Appeal to Seraphim Vyritsky about recovery. How does Orthodox prayer help Seraphim Vyritsky

The Russian Orthodox Saint Seraphim Vyritsky is a great ascetic of the 20th century, whom the Lord gave to Russia as an intercessor and comforter in difficult times. Prayer to Seraphim Vyritsky is the easiest way for us to communicate with him. His life was long, eventful and very interesting. He was born on March 31, 1866 in the Yaroslavl province, lost his father and mother early, and, driven by the need to earn a living, went to St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, young Vasily (that was the name of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky before his monastic vows) got a job, showed himself to be a smart boy, capable of science and learning languages. Vasily wanted to go to a monastery in his youth, but the elder of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra did not bless him for monasticism, saying that he should first get married, start a family, and serve the Lord in the world, and already on the slope of life go to the monastery.

Life, deed and prayers of St. Seraphim Vyritsy

The future Saint Seraphim Vyritsky did not dare to disobey the elder and followed his instructions. He got married, achieved great things thanks to his abilities, became a millionaire and a well-known Orthodox philanthropist. However, an event soon occurred that greatly influenced Vasily Nikolaevich - in St. Petersburg he met a poor peasant sitting on the side of the road and repeating the same phrase over and over again: "Not as you want, but as God wills." Deciding that this was a sign from above, he distributed property to monasteries and entered the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for obedience, and seven years later he was tonsured into the schema with the name Seraphim. In the terrible year 1933, the elder was exiled to the village of Vyritsa. Here the spiritual gift of the saint was fully revealed: through the prayers of St. Seraphim Vyritsy, the sick were healed, sorrows were eased, various life and everyday problems were resolved. The monk died in 1949.

Prayer to Seraphim Vyritsky heals diseases, removes troubles, helps entrepreneurs

During his lifetime, with his prayers, St. Seraphim of Vyritsky performed such a huge number of miracles that it is impossible to describe all of them. Through his prayers, the Lord healed from sarcoma, dysentery, typhus, and other terrible, almost incurable diseases. And immediately after death, a miracle was revealed: at the funeral of the elder, a blind girl was healed, kissing his hand. Prayers to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky - a great consolation to all the grieving and destitute helps - in love, in work, from drunkenness, in trade, to attract good luck.

Listen to the video prayer to St. Seraphim Vyritsky»

Orthodox text of the prayer to St. Seraphim Vyritsky the Wonderworker for good luck in business

Oh, God-blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death, as if it were a living being, we fall down with faith and cry: do not forget your poor to the end, but graciously look at your spiritual flock and save it, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God. Ask the Lord for time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, weigh all our spiritual infirmities: not imams of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, captivated by the mind in destructive passions, corrupted hearts in vile lusts. What do we do with tea, and what do we hope for, unfinished, ruining the temples of our souls? To her, holy father, stretch out your hand in prayer and beg the Savior of the human race to touch the grace of our petrified hearts, wash us with tears of repentance, raise us in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow all that is useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hopes, which, according to Bose and the Mother of God, we place on you, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrows and patron in circumstances, may we be blessed with your prayers to be the heir to the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints incessantly glorify and sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky is revered among Orthodox Christians. God's saint did many good deeds, healed believers, and also preached the Word of God.

People turn to the icon of Seraphim Vyritsky for help in a variety of life situations. During his life, the saint did not refuse the suffering, helped in word and deed, and also possessed the gift of healing. Father Seraphim helped many, and until his death he received believers in his house.

Prayer to the Monk Seraphim for good luck in work

If you have a difficult task or project ahead of you, pray to the Monk Seraphim, and he will definitely help you complete everything without delay and mistakes.

“Father Seraphim, pleaser of the Lord Almighty. Save and save the sinful slave (name), help in worldly affairs and do not leave without your protection in the hour of doubt and difficulties. Let me complete the righteous deed, not harm my neighbors and not be left without a reward. Amen".

Prayer for family happiness

Every family needs the support of the Higher Forces. To preserve love and mutual understanding, to get rid of troubles and conflicts, prayer to the Reverend Father Seraphim will help.

