Aries girl and Libra man life path. Aries and Libra Compatibility: A Harmonious Union of Two Opposites

As a rule, Libra and Aries from the first minutes of their acquaintance fall under the spell of each other.

In the creation of this pair, planets are involved, symbolizing the male and feminine essence- Mars and Venus. As long as the partners remain sexually interested in each other, no worldly storms can break the couple.

Libra-Aries Compatibility: How to Seduce an Aries Man?

It just so happens that Aries will certainly reach for the femininity of Libra. And here it is better to keep silent about your business acumen, career success and independence, which society requires from any woman. Be the heroine of the novel - passionate, tender, soft. You are the embodiment of beauty and harmony. Aries cannot be "bribed" with material or social benefits from the union. His reactions to the Libra woman are the reactions of a healthy man, a male, to an attractive woman, a woman of women. Be sure to consider this not only in behavior, but also in appearance. A cold business style or super-complex design delights will scare Aries away. Clothing, hairstyle, makeup should be emphasized feminine. What should not be allowed in any case - mockery of the masculinity of Aries, lies and discussions of Aries behind his back. He does not tolerate deceit. But he will definitely appreciate sincerity, especially sincere admiration for his virtues.

What does an ideal couple look like: Libra woman - Aries man?

The ideal couple of Libra and Aries is a couple in which a man and a woman remain sexually interested in each other until old age. No matter how many years they have been together, the Aries man remains a brave knight, and the Libra woman remains his beautiful lady. Aries will always admire the beauty of a woman, she will never have to worry that she has become uninteresting and unwanted, that she is not noticed or neglected. In an ideal couple, the relationship of the sexes is present every minute, and only family relationships follow, relationships built on habit, respect or common interests. At the first stage of the relationship, this couple does not need anyone nearby, they have enough of each other's company. shows that after a while both grow wiser and understand that the freshness of feelings must be maintained. Therefore, a mature Libra-Aries ideal couple is people who travel a lot, willingly resting in companies. In these relationships, a woman gets the opportunity to transfer responsibility and the right to make mistakes to a partner, and she herself provides a cozy and reliable rear.

What are the difficulties in the union of the Libra woman and the Aries man?

If problems in the intimate life of this couple are very rare, then in social sphere they have reasons for dissatisfaction with each other. The Libra woman carefully chooses her social circle for herself. She is exquisite and has good taste. Therefore, she will be happy to attend social events. And in a friendly company, she follows the rules of good taste. And Aries is a sincere, direct and absolutely not secular man. He will never understand what all the conventions are for, and often does not suspect their existence at all. This does not prevent him from being a wonderful person, but sophisticated Libra has to blush for a partner who behaves directly like a child in any situation. And Aries can be offended that his woman pays attention to someone other than him, and be jealous of her, while her sweet behavior is just a tribute to a good upbringing. Jealousy is one of the main properties of the patron planet of Aries - Mars. Trying to wean her man from being jealous, a woman will also weaken other Mars traits of his character - courage, the ability to protect her woman, sexual strength. Therefore, it is better not to undertake such a thankless task. In addition, we must remember that the planet Saturn is responsible for any laws and rules. It is thanks to the strong Saturn that the Libra woman knows how to behave correctly in the hierarchy of society - she intuitively feels its unwritten laws. But Aries has problems with Saturn, he perceives it distortedly. If you force him to obey the rules, he will eventually turn into a martinet. Not too good prospects either. In a word, it is impossible to solve the social problem of Libra and Aries by changing Aries. The woman will have to compromise. For example, she may satisfy her need for good company by socializing in a sorority. And there will be no partner with his inappropriate behavior, and there will be no reason for his jealousy.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aries man at work

If Libra and Aries are united by business relations, then it should be remembered that these are opposite signs. They will either compete with each other or complement each other. Working with Aries, the Libra woman will need not only competence in business matters, but also the entire arsenal of female tricks. After all, the self-centered Aries will see himself as the center of what is happening and will pay little attention to others. Libra will have to learn to get around sharp corners, often with the help of charm and the female ability not to inflate the conflict. Fortunately, Aries is not a schemer. His actions are direct and open.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aries man - colleagues or partners

At the very beginning of joint work, you can share responsibilities, and then these signs will perfectly complement each other. For Aries, the main thing is action, and immediate. For Libra, the main thing is to find the relationship of new events in the system of circumstances that have already developed before, to put everything in its place. If Libra thinks and sets direction, and Aries does, then such a business alliance will be very successful.

