The main activities of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. PMPK: a new look

Activities of the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission (PMPC).

1. Goals, objectives of PMPC, composition of specialists.

2. Principles of PMPC.

3. Functions of PMPC.

Today, the problem of early diagnosis and prevention of developmental disorders is especially acute, because The sooner parents and their children contact special services with their problem, the more effective the assistance provided to them will be.

Patronage is a type of assistance to a child, parents, and teachers in solving problems related to survival, rehabilitation treatment, special training and education, and the development of a person as an individual.

Medical - social - psychological - pedagogical patronage - measures of comprehensive rehabilitation assistance, focused on the family of a child with a developmental disorder, are carried out in the process of coordinated work of specialists (unity of diagnosis, search for an educational route, development of rehabilitation programs).

This patronage is carried out by psychological, pedagogical, medical and social institutions and government services. education and social protection and other non-governmental institutions: public institutions, associations, charitable foundations.

The basic basis of patronage is PMPC, diagnostic rehabilitation centers, social centers, speech therapy centers, early and home education services.

The system of medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance is formed as part of the special education system, coordinating its activities with scientific and methodological institutions, with institutions of health care and social protection of the population.

Thus, PMPK provides great assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and education of children with developmental disabilities.

Psychological - medical - pedagogical commissions (consultations) are created at:

Regional level (dominant) and

At the municipal level (city, district PMPK) - consultations as a unit of an educational institution and medical and social assistance or as a diagnostic and consultation center.

Consultations on the basis of an educational institution.

Purpose of PMPC- determination, based on diagnosis, of special educational needs and conditions that ensure the development, education, adaptation and integration into society of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

PMPC objectives:

1) Development and implementation of medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population in order to prevent developmental disorders.

2) Timely examination of a child of early, preschool school age, identification of violations of physical, intellectual, emotional development in order to provide corrective assistance.

3) Help in preventing developmental disorders.

4) Identification of readiness for school education for children of senior preschool age, determination of forms of education, development of individual recommendations for treatment, training, and education.

5) Providing advisory assistance to parents and methodological assistance to teachers.

If necessary, specialists review the diagnoses previously given to children (PMPC conclusion). The commission is receiving proposals for further organization of specialized assistance in the region.

Composition of specialists:


Social worker;

Psychologist (with knowledge of clinical or special psychology);

Doctor - psychiatrist;

Defectologists (oligophrenopedagogist, speech therapist, at the regional level in PMPK: typhlopedagogist, teacher of the deaf);


Doctors (otolaryngologist, orthopedist, neurologist);

It is possible for educators to participate.

The selection of children in special institutions, the formation of groups in accordance with age, type of developmental disorder is also carried out by specialists from the primary medical education center at the district level and at the institution.

In doing so, they are guided by the following principles:

1) Identification of children with different types of impairments (compensatory type V (for children with speech impairments)).

2) Differentiated training according to the severity of the deviation (d/s for the blind and d/s for the visually impaired).

3) Age principle (each group includes children of a certain age from 2 to 7 years).

4) Holistic, integrated approach to the child (interrelation in the work of all specialists, examination of all aspects of mental activity and personality). In special The preschool educational institution has a doctor who helps to more accurately determine the child’s diagnosis, prescribes and carries out treatment, and monitors compliance with the regime.

5) Comprehensive analysis of the psychophysical and social development of the child.

6) Analysis of the dynamics of child development.

7) Use of a teaching experiment in the conditions of PMPK with a focus on the child’s ZPD, in the form of a game, etc.

8) Individual work with the child, in small groups, with parents, in the presence of several specialists.

Functions of PMPC (areas of activity):

1) Expert diagnostic.

Provides a highly professional level of diagnostics of child development, whose training and upbringing in a family or educational institution requires special assistance from a psychologist, medical specialist. workers, social worker.

Complied with:

Reliability of diagnosis;

Timeliness (early diagnosis, asking questions about suspected developmental disorders);

Complex, comprehensive diagnostics (taking into account medical, pedagogical, psychological, social aspects of diagnostics, which is identified by specialists of various profiles);

Dynamic diagnosis of developmental disorders (analysis of anamnestic and follow-up data, observation of a child at different age stages).

This is how a holistic approach to the child is implemented.

Drawing up a conclusion (see sample) and

Determining the special educational needs of children in accordance with age-related developmental characteristics, interests, abilities, “social development situation”

Determination of conditions (type, type of educational institution, program), forms of education (frontal, individual; at home, mixed learning),

Combining education and treatment with resolving issues of social protection of the child.

2) Information (formation of a database about children with disabilities, about institutions of special education, health care, social protection).

3) Analytical:

Survey planning;

Determination of the examination procedure and conditions;

Discussion of the examination results by all specialists.

4) Organizational (coordination of the activities of city and district PMPCs, control of PMPCs at different levels among themselves, with other institutions, etc.

5) Methodical.

It is carried out at three levels of the PMPK system, where:

A single package of standardized diagnostic techniques for examination, but the set is individual for each (in accordance with the examination plan).

Uniform requirements for forms of documentation and statistical reporting based on survey results.

Uniform requirements for the examination procedure.

Mandatory advanced training in courses for specialists (at least once every 5 years).

6) Advisory:

Consultations for children and adolescents,

Consultations with parents, legal representatives of the child, teachers, medical and social workers.

7) Support function (monitoring the effectiveness of PMPK recommendations and the dynamics of the child’s development - through PMP-e councils of educational institutions and through parents).

8) Educational (education on issues in various forms: lectures, trainings, consultations, etc., distribution of printed materials for children, the population as a whole, specialists, the media)

Contact PMPC:

Parents and employees of institutions with parental consent.

Teachers refer parents to a psychiatrist and provide a psychological and pedagogical profile of the child, which will help determine existing difficulties and developmental features of the child. If, through an educational institution, the positive role of an official referral and other documents for solving the child’s problem is justified to parents. Children are not sent to PMPK without the consent of parents or responsible persons. PMPK, in turn, guarantees the confidentiality of information about the child.

Children and adolescents whose developmental deviations impede the stay, adaptation, development and education of children and adolescents in institutions, in the family, in society are referred.

Before being examined by teachers and psychologists, a medical diagnosis is carried out:

Examination of the child

Collection of anamnestic information,

Assessment of the somatic, neurological and mental state of the child (general examination: condition of the analyzers, features of the face, limbs, etc., assessment of the nervous system, the presence of pathologies in the development of the articulatory apparatus).

Next, the state of the child’s mental development is examined: intellectual, speech, emotional. The examination begins with the study of non-speech functions. It is important to determine which links in the structure of mental activity are not formed (or violated) in order to build the study of the child taking into account the zone of actual development and with a focus on the zone of proximal development (determining directions for correctional work).