“Reverend Seraphim, I offer you sincere prayers. Help me, a servant of God (name), to maintain warm relations in the family. Give reason to avoid quarrels and conflicts. Protect your loved ones from illness and sorrow, guide you on the true path and forgive all the sins of which we repent. Give strength to resist envious people and ill-wishers, keep our home in peace and happiness, and save us from robbers and fires. Amen".

Prayer for well-being

You can attract well-being into life with the help of prayer words. Offer prayers when you see fit, but do not forget about gratitude to the saint. The best way to express it is to go to church. Put a candle in front of the image of Seraphim Vyritsky and tell him about your achievements.

“Chosen of the Lord, Saint Seraphim, I appeal to You with the hope of salvation. Heal my soul from filth, do not refuse your patronage. Send me your grace, save me from bad deeds and negative thoughts. Grant, father, the mind to resist the intrigues of the devil. Amen".

Prayers do not have to be memorized. It is important that your words are sincere and come from the heart. Pray to the Higher Forces in times of difficulty and do not forget to thank for the help and support provided. We wish you happiness and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

13.04.2018 01:21

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The Monk Seraphim Vyritsky became a monk after the revolution. Later, falling ill, on the bed of a serious illness, for almost twenty years he became one of the pillars of faith in the Leningrad region, receiving several hundred visitors at his home in Vyritsy on some days. seer, wise shepherd, miracle worker. They turn to him in prayer in illness, for the gift of faith, meekness and kindness, gracious patience of sorrows, for help in difficult circumstances.

Troparion to the Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 4

Like a great prayer book for our land and a warm comforter flowing to you, we bless you, the second Russian Father Seraphim, you left everything red in the world, with all your heart you rushed to the palaces of the sweetest Christ and in the time of fierce persecution, the image of meekness and humility was all : do not stop and now pray for us, but in patience we will find the path of repentance and with you we will take out the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.

The second troparion to the Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 8

We will accept your cross, reverend, rejoicing, with an inseparable thought you followed Christ, you were a truly glorious merchant, as if not an earthly, but a heavenly treasure, having acquired this for the sake of saving you, many of your children, whom you loved. And now, our father Seraphim, pray to grant us repentance and come to the understanding of the truth.

Third troparion to the Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 3

Thou hast become a great merchant, reverend Father Seraphim, who is in the world, you have applied your heart to much perishable wealth, you are a true novice and an ascetic of virtues, when you leave everything, you ascended to the cross of monasticism, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to you many and as one from the ancients, the prophet, the elder, the miracle worker and the prayer book, the pillar of the ascetic, the salvation of the leader. For this sake, we pray to you: and guide us wisely to salvation.

The fourth troparion to the Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 4

Like the most bright star of the Russian land, / you shone in the village of Vyritsste, reverend Seraphim, and by the power of the Holy Spirit we instruct, with the light of your miracles our country was illuminated spiritually. In the same way, we, flowing to your tomb, tenderly say: pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion to the Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 5

Imitating the God-bearing saint of Sarov, you abundantly acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit: the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is fragrant, Vyritsky weighs praise, for this reason we call you: Rejoice, reverend Seraphim, our merciful intercessor before the Lord.

Second kontakion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 5

You were like an ancient father and you fought a good feat, enlightened by the grace of Christ, from Worthless, accepting the gift of miracles, those who are ill to heal, those who are sad and grieving, to protect those who are offended and persecuted, and to give joy and speedy deliverance to all who are in need. For this sake, as a great miracle worker, we pray to you, your child, reverend Seraphim: deliver us from all troubles with your prayers.

Third kontakion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 3

Rejoice again, in the city of St. Peter, and the small weight of Vyritsa, be exalted, behold the lamp of faith shines in you, the all-healing balm exudes to us, the newly appeared great miracle worker, mentor of love and repentance, prophet and elder, the new Reverend Seraphim appears in you.

