Why dream of barley in a dream book. Dreaming of barley Barley, why dream for a woman


A beautiful sailing yacht on the water surface is a symbol of joy. You will have a fun and carefree vacation away from home. A yacht on the shore - to minor failures.

If in a dream you saw a yacht, then in reality you will finally be able to free yourself from tiresome affairs.

Big dream interpreter based on Miller's dream book:

If in a dream you saw a yacht, then in reality you will finally be able to get rid of the hustle and bustle.

To see a yacht with lowered sails or a yacht that has run aground is a sign of great bad luck.

Barley (grain, bread)

Freud's modern family dream book:

To sow or reap barley - to joy, hope for good prospects in everything; for an unmarried man - for the wedding; for a married man - to the appearance of children. Trade in barley grain - to success in trade; hold in your hands, pour grain - for profit. To see barley bread is to receive high patronage. Eat it - to the satisfaction of life and good health.

Barley (on the eye)

Freud's modern family dream book:

Dreamed barley before your eyes portends profit, wealth; for young people - a wedding. Barley on someone's eye - to illness or trouble for you.

Barley on the eye

What do dreams mean? - Juno's new dream book:

In your dream, barley is a good dream, it marks entrepreneurs - profit, young people - a wedding. If other people have barley, then the dream portends trouble.

Here you will find the interpretation of the dream in which you see and dream: yacht, barley (grain, bread), barley (on the eye), barley on the eye. You will find out what it means if you dream of a yacht, barley (grain, bread), barley ( on the eye), barley on the eye in a dream.

The newest dream book Barley

Barley: sleep warning: you can have such an ailment, prevent it!

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Barley

Barley: business success, wealth

thresh: to a good life / spoil life

reap, sow: joy

on the eye: wealth.

Dream Interpretation Frosty Barley

Sow or reap barley: to joy, hope for good prospects in everything

for an unmarried man: for the wedding

for married: to the birth of children.

Trade barley grain: to success in trading

hold in hands, pour grain: to profit.

See barley bread: get high protection.

There is it: to life satisfaction and good health.

Dreamed barley in your eye: portends profit, wealth

for young people: wedding.

Barley on someone's eye: to illness or trouble in you.

Ukrainian dream book Barley

How to dream of barley: there will be good luck in the economy.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki Barley

Barley: fertility.

Esoteric dream book Barley

See a field of barley: to prosperity and a large friendly family.

Gather: to a single life, rich in love meetings.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse Barley

Barley: success in trading.

Dream Interpretation of Druids Barley

If you dreamed of a barley field in a dream:
this means that soon you will have to spend quite a long time in the company of colleagues or business partners whose short-sightedness and arrogance will cause you resentment. Be patient, and success in business will not be long in coming.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of barley?

Barley - Good luck in the economy, wealth; thresh - to a good life // spoil life; reap, sow - joy; on the eye - wealth.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is Barley dreaming?

How to dream of barley - there will be good luck in the household.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about the Grain

Holding barley in your hands is joy and profit. There is barley bread - satisfaction and health.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Barley - successful in trade.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

To see the field Ya - to prosperity and a large friendly family. Collect - to a single life, rich in love meetings.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Barley - success in trade.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Barley (on the eye) - Wealth.

Dream interpretation for the whole family E. Danilova

Why is Barley dreaming, how to understand?

Symbolizes success.

Dream Interpretation of Calvin Hall

If you see Barley, what is it for?

Barley - for the unmarried - a modest wedding, for the married - numerous offspring.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Barley on the eye - profit.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why is Barley dreaming?

On the eye - wealth.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Barley - To see barley on the eye - to profit, barley in the field to surprise.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Sleep - To calluses on the legs.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Barley (on the eye) - To jealousy shown in public.

Barley (in the field) - To search for a reason for a scandal.

Barley (on the eye) - To wealth.

What is the dream of Barley for a woman and a man

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men differ in specificity and active dynamics of the development of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and for a man, so Barley in a dream for both sexes has the same meaning.

The dream that occurred on the 29th, as a rule, does not have a veiled meaning. The most favorable on this day are black and white dreams. Hearing a voice on the 29th is a sign that the dream is prophetic. All positive indications in dreams on the 29th of this number sound exactly and clearly, without distortion or innuendo.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream
  • why is the image dreaming

The dream where you see barley refers to condition and abundance. Alternatively, barley shows easy gains that will be made regularly. Usually dreams with barley show that your anticipations will happen auspiciously.

