How to disassemble the door handle of an interior door: diagram, photo. How to disassemble the door handle of an interior door How to remove the round door handle of an interior door

The problem is quite pressing, considering how many times a particular door has to be opened/closed every day. The result is wear and tear of the fittings. Therefore, a good owner should understand how to disassemble the door handle of an interior door. This is not difficult to do if you familiarize yourself with its typical models and their features.

Types of products and dismantling procedures

Stationary version

The simplest option for an interior handle. Fittings of this type have practically fallen out of use: at least, they are no longer used in residential premises. It is a bracket with fastening elements. The only difference is that it can be one-way or end-to-end. In the latter case, 2 handles are fixed on long screws (or axles), installed on both sides of the sash, opposite each other.

The answer to the question of how to remove a door handle of this modification is short - unscrew the fastening elements. As a rule, this is done only to replace it with a more modern model. Such fittings are cheap, and therefore no one will repair them, since disassembly is not provided for by definition.

Push design

The design of this type of door handle is somewhat more complicated. It is a lever-type product: its working part (via the axis) is rigidly connected to the locking mechanism. Additionally, some models are equipped with a latch that locks the locking device.

You can remove the door handle of this type of interior door using a screwdriver. But always with a narrow tip. A “clock” class tool is well suited for these purposes. The fixing screw is located in a small recess: accordingly, its slot is small, and a regular screwdriver may simply not fit. Once the fasteners are sufficiently loosened, the handle can be easily removed from the axle.

The base of some models of fittings is covered with a decorative strip. Without removing it, you will not be able to dismantle the door handle. As a rule, it is attached to a thread. Therefore, it is not difficult to unscrew the lining if it is not “stuck”. Rarely, but it happens. In the opened opening, fastening elements are clearly visible. There are two options - slotted or hexagon screws. Therefore, you will need a corresponding key (usually 2).

It’s easy to understand how to change a push-type handle, and when installing, all steps are performed strictly in the reverse order. If, in addition, it is necessary to dismantle the lock, then the protective plate on the end of the sash must additionally be removed.

Rotary model

Fittings of this type have many differences from push-type analogues. The difference is not only in shape, but also in some design features of the products. Although the general principle of operation of all mechanisms is the same.

Model with socket

Such round handles, depending on the design, are disassembled in different ways. The difference is in the method of attaching the decorative part.

Option 1 – there is no hole for access to fasteners. In simpler designs it is located on the side and is clearly visible. How to disassemble the round door handle in this case? It consists of two halves. You need to grab the lower (stationary) part and turn the upper part. With a little effort it will unscrew freely. After this, all that remains is to unscrew the fastening screw that “sits” on the axis and remove the second half.

Option 2 – there are holes. This is quite simple and no explanation is required.

Knob models

These are handles with a built-in latch. Removing them is somewhat more difficult, since it is necessary to fix the spring mechanism. This is done using the key that was originally included with the product. If you don’t have it (lost, broken), a thin nail, a lady’s hairpin or something similar will do just fine.


  • The upper part of the fittings rotates.
  • The selected device is inserted into the technological hole located on the side, and the spring-loaded pin is moved. It is he who holds the fittings in place.
  • All that remains is to pull slightly towards you and remove the handle from the interior door.

Installing this type of fittings is also not difficult. After placing it in the cavity of the lock sash, it is fixed with a escutcheon, the axle is inserted, the fasteners are screwed in and the decorative parts are assembled.

Any man can solve the problem of how to remove the handle of an interior door. This does not require practical experience or any special equipment. And even more so, consultation with a professional. Everything is quite simple, and ordinary household tools are quite enough. Whatever happens - the appearance of abrasions on the metal, a breakdown of the mechanism, the desire to install new fittings on the door - all the work is done in a short time and on our own.

The door handle becomes an important element in the design of the door block. With its help, the traditional way of opening/closing the door is carried out. The handle is used intensively and, to a greater extent than other fittings, is subjected to extreme loads. As a result, its mechanical part suffers, its appearance becomes worn and loses its attractiveness. Over time, the need for repairs arises. But often there is nothing left to do but change the door handle.