Prayer to the Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky

O blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading thee and after death, as if a living being, we fall down with faith and cry out: do not forget your wretched ones to the end, but graciously look at your spiritual flock and save it, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God. Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, weigh all our spiritual infirmities: not imams of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, captivated by the mind in pernicious passions, corrupted hearts in vile lusts. What we do with tea and what we hope for, neklychimi, ruining the temples of our souls. Hey, holy father, prayerfully stretch out your hands to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch the grace of our stony hearts, wash us with tears of repentance, raise us up in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow all that is useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hopes, which, according to God and the Mother of God, we place on you, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrows and patron in circumstances, may we be able to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven with your prayers, where all the saints incessantly glorify and sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


We bless you, reverend Father Seraphim, and honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and companion of angels.

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The Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky had a special place among the hermits of piety who lived not far from our time. In the years when the most cruel persecution of the church took place, this saint decided to choose the monastic path for himself, and by his life he personified the Lord's covenant of love. For which the Almighty granted his chosen one real divine wisdom, with which the Saint, during his lifetime, guided many Orthodox on the true path and continues to save the souls of believers to this day.

Life of Seraphim Vyritsky

Saint Seraphim of Veritsky (worldly name Muravyov Vasily Nikolaevich) was born in the last century in 1866 into a family of charitable peasants in the then Yaroslavl province. At the age of ten, Vasily's father died and he was forced to go to work in St. Petersburg, where after some time he was able to get a job as an assistant in a merchant's shop.

However, Vasily's soul aspired to a completely different service. Desiring to go to the monastery, he turned for help to the soulful elder in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, who gave his blessing to the youth to remain in the world for a while and form a faithful family, and also not to forget to do good deeds.

Fulfilling the obedience given by the elder, Vasily entered into a legal marriage for more than 40 years, he was engaged in trading activities while doing generous alms, providing all kinds of assistance to monasteries, almshouses, churches and more.

After the completion of the revolution in 1917, Saint Seraphim Vyritsky, with the consent of his wife, joined the clergy of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and already 6 years later, for his high ascetic life, he was appointed to the position of confessor of the monastery and honored with the Great Schema with the name Seraphim.

In 1933, in view of his illness, the Saint was transferred to the village of Vyritsa, where he carried out the feat of nourishing Orthodox believers during the difficult period of the Great Patriotic War and Soviet theomachism. On March 21, 1949, the Reverend departed into another world.

In 2000, the confessor was canonized as a Saint of the Orthodox Christian Church. In the same year, after the canonization in the place where they were buried mo Seraphim of Vyritsky (not far from the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan in Vyritsy) a chapel was erected so that everyone could turn to the Saint.

Saint's predictions

Well-known predictions were uttered by the Reverend, which were recorded by eyewitnesses. Here are some of them:

  • The day will come when people will be poisoned by the Almighty not by persecution, but by the charms and money of this world, and much more human souls will fall than during the period of open rebellion. And on the one hand, they will gild the domes and erect crosses, but on the other hand, the abode of evil and lies will be erected, and it will be terrible to live to such a time.
  • At a time when the East is gaining strength, everything will be unstable, because the numbers are on their side, but not only, they employ hard-working people, and we have only drunkenness ...
  • The Almighty Himself determined the fate of the people as a punishment for all the sins committed by them, and until the Almighty Himself sends the grace of pardon to the state, it will be senseless to stand up against His sacred will. And for a long time a hopeless night will cover the Russian land and many sorrows and suffering await ahead. Therefore, the Almighty teaches the believers: with your patience you will save your souls.

Icon of Seraphim Vyritsky and the day of veneration

It should be noted that this miraculous image is a copy of the face-blessing of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan in the village of Vyritsa. On the sacred image, the Reverend is represented in schemonic vestments, while clutching a scroll in his left hand, which is a symbol of teaching. The right palm is turned towards those who say a prayer service, which in turn is a sign of the openness and simplicity of God's saint.

The Day of Remembrance of the Saint is held on April 3 according to the new style (March 21 in the old style), that is, the day when the Reverend reposed to the Almighty and every year on this day a Liturgy is held in the Vyritsky Kazan Cathedral, where hymns are sung and prayers are offered.

