Contests for the anniversary of 50 years to mom. Scenario for the anniversary of your beloved mother

Before the start of the holiday, business cards with the image of flowers are attached to all guests. Music sounds. The leader comes out.

Leading: Today all nature has come to life,
It's like I've been waiting for this day.
Wherever you look - one fun,
Everyone is in a festive mood today.
I see that the valley is full of flowers
And now over these flowers
A swarm of colorful butterflies is circling,
Their every wave of wings
It surrounds us like petals.
And bowing before one flower
Everyone is eagerly waiting for the start
That holiday, about which all the rumors
It spreads very quickly in the valley.

Leading: For many years now, the most beautiful ... has been blooming and fragrant, which can only be compared with the royal flower, whose name is Rose!
Rose you! It's clear to anyone
How desirable and beautiful
Queen of all colors -
Everyone is ready to love you!
Yes, and we are no exception.
We wish you a birthday
Kindness, love and light,
To be warmed by fate!
I invite all guests to fill their glasses.

We raise a glass to Rose
To make her fragrant every day!
We present a diadem to the queen on a holiday,
To accept it from the heart, we ask from all of us!

A diadem of flowers is presented.

And so that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,
We want you to refresh yourself a little!

Musical pause.

Leading: What a beautiful inflorescence of guests is present at this table! Everyone attracts with the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, a special charm and originality, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather.
For example, an ant
Could be among the guests.
This good worker
I'll tell you, not a miser at all.
For such a celebration
He has a lot of gifts.
But today he's gone
But next door neighbor -
Your boss is fighting.
(To the chief):
You and the word, dear ...!


I propose to drink for these wonderful wishes!

Leading : Even the Snake, the mistress of this year, was captivated by the sophistication and aroma of grass and other many-sided flowers. That is why she is here today with numerous congratulations and wishes to the beautiful Oksana! I ask the guests to read the congratulations and wishes of the Snake.

Congratulations from the hostess of the year (we will have the Snake)
They take out the Snake with cards on which wishes are written.

Captions on cards:
1. Happy birthday to you,
Blossom to our joy always!
2. To keep rose petals fresh,
You carry on your hands ..., men!
3. So that the Rose does not fade,
Currency would not hurt her!
4. So that the stalk of the Rose does not bend,
Caress Oksana more often, hubby!
5. So that the Rose does not have sharp thorns,
Do not spare your kind words for her.
6. To decorate the rose with dew drops,
You would order diamonds for her.

Wishes of the Snake, In my opinion, are beautiful.
And for this you need to drink,
Do you agree with me?
Pour in glasses of intoxicated wine,
For ... drink while standing, to the bottom.

Presentation of a vase with fresh flowers

Leading: Look at Rosa
She has a blush, like frost.
And how the eyes shine
They intoxicate with their brilliance.
How did the rose survive?
I have achieved my goal in life!
It's time to follow
How the year went by.
When our Rose was born, they bought her a night vase, in addition - a bag of diapers. (Put out a pot with an artificial rose.)
When she went to school as a child, she found a vase in her briefcase. (Expose a pencil case with an artificial rose.)
And in her youth, her vase changed and turned into a perfume bottle. (They put out a bottle with an artificial rose.)
At the wedding, the wine glasses became a vase for her. And they filled it with sweet water. (They put out 2 glasses, in one - an artificial rose.)
And after the daughter was born, she got a bottle with a pacifier. (They put out a bottle with an artificial rose.)
So the husband calls ... "mommy." And this pan becomes a precious vase in the house. (They put out a pot with an artificial rose.)
The rose is in full bloom today.
And another vase is needed for Rose.
Dear guests! Give answer:
Which of the vases does the birthday girl not have?

Leading: For a crystal vase
There is a bouquet of roses
It has a delicate pink color.

They take out a crystal vase with a bouquet of fresh roses, present it to the birthday girl.

Leading: Dear …!
Today we give you a pink bouquet in honor of the glorious so many good years lived.

Handing out a bouquet.

Lucky Flower Draw

Leading (paying attention to artificial roses): Dear guests!
But in these roses there is a surprise,
Whoever guesses it will get a prize.
As well as the right to proclaim a toast to the hero of today's celebration.

The assistant arranges a bouquet of roses and invites the guests to identify the "lucky flower". A ribbon is attached to each rose, but only one of them has the word "prize" hidden in it. The lucky winner is awarded a prize and the right to proclaim a toast.

Leading: To make our Rose fragrant, we invite everyone to drink the Rose Chalice wine.

Lucky man pours wine and makes a toast.

Leading : How many petals does the beautiful Rose have,
Everyone is ready to express so many words of confession.
And first, we will not break traditions,
Colleagues at work will congratulate her.


Leading: And now we're waiting for all the words
From native, dear,
From the one who has been around for years
With whom adversity is not terrible.
Behind him, like behind a stone wall,
This is ..., dear husband!


Leading: Congratulations, like hail, are flying to the birthday girl!

Congratulations to the guests.

To make it all come true
We have to raise a glass.
For congratulations!

Musical pause.

Lucky Apple Draw

Leading: Dear guests!
As you know, many fruits will be born from flowers. Today we want to treat you with exotic fruits together with the birthday girl. We invite every third person to try this treat.

