When will the tranche be paid to the bailiffs c. How much do bailiffs earn? Feedback from a former employee

Russia is a rule of law state. Therefore, today most of the controversial issues people decide in the courts. However, many unscrupulous citizens are in no hurry to comply with the court decision. To call them to account, the Federal Bailiff Service has been created and is actively working in the country. The main task of this body of executive power is to ensure the execution of court decisions.

Each court order must be executed without fail and within a certain period of time. Therefore, the bailiffs are endowed with broad powers. In order to recover from the defendants debts for utility bills, alimony, taxes, fines or loans, they have to use all possible methods within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Sometimes even the toughest. For example, confiscation of personal property of debtors.

In order for court decisions to be executed, daily bailiffs risk their own health, and sometimes even their lives. This profession requires colossal physical and moral costs from people.

How much does the state pay bailiffs for their necessary and dangerous work? Can the bailiff's salary increase due to additional payments and bonuses? What pension can an employee of the FSSP expect at the end of his career?

Professional responsibilities

Everyone has the opportunity to get a job in the Federal Bailiff Service, regardless of gender and education. Although it is worth noting that when hiring an executor of judgments, preference is given to people with higher legal education.

An applicant for a position in the FSSP must take into account several important conditions:

  • The candidate for the position and his close relatives should not have a criminal record.
  • You must also give your written consent to the verification of personal data.
  • An applicant for the position of a bailiff must pass a strict medical examination.
  • Also, he must provide a certificate from the narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries.

The range of professional duties of bailiffs is regulated by the Federal Law "On bailiffs" dated July 21, 1997 No. 118-FZ.

  • Bailiffs are required to ensure timely execution of court decisions.
  • They must consider citizens' applications regarding enforcement proceedings and petitions.
  • The range of duties of bailiffs includes establishing the location of the debtor. Therefore, within the framework of the current legislation, they can put on the wanted list persons who evade the execution of a court decision, request the necessary information from employers.

Bailiffs have the right to seize and seize the debtor's property, seize material assets and money in the amount indicated in the court decision. They are free to enter instead of the debtor's residence.
Employees of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the FMS are obliged to assist bailiffs.

Bailiffs have the right to use firearms or physical force in case of emergency and danger to their own lives. However, when applying these extreme measures of influence on debtors, the bailiff must remember that his actions can be appealed in court.

What affects the salary of a bailiff

Despite the great importance of the bailiff profession, this profession is not in demand on the Russian labor market. Today in Russia only about 500-600 places in the position of a bailiff remain free. At the same time, wages for such complex and responsible work remain modest. Its value is determined by the Federal Law No. 79-FZ and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the monetary maintenance of federal state civil servants".

The salary of a bailiff consists of an official salary and a monthly salary in accordance with the class rank of the civil service, as well as other additional payments. Thus, the salary of executors of judgments is determined by the following indicators:

  1. Position. So, the salary of a bailiff is only 4723 rubles. The salary of a senior bailiff is 5246 rubles. per month.
  2. Monthly official salary of the bailiff is paid allowance for special conditions of civil service. It increases the salary by 60-90%.
  3. Years of service. The amount of the bailiff's salary is affected by the amount of special experience, i.e. length of service. So, a bailiff who has worked in the FSSP from 1 to 5 years increases his monthly income by 10%. Length of service in 5-10 years - by 15%.

A specialist who has worked from 10 to 15 years receives an increase of 20%. The maximum surcharge of 30% has bailiffs who have been executing court decisions for 25 years or more.
In addition, bailiffs receive monthly monetary incentives in the amount of one official salary, i.е. from 4723 to 5246 rubles.

Thus, the total monthly income of bailiffs with all allowances and surcharges is only 15-18 thousand rubles.

Fringe benefits

The following benefits are legally provided for bailiffs-executors:

  • Considering the high danger of bailiffs' work, the state insures their life and health in the amount of 180 times the average monthly salary. In the event of disability in the course of performing their official duties, the bailiff may claim a lump sum insurance payment of up to 900 thousand rubles.
  • the possibility of free travel on all types of public transport, with the exception of taxis, on an official ID when performing official duties;
  • annual paid leave of 30 days, plus 3 days for irregular working hours. Depending on the length of service, the vacation can be increased by up to 10 days. Moreover, the service life in all state structures, for example, in the armed forces or law enforcement agencies, is taken into account.

