How to boil beef for Olivier. Olivier from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! Beef Olivier Ingredients

Without a favorite salad, named after the author, but long and far gone from the original recipe, any celebration seems somehow not at all festive. However, at a certain stage, a bowl of Olivier ceases to please both the eye and taste. Nevertheless, the monotony of products and approaches is very boring, even if you love the dish wholeheartedly and passionately. The situation may well be saved by Olivier with beef. First, the salad acquires fresh flavor notes. Secondly, you certainly won’t spoil it - sometimes even familiar brands of sausage are very disappointing. Thirdly, the widest field for chef's imagination opens up. Together, all this allows you to enjoy your favorite salad for decades without turning it into the category of everyday dishes.

Main component

In Olivier with beef, it is meat. And the only thing that can spoil the taste of a salad and your mood is improper cooking. Therefore, we remember in detail how to cook beef intended for Olivier.

Rule one: pour meat with boiling water. So it will turn out juicier. This is for a rich broth, beef must be laid in cold water. However, when using boiling water, you get a completely worthy basis for first courses.

Rule two: water should cover the meat to the top and rise above the high point finger meat and a half.

Rule three: you need to salt at the very end. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get rid of the stiffness of beef.

Rule four: beef should languish under the lid for at least 40 minutes - and this is if the piece is not too large.

Of the seasonings, sweet peas and laurel are obligatory. It would be nice to put a peeled onion into the pan after removing the foam. You can also add a couple of garlic cloves. A very delicate aftertaste appears when a bunch of fresh herbs is added to the boiling broth.

Basic postulates

In any version of Olivier with beef (see the photo of the dish in the article), in addition to meat, potatoes, cucumbers and eggs are included. Root crops and the result of chicken love are boiled and peeled, all components are cut into proportionate cubes. The same goes for beef.

In the original Olivier salad recipes, a variety of ingredients can be found. The approach remains the same: what requires heat treatment is boiled; what has impressive dimensions is chopped.

As a salad dressing, in most cases, ordinary store-bought mayonnaise is enough, the fat content of which the hostess chooses herself.

Classic Olivier with beef: recipe with photo

Approximate ratios of products: for four eggs and three large potatoes - a third of a kilo of boiled beef, heels of pickled or pickled cucumbers, pepper, mayonnaise and salt - to taste. Olivier with beef reveals its richness of taste especially brightly, being seasoned with chopped herbs. However, it also reduces the shelf life. Therefore, it is better to sprinkle it on an already portioned salad. Our advice: place bowls with chopped parsley, dill and chives on the table. Those who wish will season themselves, orthodox-minded guests will ignore the offer.

Olivier with beef: Jordanian recipe

In principle, all the components are the same, with the exception of peas. In this version, it is replaced with canned corn. The salad leaves an unexpected impression, but nevertheless the dish is worthy of attention.

A small clarification: the Jordanian Olivier with beef in the author's performance is only salted. Ground pepper should not be involved. It seems to us that this is not entirely fair: the taste of corn is even less pronounced than that of peas. So a pinch or two of pepper is probably not superfluous.

Non-standard Olivier

Fans of culinary experiments will surely like the idea of ​​replacing pickled cucumbers with fresh ones. With them (plus a small addition), Olivier with beef acquires a completely unique taste sound.

Of the traditional ingredients remain potatoes, eggs and peas. Beef goes by definition. Fresh cucumber can be supplemented with salt if you want a subtle touch of the classics. For originality, add pitted olives, cut into circles. You can season with mayonnaise, but if you want a lively taste, it is better to combine it with sour cream and mustard.

"To champagne"

Absolutely gourmet recipe! Not cheap, non-standard, quite far removed from the salad we are used to, but incredibly tasty, which you will obviously want to treat yourself to at least on the most significant dates.

