Fallout 4 trade routes. Destroy hostile robots

We are often asked questions: how to trade and move resources between settlements, and accordingly, how to move residents between Fallout 4 settlements. It's not difficult, but the game interface does not give a clear answer. The first thing to clarify is that supply lines are not trade routes. There is no concept of trade routes in the game; the creation of a supply line does not bring income.

There are many reasons for opening supply lines. Firstly, the settlements marked on it have a common inventory of the workshop. For example, you are going to build a second settlement, and the main supplies are stored in Sanctuary. By establishing a supply line between the new settlement and Sanctuary, you will gain access to your supply of resources.

One of your settlements may specialize in trade, so all residents are busy working in shops. This can lead to food shortages. But not to drag food from another settlement specializing in farming? And here the supply line will help - you can quickly transfer products through the workshop menu. Settlements with open access to clean water can provide this resource to other settlements. There is no need to spend materials on the construction of pumps and water treatment plants. And finally, you can make a unique settlement, for example, at the Boston airport (near it there is neither food nor water). All resources for construction can be taken from other settlements.

First of all, pump your Charisma to 6, and learn the Local Leader perk. Now you are ready to manage the settlements.

Running a supply line in Fallout 4

To start the supply line, you will need one villager - he will devote himself to moving supplies between settlements. Open the Workshop menu while in a settlement (on PC it's the V key) and approach an unoccupied settler. At the bottom of the screen you will see a list of commands available to him, one of them will be Supply Line (press Q on PC). Next, a list of available settlements will open, select the ones you need from them. Confirm the selection and voila - they are connected. Then you can open the Pip-Boy map and turn on the display of supply lines on the map (again, the list of available commands at the bottom of the screen - Show supply lines).

To turn off the supply line, you will have to wait for the assigned settler in one of the settlements (just sleep in the bed). You will see the Supplier at a certain point. After opening the Workshop menu, send it to another settlement or assign it to another job. After that, he will cease to fulfill his duties of supplying supplies.

Moving settlers in Fallout 4

Perhaps you already have too many people in Sanctuary, and you want to build a thriving community somewhere closer to the center of the Commonwealth. Maybe you have better merchants in a remote settlement. Moving residents is also done with a command from the list at the bottom of the Workshop menu. Open it and select the settler you want to move. The command to move is at the very bottom of the list of orders. Click and a list of available settlements will open, select the one you need and the resident will hit the road. Just make sure that they have enough resources in the new place. Please note that "named" residents from Concord (like Mother Murphy) cannot be moved between settlements.

After the construction of settlements, they must be provided with the necessary resources and protection. And if a good turret can handle the latter, then the supply of food and water is not an easy task. Not every town is able to feed itself. Therefore, in Fallout 4, settlements can be connected by supply lines. They will help to send the resource that is not enough to the right location.

Settlement locations

The location can be found randomly while traveling through the wastelands and stumbling upon Workshops. The very first one can be found almost immediately after leaving the Vault: this is the Survivor's hometown, Sanctuary Hills.

But to search for all the settlements by locations in Fallout 4, it is better to use the map that users have compiled for those who like to build and develop their own small towns. This will allow you not to spend a lot of time searching, but simply take and find the necessary Workshops and start building.

The sooner you find and develop towns in Fallout 4, the faster you will get large settlements with developed infrastructure and a full-fledged economy. You can build whatever your heart desires in them. And trade routes will unite the towns into a whole network that covers the entire wasteland of Fallout 4.

Be aware that some settlement locations may be too dangerous for a character below a certain level. Therefore, you should be careful when traveling. For example, you shouldn't go to Spectacle Island until the last third of the game - very strong swamps live there in large numbers, capable of destroying a low-level Survivor with a few hits.

Supply line between settlements

After the settlements are found and subjugated, it is worth thinking about supplying them. Unfortunately, it is rare that a location is able to provide for itself on its own. Somewhere is missing pure water, in some place there is very little trash, and somewhere there is simply no way to grow food. But in Fallout 4, supplying settlements is very easy. This problem can be solved by establishing trade routes between settlements.

Supply lines, or trade routes, are designed to send food, food, resources, and other junk from one settlement to another. Logically, caravans should constantly walk along these routes. But in fact, in Fallout 4, creating them simply activates the common inventory between the connected settlements. That is, even if the towns are located in different parts of the wasteland, you can instantly move the resource from one to another.

