Why leaves fall for middle aged children. Summary of directly educational activities in the senior group on the topic: “Why do leaves fall in autumn? Causes of autumn colors

Administration of the Vereshchaginsky municipal district

Perm Territory

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 89", Vereshchagino

Topic: Why do leaves fall in autumn?

Educational area "Cognition"

OO integration: communication,

reading fiction, music.

Sitnikova Ekaterina Pavlovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 89"


preparatory group

G. Vereshchagino 2013

Explanatory note

Plan - summary of the GCD topic: "Why do the leaves fall in autumn"

preparatory group Educational area "Cognition"

Direction: Cognitive speech

OO integration: communication, reading fiction, music.

Types of children's activities:communicative, cognitive, musical and artistic, search and research activities


To expand children's knowledge about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature: why the leaves turn yellow and fall off and how they fall off. Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.



  • Investigate the natural phenomenon of leaf fall, leaf structure, empirically conclude that there is a green substance in the leaves
  • To consolidate knowledge about familiar trees, the shape of their leaves, the meaning of leaves for a tree.
  • During the experiment, show the children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.


Develop attention, coherent speech (dictionary: petiole, edge, chlorophyll, veins) mental operations (reason, prove, build sentences, establish cause-and-effect relationships)


Cultivate curiosity, the ability to interact with each other

Methods of pedagogical activity:verbal (conversation), problem situation, visual (presentation demonstration), practical

Receptions: questions, explanations, teacher's story, problem solving, motor actions

Used forms of organization of cognitive activity of children:

group, subgroup and individual

Equipment and material:

Multimedia equipment: laptop, projector, screen

Magnifiers, microscope, pieces of white cloth folded in half; wooden cubes.

The leaves are real large and small, different shapes

Preliminary work:

  • While walking, watch the leaves fall from the trees.
  • A collection of leaves of various shapes and colors.
  • Games "Run to the tree that I will name", "Whose branch are the children from."
  • Conversations about autumn;
  • Reading works of art: "Leaf fall"

I. Sokolov-Mikitov, "Autumn Forest" by A. Tvardovsky, poems about autumn

A.S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, A. I. Bunin;

  • Learning poems and sayings about autumn;
  • Singing songs about autumn and listening to music;
  • Examination of illustrations and photographs depicting autumn nature;
  • Drawing in the classroom for fine arts activities and independent artistic activities of various trees;
  • Working with plasticine and applying to the base (plasticineography);
  • Tree watching on a walk
  • Crafts from natural material;

Expected Result:

Children with interest participate in the experiment, observe, draw conclusions. They know how to argue, prove, build a proposal, establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Actively and kindly interact with adults and peers in solving gaming, cognitive, creative tasks.

The course of educational activities

Introductory part:

Children enter the hall to the music: (Classical music "Autumn")

caregiver : Guess the riddle.

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring down,

This is the time of year...(Children: it's called autumn)

Educator: What autumn months do you know?

Suggested responses from children (September, October, November)

What is autumn like? (early, late, golden)

What autumn is now? (late)

What month of autumn is coming?(Children: October)

Educator: October is the middle of autumn. In the old days, this month was called “leaf fall”, “dirty”, because wilted, yellowed leaves fall from the trees..

Email ringing (Skype)

Scientist: Hello guys! I am a scientist Ivan Vasilievich Professor of Biological Sciences

Do you know who scientists are? (Children: this is who explores, studies the object and makes a discovery).

I am studying the flora and fauna on earth, and so I decided to talk with children from kindergarten.

What is the name of your kindergarten and what group do you go to? (We go to kindergarten No. 89, to the preparatory group "Romashka")

Scientist: - Autumn is a beautiful season! And why? (Children:because the trees change their green outfits to colorful ones)

What signs of autumn do you know? (Children:Birds fly to warmer climes. It often rains, it's cloudy, it's cold. People wear warm clothes (boots, jackets, hats). Leaves are falling from the trees - leaf fall has begun. In autumn, gardens and orchards are harvested, the day has become shorter, and the night is longer)

Scientist: - And you guys know a lot of signs of autumn.

- And so I thought, why this beauty is not preserved? Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off? And how do they fall?

I assumed that the leaves do not tolerate cold and wind well, and therefore fall off

What do you guys think? Explain why you think so.

Educator: What needs to be done to answer the scientist's questions?

Children's answers experimentation and experimentation in the laboratory

And what we need for our research:

(Magnifying glass, microscope, leaves, napkin, cube) Attachment 1

Why do you guys think the tree needs leaves? (Children: The leaves not only decorate the tree, thanks to the leaves the tree breathes)

Problem question:

Are you curious to know how the sheet works? (Interesting)

Let's consider. And in order to better consider, we use a magnifying device - a magnifying glass and a microscope.

Experiment No. 1: Studying the structure of a leaf with a magnifying glass

Consider first the petiole - this is the part that connects the leaf to the branch.