Treat guests with fruits. Music "Apple".

Leading A: Pay attention to your fruits.
Our fruit is so unusual,
That has a personal number.
I think it's time
Play all numbers.
I suggest the birthday girl to determine the lucky ones.

Take out a bag with numbers. The birthday girl takes out 3 lucky numbers from the bag. Lucky awards.

I ask you to raise your glasses so that small joys often turn into big ones.

apple sculptures

Don't despair, friends
Who hasn't won a prize yet.
Take your apple
And come out bolder.
(Participants leave.)
Let's play in pairs
and create a sculpture.
I will tell you without problems -
It will be ... daughters son.
Try this task by biting the apple from different angles.

The game is running.

May Yegor give happiness to his grandmother above the mountains!

Leading: In the meadow we have "flowers" of extraordinary beauty. They all shout out loud, they want to congratulate Oksana Petrovna.
Let's shout, guests, together:
"... - a woman, what you need!"

They scream.
* Lily of the valley! We appeal to you, pour 100 grams into our glass. (Pours.)
* And Chamomile and Peony prepare a snack.
* Look, Daisy and Dahlia are conjuring something over a jug. We ask you not to be distracted and take care of your neighbors.
* Dear Chrysanthemum! For a toast, you know the topic. Raise your glass, for ... proclaim a toast. (drank.)
* So that Mimosa and Violet do not feel sad, we do not feel sorry for good songs for them. But first, for ... let's sing a song without an accordion. (Mass performance of the song to the soundtrack.)

Song (to the melody of R. Pauls)

A holiday, a holiday we celebrate with a family.
Holiday, holiday - your birthday.
"Congratulations!" - shout merrily
Thirty flowers with guys' faces!

Lotuses with Lily side by side.
Here everyone is celebrating together.
Lotuses with Lily side by side
Sing this song together.

Name day - a golden holiday,
Name day - sing with us.
"Happy birthday!" - shout merrily
Thirty flowers with the faces of the guys.

Dance tour. Music "Dance of ducks".

Chicks congratulations

Leading: A detachment of chickens has arrived to you,
Lined up right in line.
Although they are not ducklings,
But good guys.
They've been preparing all year
To congratulate ... - here!
And each of them was not lazy,
Prepare a gift for her on this day.
Let's ask the chickens
What do they want to give?

Pretends to talk to participants.

Leading: They say: "Let's lay a testicle is not simple,
Let one, but gold.
Look carefully gentlemen
For them to do it - twice two!

Chickens get up in pairs and try to "demolish" the egg in the nest.

Leading: I see that they have a focus.
Why did the color of these two eggs change so much?
Probably lay somewhere for a long time,
Therefore, they became so purple.
Well! We take them from you
And at the end of the dance we will play.
And now our bird yard,
Showing all your enthusiasm,
A bright dance will dance with you,
Well, I'll give gifts.

Dance "Chick-chick".

Leading: In the dance, you all worked so hard,
That the eggs have turned into a Kinder Surprise. And now we are very pleased to present these awards to you.

Presentation of Kinder Surprises.

Competition "Delicious chocolate"

Leading: Strange thing, friends!
Something glass itself rises up, pressed against the lips. Brings us wine, asks for kisses. So, we need to drink together for ... we need!
... - a flower and a riddle, this chocolate will help us to congratulate her. I ask you to take part in this competition two teams - sitting on the right and sitting on the left. You are given half a chocolate. Everyone, having bitten off a little, passes the chocolate without the help of hands to his neighbor, the next one, and so on. When the last one is treated, the whole team shouts in unison: “Congratulations to the hero of the day!”. Who can complete this task faster?


Leading: Your voices are consonant and pleasant, that they can be compared with the play of a bell. I suggest that the guests unite in groups, come up with and proclaim original slogans in honor of our birthday girl.
Bell, dear friend!
Come out to the meadow.
Who to start first
You will give your sign.

Guests proclaim slogans on the bell sign.

Leading: And now, our flowers,
Please fill the cups.
Because Dahlia is against drinking vodka alone.
I am you, dear Dandelion,
please raise a glass.
Our glorious Daisies,
Drop some glasses.
Set an example Gvozdika -
drank in one gulp, so famously!
In general, bright flowers,
Everyone needs a drink... period!

Plums are blooming in the garden, ... be healthy and happy!

Congratulations from the Bees

Leading: Our bees to Rosa as a gift
Gather out nectar.
They deftly proboscis
Sweet nectar is dragged into the house.
Wasting no time,
There they conjure over nectar.
For a drink, it is the basis.
Now the mead is ready.
She is presented to Rose
Guests are asked to drink together.

Two guests, dressed as Bees, use a straw in their mouths to collect treats from the table. Having “conjured” over the “nectar”, they present Rose with a drink.

Leading: The dragonfly sat on a rowan bunch, both hostess and guest!

Competition "Costume dance"

Leading: Women are flowers
On my lawn.
All as one different
But how wonderful!
Oh, people's experience does not tell
Fall in love with long and thin:
Don't hug or clap them
Seduced with them - expect trouble!
But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't give a price.
Barely notice the aspen camp -
And go, go, go!