Different models differ in appearance, method of operation, and method of attachment to the door leaf. In some situations, it is not always possible to figure out on your own how to remove the handle without damaging it.

When is it necessary to remove the handle?

The need to remove the handle arises when the appearance cannot be restored or you need to get to the mechanical part. This part is also removed to repair the lock.

  • Malfunction of the foot or knob (sagging, loosening), breakage of the lock. To remove a mortise-type door lock, you must remove the handle. The mechanical part that returns the push or turn handles to their original position after pressing the lever or turning the knob is located under the decorative strip. To diagnose the cause of the breakdown and find out how to fix the handle, a number of manipulations are performed. These include: disassembling the part, inspecting the spring, retaining ring, and travel stop. Often lever models made of silumin break off from an accidental blow. In this case, dismantle the remaining fastenings.
Push type model device
  • Replacing an old model with a more modern one. Sometimes the device is working properly, but looks unattractive in appearance and spoils the impression of the door block.
  • Wear of decorative coating. Expensive brass models can be easily restored, but a cheap product with a peeling coating cannot be restored.

How to remove different types of handles?

To determine how to remove a door handle, you need to find out what type a particular model is. Each type has its own principles of installation and dismantling.

Stationary models

Usually made in the form of a ball (knob), staple. The models are attached to the door leaf with ties and self-tapping screws, and the latch or lock is not connected to the handle. Stationary models serve as a handle that opens the door.

Removal of the bracket/knob is necessary in case of damage to the appearance of the handle or loosening of the attachment of the pressure lever to the decorative strip or socket.

Round with rosette

The round knob, unlike the rotary model with a latch, is made of solid material and is solid. The typical method of attaching such models is to one central tie using threaded screws. Removing the round handle is simple: holding the knob on one side of the door leaf with your hand, twist the knob on the other.

Stationary round model with socket

The knob is attached to the central axial element not with a thread, but with a side screw. In such models, there is a hole on the side of the knob at the base where the head of the screw can be seen. Instead of a screw, there is also a latch; it is pressed, removing the round door handle from the rod.

The one-sided knob is attached to the socket. If there are no visible fasteners in the socket, it means that it is covered with a decorative cover. To remove it, first try to twist it counterclockwise. Usually the cover is unscrewed in 2-3 turns. If the cover cannot be removed using the specified method, it means that it is attached to the mounting strip using the snap-on method. The plate is carefully pryed off with a screwdriver and removed, opening access to the fastening screws.


Bracket models are installed on heavy entrance doors. The bracket is often found on a bar; there are also models with ties. The latter include popular handles for plastic doors, often found in office spaces. The fastening screws in models on the bar are often not hidden by a decorative trim, so figuring out how to remove them is not difficult.

Important! There are exclusive models sold individually, since they are installed on one side of the door leaf. There are no mounting holes on the outside, since the bracket is screwed onto the back side of the door leaf.

Handle bracket

It is more difficult for an inexperienced craftsman to understand an office handle bracket, since it will not be possible to immediately figure out the method of fastening. It is held in place by a clamping nut located on the base. To unscrew it, you will first need to find the hole for the rod. It is convenient to use a thin hex key and a small screwdriver. The rod is inserted into the hole, the nut is unscrewed, and the bracket is removed.

Push model

The L-shaped halyard handle is becoming a popular model that is installed on interior doors. To dismantle a door handle of this type, you will need a thin Phillips and flat-head screwdriver.

Foley handle

For push handles, there are two types of devices: on the bar and on the socket. Each type has its own mounting features:

  • Models with a rosette are available in two types: with and without a decorative overlay. Handles without lining are equipped with open fastenings, so you can start unscrewing right away. In models with an overlay, the lever with the mounting strip is additionally held on the rotating square by side screws; the holes for them are located on the side of the base of the bracket. After twisting the decorative trim, the mounting screws are exposed.
  • Models on the bar are removed using the same principle. When the fastening is open, the screws are unscrewed immediately. The decorative trim is held in place by a snap, so it can be removed by prying it off with a screwdriver.

Important! Decorative strips are made of thin metal. To remove it without bending it, carefully inspect it and find a small hole on the side through which it can be pryed.