Consider now the top surface of the sheet. You see the veins - thin tubes. Which go from the petiole all over the leaf, through these veins the leaves are fed with moisture.

The edge of the sheet is called"edge". Consider the edge of the sheet.

The top of the leaf is sharp or rounded. Look at it and say what it is like on your leaflet.

What conclusion can be drawn: The leaves have a petiole that connects the leaf to the branch and veins through which the leaves feed on moisture

Problem question:

Why do leaves change color and fall off in autumn?

Educator: Why do leaves turn yellow in autumn? The fact is that the leaves are green due to the green substance. Now we will conduct an experiment and see this substance.

1. Experience "Why is the leaf green?"

What do we need for this experiment? Application2

Take a piece of paper and put it inside a piece of white cloth folded in half. Now, with a wooden cube, tap the leaflet hard through the fabric. What did you find during the experiment? (Children: green spots appeared on the fabric).

This green substance from the leaf is called- chlorophyll , which turns it green.(For this experiment, it is better to take the succulent leaves of houseplants).

Conclusion: When autumn comes and it gets colder and less sunny, this green substance gradually decreases until it disappears altogether. Then the leaf changes its color becomes yellow.

2. Experience: Take a magnifying glass and look at the base of the petiole where it attaches to the branch.

In autumn, a cork layer appears at the base of the petiole, in the place where it attaches to the branch. He, like a partition, separates the petiole from the branch. A light breeze will blow and the leaves will fall.

Conclusion . In autumn, the leaves fall off easily because a cork layer appears at the base of the petiole, which separates the petiole from the branch.

Experiment "As the leaves fall"

On walks, you have noticed that the leaves fall from the trees in different ways. Let's do an experiment to find out which leaves are falling fast and which are slow, and which leaf is the most beautiful to spin.

To do this, take a sheet in your hand and stand up. Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. As the leaf flies, carefully follow its flight and remember: did it fall quickly or slowly, did it fly straight down or circled?

What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment?

Conclusion: Large leaves fall more slowly and almost do not spin. Small leaves fall faster and swirl more).

Educator: Let's summarize our research work

The professor assumed that the leaves fall because they do not tolerate cold and wind.

And I propose to report our assumptions to Professor(Communication via skype)

What are the parts of a sheet? (slide number 1) Application3

Why are the leaves green? (slide number 2)

Why do leaves change color and fall off? (slide number 3)

How do leaves fall? (slide №4, №5)

Professor: You guys are great, you have so much knowledge about the autumn phenomenon "Leaf fall". I liked your answers, for this I send you certificates by e-mail and assign you the title of junior researcher in the laboratory.

Reflection: Did you enjoy talking to me? What natural phenomena would you like to know about? (why it rains, snows, where does the rainbow come from). I leave you an e-mail address, please contact me at any time. See you soon!

Used Books

  • G.V. Rodionova "Summaries of the research cycle for children of senior preschool age" Perm 1997.
  • A. V. Kovinko "Secrets of nature - it's so interesting!" Liga-Press Moscow 2004
  • A. I. Ivanova "Ecological observation and experiments in kindergarten" Moscow 2005
  • A. I. Ivanova "Natural scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten" Moscow 2005
  • A. M. Fedotova "Ecological education of preschoolers" Perm 1992
  • S.N. Nikolaev "Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood" Moscow "Enlightenment" 2002.

    Arkadiev Pavel, Soldatova Natalia

    This material is interesting because not many people know why the leaves turn yellow.



    municipal state educational institution

    “Selishchenskaya basic school named after V.M. Krylov"

    Research work

    on the topic:

    « Why do leaves turn yellow?»

    Arkadiev Pavel, 3rd grade student

    Soldatova Natalia, 3rd grade student

    Scientific adviser:

    primary school teacher

    Dmitrieva Svetlana Nikolaevna

    2015-2016 academic year


    Chapter 1

    1.1. Leaf structure…………………………………………………………5

    1.2. Why is there leaf fall in autumn?……………………………………………6

    1.3. Why do the leaves turn yellow?……………………………………………7

    1.4. How does leaf fall occur? ........................eight

    1.5. Why do trees shed their leaves?……………………………………9

    1.6. Folk signs…………………………………………………..10

    Chapter 2. Practical part

    2.1. Questionnaire……………………………………………………..11

    2.2. Experiments………………………………………………………………12





    Relevance of the research topic:

    In a golden carriage with a playful horse,

    Autumn galloped through the forests and fields.

    The good sorceress changed everything,

    She painted the earth brightly yellow.

    Autumn is a wonderful time of the year when you can wander through the autumn park, listen to the leaves rustle under your feet, watch the autumn changes in nature, collect bouquets from fallen leaves, admire yellow, orange, crimson and even purple colors.(Slide 2)

    During an excursion to the park, my friends and I noticed leaves of different colors on a branch of a tree: yellow and green.

    Question: “Why were the leaves all green in the summer, and turned yellow in the fall?” interested us and many of our friends. This topic became interesting to us because not many people know why the leaves turn yellow. To answer this question, we decided to conduct a research work.