To create a supply line between two settlements in Fallout 4, you must have the Local Leader ability of the first level. To get it you need Charisma (6 points). After opening the ability, you can safely arm the settler and send him with a trade caravan from one settlement to another. Once he reaches his destination, the supply line is set up. Remember that a settler can only go in splendid isolation. Therefore, do not forget to properly dress up and arm it.

In order to send a villager with a caravan to the wastelands of Fallout 4, you must:

  1. Switch to Workshop mode.
  2. Approach the desired resident.
  3. Select the "Create Route" function (by default, the Q button).
  4. From the new menu, choose where to send the new caravan driver.

After that, the resident you have chosen will go to the desired settlement. If he comes alive, then everything worked out, and the trade route has been created.

A useful tip for beginner caravaneers in Fallout 4: first of all, connect the settlements that are closest to each other into a trade network. This will provide maximum efficiency caravan movements. If you send a settler to a distant location, with a high degree of probability he will not be able to reach it and will die a terrible death.

But also with the inhabitants, trade routes and trade as such. So let's get started!


When building and developing the base, you should not grab everything in a row. At the very beginning, your settlement will need to have beds, food and water - this is enough to attract the first settlers. Then you can take up protection and protection, as well as trade. Speaking of protection - it should be at a high level and you should improve it periodically. The severity of raider and mutant attacks will depend on how strong your base is and how long it can hold out under siege, so there should always be plenty of food and water.

The most reasonable tactic is to fully upgrade one settlement to unlock the opportunities associated with the construction of powerful defenses and the most productive buildings in other areas, for example, large shopping malls, which will bring in much more income than one trading post. Once you've unlocked everything, it makes sense to build a second settlement and set up trade routes between them so they can share resources with each other. You can completely "rock" the second settlement, and then proceed to the third.

How and where can you build a settlement in Fallout 4 and where to get resources?

Settlement in Fallout 4 can only be built in places where there is a workshop. It is with its help that you can build any building, but the full complex of buildings is only in one place - at the Red Rocket truck stop. In other places, you will have to, although this is not at all necessary, build workbenches for modifying weapons, armor and other things, and this can take up space.

As for the extraction of resources, you can collect them in the wastelands, as well as around the settlement. Read our guide and you will learn how to easily and quickly turn the collected materials and junk into useful items, and remember that all the storages in the workshops are interconnected, so when you put the junk in the Red Rocket, you can advance to another place and use it for construction.

The construction of the settlement is very simple - just start interacting with the workshop, and there already choose the building that needs to be built.

How to build a farm or plantation in Fallout 4?

It's pretty simple - you need to have wheat, watermelon, razor-cereal or other seeds. It takes one seed per plantation, so collect seeds wherever you can.

You can easily take the seeds in other settlements or buy them, and then use your own.

How to give a settler a job in Fallout 4

You will have to manually set each settler in Fallout 4 kind of work, if you don't do it, they'll never think to start working.

To do this, you need to go to the "Workshop" menu, select a settler and immediately after that give him a task, for example, harvesting or protection, by directing the mouse to the desired area. Once you select a settler, you should be able to assign one.

After that, do not forget to give the command "get to work", then it can be stopped without removing it from work.

How to protect a settlement in Fallout 4?

In the beginning, you don't need to spend a lot of resources on defense if you are on the alert, because when the settlement is attacked by enemies, you will receive a message (in the upper left corner of the screen). You can quickly move to the right place and destroy the enemies manually.

The level of protection is calculated based on the amount of water and food produced - remember this when laying and developing the settlement.

However, in the later stages of the game, constant running around between settlements can get very boring, so it's worth investing in guard posts, towers, traps, turrets, put more people on guard. If you joined the Minutemen and are their general, you can put mortars and artillery.

IN Fallout 4 even has the ability to arm the settlers, so by giving them good weapon and ammunition, you will make every settler a protector. We would not recommend arming them with grenades, mines and other explosives, since they may well undermine not only themselves, but also their friends, and the entire settlement at the same time.

How to attract new settlers?

The basis for the emergence of new settlers is an excess of food and water. It has already been mentioned above, but we will repeat once again, it is not enough to build two or three farms for food production, you will have to put workers on each plantation who will produce this food. Keep in mind that each plantation produces 0.5 units of food, and the consumption of one person is 1 unit, so you will have to take up a significant part of the settlement with farms if you want to get a large population.

Water is easier - one person consumes 1 unit of produced water, so you just need to maintain a positive balance by having 3-4 units of water in reserve so that new settlers do not create a shortage.

