Chicken thigh wrapped in puff pastry. How to cook juicy chicken legs in puff pastry

Chicken drumstick in puff pastry will serve as an excellent dish for a festive table. It should be noted that such products can be made in different ways. They are good to fry in a pan, as well as bake in the oven. In any case, the chicken drumstick in puff pastry will turn out to be very tasty and satisfying.

Cooking the second dish in a pan

Before you cook chicken drumsticks in puff pastry, you should think about what kind of dish you want to get. If you want to eat fried foods, it is recommended to use a yeast base for this. It is not necessary to knead it, since such dough is always sold in stores.

So, to fry chicken drumsticks in a pan, you should purchase products such as:

  • fine salt and crushed black pepper - use to taste;
  • chilled chicken drumsticks - 6-8 pcs. (the amount depends on the number of guests or family members);
  • yeast puff pastry (buy at the store) - 2 standard packs;
  • sunflower oil - use for frying products (approximately 100-150 ml);
  • white flour - for dusting the dough.

Meat processing

Chicken drumstick in puff pastry does not take very long to cook. After all meat product for such products it is purchased fresh and as young as possible (as a rule, broiler chicken legs are used for this).

Before making semi-finished products, all meat components should be thoroughly processed. They must be thoroughly washed, and then burned over a gas stove if there are hairs on the skin. Next, the processed drumsticks need to be flavored with pepper (chopped) and salt, and then left aside for half an hour.


To make meat products as tasty as possible, chicken drumsticks in a pan should be fried before they are wrapped in dough. To do this, you need to heat a little oil in a saucepan, and then put the meat product and cook it over high heat, regularly turning it over with a fork.

As a result, you should get almost ready-made legs with a deliciously fried crust. After that, they should be removed from the pan and cool completely.

We form a dish

What to cook with chicken thighs? Of course, delicious legs in the dough. To do this, you need to take a puff-yeast base and completely thaw it. Next, it should be rolled into a thin layer, sprinkled a little with wheat flour. After that, the base sheet needs to be cut ( sharp knife) into long strips, the width of which should not exceed 2 centimeters.

Having carried out all the described actions, it is necessary to take one strip of dough and wrap it around a previously fried and cooled shin. It is recommended to do this with an overlap, but so that the tip of the leg comes out.

frying process

Chicken drumsticks are tasty only if they are well fried in oil. To do this, vegetable fat should be poured into a pan and warmed up well. Next, it is necessary to lower the formed products into it and fry them on all sides until the base is thoroughly browned. In this case, the meat product should become completely soft.

Correctly present the original dish to the table

Now you know what to cook from chicken drumsticks. After the products are well fried, they should be carefully removed from the sunflower oil and immediately presented to dinner. In addition to fragrant and tasty legs, it is recommended to serve spicy ketchup or some other spicy sauce.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken drumsticks in dough (in the oven)

As mentioned above, such products can not only be fried in a pan, but also baked in the oven. The first cooking option has already been presented to your attention. Now I want to tell you about how you can deliciously bake chicken legs in the oven. For this we need:

Preparation of the main product

Chicken drumstick in puff pastry in the oven is very tasty and appetizing. But before proceeding with the heat treatment of such products, they should be properly processed. First you need to rinse everything chicken legs by removing hairs from them with gas stove. Next, the meat product needs to be flavored with spices and left at room temperature for half an hour. During this time, it will absorb salt and pepper well, become softer and more tender.

We form products

If you have free time, then before baking the drumsticks in the oven, they can be pre-fried in oil (until a reddish crust appears). Otherwise, the formation of products should be started immediately after they are marinated in spices.

Thus, completely thawed puff pastry must be sprinkled with white flour, and then rolled into a thin layer and cut into long strips (about 2 centimeters). Next, they need to wrap all the chicken legs, overlapping. In this case, the tip of the meat product should be left outside. But before baking, it is recommended to wrap it in foil so that it does not dry out during heat treatment.

Bake in the oven

After all the chicken drumsticks are in puff pastry, they should be carefully laid out on a sheet, brushing it with oil. To make such products not only tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful, experienced chefs recommend resorting to one trick. This requires whipping egg with a fork, and then dip a piece of gauze or bandage into it and thoroughly grease all the shins in the dough with it.

Finally, the filled sheet must be placed in the oven (preheated) and the legs cooked at a temperature of 200 degrees for an hour. During this time, the meat product will be completely cooked, and the puff pastry will be well browned, tasty and crispy.

