Milan name: origin and meaning. How to interpret the male name Milan? Milan male name meaning

The name Milan, like many other names that are of Slavic origin, requires little or no explanation about its meaning. This male name is derived from the root "mil", and its origin is associated with the adjective "cute". Accordingly, the stress in the name Milan is placed on the first syllable.

Despite the common Slavic origin, the name is most popular in Eastern European countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic. In Russia, children are called that very rarely.

But how much does the literal meaning correspond to what characteristics the name Milan gives its owner? To understand this, let's see:

  • What will be the character of the boy?
  • What traits will appear in an adult male?
  • What abilities and talents will a person with this name have?
  • How will Milan build relationships with others?
  • How successful will his marriage be?

As a rule, from a very young age, Milan justifies the origin and meaning of his name: he grows up as a very kind boy who acts as a defender of the weak, and at the same time knows how to find an approach to stronger peers.

That is why the boy is respected and loved by his peers. Milan also enjoys the favor of teachers at the school, as he has excellent teaching abilities and uses them correctly, showing perseverance in achieving his goal.

The name Milan means that its owner early forms his own principles of justice and attitude to the events of the surrounding world and the actions of people. His moral principles may even seem “old-fashioned”, “medieval” to someone in the modern mercantile world, but it is precisely this “knightly” principle that attracts other people to him so much. Such a man usually has a lot of friends who are ready not only to accept help from him, but also to provide it without further questions if necessary.

Milan is not one of those who distributes everything himself and is left with nothing: those around him pay him the same coin. The origin of this attitude towards him is in his willingness to help and protect the weak. And that is why he himself will never be left alone with his problems - there will always be those who will help solve them.

Such a man avoids conflicts around him, does not like to provoke them and knows how to extinguish any confrontation that he witnesses. At the same time, this is a strong-willed nature, and not a meek sheep, but at the same time, Milan knows how to be the soul of the company, a good conversationalist and a cheerful storyteller. To strangers, at a side glance, he may seem somewhat “cold”, but this is just an illusion: a man knows how to keep both himself and the situation around well in his hands.

Public benefit and flirting

Name researchers say that the name Milan means that its bearer has a very sharp mind, and therefore, already in his youth, he decides on the choice of profession.

At the same time, for a young man, the main role is played by the social significance of the profession that he chooses, and what will be the payment for his work is not a priority issue for him. The range of professions that Milan can choose for itself is very wide - from "social" specialties to "crafts".

He can become a cabinet maker or an engineer, a doctor or a priest, a journalist or an artist. For him, the main thing is the realization that his work benefits other people.

In addition, he most often finds a calling precisely in those specialties where interaction with people is necessary. In the work team, Milan's relations usually develop very well - colleagues appreciate him for his responsible attitude to work and high professional level.

All of the above does not mean that the character of Milan is completely without "pitfalls". The danger for these men may lie in excessive enthusiasm for their work, which will force them to work hard.

Salvation from such a development of events can be some kind of hobby outside of work or a commitment to active recreation - they also require attention and time and at the same time have a beneficial effect on health.

The meaning of the name Milan for relationships with the opposite sex is also ambiguous. For such a man, it is important to first take place in his own profession, and then create a family. But at the same time, he enjoys great success with the representatives of the opposite sex, who are attracted by his downright magnetic charm and goodwill.

Milan marries, as a rule, already after thirty years, but the wedding does not mean at all that he ceases to pay attention to other ladies, in addition to his wife. Even being in the status of a married person, a man can flirt and even have affairs with numerous fans. And he will not even try to hide his love affairs from his wife.

If she has the patience to survive such behavior of her husband in the first years after the wedding, then after that Milan, as a rule, settles down and ceases to reciprocate the claims of numerous beauties.