    By investigating this riddle of nature, we will be able to give an exact answer to the question put before us.(Slide 3)

    Purpose of the study: to know, Why do leaves change color and fall off in autumn?(Slide 4)

    Research objectives:

    1. to study the reasons for changing the color of leaves in autumn;
    2. find out why trees shed their leaves;
    3. conduct experiments to find out why a tree needs leaves, why leaves change color in autumn and fall off;
    4. study the structure of the leaf;
    5. get acquainted with folk signs associated with a change in the color of the leaves.(Slide 5)

    Research hypothesis:find out if the leaves contain dyes; whether the lack of heat and light affects the color of the leaves. If it is possible, then in what way?(Slide 6)

    Research methodsKeywords: observation, experiment, questioning, literature analysis.(Slide 7)

    Work plan:

    1. The study of literature on the topic: "Why do the leaves turn yellow?".

    2. Statement of the problem.

    3. Definition of the goal.

    4. Definition of tasks.

    5. Formation of a hypothesis.

    7. Registration of research work.

    8. Preparing a presentation.

    9. Presentation of the research work.

    10. Discussion of the results of the work.

    Chapter 1

    1. leaf structure

    Before learning why leaves change color, we started by looking at the literature. We are the firstexamined in detail the structure of the sheet. The sheet is in two parts.: leaf bladeis what we used to call a sheet, and petiole - this is his stem.With the help of the petiole, the leaf is attached to the stem.

    On the leaf blade, the veins are very clearly visible, especially from the underside. From the leaf blade, the veins pass into the petiole. The veins are the vessels through which water and nutrients move. But if we look into the middle of the leaf, we will see that each leaf is full of wonderful grains..

    The grains are so small that you can't see them. They prepare food for the tree. Tree roots suck water out of the ground. In this water, many substances necessary for plants are dissolved. Green grains take the necessary substances from the air and water and build new branches, leaves, trunk and roots. But most importantly, for such work they need sunlight. From morning to evening they catch the sun's rays.

    The winter frosts are still far away, and the trees are already starting to shed their leaves.

    But they do not immediately free themselves from the leaves.First comes the preparation for leaf fall. Amazing transformations take place in the leaves - they begin to turn yellow or redden.

    During the summer, a thin partition grows between the stem of the leaf and the twig. It does not pass any juices or water. A partition will grow and separate the leaf from the branch. Even in calm weather, we have leaf fall in the forest.(Slide 8)

    1. Why fall leaves in autumn?

    Leaf fall is an adaptive property of plants. In a cold climate, this is an adaptation to a frosty winter, in a hot climate, to withstand the heat, which makes it possible to endure drought.

    Autumn coloring of leaves, and then leaf fall, for different trees and shrubs does not begin at the same time.

    The habitat of the plant has a significant influence on this. In the same plants on a watershed, slope, narrow ravine, valley - this happens at different times. Affects different degrees of illumination and air temperature.

    Soil moisture also has an effect: on dry soils, autumn colors appear earlier.

    1. Why do leaves turn yellow?

    But where does the yellow paint come from? After all, in summer all the foliage is green. It turns out that yellow paint is always in the leaves.(Slide 9)

    Only in summer the yellow color is invisible. It is clogged with a stronger one - green. The green color of the leaves is given by a special substance - chlorophyll. Chlorophyll in a living leaf is constantly destroyed and re-formed. But it only happens in the light.(Slide 10)

    In summer, the days are very long and the plants get a lot of sunlight. At this time, photosynthesis is actively taking place in the leaves of plants, chlorophyll is constantly produced.

    1.4. How does the leaf fall come?

    Trees whose leaves change color and fall off in autumn are called deciduous. Their trunks and branches are able to withstand winter frosts, but thin, delicate leaves cannot do it. As the days get shorter, the trees are slowly getting ready for winter. The amount of sap in the tree is decreasing. The chlorophyll that turned the leaves green disappears. This is facilitated by sharp differences between day and night temperatures. At the same time, harmful substances of metabolism (metabolism) accumulate in the leaves. The leaves are getting old.(Slide 11) The vessels through which water enters the leaf are blocked at the base of the leaf with a cork cloth. In the same place, a loose separating layer is formed, consisting of cells that are weakly interconnected. A breath of breeze is enough - and the leaf comes off.(Slide 12)

    With the onset of autumn, the day is shortened, the sunlight is not enough for the leaves. Chlorophyll is destroyed during the day, but does not have time to recover.

    Therefore, the green color in the foliage decreases, and yellow becomes noticeable: the leaf turns yellow.

    But in autumn, the leaves become not only yellow, but also red, crimson, purple. It depends on what coloring matter is in the withering leaf.(Slide 13)

    The leaves of any plant species contain many pigments, the main of which, in addition to the chlorophyll known to us, are:

    • carotene (provitamin A) - it is he who gives a rich, bright color to carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn berries. There is yellow and red.
    • anthocyanin is a purple-red pigment that gives a special color to beets and red cabbage.