In addition, each bailiff has the right to count on bonuses based on the results of the implementation of the plan for the execution of court orders. However, the amount of incentive payments is determined by the territorial authority. Therefore, bailiffs of different municipalities will receive different bonuses.

How much do bailiffs earn in Moscow

According to job search websites, today the capital can only offer jobs to 50-60 bailiffs. For the position of a bailiff to ensure the established procedure for the activities of the courts, employees without work experience are expected for a salary of 19.7 to 35.4 thousand rubles.

The position of an executor of judgments can provide an income in the amount of 25.3-51.15 thousand rubles. per month. The maximum salary of this category of civil servants for open vacancies corresponds to 54.5 thousand rubles.

The amount of salaries for bailiffs in other regions of Russia

AT St. Petersburg bailiffs' salaries range from 16,000 to 30,000 rubles. Average salaries are 23-24 thousand rubles.

AT Magadan region bailiffs are willing to pay 32-60.8 thousand rubles. per month. AT Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia, the salaries of bailiffs range from 15.3-33.3 thousand rubles, which is lower than the average wage in the country.

How much do bailiffs earn in other countries of the world

Bailiffs boast the highest incomes australia. Every month they earn more than 250 thousand rubles in ruble terms, which is 10 times higher than the average salaries of Russian colleagues.

American bailiffs earn about 220 thousand rubles a month, English - 200 thousand rubles, German - 190 thousand rubles, French - 170 thousand rubles.

Pension provision

On average, the monthly pension of Russian bailiffs today is 9-12.3 thousand rubles, which corresponds to the minimum pensions.

Over the past years, the Ministry of Justice has been actively involved in the improvement and positive changes in the field of executive power. Such trends did not bypass the employees of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP).

The need for reform is ripe due to changes in the real picture of modern life, changes in the legal justification of the functions performed by representatives of this service, as well as the emergence of new requirements for the qualification training of bailiffs.

Despite the fact that a vast number of amendments and changes have already been successfully implemented over the past few years, the reform is only gaining momentum and, judging by the latest news, in 2018 this process will not lose its relevance and will reach a new level.

The government plans to launch a number of innovations for representatives of the FSSP, which will radically transform the current system, introducing fundamentally new mechanisms of work.

The changes proposed by the reform are aimed at many areas of work and functioning of the Federal Bailiff Service:

  • An innovation is the assignment of the status of a civil servant (civil servant) to employees of the service. This category expands the list of titles and other qualifications, which is an excellent incentive for career growth, to increase the requirements for the quality of the work performed. In addition, bonuses, additional payments and incentive payments are implied. The only nuance will be the fact that only those employees who have a specialized higher education and showed high results during the qualification test will be able to apply for the status of a civil servant. Those who fail to pass such a high-level screening will remain as technical assistants and will not be able to count on the privileges provided by the status of a civil servant.
  • From the beginning of 2018, it is planned to reduce the number of regional offices of the FSSP. This will be done by merging small inter-regional divisions into larger structures, which will make it possible to quantitatively regulate the staff and reduce the cost of maintaining structural divisions.
  • The list of powers of FSSP employees will be increased. So, they will have the right to deprive citizens of a driver's license without additional ship documents. Such a measure can be applied to debtors with debts over 10 thousand rubles. In order to restrict the use of a driver's license, it will be enough for the employee to notify the debtor and send the relevant direction to the transport inspectorate, on the basis of which the driver's license will be suspended. Starting in 2018, this measure will be further expanded: an employee of the FSSP will be able to impose a ban on exams for a certain person in the traffic police, as well as suspend the registration of his vehicle or license plates.

  • The bailiffs are responsible for monitoring the functioning of collection agencies. To introduce this mechanism, regulatory documents will be developed to regulate the control and registration of collection agencies and other similar organizations. To perform this function, the FSSP must recruit staff in charge of interaction with collectors, which requires additional funding. In addition to the recruitment of new employees, in connection with this measure, it will be necessary to equip new jobs and purchase computer equipment. It is planned to allocate 10 million rubles from the state budget for these measures during 2018 and 2019.