However, settlers won't start coming to you unless you build houses and beds for them. The alignment here is the same as with water - 1 settler needs 1 bed and not outdoors, but indoors. It will be nice to have extra beds so that new people can join in while you're out on your adventure.

In order to attract settlers to your base, you also need to build a recruiting beacon. It will work automatically and you do not need to control it, however, turn it off as soon as you decide that there are enough inhabitants in the settlement.

Of course, all this requires electricity and we would recommend that you build the maximum possible generators at once, so as not to clutter up the space and have as much energy as possible. In order for all your buildings to work, they will have to be connected using connecting cables, power lines and electrical ducts.

How to unlock artillery and mortars in Fallout 4 and teach settlers how to use them?

Indeed, in Fallout 4 has the ability to use artillery, which is suitable not only for protecting the population in settlements, but also for hitting anywhere in the Commonwealth (you can call it if you find yourself in a difficult situation). Artillery can be placed in settlements. However, this opportunity can be completely missed if you don't do the right things in your playthrough.

First, you need to be a general with the Minutemen. This will happen early enough, after you've done some missions for the black character Preston you'll meet in Concord. You can ruin your relationship with him if you feed Mama Murphy with substances, so keep that in mind. Keep doing missions for Preston until he asks you to take back The Castle in Taking Independence.

For its successful implementation, it is better to use power armor, since on your way you will meet all types of enemies - mutants, raiders, synthetics, gunners, mirelurks, molerats, ghouls and others, and at the end you will have a boss battle. After the victory, you will need to connect a radio tower with two generators that produce 5 units of energy, and the mission will be completed.

After that, after another 2-3 hours, when you complete a couple of missions for the Minutemen, you will be given the task "Old Guns" (Old Guns). I'll have to go back to the Castle, take a quest from Preston and help a character named Ronnie with a couple of things, tell her you'll help unconditionally. In this case, she will lead you to the armory located in the Castle. Use the in-game "Workshop" menu to remove the building rubble and unlock the road. You will have to go through several mines with enemies and a powerful sentry bot at the end, so be ready.

If everything is successful, you will capture the armory and get the opportunity to take the schemes for the artillery gun and signal smoke grenades. Return to the settlement and construct your first weapon. What are grenades for? They signal your location and throwing just one will get you artillery support.

The guns have a large, but still limited range, so you have to build them in several settlements. You can increase your supply of grenades using the weapon workbench.

How to increase the level of happiness among the population of the settlement in Fallout 4?

It's quite simple - decorate the settlement with buildings from the "decorative" section, put it on TV or at least on the radio in every house, build a variety of outlets - let one shop sell things, another medicines, the third will be a restaurant.

Also, spend more time with people - it doesn't matter if you're the mayor of this area of ​​the Wasteland, a Minuteman general or a member of the Brotherhood of Steel - you can always tell a couple or three interesting stories that residents will listen to.

How to start earning on a settlement?

To do this, you will need the "Local Leader" skill, with which you can build several outlets in your settlement. They bring a small passive income, but the more people in your settlement, the more income from trade you will receive.

How to build trade routes in Fallout 4 between settlements?

This will require a combination of the following factors - having two or more settlements (you cannot trade with other territories), 6 points invested in "Charisma" and the first level "Local Leader" perk. In addition, there must be one free person in the settlement who will trade. You cannot send an already busy character, as he will quit his job.

Open the menu in the "Workshop", select a free person and, if you have two or more settlements, the "send" function will appear. By clicking on the appropriate button, you can choose from the list that opens where to send the person. This operation can be performed on several free settlers by sending them to one or to other settlements. You can do the same with other settlements, no matter if routes come to them from other places or not.

With the help of trade routes, you can develop the potential of each base Fallout 4 to the maximum, and balance the surplus and shortage of food or water.

Where to find copper for a settlement?

The development of the settlement is directly related to whether you have copper, since it is used in electricity generators, radio stations, and defense systems. Copper is a very scarce resource in Fallout 4 and it's not that easy to find.

To begin with, we would recommend clearing the entire territory of the settlement from trash - it is quite possible that you will find enough copper there to produce at least a couple of generators. Also collect junk in the Wasteland, such as light bulbs, fans, magnets, pots, vacuum tubes, phones, including broken and non-broken, because regardless of condition, they contain copper.

Copper can also be bought in Diamond City, from Arturo, and also from a female vendor in Drumlin Dinner, however, copper will cost quite a lot and the cooldown is 48 hours of real time.

Who can buy materials for building a settlement in Fallout 4?