    Another element that is directly related to the formation of leaf color is auxin. It nourishes the cells located at the point where the leaf cuttings are attached to the branch.

    1.5. Why do trees shed their leaves?

    Probably everyone noticed that the more the leaf turned red or yellow, the easier it breaks off. And now the moment comes when you just have to touch the leaf, as it immediately falls from the branch along with the petiole. Even yesterday the leaves could not be plucked even by a strong wind, and now they fall off on their own. It turns out that changes also occur in the leaf petioles in autumn.

    In summer, the petioles of the leaves are firmly attached to the branches. It is very difficult to pick a green leaf from a tree. It is easier to break it than to separate it from the branch without any damage.

    What happened?

    It turns out that in the autumn at the base of the petiole, in the place where it is attached to the branch, a so-called cork layer appeared. He, like a partition, separated the petiole from the branch. Now only a few thin fibers connect the leaf petiole to the branch. Even a light breath of wind breaks these fibers. The leaves are falling.

    Although our deciduous trees live for tens and hundreds of years, their leaves "work" for only one season. And during this time they still wear out quickly. After all, the "work" of the leaves is very intense. Trees need a lot of water. During the summer, a large birch, for example, evaporates about 7 tons of water. In winter, you can’t get so much moisture from the soil. By losing their leaves, the trees protect themselves from the "winter drought". The tree does not have leaves - there is no such abundant evaporation of water.

    1.6. Folk omens

    People have been observing nature for a long time, noticing everything that happens around.

    And among the people there were signs associated with a change in the color of the leaves.

    • Although the leaf has turned yellow, it falls off weakly - frosts will not come soon.
    • If in autumn the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.
    • Untimely, yellow leaves will appear on the trees - by early autumn.
    • Until the leaf from the cherry trees has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, winter will not come.(Slide 14)

    Chapter 2. Practical part

    2.1. Questionnaire

    My classmates and I conducted a survey to find out if they know why a tree needs leaves, why leaves change color and fall off in autumn.

    To the first question, “Why does a tree need leaves?” 5 people answered "Correct", 6 - "Not correct".

    To the second question, “Why do leaves change their color?” 3 people answered "Correct", 8 - "Not correct".

    To the third question, “Why do leaves fall in autumn?” 2 people answered "Correct", 2 - "Not correct".

    Analyzing the results of the survey, we found that most students do not know the reasons for the change in the color of autumn leaves and the reasons for their fall.(Slide 15)

    2.2. Experiences

    We decided to conduct experiments to find out these reasons.

    Experience No. 1, confirming the presence of chlorophyll in plants.

    Why are leaves green?

    Suppose that the leaves contain some kind of coloring matter. To confirm the hypothesis, we conducted an experiment: we lowered a green leaf into very steep boiling water for several minutes.

    Result : the color of the leaf has changed, and the water has acquired a greenish tint.

    Conclusion : it is chlorophyll that helps the leaves stay green until autumn. The hypothesis was confirmed.(Slide 16)

    Experiment No. 2, revealing the causes of the change in leaf color.

    Why do leaves change color in autumn?

    Suppose it gets colder in autumn, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. Maybe the lack of heat and light affects the color of the leaves?

    To confirm this hypothesis, we carried out the following experiment. They cut out a piece of foil in the form of a circle, attached it with tape to an untorn sheet.

    Result : after 10 days we saw a "photo" on a green leaflet. In the place where the foil was, and, naturally, there was no light, the sheet turned yellow.

    Conclusion : this experiment proves that with a lack of light, photosynthesis does not occur. Chlorophyll is destroyed, and with its disappearance, other "coloring" pigments become visible, which give the leaves a yellow and orange color. Our hypothesis was confirmed.(Slide 17)

    Experiment No. 3, confirming the presence of carotenoids in plant leaves.

    As a result of the experiments, we also found out that, it turns out, chlorophyll is not the only coloring principle in plant tissues.

    For confirmation, we took a green leaf of a tree, threw it into a container with strong alcohol.

    Result: the leaf began to turn pale, and the alcohol, on the contrary, quickly turned green.

    Conclusion: chlorophyll dissolves in alcohol.

    When examining an alcohol extract, we found that in transmitted light it looks emerald green, and in reflected light it shines with a yellowish tint.

    Conclusion: together with chlorophyll, yellow pigments, carotenoids, also pass into alcohol.(Slide 18)

    Experiment No. 4, confirming the presence of anthocyanin in plants.

    During the walk, we saw very beautiful leaves, of an unusual crimson color.

    We wanted to know where such an unusual color comes from on the leaves? We turned to the Internet. It turns out that in the foliage there is another coloring substance - anthocyanin, which is obtained only in the light and at low temperatures. Anthocyanin is weaker than green, but stronger than yellow and is formed at lower temperatures, it is he who gives the leaves such an unusual crimson color.

    To confirm, we did the following experiment. They took a small piece of red beets, boiled it.