The state of mental processes is assessed in accordance with the age-related characteristics of the child’s mental development. (research using various methods) Diagnostic observation of the child’s play, constructive activities, and behavior in various situations is carried out.




At the same time, speech understanding, speech and non-speech communication, the child’s speech activity, and then speech development (features of sound pronunciation, etc.) are examined. During the examination, visualization is used. Methods and techniques for identifying deviations in the development of a child are selected in accordance with age and taking into account the expected defect in the child (for example, a hearing-impaired child is asked questions in a loud voice).

It is especially difficult to examine children who do not understand, who cannot speak, children with behavioral disorders, or those with increased psychological exhaustion. It is difficult to differentiate conditions and causes that are similar in external manifestation; the prognosis may be different.

In any case, the examination in both preschool educational institutions and primary medical education should be joint, agreed upon with all specialists, carried out taking into account age and personal characteristics, not only identifying the child’s difficulties, but also assessing the child’s intact capabilities, which are relied on when selecting the content and forms of education and education. The examination must be individual (in terms of selection of tasks, exercises, speech and didactic material). The conclusion is made by all specialists

Psychological, medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution.

The main activities of the school PMPK.

Activities of support specialists.

The Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Consilium (hereinafter referred to as PMPK) of an educational institution is created to solve problems related to the training, education and social adaptation of students. Letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000. No. 27/901-6 “On the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of an educational institution” reveals the mechanisms of work of the PMPk.

IN composition of the council include, by order of the school director, the deputy director of the school for water management (chairman of the council), psychologist, speech therapist, doctor, social teacher.

The purpose of PMPk is to create conditions for the individual development of children with learning and behavioral difficulties.

IN tasks of the council includes:

Organizing and conducting a comprehensive study of the child’s personality using diagnostic techniques;

Identification of the child’s potential capabilities, development of recommendations for teachers in order to ensure an individual approach to training and education;

Selection of differentiated pedagogical conditions necessary for the correction of developmental deficiencies and for the organization of correctional and developmental work;

Selection of educational programs that are optimal for the student’s development, corresponding to the child’s readiness for learning, depending on the state of his health, individual developmental characteristics, adaptability to the immediate environment;

Ensuring the general correctional orientation of the educational process, which includes activating the cognitive activity of children, increasing the level of their mental and speech development, normalizing educational activities, correcting deficiencies in emotional and volitional development;

Development of individual correctional and developmental programs;

Prevention of physical, intellectual and psychological stress, emotional breakdowns, organization of therapeutic and preventive measures.

The work of the PMPK ends with filling out the final document - the conclusion of the consultation.

The main activities of the school PMPK:

Formation in teachers of an adequate assessment of pedagogical phenomena in general and children’s school problems;

Complex impact on the child’s personality;

Advisory assistance to families in matters of correctional and developmental education and upbringing.

The functions of the consultation specialists include preventing psychological and physiological overloads, emotional breakdowns, creating a climate of psychological comfort for all participants in the pedagogical process (teacher and students).

PMPK is a collegial body for supporting students. PMPK specialists develop recommendations and an individual correctional and developmental program for children who need support. During the consultation, a leading support specialist is appointed, who monitors the dynamics of the child’s development and the effectiveness of the assistance provided to him, and initiates repeated discussions at the PMPK. The leading support specialist is the specialist whose help the child first needs at this stage. For example, a child has learning difficulties due to a violation of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech, in this case the leader will be a speech therapist, in case of violation of EMU, the leader will be a psychologist, etc.

In the process of support, each specialist solves the following tasks and implements specific types of work presented in the summary table:

Activities of support specialists

Escort member

Activities at the stage of preparation for the consultation

Activities within the framework of PMPk

Activities to implement PMPK decisions


Certificate of somatic and mental health of the child

Providing consultation participants with the necessary information about the child. Participation in the development of an individual correctional support program.

Preventive work to preserve and strengthen children's health.


Carrying out the necessary diagnostic work: a diagnostic minimum and various in-depth diagnostic schemes for the child. Preparation of materials for PMPk.

Conducting psychological, correctional, developmental, and advisory activities with children. Conducting group and individual consultations with teachers and parents. Administration consulting. Planning collaboration with the class teacher. Psychological education of all UVP participants.

Speech therapist

Carrying out diagnostic work to identify the level of speech development.

Providing consultation participants with the necessary information on a specific child. Participation in the development of an individual correctional support program.

Carrying out correctional work on the development of children’s speech, eliminating speech development defects. Planning joint work with primary school teachers, Russian language and literature, class teachers, educators.

Classroom teacher

Collecting information about the pedagogical aspects of the student’s status (own observations, conversations or surveys of subject teachers)

Providing consultation participants with the necessary information about the child. Participation in the development of support strategy. Planning forms and directions of correctional work within the framework of support.

Conducting specific forms of educational work within the framework of council decisions. Consulting subject teachers and parents on issues of supporting students and classes.

Subject teacher

Participation in expert surveys at the diagnostic minimum stage. Providing the necessary information to the consultation specialists in preparation for its preparation

Not participating

Participation in individual and group consultations conducted by the head teacher and PMPK specialists to support schoolchildren with persistent learning difficulties. Development of individual strategies for pedagogical support of specific students and its subsequent implementation. Work on adjusting curricula taking into account the recommendations of the council’s specialists. Parent counseling. Participation in seminars on support issues.

Deputy Director

Organizational assistance in carrying out basic diagnostic activities

Organization of the work of the council, participation in its work, development of pedagogical aspects of supporting students in special (correctional) classes

Helping teachers develop support strategies. Consulting teachers on methodological and content issues of support. Administration consulting.

School administration

Organizational assistance in carrying out diagnostic work

Not participating

Meetings with consultation specialists to discuss the results. Participation in supporting work involving administrative leadership.

Parents of schoolchildren (or persons replacing them)

Providing the necessary information to the consultation specialists in preparation for the consultation

Not participating

Participation in individual and group consultations conducted by support specialists. Cooperation with specialists in solving school problems of the student.


BBK 56.14ya75

Reviewers: Kuftyak Elena Vladimirovna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasova;

Logvinova Galina Vasilievna, practical psychologist.