He becomes an exemplary family man and a good father - he is engaged in raising children not because it is necessary, but because he himself enjoys it. In addition, he loves to receive guests in his house and is reputed to be a hospitable host. Author: Olga Inozemtseva


The meaning of the name Milan

Dear, beloved. "Dear" (slav.) Charming personality, type of male knight: smart, kind, protector of the weak. Always ready to rise to the defense of justice, and not under the influence of a momentary impulse, but out of deep conviction. Undoubtedly, there is something from the "knight of the sad image" in these men. And the Dulcineas most often reciprocate them. Milan graduates brilliantly from school, carefully chooses a specialty, the value of the profession for him lies not in how it is paid, but in its social significance. Milan is a sociable, sociable person, an interesting man. In society, he is always a welcome guest: he is not deprived of a musical gift, plays the guitar, sings. Outwardly, these men may look cold and reserved, but inside they have a fire burning! These are addicted natures, women are crazy about them, but Milana does not differ in fidelity. They get married after thirty, they have sons. The field of activity of the Milans is wide, among them there are doctors, actors, journalists, engineers, artists, there are excellent artisans: tailors, cabinetmakers. Some of them go into religion, take orders. These are men of contagious charm, outstanding, radiating warmth and goodwill. Near them warm hearts.

Numerology Of The Name Milan

Soul Number: 8.
For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G8s are for the most part very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 6


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

The name Milan as a phrase

M Think
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Our, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Milan

M - a caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
L - a subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, the desire to share knowledge and feelings with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."

It's no secret that the fate of a person is determined by his name. Very often, parents pay attention to the fact that it sounds melodious, as well as its meaning. The name Milan carries good energy and caresses the ear. The meaning of this name endows its owner with certain features. Milan can be described as fair, kind and noble. This child causes delight among relatives and tenderness among grandmothers.

The male name Milan is of ancient Slavic origin. It became widespread among the Western Slavs. - "beloved, cute, beautiful."

Milan is a very charming child, somewhat reminiscent of a noble knight. Protecting the outcast and the weak is very important to him. The name Milan is fully consistent with his description. He is very sincere, sympathetic and will not allow anyone to humiliate himself or his loved ones in any way.

Milan is the name of the boy, which gives him the opportunity to understand how to communicate with the fair sex and thanks to which he becomes the most popular in the class. Milan will spare no effort to establish justice, as he believes that He will protect his chosen one, help her in everything.

Due to his good mental abilities, the boy can easily acquire knowledge. He studies excellently, is fond of both the humanities and mathematics. He may prefer a promising or highly paid position to a more interesting one. Possible professions that he can choose: doctor, actor, musician, artist, journalist, designer, engineer, architect, cabinetmaker, jeweler or priest. The main thing for him is that his activities benefit society, and not contribute to personal enrichment. Thanks to hard work, he will be able to achieve a good financial position.

Milan may give the impression of a very reserved and a little cold person, but in fact he is a temperamental, passionate and addicted man who is very popular with women. He rarely makes any compromises.

Milan usually enters marriage after thirty, as he is spoiled by female attention. Wife chooses carefully. He does not believe that he should be faithful to his wife to the grave. In marriage, he may be disappointed, as he is poorly versed in people, but for the sake of children, he will not leave the family. He considers children the greatest joy in life and attaches special importance to their upbringing. The name Milan speaks of the sociability and sociability of its owner. He loves to visit, spend time in companies where he plays the guitar and sings.

Parents are obliged to teach Milan to manage their emotions. In no case should they be rude to him. It is contraindicated for a boy to restrain negative emotions, as he has a predisposition to a nervous breakdown. For Milan, outdoor walks and sports will be favorable. He should be careful with fire, as an accident can happen to him.

Now you know how his name affects the fate of a person and what it means. The name Milan is a clear example of this.

Milan is a charming personality, the type of a male knight: smart, kind, protector of the weak.

Milan graduates brilliantly from school, carefully chooses a specialty, the value of the profession for him lies not in how it is paid, but in its social significance.

Always ready to rise to the defense of justice, and not under the influence of a momentary impulse, but out of deep conviction. Undoubtedly, there is something from the "knight of the sad image" in these men. And the Dulcineas most often reciprocate.

Numerological name code

Character of Milan

These are men of contagious charm, outstanding, radiating warmth and goodwill. Near them warm hearts.

The field of activity of the Milans is wide, among them there are doctors, actors, journalists, engineers, artists, there are excellent artisans: tailors, cabinetmakers. Some of them go into religion, take orders.