A man who likes thin women recruits a team of them.

Leading: This waist is easy
Goes through the eye of a needle!
I see your team is already assembled. We continue to form another team.
Rumor folk bbw
Sands so that my God.
They are in the arms, they say, suffocate.
And let them go around the world with a bag.
But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't give a price.
Barely sees a stronger back -
And go, go, go!

The man who likes plump women, recruits a team of them.

Leading: Ah, those round sides!
Just like a glass of champagne!
Well, your team is ready. I will ask both teams to carefully listen to the conditions of the game: in front of you are two baskets with costumes. At my signal, you put them on and line up against each other.

The teams perform the task to the music - they dress up in the costumes of characters from the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Task: As soon as the music starts, one of the teams, moving towards the other, performs synchronously dance movements and returns back. The other team enters the game. Whose dance moves will be more original, they will be considered the winners.

Dance break.

Contests from Little Red Riding Hood "Gifts of Nature"

The phonogram of the children's song "If it's long, long, long ..." sounds. Little Red Riding Hood appears, in her hands is a basket of pies.

Leading: Little Red Riding Hood walked through our meadow,
I collected berries and flowers in a basket.
Bypassed the bumps, collected mushrooms,
She fluttered like a bird.
- Really, Strawberry?

Strawberry appears with the words: "Yeah, yeah ..."

Leading: All our men will be mushrooms,
Let them frolic on these name days.
So that this day will be unforgettable for a long time,
We invite women to play the role of flowers.

Men are offered "hats" of mushrooms, women - costumes of flowers and berries. Participants perform the "Strawberry" dance.

Red Riding Hood: Dear men!
Your cheeks are rosy.
Perhaps you are very tired?
I suggest you sit on a stump
And eat my delicious pie for everyone.

Competition "Who will eat the pie faster."

Strawberry: Dear women!
To quench your thirst,
I can offer you a drink.
Who will throw a ring on him,
He takes it with him.

To Contest "Throw the Ring".

Red Riding Hood: Lots of fun, see you soon!
Leading: Good time!
Dear people! The table has been waiting for guests for a long time!

The guests take their places at the table.

We are endlessly ready to congratulate Oksana Petrovna:
In poems and songs, in the genre of women's prose,
But now I ask everyone to raise their glasses
In honor of our sweet, incomparable Rose!

Fill glasses.

Leading: The subtlest Rose exudes fragrance: its colors, shade are not simple. And, as a hostess, Rosa is just a treasure. Let's drink to that, dear guests!
Leading: Year by year, our Rose, you bloom as before. And the flower meadow often gathers guests. May they return to you the fragrance of flowers, Your hospitable meadow is the best of meadows! The party doesn't end there, the fun continues! And we say: to you all: "Goodbye!". May the best expectations come true!

When your mom has an anniversary, you want to make that day special for her. You want that on this day there was laughter, fun and everyone around rejoiced. But it will be so if you take everything into your own hands and organize the holiday yourself. And you yourself will come up with a cool script for the anniversary of your mother's 65 years. This is not difficult to do, especially if the leading daughter. We have some ideas that will surely help you. Games, contests, toasts, jokes - you can put all this into your script and spend your anniversary with your mother. Watch and make the holiday a bright event yourself!

Anniversary meeting.
As the theater begins with a hanger, so the holiday begins with a meeting of the protagonist of the evening. We offer original version anniversary meeting. To do this, you need to find out from the guests who and when appeared in your mother's life. This is done in order to build the guests in order.
And so, when you figured out all this, then arrange the guests like this: at the beginning, those. Who have known your mother for a long time. For example, it could be her parents. Then brothers and sisters, childhood friends, and so on. And at the very end are the grandchildren or great-grandchildren who were the last to recognize your mother.
Everyone stands and the hero of the day enters. You announce that your mother has lived so long, she has so many good friends and wonderful relatives. And now she has a unique opportunity to go through her whole life again and relive all these feelings when she met these wonderful people in her life. When mom walks next to the guests, you can say who it is and how it appeared in mom's life. And at the end of the corridor, grandchildren or great-grandchildren give flowers to their beloved grandmother and escort her to the table in her place.
Here is such a touching meeting of the hero of the day.

Main holiday.
All guests sit at the tables and you can start the holiday. First, a toast to the hero of the day. You can come up with your own toast, or you can use the one that already exists:

Now you can move on to contests that will help stir up the guests and make them more smiling.

Game is an abbreviation.
We offer this game first, but you can play it all evening. Now we will explain everything.
For the game, you need to make beautiful cards on which to write abbreviations: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Road Traffic Accidents and others. We put all the cards in a bag or put them on a tray with letters down. The guest who is about to make a toast stands up and takes out one card. He reads the abbreviation and must say a compliment or something good to the hero of the day, deciphering these letters. And only after that he already speaks his speech.
For example, concrete goods - I wish to be sparkling! The game goes off with a bang, and guests sometimes give out such transcripts that you laugh for several minutes.

