Sample order of gratitude. Letter of gratitude to an employee for many years of work - sample

One of the intangible ways to recognize the merits of an employee is to express gratitude to him. This procedure has its own characteristics - from the application and issuance of an order for incentives to entry in the work book. For what achievements employees are praised and how to write gratitude for good work (sample), you will learn from the material.

In what cases is it appropriate?

Art. 191 Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the employer to reward employees for good work, achievement of high results or other merits. The company establishes the list of achievements for which one can be praised independently, for example, in the regulations on remuneration or regulations on incentives. This list may include:

  • achieving high production results or exceeding the plan;
  • successful participation in events to promote manufactured products (exhibitions and sales, conferences, presentation seminars);
  • high productivity due to rationalization solutions or process improvements;
  • any other outstanding labor merits and achievements.

Please note that gratitude for cooperation can also be extended to employees of other organizations. For example, by sending a thank you letter to the company. If you want to clarify the names of those people who distinguished themselves, you can send a petition to their employer indicating the reasons for the promotion. An example of such a document is below.

How to apply

It is up to his immediate superior to decide whether to reward an employee or not. He turns to the head of the organization with a proposal to praise his subordinate for his work. To do this, you need to write a petition, memo or letter. The order of gratitude will be drawn up precisely on the basis of such a document.

Since there is no established form of appeal, it is compiled arbitrarily. The petition might look like this:

The main requirement for this document is that it should make it clear who distinguished himself and in what way. The date of preparation and information about the applicant must be indicated.

In the case when representatives of another company offer to reward employees, they draw up their petition on the organization’s letterhead and also list who and for what they want to thank.

If the management agrees to the incentive, an order is issued in form T-11, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. If the organization has abandoned the unified forms, its own document is used. But it must contain all the necessary details:

  • information about the employing company;
  • employee information;
  • a description of the employee’s achievements for which he is rewarded;
  • date of the document and signature of the manager.

Like any order, the decision on promotion must be brought to the attention of the employee against signature. You can also familiarize his colleagues with the contents of the document (that is, do it publicly if the employee has the consent).

An example of filling out the T-11 form (you can download it for future use at the end of the article)

An incentive order is an official document on the basis of which an entry is made in the employee’s work book.

Features of the announcement of gratitude at the state level

If an employee has distinguished himself so much that he has been noticed by regional or federal authorities, then an application for incentives is submitted by the head of the organization or a government representative (for example, an official or deputy). On the official website of any government agency there are special sample documents used in cases where a third-party employee is rewarded. This is the template the Ministry of Labor of the Murmansk Region proposes to use (sample taken from the official website of the department):

Entering information into the work book

According to clause 24 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 255, HR officers enter information about rewards (incentives) for merit into a special section of the work book if the employee:

  • awarded state awards, he was awarded a state honorary title;
  • awarded a certificate of honor, diploma, badge or badge, or was awarded some title by the employer;
  • rewarded in any other way provided for by law, collective agreements, internal labor regulations, charters and discipline regulations.

Taking into account the last point, an entry is made in the work book about any incentive - both from the state and from the employer. At the same time, local regulations of organizations may clarify what other types of incentives will be marked accordingly. These could be, for example, letters of gratitude from third-party organizations, or inclusion on the honor board.

A special section - information about awards - should be filled out in accordance with clause 4 of the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69. An example entry is below.

If an additional cash bonus is paid, this must be stated both in the order and in the entry made in the work book. Bonuses provided for by the remuneration system are not indicated. This is clearly stated in paragraph 25 of Government Resolution No. 255.

How to announce

Companies are not required to hold festive events to thank one or more employees. But if this is accepted in the organization, then the distinguished employee can be congratulated among his colleagues by presenting a thank you form specially printed in the printing house, signed by management. If no celebrations are planned, congratulations are conveyed in an informal setting.

The employee did a good job and deserves it letter of thanks, entry in the work book. Sample Such an incentive mark in the labor record does not have a rigid template. Such an entry is not always an empty formality, but can be a real reflection of merit and a sincere expression of earned gratitude. Let's find out how to correctly take notes on gratitude given to employees and what mistakes should be avoided in doing so.

What kind of gratitude is included in the work book?

When registering, it is important to understand:

  1. what exactly the employee was recognized for;
  2. what were the reasons that prompted his superiors to encourage him.

The following reasons for gratitude for work are usually identified:

  • significant increase in labor productivity;
  • successful participation in responsible events;
  • productive work on a major project;
  • making innovative proposals;
  • improving the quality and organization of work;
  • mentoring, training of young specialists.