Compiled by: Sycheva Natalya Viktorovna, head of the municipal budgetary institution of the city of Kostroma “Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission”;

Bobkova Elena Nikolaevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy head for methodological work of the municipal budgetary institution of the city of Kostroma “Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission”.
Activities of PMPK in the conditions of modern education /

Comp. Sycheva N.V., Bobkova E.N. - Kostroma, 2015.
The methodological manual is addressed to specialists of psychological, medical and pedagogical councils of educational organizations, teachers working with children with disabilities. The manual discusses issues of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in an educational organization, offers samples of documentation on the work of school councils, provides answers to frequently asked questions about the activities of PMPK, and presents the opinion of psychiatrists on the need for medical support for children with disabilities behavior and learning difficulties.
© Committee of Education, Culture, Sports

and work with youth of the Kostroma City Administration



Someone wittily noticed the hidden meaning in the abbreviation “PMPC”: “Everyone May Need Help.”

The abbreviation “PMPC” has become increasingly familiar and understandable in recent years to those who are faced with problems in the development, upbringing and education of children. These are, first of all, parents, teachers, doctors, social and medical-social services. According to the latest statistics, there is a decrease in the number of healthy newborns: 70% are physiologically immature and only 4% are absolutely healthy children.

There are children who need help now - these are, first of all, children with disabilities.

The Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) is an organization that includes specialists from different fields for various nosologies (developmental disorders): defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, neurologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist.

Parents can contact the PMPK themselves, on their own initiative, or with a referral from specialists. If doctors or teachers notice some peculiarities in the development of a child and cannot independently help him and his family, they refer the child to a commission. The first task of the PMPK is to correctly qualify what is happening to the child. Different disorders have their own specific deviations. These are the ones that need to be taken into account in the learning process.

The main task is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the child. After this, determine whether the child needs an adapted (special) program, as well as additional educational or rehabilitation services. PMPC specialists do not diagnose any diseases (the diagnosis is usually made by a doctor), but sees their manifestations through the prism of psychological and pedagogical methods and knowledge in the field of defectology. PMPK does not determine where the child will study. This is decided by parents together with educational authorities, and PMPK defends the interests of children with special needs.

All children have the right to learning and education - this is the basic right of any child. Not all children can realize this right without specially created educational conditions.

Significant changes are currently taking place in the field of education due to the following factors:

New attitude towards children with disabilities;

Changes in the regulatory framework of special education, the ability for parents to choose the form of education and type of educational institution for their child;

Development and implementation of educational standards for children with disabilities and psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the child in the learning process;

Effective solution to issues of their socialization and integration.

The integration of children with disabilities into modern society is due to a number of reasons: the impact of society and the social environment on the personality of a child with developmental disabilities; active participation of the child himself in this process; improving the system of social relations.

Even L. S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to create a teaching system in which it would be possible to organically link special education with the education of children with normal development. He wrote that “with all its advantages, our special school is distinguished by the main drawback that it confines its pupil - a blind, deaf or mentally retarded child - into a narrow circle of the school community, creates a closed world in which everything is adapted to the child’s defect, everything is recorded his attention is on his shortcoming and does not lead him into real life.” Therefore, L. S. Vygotsky believed that the task of raising a child with a developmental disorder is his integration into life and the creation of conditions for compensating for his deficiency, taking into account not only biological, but also social factors.

The special education system in our country has accumulated vast theoretical and practical experience, and there are categories of children whose needs can only be met in special individual educational organizations, classes, and groups.

Meanwhile, cooperative learning offers a lot to both healthy students and children with developmental disabilities. Integration contributes to the formation in healthy children of tolerance for the physical and mental disabilities of classmates, a sense of mutual assistance and a desire to cooperate. For children with disabilities, joint education leads to the formation of a positive attitude towards their peers, adequate social behavior, and a more complete realization of their development and learning potential.

Society must give any person the right to choose to receive an education depending on his interests, needs, and capabilities. The future of the nation depends on how quickly we can overcome the processes of differentiation within the educational system and move on to the development of integration technologies. On the path to developing integrated education, one of the main tasks is to form a positive attitude towards children with disabilities.

In 2013, after the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” came into force, Order No. 1082 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2013 was issued, which put into effect a new Regulation on Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The regulations defined and specified the goals, objectives, functionality, responsibilities and procedures for the activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions at the present stage.

In the new Regulations noted the importance timely identifying children with special needs in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral abnormalities, conducting a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of them, as well as the need to confirm, clarify or change previously given recommendations.

Position introduces new requirement, defining the activities of the commission: information about the examination of children in the commission, the results of the examination, as well as other information related to the examination of children in the commission, is confidential. Providing this information without the written consent of the parents (legal representatives) of children to third parties is not permitted, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Those. has the right to invite the family (legal representative) to undergo an examination at the PMPC, but it does not have the right to demand a report on the result of the examination and even the fact of the visit. Members of the commission also do not have the right to disclose this information.

The main activities of the commission, according to the Regulations, are:

a) conducting an examination of children aged 0 to 18 years in order to timely identify characteristics in the physical and (or) mental development and (or) deviations in the behavior of children;

b) preparation, based on the results of the survey, of recommendations for providing children with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organizing their education and upbringing, confirmation, clarification or modification of recommendations previously given by the commission;

PMPK has the right to monitor the consideration of the commission’s recommendations on creating the necessary conditions for the education and upbringing of children in educational organizations, as well as in the family with the consent of the children’s parents (legal representatives).

Please note that the commission (PMPC):

Does not make decisions on organizing home training (individual training) - the basis is the conclusion of a medical organization;

Does not leave the child for repeated training and does not transfer from class to class (this issue is resolved in the educational institution);

Does not staff compensatory groups and classes that implement adapted basic educational programs for children with disabilities (the prerogative of educational authorities).


A variety of children come to school - healthy and not so healthy, with advanced or delayed development. Among them are children with disabilities (students with disabilities)

According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Clause 16, Article 2) to studentswith disabilities include “persons with disabilities in physical and (or) psychological (mental) development that prevent them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions and confirmed Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission".

In accordance with Article 79 (clause 1.) of Federal Law 273 “On Education”: “the content of education and the conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities are determined by the adapted educational program, and for people with disabilities Also in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person.”

Among children with disabilities (LD), children with mental retardation (MDD) constitute the largest group, characterized by heterogeneity and polymorphism.

The etiology of mental retardation, as is known, may include constitutional factors, chronic and somatic diseases, unfavorable upbringing conditions, mental and social deprivation, organic and/or functional failure of the central nervous system. Such a variety of etiological factors determines a significant range of pronounced disorders - from conditions approaching the level of the age norm to conditions that require differentiation from mental retardation. This explains the need to determine special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation, depending on the individual possibilities of compensating for their condition under the influence of psychological, pedagogical, therapeutic and temporary factors.