First of all, you will need not just a cut of beef, but a cow's tongue. It costs, according to the exact popular definition, “dear mother”, therefore this value must be cooked in accordance with all the rules. That is, after washing, you need to soak the delicacy in cold water, cook without salting (depending on the size and age, this stage will take from an hour to two), half an hour before removing it from the stove, put a celery root, carrot, onion and bay leaf into the broth. The finished tongue is doused with cold water - this will allow you to easily remove the skin from it.

In addition to beef offal, you will need a squid of the same weight as the tongue. You can take a frozen carcass, you can - rings, but not salted, but also chilled. Seafood meat is boiled and, again, cleaned. All of this is cut. Chopped pickled mushrooms, hard cheese, eggs and potatoes are also sent to the salad bowl. Mayonnaise is combined with mustard in equal proportions - this will be a dressing. Ten minutes of standing in the refrigerator - and the salad is swept off the plates at an unprecedented speed.

Last remark

Many chefs strongly advise adding boiled carrots to beef salad. However, it is often shoved into the traditional versions of this dish. In our opinion, this root crop is frankly superfluous. As it was possible to find out as a result of an independent investigation, carrots in Olivier appeared only in the years of total shortage. In order to increase the total volume of the dish and save hard-to-reach products (first of all, sausage and canned peas) cunning housewives began to shred boiled carrots into a salad. Whether to follow this tradition in our relatively prosperous times is up to you. But it’s better not to spoil the exquisite taste of your beloved and tenderly revered salad. Especially when it comes to Olivier with beef.

Olivier - the favorite salad of all those living in the expanses of the former Soviet Union, to this day remains an attribute of festive tables, especially New Year's ones. And surprisingly, he does not get bored and does not get bored.

Beef Olivier Ingredients:

  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 150 g canned peas;
  • 200 g of lean beef;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • greens for decoration;
  • salt.

It is difficult to remember an equally popular dish at Russian feasts. As a rule, the beef olivier recipe is prepared in whole “basins” and consumed with great pleasure.

Recipe for beef olivier

The meat is washed, boiled in salted water until tender. Cooled to room temperature, cut into thin bars or cubes. Carrots, potatoes and eggs are boiled, cooled, peeled, cut randomly into pieces or rubbed on a coarse grater. The apple is peeled, the core is removed, the pulp is cut into small cubes.
Cucumbers are cut into strips. The onion is peeled and very finely chopped, but it is better to chop it with a blender. Combine all vegetables, peas, meat, an apple in a large bowl, add salt, add sour cream, mix. A recipe for Olivier salad with beef is laid out in a beautiful salad bowl, decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs and served on the table.

“You probably put potatoes in Olivier, right? And mayonnaise? Right like this, pressed from a tube? ... I'm not afraid to say that most of you make Olivier tasteless and wrong!

Instead of the usual Olivier potatoes, Tatyana Tolstaya advises putting more eggs and carrots, focusing on barrel cucumbers and dressing the salad sour cream sauce with lemon. No doctor's sausage, caviar, truffles and quails. The main ingredient of the dish should be boiled beef or chicken.

Finely chop all products, add canned peas, sour apple and fresh cucumbers "according to the season and finances, but not those long ones that smell like watermelon." If you like, you can use capers and pickled mushrooms, "but not the same as in the store, but overcooked." Feel free to change the proportions of products, “you need to try and add to balance both saltiness, and sweetness, and softness,” based on your own taste.

Total cooking time: 90 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Yield: 4 servings


  • beef (pulp) - 500 g
  • chicken eggs- 4-5 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • barrel cucumbers - 2-5 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc. small
  • green apple - 0.5 pcs.
  • canned peas - 0.5 cans
  • lemon juice - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. or to taste
  • sour cream - 150 g
  • mayonnaise - 75 g
  • cilantro - 3-5 sprigs optional


    To prepare Olivier, we will use beef (you can replace it with boiled chicken). Boil the meat until fully cooked. I used beef on the bone, boiled for about 1 hour in salted water with a few black peppercorns, cooled in the broth. In parallel, in another pan, I cooked carrots and hard-boiled chicken eggs until tender. The author of the recipe advises more carrots and boil them well, but I limited myself to one medium-sized piece. I don't like it when there are too many carrots.