Competition - cinema, cinema.
Everyone watches movies and will watch. Some more often, some rarely. But when people are many years old, they watch films more and more. In this competition, you will have to guess the name of the film, then the pictures. But do not think that by guessing the picture from the movie, you will guess the movie itself. First you have to solve the puzzle, and only then can you guess the correct name.

Guessed? This is a film - three poplars on Plyushchikha! It's simple: three fingers are shown, there is a poplar and there is a figure skater Plushenko. If you put it all together, you get the name.

What is it?

Yes, this is a camp going to the sky! See, it's not that hard. The main thing is to choose the right pictures.
Here are the other examples for the contest:

Music block.
First we sing and then we dance. We will sing not just songs, but songs remade for the occasion. They are good because most of the guests know the melody and rhythm of the song. You give them the words to the song and everyone sings in unison.
For example, here is a song based on the motive of the song “blue wagon”:

Dance competition.
Guests rarely come out to dance together. Therefore, they must be lured out by cunning. Let's do it this way.
The guests are seated at the table. The host asks them: do they know the music from the films? And offers to check it out. A famous song from any movie is included. Which of the guests guessed, he goes into the hall. The rest turns on the next melody and again, who guessed it, he goes out into the hall. And so on until all the guests leave the table. And when everyone left, the competition continues.
The host asks: can you dance like movie characters? Let's try to do it!
And for the guests, a melody from the film is turned on, for example, from the movie 2beauty, ”and the guests, especially the ladies, dance like her. Then you can turn on a cowboy tune for men and so on.

The dance competition doesn't end there. One guest is selected and the presenter shows him the name of the next song. And this guest should show the song, but without words. And the guests guess the name. When you guessed it, this song turns on and everyone dances to it.

Competition - guess the profession!
Everyone has a profession and everyone works in one profession or another. In this contest, we invite you to guess professions by their sounds! Do you think it's difficult? Not great, but fun.
For example, an ambulance has a flasher. And the carpenter has a hammer. The musician has a piano and so on. The sound turns on, and the guests guess.

You can listen and download sounds for the contest

Sometimes you just need to urgently pick up contests for an anniversary. A woman turns 50 only once. And therefore, this holiday should be held accordingly: unique and unforgettable. Therefore, it is so important to draw up an original script for the 50th anniversary of a woman with contests, games, funny jokes. It is only necessary to ensure that no one is offended and everyone is comfortable at the holiday.

Congratulatory contests for the anniversary

50 years for a woman ... This is a milestone when the comprehension of the past years takes place. And not only the heroine of the holiday herself, but all the guests sum up the results. In congratulatory speeches, achievements, positive character traits of the hero of the day are emphasized. Cool contests take place during the event. For the anniversary of 50 years, games and competitions related to the congratulations of the hero of the day are often selected.

Toasts with custom words

For example, a funny toast contest might be part of an anniversary scenario. 50 years for a woman - not God knows how much, a sense of humor is still oh-hoo! So it’s worth inviting guests to make toasts in which certain words will be used on assignment.

They can be written down on pieces of paper and distributed to the participants of the competition. The words must be absolutely inappropriate for the occasion: tank, stratosphere, tarantass, parrot, barracuda and the like.

It is interesting that such competitions for the anniversary of 50 years are held with a bang! During this competition of speakers, the woman-anniversary is not only presented with creative congratulations, but also originally confesses her love. Often congratulations sound impromptu in poetic form.

Someone's life is dreary

Like an old tarantass...

Tanechka lives happily

Which makes us all happy!

Be always so beautiful

Smile more cheerfully!

And a hundred years of healthy, sweet

Meet to - drink for it!

A touching congratulation can come with the word "parrot".

Don't scold me, don't scold me...

I repeat like a parrot

How beautiful you are like a rose

What is tender, like a mimosa in spring,

You're soul, like a child, vulnerable.

May God keep you forever!

Congratulations in verse according to the rules of burime

In the company of creative people, games related to poetry are necessarily held. Many contests of the anniversary "50 years of a woman" are based on the compilation of poetic congratulations.

It is possible to offer ready-made rhymes to amateur poets, which they must link into an understandable, formalized poetic text, semantically related to the event. Although the proposed words themselves should be far from the topic.

For example, the contestants will be offered such rhymed pairs: “stove - daughter; skeleton - omelette; night - unbearable; hello bracelet. Of course, it is impossible to guarantee high-quality poetry in such conditions, but funny congratulatory rhymes will surely make the holiday more fun.

She will warm us with her soul, like a stove,

All passers-by believe that the daughter -

This is my mother's friend. Let the skeleton

What's in the closet, I ate an omelet a long time ago,

He choked and went for a walk into the night ...

We can't take apart our skeletons!

That's why I'll tell you: "Hello!

I want to be with you like a bracelet!”

Poetic game "Accordion"

There are other competitions for a woman's anniversary. For 50 years, a lady can be offered to compose and present a collective congratulation with wishes. One rhyme is given, which should run like a red thread through the entire poem. Each participant writes only his own line, without reading the previous one, wraps the sheet so that his words are not visible, and passes it on to the next player.

When all the "poets" are marked on this "accordion", you can read out what happened. The best line is determined by the hero of the occasion. He is given some kind of souvenir, for example, a disposable cup with a cool inscription "To the best poet of half a century."