Serve to the table

Now you know how to cook chicken drumsticks in the dough. Having made hearty and mouth-watering products, they should be carefully removed from the baking sheet and beautifully placed on a large plate. Serve such products to the table only in a hot state. For greater taste and aroma, you need to additionally present spicy garlic sauce or some kind of ketchup to them.

Summing up

As you can see, not only first or second courses, but also hot snacks can be made from chicken drumstick. It should also be noted that if you don’t want to buy dough in the store to prepare such a dinner, then you can easily knead it yourself.

The potato filling is soft and tender, with a pronounced mushroom flavor, the chicken legs are very juicy, and the dough is tender and crispy at the same time. No wonder millions of housewives fell in love with this dish. Well, if you still don’t know how to bake chicken legs in dough bags - step by step recipe with a photo will help you understand all the nuances of cooking.

Total prep time: 40 minutes / Yield: 4 servings


  • ready-made puff pastry - 500 g
  • chicken drumsticks - 4 pcs.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • champignons - 150 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 30 g
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.


    For cooking, you need puff pastry, both yeast-free and yeast, purchased or homemade, are suitable. While the dough is defrosting, I am preparing chicken legs and potato-mushroom filling. I wash the shins and wipe them dry, cut off large cartilages. I rub with salt and pepper, fry in hot vegetable oil until tender.

    I cut the mushrooms into large pieces, the onion into a small cube. I fry in the same oil where the chicken was cooked. First, I pass the onion, and then add the mushrooms and bring them to a golden brown.

    In parallel, I boil the potatoes in salted water, until fully cooked. Then I drain all the liquid and knead in a puree, adding butter. I combine fried mushrooms and mashed potatoes. Stir, adding salt and pepper to taste. The filling is ready.

    I roll out the dough to a thickness of about 3 mm and cut it into squares 15x15 cm (the number of squares should be equal to the number of drumsticks).

    I form small cakes from scraps of puff pastry and lay them in the center of the squares - due to this, the bottom of the bags will not soak from the filling and tear.

    I spread the potato-mushroom filling - about 2 tablespoons for each square.

    Place the chicken leg vertically on top.

    I lift the edges of the dough, collecting them around the lower leg in the form of a bag. To fix the shape, I wrap the top with a tape from the baking sleeve (or thread), not too tight.

    If there is dough left, then you can additionally decorate the bags with a thin edge, indenting the thread, or simply bend the top edges down a little. I wrap the protruding bone with foil so that it does not burn. I spread the blanks on a baking sheet lined with parchment, grease the bags with loose yolk and send them to a preheated oven.

    I bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown.

It remains to remove the foil and fixing tape (thread). You can additionally decorate with green onion feathers to make chicken legs in bags look more elegant. Serve immediately while hot. Bon appetit to you and your guests!

Having adopted a simple culinary idea - decorating chicken legs with puff pastry and sesame seeds, you can easily turn the usual baked chicken into original dish worthy of a festive table. Soaked in spices and the aroma of garlic, the meat under a thin doughy crust turns out juicy, rich and very appetizing!

Chicken legs are prepared in puff pastry in the oven in an elementary way, they look win-win and delight with excellent taste. If desired, instead of the drumsticks proposed in the recipe, you can also take chicken thighs - the cooking technology remains unchanged.


  • puff yeast-free dough - 500 g;
  • chicken legs - 8-10 pcs. small;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2-4 teeth;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sesame - 2-3 teaspoons;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Chicken legs in puff pastry in the oven recipe

  1. Chicken legs, washed and wiped with a napkin, rub with salt and garlic cloves squeezed through a press, sprinkle with aromatic spices. Sweet paprika, turmeric, oregano, etc. are great. The main thing is not to abuse additives, so as not to interrupt the natural taste of chicken meat, but only slightly emphasize it.
  2. We cut the cheese into thin slices of a suitable size and place it under the chicken skin (that is, the cheese slices should be “in the pocket” between the meat and the skin).
  3. Sprinkle the working surface with flour, and then lightly roll out the pre-thawed puff pastry in one direction. We cut the layer into strips about 1.5 cm wide.
  4. Grated with spices and stuffed with cheese, chicken legs are wrapped with ribbons of dough. Wrap loosely - leave free gaps between the strips so that the chicken bakes faster. If one strip of dough is not enough to wrap the shin, take the next strip and glue them together. We lay out the blanks on a baking sheet.
  5. Lightly shake the egg, combining the protein and yolk into a single composition. Lubricate the dough with the egg mixture, and then sprinkle with sesame seeds. In addition to white, you can take black seeds to make chicken legs look more interesting and festive.
  6. We send the baking sheet to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 40-60 minutes (until the chicken meat is ready and the dough is golden). Serve the chicken hot, adding vegetables or a more satisfying side dish.