The very prayer of Seraphim Vyritsky is as follows:

“Oh, God-blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death, as if it were a living being, we fall down with faith and cry: do not forget your poor to the end, but graciously look at your spiritual flock and save it, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God.

Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, weigh all our spiritual infirmities: not imams of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, captivated by the mind in pernicious passions, corrupted hearts in vile lusts.

What do we do with tea, and what do we hope for, who have ruined the temples of our souls; Hey, holy father, prayerfully stretch out your hands to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch the grace of our petrified hearts, wash us with tears of repentance, raise us up in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow all that is useful for salvation.

Do not disgrace our hopes, which, according to God and the Mother of God, we place on you, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrows and patron in circumstances, may we be blessed with your prayers to be the heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints incessantly glorify and sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

May the Lord keep you!

You will also be interested in watching a video about St. Seraphim Vyritsky:

Troparion of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 4

Like a great prayer book for our land / and a warm comforter flowing to you, / we bless you, the second Russian Father Seraphim, / you left everything red in the world, / with all your heart you rushed to the palaces of the sweetest Christ / and in the time of fierce persecution, the image of meekness and Thou hast been humble to all: / do not stop and now pray for us, / that in patience we will find the path of repentance / and with you we will bring out the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.

John troparion of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 8

We will accept your cross, reverend, rejoicing, / with an inseparable thought you followed Christ, / you were a truly glorious merchant, / as if you had acquired not an earthly, but a heavenly treasure / for this sake, you saved many of your children, whom you loved. / And now, our father Seraphim, pray / grant us repentance and come to the understanding of truth.

John troparion of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 3

Thou hast become a great merchant, / Reverend Father Seraphim, / who is in the world, to much perishable wealth / thou hast put no heart, / a true novice / and an ascetic of virtues, / when, forsake everything, / ascended the cross of monasticism, / gifts The Holy Spirit is given to you a lot / and as if it were the only one from the ancients who appeared / a prophet, an old man, / a miracle worker and a prayer book, / a pillar as an ascetic, the salvation of the leader. / For this sake we pray to you: / and guide us wisely to salvation.

John troparion of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 4

Like the most bright star of the Russian land, / you shone in the village of Vyritsste, reverend Seraphim, / and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we instruct, / with the light of your miracles our country was illuminated spiritually. / The same and we, flowing to your tomb, / touchingly say: / pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.
In kontakion of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 5
You were like an ancient father / and you fought a good feat, / enlightened by the grace of Christ, / from the Worthless reception of the gift of miracles, / heal the sick, / comfort the sad and grieving, / protect the offended and persecuted / and give joy to all in need / and speedy deliverance . / For this sake, as if a great miracle worker is honored, / we pray to you, your child, Reverend Seraphim: / deliver us from all troubles with your prayers.

In kontakion of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 3

Rejoice again, city of St. Peter, / and small weight Vyritsa, be exalted, / behold, the lamp of faith shines in you, / an all-healing balm is exuded to us, / the newly-appeared great miracle worker, / a mentor of love and repentance, / a prophet and an old man, / a new reverend The seraphim is in you.

Kontakion of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 5

Imitating the God-bearing saint of Sarov, / You abundantly acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit: / The Alexander Nevsky Lavra is fragrant, / Vyritsky weigh praise, / for this reason we call you: / rejoice, reverend Seraphim, / our merciful intercessor before the Lord.

Prayer to Our Reverend Father Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Vyritsa

Oh, God-blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death, as if it were a living being, we fall down with faith and cry: do not forget your poor to the end, but graciously look at your spiritual flock and save it, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God. Ask the Lord for time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, weigh all our spiritual infirmities: not imams of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, captivated by the mind in destructive passions, corrupted hearts in vile lusts. What do we do with tea, and what do we hope for, unfinished, ruining the temples of our souls? Hey, holy father, prayerfully stretch out your hands to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch the grace of our petrified hearts, wash us with tears of repentance, raise us up in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow all that is useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hopes, which, according to Bose and the Mother of God, we place on you, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrows and patron in circumstances, may we be blessed with your prayers to be the heir to the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints incessantly glorify and sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.