Hollow knobs, sold complete with a latch, are mounted on a large diameter rosette with a decorative strip. Despite the complexity of the design, disassembling such models is simple.

To disassemble a door handle with a built-in latch, you must perform the following steps:

  • Remove the knob;
  • Remove the trim;
  • Unscrew the tie screws.

To remove the knob, find the hole on the side of the base through which the latch is pressed out. To press down, use a thin metal object (knitting needle, nail). Press the locking pin and pull the knob towards you.

Pressing out the fixing element on the knobset

Important! After successful disassembly, the handle must be reinstalled correctly. When reinstalling, make sure that the fixing pin fits into the socket (you can hear a characteristic click). To do this, the knob is rotated around its axis. Otherwise, if you open it suddenly, it may remain in your hands.

The decorative strip is attached with threads or snap-on clips. It has a hole for prying. Having removed the bar, all that remains is to unscrew the screws on the ties.

Video on how to disassemble the round handle on a socket:

It is not difficult to remove any handle from a door yourself if you correctly determine the method of its fastening.

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How to disassemble the door handle of an interior or kitchen door? Each of us may face this question sooner or later. Breakdown of this mechanism occurs due to its regular use. However, like any other mechanism, the door handle handle is designed for a certain number of jobs, after which the mechanism needs to be overhauled or replaced.

Various options for interior door handles

In this text, we will look at how to disassemble an interior door handle structure, and will clearly demonstrate the simplicity of this procedure, after which everyone can do it independently at home, having at hand a small set of tools and two hours of free time to disassemble such an element , like a handle mechanism. It is worth noting that there are currently many different door opening mechanisms, so let’s look at examples of disassembling the most popular and in demand models today.

Device diagram and door handle mechanism

In this case, we will begin the analysis of examples with the rules for disassembling an ordinary stationary handle, which does not have a push set and a mortise lock for a response cylinder. Here we need a flathead or Phillips screwdriver or a screwdriver with a bat. Let's look at an example of parsing a regular stationary handle:

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Installation of double-sided handles on a balcony door

In the case of a stationary handle, the entire disassembly consists of removing the decorative trim and unscrewing the fasteners. Next, a new mechanism or an old element with new fasteners is installed in its place.

Handle disassembly process

It is worth noting that replacing a stationary handle with a new mechanism requires additional manufacturing of the corresponding fitting grooves in the door leaf.

Disassembling a round handle with a rosette

A socket, as a rule, refers to a mechanism that allows you to lock a lock using a special small key on one side and an accessible thumb on the reverse. In this case, disassembling such a mechanism consists of the following steps:

If the handle requires repair or replacement of a certain mechanism, then you will have to completely disassemble the individual parts and find the cause of the malfunction.

Important. When disassembling a round handle with a rosette, all fastening elements must not be lost, otherwise you will not be able to assemble the mechanism together and install it in its original place after reassembling and replacing one of the parts.

Watch the video: door handle repair.

Disassembling the round knob handle

How to disassemble a round door handle-knob? This question interests many owners when moving into a new apartment, where door leaves with a non-removable handle mechanism are installed. In this case, to remove this element from the door leaf, as a rule, the following steps are performed:

An element such as a non-separable round handle is attached using conventional fastening bolts. The mechanism is made in such a way that no repair work will be carried out later, but a new cover will be purchased immediately and will take the place of the old handle.

It is worth noting that this process is associated with the purchase and replacement of a mechanism; otherwise, there is no point in removing and attempting to disassemble such an element.

Since the manufacturer did not provide options for repair and installation of the handle after repair in its original place.

In all premises without exception, whether it be a house, apartment or office, there is always doors. This means that when arranging them, you won’t be able to ignore the moment of selecting fittings for them, such as door handles. You need to dwell in detail on their types and selection parameters, but before you start selecting, it makes sense to find out how to remove the handle from doors: internal or input.

Learning to remove the handle


The main criterion when selecting a door handle is its quality. After all, it is in operation regularly, since with its help the closing and opening of any doors. In addition, it plays an important artistic role in the interior of each room. In any hardware store you can find a wide selection of door fittings, among which everyone will find what they need. Handles for internal and entrance doors They are distinguished not only by cost and design, but also by the material of manufacture.