Milan is a sociable, sociable person, an interesting man. In society, he is always a welcome guest: he is not deprived of a musical gift, plays the guitar, sings. Outwardly, these men may look cold and reserved, but inside they have a fire burning! These are addicted natures, women are crazy about them, but Milana does not differ in fidelity. They get married after thirty, they have sons.

Name Compatibility Calculator

We hope that our interpretation of the mystery of the male name Milan will help you better understand your character or the character of your friends. Of course, one decoding and analysis of the origin of the name Milan cannot fully characterize the man or boy to whom it belongs, therefore on our website you will also find various horoscopes, compatibility pages, find out what it means to belong to one or another sign of various calendars. We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​secret knowledge and find out what not only the name Milan means, but also your zodiac sign, an animal according to the Eastern Calendar and much more.


Meaning: The name Milana is of ancient Slavic origin and comes from a word meaning "caring", according to the first version, or "pardoned" according to the second. It is considered a related name to such variations as Mila, Milan, Milena, because it also came from the word "mil" contained in the root.

The female name Milana is not as popular today as it was 10 years ago, but deserves attention. This name has a very strong energy, is able to endow the bearer with a bunch of good qualities, and at the same time is compatible with most Russian male names, which is also no less important ...

Conversational options: Milanka, Mila, Lana, Mile, Milka, Milyanka

Modern English counterparts: Milena

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Milan can only belong to a smart, beautiful soul and appearance, a morally strong woman. Milans are mostly silent, shy, a little secretive, but at the same time very sensitive and emotional. These girls never cease to amaze, they are unpredictable, it is difficult to predict them.

Milana's character is impulsive, promises frequent changes of mood, ease of communication and determination. Plus, the girls who bear this name are usually very purposeful women who become, if not leaders, then simply respected people in society.

Advantages and positive features: the bearers of this name are purposeful and hardworking, always achieve their goal, never give up, seeing obstacles on the way to the goal, and no less important, they are honest and fair in relation to other people.

Milana treats badly indecisive and timid men who are afraid to take the first steps. She may also avoid interacting with people who try to dominate others.

Interesting about the name of Milan: The name of Milan has never been too popular in Russia or Ukraine, but for many years it has not left a hundred of the most popular names.

The nature of the name Milan

The nature of the name Milan is such that it promises the bearer of this name form characteristics that are not leadership in any way - the girl named in this way does not have self-confidence, leadership inclinations, or an organizational gift. But her character is simple and tolerant, and practically has no flaws. Calmness, the ability to compromise, unscrupulousness, cheerfulness, good nature, goodwill and integrity, patience, cheerfulness, non-conflict - these are the traits with which the character of the girl named after Milan is endowed. However, it usually changes as you get older. Nevertheless, no matter how the character has changed, there will still be a minimum of bad things in Milan, and this is good.

However, this is a theoretical parameter, and it is rather difficult to predict what the character of the bearer of the name Milan will be. Much here depends on additional parameters, including the zodiac sign, the year according to the Chinese calendar, and even the time of year of birth.

Early childhood

Early childhood, for which the parents chose the name of Milan, is a period of optimism and endless fun, but not unrestrained, but quite decent, even. Milana is a very kind child by nature, significance endows her with a huge number of good characteristics, each of which can be appreciated by others. Kindness, honesty, obedience, caring, attentiveness, calmness, moderation, optimism, positive attitude - these are the main features bestowed by such a factor as value, but the essence of a girl with the name Milan is not limited to them. The meaning endows this with other features, among which are the craving for new knowledge, friendliness, devotion, and mobility.

Parents usually have no problems with this, she is good in all respects - she gets along with her peers, does an excellent job with her affairs, never quits halfway and always completes assignments. The only thing that significance does not bestow on the girl named so is determination and self-confidence - because of this, problems may arise in communicating with peers. And in general, the baby named Milan's nominal variation usually has few friends - she tries to spend time not in the company of a large number of children, but only in the company of one child, the one who became her friend. Although, in the future this feature will fade away ...


Already at the teenage stage, traits opposite to those in childhood will begin to appear. The one who is patronized by the meaning of the name Milan makes many friends, although she still tries to spend time with only one, with someone who could gain her trust. In general, Milana herself is distrustful - it is difficult to please her, she notices a catch in everyone, does not like traitors and mercenaries, tries to avoid conflict children. As for her trust, it is quite difficult to get it - perhaps she even wants to test it herself, and only after the person has passed the test of strength and loyalty, Milana will be able to trust him.

