More than three thousand applicants applied to the Ryazan Medical University. Passing scores of medical universities of the Russian State Medical University named after Pavlova passing score

  • More than three thousand applicants submitted documents to Ryazan State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova. The executive secretary of the selection committee, Svetlana Kamaeva, told the RIA 7 Novosti correspondent about this.

    “As of yesterday, 3.5 thousand applicants applied to our university,” she said. – This is approximately 700 applications more than last year. We see the active position of applicants, even despite the fact that the Unified State Examination results became finally known only recently. However, there is already a surge in filings.

    According to Svetlana Anatolyevna, twice as many applications are submitted on a budget basis as on an off-budget basis.

    “The fact is that the budget submission deadline ends earlier,” she noted. – Nowadays, children who have a good Unified State Examination score first participate in a budget competition. And then they can participate in the competition for extra-budgetary places.

    The executive secretary also noted that a common question asked by applicants and their parents is what the passing score will be and whether it is worth applying for a particular specialty.

    “The passing score is the score of the last enrolled applicant by order,” Kamaeva answered. – And, naturally, we can only talk about a passing grade after receiving documents and originals. You can announce the minimum score with which students can apply. Since October 1, this information has been available on all university websites, including ours.

    To the question about which area of ​​training is more popular among applicants, Svetlana Anatolyevna answered this way:

    – Most applicants apply to the Faculty of Medicine, mainly because it has a large number of budget places. The pediatric faculty is quite close. The highest competition is at the Faculty of Dentistry due to the fact that there are fewer budget places there.

    Applicants can apply on a general basis, that is, these are the main competitive places, but within the admission target numbers, places for targeted admission are also allocated. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has established a target benefit for our university, and this target benefit within the framework of budget places is distributed across different regions, including the Ryazan region. They have their own competition. We have a fairly large target enrollment for the medical faculty. Target students who have accepted a referral to our university come to us and actively submit documents.

    “I would like to emphasize that now many applicants submit copies of documents,” Kamaeva emphasized. – Everyone has the opportunity to apply to five universities for three specialties. Naturally, many submit copies to all universities, but keep the original in their hands. For applicants who have taken such a wait-and-see attitude, it is very important to remember the deadline for completing the submission of the original to the university. At our university, this is August 1 or 6 (budgetary basis), depending on which wave of admission the applicant participates in, and August 9 (non-budgetary basis).

    The university has launched an electronic document submission service for first-year students to move into university dormitories.
    30.07.2018 Ryaz State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlov July 29 in the admissions office, as well as on the official website of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin, an order will be published on the enrollment from September 1 of persons with special rights and persons entering places within the target admission quota.
    07.27.2018 Ryazan News On Sunday, July 29, on the official website of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin, an order will be published on the enrollment from September 1 of persons with special rights and persons applying for places within the target admission quota.
    07.27.2018 RIA 7 Novosti
  • A notable feature of this rating is the significant density of results and the high average Unified State Examination score with which students were admitted to medical universities. Suffice it to say that more than 35 universities have a Unified State Exam score above 70, which makes it possible to assume at least a serious competitive selection and the popularity of these educational institutions among applicants.

    As for the rating itself, it is headed by the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after 82.5 with an average Unified State Examination score of 82.5. N.N. Burdenko. Not far behind her was the St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova (81.6) and Kuban State Medical University (81.4), which took second and third place, respectively. The top ten are also represented by 5 more regional and 2 capital universities.

    No. The name of the university Average Unified State Examination score Min Unified State Exam score % of the total number of applicants admitted to the budget for the Unified State Examination competition
    1 Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. N.N. Burdenko 82,5 75,5 48,2
    2 St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova 81,6 69,8 56,6
    3 Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar 81,4 74,7 43,6
    4 Stavropol State Medical Academy 80,9 75,1 42,3
    5 Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov 79,8 64,2 76,8
    6 Dagestan State Medical Academy, Makhachkala 79,7 72,4 67,1
    7 Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa 78,8 71,6 34,8
    8 Moscow State Medical and Dental University 78,7 65,8 65,2
    9 Ryazan State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova 78,3 73,3 40,6
    10 Smolensk State Medical Academy 78,2 71,8 52
    11 Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy 78,2 76,9 39,7
    12 Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky 77,7 72,2 44,6
    13 Volgograd State Medical University 76,9 72,8 68,9
    14 Kazan State Medical University 76,8 67,3 45,3
    15 Tver State Medical Academy 76,7 72,4 47,1
    16 Samara State Medical University 76,4 64,3 50,8
    17 Ural State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg 75 72,1 72,1
    18 Astrakhan State Medical Academy 74,9 67,6 63,2
    19 Yaroslavl State Medical Academy 74,8 69,5 45,8
    20 Saratov State Medical University 74,7 69,1 54,1
    21 Ivanovo State Medical Academy 74,6 72,6 57,4
    22 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy 74,5 59,5 76,6
    23 Izhevsk State Medical Academy 74,4 70,4 58,3
    24 St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy 74,4 67,3 90,2
    25 Altai State Medical University, Barnaul 74,3 70,7 41
    26 Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy 74,3 69,4 75,2
    27 Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don 74,1 69,9 55,7
    28 Novosibirsk State Medical University 74 68,6 56,7
    29 Orenburg State Medical Academy 73,7 66,4 62,1
    30 Kirov State Medical Academy 73,6 69,4 48,6
    31 Omsk State Medical Academy 73,4 71,7 45,1
    32 Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk 73,1 65,9 63,1
    33 Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin 72,4 72,5 20,8
    34 Tyumen State Medical Academy 70,4 70,7 26,6
    35 Chita State Medical Academy 70 71,1 45
    36 Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy 70 59 80
    37 Irkutsk State Medical University 69,8 64,8 50,9
    38 Kursk State Medical University 69,7 60,5 54,2
    39 Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Institute 69,4 64,3 70,7
    40 St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after. I.I. Mechnikov 69,3 58,8 50,9
    41 Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk 69,1 62,8 68,3
    42 Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk 68,9 64,3 48,4
    43 Russian State Medical University, Moscow 68,3 50,4 72,1
    44 Kemerovo State Medical Academy 67,7 50,9 82,7
    45 Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy 66,9 40,3 85,2
    46 Perm State Medical Academy 66,2 55,9 68,2
    47 Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveshchensk 61,5 51,7 87
    48 Vladivostok State Medical University 60,5 52,3 78,7
    49 St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine 60,3 45 89,8
    50 Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Troitsk 51,7 34,1 88,3