The game "Who wrote?"

Collective competitive competitions are necessarily included in the scenario of the 50th anniversary. The jubilee woman allegedly receives unsigned messages on her phone. The presenter reads them aloud, offering to establish from whom the SMS data came.

Texts can be like this.

"Are you alone today? I am devastated to the bottom ... You know how lonely, empty, sad, sickening, bad ... To hell with this anniversary! Remember me soon!" Guests must guess that this strange greeting came from ... a refrigerator.

"Congratulations on the anniversary! I'm still on the road. But, I hope, tomorrow morning I will be able to come to you all ... ”Of course, everyone here will immediately guess that we are talking about a hangover.

“I send my congratulations! I love you very much! You snatched gifts that day ... Drink, walk! If only I were enough…” It is easy to guess that this message was sent by health. After all, it is not for nothing that the saying goes among the people that we drink and walk, as far as health is enough.

Such competitions for the anniversary of 50 years are fun during corporate parties. They can also diversify the holiday at home. Moreover, then the messages themselves can be more frivolous and frank.

You are the most, most, most...

Everyone has already noticed that birthdays are usually praised positive features the culprits of the occasion. Therefore, it is a sin not to use this fact when preparing contests for the anniversary of "50 Years of a Woman".

Pass out sheets of paper and pencils or pens to the guests. The facilitator calls the letter, for which the participants must quickly come up with an adjective and write it down. Three to five words will be enough, after which the notes are collected.

The host reads the adjectives proposed by the guests, starting with the words: “Our dear hero of the day! You are the most, most, most ... blue, talkative, conscious, dining, salty! And you are the most, most, most ... green, furious, green-eyed, starry, golden!

Entertainment of this kind, usually included in the scenario of the 50th anniversary of the woman, will make all the guests and the hero of the day herself laugh. And if you invite the hero of the occasion to represent each epithet, then it will be even more fun.

Contest "Eat and think what you eat!"

Undoubtedly, the anniversary is accompanied by gatherings at a luxuriously laid table. And in order for the guests to diversify the process of eating food with the work of the brain a little, you can hold a competition on the knowledge of the ingredients of cooked dishes. This is one of those fun contests that can be held during any feast. It is harmless, like all selected contests for the anniversary of 50 years. The woman, including the hero of the day, is close to the topic of cooking.

So, the rules of the game are as follows: the leader calls any letter (except e, b, s, b, d), and all the rest should name one of the products that is part of the food put on this festive table. The right to name the next letter passes to the player who first pronounces the correct word. The winner is the one who will be the last presenter who guessed the letter that no one can name the ingredient for.

Diversify your wardrobe!

Cool contests will be able to make any beech laugh. For the anniversary of 50 years, a woman should prepare several of them. These should be games that do not require the preparation of participants. They will become the highlight of the holiday if they are included in the scenario of the anniversary.

“50 years for a woman is the age of her heyday,” the presenter says in the opening speech. “This is already quite a big girl who needs to update her wardrobe. Something has become small for her, something has gone out of fashion. Let's help the hero of the day fit in some models from her old wardrobe."

The conditions of the game are as follows: a bag “with outfits” is passed around in a circle to the music. The one who has a package in his hands at the moment the melody stops must take out the first thing that comes across to him and put it on himself. You can’t look into the bag when choosing an outfit!

The presenter made sure in advance to pick up cool items of clothing. It can be:

  • bonnet;
  • bib;
  • grandmother's "bulky" bra;
  • elastic band;
  • pioneer cap;
  • sliders.

The process of dressing in completely inappropriate outfits is usually accompanied by friendly laughter and cheers up everyone present.

Auction "With a kind word - to a new life!"

You can diversify the competitions for the anniversary of a woman for 50 years, associated with things that supposedly once belonged to the hero of the day. For example, not only clothes are collected. Let's put up for auction:

  1. Favorite laces from shoes, presented by an adored grandmother for the first anniversary - the anniversary of the birth.
  2. The diaper, in which the exhausted parents wrapped the cute screaming child and on which the current hero of the day left her indelible autograph - this is an eternal speck.
  3. A jar of coffee, which is not a jar at all, but an impromptu rattle, the only one that can calm a raging tyrant in six months (as everyone hears, inside it lie emitting pleasant melodic “rattled” coins).

But the price of each lot will be special - it should be a good parting word for the life of the second half of the century, consisting of the specified number of words. The longer the player's speech, the higher the price of the lot is considered.

“I offer a 7-word parting word for this thing!” one of the guests speaks up. “And I will say 12 words at once!” - raises the price of another.

It is very important that parting words are original and creative. The winner is chosen by the hero of the day herself.

Who quickly? Who is smarter?

Mandatory mobile competitions for the anniversary of a woman. 50 years is, of course, not adolescence, so you can make them stylized in some way. For example, you can run not in a trivial way, that is, with your feet, but with forks stuck in pieces of bread. For participants, you can even arrange treadmill with obstacles. It is best to tie the forks with tape in the middle or with ribbons.

It is also very funny to play "twister", especially if the company gathered is of different ages, and there are many young people among the guests. Only those who wish can take part in it, because watching from the side is quite fun.