Children with mental retardation, just like all other children with disabilities, “can realize their potential for social development provided that education and upbringing are started in a timely manner and adequately organized - education that ensures the satisfaction of both common educational needs with normally developing children and special educational needs, determined by the specifics of mental development disorders.” The special educational needs of children with mental retardation include general, characteristic of all children with disabilities, and specific:

In receiving special assistance through education immediately after identifying a primary developmental disorder, i.e. in preschool age;

In the period of preparation for school education, ensuring continuity between preschool and school education as a condition for the continuity of the correctional and developmental process;

In ensuring the correctional and developmental orientation of training within the framework of the main educational areas;

- in organizing the learning process, taking into account the specifics of the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by children with mental retardation ("step-by-step" presentation of material, dosed assistance from an adult, the use of special methods, techniques and means that contribute to both the general development of the child and compensation for individual developmental deficiencies);

In ensuring continuous monitoring of the development of the child’s educational and cognitive activity, continuing until it reaches a minimum sufficient level that allows him to cope with educational tasks independently;

In ensuring a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment, taking into account the functional state of the central nervous system and the neurodynamics of mental processes in children with mental retardation (rapid exhaustion, low performance, decreased general tone, etc.);

In constant stimulation of cognitive activity, stimulation of interest in oneself, the surrounding objective and social world;

In constant assistance to the child in understanding and expanding the context of the acquired knowledge, in consolidating and improving the acquired skills;

In comprehensive support, guaranteeing receipt of the necessary treatment aimed at improving the functioning of the central nervous system and correcting behavior, as well as special psychocorrectional assistance aimed at compensating for deficits in emotional development and the formation of conscious self-regulation of cognitive activity and behavior;

In the development and development of means of communication, techniques of constructive communication and interaction (with family members, with peers, with adults), in the formation of skills of socially approved behavior, the maximum expansion of social contacts;

In ensuring interaction between the family and the educational institution (organizing cooperation with parents, activating family resources to form a socially active position, moral and general cultural values).

Organizing school education for children with mental retardation requires determining the relationship between forms of special education and integration into the general education environment that meets their special educational needs. Based on the heterogeneity and significant dispersion of indicators of impaired development in the psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation, we can propose for them the following basic models of integrated education, which will provide optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the “academic component” and “life competence” of each child, and determine the priorities of correctional assistance and comprehensive professional support:

- constant full integration (inclusion), i.e. education in mass classes of a comprehensive school. This integration model can be effective for those children with mental retardation whose level of psychophysical and speech development is close to the age norm. These children, as a rule, are characterized by minor deficits in cognitive and social abilities, and the learning difficulties they experience are primarily due to a lack of voluntary regulation of activity and behavior. But even with such comparative well-being, for successful learning and socialization they need special help to meet their special educational needs. The process of integrated learning is provided by mass education teachers with special training and a psychologist.

- constant incomplete integration, i.e. teaching in a flexible classroom: a general education school. Each flexible parallel class includes 2-3 children with mental retardation, who are periodically combined into one group for a speech pathologist to conduct a series of training sessions according to special programs. This integration model can be effective for those children with mental retardation whose level of mental development is slightly lower than the age norm, who require significant correctional assistance, but at the same time are able to study together in a number of subject areas and on an equal basis with their normally developing peers, and also spend time with them most of their extracurricular time. The point of this integration model is to normalize as much as possible the modes of social and educational interaction and learning in order to further expand existing opportunities in the field of educational and social integration.

The process of integrated learning is provided by mass education teachers with special training, a psychologist, and a speech pathologist.

- permanent partial integration, i.e., training in a correctional-developmental (compensatory) education class at a general education school, while maintaining the opportunity to join forces with normally developing peers in some lessons. This integration model can be useful for those children with mental retardation who, along with their normally developing peers, are able to master only a small part of the necessary skills and abilities, and spend only part of their school time and all of their extracurricular time with them. The meaning of permanent partial integration is to expand the communication of children with mental retardation with normally developing peers in order to expand their opportunities for social integration. The process of integrated learning is provided by mass education teachers with special training, a speech pathologist teacher, and a psychologist.

- temporary partial integration, i.e. training in special (correctional) classes in general education schools. This model is effective for children who are in dire need of specially organized remedial education, taking into account the structure of developmental disorders. At the same time, they team up with their normally developing peers to carry out joint activities, mainly educational in nature and within the framework of additional education. The process of integrated learning is provided by a speech pathologist teacher, mass education teachers with special training, a psychologist, and an additional education teacher.

The integration process is ensured by a teacher-defectologist, psychologist, and social pedagogue.

It should be especially emphasized that “effective integration is possible only under the condition of special training and retraining of personnel in general education and special (correctional) institutions. It is obvious that the development of integration requires a fundamentally new interaction between psychologists and teachers.

In providing conditions and opportunities for integrated education of children with mental retardation, a special role belongs to the psychologist and defectologist. When we talk about the work of these specialists, we mean not just psychological and pedagogical assistance, support for children experiencing learning difficulties. We are talking specifically about the psychological and pedagogical support of children at all stages of education as a complex process of interaction, the result of which should be the creation of conditions for the development of the child, for him to master his activities and behavior, for the formation of readiness for life self-determination, including personal, social and professional Aspects.

Carrying out psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, specialists carry out individual and group preventive, diagnostic, advisory, and correctional work with students; expert, consulting, educational work with teaching staff and parents on issues of development, training and education of children in educational institutions; participates in the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of the educational institution.

Let us dwell in more detail on the main areas of activity of a psychologist, including participation in the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution.

Diagnostic direction

The diagnostic direction of work includes an initial examination, as well as systematic stage-by-stage observations of the dynamics and correction of the child’s mental development. To date, a set of methods has been developed to assess the psychological readiness of children with mental retardation to study at school. The conditions, methods, and techniques for conducting a diagnostic examination are described, a system for assessing results for individual items is given, and recommendations are given for choosing the optimal conditions for schooling (integration models) depending on the results of the examination.

The activities of a psychologist cannot proceed in isolation from the work of other specialists in an educational institution (including a speech therapist, a speech pathologist, a social pedagogue, etc.). A collegial discussion of the examination results by all PMPK specialists allows us to develop a common understanding of the nature and characteristics of the child’s development, determine a general prognosis for his further development, a set of necessary correctional and developmental measures, and develop a program of individual correctional work with the child.

It should be especially emphasized that the examination at the school PMP does not pursue the goal of making a clinical diagnosis (especially since this is impossible in the absence of a doctor in the consultation), but is aimed at qualifying the child’s individual typical difficulties, a qualitative description of the general picture of his development, determining the optimal forms and content of correctional assistance, i.e., aimed at establishing a functional diagnosis.