    Summer is an important, defining time for many young people who decide to enroll in educational institutions in various fields, including medical ones. There are plenty of educational institutions for future doctors - you can master a specialty in your city or take a risk and go to a prestigious institution located in a large populated area.

    The applicant has a high choice, but each institution has different admission rules and passing scores. The number of points scored ultimately determines the fate of the applicant, giving him the right to study at a university or depriving him of it.

    How can the passing score for medical university be calculated? Presumably, 100 applications were submitted to the conditional medical university, but there are only 25 places in the specialty. The sum of Unified State Examination points and the average certificate will be strictly individual for each applicant. Thus, those with the highest scores will be among the twenty-five enrolled.

    Passing score for budget in medical

    To figure out what the approximate passing score for medical school could be on a budget, you need to make a simple calculation. For example, out of 25 applicants, only five apply for budget places. All applicants are ranked according to the number of points scored. For example, the highest score is 300, the second is 290, and the fifth is 190. Thus, the applicant who takes fifth place in the ranking is the last to qualify for a budget place, and the sum of his points becomes a passing indicator for the university. There is also a separate calculation of the passing score for budget places for the target group of beneficiaries. A separate competition is possible for this category.

    Passing marks 2017 medical

    A passing grade at a medical university in 2017 is the minimum indicator that is required of an applicant in order to get a place. This score is formed during the entrance campaign and becomes known after the results have already been received. An applicant who receives a high passing grade can apply for a more prestigious specialty at a medical university if he beats his competitors in the ranking.

    The strongest medical universities set their own rules. For example, at Sechenov Medical University the passing scores are slightly above average. This is done in order to increase the level of applicants and not waste time processing applications from people who do not meet the reputation of the institution. If you were unable to get into a prestigious university, you should not despair; you can apply to an institution of a simpler level. There is another option: you can continue to prepare for another year and try to enroll again.

    Of course, for a medical university, the results of the Unified State Exam in a specialized subject are of great importance. Depending on the educational institution, this subject may be Physics, Chemistry or Biology. Results in a core subject are very important for admission, and you need to prepare especially carefully for passing this test. The highest coefficient is assigned to the specialized subject.

    Passing scores for medical 2017 are formed according to the following criteria:

    • how many people decided to come to the institution for this specialty;
    • what is the total score on the Unified State Examination for the subjects included in the examination program;
    • what is the number of applicants who brought original documents;
    • what is the number of beneficiaries who submitted applications?

    Passing scores for the budget in medical universities in 2017 can now only be determined on the day of enrollment. This indicator means the total number of points earned, which is located at the lower limit of the list of those enrolled in this direction. A separate competition is always held for a special target group, and individual beneficiaries are enrolled outside of it.

    In 2017, admissions committees at medical universities are recommended to set the passing scores for medical school in a core subject at the level of 45-50. Thus, the selection committee will not count the results of the Unified State Exam if they do not meet these requirements.

    Medical passing score 2016

    In 2016, some educational institutions established the following passing scores for medical institutes:

    • Sechenov passing scores - from 220 to 270;
    • medical academy passing score - from 230 to 260;
    • medical Moscow passing score - from 220 to 270;
    • Ryazan medical passing score - 185 to 230.

    From the results of the last year it is clear that in the prestigious educational institution named after Sechenov the passing total score is above average. At the Ryazan Medical Center this figure is below average. But you should still focus on average indicators.