If there are often drafts in the room, we recommend purchasing a handle with a latch lock. This will help doors remain closed and you won't be forced to close it regularly. When selecting such a device, you should carefully check the mechanism for serviceability and smooth operation.

Device types

  1. Push. The mechanism forces the lock latch to work when influenced. The tongue moves to the inside and an opening occurs. Opening a lock of this type is easy, so if security is important to you, then it’s a great option to take a closer look at another option;
  2. Fixed. A simple device with no moving parts. The role of such handles is decorative and they are perfect for interior doors, as can be seen in the photo;
  3. Rotary. This is like a push-button model, which is very often used for the bathroom.

Important Steps

Before proceeding with dismantling the handle, install its structure. It can be the most ordinary or with a snap mechanism. The former, for their part, are also divided into several options:

  • secured on both sides with screws;
  • having a core going through the entire panel.
  1. If pen fixed on ordinary self-tapping screws, you can use a screwdriver. Having removed it, you can easily understand what caused the damage and whether it can be fixed;
  2. You will need to tinker with the handle and rod. Try to rotate the part, while holding the second part of the part to prevent it from scrolling. Having removed the part from one side, you can easily remove the second and take out the rod;
  3. To remove the handle with the latch, you need to free yourself from the screws holding the fittings, after which you will see how it is secured. Very often, a design of this type has a rod and a tongue movement structure. Remove the not very large rod with the cap and it can be easily removed.

Round designs

Start the process of removing the handle from the side where the locking key is not present:

  • First, get rid of the decorative trim by pressing the stopper with a screwdriver and it will easily come off, as shown in the video;
  • Unscrew the two screws that hold the parts of the handle and remove them;
  • Now you can unscrew the screws holding the latch and remove it.

Between the doors

If the problem is serious, then there is no need to save money and buy a new one. Let's start the replacement process:

  • Remove the fittings, taking into account its design and the rules described above;
  • Clean the removed handle using sandpaper and you can take it to the supermarket, where they will help you choose a similar model;
  • Very often, handles with latches and a lock are purchased for replacement.

Front door

It is very important to determine the breakdown, and then change the handle to input doors. To do this, listen to our recommendations:

  1. Using a screwdriver, remove the structure. To do this, unscrew the screws holding the lever on both sides of the door leaf, without touching the internal lock;
  2. You need to take an adjustable open-end wrench that will help you unscrew the device or lever. Continue twisting until you remove the rotary type mechanism as shown in the photo;
  3. Having taken out the handle, you can easily remove the spring and rotation mechanism.
  4. Look at all the details with great attention; the hard work depends on them. If for example pen is loosened, then you can easily notice all these details without even taking it apart;
  5. You need to unscrew the retaining ring that holds the torsion spring and washer together;
  6. If you did everything correctly, you can easily remove the upper washer located under the retaining ring;
  7. The cause of the problem may be the torsion spring. To check this, take it out and look at it carefully. If this is actually the reason, then buy a new one and replace it;
  8. The torsion spring should also be checked. To do this, unscrew it with a screwdriver. If it unscrews with great difficulty, then this is excellent and indicates that it is quite tight and there is no need to change it.

Let's sum it up

Replacing the handle is necessary in both cases: a problem and installing a new one doors. If you listen to our recommendations, then in none of the cases will you have any problems. The main thing is to be careful and take your time, and you will definitely succeed.

There are two types of broken interior door handles. Most often, when you press the handle, it simply scrolls, the door latch does not react to movement and the door does not open. Less often, the spring inside breaks, the handle sags lifelessly and no longer returns to the horizontal position.

Whichever option you encounter, to solve the problem, the door handle must first be disassembled and removed. The sequence of work depends on the design and features of the device of a particular model. Therefore, before we begin describing the technology for removing and disassembling the handle, let's look at what parts it consists of.

Door handle design

The photo below shows the design of the simplest door handle.