You can play a game-competition based on attention. For example, the presenter tells a fairy tale and, in the course of the plot, calls out a word denoting any part of the body. Participants should immediately grab their neighbor on the right for what was said in the text. The last person to complete the task is out.

To fix the remaining participants in the competition, you can use tall glasses filled with wine, which should be drunk at the time of exiting the game. The text could be like this.

“There lived a duck named Gray Sheika on the shore of the lake. She could not fly with her flock to warmer climes, as she badly hurt her knee in the summer. Winter came. But the duck was feeding on the lake, dipping her nose into the cold water.

Suddenly, one day, she noticed how a fox's red ear flickered behind the bushes. Gray Sheika forgot about her sore knee, closed her eyes in fear and hid her head under the water. Only the back was left on top, ”the presenter can begin to tell such a fairy tale to the guests.

The continuation develops in such a way that in almost every sentence some part of the body is called. You can pick up the rhythm. Then you will need to use two and three words in one sentence. For humor, it is recommended to use words like "beak", "wings", "feathers", "tail", "fins", "fin" and others.

Dancers competition

When the company has already drunk enough and cheered up, the presenter offers cool contests and games. Old friends, good acquaintances are usually invited to the anniversary of a woman. Therefore, you can joke and indulge without looking back at others, without fear of seeming ridiculous and ridiculous.

An interesting competition for dancers is that the host shows some figures and "codes" them with some word. For example, tilting to the right will be called a "frying pan", and to the left - a "bow". A circular motion of the pelvis can be given the name "cuttlefish", and a jump on one leg can be called a "cake". Actually, the more ridiculous the name of the movement, the funnier the competition will turn out. To the music, the host calls the code word, the players perform the movement. Whoever makes a mistake is out.

Another competition - for the best dance couple - is to crush the notebook sheet as much as possible. It is placed between the dancers in the abdomen or chest. As the music begins, the couples begin to dance. The host is charged with the duty to comment on what is happening with humor.

“Look how Nikolai and Alina are trying! They almost already can be considered winners. I can imagine what would have happened to them if sandpaper had been used instead of a notebook sheet ... At the end of the competition, we would have seen a spectacle: two skinned skeletons with happy smiles on their faces. But it seems that I rushed to conclusions ... Marina and Victor are catching up with them, just stepping on their heels! A little more, just a little more, and they will have the palm! Yes, yes, Marina practically snatched it from her rivals thanks to her (showing with her hands) ... big ... just the same huge ... hmm ... abilities! Yes, and Victor helps her a lot. Look at how actively he moves, pressing his whole body against his partner! We see how difficult it is for him, he is covered with perspiration ... As I understand you, Vityok, I would also bake in your place. But you hold on. Support, gentlemen? Victor! Victor!"

50th Anniversary Scenario moms script anniversary for mom Mom's birthday script. Beloved mother for the anniversary congratulations, songs, poems.

(leaders can be children of the hero of the day)


Anniversary! Mom's 50!

We open the ball today,

Yes, such that no one saw!


Wishes hung in a frame

And we got together not in vain,

Congratulations dear mom

Applaud louder friends!


We congratulate our mother,

Admiring, loving!


Raise the anniversary bowl!

Let's drink the first glass for you!



Words without regret

Congratulate you in a hurry

In honor of the anniversary.

(Congratulations from guests and relatives).

After several congratulations are heard, guests are invited to sing a song, handing out words in advance.


"... If you frown, leave the house" From the repertoire of L. M. Gurchenko.


We are today ... (name)

Our congratulations

Happiness and luck

She will have a lot.

Good health

We wish her

We promise to come

On the hundredth anniversary.

And smiles without a doubt

Light up this whole room

Happy Birthday,

Fill your glass soon!


And at ... our

Everything comes out clean

And order in the house

Husband and children are

And grandchildren too

Grow up quickly.

She has many talents

Do not count everyone

Let today in this hall

Songs flow until the morning

And for our hero of the day

Let's shout out loud!

We are today ... (name)

Our congratulations

Happiness and luck

She will have a lot.

Good health

We wish her

We promise to come

On the hundredth anniversary.

And smiles without a doubt

Light up this whole room

Happy Birthday,

Fill your glass soon!


And at ... our

Everything comes out clean

And order in the house

Husband and children are

And grandchildren too

Grow up quickly.

She has many talents

Do not count everyone

Let today in this hall

Songs flow until the morning

And for our hero of the day

Let's shout out loud!


Two “new Russian” grandmothers came to our holiday with congratulations.


Hello grandmothers, where did you come to us from? And who are you?

Now we will tell and show everything about ourselves, right, Matryona?

True Flower.


(to the tune of "Merry Girls", they sing together)

funny old ladies,

cool girlfriends,

friendly faces,

Lights of cheerful eyes.

We walk around the area

Two white crows

We congratulate anyone

Just feed us.

We walk around the area

Two white crows

We congratulate anyone

Just feed us.

(referring to leaders)

- Yes, but who should be congratulated?

Who was born to you, a girl or a boy?


We have a girl!


Girls are different

Black, white, red...