FSSP abbreviation

First of all, the qualifications of the employees of this service will be subject to close attention. It is planned to conduct a full-scale multi-level audit, which will be held everywhere by all employees of the Federal Bailiff Service. This practice has been introduced since 2017, but the requirements for it will only get worse in 2018.

One of the key points that will be taken into account during the qualification check is the presence of a higher profile education (legal or economic).

Those who do not meet these criteria will be transferred to lower positions, and for some there will be a question of dismissal. The reduction in the number may occur unevenly in different regions of the country. Since preliminary data show that about 25% of FSSP employees do not meet the requirements in terms of education alone, a significant reduction in the number of people involved in the operation of this system is expected.

Despite the downsizing, the overall efficiency of the service is expected to remain as the most trained and qualified staff, who currently do most of the work, will remain in their original positions, and the least effective staff will be laid off.

Changes in the structure of the department

During the reform, the government adopted an initiative to change the structure of the FSSP. This will happen due to the division of duties of bailiffs and their classification according to certain types of functions.

It was decided to distinguish three main subcategories of bailiffs:

  • Court employees. These specialists ensure the established procedure for the operation of courts (arbitration, general jurisdiction, etc.).
  • Interrogators. Specialists conducting an inquiry into a crime or criminal case. Their function also covers investigative and procedural actions and is aimed at preventing procedural errors in the course of inquests.
  • Performers. Specializes in the enforcement of judgments, judicial acts and other legally adopted decisions in relation to the debtor.

Such a distinction by specialization will lead to a more qualified performance of their duties with a high level of professionalism.

Increase in salaries and benefits

Since the profession of a bailiff has not been considered prestigious in recent years, the approach to the formation of salaries for employees of this service will be changed during the reform.

During 2018, it is planned to increase salaries by at least 50% of the existing level. According to some reports, the government intends not to limit itself to this figure, but to increase wages to 100% in 2018-2019. In addition, an incentive measure will be a bonus system and benefits provided for both employees and their families.

Judging by the latest news about the reform, it is planned to expand the social package in the form of sanatorium treatment and a special type of life and health insurance for bailiffs. In addition, the status of civil servants will be determined by another principle for the formation of pension payments, which compares favorably with the current one.

Presumably, all these measures should raise the status of the profession, attract a large number of young specialists who want to make a career in the FSSP into the ranks of the service. The presence of a competition for places will make it possible to choose the best option among applicants, which will increase the overall level of employees of the Federal Bailiffs Service.

Disadvantages and weaknesses of the reform

Despite the positive direction of the reform, some experts and competent officials identify a number of points that can reduce the effectiveness of the measures being implemented.

  • The announced layoffs will increase the burden on every employee. This can initiate a personnel crisis and provoke an increase in turnover, as well as a general decrease in the service life in the FSSP by one specialist, which will invariably affect the quality of the functions performed.
  • The question remains the moment of financing the reform. At this time, the financial and economic mechanisms that will allow the implementation of all the planned changes remain unsettled. The amount necessary for a full-scale increase in wages (10 million rubles a month) is not provided for in the budget, so skeptics express concern that the increase in salaries will be limited to indexation by 5-6%.
  • The proposed option with an increase in bonuses from funds collected from debtors can provoke an excess of authority and unlawful rigidity in the work of bailiffs, which will have a sharp negative impact on the quality of the functions performed and the authority of employees.
  • Increasing the requirements for the qualifications of FSSP workers can play the role of a starting mechanism for mass layoffs of current experienced personnel, which can become a big problem if the announced salary increase does not take place. This may lead to a slowdown in the pace of work of structures at all levels, to an increase in the workload per employee and, as a result, to an increase in layoffs.
  • The selective bonus scheme can provoke an increase in corruption within the ranks of the FSSP, as has been repeatedly observed with similar measures in other structures.

Despite all the possible disadvantages, it is clear that the time has come for the reform of the FSSP, since the old mechanisms of work and structural organization have lost their relevance and are becoming less and less effective.

Most of the bills and decisions related to the reform are scheduled for 2018, after which the scale of innovations will become clear.

