Calibration time for cold and hot water meters

Checking meters is an important and necessary procedure that every owner of a private house or city apartment must perform. It is necessary to check water meters in order to determine the probable error that this device can make during the period of water use, as well as to decide on its suitability for further use.

Features of the procedure

According to the current Decree of the Russian Federation GK No. 354 of May 6, 2011 “On Periodic Checking of Instruments Measuring the Quantity of Water Consumption”, it is said that each consumer of water from a centralized source must check water meters.

Only those meters that have successfully passed the test and comply with the conditions and requirements in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation are allowed to be put into operation. Information about the conditions and requirements, types of meters approved by law, periods, inspection periods, and other information is indicated on the documentation that comes with the purchase of the measuring device.

If a meter that measures hot or cold water consumption is skipped, there is a possibility that utilities will charge for this resource based on the general tariff. That is why it is necessary to observe the check interval for each owner of a private house or apartment, to which centralized sources of hot and cold water are connected.

Conditions for the supply of hot and cold water to owners of apartments and private residential buildings

The intercheck interval of water meters is determined in accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Based on similar documents, the conditions for the supply of liquid are also determined. A certain period for checking cold and hot water meters establishes a fee for consumed resources. So, on the basis of hot and cold water meters, it is determined based on the average monthly volume of consumption, for a period of more than 1 year. If it was less than 1 year, then the calculation is made for at least 3 months.

However, it is very important for apartment owners to comply with the deadlines, the deadlines for their expiration affect the determination of the amount of water charges. Starting from the date when the period expired, it is made according to the average readings that were obtained during the interval of normal operation of the device. But such a calculation scheme can be applied for a period that does not exceed three settlement periods.

If the inter-check interval is missed, and the time for checking the meter has expired, the regulatory authorities, when calculating the amount of payment for the service, are guided by this very principle. However, if the period has expired during which the average meter readings could be used to calculate hot and cold water payments, the amount of the fee is determined on the basis of consumption standards.

Therefore, the question of how often water meters are checked is very relevant, because those owners who have not passed the check of the meters after the prescribed interval will be charged according to the general tariff scale based on the number of registered people.

One of the most weighty arguments that confirms that it is necessary to observe the deadline for checking water meters is that DEZ or HOA can carry out settlement activities, the so-called retroactively. The limitation period for such cases is 3 years, it is after waiting for this time that companies can recalculate. Therefore, persons who do not take into account the periods for checking water meters can learn a kind of notice of debt for three years.

If the period for checking water meters is missed, then general accrual mechanisms are applied to calculate the payment for the meter with an overdue check interval.

When to check water meters

A fairly large number of people are concerned about the question of how long the water meters are checked. The answer to the question of what is the frequency of checking water meters is extremely simple and accessible to each consumer.

The date of verification of water meters is indicated in the product passport. However, when answering the question, what is the calibration interval of water meters, it is worth noting that there are certain nuances in this matter. So, the first interval for checking water meters begins to be counted from the date the product was checked at the factory or from the date of its manufacture. Many mistakenly begin to calculate the calibration period of water meters from the moment they are put into operation.

What documents define the terms for checking water meters

The frequency of checking water meters is determined by the Interstate Council for Standardization and Certification. This body determines after what time. So the explanation says:

  • Primary dates for verification of water meters - the period of verification, which, as a rule, is carried out upon the release of the device or after its repair. Also, such a period for checking a cold water meter can be determined when it is imported from abroad.
  • Inter-verification frequency of verification of water meters - a check that is performed at a certain interval when the meter was in operation or in storage. Such checks are made after certain periods of several years.

The terms for checking hot and cold water meters are determined according to the procedure for checking measuring instruments. According to this procedure, the verification of water meters, the verification period, as well as the inter-check interval includes even the time when the meter was not in operation.

Verification of water meters, the timing for those devices that are in operation is determined on the basis of the data of the previous check, from which the inter-check interval is counted. Such diagnostics of the device should be carried out every few years. Therefore, knowing how often you need to check water meters, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the device upon purchase. Perhaps he lay for several years, in connection with which the time has come to do the check.

Checking water meters after how many years replacement is needed

Many people wonder how often it is necessary to check water meters, because the procedure is quite complicated and burdensome. In addition, not everyone knows the date of the last check and how many years you need to wait before a new one.

However, the timing of the verification of water meters is not the most important formality that you will encounter during this procedure. After the check interval has expired for several years, the device must:

  • Dismantle.
  • Take him to the metrological center, where he may not be allowed to work.
  • Install.

A fairly large number of people, not knowing the frequency of checking hot and cold water meters, prefer to replace them. This is due to the fact that you do not need to know the date of the last diagnosis and keep track of how much has become until the moment when the intertest interval expires. In addition, there is no need to find out after what time the water meters are checked and pay for the check in case of a device malfunction. You can also put in a new device of any kind, which has a long service life and a large intertest interval.

However, supporters of inspections focus on the fact that it is quite easy to find out the timing for calibrating water meters (the timing is indicated in the device’s passport), in addition, it is not necessary to carry out diagnostics very often and there is an opportunity to save significant funds on installing a new unit. In addition, if the hot water meter verification period is observed, but the device is faulty, it is possible to repair it, which will also save money.

After how many years do the verification of water meters

The frequency of verification of hot and cold water meters is most often determined after testing devices of this type by Rosstandart specialists. For those who are wondering how to check the cold water meter after how many years to produce, experts note that the period is 6 years.

And when answering the question of how often it is necessary to check water meters with a high temperature, they emphasize that the period for diagnostics is 4 years. No manufacturer can increase this interval, since these standards are prescribed in the technical documentation.

A water meter helps save a lot of money on utility bills. However, all owners of such devices should remember that such products need to be checked after a certain period. The answer to the question of how to find out the date of verification of a water meter is extremely simple. To do this, you just need to study the passport of your device. Different periods are provided for each type of product, however, they cannot exceed 4 years for hot and 6 years for cold water.