The first is the handle itself (in our case, a push handle). A plastic ring is attached to it, which ensures a tight fit of the handle to the base. It is also called a “rosette”, decorative flange or strip. There is a return spring inside it, which guarantees the stability of the horizontal position of the handle.

The next two elements are the travel stop and the locking ring. Their task is to prevent the handle from scrolling further than the required trajectory. All these components are sequentially located on the rod (in the image - Square) and secured with a locking screw. The rod, in turn, is inserted into the locking mechanism and drives the latch.

The next photo shows the disassembled handle on the socket with a slightly more complex design of some parts.

Having understood the names and purpose of each of the elements, let’s move on to the sequence of removing the handle from the door and disassembling it.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the work

  1. First of all, remove the handle (indicated in the photo above). It is attached to the rod with a locking screw, or, in the simplest case, secured with a spring-loaded locking pin. We unscrew the screw with a screwdriver or a hexagon, depending on the shape of the groove on it. If we are dealing with a spring-loaded pin, then you need to press it inward with a nail and forcefully pull the handle away from the door.
  2. By removing the handle, we gain access to the socket. If the mounting screws are visible on the socket, then by unscrewing them we can immediately remove it from the rod. But more often there will be a special overlay on top of the fasteners (a decorative flange - in the photo above it is labeled as a socket). It will have a groove where it meets the door, by which it can be pryed with a screwdriver and removed. Perhaps the trim just needs to be turned counterclockwise if it is held on by the thread. By removing the decorative trim we gain access to the mounting screws that secure the socket itself. Since access to them is open and nothing is in the way, they will be easy to unscrew with a screwdriver.

It happens that the socket, just like the handle in other designs, has a hole in the end: there is a spring-loaded pin in the recess. In this case, to remove the socket, you need to press on it with a nail, while simultaneously pulling the socket off the rod. If you find a hole, but there is no pin in it, this means that when installing the handle, the socket was turned around its axis and the pin is located somewhere else. You can find it by smoothly turning the socket with a nail inserted into the recess until the nail rests on the pin.

After disassembling the handle in the suggested sequence, you will be able to determine the exact design of your particular model. And based on its characteristics, draw conclusions about what exactly caused the breakdown and how to fix it.

Types of handles for interior doors

Door handles are sold in two types: “knob” and “rosette”. The handle of the knob is usually hollow and light, while the handle on the rosette is made of more massive materials and is usually non-hollow inside. Over time, when the spring mechanism wears out, the first structure may begin to wobble or even sag. The second one will last longer and be more comfortable to use. Accordingly, their prices differ: the most budget-friendly options are knob handles.

The shape of the handles is divided into rotary And push. The push button has a classic handle shape: when you press it, the door latch is hidden in the lock body and the door opens. The rotary handle has a ball shape, which makes it less noticeable. In addition to the difference in design, these two designs differ in features that are not obvious at first glance.

The rotary handle is more compact: it is more difficult to accidentally touch it when passing by the door. And if this happens, it will not be as painful as with a push handle. At the same time, using a ball-shaped handle every day with wet or oily hands from cream is very inconvenient - your hands slip. So, if used regularly on kitchen or bathroom doors, the push handle will create fewer problems for you.

Today there are a huge number of different types of door handles. All of them are quite reliable, but sometimes they still have to be replaced or repaired. However, a problem arises here - not everyone knows how to disassemble This is the most necessary element of furniture in everyday life.

How to properly remove a door handle mounted on an interior door yourself? Read about it below.

Reasons for dismantling

In most cases, it is necessary to disassemble the handle if:

  • she got loose;
  • fell into disrepair;
  • the lock itself needs to be replaced.

In the first case, there is usually no need to remove it. It is enough to simply tighten the screws holding it, or replace them with thicker ones (if the wood is worn out).

Unfortunately, budget versions of handles, in principle, cannot last long, and besides, they are made completely unsuitable for repair. The coating on them is usually quite unstable and will quickly peel off during use. Therefore, when they fail, they are simply replaced with a new one.

Often, during renovations, owners decide to replace old handles with new ones that are more suitable for the design being created or simply look more modern.