    Result: the water turned a dirty red.

    Acetic acid was added to this solution.

    Result: The solution took on a bright red color.

    Conclusion: beets contain a coloring matter - anthocyanin. The appearance of anthocyanin in plant tissues depends on external conditions. With a decrease in temperature, the amount of anthocyanin in the cell sap increases in the same way as in bright light. Thus, the crimson hues that some trees turn into during leaf fall are not some kind of special adaptation. They say only that in the leaves there is a fading of vital activity in connection with the preparation of plants for the winter dormant period.


    Through our research, we have learned:

    • Why do leaves change color in autumn?
    • what affects the color of the leaf;
    • Why does leaf fall occur?

    It turns out that in addition to the chlorophyll known to us, in the leaves of plants there are other pigments in different proportions - carotenoids, anthocyanins. Together with chlorophyll, they absorb a wider spectrum of light energy. But with the advent of autumn, chlorophyll is destroyed faster than it is produced, and red-yellow pigments overshadow the green color.

    With leaves, trees get rid of harmful metabolic products. At the time of death, nutrients and essential mineral elements are almost completely transferred from the leaves to the internal parts of the plants.(Slide 19)

    As a result of observation, we noticed that not all trees and shrubs, change the color of their leaves at the same time.The nature of leaf fall is also different.They do not change their color at all, for example, lilac leaves, acacia. Their leaves remain green. The terms, duration and nature of leaf fall are not the same for different trees. This has a different habitat of plants.Early or late leaf fall is a kind of signal that trees and shrubs give us, indicating the change of season.(Slide 20)

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    Kindergarten №3 "Skazka" Kambarka

    Synopsis of GCD

    for cognitive research activities

    in the preparatory group.

    Compiled by:

    Educator of the 1st category

    Shchekaleva R.N.



    Topic of the lesson: Why leaves fall.

    Purpose: 1. To consolidate knowledge about familiar trees, the shape of their leaves, the meaning of leaves for a tree. During the experiment, show the children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.

    2. Investigate the natural phenomenon of leaf fall, leaf structure, empirically, to conclude that there is a green substance in the leaves.

    3. Develop attention, coherent speech, mental operations (reasoning, proof, building sentences, establishing cause-and-effect relationships).

    4. Cultivate curiosity, the desire to study nature.

    Equipment : The leaves are real large and small, different shapes, pieces of white cloth, wooden cubes.

    preliminary work : On a walk, watch the leaves fall from the trees. A collection of leaves of various shapes and colors. Games "Run to the tree that I will name", "Whose branch are the children from." Conversations about autumn; Reading works of art: “Leaf Fall”, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, “Forest in Autumn” by A. Tvardovsky, poems about autumn, A.S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, A. I. Bunin; Learning poems and sayings about autumn; Singing songs about autumn and listening to music; Examination of illustrations and photographs depicting autumn nature; Drawing in the classroom for fine arts activities and independent artistic activities of various trees; Crafts from natural materials.

    Course progress.

    Guys, today we have guests. Let's say hello to our guests. Stand in a circle, hold hands. Your hands are warm, it is you and I who are transferring warmth to each other. Turn around and give each other a smile. And now I invite you to sit on the chairs.

    Guys, today, when I came to kindergarten, I found this letter. Want to know who it's from? (Yes)

    I am reading a letter.

    Dear Guys!

    LUNTIK writes to you. I was just born and I don't know much yet. Therefore, I need your help. I was walking in the park and suddenly I saw that the leaves on the trees had turned yellow and were falling. I decided to paint them with green paint, I thought maybe the tree does not like the yellow color and therefore it sheds its leaves, but it rained and washed everything away, and the leaves began to fall off again. Why is this happening? Please help me figure it out.

    Well, guys, let's help Luntik figure out why this happens in nature.

    And now I suggest you think and say why the leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees? (children's answers)

    Well done boys. And you want to know the secret of why the leaves turn yellow and fall off.


    Then sit comfortably on the chairs and listen to me carefully. Now I will read you a storyG. Graubina:


    Autumn. The harsh winter frosts are still far away, and the trees are already beginning to gradually shed their leaves. Not immediately, not suddenly, they are released from the leaves. Getting ready for fall. Amazing transformations take place in the leaves. First things first, the leaves begin to turn yellow. Although no one adds yellow paint to the juices. Yellow paint is always in the leaves. Only in summer the yellow color is invisible. It is clogged with a stronger one - green.

    The green color of the leaves is due to a special substance - chlorophyll. Chlorophyll in a living leaf is constantly destroyed and re-formed. But it only happens in the light.

    In summer the sun shines for a long time. Chlorophyll is destroyed and immediately restored, destroyed and restored again ... The formation of chlorophyll does not lag behind its destruction. The leaf stays green all the time. Autumn is coming, the nights are getting longer. Plants receive less light. Chlorophyll is destroyed during the day, but does not have time to recover. The green color in the foliage decreases, and yellow becomes noticeable: the leaf turns yellow.