    When applying to a medical university, it is not recommended to completely rely on last year’s passing scores. Information about previous entry campaigns is useful as a guide, but conditions are constantly changing. For example, the number of applicants or the number of places paid from the budget. First of all, you need to hope for a high-quality passing of the Unified State Exam and prepare in advance, much earlier than a month. Preparation should be carried out in every lesson, and preferably in additional courses.

    State Medical University named after. Pavlova in Ryazan is one of the worthy universities in Russia that trains personnel for the healthcare sector. The educational institution produces specialists not only for our country. The university’s active international activities allow it to accept foreign citizens for study. After graduating from Ryazan State Medical University, many of them leave for their native countries. With diplomas from the Ryazan Medical University they work in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

    Background of the university and the moment of its foundation

    State Medical University named after. Pavlova in Ryazan was founded during the Great Patriotic War, but in fact the history of the educational institution began earlier. The foundation for the creation of a modern university was laid in the 30s of the last century, when 2 medical educational organizations were opened in the capital on the basis of city and regional hospitals.

    A few years after the opening, the universities were transformed into the 3rd Moscow and 4th Moscow Medical Institutes. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, educational institutions had to be evacuated to different cities. The return of educational organizations to the capital took place in 1943. In Moscow, they began to conduct general educational activities, since the merger of these universities was carried out.

    Transfer of educational institution to Ryazan

    In Moscow, the future Ryazan State Medical University operated until the end of the 40s. In 1950 he was transferred to Ryazan. This happened because the residents of Ryazan turned to higher authorities with a request to open a university in the city specializing in training personnel for the healthcare sector.

    The educational institution in Ryazan was named after the Russian scientist I. P. Pavlov. The building that previously housed a school and hospital was taken over as the main building. The necessary furniture and teaching aids were brought here from the capital. Classes began on September 1, 1950. There were more than 1 thousand students. Among them were not only first-year students recruited in Ryazan, but also people who had studied in Moscow before transferring to a university.

    Development of the Institute and modern times

    After its founding, the Ryazan Medical Institute embarked on a path of rapid development. Since the 60s, new divisions began to appear in the structure of the university. As the educational institution grew, the number of teaching areas increased: a morphological building with a lecture hall, study rooms and a museum was opened, and a biological building appeared.

    In 1993, the most important event occurred in the history of the institute. The educational institution's status has changed. Now it could declare itself as the Ryazan Medical University. The university currently operates under this name. Today it is a large specialized educational, scientific and medical institution with several thousand students. The university conducts effective activities, which is confirmed by its high positions in the rankings:

    • according to 2010 data, Ryazan State Medical University ranked 17th in the all-Russian list and 9th in the list of medical universities according to the average Unified State Examination score of admitted applicants;
    • in 2016, Medical University named after. Pavlova in Ryazan took 79th place in the list

    Educational activities of the educational institution

    Ryazan State Medical University trains personnel at several levels of education. The Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education offers its services to applicants planning to become mid-level specialists. It provides training in 2 specialties:

    • “General Medicine” with the qualification of a paramedic.
    • “Nursing” with the qualification of a nurse or nurse.

    Additional specialties of secondary vocational education not related to medicine are offered at the Efremov branch of Ryazan State Medical University. It annually recruits students for “Accounting and Economics” (by industry) and “Technical operation and maintenance of electromechanical and electrical equipment.”

    In addition to secondary vocational training, the Ryazan Medical University provides a level of higher education at bachelor's and specialty degrees. The bachelor's degree is represented by one direction - "Nursing". In the specialty, higher education can be obtained in “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Psychology”.

    Scientific and medical activities

    The Medical University in Ryazan conducts active scientific activities, thereby exerting a positive influence on the development of medicine and improving the technologies used. For example, in 2016, the university received several patents for inventions and utility models, and organized 6 conferences with international participation and 11 all-Russian conferences.

    Students happily participate in the scientific activities of Ryazan State Medical University. In 2016, they made more than 500 reports at conferences and published over 100 publications at the international, national, regional and university levels. The work carried out allowed students to show their knowledge, satisfy their interests, and learn a lot of new and useful things for their studies and future work.

    Ryazan Medical University is also engaged in medical activities. It is carried out at the clinical departments of the university, which are located on the bases of medical organizations in the city and region. Employees of the departments annually consult more than 40 thousand patients, perform approximately 30 thousand operations, and develop the latest methods for diagnosing and treating various diseases.

    What they say about RyazSMU

    Reviews about Ryazan Medical University are mostly positive. When evaluating a university, the first thing that is mentioned is the team of teachers. Among the employees there are a lot of candidates and doctors of science. This suggests that real professionals work with students.

    The reviews also always describe the educational process in a positive light. Studying is difficult, but interesting, because every year the university uses more and more innovative methods - distance learning programs are being introduced, Internet testing is being implemented.

    Ryaz State Medical University named after. Pavlova is a leader in the field of education in the city of Ryazan. This is a university with a good reputation and comfortable conditions for studying. Not only city residents, but also non-resident citizens study at this university. Even people from other countries come here to get quality education.