The psychologist in the structure of PMPK activities is tasked with determining the current level of development of the child and the zone of proximal development, identifying the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, the personal characteristics of the child, the characteristics of his interpersonal interactions with peers, parents and other adults.

Correctional and developmental direction

In accordance with the characteristics of the child’s development and the decision of the council of the educational institution, specialists determine the directions and means of correctional and developmental work, the frequency and duration of the cycle of special classes. The most important task is the development of individually oriented programs of psychological and pedagogical assistance or the use of existing developments in accordance with the individual psychological characteristics of the child or group of children as a whole.

The main directions of correctional and developmental work of specialists with children with mental retardation who are in conditions of educational integration are:

Development of the emotional-personal sphere and correction of its shortcomings;

Development of cognitive activity and targeted formation of higher mental functions;

Formation of voluntary regulation of activity and behavior. Let us consider in more detail each of these areas.

Development of the emotional-personal sphere and correction of its shortcomings.

A significant proportion of children with mental retardation have a typical deficit in social abilities, manifested in difficulties interacting with other children and adults. In some cases, this deficiency is associated with problems of emotional regulation. In this regard, the development of the emotional-personal sphere and the correction of its shortcomings presuppose: harmonization of the child’s affective sphere; prevention and elimination (mitigation) of possible aggressive and negativistic manifestations and other deviations in behavior; preventing and overcoming negative personality traits and developing character; development and training of mechanisms that ensure the child’s adaptation to new social conditions (including relieving anxiety, timidity, etc.); creating conditions for the development of self-awareness and the formation of adequate self-esteem; development of social emotions; development of communication abilities (including stimulation of communicative activity, creation of conditions that ensure the formation of full-fledged emotional and business contacts with peers and adults).

The work of a psychologist in shaping the emotional and personal sphere of a child should begin with the harmonization of his affective sphere. The program for children with mental retardation is based on the concept of level regulation of the affective sphere, developed by O.S. Nikolskaya. The result of such work should be “the streamlining of the basal affective organization, which makes it possible to move on to work on the development of self-awareness, self-esteem of the child, role relationships that are socially adequate to his age and interests.”

Work to expand and streamline children's emotional experience includes helping the child acquire ideas about nonverbal means of expressing emotions; in developing an understanding of the meaning and significance of various forms of people’s behavior in emotionally significant situations; in checking and assessing the child’s own current behavior based on acquired knowledge and skills.

An important role in this work is played by individual and group classes with children in theatrical activities using play therapy and fairy tale therapy techniques. In the process of such work, children learn to understand the meaning and predict the consequences of their own emotional behavior. They understand the importance of an emotional atmosphere of kindness, joy, and cooperation for improving both their own well-being and relationships with peers in the classroom.

The work of a psychologist with children with mental retardation to build self-confidence and reduce anxiety is carried out in such areas as the formation of an optimistic mindset and attitude, a positive attitude towards upcoming activities, the ability to free themselves from fears, switch from unpleasant impressions, as well as strengthening respect for yourself, faith in your abilities and capabilities.

The program of classes to expand and streamline the emotional experience of children, the formation of emotional stability and positive self-esteem, lesson notes and methodological recommendations for their implementation are presented in the manual by N.P. Slobodyanik.

A child with mental retardation has a number of specific features that make it difficult for him to communicate with peers and adults, which, in turn, negatively affects the further development of his emotional and personal sphere. In this regard, the following most important tasks are highlighted in the work of a psychologist: nurturing in children interest in the people around them; developing contact and the ability to learn from unsuccessful communication; learning to voluntarily regulate one’s emotional state and avoid conflicts.

The work of a psychologist on developing communication skills in children with mental retardation is presented in the manual by O.V. Zalesskaya.

Currently, one of the priority areas in special psychology and pedagogy is the use of computer technologies, which provide unique opportunities, in particular, in the field of social-emotional development of children of primary school age with special educational needs. The course “The Inner World of Man” (E.L. Goncharova, O.I. Kukushkina), based on computer modeling, allows you to make complex phenomena of a child’s inner life the objects of his cognitive activity. The principle of the course “from model to reality and again to the model” provides for a combination and sequence of computer and non-computer forms and stages of work. The idea of ​​this course is “to show a child with developmental disabilities that, along with the external world that he can see, feel, touch, there is another, hidden, difficult to access, inner world of a person - the world of desires, moods, experiences , feelings. Each person has his own inner world, and the better a person understands himself and others, the more hopes he has that he will live in peace with himself and will be understood and accepted by other people.”

Development of cognitive activity and targeted formation of higher mental functions

The development of cognitive functions is a traditional area of ​​work for school psychologists. It involves stimulation of cognitive activity as a means of forming sustainable cognitive motivation; development of attention (stability, concentration, increasing volume, switching, self-control, etc.); memory development (expansion of volume, stability, formation of memorization techniques, development of semantic memory); development of perception (spatial, auditory), spatial and temporal concepts, sensorimotor coordination; formation of mental activity: stimulation of mental activity, formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, identification of essential features and patterns), development of elementary inferential thinking and flexibility of thought processes.

Classes are conducted by a psychologist according to a plan drawn up in accordance with the child’s individual development program developed by the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational institution. An important condition for lesson planning is the implementation of the principles of complex influence on a number of higher mental functions, highlighting, at the same time, the dominant objects of influence, which change as children with mental retardation develop cognitive activity and its self-regulation. The organization of classes, as well as methodological recommendations for their implementation, are presented in detail in the manual by N.V. Babkina.

Formation of voluntary regulation of activity and behavior

On the threshold of schooling, the formation of the sphere of self-regulation is of particular importance. Developing the ability to manage one’s behavior is one of the essential factors that determines a child’s psychological readiness for school. The lack of development of conscious self-regulation of activity, characteristic of children with mental retardation of preschool and primary school age, is an inhibitory factor in the child’s cognitive and personal development, as well as one of the main reasons causing difficulties in educational and cognitive activity.

The work of a psychologist on the formation of conscious self-regulation of cognitive activity in children with mental retardation is carried out in several directions related to the formation of a certain set of skills; set and maintain an activity goal; plan actions; determine and maintain a course of action; use self-control at all stages of activity; provide a verbal report on the process and results of activities; evaluate the process and result of the activity.

Particular attention should be paid to awakening in the child an awareness of his own actions, the reasons for successes and failures, and developing his faith in his own strengths.

For children characterized by different levels of formation of conscious self-regulation of cognitive activity, a specific area of ​​psychological and pedagogical influence has been determined, and the directions and content of group and individual correctional and developmental classes within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support have been developed.

The above programs of correctional and developmental work are widely used by psychologists of educational institutions in many regions of Russia.

The Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) is an improved form of providing diagnostic and consulting services to the children's population, tested and implemented in various regions of Russia.

PMPK solve the most important task of identifying children and adolescents with developmental disorders in the child population, differentiating them according to learning opportunities, determining the optimal psychological and pedagogical route for each examined child and the corresponding special educational conditions. In this regard, the relevance of the problem of organizing a special psychological, medical and pedagogical service and diagnosing intellectual, sensory, motor, mental and speech disorders, as well as comprehensive work aimed at their prevention and correction, becomes obvious.

The purpose of the PMPC is to identify children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, conduct a comprehensive diagnostic examination of minors and develop recommendations aimed at identifying special conditions for them to receive education and related medical care.

Currently, psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions carry out diagnostics and counseling of the child population, both in the direction of consultations and consultations, and in response to appeals.

As a result of the activities of the advisory and diagnostic service in recent years (2002-2006), there have been positive changes in the activities of educational institutions: children in need of correctional assistance are promptly identified, new correctional groups and classes are opened, and communication with parents has been strengthened.

Analysis of scientific research and regulatory documentation shows that the features of PMPC at the present stage are:

Expansion of areas of activity: diagnostic, advisory, informational, educational, preventive analytical, etc.;

Expansion of staff due to an increase in the number of specialists providing various types of assistance;

Changes in the population of children examined due to the expansion of age boundaries (from birth to 18 years) and its qualitative changes;

Changing organizational forms of work.

The main tasks of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions are:

Early detection and prevention of developmental deviations that complicate the child’s social adaptation;

Comprehensive dynamic diagnostics of child development disorders and their reserve capabilities;

Determination of special conditions for education for minors;

Selection, design and initiation of the organization of special conditions for education and upbringing, as well as treatment and medical support, adequate to the individual characteristics of the child;

Development and testing of individually oriented methods of diagnostic and correctional work with children undergoing examination, reflection in recommendations of ways to implement the most effective of these methods, followed by monitoring the dynamics and level of social adaptation in the process of integrating the child into the appropriate educational conditions;

Formation of a data bank about children and adolescents with developmental disabilities;

Use and/or formation of an information database on research, health, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other institutions to which the PMPK refers children and adolescents with developmental disabilities in accordance with indications, if diagnostic difficulties arise, or ineffectiveness of the assistance provided;

Consulting parents (legal representatives), teaching and medical workers who directly represent the interests of the child in the family and educational institution;

Participation in educational activities aimed at improving the psychological, pedagogical and medical-social culture of the population;

Stimulation of the processes of integration into society of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

Methodological management of the work of the PMPK is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, education management bodies and healthcare management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

PMPK in its activities is guided by international acts in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the relevant education management body, and draft Regulations on the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission.

At least one PMPK has been created on the territory of each subject of the Federation. The PMPK of a subject of the Federation is the parent body in relation to the PMPK at the municipal level. The PMPK at the municipal level is the parent council in relation to the psychological, medical and pedagogical councils of educational institutions existing in the given territory.

The main areas of work of a PMPK psychologist.

The PMPK psychologist carries out the following activities:

    conducts a study of the characteristics of child-parent relationships and observes the nature of the interaction between mother and child in the course of joint (game, visual, etc.) activities;

    reveals, through an experimental psychological examination of a child, the reasons that impede the formation of his personality, the psychological mechanisms that cause his developmental disorders;

    informs parents about the characteristics of the child’s mental development, carries out with them a probabilistic forecast of the child’s development, taking into account parental attitudes and expectations towards him, the social situation of his development as a whole, explains to parents the sources of difficulties and problems in the child’s development;

    develops, together with parents, specific assistance measures and a program of individual correctional work for the child, which are subsequently implemented with the active participation of the parents themselves;

    carries out effective correctional measures that help increase the level of voluntary regulation of mental processes and behavior in a child, necessary for successful social adaptation in children's educational institutions appropriate for his age;

    conducts subgroup and group classes with children who have similar problems or are provided for by the curriculum;

    compiles the necessary documentation in a timely manner, keeps high-quality records when planning correctional work and filling out an observation diary for children who receive psychological assistance;

    is engaged in understanding the experience of practical work, analyzing and summarizing the results of its activities, preparing methodological recommendations for parents and educational institutions;

    systematically improves the level of professional qualifications by studying materials on psychological correction and counseling published in periodicals and scientific literature, participating in psychological trainings and seminars.

A PMPK psychologist in his professional activities must know: d Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Law on Education, basic knowledge of general psychology, educational psychology, developmental psychology, medical psychology, basics of psychotherapy and counseling, principles of mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis, innovative methods of teaching and raising children, methods of social psychological training, basic legislation in the field of education, marriage and family, maternal and child health, labor protection, safety precautions, sanitation and fire safety.

    Functions of a psychologist at PMPK

Job responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist.

2.1. Carry out psychological diagnostics of children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years, based on the analysis of submitted documents on the child’s development, information received from parents (legal representatives).

2.2. Determine areas of work to correct mental disorders in the development of children and adolescents within the framework of PMPc.

2.3. Participate in PMPk meetings according to the PMPk plan

2.4. Professionally and competently draw up standard documentation with appropriate individual recommendations based on the results of examination of children.

2.5 Conduct correctional classes with students who are supported within the framework of PMPK

2.6 Participate in the development of correctional programs for students supported under PMPK

2.7 Prepare the necessary documentation for the student at the district PMPK

2.8. Provide advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives), school teachers who are directly involved in the upbringing and education of the child.

2.9. Participate in monitoring the implementation of PMPK recommendations and analyze the results of the dynamics of development of children and adolescents.

2.10. Comply with the requirements of the institution’s charter, regulations on PMPK, internal labor regulations, maintain documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities.

Diagnostic direction The diagnostic direction of work includes an initial examination, as well as systematic stage-by-stage observations of the dynamics and correction of the child’s mental development.

The activities of a psychologist cannot proceed in isolation from the work of other specialists in an educational institution (including a speech therapist, a speech pathologist, a social teacher, etc.). A collegial discussion of the examination results by all PMPK specialists allows us to develop a common understanding of the nature and characteristics of the child’s development, determine a general prognosis for his further development, a set of necessary correctional and developmental measures, and develop a program of individual correctional work with the child.

It should be especially emphasized that the examination at the school PMP does not pursue the goal of making a clinical diagnosis (especially since this is impossible in the absence of a doctor in the consultation), but is aimed at qualifying the child’s individual typical difficulties, a qualitative description of the picture of his development, and determining the optimal forms and content correctional assistance, i.e. aimed at establishing a functional diagnosis.