Gradually, already at this stage, the influence of such a factor as the meaning of the name form will begin to fade - from now on, the patronage of additional factors begins to appear, including the planet-patron of the name, the patronizing element and even the stone-talisman. By the way, as for studies, this girl has the gift to quickly adapt to everything that happens and easily learn everything unknown, but Milana herself tries not to stand out from the crowd, and therefore her academic success can go unnoticed by the teacher. On the other hand, Milana can be very offended if they begin to criticize her.

grown woman

Milana, who has reached maturity, loses the character of the girl described above - growing up, she becomes more self-confident, systematic, obligatory, executive, and purposeful. The only thing that cannot even change the meaning of this name is her incredulity - Milana, even being an experienced and adult woman, will never be able to trust people, and this is a problem, moreover, affecting everything, both professional activities and studies, and by itself on personal life.

Another drawback of the bearer of the name Milana is that this girl, and even an adult woman named like that, has no desire to be a leader, and moreover, she is afraid of leadership, because she does not know how to make personal independent decisions and is afraid of responsibility. Even with every chance of becoming a leader, Milan will give up leadership. On the other hand, she can become an unspoken leader, a person whose opinion will always be respected in any society...

Interaction of the character of Milan with the seasons

Winter - a girl born under the influence of the meaning of winter with the name Milana has a great chance of becoming a representative of the higher social classes - a future business woman with a strong grip, good intuition, and a craving for cleanliness, in business and personal life. This will be ideal in everything except the family - here she will entrust the leadership to her soulmate.

Summer - summer will become an amorous lover of attention from the opposite sex. Cunning, resourceful, smart and too unpredictable, but kind - especially due to her developed imagination, loves art and is the owner of an eternal desire to improve, Milana has a good-natured character.

Autumn - this bearer of the name will be too insightful, very light, and very sociable. Making a new friend in inappropriate conditions is not a problem for her, recognizing an enemy or a traitor is also easy and simple, convicting a lie is easier than ever. A good mother, an ideal wife, a worker who knows her worth and a careerist, a connoisseur of people with a high origin.

Spring - the spring baby will become in the future a sensitive and too sensitive person, disposed to tenderness, love, affection. Kind and compassionate, responsive and reliable. Under the name of Milan, she is not capable of betrayal, which means she is ready to become a truly faithful wife and keeper of the hearth.

The fate of the name Milan

The fate of a girl named Milana in love, relationships with members of the opposite sex, and marriage is such that it involves many different troubles in the personal life of a girl named in this way. Milana has had a lot of fans since her teenage years, guys will court her already at school, but she herself will agree to a relationship only with the guy she can trust, and this will not happen before the transition from the teenage stage to the adult. And in general, fate suggests that until the very maturity of the girl named after Milan, the girl simply will not need relationships with potential gentlemen ...

However, even having reached maturity, she will not change partners like gloves, even despite the incredible number of fans. Fate may reward her with many novels. But they will all end too quickly to be called "relationships." Milana will look for such a gentleman with whom she can build a really serious relationship - fleeting romances and courtship that lead to nothing, this is not for her.

Well, fate also involves the formation of the girl named so, as a result, a good mother and an excellent wife. She is loyal, devoted to principles, caring and attentive - at its core, the dream of every man. The only thing that can disappoint her chosen one is her unwillingness to sit within four walls and be a housewife - life is not something that Milan can attract.

Love and marriage

Milana is a very interesting, attractive and spectacular woman who knows her worth and knows how to present herself correctly. She will never throw herself on the neck of a man she likes until she properly checks his feelings. In addition, she just really likes the process of long and beautiful courtship. At the same time, the young man cannot be completely sure that Mila also has feelings for him. This extremely jealous lady herself loves to make her beloved jealous by flirting with other men.

Milana loves to be in the spotlight, attending social events, parties and parties, so she can only have a happy marriage with someone who shares this lifestyle. It is ideal for her if she and her husband can lead a bright, colorful life.