The results will not appear immediately after the introduction of new schemes of work, but in a few years the overall picture will become clear. Shortcomings will be corrected and eliminated already according to the first results of the application of reform actions.

Video: how bailiffs actually work

The judicial system is probably as old as the existence of mankind itself, because disputes arise all the time. And always someone appointed punishment, and someone executed it. Or vigilantly watched that the convict fulfilled the obligations imposed on him.

In the modern state of the Russian Federation, this role is played by bailiffs. They intervene when the time allotted for the voluntary execution of the punishment has expired and enforcement of the judgment is needed.

Features of the FSSP

Features of this organization:

  1. The work of the entire structure is regulated by laws.
  2. Judicial bailiffs are subdivided:
  • bailiffs who go home and look for debtors;
  • bailiffs to ensure the established procedure for resolving a court case, who travel to arrests.
  1. Their work is in demanding payment of fines, debts on loans taken.
  2. All employees of this organization who hold the position of executors, carry a license and have the right to bear arms for which they receive additional training.

The rights and obligations are as follows:

  1. Implement executive documents, put debtors on the wanted list, take measures within the framework of the law to establish their location, consider the submitted applications within the framework of an ongoing court case.
  2. The right to receive confidential information about a person with a relevant court order, request information from employers, gain access to the premises occupied by the debtor.

In addition, an employee of this structure, with an appropriate decision, has the right to seize property and seize it, to seize money and valuables in the amount of debt.

Bailiffs may involve other state structures to assist in their case.

When bailiffs can use physical force:

  1. The use of physical force and firearms is permitted if other measures previously taken have not given the desired result. Example - the detainee tries to hide or resists, which threatens the health or life of the bailiff.
  2. Before using physical force and firearms, the bailiff must warn the detainee about this. In case of harm and obedience of the detainee, the bailiff provides first aid.

The above information determines that the work of bailiffs is associated with an immediate threat to their lives, requires good physical fitness and skills in firearms.

Bailiffs are vested with powers that are limited:

  1. You can not act against the debtor without a court order. It will be illegal.
  2. It is not allowed to appear on the threshold of the house of the debt bearer from 22.00 to 6.00.
  3. Conduct an inventory of property without the presence of the debtor. An example - a search of an apartment is carried out in the presence of relatives or acquaintances, and not the debtor himself.
  4. Describe and seize property whose owner cannot be identified. An example is the residence of several families in one apartment - in this case, it is difficult to establish the owner of household or office equipment.
  5. The following are also not subject to arrest: the only housing of the debtor, the amount of funds that deprives a person of a living wage, food and objects that are a source of income.

How much do bailiffs get today?

How much bailiffs receive - this question becomes relevant from year to year.

Employees who go to the site to seize property or talk with the debtor receive slightly fewer employees responsible for ensuring the established order of the court.

Salary depends on:

  1. Region of work.
  2. Work experience.
  3. Internal orders of organizations.

As the statistical information of averaged data shows, by the end of this year, the salary of a bailiff who travels to addresses is on average from 12 to 15 thousand rubles, for bailiffs who decide cases - from 13 to 17 thousand rubles without allowances.

There are also bonus payments, salary supplements.

Features of payroll for such employees of the FSPP:

  1. When working in difficult conditions, the salary increases by 20%. Example - work in the Far North
  2. The farther the region from the center, the higher the salaries of bailiffs there. For example, you can count on a fairly large salary in the Magadan Region, the salary level is about 50,000 rubles. Also in the Moscow region, a high level of salary - 30,000 rubles every month, excluding allowances.

Average salary of bailiffs by years

Today, in large cities, bailiffs are in high demand.

According to statistics in Moscow, every 7 resident has an overdue debt, every 5 has a loan. In the near future, it is planned to reform this structure, which will lead to an increase in the salary of bailiffs.

Will there be a salary increase for bailiffs in 2018?

The previously signed presidential decree of 2012 determines that state employees should raise their salaries by 200% more in 2018 compared to the average salary at the time of signing the decree.

