Water meter readings

Each month there is a certain period for paying bills for electricity, heating, gas, water and more. The payment procedure is not always simple and understandable to everyone, difficulties may arise in the process if you do not know the algorithm of actions. How is the transmission of water meter readings carried out? There are certain rules for taking and transmitting testimony, following which you can quickly pay all bills. This article will discuss how to properly take and transmit water meter readings.

There are a few simple rules for taking readings. In all apartments, meters according to the standard are painted in the same colors - these are blue (cold water supply) and red (hot water supply). To make sure that the meters are recognized correctly, you need to make sure that the color of the equipment matches the water temperature.

There are also cases when the counters do not differ from each other, but there is a way out of this situation. To check the appliances - turn on cold or hot water and watch which counter the indicators change. Next, you need to understand how many digits to transmit in the readings of water meters.

After checking, you need to understand what kind of numbers are indicated on the device and what they are for. Regardless of the manufacturer, there are red and black numbers on the dial. Black numbers are first, red are last. In our country, the calculation of the consumption of both cold and hot water is carried out in cubic volumes. Accordingly, the first five numbers on the dial are the volume of cubic meters.

What should be included in the statement

To figure out where to submit water meter readings, you need to record the meter readings for both cold and hot water supply, after which, from these readings, you need to subtract the numbers for the past month. The amount received must be indicated in the statement. This is how the readings of hot and cold water meters are received.

Where to send testimonials

To transfer the readings of meters for water, it is not necessary to walk far and stand in lines. Now everything is much easier. There are generally accepted methods of payment through terminals or through a utility payment center. You can submit water meter data by phone, via SMS or the Internet. Now there is also a remote transmission of water meter readings.

The most convenient and common ways to transfer evidence:

  • Voice service for receiving meter readings;
  • Transfer of readings via SMS;
  • Mail;
  • Official site;
  • Transfer of evidence through a personal account.

Other ways to transfer indicators and pay bills:

  • Payment at service offices;
  • Payment through terminals or, offices of Sberbank;
  • Frisbee terminals and other electronic payment systems.

Deadlines for submitting water meter readings

The last weeks of the month (the 20th day) are considered to be the single settlement period all over the world. The payment period comes regularly. The deadlines for transferring water meter readings are strictly allotted days for paying utility bills. The transfer of water meter readings is made until the 18th, and paid until the 26th. In case of non-payment of bills, water supply service may be suspended. It is very important to observe the dates for the transmission of water meter readings.

All readings are presented in rounded form, the last digits are rounded to integers. This is how the sum of the readings and the reserve amount is taken if the next payment cannot be made on time. At the moment, if you do not have time to submit information on water meters and pay receipts, nothing bad will happen and the apartment will not be removed from public utilities. The database will include accruals and the amount of water consumed. The accumulated amount in the process must be paid. The recommended payment term is 1-2 weeks after the delay in payment.

For the uninterrupted operation of the water supply system, it is necessary to monitor the period of transmission of water meter readings and never forget to pay bills. Ways of transferring evidence are sufficient. There are even some elementary payment methods. For example, transfer water meter readings via the Internet. This method is as simple and convenient as possible for quick payment. Pay all bills on time and live a calm and comfortable life.

Section: Water supply

Registration of services on the site

Dear users! Please note that in the absence or delay of the date of verification of the water meter, you need to provide certificates of verification of the meter to your managing organization.

If the package of documents has already been submitted to the managing organization, and the possibility of making testimony has not been renewed, we recommend that you contact the Public Services Center.

The service allows you to transfer water meter readings, find out the dates of meter verification and view the archive of transferred readings.

When you first access the electronic service, you need to submit the primary readings of water meters at the Public Services Center of your district.

It is recommended to transfer hot and cold water consumption readings from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the next month, otherwise they will be taken into account in the next billing period.

  • Who can apply for the service

  • Service cost and payment procedure

  • List of required information

    • Payer code (payer code can be found in the upper right corner on the receipt of the Unified Payment Document intended for payment of housing and communal services)
    • Apartment number
    • Water consumption readings (water consumption units in cubic meters (m3))

    The fields for entering meter readings have the following restrictions:

    • You cannot enter readings if you have a new meter installed. In this case, you need to contact the GKU IS of your area / the management organization serving your home to transfer documentation and make primary readings
    • It is not allowed to make readings if you have not made readings through the Portal in the last 3 months. To resume the possibility of transferring evidence, you must contact the GKU IS / MFC in your area
    • It is possible to skip the transmission of testimony, but not more than 2 months. Indications for the missed months will be taken into account in the next billing period
    • Indications made outside the recommended period (from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the next month inclusive) are not taken into account when calculating the accruals of the current period. In this case, the readings are taken into account in the next billing period.
    • It is impossible to enter readings less than the verification readings (you can see the verification readings under the sign "?" opposite the name of the meter)
    • You can not make readings less than the value of the previous reading
    • You can enter only numbers and a separator (dot or comma), up to seven integer characters and three decimal places
    • The input reading should not exceed the standard several times (the water consumption standard for 1 person is 11.68 m3 / month: 6.935 m3 / month - cold water, 4.745 m3 / month - hot water)
  • Terms of service provision

  • The result of the service

    Reception of water meter readings

Departure of the master within 60 minutes.

If you have installed water meters in your apartment, or have purchased an apartment in which water meters are already installed, you accordingly have a question how to correctly read the water meter in the apartment, if you have never done this, then you first need to determine where hot water meter, and where cold.

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How to take meter readings correctly.

1. First of all, you need to find out the location of the counters, which is especially important for the first month of living in a new apartment. Water meters are most often located on water pipes in the toilet room or in the kitchen under the sink - sink connection.
2. Moreover, two meters are always installed at once, separately for cold and hot water.
3. Recognizing which of them is intended for what is very simple: a meter with a blue color measures the consumed volumes of cold water, with a red one - hot.
4. To make sure that the counters are installed correctly, you need to open the cold water and make sure that the blue counter has started to work. The same procedure must be repeated with hot water, at which the red counter should start working.
5. The dial of any water meter consists of eight digits. Moreover, the first of them are painted in black, and the last three in red.

Learning how to correctly take water meter readings

According to the standard, the layout of water pipes in an apartment is done as follows: a cold water pipe goes from below, and hot water from above. Accordingly, water meters are located in the same way. As a last resort, to understand, open the cold water tap, and which one will work for cold, and, accordingly, the other for cold. There are 8 digits on the water meter, the last three are red and the black ones are 5 digits. Liters show red numbers, but they are not needed for reading, as cubes must be read.

The next five digits remain, and it is on them that you need to take readings. For example, you just installed them, and all the zeros on it, you need to order these readings for yourself. In a month, for example, the counter shows 00012594. It turns out that you have used up 12 cubic meters of 594 liters, then to submit a report, you can round up to 13 cubic meters, and you will pay for 13 cubic meters. From the readings of the next month, you must subtract the readings of the previous one and the difference will be your expense for the month. That's the whole procedure for correctly taking readings from the meter.

- You need to transfer the readings marked with the first five black digits, counting the water consumption, expressed in cubic meters.
- For example, if a new counter was installed with zeros on the dial, and by the end of the month the value 00021842 appeared on it, then it symbolizes the consumption of 21 cubic meters and 842 liters of water. For the controlling organization, these indications should be rounded, i.e. transfer a value equal to 22 cubic meters.
- If after a month the counter will show the number 00036194, also for example, then this value must be taken from the readings of the previous month. Those. actual consumption will be 24 cubic meters. And all these simple calculations must be done before each submission of information.

Our services

In our company, you can order the service of installing a water meter, our masters will perform all the work efficiently and quickly, in addition, they will explain in detail how to take the correct readings from it. All work is guaranteed. We work without holidays and weekends, so you can contact us at any time convenient for you.

In accordance with the new legislation, apartments in houses must be equipped with water meters. But even if you do not follow the instructions of the law, then the installation of water metering equipment is the best solution. It will allow you to rationally use water and save on it. The result will be noticeable on the payment document from the next month. For those who have not encountered such metering devices, you should know how to take readings from a water meter, what numbers to write when filling out documents. This information will be relevant for residents who are not doing this for the first time. An error in taking readings can lead to problems.

How to take water meter readings

In the apartments, two water meters are installed: for cold and hot. In order to easily distinguish the counters, they are painted in blue and red colors. Accordingly, the blue counter is for cold water, it is installed on the bottom of the pipe.

Red - for hot, this counter is most often placed on top.

If you are not sure if the appliances were installed correctly, then there is an easy way to check. It is necessary to open a tap with cold or hot water and see which of the meters has started working. After making sure that their work is correct and having determined where which meter is, you can begin to solve the question “how to take readings from water meters”.

Taking water meter readings: how to distinguish meters

Water meters contain a counting device with eight digits. The three left digits turn red and indicate the number of liters of water used. The remaining five digits are colored black. They indicate the amount of water used in cubes. When taking readings, it is necessary to look at the black numbers - the water consumption in cubes. In this case, red numbers should also be taken into account. Their accounting is necessary for rounding the result up or down.