When buying a new kit, try to choose those that are made of good metal with a minimum number of components. Reliable pressure models, for example, should be equipped with bearings - they can serve you for several decades. By the way, quality is very easy to determine: the heavier the fittings, the higher it is.

The most common types of door handles

Most often, the following three types of handles are installed on interior doors:

  • stationary;
  • nobs (round);
  • push.

The latter variety is considered universal, since it can be equally often seen on both entrance and interior doors. This mechanism in its normal position has an extended locking tongue, and when it becomes necessary to enter the room, the handle is pressed and it leaves the grooves. In this case, a lock is usually cut into the canvas, protected by special pads. In order not to damage the latter, disassembly must be carried out as carefully as possible.

In our country, a round handle equipped with a latch is used only on interior doors. Abroad (for example, in the USA) they are often placed on input. It has a key hole on the outside and a locking button on the inside.

Stationary models are installed mainly on swing doors. This design is convenient, but not very functional. In essence, it is an oblong bar on which a U-shaped bracket is attached. In the simplest versions, no locking mechanisms are provided - the door is closed with a separate bolt. More advanced models also have a roller latch, installed independently.

Prepare the following tools for dismantling:

  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • thrust wrench (included with the product).

If the model is without bolts (that is, with hidden fastenings), then you need to act in this order:

  • Using a flat screwdriver (being careful not to damage the decorative coating of the door), unclip the trim located at the base;
  • Unscrew the screws hidden under it;
  • use a stop wrench to press directly on the stopper;
  • remove the handle by carefully pulling it towards you;
  • After dismantling, unscrew the screws holding the locking mechanism.

In simpler round models, disassembly is much easier - just unscrew the two long bolts located on the back side on either side of the latch.

In this case, you just need to unscrew the self-tapping screws or screws securing the strip to the door leaf.

Here it is worth understanding that this type of handle must be replaced with one of a similar size. Otherwise, traces from self-tapping screws will not be hidden. They are especially visible on varnished surfaces.

Individual models are connected with bolts through the door - this method of fastening is convenient for both the manufacturer and the consumer. In this case, you just need to unscrew them from the back and both handles will be removed.

Lever handle

All that is required is to remove the trim (in most models it is connected to the handle). In simpler versions, you just need to unscrew two screws from the door leaf.

In advanced ones, all fasteners are hidden behind a decorative cap - it either snaps off or is screwed onto a thread. By removing it, you will have access to 3-4 screws that need to be unscrewed with a screwdriver. Don't forget to also remove the clamping screw mounted directly on the handle - it secures the square pivot rod. After this, disassembly can be considered complete.

Assembly nuances

Before placing the handle in its intended place, secure the locking mechanism - turn its oblique surface in the direction of closing the door.

It is important to tighten all screws and screws as tightly as possible - the better you do this, the longer they will not come loose.

After assembly, check how the mechanism works - the latch should fit freely into the groove and ensure reliable fixation.

Using door handles leads to wear and tear. Renovation required. You can call a professional or carry out the repairs yourself. Before doing the work, you need to study the materials in order to clearly understand how to disassemble the door handle at the door. There are different types of door handles: with and without a lock. Before starting repairs, it is necessary to establish the type of product in order to determine the sequence of actions.

The market has a large selection of handles for interior and exterior doors with and without a lock. All of them are classified into three types:

To disassemble and assemble door devices you will need the following tools:

  • flat or Phillips screwdriver;
  • a key with a stop, a sharp awl;
  • pliers;
  • Adjustable wrench.

Reasons for parsing

The technology of disassembling and assembling door mechanisms is not routine work. They are carried out if the fittings have become loose, the screws in the lock need to be tightened, repaired or replaced. Other reasons leading to the disassembly of fittings:

  1. Product failure. The performance is impaired due to failure to prevent the mechanism or rough handling. This is one of the most common reasons for product failure.
  2. Replacing the model. The production of models is constantly being improved, and there is a need to replace them.
  3. Residential renovation. During a major renovation of a premises, the interior is updated. Old interior door handles may not fit into the new style, so they need to be replaced.
  4. Surface wear. Scuffs, chips, and peeling paint appear on the product due to the poor quality of the coating. Therefore, the lock and fittings are disassembled and must be replaced.