However, these are just numbers, according to the latest news, you should not expect a significant increase in wages for the following reasons:

  1. In the last year, the growth in income of bailiffs was smooth, several hundred rubles a month. Only doctors from this category of employed citizens were able to experience an increase in salaries, while a complex system of calculations is used, which makes a high level of income not accessible to everyone.
  2. The official salary will not increase due to the fact that the budget does not include funds for such expenses. Additional funding has not yet been provided.

It is planned to carry out a reform that may cause an increase in salaries:

  1. For employees who have worked for more than 5 years, the allowance will be 10%.
  2. With a work experience of about 10 years, the allowance will be 20%.

At the 422nd meeting of the Federation Council, the former governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, spoke about the importance of the bailiff service and proposed that the problems of low salaries of bailiffs and personnel be brought to the state level.

The essence of the reform of the bailiff service in 2018

A few years ago, the structure of the FSSP was criticized, since ¼ of the workers did not have the appropriate education.

The main points of the ongoing reform:

  1. Bring the FSSP to a common standard, which is applicable to internal organs.
  2. Improve the qualifications of bailiffs, and also clear the ranks of the FSSP from those who do not fit certain criteria.
  3. Optimization of the number of bailiffs. In some regions, there is a shortage of bailiffs, in others there is an overabundance. The introduction of certain norms will make it possible to redistribute the forces of the FSSP and solve the problem of a shortage of personnel, for example, in Moscow.
  4. Will lead to raising the salaries of bailiffs who pass the aptitude test.
  5. Will introduce debt collection company registry to monitor the performance of the employees of the service in question.
  6. Will introduce benefits and compensation, which will reduce corruption in the structure under consideration and make the work of bailiffs more prestigious.

The ongoing reform will address the definition of the category of employees, increase salaries, reduce the number of employees, and also define the capabilities of the FSPP.

New positions in the FSSP

Continuing the reorganization of the service, it was proposed to introduce new positions. With their appearance, bailiffs will have more powers and tools to work with violators of the law.

  1. to ensure the established order. In order to become one, you need a secondary or secondary vocational education, as well as an age of at least 18 years.
  2. Attachment performer. An individual who has reached the age of 21 and has a higher education, legal or economic, can take this position.
  3. Investigator. This vacancy can be filled by a person who has reached the age of 21 and has a higher legal education.

A separate discussion deserves the position of an interrogating bailiff, which allows the service, in addition to its previously performed functions, to conduct its own investigations that will relate to cases under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bailiff Service.

What changes will happen to the FSSP in 2018?

According to representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the reform will be aimed at attracting young professionals who will have the required skills and knowledge.

Changes expected:

  1. Back in 2016, bailiffs were assigned a special category of civil servants.

This led not only to the emergence of various social benefits, but also to the requirement the presence of specialized education as a lawyer or economist.

  1. Provided introduction within the structure of several subcategories of bailiffs with different specializations.

The introduction of a new specialization - the bailiff-interrogator is proposed.

  1. Expected unification of all small institutions of one region into one organization.

This decision, according to those who are developing the reform, will reduce the budget of this system and increase the efficiency of the bailiffs.

  1. Many powers have been revised.

An example is the fact that today the bailiffs deprive the driver's rights without obtaining approval from the court.

In 2018, this measure will affect those who have debts in fines of more than 10,000 rubles. In the future, only by decision of the bailiff, restrictions can be imposed on the transfer of rights or the procedure for registering trademarks.

The structure is expected to undergo major changes in the near future. However, so far no one indicates how the tightening of requirements for bailiffs will affect their salaries.

Indexation of bailiffs' salaries in 2017 and 2018

Like other civil servants, bailiffs will have salaries indexed based on the official inflation rate.

Don't expect any boosts.

The average inflation rate, which is indicated by official sources, is 5%. Therefore, the salary of bailiffs will be raised slightly.

Cons of the reform

The reform raised doubts among many for the following reasons:

  1. The method of downsizing and empowerment suggests that FSSP employees will be loaded and will not pay attention to their work.

As a result, a situation may arise when widespread confiscation of property will be carried out, the selection of driver's licenses, despite the possibility of resolving the issue by other methods. Such changes cannot be called a positive direction in the development of the structure.