(At the same time, he looks at the youngest of the daughters of the hero of the day)


Stop, stop!

It's not that girl.

Congratulations to her mother!

After all, it's her birthday!

(sings to the motive: ...From afar for a long time, the Volga river flows)

Mother said! Your...,


She's still a girl anyway

She even on tour, and even at a banquet

She is, after all, only seventeen years old.

Yah you.

We must congratulate you in a new, modern way.

(In the style of REP, he sings with characteristic movements).

You look cool today

Cool just like your own

And what is sitting behind the muzzle,

Probably all your relatives?


I can do that, even better.

Listen here!

(continues rap)

We came here today

On this your anniversary

You are as beautiful as ever

More than many of ours!

Well, how cool we seemed to them here, will they take us to the table now?

How do you think?

But how!

(sing together "Birthday" from the repertoire of I. Nikolaev)


Childhood holiday

And nowhere, nowhere

Don't get away from him.

(Leaders invite them to the table).


Dear guests and, of course, the birthday girl, there are still guests here, I’ll ask for a moment of attention.

(a gypsy camp appears with noise)


Our choir sings an old chorus

And the wine flows like a river.

Your loved one has come to you

Gypsy camp is expensive.

Congratulations, we wish her happiness

And we will say together: ..., bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up!


Wait, wait! Here another young gypsy girl was late. Meet her, support with friendly applause!


To guitar chords

Playing a bright shawl

Under floods and swoops

The girl came out barefoot

And the guitar, oh how it sang,

The sounds were crying, sobbing,

And gypsy tunes

The curious were collected!

(a man dressed as a gypsy appears to the singing of the choir, dances, sticks to men on the go)


Oh, gypsy, gypsy

daring girl

Have fun dancing, darkie,

Help the guitar ringing.

And while the guitar sings

Legs themselves dance rush.

Sounds break the soul

But they remain in the heart.

(the song can be found in the recording or the chorus can be replaced with an ordinary gypsy girl with an exit).

(You can also include fortune-telling.)



Dear guests, and now I want to announce a contest. For this competition, I invite 2-3 couples, you can have the same sex. The competition is as follows: to a melody that changes in pace, it is necessary to dance in pairs, holding a balloon between them without the help of hands:

1. Holding with stomachs.

2. Holding heads.

3. Holding backs.

The pair that does not drop the ball wins.


Competition for grandchildren.

Feed each other blindfolded yogurt...


Competition for men. Who will drink beer faster through a straw for a cocktail...



Beloved, kind, sweet mother -

A beautiful priestess of the family temple.

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you

And that's what we wish you today:

Health, success, luck and happiness

Let bad weather not enter the father's house

Thank you for living in the world

With love to you, your adult children.


(to the motive of the song "Mama" from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova)


The years are taking away the fleeting time,

Erasing the boundaries of adults and children,

And we caught up with mom

Now we're just women

I already give her advice.

And we compared with mom

Now we're just women

I already give her advice.


Mom, don't regret anything

Far from your autumn

Mom is far from September,

We're just big.

Mom, don't be sorry about anything

Far from your autumn

Mom is far from September,

We're just big.


You always expect letters from us for weeks,

And we do not write, occasionally we call.

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live.

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live.

Chorus: the same


Let's sit side by side on the couch

We will soon be flying to our lands.

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother,

Ah, my beloved mother,

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother,

Ah, my mother is my singing bird.

Chorus: the same


Reflects the important life moments of the birthday girl.

As soon as nature was renewed,

Warmed by the warmth of the sun

The girl was born

To the delight of mother and father.

They called ... daughter,

Happiness cannot be measured!

Like in a fairy tale girl-snow maiden

Cherished and protected.

(pictures in infancy)

This is ... in kindergarten,

Here with the neighborhood kids

Digging in the sand here

Here she sews handkerchiefs for the doll,

Oh, smart baby!

Here she is leafing through books,

Everyone ... good,

Grows up slowly.

(photos as per description)

The years went by.

Didn't know worries

Our ... grew up.

Here is the school

First grade,

Our student is here...

(photos of elementary school)

Grade 2, 4, 5

Time flies fast

Soon the last call

For... will ring...

(photographs of school years).

graduation ball,

Our beauty,

A lot of boys already like her,

The path of life is open before her,

Maybe become a famous star?

By virtue of his wonderful nature,

I decided to become a teacher.

(photo of student years).

In paradise, from the apple tree,

Having once tasted the secret fruit,

Eve became Adam's wife

Since then, people have been getting married.

Since then people have been playing weddings

At the heart of their love

And this day is the happiest (to know)

It won't happen again.

So got married... with...,

The people danced at your wedding.

(photos from the wedding day)

In a young family, everything is fine,

furnishing the house,

Bought a TV

Here they hung a carpet

Everything is beautiful, everything is fine

The clean room is spacious.

(photos of home life).

Once on Christmas Eve at the very

In the night, God gives... daughter!

Happy young father

She brought a beautiful bouquet.

From the maternity hospital, a daughter with her mother,

The happiest one took

Brought them home

They began to live as a big family.

(photos in the maternity hospital).

To my daughter... with...

They gave me a name....