Stages of disassembling fittings

The mechanism is disconnected from the door by removing the lining in the upper part located at the locking button. You can remove it using a key; if it is missing, use an awl. To do this, you need to press the stopper of the latch located in the fittings. The handle and axis of the clamp can be easily separated from the body by simply pulling it off. It is necessary to remove the parts and unscrew the screws with a screwdriver; the fittings move away from the door.

Disassembling a stationary handle

If the product is fixed with self-tapping screws, then it is enough to unscrew the screws with a flat screwdriver and remove the fittings. Inspect for damage. If it cannot be repaired, then it must be replaced.
When placing the product on a common rod, it is enough to remove the fastening fragment from one side. The structure must be removed from the reverse side. The presence of a rod in the product is checked by turning it counterclockwise while simultaneously holding it with your hand on the other side. If you can turn it, then it is on the rod.
The stationary handle with built-in latch can be removed with a screwdriver, unscrewing the screws and removing the decorative trim.

Disassembling the push handle

Unscrew the screws securing the cover and remove the tetrahedral rod. After this, the fittings can be easily removed. The second overlay is removed, the axial rod and the remaining part of the fittings are removed. The parts are inspected and a decision is made: replace or repair.

Disassembling the round pen

Knob fittings with a lock take longer to dismantle than other devices due to their complex structure. However, let's figure out how to disassemble a round door handle. To do this, you must follow the following steps:

  • First, use a screwdriver to remove the flat cover located near the handle;
  • press the stopper with a key or other sharp object and pull the product towards you;
  • from the removal side, the screws are unscrewed, both parts move away from the door leaf;
  • the screws securing the latch are unscrewed.

Handle assembly

To reassemble the handle, you need to perform all the steps in reverse order.

When moving the round handle, you need to insert a latch into the door. It should be adjacent to the closed surface of the door with the oblique part of the tongue.

After installing the products, they are fixed with screws. The key mechanism is mounted on the selected side of the door.

The pressure link is located on the other side and is secured with two screws. Upon completion of installation, the functionality of the product is checked. It should easily turn and return to its original location. The mechanism can be moved slightly to the side and aligned. To do this, its required position is fixed; a decorative strip is attached to the upper part.

The slot of the latch must be in the same position with the square-shaped plate rod, which must fit into the handle smoothly and without distortion.

Finally, the device is hung. It should be deepened inward by pressing against the axis of the clamping link of the fittings. The removable elements are inserted into the clamping part until it stops, and a decorative strip is hung. It remains to make sure that the mechanism is working properly.

The quality of fixation of the fittings is checked. It should turn freely and return to its original place. The check is performed by turning it until it stops both on the side of the latch and the drum latch mechanism.

Dismantling various door hardware has its own characteristics. For example, a regular, stationary handle can be removed without any difficulty. However, many are interested how to remove the handle latch. Because it has certain structural features. In particular, on the outside, a key is used to lock and unlock it, and on the back of the door leaf, a rotary handle is used.

Before, how to remove the handle latch, prepare certain tools. They are available in every home - a screwdriver and a special mounting key, which is sold complete with a handle. Although in some cases you can do without it. It all depends on the characteristics of the fastening.

A few minutes for complete dismantling

It will only take a few minutes to remove the handle latch, even if you are an inexperienced craftsman or even if you are starting this procedure for the first time.

On one side of the handle there is a special stopper that ensures reliable fixation of the product on the door leaf. Press down on it with a thin screwdriver or other hard, thin object. While holding the stopper, pull the handles. This will allow you to remove it. Remove the two screws securing the handle. This will allow you to dismantle the fittings from both one and the other side of the door leaf.

The next stage of the process, how to remove the handle latch- this is removing the strip from the end of the door, which is also secured with two screws. Unscrew them and pry the bar with a screwdriver. Perform the last step carefully so as not to damage the coating on the door. Pull the cover, together with which you can remove the internal mechanism of the fittings. That's it, now you know how to remove the handle latch. There is nothing complicated about this and it does not require much time.