    But in autumn, the leaves become not only yellow, but also red, crimson, purple. It depends on what coloring matter is in the withering leaf.

    - I suggest you conduct an experiment. Please come to the tables.

    on your tables are pieces of white napkins, a green sheet and ordinary pencils that will serve us as a stick.

    I now invite you to see for yourself that there is a green color in the leaves, which is called chlorophyll.

    "Why is the leaf green?"
    Take a piece of paper and put it inside a piece of white napkin folded in half. Now, with a wooden pencil, press hard on this napkin and roll it over it. What did you discover during the experience?
    (Children: green spots appeared on the fabric).

    What is the name of the substance that turns leaves green?
    This green substance from the leaf is called chlorophyll, and it turns it green. What conclusion can you draw?

    Conclusion : When autumn comes and it gets colder and less sunny, this green substance gradually decreases until it disappears altogether. Then the leaf changes its color, becomes yellow.

    This is what happens in nature. Why does the green color disappear in the leaves? (children's answers). And what color constantly lives in the leaves (yellow). What is the name of the substance that permanently colors the leaf in summer? (chlorophyll). And why is chlorophyll not restored in the leaves with the onset of autumn? (because with the onset of autumn there is less light, so chlorophyll does not have time to recover).

    Well done boys. And you want to know the secret of why the leaves turn yellow and fall off.


    Well, first of all, let's take a break.

    We are autumn leaves.
    We were sitting on branches
    The wind blew - they flew.
    We flew, we flew -
    All the leaves are so tired!
    The wind stopped blowing
    We all gathered in a circle
    The wind suddenly blew again
    And blew the leaves off the branches.
    All the leaves flew
    And they sat quietly on the ground.

    And in order for us to better understand how this happens in nature, I suggest you watch the cartoon. Sit back and watch carefully. Remember everything well, because you and I still need to inform Luntik about what we have learned. Pay attention, in the cartoon there will be another secret why the leaves fall. (Children watch cartoon)

    Well guys, did you understand everything? (yes) And then answer me one question. Why are the leaves still falling? (children's answers)

    That's right guys.

    The more yellowed or reddened the leaf, the easier it breaks off. And there comes a moment when one has only to touch the leaf, as it immediately falls from the branch along with the petiole. Even yesterday the leaves could not be plucked even by a strong wind, and now they fall off on their own.
    What happened? It turns out that in the autumn at the base of the petiole, in the place where it is attached to the branch, a so-called cork layer appeared. He, like a partition, separated the petiole from the branch. Now only a few thin fibers connect the leaf petiole to the branch. Even a light breath of wind breaks these fibers. The leaves are falling.

    - Well, now you all understand why this happens in nature? - What do you think, when the leaves fall, do they fall to the ground in the same way or in different ways?

    (children's answers).

    And to make sure of this, I suggest you conduct another experiment. Take in your hands, please, 2 sheets. One is large and the other is smaller.

    "As the Leaves Fall"

    On walks, you have noticed that the leaves fall from the trees in different ways. Let's do an experiment to find out which leaves are falling fast and which are slow, and which leaf is the most beautiful to spin. To do this, take a sheet in your hand and stand up. Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. While the leaf is flying, carefully watch its flight and remember: did it fall quickly or slowly, did it fly straight down or circled? (Children do the task)

    Well, what did you notice? (Answers of children). What conclusion can be drawn?

    Conclusion : Large leaves fall more slowly and hardly swirl, while small leaves fall faster and swirl more.

    Well done boys. And now guys, how will we tell Luntik about why the leaves turn yellow and fall off (children's answers). We decided to write a letter and report everything we learned about ourselves. (I seal the letter and decide that we will send it tonight after work).

    And now, guys, please stand in a semicircle in front of the board. I have an autumn tree with leaves on my board. You think and take the piece of paper that you see fit.

    If you take a yellow sheet, then you have learned something new and interesting for yourself today, and if you take a green sheet, then something was difficult for you today. (Children take the papers and stand in a circle.

    Well, this concludes our work. Let's say goodbye to our guests and wish them all the best.

    valentine lame
    Synopsis of the GCD "Why do the leaves turn yellow?" in the preparatory group


    1. To teach children to correlate the description of nature in verses with a certain time of the year:

    Develop auditory attention, speed of thinking.

    2. Give children knowledge about why with the onset of autumn yellowing leaves on trees; ideas about the beginning of autumn, about the dependence of the color of brightness leaves from the weather.

    3. Develop children's ideas about the signs of autumn, concepts: bush, tree.

    4. Exercise in compiling descriptive stories about trees and the ability to determine the name of a tree from the description.

    Dictionary activation: chlorophyll, crimson, shrub.

    5. To cultivate a desire to study nature, to protect it.

    Material: boxes with fruits and leaves trees of the Tula region, familiar to children, a book by Georgy Graubin « Why does the fall fall in autumn?» .

