What to do if the console does not start. Question: why console commands do not work in cs go

The console is a command line user interface that allows the player to change, modify or use Dota 2 abilities using lines of text (commands). It is hidden from the players initially, but can be activated in the Steam launch options.

The console in Dota 2 helps you fine-tune the game for yourself. With it, you can change a huge number of parameters, most of which are not in the settings of the game itself.

How to activate, open the console in the game Dota 2?

1. Open the Steam game client. Go to Games Library. Next, in the list of games, right-click on Dota 2.

2. Select menu item Properties. In the tab General click on the Set launch options. Now you need to enter "-console" (without quotes).

3. Click "OK" and start the game.

How to open the Dota 2 console in the game?

In order to open the console during the game, you just need to press the set key to call the console in the game settings. The "\" key is set by default.

If you need to customize the key, then go to Settings(gear in the upper left corner) -> Control. In the settings group we are looking for Interface and key Console.

Why doesn't the console open in Dota 2?

If your console does not work during the game, you need to make sure that the “-console” command (without quotes) is registered in the game launch options. If everything is written correctly in the launch parameters of the game, then you need to start the game and check in the control settings whether the key is set to call the console, it may simply not be used.

How to close the console in Dota 2

Everything is extremely simple, just press the same key that turned on the console.

Useful commands for the Dota 2 console

  • ping- ping all players. You can quickly check your ping by simply typing -ping in chat
  • dota_apm- shows the number of apms of the players
  • dota_force_right_click_attack 1- allows you to deny your units with the right mouse button
  • net graph 1- shows fps, ping, in\out statistics in the lower right corner
  • dota_ability_quick_cast 1- when you double click on an ability, it will be used on you (1 - on, 0 - off)
  • dota_sf_game_end_delay 0- this command will allow you to quickly see the table of results at the end of the match (1 - on, 0 - off)
  • volume "0.5"- adjusts the volume of the sound (minimum - 0; maximum - 1)

Modern online shooter CS GO continues to gain popularity due to its easy gameplay and beautiful graphics. If you entered the game for the first time, then you do not care about advanced settings and enjoy the process. The player's skill level continues to rise, and a more thorough adjustment of the interface is required. For optimization gameplay in CS:GO, a special console was invented that helps users to more accurately adjust the sight or change the location of the weapon. We propose to discuss the above topic.

Since the old versions of CS GO from another company, this program has played an extremely important role for experienced esports players. In version 1.6, it was enabled with a single press of the "~" key, but in the new interpretation of the popular shooter, it requires a number of simple actions to activate it. Let's consider each action in turn:

1. First you need to enter the game itself and follow a few simple steps.

2. At the top of the display we find the "settings" tab and click the "game options" menu.

3. After loading the corresponding panel at the top of the display, click "enable developer console". This is the button to call the coveted window for entering the corresponding commands.

Now for more specifics:

  1. First of all, we switch the side arrow so that “Yes” is displayed nearby;
  2. After we return to the start menu of the game display - feel free to click "back".

Do you want to enable the command window in CS:GO through Steam?

Many CS:GO fans are constantly wondering why the coveted window does not open? However, here it must be recalled that it is activated in the game itself, and not on Steam. It is also possible to do this through the Steam client library. You should click "properties" and "set launch options", and then write "-console". However, this method is more difficult for a beginner.

Can't open console in CS GO - what to do?

One of the most common mistakes is the fact that the user forgets to switch the keyboard layout. If the Russian language is activated, then nothing will be written. There are situations that it is not possible to switch the language in the standard way. To solve this problem, you should go to the "language options" tab and remove all languages ​​\u200b\u200bexcept English.

We believe that we have covered the topic in detail. Many players complain that the console in CS GO does not work when you click on the "tilde". This can be solved very easily - just activate this button in the keyboard / mouse options. If this does not help, you should go to the cfg folder and find the item toogleconsole. The f5 key will be written in quotes, which is set by default. It must be changed to the symbol "~".

The console is one of the most integral features of the game. Any player who plays games from Valve developers knows that there is a console in the game, in which a very huge number of commands are entered.

So, for example, using the CS:GO console, experienced players look at how much damage they inflicted on the enemy after they were killed. Using the console, you can fine-tune your crosshair (although we recommend using a crosshair map to configure your crosshair), add bots while playing in single player mode, or simply find out the number of FPS in the game (frames per second). There are hundreds of different console commands that can be used to fine-tune the game.

How to enable the console in CS:GO?