When the Libra woman is the boss and the Aries man is the subordinate

Difficult position. Libra will consider Aries to be narrow-minded and slow down his career, unless it is a job where purely masculine qualities are required, for example, security, and Aries will never, in the depths of his soul, reconcile that he is controlled by a woman and will not recognize her as a “real boss”.

When the Libra woman is the subordinate and the Aries man is the boss

He raged, stamped his feet, cooled down. Appreciated Libra's cute smile. The conflict has run its course. Often, Libra women look at Aries bosses as big children.

Libra Woman and Aries Man Friendship Compatibility

When they say that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, they most likely mean the Libra-Aries couple. Between these signs there will always be an attraction to each other. Aries is not well suited for the role of "girlfriend", and Libra will never act like "their boyfriend." Almost always, relationships develop into a romance, and if the romance was originally, then after parting, they do not remain friends, but diverge in different directions. The exception is friendship between relatives. The Aries man will admire his Libra sister and take care of her in every possible way, and Libra can count on the protection of Aries at any time. What to do if your man has an Aries friend and you are forced to be friends with him? You will have to hide your Libra nature. Forget about the fact that you have to be nice and charming, be sincere and straightforward. Otherwise, a love triangle cannot be avoided.

Libra and Aries have very little in common, but these people can get along well and be useful to each other. Aries is used to dominating, and Libra agrees to make concessions, but only if they are not oppressed. Despite the softness of character, representatives of the Libra sign are not weak-willed, as it may seem to an Aries, and go forward only of their own free will, because in relationships they value peace and mutual respect. The union of these signs of the zodiac in the pair where the ram is a man will be more successful.

ARIES man and Libra woman

Aries man and Libra woman are interesting and pleasant to each other. Their union is a classic relationship between a determined man and a fragile representative of the weaker sex. Each of this couple next to the other can remain themselves and only benefit from this. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac get along well at work, in an informal setting, and also create strong and friendly families.

♈ + ♎: In love

THE PERFECT COUPLE- If an Aries guy is interested in a Libra girl, this is not surprising. She is feminine, balanced and very elegant, and these qualities will charm the Aries. The representative of the fire sign of the zodiac is very picky in choosing the chosen one, so he will make every effort not to miss his chance. In a very short time, the girl will reciprocate, but the scales often fluctuate when making decisions, so the determination of the Aries will come to the rescue. The girl will be delighted with the seriousness of his intentions, she wants to be behind her beloved like behind a stone wall, and she will appreciate the strength of the guy’s character.

This union has a very favorable prognosis, since there is no clash of interests between Libra and Aries. Lovers do not control each other and do not torment with jealousy - from the very beginning, their relationship develops very trusting. Such couples break up extremely rarely, and only as a result of unforeseen circumstances and unexpected twists in fate. Most often, an Aries guy and a Libra girl decide to start a family, which they later do not regret.

♈ + ♎: Married

THE PERFECT COUPLE- Most likely, Aries and Libra, even before the wedding, managed to understand how well they suit each other for a life together. The number of disagreements in this family is minimized, there will be no major quarrels and manifestations of aggression towards each other between the spouses. The Aries man is rather quick-tempered, but his Libra wife knows how to behave tactfully and delicately in any situation, and this has a very calming effect on her husband.

Aries perfectly copes with the duties of a spouse: he provides for his family, solves problems alone, takes care of his wife and children. The Libra woman appreciates such an attitude towards herself, therefore she is always attentive to the mood of her husband and takes into account his interests.

The spouses are very satisfied with their intimate life. Despite the fact that they have completely different temperaments, over time, each of them partially adopts best qualities another. The Libra woman becomes more relaxed and passionate, and the Aries man becomes more delicate and sensual. Harmony in the bed of this couple lasts long years, the husband and wife have almost no chance to cool off towards each other.

♈ + ♎: In friendship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- Aries guy and Libra girl get along well, but their relationship can not always be called. Most often, these people just look at each other, because they feel mutual sympathy, but they are not yet ready for a love relationship. If so, then they have the best ahead of them.

The relationship between Libra and Aries implies mutual assistance and care for each other. In such a relationship, the girl acquires a reliable patron, and she herself becomes a confidant for the guy. Over the years, this bond has only become stronger.