Collecting junk in the world Fallout 4 is a difficult and tedious process, and it is not unlimited and will eventually end. So if you have a few extra cola caps, you can buy necessary materials to build a settlement from the following vendors:

  • Connie Abernathy - She can be found at Abernathy Farm, due southwest of the Red Rocket. It sells concrete, fabrics, fertilizers, leather and timber. If you complete the quest for her after returning the medallion, she will give you some discount.
  • Karla Trashcan spawns in settlements with a population equal to or greater than 10 people. She can be found there if you use fast travel or if you go to bed for 12 hours. She sells asbestos, the military electronic circuits, crystals, oil, and bolts, but her prices are noticeably higher than those of other sellers.
  • Diamond City's Percy robot will come in handy for those who are looking for glue, ceramics, fertilizers, plastics, springs and steel. However, he only appears there at night. He has more fertilizer than Connie Abernathy.
  • Arturo is also in Diamond City, but during the day. He sells aluminum, copper, gears and bolts. Aluminum can come in handy for upgrading Power Armor, so don't hesitate to buy it when you have it.
  • Moe Cronin is another Diamond City vendor you can meet during the day. He sells cork and lumber. Since you can get a large amount of wood for free from the trees around the settlement, it is irrational to use its services.
  • Dr. Sun sells antiseptic, glass and rubber in Diamond City during the day.
  • There are two shops in the Goodneighbor area. In the first one Daisy sells glue, electronic circuits, glass and silver. Cleo sells fibre, copper, lead and oil.
  • Shops in the Bunker Hill area will delight you with crystals, fiberglass, gold, lead and silver, acid and glass.

It is no secret to anyone that, the greatest of its kind, Fallout 4, leaving Minecraft behind with its unique and unrivaled crafting and building capabilities. Since all the information on construction that interests you was published earlier, today I want to tell you, dear players, about more important things.

Easy construction in Fallout 4

I am sure that each of you, at least once, felt the problem of where you can find a suitable place so that you can make your building fantasies come true? Obstacles, under the circumstances, were various formations, garbage cans located in the wrong place, the terrain was not what it should be. These factors negatively affected your dream, which is to build a chic base. The problem, as it turned out later, is solved twice. The developers, having thought about it in advance, invented a whole island for such buildings, separate from everything else. The treasured corner is located in the southeast of the coast of the map - Spectacle Island.

But, in no case, do not rush to go there if your character has not reached high level because there is nothing to do there. Before you start building, the area should be cleared of opponents.

Castle defense in Fallout 4

Also, in the future, you will have a great opportunity to participate in one of the Minutemen, showing yourself as a defender. To do this, you will have a whole castle at your disposal, in which there is one big minus: despite the fact that there is a huge amount of space for building, the walls of the building are so old and destroyed that they nullify all their protection. Your task is to correct this error in any possible way. And there are few of them, only one: you need to build a wall on the wasteland that will close the gap, and connect it to the fence (to pick up the fence, press (E) and drag it to the designated place).

Settlements in Fallout 4

In our game, you can choose one of thirty free places in order to found your own settlement. The difference between them is that some can be opened immediately after the character clears the selected territory from monsters, while others will become available only after completing the necessary quest. In order to make it easier for respected players to find the chosen location, I provide a special map that will help you with this. After you finish the quest or kill all the enemies, quickly visit the workshop, where all the instructions for building a new settlement are indicated.

Trade routes to Fallout 4

If you have several of your own settlements available, I advise you to connect them with each other by trade routes as soon as possible. Such a move will provide a great opportunity to share all inventory between settlements, regardless of which one it is located in.

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Accordingly, absolutely any resources are open to you that will allow you to develop even more rapidly. So, we set an example on any raw material (let it be copper). After the connection, you can build a generator in settlement A, and take copper for this from settlement B. In short, the more resources you have, the more profitable the connection will become, then you will definitely feel the whole point of such an action.

If you are interested in such a prospect, feel free to transgress before the unification of the settlements. For this you need to have:

  1. A perk called "Local Leader", you can get it along with Charisma 6;
  2. A settler who does nothing (free from work), with the help of him you will move the necessary resources, turning him into your personal Korovan;
  3. Also, you can pave the way with the help of partners, which will perfectly cope with their role. But this category does not include Psina and Codsworth.

After you think it over and make your choice, enter the Workshop mode and approach the chosen future cowherd, then indicate with which settlement you want to establish a trade association (I advise you to choose those settlements that are closest to you as in In the future, they all need to be connected by the shortest route of all). Then, after following all the instructions, you can watch how your inventory connects with all the settlements, which, thanks to you, now have trade routes.