    Children, I will read you excerpts from poems, and you listen to them carefully and say what time of the year they are talking about. And why? (reading):

    In the morning we go to the yard

    Leaves fall like rain,

    Rustle underfoot

    And fly, fly, fly...

    “I bring the harvest. I sow the fields again

    I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,

    But I do not touch the pines and fir trees

    I ... autumn. (children's answers)

    Children, how do you determine that autumn has come? (children's answers). That's right, birds fly away to warmer climes, the day is slowly waning, insects disappear, leaves turn yellow and fall, in the fields, orchards and orchards are harvested. - When does autumn come? (children's answers)

    According to the calendar, autumn comes on September 1, when the first autumn month begins, schoolchildren go to school. Scientists-astronomers consider the beginning of autumn to be the day of the autumnal equinox, September 23, when the day is equal in longitude to the night. The beginning of autumn in wildlife is considered the appearance yellow leaves on a birch.

    Do you know, why leaves turn yellow? Would you like to know this secret? (children's answers) Then listen. (I am reading a story from G. Graubin's book « Why fall leaves in autumn» « Why leaves turn yellow» .

    Autumn. Still far from frost, and the trees are already starting to drop foliage. Trees are not immediately freed from leaves. Goes preparation for fall. AT leaves amazing transformations take place.

    at first leaves start to turn yellow, although no one adds paint to the juices. Yellow paint is always in the leaves. Only in summer yellow is invisible. It is clogged with a stronger color - green. Green color leaves a special substance, chlorophyll, will come. What is the name of the green substance? (children's answers) Chlorophyll in leaves gradually destroyed and restored again under the influence of the sun. In summer, the sun shines for a long time and chlorophyll is restored very quickly and leaf is green all the time. But autumn comes, the nights become longer, the plants receive less light. Chlorophyll is destroyed and does not have time to recover. The green color is fading away foliage and become noticeable yellow: the leaf turns yellow. Why does the leaf turn yellow? (children's answers)

    But in autumn leaves become not only yellow, but also red, crimson, purple. It depends on what coloring matter is in the binder. sheet.

    The autumn forest is rich in its colors. The brightness of autumn leaves depends on what is the weather like.

    If the autumn is long, rainy - coloring leaves from excess water and lack of light will be dull, inexpressive.

    If cold nights alternate with clear days, then the colors will be juicy, bright.

    But at the alder, lilac the leaves will fall green, regardless of the weather. In their leaves except for chlorophyll, no other substances.

    Here's the secret you've learned about coloring leaves on trees.

    Now let's take a break and play.


    Now, tell me, what is the difference between a tree and a shrub? (children's answers). Correctly, a tree has one thick trunk and many branches, and a bush has several thin trunks.

    I invite you to compete "Who will name more trees?" (children answer and get a chip for the correct answer). Now, name the shrubs. (children also get chips). Well done, everyone tried to help their team.

    I offer you another game. I have in boxes leaves and fruits of various trees. You choose any box for yourself and will have to describe the tree without naming it. The one who correctly describes the tree and who is the first to recognize it will receive one chip. (game in progress).

    And now, count the chips and determine for yourself which team was more active today and won.

    What did we learn in class today? That's right, we learned: why leaves turn yellow when autumn comes, what determines the brightness of the color leaves, remembered how trees differ from shrubs and described them very well. Were you interested? In the next lesson I will tell you why and how leaves fall.

    valentina litvinova
    Why do leaves fall. GCD in the senior group

    Tasks: to form children's ideas about why do leaves fall, consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena. To consolidate the skill of forming an adjective from a noun. Continue to develop memory, attention, thinking through games and game exercises. To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world, to introduce aspen and oak. Develop cognitive activity. To form an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

    preliminary work: observing the trees on the site, learning poems about autumn, homework at the request of the children (preparing reports at home with parents, learning the game "Wood".

    Course progress.

    caregiver A: You know, every season consists of 3 months. Name the months of autumn.

    Children: September October November.

    caregiver: Well done! You are correct about the months. And what happens to nature in autumn?

    Children: The weather is warm, the trees are colorful leaflets, silver threads of the web fly, cold winds blow, the grass turns yellow and dries up, it rains warm and drizzling, there are gray clouds in the sky, there are fogs in the mornings, puddles are covered with a crust of ice, acorns, nuts ripen, cranberries ripen.

    Children: The days are shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, the wind blows leaves from trees, a light cold rain is falling, the sky is gray, the grasses are turning brown, the flowers are withering, there are frosts at night, the trees are covered with frost, the insects have disappeared, the sun rarely shines.

    caregiver: guys want to know why are the leaves shedding.

    Please look at screen: first we will talk about why a tree needs to leaves?

    Everything is very simple - leaves trees produce juice (it is called resin or sucrose, which nourishes the tree itself and participates in the ripening of fruits. The resin is produced using the resin contained in leaves green sticky substance, chlorophyll.