    When the beef was completely cool, I cut it into small cubes, removing the bones and fat. Carrots and eggs were peeled and also chopped into a pea-sized cube.

    Added finely chopped barrel and fresh cucumbers. Cucumbers must be "salted, no skin, and ONLY cask, no gherkins or pickles." The amount can be taken to taste and depending on how sour they are. I did not peel the skin, as it turned out to be not tough, but very tender and quite edible, you can peel it if you wish. If the cucumbers are watery, make sure that moisture is drained from them. As for fresh cucumbers, I added quite a bit (half of one large cucumber), this was enough to refresh the taste of the salad. If you do not like fresh cucumbers in Olivier, then do not put it.

    Drain the liquid from the jar of peas and put it in a colander to drain all the moisture. We need "precisely canned peas - you determine the desired brand by trial and error, because they pretend that it is French, and this is Moldavian fodder, so that they are all swollen there, thieves and crooks." I added about half a jar to the salad, you can add more if you like.

    I added half an apple, peeled and peeled. Sour varieties such as Antonovka or Semerenko are best suited. You can also add cilantro - "... Whoever does not like it, then do not put it." Greens should be washed and dried between paper towels, the amount to taste.

    “Now the gas station. AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT! Squeeze the juice of half a lemon. You remove the bones. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix, tasting. Don't overdo it. When the lemon stops being deafeningly sour, the balance is reached. Now a lot of good sour cream. Mix. And only then - a little mayonnaise, half the amount of sour cream. If you do this, then your Olivier will smell of spring, youth, freshness and other highly valued qualities, and not drag heavily and gloomy, as if he were in felt boots and with unwashed feet.

    I added half a tablespoon of sugar - this amount turned out to be enough to muffle the acidity of lemon juice, but here it is better to focus again on your own taste and add it gradually, stir thoroughly so that all the crystals dissolve. I combined sugar with lemon juice, then added 150 g of sour cream and 75 g of Provencal mayonnaise. I used sour cream with a fat content of 20%, it is desirable that it be thick and non-acidic, without grains. The result is a smooth sauce, with a pleasant lemon sourness.

    It remains to mix the salad. “And I repeat once again: I beg you, refrain, do not put potatoes. Potatoes will kill everything. You don’t need to salt, the cucumbers will do it.”

Olivier salad with beef according to Tatyana Tolstaya's recipe really turns out to be easy due to the exclusion of potatoes and "a lot of mayonnaise" from the list of ingredients. In fact, only beef, eggs and vegetables are left, seasoned with sour cream sauce. Try it for the holidays!

It is impossible to imagine a festive New Year's table without Olivier salad. This tradition has existed for many years and few people do not observe it. In many families, Olivier continues to be served on the festive table along with newfangled and modern snacks. I propose to cook salad "Olivier" in a more healthy version with boiled beef. Such a salad is no less satisfying than the traditional version, but due to the meat it is much healthier. A sour apple also adds a piquancy to the salad.


To prepare the Olivier salad with beef, we need:

boiled beef - 200 g;

boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.;

boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;

boiled carrots - 1 pc.;

sour apple - 1 pc.

pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;

onions - 1 pc.;

green onion for submission;

canned peas - 0.5 cans;

salt, pepper - to taste;

mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking steps

Cut into cubes boiled beef put into a deep container. Cut cucumbers and onions.

Peel the apple, remove the core and cut into cubes. Also chop eggs and carrots.

Cut potatoes into cubes.

Add peas and a little green onion to the salad bowl, leave the rest of the green onions for serving.

Salt and pepper the salad, add mayonnaise, preferably homemade, mix well.

You can serve Olivier salad with beef in a beautiful salad bowl or on a plate for each guest individually, using the culinary ring. Sprinkle the top of the salad with green onions.

Enjoy your meal!