Chicken legs in puff pastry in the oven are ready! Bon Appetit!

Marinate chicken thighs. To do this, pour the required amount into a sufficiently capacious cup. vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar, add a mixture of peppers and salt to taste. Mix well. Wash the drumsticks well and put in the marinade so that it covers the meat well. and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours. During this time, it is advisable to mix the contents of the cup a couple of times.

If you're planning ahead, it's best to marinate the chicken drumsticks the night before and send them to marinate in the refrigerator. The dish will taste much better.

Knead the dough. To do this, cut the cold butter into small pieces and put in a cup.

Sift flour to butter, pre-mixed with baking powder and salt. With clean hands, grind the butter with flour until crumbs form, resembling “wet sand”.

Sprinkle the resulting crumb on cutting board slide, making a small depression at the top, into which to pour cold water. Quickly knead with your hands into a smooth, non-sticky dough.

You may need more or less water, so add it in portions.

If your kitchen has a food processor with knives and a large bowl, then tetso can be cooked in 30 seconds! Put the butter, flour and baking powder into the bowl of the food processor, close tightly and beat for 15 seconds until crumbs. Add water in parts and punch again, but in a pulsed mode. The dough should be smooth but firm.

Wrap the prepared dough in cling film or a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. During this time, the dough will become more elastic.

While the dough is cooling, fry the pickled chicken drumsticks until cooked and golden brown, putting them together with the marinade in a pan. Cool the fried drumsticks.

in parallel with the preparation of the chicken, wash the quince, peel, cut into quarters, remove the core with seeds. Cut the peeled quince into small pieces.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, on which, over low heat, fry the pieces of quince until soft. After frying, it is better to simmer them over medium heat under a lid, so the quince will cook faster. Cool the fried pieces.

Remove the skin from the cooled chicken drumsticks and separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces.

Don't throw away the bones! After removing the cartilage, use to decorate the dish.

Remove the chilled dough from the refrigerator and divide into 3 equal parts, about 110 grams each. Roll each part of the dough with a rolling pin into a round layer with a diameter of about 15 centimeters.

Put a portion of chicken meat and fried quince in the middle of each dough cake.

Bending, connect the edges of the dough to the center, forming a small "pouch" with a small hole in the middle, into which to stick the chicken bone.

If you do not like this design, you can do without the bone.

Beat the yolk with milk for uniformity. It is good to grease the formed “bags” with the yolk mixture using a silicone brush, this will provide the dough with a beautiful crust.

Place bags of dough with filling and chicken and quince inside in a refractory form and send to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. As soon as the dough is nicely browned, the dish is ready.

Remove the chicken with quince in the dough from the oven, decorate the bone with a ribbon or paper papillot and serve.

Hello friends and website visitors

Our family is very fond of chicken meat, so every time I want to cook something tasty, surprise and please with a new dish and taste. I hope you have already tried cooking stuffed chicken drumsticks with mushrooms, if not, take a look.

Today you will learn from step by step photos graphs. This dish is incredibly delicious!

You can make your own yeast-free puff pastry or take it ready-made. I have it ready, frozen, so I just put it in the refrigerator in advance to defrost.

chicken drumsticks in puff pastry recipe

  • chicken drumsticks - 8 pcs. (you can take any quantity)
  • puff pastry - 500 gr.
  • one egg
  • seasoning for ham
  • salt pepper

The recipe is easy to make with step by step photos.

Rinse chicken thighs, dry well with paper towels. Rub the drumsticks with a mixture of salt, pepper and seasoning, which includes: coriander, paprika, turmeric, marjoram, thyme, ginger, leave for 30 minutes.

In a heated frying pan, with sunflower oil, fry the chicken legs until golden brown, almost until half done.

While we were working on chicken legs, the dough lay in the refrigerator, it is easier to work with it. We take the dough out of the refrigerator, sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough into a thin rectangular shape. Divide into four parts and cut each part into strips.

We take a chicken drumstick and begin, from the narrow part, to wrap a strip of dough with an overlap, completely covering the leg with dough. We cover the open part of the drumstick with foil so that the resulting juice does not flow out. Place on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil or on baking paper.

Chicken legs in puff pastry brushed with egg yolk and send it to a preheated oven to 200 C for 40 minutes. During this time, the meat will be perfectly baked, and the dough will be saturated with meat juice. After 20 minutes, look into the oven, if the dough starts to brown too much, cover chicken drumsticks in dough foil.

Appetizing chicken legs are ready, take them out of the oven and serve with your favorite sauce and fresh vegetable salad.