Libra man and ARIES woman

An Aries woman in a relationship with a Libra man will strive for leadership. Since the representative of the stronger sex does not like to make serious decisions and cannot always withstand various life difficulties, this option should suit him. If it happens that Aries begins to command and ceases to reckon with the scales, the latter will either end this relationship or close in on itself, but leave everything as it is for the sake of some benefit.

♎ + ♈: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- When an Aries girl falls in love, her feelings are pure and sincere, so for the sake of her beloved she will go to great lengths. If the heart of a guy born under the sign of Libra is busy at the time of their acquaintance, this will not stop her. A reciprocal interest will follow from the side of the young man, but this does not mean at all that we are talking about love.

Aries is one of the most noble signs of the zodiac, so material interest and any calculation in a relationship is considered a great meanness. It’s very good if the Libra guy really loves her, and not just enjoys the fruits of the girl’s success, otherwise he risks causing her serious psychological trauma.

Most often, the girl's inner circle is not happy with her choice, because it is she who, for the most part, invests in relationships and is a more open person. The problem is that even if the Libra guy is really with her for the sake of profit, the Aries in love is very difficult to convince. It is not possible to unequivocally judge this connection, and only time will tell what will come of it.

♎ + ♈: Married

UNWANTED UNION- In marriage, an Aries woman and a Libra man will not have an easy relationship. The wife will voluntarily take on the entire burden of common problems and care for the material well-being of the family, which will indescribably please her husband. After a while, it will begin to seem to the wife that her husband is with her only for the sake of profit, she will begin to make claims to him. Even if the feelings of the Libra man were initially sincere, it would be too late to change something in the relationship, because he got a taste and the role of the follower suits him very much. The Aries woman until the last will refuse to believe that she herself created the current situation.

The accumulated fatigue and inaction of the husband will irritate the already quick-tempered Aries woman, she will begin to behave aggressively and torment her husband with tantrums. Libra’s husband is unlikely to consider it necessary to take on some of the common concerns, most likely, he will find a thousand excuses and calm his wife for a while.

Most likely, after some time this marriage will still fall apart. As a rule, after a divorce, the Libra man will marry again in the near future, and the Aries woman will not be able to trust the representatives of the stronger sex for a long time.

♎ + ♈: In friendship

UNWANTED UNION- Representatives of the signs of Aries and Libra will never become friends - there is nothing in common between them, and each of them has their own concept of friendship. Libra guy prefers communication with less emotional people than Aries, and the girl will not like the secretive nature of the young man. is not possible here. Friendship is the maximum that such a couple can count on, and then only if they are united by kinship or common work.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

The compatibility of an Aries girl and a Libra guy is on pretty high level. They form a good, complementary pair. Sometimes it even seems to them that each of them has found a second part of himself. And, since the topic is interesting, it is worth talking about how their relationship develops.

Characteristics of Aries

Before starting a conversation about the prospects of a couple, it is worth briefly telling about the personal characteristics of each of them. The best traits of an Aries girl include:

  • Positive outlook.
  • Foresight.
  • Youth of the spirit.
  • Curiosity and interest.
  • Passion and enthusiasm.
  • Adventurism.
  • straightness.
  • Ambition.
  • Independence.
  • Courage and boldness.
  • Leadership propensity.
  • Courage and self-sufficiency.

Of the negative features can be identified:

  • Irritability and anger, manifested by mistreatment.
  • Explosive temperament.
  • Inability to lose.
  • A recurrent tendency to do first and think later.
  • Recklessness.
  • Demanding.
  • Authority and craving to control everything.

Characteristics of Libra

Guys who are representatives of the only inanimate sign can boast the following positive traits character:

  • Tolerance, loyalty and good nature.
  • Vigilance.
  • Craving for self-improvement.
  • Justice.
  • Boundless kindness (sometimes to the detriment of oneself).
  • Heightened sense of beauty, craving for aesthetics.
  • Friendliness, social demand.
  • Purposefulness and independence.
  • Leadership, motivation.
  • Dynamism, spontaneity.
  • Resourcefulness, ingenuity.
  • Charisma.

And Libras are incredible enthusiasts, easy-going. But they also have features that not everyone will like. Namely:

  • Selfishness and vanity.
  • Making high demands on other people.
  • Unwillingness to recognize the harsh realities, a tendency to build "castles in the air." Passes with youth.
  • Tendency to think too much.
  • Depression.
  • Cunning and insight.
  • Flirting love. It is combined with a categorical rejection of the same quality from a partner.
  • The strongest dependence on emotions.
  • Failure to refuse. Learns to say "no" with age.