Settlement development in Fallout 4

Having familiarized yourself with the elementary things of building and crafting, having learned the basics of connecting settlements and combining several of them together, proceed to the next stage, which will allow them to develop. In this case, our Fallout 4 almost identical (absolutely free mobile strategy, designed for android And iOS). In today's big world Fallout your tasks will mostly be in descending order of priority and will be roughly in this order:

  1. Satisfying the various needs of all, without exception, settlers;
  2. All kinds of development and construction of the necessary buildings;
  3. Good defense, bringing confidence, from frequent attacks by raiders and other tough enemies;
  4. Management of various resources and collection of information about all kinds of processes.

I'm almost sure that your initial settlement is formed near the already familiar to us at number 111 (right at the foot of the hill). In addition, get under your control several inhabitants who need your help. In no case, do not refuse, because with their help you will be able, many times faster, to get to know and understand what their most important needs are, which, from now on, will be in your power.

Your task is to control the number of inhabitants of your settlement and, at the same time, their needs. To do this, you need to find the Workshop menu and open it. At the very top of the interface, you can see the information you need: the exact number of residents and, also, all types of resources, they (highlighted certain colors so that the player can immediately, by looking at the parameters, determine the status of the settlement. The most decisive indicator and measure of development is Happiness.

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Before proceeding with the construction of objects, draw up a layout that will describe in detail where and why the building will be located.


It is so established that one resident, without fail, needs to allocate one bed, which will belong only to him. If you ignore this rule, blame yourself, because the settlers will become very irritable and angry. For a good purpose, you can take any room, or build a personal barracks where you can accommodate all those in need. At the same time, I advise you to always have spare beds. When the settlers feel that bedtime is approaching, they will choose their own seats and take them.


Food is the most basic resource, without which residents will not only be able to develop, but will not be able to live. If you want your settlers to always be fed and not need food, just plant corn or mut-food in this territory. For such actions, it is enough to choose a plot of land that is successful, in your opinion, so that they can, without any problems, germinate the necessary plants, then look into the Workshop interface and in the section called Resources, find Food. Then, click on the planting of the crop you need and install it in the previously selected place.

Harvesting will be much easier, you just need to select one of the inhabitants and assign it to workers. To do this, you need to approach him with open window Workshop and click on the command. Next, go to the farm and point out to him the front of the work that he must complete. If you look, the indicators indicating your level of food have increased significantly. It should also be noted that the same principle must be followed with all other objects that require the intervention of physical force.


You can cope with the problem of lack of water in a jiffy, to solve it, you just need to build a water pump on the territory of the settlement. To do this, respectively, go to the Workshop and open the resource section, Water. Next, click on the pump and install it in the place you have chosen in advance. I advise you to place this attribute near the reservoir, since with this outcome, productivity will increase significantly. Also, do not think about saving when choosing a pump, give preference to the industrial version, without any doubt. Do not forget that the pumping station needs electricity, so be sure to connect it to a generator that will provide them completely.


As you already know, almost all buildings require a mass of electricity, not only for initial operation, but also for their initial creation. To do this, you should move along the following route: go, again, to the Workshop menu, open the Energy tab, make your choice by clicking on the generator, and put it in a place specially designated for it. It is desirable, of course, to place the equipment near the residential building in which the settlers live.

Now you have already completed a decent number of Minuteman tasks to help the settlements and they all joined you, however, the question arises of how to connect them all the same, because such a function is present in the game. This will give us the opportunity to use the resources that are in one settlement for construction in another.

In fact, we have to establish a trade route, and now we will take a closer look at how to do this. First of all, you need the “Local Leader” skill - you can get it in the charisma branch if you pump it up to 6 units. Now that you have the right perk, you just need to find a free citizen to assign him as a caravan.

To assign the one who will take the role of a pioneer, hold V to open the menu, go to the character and below on the panel you will see a list of commands that you can give him (each platform has its own button) - clicking on the desired command will open a list of settlements where you need to send a caravan . It is best to choose exactly the nearby settlements and then move from them to the next one. Try to do it in a chain and then the confusion will be much less.

How to connect settlements in Fallout 4

You can also use some companions if you don't have any free settlers (Codesword won't be affected for sure) using the same method as with normal NPCs.

Now you know how to connect settlements in Fallout 4 and will be able to take full advantage of all the advantages of such a system. If you do not have enough settlers for the caravan, then we suggest reading the article "".