By the way, despite such a hectic life, Mila copes with the role of a skilled housewife. In her family nest it will always be clean, comfortable and cozy. She does not like to spend a lot of time near the stove, but her household is never hungry. Giving her husband a lot of attention, giving him tenderness and affection, in return she expects the same.

Milana as mother

Given the ambiguous nature of Milan, it is difficult to imagine what kind of mother she will become. With accuracy, we can only say that even the appearance of children in the family is unlikely to force her to completely abandon going out.

Having an extremely impulsive character, Milana can radically change her behavior in relationships with children. For a while, she begins to pay maximum attention to them, and then she can send them to her grandmother for a week, two, or even more, not really worrying about their absence from her side.

Over time, Milan nevertheless comes to realize the importance and responsibility of motherhood. This usually happens when the children are already in school. She takes care of their upbringing and education. Of course, she spends more time with her daughter, teaching her women's tricks and housekeeping. But he will not leave his son unattended either.

Milan's horoscope


A girl named Milana, born under the influence of the meaning of such a zodiac sign as Aries, becomes bright and effective. Knows how to manipulate people, loves communication, slightly self-serving, but responsible and devoted. She bows before a self-confident, successful master, such that he dominates her.


A stubborn and arrogant, self-confident lady named Milana was born by Taurus, always confident in her rightness, and without options. Always defends his own opinion, while not necessarily for the purpose of obtaining benefits. She does not strive for money - the main thing for her is to assert herself, nothing more.


Gemini - by origin, nature is cheerful, active, but slightly absent-minded. Amorous and prone to bright relationships, but compatibility is observed only in the case of an affair with a true hero, those who are ready to conquer her day and night. Love is not her forte, but as long as she loves, she will not give it to anyone, she will do everything for the good of her beloved.


Cancer is a person with an incredible love of communication, full of ideas and plans for the future, trying to move towards a dream, which is most often an unrealizable goal. It is not easy to achieve her location - most often she rejects people who are unable to communicate normally and not serious people.

a lion

A lioness named Milana is selfish, possesses exorbitant strength and energy, which few people have. But rarely uses them. Prefers calmness and a measured way of life. Stretches for popularity and respect, and achieves his goal not always by the usual methods. Arrogant in her views on the strong half of humanity.


Virgo - this zodiac sign promises a girl who received the name of Milan, pragmatism and increased activity. Patient, smart, but slow. Ready to work "until blue in the face", but rarely achieves the goal. It is difficult to achieve the love of such a lady - only a brave hero who can jump on the roofs for her good will please her.


Libra will be a decisive, efficient, impetuous lady, peaceful and intellectually developed. She is able to become an ideal wife and an excellent mother to her children, but she will first test the willpower of a large number of men - she will drive them crazy with her not always pleasant behavior.


Scorpio is decisive and wise, has a creative disposition, a ringleader, a person desired in companies, respected and too successful. Unfortunately, it is the last point that repels envious friends. Not prone to family obligations - seeks to fill life with bright moments.


Sagittarius is a sincere, honest, but despotic person, trying to capture everyone's attention and leadership. She knows how to forgive, strives for justice, is not touchy, but if someone manages to offend her, then this is not good. Not created for the family - looking for stormy romances for a short period of time.


Capricorn, Milan, is completely gifted with other qualities. She is restrained, scrupulous, ambitious and painstaking, tries to please everyone and always, idolizes high moral principles, loves fun and positive. Prone to jealousy and scandals from scratch with the chosen "male".


Aquarius - under this symbol an independent lady will appear, eccentric, kind and sensitive. It has a considerable share of advantages, but rarely demonstrates them - it is modest. She is insightful, loves to help and be desired in society, tries to get the attention of others only with good deeds.


Pisces - culture and tenderness and a rod from it to the surface. Compatibility with men is highly commendable, but sometimes her tendency to betray for the sake of self-interest does not serve her purposes. She is a predator at heart, also with a complex character - she tries to get the one who is the hardest to win. Easily manages people's trust.

Compatibility with male names

Milan has the best compatibility with Peter, Leonid, David, Elisha, Timur and Gleb.

A strong and lasting marriage can only be built with Artemy, Yaroslav, Leo, James, Stefan, Maximilian.

Contradictions will be paired with Demyan, Luka, Artur, Alfred, Sergey.