And Libra also has one feature - they can “burn out” sharply. They close their eyes for a long time and often, but at one moment the cup of patience overflows.

How can Aries get Libra's attention?

Interest Ask. As mentioned earlier, with a representative of the air sign, the compatibility of the Aries girl is great with the Libra guy. And the girl herself understands this from the first meeting. She feels attracted to him.

And he really sees in her an incredibly attractive, sexy person with irrepressible energy. However, this is not enough. The Libra guy has a very refined taste. To enhance his sympathy, you must always look great, dress beautifully, smell delicious, and do stylish makeup.

He will be very pleased to be next to such a woman. In return, he will shower her with compliments and give her attention.

How can Libra get the attention of an Aries?

First of all, this guy must understand: the girl for whom he has a passion is a self-sufficient person. You may have to be patient - for some time signs of attention will remain unanswered. And, since Libras hate to wait, it will be difficult for them.

The situation will be facilitated by the realization of the fact that the Aries girl, despite her character, is romantic in nature. A carefully thought out, beautiful candy-bouquet period will melt her heart.

You will have to look after in a gentlemanly way, with dignity. You need to let her know: the Libra guy will never become henpecked. But a support for his chosen one - quite.

During the period of winning the attention of Aries, in no case should you show attention to other girls. He immediately loses her trust. On the contrary, you need to demonstrate your loyalty and devotion. For an Aries girl, this is a kind of strength indicator.

The beginning of a relationship

Now you can talk about the compatibility of an Aries girl and a Libra guy. Feelings arise at first sight. Aries notices how handsome and aesthetic this guy is. And he instantly feels her courage, courage, fighting spirit and determination - something that causes him deep respect.

Having started a relationship, everyone realizes that the partner complements him favorably. The Aries girl learns from her chosen one, Libra, tolerance and poise. She begins to act more progressively in everything, tries to weigh each step and think over the words.

And the Libra guy receives an unprecedented boost of energy from his Aries girl. She is so active and energetic! A real joy for Libra, who always needs a muse.

Such a person is quite capable of making a guy more persistent. Moreover, the Aries girl will never scold him for slowness or suspiciousness. She will teach him to be more effective and courageous. Libra, open to new experience, will allow you to do this. This will be a real pleasure for Aries, who loves to feel their importance and authority.

Development of events

Over time, the compatibility of the Libra man and the Aries woman becomes better. They are very good together, and therefore in a relationship they seem to be getting younger, becoming healthier, first emotionally, and then physically.

Sexual interest also flares up more strongly with age. And this fact stimulates both to look younger, more attractive and more cheerful.

In an ideal pair, the Aries girl charges her partner with energy, a thirst for activity and optimism. And she is happy that there is someone nearby who can withstand her frantic temperament, and even sometimes agrees to concessions.

This girl does not become the head of the family, as you might think, knowing the features of Aries. She simply helps the Libra man to more fully reveal the features that he already has. And he is already the leader of the family.


You can not ignore this topic, talking about the compatibility in love of Aries and Libra. Since they go to the registry office, only fully convinced of the strength of mutual feelings and mutual devotion.

It is right. But in the future they build a strong family. And the officially concluded union becomes for them an additional incentive to develop their personalities.

It is also important to note that the compatibility of Libra and Aries in marriage in a positive way sex affects. In intimacy, they are excellent. Tenderness, passion, pressure, seduction, emotions, brightness - everything is present in bed. Due to the fact that the temperaments of these two differ, but complement each other, they manage to maintain sexual interest for a long time.

And, I must say, the compatibility of Libra and Aries in love relationships only intensifies from the feelings and sensations they experience in bed. And this is really important.


They also need to be talked about when discussing the compatibility of an Aries girl and a Libra guy. Every couple has issues and this one is no exception.

In the zodiac circle, representatives of these signs are opposite. They are attracted, but there are many differences in characters and temperaments. Their karmic task is as follows: to improve the qualities of a partner, but not to change him. He must remain as he is. Just become a better version of yourself.

And problems begin when everyone begins to impose their opinion or view of the world on each other. If this happens, then a real war will unleash. After all, they both become tough, uncompromising, closed and aggressive in such situations. Aries have it in character, while Libra has it hidden deep in their souls.

Since the compatibility of the Aries girl and the Libra guy is high, it will be quite easy for them to solve the notorious problem even before it occurs. You just need a little work on yourself.