Today we will prepare a classic recipe that everyone has loved since childhood, so that it turns out exactly the way our mothers and grandmothers used to make it! Of course, this is a beef olivier, which will always be much tastier than salad with sausage, at least, because it contains natural meat. We have chosen a time-tested recipe that has long become a classic, which can be supplemented at will with various products.

How to boil beef for Olivier

To make Olivier with beef, we, of course, need the meat itself. We choose one piece weighing 400-500 g without films, fat and bones - the boneless pulp will be more lean. The meat should not be frozen, it is best to buy a piece and cook it right away.

Boil the beef as follows.

  • We put the meat in a small saucepan, suitable in size and pour boiling water over a finger and a half. This is necessary so that the juice remains in the meat.
  • Now put the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil. For some time, you will have to be on duty near the saucepan to remove the foam.
  • When the broth is completely clear, salt the meat to taste, add ½ onion, 3 black peppercorns, bay leaf and a bunch of fresh herbs. Close the meat with a lid and keep on low heat from 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the piece.

We simply check the readiness - we pierce the meat with a fork and if the juice goes clear, then it is cooked. Put the finished dish on a plate and leave to cool.

Now that the main ingredient is on the table, you can proceed to further steps.

Olivier with beef and fresh cucumbers


  • - 4 things. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 400 g + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 bank + -
  • - 1/2 pc. + -
  • - 4 tablespoons + -
  • 1/3 tsp or to taste + -
  • on the tip of a knife or to taste + -

How to cook beef olivier

  1. First, boil eggs and vegetables in water. You can do this together to avoid putting too many dishes on the stove.

    If possible, we steam the vegetables - this way we will preserve the taste and make it more saturated.

  2. Finished products are cooled and cleaned. We immediately cut them into small cubes, preferably of the same size, so the salad will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Chop the eggs, if desired, with a fork or egg cutter, but it is best to also cut them with a knife.
  4. We put everything in a deep bowl, in which the salad will then be easy to mix.
  5. Now finely chop the cooled beef, wash and peel the cucumber, also chop it and send it to the rest of the products.
  6. Open the jar of peas and drain the liquid. We pour the grains to the rest of the products.
  7. Peel the onion and chop half.

    If it is a red onion or it is bitter in itself, it is better to scald it with boiling water to remove the characteristic smell and bitterness.
    To do this, put it in a cup and fill it with boiling water so that it covers the pieces on your finger.
    Let stand for 5-6 minutes and drain through a sieve. We leave the onion to drain for a while, then we send it to the salad.

Season with mayonnaise so that the salad is not too crumbly, salt, add pepper and mix.

We shift the finished olivier with beef into a beautiful salad bowl or lay it out on portioned plates, decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs and cool before serving for at least 20 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, the recipe for a wonderful salad is extremely simple and does not involve any difficulties! Try to cook it and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

What to add to Olivier salad: creative experiments

In addition to fresh, pickled cucumbers can also be added to traditional Olivier. They go well with the taste of boiled meat and complement the appetizer, making it more juicy and crispy in summer. Enough 1-2 pieces, depending on the size.

If you don’t have onions on hand or just don’t like its taste, put green onions in the salad. 50-60 g is enough for this amount. Finely chop it or cut it with kitchen scissors.

In addition, a green apple is very suitable for Olivier. Crispy and juicy with its sweet and sour taste, it will refresh the salad. Add no more than ½ large fruit.

Well, for those who prefer exotic spicy notes, we recommend flavoring the salad with olives. We catch 10-15 pieces. let them drain well and cut into circles.

Salad goes well with fresh herbs. It will take about 1/3 of the beam. The main condition is that the greens should be very finely chopped. If you don't have fresh on hand, you can use frozen. We give it a good thaw in advance, drain the excess water, cut, if necessary, and add to the salad.

The most delicious salad with homemade mayonnaise will turn out - it is not difficult to prepare it, but the result will exceed all expectations, but it will not disappoint with store-bought beef salad according to a traditional recipe.

Try to make such an appetizer for a family holiday or to please your loved ones by preparing it for a regular dinner!