The little one turned out nice

All looking like mom

A year later, until ... (daughter's name)

Eating sweet porridge

She gave birth to a sister


With ... (names of parents) are satisfied

Replenishment in the family

They began to raise girls

Mind to teach.

(photos of children).

The kids have grown up

AT Kindergarten already gone.

(photos in kindergarten).

New Year's carnival

Gathered everyone around the tree.

New Year's merry holiday

Very happy kids

Santa Claus brought gifts

In chorus everyone shouts hurray!

(New Year's photos).

And our ... birthday

She is 30 years old today.

All carry gifts, congratulations

Her husband brought her a big bouquet of roses...

(photos from the 30th anniversary)

Our... at work

Here she is highly respected.

10 years of raising kids

Kindergarten became her native

To such an educator

Many people want to get in.

(photos from work).

The children grew up...

And gathered down the aisle

On a summer day

Two weddings at once

Done at last.

(photo from the children's wedding).

Our... 45

Baba berry again.

(photo from the anniversary).

Many good days, dear

It was in life...

Here are the grandchildren

The years of life are spinning...

(photos from different years, grandchildren)


And our dear aunt

Very round anniversary.

So today

Everyone is warm and cheerful.

So many of your years have flown by

Well, you are beautiful as always.

Look how you've gotten better

And you haven't been touched by the years.

You walk through this life boldly

Not afraid of storms, not winds,

Who will say that you are our aunt?

You are like our older sister!

Be always healthy and cheerful

We are always good with you

We look at you

- this is a school!

We will live like you, wow!


Hello, dear grandmother,

We congratulate you all!

For the beloved for grandma

We baked a loaf.

Don't be shy grandma

And get on the chair.

The hero of the day is forced to stand on a chair. (Children invite all guests to become a round dance).


And now let's all sing together for our granny!

How on ... we baked a loaf for a name day

Here is such a width, here is such dinners,

Here is such a height, here is such a low.

Loaf, loaf, choose whom you love

Of course, I love everyone, but my grandmother most of all.


Let the music play today

Let there be songs, dances until the morning

Let all the neighbors know

What today, our

Mom's birthday, hooray!!!

Woman's 50th Anniversary Scenario - Woman's 50th Anniversary Scenario - Woman's 50th Anniversary Scenario.

Do you want to surprise your mom for her birthday? This mom's 50th birthday script will help you create a celebration with interesting congratulations, such as "Presenting a medal", or a playful congratulation from Italians, there are games.

Mom's 50th anniversary script - the beginning of the celebration

1. Fifty years is a good time!

And there is no need to be sad.
Let it pass another half a year
You don't just have to get old.

And on this glorious bright day
We congratulate you
Health, happiness and kindness
With all our hearts we wish!

2. Dad's congratulations

3. Congratulations to the children.

To you, our dear,
Only 50!
Your soul is getting more beautiful

And a warmer look.
Not sung by a poet
She worked day and night.

Always been ready
You help everyone.
And you taught us

Work and love.
And we, like you, strive
Useful for people to be.

You gave us years
heartfelt warmth,
And through all the hardships

Always led forward.
To you, beloved mother,

The only, dear,
Our congratulations helmet
And our bow to the ground.

Song "Haytime"

1. The month hid behind the river,
The Volga sleeps, covered with ice.
Well, we are warm, comfortable

Here at the festive table.
We congratulate mom
It doesn't matter if it's an anniversary.

Let the years fly by
You don't regret it.

2. blizzards sweep every year,
It flies from apple trees.
50 is not old yet

It's just flourishing.
Every year only more beautiful

It's breathtaking
The granddaughter is growing up
We'll give you two more.

3. grandmother, wife, and mother,
She is all alone.

You always help us
We all need you very much.
No, more than a person

We never find
Mom, we all love you
Just let me hug you.

3. Congratulations to friends.

4. Presentation of the medal - "Golden congratulations"

This glorious winter time
You have a golden anniversary.

multiply 25 by 2
Let's sum up your deeds.
You became, believe me, golden,

Let's be honest, handing over medals.
Let's start with the hands. They are golden!
What results are on the table!

These little hands carry bags,
Stroking, cooking, caressing children ...

And a golden head!
Her work is not easy.

Mind natural plus experience over the years
Gave the weight of respect to the lady!
As for the weight, then so, figuratively ...

You're okay with the figure:
The figurine looks like it's cast

For relatives and friends it groans,
And it's all worth it!

Here you go through life like this,
And your soul is golden!
Broad, and kind, and rebellious,

And at work, no doubt, diligent.
Tanya, we love you for this,
everyone is warmed up with warmth!

Let's talk about character. Simple,
But of course it's gold.

He is both strong and durable.
You are a positive person!
All your decisions are grandiose,
And you take things seriously.

The nature of the conclusion is:
It's golden, no matter how you slice it.
And so you, Tanya, dear,
Golden circle, golden!

And you know that everything is golden
Stay always young! (chocolate medals are awarded according to the text)

The honorary right to present a gold medal to Litarova Tatyana Yuryevna, by order of Medveputin, is granted to the official representative of the authorities, the spouse of the birthday girl Alexander Nikolayevich Litarov (the medal is awarded to fanfare)