Electric wall-mounted water heater - we heat water for the home

Naturally, almost every modern person dreams of the most comfortable environment in their own living space. That is why such unforeseen circumstances as turning off hot or cold water do not suit any of the residents living in high-rise urban new buildings. The most optimal and correct solution in this case is the purchase and installation of a device called a wall-mounted electric water heater.

The choice of water heaters on the market is as wide and varied as possible. And the demand for them is quite stable. And this is no accident, since for most buyers a wall-mounted electric water heater is equipment endowed with many more advantages than gas and liquid fuel devices, which, by the way, can not be installed in every apartment.

The main advantages of this type of heater are:

1. One hundred percent security;
2. Easy direct installation;
3. Easy to operate and manage;
4. Low price;
5. Energy saving design.

Types of electric heaters

Electric heaters are divided into two main types:

1. Storage device (heats a container with water);
2. Flow equipment (heats running water).

A flow-through water heater has the ability to heat water as quickly as possible, while water passes through a powerful heating element called a heating element - plate or tubular. The main advantages of the device are:

1. The indisputable ability to provide users with hot water at any time and, of course, in unlimited quantities;
2. Maintenance is not required regularly;
3. Compact, does not occupy a large area.

The disadvantages of the device include:

1. Requires centralized cold water supply;
2. Requires a stable voltage in electrical networks;
3. Requires a stable pressure in the water supply;
4. Large energy costs are required - an instantaneous water heater requires a large allocated power for an apartment;
5. Provides hot water usually with only one draw-off point.

The accumulative water heater in its structure resembles a thermos, endowed with the function of heating and further heating the water. It initially accumulates water, then heats it up, and subsequently maintains the set temperature. The main advantages of this technique are:

1. Work even with not the best pressure in the central water supply networks;
2. The ability to heat water up to approximately eighty degrees, while expending a minimum amount of energy. Savings occur due to the slow heating of water;
3. A unique opportunity to produce hot water at the same time with several water points.

The disadvantages of a storage water heater include:

1. The need for regular maintenance - once every six months;
2. The presence in the line of heaters of sufficiently large dimensions, unsuitable for each interior in a residential area;
3. Sufficiently long waiting for water heating;
4. The ability to heat a limited amount of liquid - exactly the volume of the heater.

Heating water with electricity

In order to answer the question of how long it will take for high-quality heating of water, it is necessary to understand some of the nuances. The time spent depends on several components:

1. Volumes of water tanks;
2. The power of the electric heating element.

In order to significantly reduce heat losses, it is required to use water heaters with an increased coefficient of thermal insulation. That is, they should work on the principle of thermoses. If the heater is well insulated, the temperature of the already heated water will drop at a minimum rate.

The unit in question can be connected to the most common electrical outlet, since a conventional heater has a power of 1000-2000 watts. The capacity of the heater tank affects only the time during which the water will be heated, but not the temperature to which this water will be heated.

This is the main difference between storage and flow heaters. If you take a flow heater of insufficient power for your needs, then you will receive slightly warm water. But instantly.

If you take a storage heater for 100 and 200 liters, then you will end up with 100 and 200 liters of water with a temperature of 80 degrees. But in the first case it will be after 4 hours, and in the second - after 6 hours.