industry does not produce even now, and where did he place it in the car, on the roof? And from what voltage source did he initially start the “free energy” generator, which must first put the generator into operating mode - heat up the cathode with a power of 6.5 kW? If this was done from a 12 volt battery, then the filament current must be at least 400 Amps with a time of at least 50 seconds required to prepare the lamp for operation. During this time, any car battery will, at best, discharge, and at worst, explode. Moreover, no one knew, but it turned out “To receive energy from the ether, you only need a handful of simple radio components from the last century!”

The more plausible version is that Tesla’s car had a battery that was recharged whenever possible, because no one was constantly monitoring it.

Who really was Nikola Tesla?

Tesla was a creative person, completely passionate about his work, so much so that he was “on fire” with his ideas day and night. In various “non-fiction” sources you can read about Tesla: “His brain was constantly busy solving current technical problems, and therefore insights were as frequent and as successful as the brain generally allows. Natural acuteness of perception and enthusiasm reached psychopathic states: until the end of his life, Nikola Tesla, after mental stress, suffered from the appearance of clear visions, sometimes accompanied by strong flashes of light.”. All this indicates strong mental tension, which made his ability to express some of his thoughts and ideas not entirely understandable to other people.

Tesla, not understanding his “fuse” day and night, naturally tried to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon: “My brain is only a receiving device”“, he said and believed that every person is an “automatic machine of cosmic forces.” Tesla wrote: “... I am sure that the single Cosmos is united in the material and spiritual sense. There is a certain core in outer space from which we draw all the strength, inspiration that eternally attracts us, I feel its power and its values, which it sends throughout the Universe and thereby maintains it in harmony. I have not penetrated the secret of this core, but I know that it exists, and when I want to give it any material attribute, I think that it is LIGHT, and when I try to comprehend its spiritual principle, then it is BEAUTY and COMPASSION. Those who carry this faith within themselves feel strong and work with joy, because they feel themselves to be part of the general harmony.”. Indeed, according to many sources you can read that Tesla slept no more than two hours a day. How can you fall asleep if ideas are constantly popping into your head? In such a state, any sane person will talk about cosmic or divine forces.

“Constant internal stimulation of consciousness, greatly depleted of reality checks, led to what drug use leads to, namely: the creation of an internal reality that is not in all respects adequate to the reality of the external world. Only that which remained adequate to reality was what Tesla constantly dealt with in practice: designs based on electricity and magnetism. But I wanted much more. With the help of revelations of the Cosmic Mind (purely in the mind), he tried to create a theory of the ether and gain access to infinite energy.

Tesla's merits as an inventor are enormous; he did a lot for the progress of mankind, but there is no need to idealize him and make him a sinless saint. In addition to being a brilliant inventor, he was also a magnificent showman, a dreamer and, at the same time, a convinced mystic. It is characteristic that a real temple (in the literal sense of the word) was erected in his honor in California, in San Diego.”

The history of discoveries is confirmed by the facts that the one whose name is finally called the discovery, as a rule, takes only a small last step in the research of this phenomenon. Never before in the history of physics has there been a time when a scientist discovered something fundamentally new in such a way that it came as a complete surprise. The priority of most discoverers is either disputed, or there is a person who did the same thing a little later, but independently. And the statement that Tesla discovered something there, and other scientists knew nothing about it, sounds stupid.

And indeed, in literally all of Tesla’s inventions, someone challenged Tesla: in the priority of radio, and in the study of X-rays and the properties of high-frequency fields, and in everything else, without exception.

In conclusion, I would like to ask you: Do you still believe in the miracles of Tesla?

Once a man came to the Science Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation with the development of a superweapon. Presents an official document that he was sent to the FSB. The committee, of course, was terribly intrigued. They ask, where are the drawings? He is surprised: why? I, he says, invented the red button. You press it and all the enemy’s nuclear weapons explode. They ask him: how to do this? The guest, arms akimbo, says: “I brought you an idea. And your task is to implement it.”

Attention! An unexpected sensation!

A perfect flying machine using ether energy has been invented. The press talks about the use of extraterrestrial technologies. The simplicity and efficiency of controlling the aircraft are ingenious, and the aerodynamic capabilities shock the planet's scientists. In order to make the device multifunctional, the possibility of increasing the crew of the device is being considered - for now, it is controlled by one pilot. In addition, a variant of the suspension of air-to-surface missiles is being developed.