Advice to an Aries girl: you don’t have to constantly insist that your lover shares her interests and hobbies. It is also not recommended to "cut" him - to offer to find a better job, to think about the future. And do not demand an unambiguous opinion about any case or person! And then accused of hypocrisy for a versatile answer. This is not duplicity, as Aries believes, but tact.

Advice to the Libra guy: do not get annoyed because of the excessive activity of your beloved. Perhaps it is not she who is sometimes too active, but he is slow. And in no case should you do everything even more measuredly. An attempt to prove to Aries that the world will not collapse, if not in a hurry, will not lead to anything good.


Much has been said above about the compatibility of Aries and Libra in a love relationship. Discussing how a partnership can develop between them is also worth it.

They usually make excellent friends. Energy attraction becomes the basis of their partnership. Aries and Libra are always comfortable - just a few minutes of communication is enough for both to noticeably increase energy and vitality.

Why are they so attracted? Libra because Aries makes their existence brighter, gives vitality. And the fiery sign, in turn, is comfortable next to such a kind, understanding person.

Although sometimes the Libra guy can manipulate his Aries girlfriend. But only for the good, which is the preservation of friendship. In no case will he harm a loved one.

And although the compatibility of Aries-women and Libra-men in love is great, their “second halves” should not be afraid of betrayal. These are not such people. Aries is a sincere person, and Libra appreciates a serious relationship, and will never leave a partner. Only if he does not bring them to the last point.


The compatibility of Aries and Libra in a business relationship is not bad. Together they will achieve dizzying results if a man sets goals, and a woman becomes responsible for inspiration.

But it doesn't always work out that way. Not every Aries woman will give a discount to the character of the Libra man. It requires him to express a specific, unambiguous opinion on certain issues. And for Libra, this is nonsense. After all, they really have several opinions at once, which are equally true from different points of view.

Really? the situation becomes better when the Aries woman is the boss, and the Libra man is her subordinate. If the opposite is true, there are also prospects. Only the girl will have to delve into what such an airy, indefinite boss wants from her for a long time. After all, Libra, even in work, are accustomed to innuendo and hints. And Aries are always waiting for clear and direct instructions.

The main thing is that they are not partners or colleagues. They have different methods work. Libra likes to work in pairs, and Aries likes to work alone. He will have to get used to her pressure, and she - to his inherent slowness.

Aries Girl and Libra Guy: Compatibility in Love, Friendship, Work, Characteristics of Signs, Astrologer's Tips - All the Secrets of Astrology on our website website

Aries man - Libra woman

Usually, it is not difficult for a Libra girl to convince an Aries to open her heart to her. He is plasticine in her sweet hands, but Aries, you know, are not like that in anyone's hands. They are made of iron and steel (metals are also associated with the Sun sign). But next to the Libra woman, he will melt like a snowman in July. He cannot resist her charms also because she praises his amazing qualities, which, as he thinks, others always ignore. He cannot resist her irresistible sex appeal, her feminine charm, (this is at the beginning, there are no surprises yet). In addition, she is perhaps beautiful, like most Libra women, her smile is charming, and every Aries man loves when he has such a girlfriend or wife that others envy him. He needs to be proud of the woman he loves, show her off and brag about her. He wants her to always be better and more beautiful than other women, so that it is clear: he received the first prize at the celebration of love (you remember, Aries sucked in this desire to win with mother's milk). Since she is perhaps taller than many other women, brighter, more attractive, has a beautiful figure and so on, this woman will meet all the requirements of Mars, and the beginning of their love will not be overshadowed by anything.

But later, the Libra woman, who loves Aries, can often lose her balance, because she is on the verge of neurosis every time she is forced to act instantly, and she is not yet quite sure what she wants. Because of this, unstable periods will arise in their relationship. This man demands that everything be done now, immediately, yesterday, even if he just decided what he needs. "Do you want me to do it today, dear, or can I do it tomorrow?" - whether it would involve taking his favorite sweater to the dry cleaner, or printing out a copy of the address book so that he would have an extra copy if he lost it. (He keeps losing things.) "Today," he would tell her. (If he needed it tomorrow, he would have asked for it tomorrow.)