Correct design

First of all, the HR employee should pay attention to the fact that gratitude in the work book must be formalized in compliance with the norms and rules adopted in office work. Concerning both the actual order of making entries and the specifics of the clerical vocabulary. A work book is an official document of an employee. Accordingly, when making notes and entries into it, it is necessary to take into account existing standards.

What should the format be? entering gratitude in the work book? Sample could be next. As a rule, the entry in the labor record is accompanied by the name and date of the corresponding order. They also give the reason for the award and its form. For example:

Please note that when making a record, you should take into account the specific achievements of the employee.

Besides, gratitude is entered in the work book and when the employee was simultaneously promoted to position for his achievements. The entry looks like this:

Of course, the HR department employee is limited by the official language when drawing up a thank you wording. But if he wants, he can choose words that will look sincere and warm in an official document. Let us recall that when adding gratitude to the work book sample such a recording does not have strict restrictions by law.

The rules for filling out work books were adopted by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69. The latest change is that from November 27, 2016, the obligation to affix a stamp on the book form (if there is none at all) was finally abolished.

It is possible that the HR department employee should discuss the text of the thank-you note with the boss who signed the order to reward the employee. So it is necessary that the employee noted by management receives a record that can inspire him to further achievements. This can play a significant role in motivating employees.

Separate section

If it is needed declare gratitude with entry into the work book, please note that since 2003, a separate section has appeared in this form. In addition, when entering information about an incentive, be sure to write down the reason for it. Data on awards and honorary titles are also indicated.

In the paragraph “Information about incentives (awards)” indicate:

  • name of the enterprise (full and abbreviated);
  • record number;
  • date of award;
  • formulation of merit;
  • details of the order according to which the employee was awarded (required - date and number).

Subtleties of terminology

notice, that announcement of gratitude with entry into the work book is not the only reward option associated with gratitude. It should also be taken into account that there is a practice of declaring gratitude without entering information about it in the work book.

The employee has the right to demand that the employer include information about his achievements in this official document, so it is better to discuss controversial issues in advance. Therefore, an employee who has been recognized by management for his services can always ask Is gratitude entered in the work book?.

It should be noted the difference between the concepts of “reward” and “encouragement” (see table).

Understanding the differences between these terms allows the HR manager to help employees navigate all the intricacies. And what is important for maintaining a healthy psychological climate in the team is to avoid possible disappointments associated with an incorrect understanding of this specific terminology.

What does gratitude give in a work book?

A note that an employee has been recognized by management for his achievements can ultimately affect career growth and the size of his pension. And when changing jobs, such records sometimes play a decisive role if management selects a future employee from among several candidates.

In addition, the psychological factor deserves attention. Motivating employees is one of the most important tasks facing managers. An employee who is appreciated by his superiors strives to further increase labor productivity and improve the results of his work. The spirit of competition encourages his colleagues to work better in order to also receive well-deserved encouragement and be recognized for their successes.

For exemplary employees whose achievements they want to reward, the labor code provides:

  • bonus;
  • Gratitude;
  • certificate of honor;
  • valuable prize;
  • title “Best in the field of activity”;

There are other types of remuneration for high achievements, but they are established collectively or by management by agreement in a generally accepted manner or individually for each employee.

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Often, management decides on the use of several types of remuneration at the same time:

  • Gratitude is acknowledged in conjunction with financial support.
  • Awarding with a certificate and financial payment.
  • Another type of encouragement.

Non-material recognition of employee merits

Modern management resorts to such a motivating method as publicizing merits and achievements quite infrequently. However, a speech of praise in the presence of the entire team serves as a good incentive for both the most distinguished employee and the rest of the employees.

Moreover, the employee who is thanked opens the door to new opportunities, for example:

  • Receiving a bonus.
  • Expansion of social package.
  • Getting a promotion.
  • Benefits when taking a loan.

There are the most popular methods of non-financial employee incentives:

  • Recognized as a model employee for the entire department/company.
  • Proclamation of gratitude for the work done.
  • Presentation of an honorary symbol (certificate, cup, medal).
  • The title of "guru" in his profession.

Promotion Regulations

The regulation requires consistent recording of incentives. Any type of remuneration, if desired, can be drawn up in a separate document, but registration in one document is not prohibited, i.e. it will immediately indicate the number of workers and types of gratitude, and you can also indicate people who apply for a declaration of gratitude in the future.