  1. According to the statistics, more than 50% of employees of this structure do not believe in the promise of salary increases, despite the tightening of requirements.

This is due to the fact that so far no one has given exact figures, and experts point to a possible increase in salary in the future by only 6%.

  1. About 10 billion rubles will be allocated for the reform that, given the current economic situation in the country, it will not allow increasing the salaries of the employees of the structure in the near future.

Summing up

According to some information, the formation of premiums will take place from the fund, which will be formed from exquisite funds from debtors, which also cannot be called a guarantor of the growth of real incomes of bailiffs.

After carefully analyzing all the changes, you can find undoubted pluses and minuses in them.

  1. Minus - 5,000 people will be laid off due to inconsistency in their position.
  2. Plus - increasing the powers of bailiffs. Imagine a standard situation of a visit to the debtor. According to the old rules, a civil servant was not allowed into an apartment/house legally.

After the innovations, this will not happen, because the FSSP employee will enter the apartment / house even without the consent of the owners.

This should increase the recovery success rate.

  1. Raising wages has always been a plus in any organization. The involved mechanisms for increasing are recognized as ineffective, and those that have been developed have great prospects. Each employee will receive according to the output.
  2. The controversial point on the possibility of using physical force and weapons:
  • First of all, all inadequate people, if there are any in the service, will be weeded out during a polygraph test.
  • Secondly, new employees will be tested on it. There should be no cases of unreasonable use of physical force.

Blitz tips:

  • The first and most important advice- try to avoid the visit of the bailiff.
  • Remember- a person is just doing his job and is not your enemy.
  • The bailiff will go to a meeting with the payment of the debt, even if you ask to do it in parts. The inventory procedure of the property and the organization of the auction is a more time-consuming process.

On the territory of the Russian Federation today there are a large number of power structures. The main goal of such organizations is to ensure human rights and freedoms. In addition, some structures are engaged in the implementation of public service. All such bodies are direct evidence of the importance of their work in our country. However, the performance of all kinds of functions by the state can occur in various manifestations. For example, the police are concerned with the enforcement of law and order, while the courts carry out the processes of justice.

As a result, the state has access to most spheres of life of every citizen of the Russian Federation. In addition to all the well-known bodies in the form of the FSB, the prosecutor's office, etc., there are also more specific structures, which also include the bailiff service (FSSP). The tasks of this body are to control and regulate relations in the field of execution of acts of the department of justice.

The FSSP is an executive authority whose scope of activity includes the organization of the execution of judicial acts. The structure operates as part of the Ministry of Justice. And in this article we will consider what changes await this service for 2018-2019.

What can change in the FSSP

In the coming year, the Ministry of Justice is going to introduce additional requirements for all employees that relate to the qualifications of employees. According to the new criteria, those who do not have diplomas of higher education (major in economics or law) will be fired or demoted. According to statistics, more than 5 thousand people fall into the risk category. This figure is about 25% of the staff of the entire structure.

This reform, according to the FSSP, will reduce the number of employees to 300 people in some regions. This arrangement of affairs has already caused indignation on the part of the employees of this body, because such a number of employees will not be able to cope with the current workload. As a result, there will be a noticeable decrease in the quality of the work being done.

Definition of reforms for 2019

In 2016, the President initiated the development of a completely new draft law in the field of enforcement proceedings. The new law aims to completely replace the current regulations that have been operating since 1997.

The main innovation is that since the beginning of this year bailiffs belong to a special category of civil servants.

Thus, employees receive:

  1. Ranks.
  2. Social guarantees.
  3. Additional payments and other benefits.

The entire state is divided into categories:

  1. Bailiffs who carry out activities in the courts.
  2. Executive bailiffs.
  3. Bailiffs-investigators.

All privileges are given only to those who have a higher education in the legal or economic field.

Employees who do not fit the current position will be referred for consideration for dismissal or demotion. Another option could be an offer of the opportunity to become an assistant bailiff. The activity of such persons is to prepare documentation.

Authorized representatives of the Ministry of Justice argue that the new reform is able to provide an influx of students who can work as assistants. It is possible to take any position after graduating from a specialized university in one of the two areas that we have already mentioned above. The first step in the student's career ladder will be the position of bailiff.