You will not be able to open the console right away, because it is disabled by default. The fix is ​​pretty easy, you just need to:

1. Enter the game.

2. Open from above "Settings" and choose a section "Game Options".

3. Looking for an item "Enable Developer Console (~)". The default value is "Not", respectively, to enable the console, you need to change the value from "Not" on the "Yes".

4. Done! We have included the console in CS:GO.

How to open console in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive?

To call the console in the game, just press the ~ (tilde) button, you can find this button under the ESC button.

Not convenient to use this key to call the console? It doesn't matter, the console call button can be changed to absolutely any other key, this requires:

1. Open section "Settings" and select from the dropdown menu "Keyboard / Mouse".

2. Scroll down the entire list of buttons and look at the most recent button "Open/Close Console". We click on it with the left mouse button and press the button on which we want to call our console in the future.

3. We try to press the key that was indicated in the settings and if a console appears in front of you - congratulations, you did everything right, but if something went wrong - I advise you to read the instructions again and do all the steps again, carefully reading all the points.

Many CS:GO fans are constantly wondering why the coveted window does not open? However, here it must be recalled that it is activated in the game itself, and not on Steam. It is also possible to do this through the Steam client library. Should be pressed "properties" And "set launch options" and then write "-console". However, this method is more difficult for a beginner.

Unable to open console in CS GO. What to do?

One of the most common mistakes is the fact that the user forgets to switch the keyboard layout. If the Russian language is activated, then nothing will be written. There are situations that it is not possible to switch the language in the standard way. To solve this problem, you should go to the "language options" tab and remove all languages ​​\u200b\u200bexcept English.

We believe that we have covered the topic in detail. Many players complain that the console in CS GO does not work when you click on the "tilde". This can be solved very easily - just activate this button in the keyboard / mouse options. If this does not help, you should go to the cfg folder and find the item toogleconsole. The f5 key will be written in quotes, which is set by default. It must be changed to the symbol "~".

Knowing how to enable the console in csgo unlocks full settings in the game and the developer console allows you to change things like , and , all of which is possible with console commands.

How to turn on the console in CS:GO, in the game itself?

The first thing to do in order to access the console commands is to enable the console in the game in the settings. To do this, go to the home page and click on the settings button in the upper right corner of the screen. On the drop-down menu that appears, click the button for game options.

After that, you need to enable the developer console. Set this option to "yes" to enable the ability to turn the console on and off with a single press of the Y (~) key.

How to open console in CS:GO via Steam?

To use console commands, you must first complete the following steps. All commands are entered from the console in the game. The console is hidden by default. To activate it, follow these steps.

1. Launch Steam and open your "Library"

2. Find "Counter Strike Global Offensive" and open "Properties" from the context menu.

3. Click "Set launch options" and enter "-console" (No quotes) in the line.

4. Save your changes and launch CS:GO the traditional way.

How to open console in CS GO when in game?

Once you enable the developer console, you can now enable the console in the game and use wide opportunities the settings it brings with it. To do this, when in matches, you need to press the “ ` ” (Ё) key on your keyboard.

If the console does not open for you, then do the following. Go to Settings -> Keyboard / Mouse

"CS GO" (CS GO) is the successor of the famous CS 1.6 shooter, a full-fledged eSports discipline. It’s just that the developers once realized that “1.6” was very outdated (this also applies to the graphics engine and physics), and it would be a crime to abandon such a great project. A new game- new problems that often confuse players.

Step forward

The new game has inherited all the main features, but new ones have been added. However, at its core, this is still the same shooter: the same opposing sides, the same console. In CS GO, by the way, it has no less importance. Through it, all micro-settings are set, thanks to which we can set the color of our sight, its size, mouse movement speed, etc. with incredible accuracy. However, at first the players did not know how to open the console in CS GO. In the previous version, this function was activated as standard, but now you have to enable it manually.

Method 1

Let's see what needs to be done to enable this feature. And How. You can open the console in CS GO using the usual settings. To do this, you need to go into the game, go to the "Help and Settings" section, and then find "Enable Developer Console" and change the value to "Yes". The console is turned on by pressing the hot key "~" (tilde).

Method 2

However, the first method may not help you. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. If, after the procedure, the console has not yet turned on, then you need to exit the game. Then, in the Steam system (“Games Library”), find “CS GO”, right-click on the name of the game. In the context menu that opens, click "Properties", and then in the "Set launch options" line, write the following: "-console" (without quotes).

But if even after that the console does not turn on, then the matter is either in the key itself, which is responsible for activating it, or in the fine settings of the game. Changing them, for reasonable reasons, is quite problematic. You will need to change the standard console key "~" to any other.