The legislation does not establish rules regarding the content of the provision. This indicates that the application is drawn up in free form.

However, there are a few content points that need to be made:

  • List of conditions under which gratitude is declared.
  • The circle of employees to whom gratitude is expressed.
  • Kind of gratitude.
  • Frequency of gratitude announcements.

Order of gratitude for work

As many organizations as there are, there are so many different rules and differences in document preparation. So some people draw up a petition before submitting an order.

Free form is also characteristic of it. However, the following information must be present:

  • Personal details of the employee (full name).
  • Current position.
  • Company name.
  • The right (list of achievements) to receive incentives.

As a rule, special documents confirming the employee’s merits are also attached to the application., as well as a list of previous awards and achievements, if any.

Once the application is approved, an order is prepared. There are order forms No. T-11 or T-11a. The Russian State Statistics Committee issued a regulation on this form of order dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. They can be used.

Thank you note in the work book

Before composing a thank-you text and entering it into the work book, you must decide on the reasons. That is, understand what the recording will be based on.

Most often they are indicated like this:

  • Significant increase in labor efficiency.
  • Demonstration performance at important events for the company.
  • Successful implementation of large projects.
  • Innovation of ideas and proposals in various fields of activity.
  • Increasing the efficiency of labor organization.
  • Competent guidance of young specialists and their training.

Formulation of gratitude in a work book

A thank you note should be formulated according to the person’s merits and awards.. It is better to start recording with the name and date of the order, and then for what the employee was awarded and with what: “Order No. ... from the date ... the employee (full name) ... for such and such successes ... was awarded...”. Sometimes, if an employee has received a promotion, the wording of the entry begins with the words “Hired to the position... An employee of such and such a company (name of organization and full name of the employee)... in connection with such and such merits.”

In general, the effectiveness of a thank you speech directly depends on the talent of the HR manager. You just need to take into account that the litter is compiled in official, literate language.

Learn how to correctly make an entry in your work book

According to the order of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003, in connection with the appearance of new standard books, the rules regarding their filling out have also undergone changes.

When you enter information about the promotion, you must remember to indicate the reasons:

  • Incentives and rewards for success at work.
  • Incentives for making improvements to labor discipline established by the enterprise charter. In addition to information about incentives, information about awards, if any, should also be written down.
  • Based on decrees and decisions, awarding state awards or honorary titles.
  • Upon receipt of an honorary title or badge, the accompanying award is a diploma, otherwise with a certificate.

Please note that a special section has appeared for declaring gratitude. According to the decree of the Russian Federation, according to paragraph 24 of April 16, 2003, a section for information about incentives appeared, where a note of gratitude is entered. The note of gratitude must be made in accordance with the order.

Sample entry

In view of the order to remunerate the separated employee, a mark is registered in the work book. The Russian Ministry of Labor issued Regulation No. 69 on October 10, 2003. In paragraph 4 you will find recommendations for the procedure and principle of recording.

Let's take a step-by-step look at where and how to make an entry:

  • We are looking for the item “Information about incentives (awards)”.
  • 3 columns (heading) must contain the full/abbreviated name of the organization.
  • Column 1 should contain the record number in order (according to the employee’s increasing activity for the entire year).
  • Column 2 - date of birth.
  • Column 3 – who provided the incentive and for what merits of the employee.
  • Column 4 is the name of the document according to which the note will be registered in the work book; do not forget to indicate the document data (date and number).

Common problems and errors

It is worth noting the pressing problem associated with the use of the terms “incentives” and “rewards”. The term “reward” denotes a generic concept (gratitude, increase, bonus payment). The term “award” denotes a specific concept, that is, the type of award (certificate, diploma, medal, etc.)

A common mistake is declaring gratitude without recording it in the work book. Be on the lookout because... According to the law, you have the right to demand from your employer to include merit in your work book.

Before you rejoice and celebrate your professional achievements, check your work history. Make sure that all changes made are supported by proper documents, otherwise the entry will be considered invalid.

Labor legislation allows rewarding employees who conscientiously fulfill their duties, both materially and intangibly (Part 1 of Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Non-material recognition of employee merits

We express our gratitude to the employee. In our pragmatic age, employers rarely use such a simple but effective option for stimulating an employee as public recognition of his merits. Of course, it is very nice to receive the monetary equivalent of your efforts, but wouldn’t the manager’s approving words in the presence of the entire team give the employee a few pleasant minutes? This is an equally effective way to motivate an employee to new achievements. For an employee whose merits are recognized by the team and management, great opportunities open up in the future: bonuses, expansion of the social package, career growth, advantages in obtaining a loan, etc.