The Ministry of Justice also says that the reform is capable of raising the status of the specialty of the bailiff as such. Reducing staff turnover will make the position quite attractive. This will attract people with a high level of qualification.

With the advent of the new legislation, lawyers will also be able to find jobs. This is especially true for those who have been laid off in law enforcement.

The reduction in the number of branches in the regions is also considered an innovation. Small subdivisions will be combined into interregional structures of the FSSP. This approach will reduce the cost of budgetary money.

What experts say about the new reforms in the FSSP bodies

Vyacheslav Lysakov (first deputy chairman of the State Duma in the field of short circuits) says that such innovations will entail negative consequences. As practice shows, court secretaries have the lowest level of wages, if compared with other law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the turnover among personnel has been and will remain so. And this indicator reaches the level of 80%.

The salary of the bailiffs themselves is also not appropriate for working conditions. Therefore, the reorganization of the FSSP should not begin with a reduction in staff. Initially, it is advisable to confirm the status of the position by increasing salaries and creating attractive working conditions.

Such statements are supported by Dmitry Gortsov, who works as deputy chairman of the State Duma for security and anti-corruption. According to him, the President did not directly initiate the need to cut employees from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSSP. The head of state spoke about reducing inefficient spending of funds from the budget. As a result of all this, these departments chose to take a simpler path - to fire the bulk of the people.

Perhaps the state apparatus heard Lysakov's opinion - from the beginning of 2019, FSSP employees can count on receiving a share of the money they collected. At best, this is mentioned in the updated legislation. At the expense of collected funds, it is proposed to create special funds. Such innovations will allow introducing a system of rewards for those performers who have shown the best results on the issue of penalties. Today this project is under public agreement and discussion.

What powers will be added to bailiffs

This year, bailiffs can already dispose of the right to drive vehicles. The scope of duties of FSSP employees includes the possibility of seizing rights from inveterate non-payers. A feature of this authority is that employees do not need additional court decisions for this. A condition for the application of such measures is a verbal notification in a personal conversation. After that, the data is sent to the traffic police, where the driving license is suspended. The sanction is removed immediately after the person repays all debts.

Bailiffs in our country are public civil servants. Through their work, they ensure the work of courts and the execution of court orders, including by force. In fact, these are the two main areas of their activity. There is the Federal Bailiff Service, whose duties, powers and tasks are regulated by the relevant legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The executive authority, which is this service, performs the simplest, and sometimes dangerous work. This, of course, should be assessed by the state by the appropriate remuneration. Also, recently there has been an active fight against corruption, and one of the important requirements that ensure its success is the creation of decent working conditions for civil servants. There are not so many people who are willing to work for a penny on one enthusiasm for the good of the Motherland, which is logical.

Most people first need to provide for themselves, their loved ones, satisfy basic needs, and only then think about high ideals. And it is difficult to reproach citizens who perform this kind of work in such a calculation. Therefore, one of the most relevant topics regarding civil servants is the discussion of current incomes, possible cuts, as well. It is these questions, as well as the reasons that led to the current situation, that we will consider in the article.

Reform 2012

Many people know that since 2012 the state system for providing budgetary organizations has undergone a number of major changes. Reforms of healthcare, culture, pensions, education are united by the general date of signing the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation - May 2012, and therefore are often referred to as the "May" reform. In accordance with the regulated sequence of changes, in the period from 2013 to 2018, it was planned to implement two stages of changes aimed at improving the quality of services provided to the population and improving working conditions. In addition to preparation, the first stage also provided for the reorganization of state institutions, optimization.

Legislation established new conditions and requirements that all operating structures must comply with: workload, service area, population receiving services and standards of services provided. In many cases, this was and continues to be accompanied by layoffs and the closure of inefficient organizations. The institutions in small towns were the first to suffer from such optimization. The second stage involved revising the requirements for employees providing services, the services themselves and raising the salaries of the bailiff and other employees in this area to higher values, also determined by law.

The current situation of the FSSP

In 2014, a Decree was signed regarding the issues of the Federal Bailiff Service, regulating, among other things, salaries and staffing. It is amended annually to take into account current temporary changes.