Such inconsistent and impatient Martian thinking can confuse her delicate soul with Venus. She may ask, "Would it make more sense to plan ahead or try to do something tomorrow?" - in order to hear him scream in response: “Don't argue with me! Just do as I say, please." If he has a softer Moon sign or Ascendant, he will add “please”, if not, he will simply give his orders, without thinking at all that he is acting selfishly. I know one Libra woman who gave her Aries husband a handmade gift for her birthday. It was a picture of velvet and satin in Mars fiery red with the words embroidered on it: "Lord, give me the gift of patience, but quickly." The husband was delighted. This is one of the good old typical Aries. He can laugh at himself and rarely gets angry if his mistakes are pointed out gently, without a harsh critical attitude. But you have to point them out all the time. After Aries admits how selfish he is, feels guilty, ashamed, apologizes and promises not to do it again, he immediately does it again, and again, and again. It's easy for the typical Mars-ruled man to apologize. This is one of his most endearing traits. Aries will quickly accept a mistake and realize their guilt, but will not give up a bad habit. Still, it's a wonderful quality to be able to admit your mistakes and try to correct them. He's trying. Not always successful, but, God knows, he tries.

She also apologizes easily. Like Aries, Libra tends to admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. In fact, she may be too ready to admit mistakes, that is, to decide that what she did or decided was wrong. She worries if she hurts his feelings by doing or saying something wrong, and tries to gracefully atone for her guilt. She will have to do this often, because he is hypersensitive. He wants everyone to love him: family, friends, strangers and, of course, the woman he possesses (that's how he thinks of her - as a special delightful, precious, long-awaited gift that he found crafted on Christmas morning) . Aries men can be exclusively focused on themselves, without even realizing it. She will gradually understand this, but before that, her more subtle feelings of Venus will be seriously hurt more than once. She will try with all the power of Libra's logic and persuasion to make him understand that every person in the world cannot love him. But it is her Aries who will pass by her ears.

He wonders why he is not admired by his enemies, never realizing what he did or said that made them so angry. They could understand that he was right and did not want to harm anyone. He only defended himself. Why can't they see that he regrets his hasty words and has already forgotten his anger? Aries believes that people forget bad things as quickly as he does. It always hurts him deeply when someone pouts or grumbles at something he has long forgotten about. His enemies today are his bosom friends tomorrow. He can run home, furious, in the hope that his Libra girlfriend will share his anger. If she tries to look at what happened soberly and wants to know the enemy’s point of view, and then tries to point out to her husband or beloved Aries where he might have been wrong, he will attack her, sometimes violently and even with tears, and accuse her of treachery . She doesn't love him! If she loved, she would be on his side, and would not protect his enemies! He is not interested in her justice, typical of Libra. The only correct point of view is his... and if she really considered him, she would see it. While Aries is angry, he cannot judge anything objectively. The next day, he will probably be a real lamb, admit his vehemence and try to smooth over his stupidity. Now she could say that he was wrong, because he already realized it himself. But not before. By nature, a woman ruled by Venus is more than others able to balance the delicate situations that her lover-Aries creates with her unbridled character. She is gentle, feminine, logical, smart. But she was born under male signs one day she can resist when she feels that he is completely unfair. However, this is unlikely to change him, he will either leave, slamming the door, or will frown angrily in the corner, convinced that she hates him. It is better for a Libra woman not to show him an iron fist in a velvet glove. Aries will soon feel that they are being controlled. For a while, however, he allows this to be done, but as soon as he finds that they are trying to squeeze him into some kind of behavior model, he either rests his horns against the wall, or gets angry, and sometimes both. No one should tell him what to do, he is his own boss! Even when he seriously intends to do something, he is more likely to abandon his plans if he thinks that she really wants it. And all because he hates to do what the other offers, especially if the wish is expressed openly.

The fact that the Libra woman loves to argue, discuss any decision or situation, will not stop the typical Aries man. He sees in this opposition, a challenge. He would die of boredom with a woman who would never defend himself against him. His Martian nature is turned on by the promise of battle, whether they're talking about what movie to watch, what car to buy, or discussing global issues. He needs to win all these disputes. He won't back down one iota until he's convinced he hasn't won (or until his smart Libra girlfriend lets him believe it). Then he is proud, satisfied and happy. And she expects love, passion and tenderness, which any woman only dreams of.

Sex in the representation of this man is closely related to his ability to be always right and present himself as a winner in front of the woman he loves. He must be respected, loved, agreed with him and admired, and then he will properly show the full power of Mars as a beloved. If he feels rejected, he will turn to ice, and this is already more serious than the fire of Aries. Their sexual relationship, as a rule, is unusually strong and holistic. Her femininity and his masculinity are perfectly combined until the Libra woman does not allow the male half of her - the Solar sign to interfere in their intimate life(for example, to show that her abilities are no worse than his). He must lead in their proximity, as, indeed, in everything else. If she allows it, he will be the most sensual, romantic, sentimental, loving and passionate lover she can imagine. But he can turn into a demanding tyrant if she destroys his super-necessary self-confidence.