Let's consider the most popular ways to encourage employees morally:
- declaration of gratitude;
- presentation of a certificate (cup, pennant, medal);
- recognition as the best employee of a department (the entire company) for a certain period of time (week, month, year);
- recognition as the best in the profession.

As for the last item on the list, as a rule, this type of public recognition of an employee’s merits extends beyond the boundaries of one organization. Most often, the title of best in the profession is awarded to a specialist who wins a competition of municipal, city, district, regional or republican significance. However, you can choose the best in the profession at the level of one enterprise.

We will focus on the most popular type of reward - an announcement of gratitude.

Promotion Regulations

The procedure for incentives should be specified in local regulations. The document can be separate, covering only non-material incentives, or it can be general and regulate the procedure for applying all types of incentives to employees. It is not prohibited to prescribe the possibility of rewarding employees in labor or collective agreements. Since gratitude is declared for specific actions of an employee, it is necessary to specify in the local regulatory act of the organization exactly for what successes it can be declared.

First of all, the employer needs to determine for what achievements it is worth declaring gratitude to the employee. Typically this is:
- improvement of production indicators compared to the same period last year;
- significant overfulfillment of the plan;
- successful participation in events of great importance for the organization;
- successful implementation of large projects;
- rationalization proposals;
- improvement of labor organization;
- active mentoring activities for young specialists.

You can draw up a separate local regulatory act as shown in the example.

Sample Regulations

Petition for declaration of gratitude

So, one or more employees of the organization particularly distinguished themselves in their work. In this case, their immediate supervisor draws up a petition to nominate them for promotion. If the employees who have proven themselves are themselves heads of departments, it is not necessary to file an application; an order from the head of the organization is sufficient.

The petition is drawn up in any form. It should reflect the following data:
- last name, first name, patronymic of the employee;
- position held;
- structural subdivision;
- the basis for presentation for encouragement (achievement).

In some cases, if necessary, additional information is indicated, such as work experience, date of birth (if the announcement of gratitude is timed, for example, to coincide with an anniversary), education, etc.

In a number of organizations, it is customary to attach documents confirming the achievements of employees to the application. These can be reports, statements, graphs, diagrams that reflect the numerical indicators of a specialist’s work activity. If it is impossible to express labor efficiency in digital terms, a description of the employee’s success by his immediate supervisor is sufficient. In addition, the document can be supplemented with employee characteristics if desired.

The petition can be completed as shown in the example.

Sample application

Order of gratitude

After the application is approved by the head of the organization, it is usually transferred to the human resources department, where a draft order on promotion is prepared. In this case, you can use order forms No. T-11 or T-11a, which are approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 (see). The employee being encouraged must be familiarized with the order against signature.

Order (instruction) to encourage an employee

Entry into the work book

Based on the order, a corresponding entry is made in the work book of the awarded employee. The procedure for recording a record of rewarding an employee, including declaring gratitude to him, is regulated by paragraph 4 of the Instructions for filling out work books, which was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

The step-by-step procedure for making an entry about declaring gratitude in the work book in the “Information about awards” section looks like this (see sample):
- in column 3 (as a heading) we enter the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if available);
- column 1 - serial number of the record (numbering increasing throughout the entire period of the employee’s work activity);
- column 2 - date of award;
- column 3 - by whom the employee was awarded, for what achievements and with what award;
- column 4 - the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

Sample of filling out a work book

Thank you form

Recognition of the employee's services to the company will most likely be expressed in writing. There is no established form of the document; it is developed by the enterprise independently, so the appearance of the form depends only on the imagination of the employer. This can be the organization’s letterhead, a special “Thank You” form printed in a printing house, a postcard, or a framed letter.

The text is compiled depending on the circumstances and in relation to a specific employee. The form indicates to whom gratitude is being expressed and for what. The document must be signed by the head of the organization. Additionally, members of the board of directors or honored employees of the company, for example veterans, mentors (see sample), can add their signatures.

Sample Thank You Letter

We express our gratitude to the employee. Most often, gratitude is expressed to an employee in the presence of the entire company team or employees of a structural unit. Often he is given a gift or monetary reward. It all depends on what is specified in the employee incentive regulations. We will talk about financial incentives for employees on the pages of the upcoming issues of the magazine “Salary”.