So, according to the amendments of 2011, for 2012 the number of people working in the central office of the FSSP was 683 units, and employees of territorial bodies - 84,352 units. In the amendments to the Decree for this year, the number is defined as follows: 615 employees in the central office and 75,737 employees of territorial bodies. The figures speak for themselves and do not require comment: in 4.5 years, about 8,600 employees were laid off. Regarding the question of whether there will be a reduction in bailiffs in 2017, there is no definite answer yet.
The previous amendments were made in December, this year they should also be expected at the end. However, a decrease in the number of employees is still very likely, but more on that below.

Payroll for bailiffs

Before discussing the increase in salaries in the judicial system in 2017 in the Russian Federation, it is worth noting that in the current year the salary of FSSP employees, as before, consists of several components: salary, official allowance, monthly incentive, district coefficient. The salary component is usually indexed and increased, since the remaining values ​​\u200b\u200bare directly dependent on it.

Without taking into account the multiplying coefficients, it is possible to calculate the income of bailiffs this year, based on the data from the official portal of the FSSP:

  • 4541 rubles - salary;
  • 4541 rubles - a monthly incentive in the amount of salary;
  • From 2,724 to 4,086 rubles - an allowance of 60 to 90% of the salary.
That is, the bailiff receives from 13168 rubles without allowances for the rank. This figure is relevant for new employees working up to six months. Then they are assigned a rank, and the salary is increased by at least 1000 rubles. There are also bonuses for special conditions of service, for work in the Far East, in the North. In the capital, there are also increasing coefficients. Supporting specialists or assistants have lower incomes: their salaries range from 2,500 to 3,650 rubles, plus incentives and bonuses. Large incomes - from the leaders.

So, as a result of averaging executive, northern and ordinary salaries, it turns out that the average income of bailiffs is slightly less than 30,000 rubles.

In relation to last year, the size of salaries in the FSSP changed by 5.5%, that is, indexation was carried out, like most citizens.

Changes 2017

Many employees of the FSSP are waiting for the next year - a salary increase is expected for this period. But it is not yet clear what the size of the increase will be - either again indexation for inflation, or a more serious increase, within 10-30%. Of course, the indexation of salaries of bailiffs in 2017, as well as other civil servants, will be carried out. It is already known that these figures are included in the budget plan for next year. But a lot of conflicting information is associated with a large increase. On the one hand, the workload on employees is increasing due to ongoing optimization, the requirements are increasing. So the wages should go up. On the other hand, the lack of budgetary funds does not allow one-time raise of salaries for everyone by significant figures. The budget is barely enough for indexing. Therefore, it is necessary to invent other ways in order to appreciate the work of employees at its true worth. Thus, according to information from the media, the Ministry of Justice has prepared a draft law proposing to increase salaries at the expense of the collected funds. It seems like there will be no costs from the budget, and employees will be motivated, and salaries will grow. But this is a project, and whether it will be adopted is not yet known.

However, some guaranteed innovations are already being announced. So, since 2017, a law comes into force, according to which all accepted and already working employees must have a higher education.. About 5.5 thousand people do not fall under the updated criteria. They will be made redundant or they will be offered the position of an assistant bailiff with a corresponding salary: assistants can work without higher education or study. There are suggestions that the increase in the salaries of federal civil servants in the judiciary in 2017 is expected precisely at the expense of the released funds.


What will happen to the salary of bailiffs in Russia is a topical issue for many. And the answer is quite difficult, and for many reasons. The government of the Russian Federation planned changes 4 years ago to finally correct the situation with indecently low incomes of state employees and employees. Unforeseen circumstances of 2014-2015 intervened in the process and postponed them for some time. Stabilization of the economic situation may affect the dates of the revision of wages. By the way, many experts, both Russian and foreign, expect this next year.

Summing up, we can say that the increase in the salary of a bailiff in 2017 in Russia is guaranteed to occur by the amount of the projected inflation - 5%, and salaries may increase up to 30%. But only if the means for this are found. So far, there are several possible sources, including the transfer of employees without higher education to the positions of assistants with a decrease in salaries and promotion at the expense of recovered funds. In the meantime, it remains to wait for the end of the year and official, legally confirmed information.