Installing a handle on a door is not difficult. You will have to do this anyway. Shouldn’t we leave the door leaf with holes for handles, but without fittings? All pens of this type are similar. In addition, given the special structure of the handles, only the exact same model can be installed in their place.

The re-installation process involves the reverse sequence of actions. First you need to insert the internal handle mechanism into the door leaf, and then screw the bar. Make sure that the beveled part of the latch is turned towards closing the door leaf. Install the decorative trims, then put on the handles. Check their operation and secure with screws. This completes the installation process. Now you know not only how to remove the handle latch, but also how to install it back on the door leaf. The whole process will take from ten to twenty minutes, and only if you have really never done anything like this.

We wish you good luck in your work!

The main function of door handles is to open and close doors. In addition, aesthetically made fittings become a decoration of the door leaf and part of the interior of the room. Today, construction stores offer a wide range of different models, differing in shape, design, style, quality, material, and price.

To prevent doors from opening due to air fluctuations, door handles with a latch lock are used. There are several important requirements for such a mechanism, the main ones being versatility, serviceability, and ease of operation.

Types of Door Handles

By design, door handles are divided into three types:

Push. The peculiarity of this type of door handle is that the latch is driven by a certain amount of pressure on the door handle. In this case, the lock tongue moves into its inner (hidden) part, as a result of which the door opens with ease. Fittings of this type serve more of a decorative function, since such locks open with ease. For this reason, they are used to temporarily close doors.

Stationary. Such door handles are a common device that is installed in a door leaf that is not equipped with a movable mechanism. These handles can only be used to control the door. The most popular type of stationary handles are bracket handles. They are perfect for doors whose main purpose is to delimit space (interior doors). This element makes it possible to pull the door towards you when opening or perform the opposite movement - close the door.

The kit may also include door latches. But with the help of such a device, the door can only be opened if there is a roller latch. In this design, it is better to choose reliably and firmly installed products that can withstand force loads.

Knob handles. Basically, such fittings have a round shape, and are equipped with a twist lock inside. To open or close the door, you must turn the handle. Door products of this type are used for interior doors. Knob handles can also be installed on toilet and bathroom doors. If you need not just closing the door, but also restricting access, it is better to choose rotary handles with a latch or button located in the center, thanks to which you can lock the door from one side.

Door handle installation diagram

The main types of locking devices are:

Locking latch

Latch without locking

Latch with lock and key

For ease of use, the handles on the doors should be installed at such a height that when opening the person’s arm at the elbow is bent at a right angle. A distance of about 70 mm should be maintained from the edge of the door to the handle. The specific value is determined depending on the locking mechanism. .

If a problem is detected in the operation of the door handle, it is necessary to determine its cause. To do this, it must be removed. You can do the work yourself. You will need an adjustable wrench and a screwdriver.

How to disassemble a door handle

The door handle is disassembled in the following sequence:

  1. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the screws holding the lever on both sides.
  2. Pull the device out of the door.
  3. Unscrew the lever using a wrench and remove the spring-wrapped rotary mechanism from the handle.
  4. Carefully inspect all elements to determine the cause of the breakdown and further action.

You can disassemble a round door handle using a special key with a stop, a flat-head and Phillips screwdriver. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. On the side where the key is missing, you need to pry up and remove the door handle trim with the latch (this is done using a flat-head screwdriver).
  2. Press the opened stopper while simultaneously pulling the handle towards you - this way it can be easily removed.
  3. Using a screwdriver, you need to open both screws and remove the two unscrewed parts of the round handle from the door.
  4. The screws holding the latch are unscrewed, after which they can be pulled out of the door leaf.

How to remove a door handle

To remove the handle, you first need to find out what its design is: regular or with a snap mechanism.

How to remove a round handle

Replacing the handle

If a door handle breaks, it must be replaced with another one. First you need to inspect and determine the structure, and then carefully remove it from the door leaf. The layer of old paint must be removed and the surface treated with sandpaper. Then you can go to the store for the appropriate model.

When choosing a handle, you need to take into account all the features of the door: whether there are any putty holes left on it and whether new fittings can close them. Based on the chosen design, assembly is performed in the reverse order of the above described methods for removing the handles.