The psychologist in the structure of PMPK activities is tasked with determining the current level of development of the child and the zone of proximal development, identifying the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, the personal characteristics of the child, the characteristics of his interpersonal interactions with peers, parents and other adults.

Correctional and developmental direction

In accordance with the characteristics of the child’s development and the decision of the council of the educational institution, the psychologist determines the directions and means of correctional and developmental work, the frequency and duration of the cycle of special classes. The most important task is the development of individually oriented programs of psychological assistance or the use of existing developments in accordance with the individual psychological characteristics of a child or a group of children as a whole.

The main directions of correctional and developmental work of a psychologist with children with mental retardation who are in conditions of educational integration are:

    development of the emotional-personal sphere and correction of its shortcomings;

    development of cognitive activity and targeted formation of higher mental functions;

    formation of voluntary regulation of activity and behavior.

Organization of the activities of the PMP consultation at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Novotroitsk Secondary School”.

Psycho-pedagogical and medical-social support is a holistic system of assistance to a child with disabilities. In our school, PMS support of a child with disabilities is carried out, a correctional educational process is organized, but I will focus on how the activities of PMS are organized in our school, because the consultation is the key point in the PMS support of a child with disabilities.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPk)– a constantly operating, united by common goals, coordinated team of specialists that provides support for a child with disabilities. The PMPK in our school was created by order of the school director, the Regulations on the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the MBOU “Novotroitsk Secondary School”. PMPK organizes its activities in accordance with the Charter and an agreement with parents. A work plan for the council for the academic year is drawn up.

The main goal of PMPk– providing optimal conditions for the education and upbringing of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics.

To achieve this goal, we set the following tasks:

1. early diagnosis of deviations;

2. consulting parents and teachers;

3. determination of the necessary special educational conditions;

4. identifying ways to include children with disabilities in classes that follow basic educational programs;

5. drawing up a conclusion for submission to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

6. Formation of a data bank about children with developmental problems.

Our council has a core and a rotating composition. The main composition of the PMPk includes: the school director, who is also an educational psychologist; teacher-speech therapist who is also the chairman of the PMPk; nurse, social teacher, deputy Director for educational work, deputy. director of educational work. The shift composition of the council includes preschool educators, subject teachers, and class teachers. The composition may vary depending on the goal.

The psychological and pedagogical consultation is carried out: in accordance with the work plan; at the request of the subject teacher; at the request of the class teacher; at the request of PPMS support specialists; at the request of parents (legal representatives) of students.

Planning consultation solves the following problems:

determining ways of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the child;

development of agreed decisions on determining the educational and correctional and developmental route;

dynamic assessment of the child’s condition and correction of the previously planned program;

resolving the issue of changing the educational route, correctional and developmental work upon completion of training (academic year).

planned consultations are held once every quarter.

Unscheduled consultations collected upon request (specialists, teachers or educators).

The tasks of the unscheduled consultation include:

taking any emergency measures based on identified circumstances;

changing the direction of correctional development work in a changed situation or in case of ineffectiveness;

change of educational route.

Educational psychologist brings to the consultation:

Observation results;

Results of expert surveys of teachers and parents;

Results of a survey of schoolchildren themselves.

Generalized information about the child

Description of psychological characteristics
- training;
- behavior;
- the student’s well-being.

Detected violations or deviations from
- age;
- mental;
- social norm.

Specific manifestations of these disorders are described: mental decline in relation to the age norm; psychological disorders manifested in personal accentuations or deviations in behavior, antisocial manifestations. The reasons for existing violations are indicated. Adequate forms of assistance for this student are listed.

Classroom teacher provides for the consultation:

the results of your own observations and conversations with subject teachers;

Pedagogical characteristics of educational activities and behavior of specific schoolchildren in general

The class teacher records: (keeps an “Observation Diary”) the difficulties experienced by the student in various pedagogical situations; features of the individual features of his learning; features of learning; - well-being, mood.

Indicators for characteristics

Qualitative characteristics of educational activities.

Quantitative indicators of educational activities.

Indicators of behavior and communication in educational activities (learning situations).

Indicators of emotional state in educational situations.

Teacher speech therapist:reflects features of the child’s speech development; possibilities of its correction and prognosis.

Teacher-defectologist: provides information on the development of students' educational skills in the Russian language and mathematics, and opportunities for their development

nurse provides:

1.The physical condition of the child at the time of the consultation:

compliance of physical development with age standards;

condition of the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system;

physical exercise tolerance (based on data from the physical education teacher).

2. Risk factors for developmental disorders:

a history of illnesses and injuries that may affect the child’s development;

risk factors for the main functional systems, the presence of chronic diseases.

3. Characteristics of diseases for the last academic year and part of the current academic year.

Social teacher

assumes organizational responsibilities related to the consultation:

Regulations for holding an unscheduled meeting of the PMPK

A request to hold an unscheduled meeting of the PMPK must be submitted no later than 14 days before the meeting.

2. Documents (characteristics, expert opinions, student work) are provided to the PMPK secretary no later than 3 days before the meeting.

3. The chairman includes in the PMPK, in addition to permanent specialists, employees of the educational institution who directly work with the child, who referred the child to PMPK, etc. The Chairman informs the PMPK specialists about the need to examine the child.

assistance to class teachers in implementing the decisions of the Council;

resolving issues that relate to direct work with the family. 4. Within 3 days from the date of receipt of the request for a diagnostic examination of the child, the chairman of the PMPk coordinates this issue with the parents (other legal representatives) and, in the absence of objections from them, submitted in writing, organizes a meeting of the PMPK (in accordance with the schedule of planned PMPK ).

5. The PMP is carried out no later than 10 days from the moment the issue is agreed upon with the parents (other legal representatives).

6. In the period from the moment the request is received until the PMPK meeting, each specialist conducts an individual examination of the child, planning the examination time taking into account his real age and psychophysical load.

I will tell you in more detail the course of the consultation using the example of a specific student. This move is traditional for our school and is organized based on the main feature of the work of PPMS support specialists with children with disabilities.

Stage 1. Carrying out information exchange between all participants of the consultation.

The work of the council begins with a discussion of the most difficult cases. The order of the council's work within the framework of a discussion of one case: if the most problematic information comes from a psychologist, he begins the discussion, if from a teacher or medical worker, they begin. If all the participants in the consultation classify a given student as one of the most problematic, it is better to start the discussion with the teacher. The conclusion of each specialist is included in the Child Development Card. The exchange of information serves as the basis for making a collective decision.

Stage 2. Developing a strategy to help a specific student

Participants of the consultation answer the questions:

What kind of help does the student need?