This is unlikely to happen unless her Moon or Ascendant is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Cancer or Capricorn. Although their natures are polar opposites, the characters of the man ruled by Mars and the woman ruled by Venus are combined in the most exquisite way. In addition, Mars and Venus themselves passionately loved each other (even when she was married to Jupiter). Read Greek mythology. This will help you better understand the Sun signs.

Considering that Aries loves to gallop on rocky slopes, and the child of Venus lives in an unreliable world of swaying bowls of golden scales, where the slightest breath of the wind can deprive her of inner harmony and outer calmness, these two can combine their very different natures with amazing success. . The Libra woman, with the help of this man, will find intoxicating freedom and active mental activity, and Aries will enjoy walking through the cool forests of Libra, among swaying bells and fluttering butterflies.

The Libra woman is very feminine. Few men can match this powerful combination of masculine determination and delightful sophistication. But the Aries man always accepts any challenge and wins, and her challenges promise the winner a precious reward. All men are boys at heart, but Aries especially. Outwardly, there is nothing childish about it. He is robust and strong - the type of male, and only the aura of impossible dreams and pensive longing evokes a feeling of youth ... If a Libra woman uses her Venusian charm and patience to direct his flaming aspirations and amazing energy to one worthwhile goal, he can become great a fighter for the victory of good (both of them have a strong sense of mercy and hate any injustice).

The main reason for the difficulties in their relationship will be that they are both Cardinal signs of leadership - both Aries and Libra. Such a combination will never be an alliance if there is a constant battle for supremacy between them. They will have to learn to walk side by side, on an equal footing, and not as superior and inferior. This is the only way for them to find their way to each other's hearts.

And Libra women, a few words should be said about the characters of these people. This topic is really interesting and helps to understand a lot in terms of building relationships.

About Aries men

Energy and self-confidence are two qualities that ideally characterize a representative of this zodiac sign. The soul of the company, an excellent interlocutor and listener, a storehouse of witty ideas and interesting stories This is the Aries man. Plus, he is a romantic and idealist. And these, I must say, are not the only features that are inherent in the representatives of this zodiac sign. Their mass. And sometimes, it seems that completely incompatible qualities are collected in his character. It is due to this that the Aries man becomes so interesting and attractive.

In love, these people, who sometimes seem hot-tempered and aggressive, are real romantics. Aries men love strongly, sublimely and honestly. The girl, to whom the representative of this zodiac sign will show his feelings, will be the happiest in the world. He is ready to give all of himself to her entirely along with what he has. And his beloved, the main thing is to respond correctly to all this. Aries should be praised - it is vital for him. It is also important for him to feel needed and loved. If the chosen one understands this and will give him what is needed, then the union will turn out to be wonderful.

Libra girl and features of her character

To understand what the compatibility of the Aries man and the Libra woman is, you should study the nature of both. Libra girls are sweet, gentle, affectionate. Just like Aries, they give themselves entirely to the person they love with all their hearts. This girl falls in love with someone who was able to show that she means a lot to him. She has no special preferences - the main thing is that the man be honest, faithful and support her in everything. It is important for Libra to feel next to that person who will share joy and sorrow with them. They need inspiration, and often their beloved becomes a muse.

Feelings at a glance

Talking about the compatibility of the Aries man and the Libra woman, it should be noted that often their love flares up at first sight. They really are able to charm each other. A sweet and positive Libra girl and a sociable attractive Aries man fascinate each other from the first minutes. This union consists of representatives of two opposite signs of the zodiac. But despite the fact that a guy and a girl have a lot of differences, they often make good, strong, beautiful couples. They are not hindered by fundamental contradictions that are visible to the naked eye, different interests and different preferences. Perhaps because these two know how to find a compromise. True, not immediately - first they need to get used to each other and to the characteristics of the partner's character.

Love and battle

But, despite the rather strong feelings, the compatibility of the Aries man and the Libra woman cannot be called ideal. Their relationship, especially at the beginning of their development, is love, forever replaced by struggle, and vice versa. This pair has everything: ambition, passion, competition, the desire for leadership. To outsiders watching this union, it seems that these two are about to disperse. Everything looks too unstable from the outside. However, do not forget that stormy relationships, in which seething passions almost do not subside, often turn out to be much more durable than peaceful and calm ones. After all, as they say, there are devils in still waters. And here all the demons, figuratively speaking, are always in sight. In fact, both of them need these emotions - both the self-confident Aries and the controversial Libra girl cannot live without them.