    Leaves produce nutrients only in sunlight, taking carbon dioxide from the air, and water from the ground through the root system of a tree. At the same time, in foliage a chemical process occurs (photosynthesis, during which leaves produce oxygen, which is very necessary for all living on Earth. That is why trees are called "lungs of the planet".

    Why do leaves turn yellow in autumn? In addition to green chlorophyll in leaves there are other substances (pigments, yellow and red, but there are very few of them. In autumn, the formation of chlorophyll stops and the main "dye" leaves only these pigments remain. Why leaves turn yellow with the onset of cold weather, it is understandable, but why do they fall? By autumn leaves accumulate a lot of useful and harmful substances. The tree takes useful substances, and gets rid of harmful substances by dumping foliage.

    Another answer to the question « why do leaves fall. The point is that through leaves trees give off a lot of moisture as a result of evaporation, and in winter the roots of the tree will not be able to replenish it. Getting rid of foliage, the tree saves itself from drying out in the cold season. The game "Wood". caregiver: the guys have prepared a poem for you, let's listen to it. Autumn in the forest. Autumn forest every year

    Pays gold to enter.

    Look at the aspen -

    All dressed in gold

    And she babbles:

    "Stenu." -

    And shivering from the cold. And the birch is happy

    yellow outfit:

    "Well, the dress!

    What a charm!"

    Fast leaves scattered,

    The frost came suddenly.

    And the birch whispers:

    "I'm chilly." Lost weight at the oak

    Gilded coat.

    The oak caught on, but it's too late,

    And he makes noise:

    "I'm freezing! I'm freezing!"

    Deceived gold -

    Didn't save me from the cold.

    (From A. Gontar, translated by V. Berestov)

    caregiver: Tell me, please, what trees are mentioned in this poem. Children: about aspen, birch and oak. caregiver: Your friends have prepared short messages for you about these trees. Let's listen to them. (Children talk about trees during the slide show). Aspen in autumn looks more colorful than others. This species can have the most diverse crown color, creating an indescribably wonderful picture that nature gives to everyone. The bark of the trunk has a light gray or greenish tint, sometimes with brownish notes. In the evening, the appearance of an aspen in autumn can be confused with a birch. This is due to the effect of the "glow" of its crust. She loves to grow in ravines, near ponds, on the edges. Often it can be found in the vicinity of birches and pines. Aspen in autumn next to such satellites looks very bright. The whole bouquet of colors is difficult to retell. Taking a walk in the fall through a forest or park, you can take a lot of breathtakingly beautiful photos of aspens. The lifespan of this tree is comparable to a human term. Rarely an aspen lives more than 90 years. Very rarely there are individuals who have lived up to 150 years. But for quite a long time a tree can live in its generations of overgrowth. White-trunked birch is the beauty of mixed forests. With the onset of heat, active sap flow begins from the roots of the tree to the branches. This juice is very tasty and healthy. At this time, the buds begin to swell, and suddenly, at one moment, the birch is covered with a gentle haze. It was born small small leaflets. In May, the birch blossoms, and at the end of summer its numerous seeds scatter on the ground. All summer leaves feed the tree give him the strength to grow. The birch leaf is thin, flutters in the wind, flickers, passing sunlight through the crown. The bark of a birch becomes layered and dense over time. From it you can make a ladle and boil water. Birch bark is not afraid of fire or water. In autumn, the birch does not turn yellow all at once, and it can be used to determine what kind of winter it will be. If a birch turns yellow from the top, then the winter will be severe. Oak - a symbol of strength, a long-liver, old-timer. No wonder it exists proverb: "Hold on to the oak - the oak is deep in the ground". Oak branches are strong. With a powerful crown, it pushes its neighbors apart. The bark and wood of the oak contain tannins, which are used in dressing skins. Wood is strong and resilient. touch oak leaves. They are hard, leathery, evaporating little moisture. This is how they look leaves tropical plants. Oaks are thermophilic. Their relatives in Mongolia are evergreen. Therefore, in autumn, oaks are reluctant to part with their leaves. Sometimes the snow has already fallen, and dry leaves oak trees still rustle in the cold wind. And the seeds (acorns) ripen not in summer, but in late autumn. They feed on squirrels, wild boars and jays. Physical education " leaflets". Leaves autumn swirls quietly, (children turn around) Leaves lie quietly under your feet. (children squat) And rustling underfoot, rustling, (children imitate rustling with their feet leaves) . It looks like they want to spin again. (children sit on chairs). caregiver: children, please look at the screen and name the trees. The children name the trees. The game "Tell me whose leaflet» . The teacher distributes to the children leaves from different trees. Trees appear on the screen and the guys have to raise the leaves of that tree that they see and name whose leaflet. Maple - maple; linden - linden; birch - birch; oak - oak; willow - Willow; chestnut - chestnut. The teacher sums up the lesson, asks the children, why do leaves fall in autumn. caregiver: Please tell me whose answers you liked more and why. Surprise moment. The postman brings a parcel from autumn: in it lie leaflets, which children should color in their own way and apples.

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