How to read water meter readings - example

Let us explain what numbers need to be written off from the water meter using an example. Only installed counters will show 8 zeros, after a month the readings will increase and, for example, become 00012876. First you need to look at the first five black digits, in our example it is 00012 and then at the last 3 red digits - 876. These numbers mean that 12 cubic meters and 876 liters were consumed per month. Only cubes need to be delivered to the water utility, so our liters should be rounded up to cubes. In our case, rounding will occur in the big direction. That is, when transmitting testimony, the number 13 will be indicated.

After another month has elapsed, the water meter will already show 00026113. These figures indicate that 26 cubic meters and 113 liters were used, rounding down in this case. Therefore, the result will be 26 cubes. Next, you need to subtract from this figure the amount of water already paid for last month. That is, we subtract 13 from 26 and it turns out that 13 cubic meters of water were used this month. It is necessary to make such a calculation monthly. Having analyzed this example, you will be able to independently solve the question "how to correctly take the readings of the water meter in the apartment."

When to take water meter readings

How to write off the readings of water meters is understandable. Now you need to deal with the question - when to take readings of water meters. According to the rules, Vodokanal needs to transfer data from meters until the 27th of every month. If the readings were not presented, then the water bill is calculated as the average value of the water consumption for the previous months.

How to fill in water meter readings

It is important not only to take readings correctly, but also to fill them in correctly. The document should contain only current data. If data is submitted from a communal apartment, then only one account is indicated on the form. It will subsequently be divided by the number of people registered in the apartment.

How to write water meter readings? The form should be filled out correctly, clearly spell out the numbers and letters. If the document is filled out illegibly, or the entries go beyond the boundaries, then the completed form will be considered invalid. In this case, you will have to pay according to the average standards.

How to transfer water meter readings correctly

There are several ways to transmit water meter readings:

  • by phone,
  • bring the application form to the housing authority,
  • through the Internet.

How to transmit water meter readings by phone? To do this, call your housing authority. The telephone number of the authority is indicated on the receipt. When transferring testimony in this way, you should provide not only the data taken, but also your address and the name of the owner.

To transfer the readings taken in the second way, you must bring the completed form to the housing authority and put it in a specially designated box. It is very important that the form is filled out clearly and correctly.

What numbers to enter water meter readings via the Internet? When transmitting readings in this way, it is necessary to indicate the current readings of the meters. The difference is usually calculated automatically. If the numbers are too large, then cancel the action, check the correctness of the input and try again.

Plumbing check

Long before reading water meters in the new month, it is recommended that you carefully check your existing plumbing for water leaks. Timely detection of leaks will avoid unnecessary costs.

The easiest way to check is to watch the counter. If the water meter wheel is in place, then all equipment is working properly. If water is not used anywhere, and the water meter continues to work, then this may indicate a plumbing malfunction.

Have you checked all the equipment and found no faults, but the meter readings are still in doubt? In this case, there is an easy way to check the operation of the counter. For the experiment, you only need a 20-liter pan. Before starting the test, remember the meter reading, then fill the pan five times. So you spend exactly 100 liters of water. Now it remains only to take readings from the meter. If the difference is more or less than 100, then you should contact the appropriate authority to troubleshoot the device.

So that in the house there is always cold and hot water, and the bills do not shock you, you must remember to transfer the consumption readings to the appropriate authorities every month. You should also regularly check all plumbing and water meter for serviceability. As a reminder, it is recommended to have a calendar where you mark the day of the reading every month.

Water supply / Plumbing / How to read a water meter

How to take water meter readings

In order for only the liters of water you have used to be indicated in the invoices, it is necessary to take meter readings at the time and transfer them to utilities.

What numbers to look at the water meter

You need to transmit meter readings in cubic meters, so you don’t need to look at the last three digits (they indicate fractions).

In the case shown in the figure, you need to transfer readings - 1.

  • On some counters, the last three characters are highlighted in a different color and separated by a comma, this helps to understand that they represent thousandths of a cubic meter.
  • Numerous zeros before the value of the consumed cubic meters of water do not need to be written.
  • The figures must be transmitted in the form in which they are indicated on the meter, the readings of the previous month should not be subtracted and the amount of water used should not be counted.
  • It is necessary to transfer the readings of hot and cold water meters.

What other data may be required to transmit meter readings

In order to correctly remove and transmit the readings of the water meter, you need to know where it is installed, in the kitchen or in the bathroom. node, cold or hot water.

Some utilities require the last three digits of the meter's serial number to be shown on the meter's dial to transmit meter readings.