If you dream that barley is in your hand, it refers to money. If you see barley in a bag, it means that you will have things that you will promote by getting help or acting with a person. To dream of a lot of barley indicates that you will find more support than you expect. To grow or harvest barley in your dream represents your anticipations will happen favorably. You will earn your living with your ambition and effort.

To dream that you see a plant full of barley symbolizes the benefits coming after a long wait. To see that barley is planted means you are relying on the income of another person. Seeing a barley farm in a dream refers to a fertile year and attained good fortune. If you dream that you are selling barley, it indicates that you will join some new community or new company. Thanks to this community, your jobs will increase.

If you see barley being sold in your dream, it means that you will have a lucrative job offer from a good company and you should accept it. Dreaming about buying barley shows that during bad days, you will use your daily bread that you have stored for a long time. You will not have a period of hunger thanks to your precautions that you have taken in advance. To dream of eating barley symbolizes semi-finished products.

To see people eating barley means that there are people sharing your profits. Seeing animals or birds eating barley means that you will go over the limit on your spending for joy.

Dreaming of Barley

How to find out why the dream is Dreaming of Barley? The meaning of sleep Dreaming Barley will tell you about the secret dream in detail. The interpretation of dreams can always be found in our

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

What does Barley dream about in a dream book:

Barley - I dreamed of growing barley in the field - this portends you a good combination of circumstances in love affairs.

Birds pecking barley - promise successful results of your work in the near future.

Why dream of seeing barley cakes - this portends good luck in the creative process. Buy them - you will receive a valuable gift.

To see that they cooked barley porridge in milk - then you will improve your health in a sanatorium.

There is porridge in a dream - you will meet friends from your school or student years.

See also: why dream of bread, why dream of grain, why dream of flour.

Big dream book

Why Barley is dreaming - dream analysis:

Barley - To see that they were holding barley in their hands, then joy and profit await you ahead.

If you ate barley bread in a dream, then you will get satisfaction from something and strengthen your health.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is Barley dreaming, what does it mean:

Barley - To sow or reap barley - to joy, hope for good prospects in everything; for an unmarried man - for the wedding; for a married man - to the appearance of children. Trade in barley grain - to success in trade; hold in your hands, pour grain - for profit. See barley bread - get high patronage. Eat it - to the satisfaction of life and good health. Dreamed barley before your eyes portends profit, wealth; for young people - a wedding. Barley on someone's eye - to illness or trouble for you.

Worldly dream book

See Barley in a dream:

Barley - Barley (plant) dreamed, then in reality prosperity and a large friendly family await you, in which everyone will sincerely love each other. Seeing barley may mean that your life will be long and happy.

If you dreamed of barley growing in the field, then in reality you are guaranteed success in trade, as well as good luck in economic affairs, for peasants - a good harvest.

Seeing barley, barley grain is good. Also, barley in a dream can mean that in reality you will meet only good people in your life.

If you dreamed of barley grain, then you will be able to avoid base passions, and, in addition, you will have a strong family, you will never be touched by doubts about the fidelity of your other half. Throughout your long life together, you will be engaged in a joint business, your interests will always be common, the same, you will be able to avoid disputes and disagreements.

Also in your family there will always be prosperity, peace, stability and many children. Unity will always reign in your family and love will not leave you until old age. Dreamed of barley on the eye, then such a dream portends you prosperity, lack of need, wealth. Success in financial affairs and the strength of family relationships.

Seeing barley in the eye of another person portends trouble for you. I dreamed of barley on my eye, then in reality a wedding awaits you soon (for young people).

Seeing barley on the eye may portend that in reality you will publicly show your jealousy. However, your experiences are groundless, they told your other half, this whole situation is nothing more than gossip and slander.

If you are trying to cure barley on the eye in a dream, then in reality you are attracting trouble.

To see that you see barley on both your eyes, then this is a big profit. Its size will be so large that happiness can literally blind you, but try not to let your emotions get out of control, as you can attract the envy of others.

Also, a dream in which you see barley before your eyes indicates that there will always be mutual understanding and love in your family, and that all members of your family will be in excellent health.