The perfect couple

What will be the union of “man-Aries and woman-Libra”? Their compatibility is not the best, but we can say that this is a typical married couple. In it, responsibilities are divided clearly and evenly. Aries will diligently earn money and provide their soulmate with everything necessary. It is important for him to feel like the head of the family. These people are used to considering themselves leaders, and the feeling that there is someone weak and gentle next to them only strengthens this feeling. The Libra girl, understanding this, will take on the duties of a housewife with ease and pleasure. Of course, this is not entirely for her, since she is used to working and earning her living on her own. However, if she is provided with everything she needs, she will not want to work. And she does an excellent job of creating coziness and comfort in the house. She will gladly arrange a family nest in such a way that you would like to return there again and again.

Joint pastime

In youth, the Aries man and the Libra woman, whose compatibility is not bad, practically do not break away from each other. They want to spend as much time as possible together, communicate, walk. But over the years, their attitude to this has changed. They have been around for quite some time, and now I want to take a break from my partner. This does not mean that they are tired of each other. I just want to refresh the relationship, miss the chosen one. And therefore, more and more often they can be found in different companies. By the way, it should be noted that both Aries and Libra are people who love to travel. And if others are surprised that they can go on a trip separately, then for them it is absolutely normal. These are wise people, and they realize that the novelty of feelings simply needs to be maintained.

The nuances of living together

How do they behave in family life Aries man and Libra woman? Marriage compatibility is also an important topic that needs to be discussed. Or rather, talk about what these two will have to face during their common life. So, as already mentioned, they have completely different views on behavior in society and established norms. A girl born under the sign of Libra has very good manners and refined taste. She likes secular entertainment, she knows how to correctly present herself to them. The Aries guy is more simple in this regard. He is open, direct and does not think about social norms of behavior. Because of this, his chosen one often blushes if her lover has allowed himself something that she considers absolutely abnormal.

And in this pair there is a place of jealousy. The sweet Libra girl constantly attracts attention - everyone wants to talk to her, because she is not only pretty, but also an interesting person. Because of this, the Aries man will tirelessly be jealous of her for everyone. At times, serious quarrels arise on this basis. Aries can throw a scandal, understanding everything wrong, and the girl, of course, will be offended by this temper and rude treatment. In order to prevent this from happening, the guy needs to learn how to manage his emotions and, as they say, keep his head in the cold.

How to achieve harmony?

As already mentioned, there are some not entirely pleasant nuances that an Aries man and a Libra woman may encounter. Compatibility in love and marriage can be successful, but it all depends on them. To learn how to live together, they need to cope with negative qualities. Aries must moderate their ardor and stop acting too aggressively and assertively. In any case, these features must be hidden when communicating with your beloved. The Libra girl, accustomed to smoothing everything and bringing harmony everywhere, must understand that her chosen one is who she is. And if it so happened that a fleetingly harsh or rude word slipped through, try to forgive him. This is not from evil, it is worth remembering this. This will make it easier for both love compatibility Libra women and Aries men will not be in doubt. The main thing is not to remake each other. Nobody likes it, and besides, nothing good will come of it.

Friendship and partnership

In general, a good union can come from such personalities as an Aries man and a Libra woman. Compatibility in love of these two can be very good, but what about their friendly union? Well, in this regard, everything is not so positive. Libra and Aries just can't be friends, especially if it's a guy and a girl. And here it’s not about enmity, as it might seem at first, but about strong physical attraction - the love compatibility of the signs of the zodiac prevails. Aries man, Libra woman almost always turn friendships into love story. And if two people of these signs, who already have second halves, began to communicate, then their chosen ones should be wary.

And finally, a few words about the compatibility of the zodiac signs Aries (male) and Libra (female) in the business field. They can make an excellent business alliance. A man will generate ideas and act, and a girl will think them over and set the right direction. This couple, working in such a tandem, can achieve a lot.


So, the union of Aries and Libra can be called harmonious, since they both have a set of those qualities that the partner lacks so much. These signs will always complement each other. Libra balances Aries with their calmness and desire for harmony. Aries, in turn, inspire Libra with self-confidence and minimize their frequent fluctuations and doubts.