What kind of developmental work is desirable to carry out with him?

what features should be taken into account in the learning and communication process?

What kind of work can the council participants take on?

What activities need to be carried out by the teaching staff of this parallel?

What can be done with the help of family and specialists in various fields outside of school?

Stage 3.

The work of the council ends with the adoption of a collegial decision and the writing of a final document - a protocol, which records the final collegial conclusion on the results of the PMPK with recommendations for providing psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to the child.


The psychological, medical and pedagogical council is a diagnostic and advisory structure, the activities of which are aimed at identifying ways to solve problems associated with the timely identification and integration into society of children with various developmental and health disorders, leading to school maladaptation (learning problems and behavioral disorders



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Slides captions:

Psychological-medical-pedagogical council at the MBOU "Novotroitskaya School" Chairman of the PMPK MBOU "Novotroitskaya School" Musaybekova Botagoz Davletbekovna 2017-2018 academic year

A council is a permanent, coordinated team of specialists united by common goals that implements one or another strategy for accompanying a child.

Order of the school director on the creation of a PMPK at the MBOU "Novotroitskaya School" Regulations on the PMPK MBOU "Novotroitskaya School" Schedule of scheduled meetings of the PMPK (collegial meeting no later than 10 days from the date of the application to consider the child’s problems)

The purpose of PMPk is to provide optimal conditions for the education and upbringing of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics.

Objectives of PMPk 1. Early diagnosis of deviations; 2. Consulting parents and teachers; 3. Determination of the necessary special educational conditions; 4. Determining ways to include children with disabilities in classes working according to basic educational programs; 5. Drawing up a conclusion for submission to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission; 6. Formation of a data bank about children with developmental problems

Composition of PMPk School director (teacher-psychologist), deputy director for educational work, Deputy director for educational work, social teacher, teacher-defectologist, nurse, teacher-speech therapist, teacher, educator (representing the child at PMPk).

Planned consultation The planned consultation solves the following problems: determining the ways of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the child; development of agreed decisions on determining the educational and correctional and developmental route; dynamic assessment of the child’s condition and correction of the previously planned program; resolving the issue of changing the educational route, correctional and developmental work upon completion of training (academic year). planned consultations are held once every quarter.

Unscheduled consultation Unscheduled consultations are held upon request (by specialists, teachers or educators). The tasks of the unscheduled consultation include: taking any emergency measures based on identified circumstances; changing the direction of correctional development work in a changed situation or in case of ineffectiveness; change of educational route.


The teacher-psychologist brings to the consultation: - results of observations; - results of expert surveys of teachers and parents; - results of examination of schoolchildren themselves.

Generalized data about the child Description of psychological characteristics - learning; - behavior; - the student’s well-being. Detected violations or deviations from - age; - mental; - social norm. Specific manifestations of these disorders are described: mental decline in relation to the age norm; psychological disorders manifested in personal accentuations or deviations in behavior, antisocial manifestations. The reasons for existing violations are indicated. Adequate forms of assistance for this student are listed.

The class teacher provides to the consultation: the results of his own observations and conversations with subject teachers; - pedagogical characteristics of educational activities and behavior of specific schoolchildren in general.

The class teacher records: (keeps an “Observation Diary”) the difficulties experienced by the student in various pedagogical situations; features of the individual traits of his training; learning features; - well-being, mood.

Indicators for characteristics Qualitative characteristics of educational activities. Quantitative indicators of educational activities. Indicators of behavior and communication in educational activities (learning situations). Indicators of emotional state in educational situations.

Speech therapist teacher: reflects the characteristics of the child’s speech development; possibilities of its correction and prognosis.

Teacher-defectologist: provides information about the development of students’ educational skills in the Russian language and mathematics, and the possibilities for their development.

Medical worker Provides: 1. The physical condition of the child at the time of the consultation: compliance of physical development with age standards; condition of the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system; physical exercise tolerance (based on data from the physical education teacher). 2. Risk factors for developmental disorders: a history of diseases and injuries that may affect the development of the child; risk factors for the main functional systems, the presence of chronic diseases. 3. Characteristics of diseases for the last academic year and part of the current academic year.

The social teacher takes on organizational responsibilities related to the council: assisting class teachers in implementing the decisions of the council; resolving issues that relate to direct work with the family.

Regulations for holding an unscheduled meeting of the PMPK 1. A request for an unscheduled meeting of the PMPK is submitted no later than 14 days before the meeting. 2. Documents (characteristics, expert opinions, student work) are provided to the PMPK secretary no later than 3 days before the meeting. 3. The chairman includes in the PMPK, in addition to permanent specialists, employees of the educational institution who directly work with the child, who referred the child to PMPK, etc. The Chairman informs the PMPK specialists about the need to examine the child.

Regulations for holding an unscheduled meeting of the PMPK 4. Within 3 days from the date of receipt of the request for a diagnostic examination of the child, the chairman of the PMPK coordinates this issue with the parents (other legal representatives) and, in the absence of objections from them, submitted in writing, organizes a meeting of the PMPK (in in accordance with the schedule of planned primary medical interventions). 5. The PMP is carried out no later than 10 days from the moment the issue is agreed upon with the parents (other legal representatives). 6. In the period from the moment the request is received until the PMPK meeting, each specialist conducts an individual examination of the child, planning the examination time taking into account his real age and psychophysical load.

Progress of the consultation stage 1. Carrying out information exchange between all participants of the consultation. The work of the council begins with a discussion of the most difficult cases. The order of the council's work within the framework of a discussion of one case: if the most problematic information comes from a psychologist, he begins the discussion, if from a teacher or medical worker, they begin. If all the participants in the consultation classify a given student as one of the most problematic, it is better to start the discussion with the teacher. The conclusion of each specialist is included in the Child Development Card. The exchange of information serves as the basis for making a collective decision.

Progress of the consultation stage 2. Developing a strategy to help a specific student The consultation participants answer the questions: what kind of help does the student need? What kind of developmental work is desirable to carry out with him? what features should be taken into account in the learning and communication process? What kind of work can the council participants take on? What activities need to be carried out by the teaching staff of this parallel? What can be done with the help of family and specialists in various fields outside of school?

Progress of the consultation stage 3. The work of the council ends with the adoption of a collegial decision and the writing of a final document - a protocol, which records the final collegial conclusion on the results of the PMPK with recommendations for providing psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to the child.

In conclusion, the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Consilium is a diagnostic-consultative structure, the activities of which are aimed at identifying ways to solve problems related to the timely identification and integration into society of children with various developmental and health disorders, leading to school maladjustment (problems in learning and behavioral disorders)

Thank you for your attention!