Tea for lactation: increase in lactation in mom when breastfeeding. What tea should breastfeeding mothers choose to improve lactation? Lactic teas for nursing mothers

The most important food for any baby is breast milk. Breastfeeding is the key to good baby health. Breastfeeding creates a special bond between mother and baby.

But during lactation, there are periods when the amount of milk decreases. These are the so-called lactation crises. In such a situation, the mother can and should fight, including with the help of proper nutrition and the use of lactation drinks.

What teas are most useful for lactation

Tea for a nursing mother must be present in the diet. It is necessary not only to increase the amount of milk. Coming to the child with mother's milk, tea will help save the baby from problems with the tummy. All teas to increase lactation contain herbal preparations that will help speed up the recovery process of the mother after childbirth and will benefit her weakened body.

Indications for the use of tea during lactation are a decrease in the amount of breast milk, recovery after childbirth, deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation after childbirth, flatulence).

The composition of tea for lactation determines its beneficial properties.

  • Cumin improves the secretion of the mammary glands and has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Fennel increases milk production in breastfeeding mothers and also stimulates digestion.
  • Lemon verbena improves skin elasticity and tone.
  • Anise increases the flow of milk and gives an antispasmodic effect.
  • Nettle contains many vitamins, normalizes metabolism, tones the nervous system.
  • Melissa normalizes sleep, helps with flatulence and restores normal digestion.
  • Hibiscus improves bowel function and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Galega grass reduces sugar levels and has diuretic properties.

Popular teas to increase lactation

Teas to increase lactation today are produced by many companies. They are easy to prepare, and their ingredients must pass environmental control. Teas differ in composition. Some only increase lactation, others have a lot of other positive properties.

Tea Hipp contains lactose, lemon balm, nettle, cumin, anise extract, galega grass, fennel and glucose. It is very convenient to use, as tea is easy to brew, in addition, the drink has a pleasant taste. Hipp tea has a general strengthening effect on the body, relieves stress, improves sleep, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the immune system of a nursing woman. The beneficial properties of tea through milk are transmitted to the newborn baby. It is also important that Hipp tea does not contain dyes, preservatives and flavors. This drink to increase lactation reviews are quite good.

Nestik tea also fast dissolving. It contains glucose, lactose, extracts of galega, nettle, chamomile, concentrated rosehip juice. Herbs complement and enhance the positive properties of each other. This is a tea from a lower price category, but this does not affect its beneficial properties.

Human tea does not contain dyes, granular, does not cause allergies. In its composition: fennel, hibiscus extract, verbena, maltodextrin, rooibos, raspberry, fenugreek and galega grass, vitamin C, sugar. Many mothers talk about its high efficiency and pleasant taste. Rooibos (bush tea) has 50% more antioxidants than green tea. Thanks to the special composition of herbs, the tea satisfies the increased fluid requirement of a nursing mother. It is worth noting that Humana tea to increase lactation does not contain tonic substances. Thanks to this, it can be drunk almost unlimitedly.

Herbal collection Leros contains in its composition plantain, galega grass, cumin, lemon balm, golden rod, fennel. This tea doesn't have good reviews. Nursing mothers say that Leros tea has an average effectiveness.

Grandma's basket- Tea bags for lactation. It consists of fennel fruits, lemon balm leaves, nettles, clover flowers, anise and cumin fruits and seeds. Tea is popular among breastfeeding mothers. Grandmother's basket - tea for lactation with the aroma and taste of anise. This tea has excellent reviews, in addition, mothers often prefer Russian-made products to imported drinks.

Each nursing mother can choose the right tea for herself and increase lactation. But you need to keep in mind that some components of tea can cause allergies in a child.

Making tea at home

Tea to increase lactation can be prepared independently. In this, the recipes of our grandmothers will come to the aid of mom. Since ancient times, people have used various herbs for these purposes - oregano, anise, nettle, dill and others.

There are different recipes based on regular black tea:

  • The safest and most common is a drink based on black tea with milk and honey. This tea to increase lactation normalizes the basic processes of the body's vital functions, nourishes it with microelements and vitamins, and gives strength. You can drink such a drink up to 4-5 times a day, before feeding.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of tea leaves (preferably large-leaf tea), add 20 drops of hawthorn extract. Instead of hawthorn, you can add nettle decoction to tea. Drink 3 times a day for a week.
  • Take in equal parts anise, oregano and dill, grind in a mortar. Pour boiling water, insist. For 1 teaspoon of the mixture - a glass of water. Add the resulting infusion to regular black tea in a tablespoon.
  • Take cumin, anise, nettle and dandelion root in equal parts, mix. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, preferably in a thermos. The resulting infusion is diluted with black tea in equal proportions, add honey. This tea will increase lactation, improve digestion and soothe. Drink after meals.

To prepare tea from medicinal herbs, it is better to buy ingredients at a pharmacy. Pay attention to the fact that the herbs were harvested in the current year.

This article is dedicated to lactating tea lovers, especially those who are wondering how tea affects lactation, and whether it is possible to increase the amount of milk with the help of a tea drink.

For successful lactation, it is important to observe the drinking regimen. And you can diversify it with the help of tea drinks.

The tea leaf contains about 300 kinds of useful substances. Tea of ​​pure varieties or with the addition of herbs helps to replenish the body of a nursing mother with vitamins and minerals. But it is worth knowing some features of the use of this product during GV. Not all types of tea and tea drinks have the same positive effect on lactation.

Is there a tea to increase lactation? And how to drink it in order to preserve the beneficial substances that the tea drink is rich in.

Black and green tea are harvested from the same tea bush of the Camellia genus. They differ only in the way they are made. In the production of green varieties, the oxidation (fermentation) of the tea leaf with air stops earlier than for black. Therefore, green tea retains more beneficial elements than black tea.

The tea leaf contains vitamins A, C, E, proteins and amino acids. The phenols included in the composition act as an adsorbent and remove heavy metals from the body. Tannins betray astringency, and essential oils - aroma and taste. Tannin lowers cholesterol levels. Alkaloids, one of which is caffeine, tone up the nervous system. Antioxidants protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals.

Green tea in the menu of a nursing mother

A nursing mother can drink both types of drinks, but you need to know when to stop. Green tea reduces blood clotting, so you need to drink it during postpartum discharge with caution. It also interferes with the absorption of iron, and this reduces the already low hemoglobin in a woman after childbirth.

Green tea while breastfeeding is allowed in the amount of no more than two cups per day. Large volumes of this drink lead to leaching of calcium and magnesium. There is a narrowing of the blood vessels, which leads to the formation of milk stagnation. In addition, it impairs the absorption of folic acid in the mother's body.

There is not much less caffeine in a cup of tea than in the same volume of a coffee drink. The child's body does not absorb caffeine in the first three months of life, and it accumulates. This alkaloid has an exciting effect on the nervous system of the newborn. Although only 1% of the caffeine content in the mother's body enters the milk, one should carefully monitor the behavior of the child after drinking tea. If the baby sleeps restlessly, is overexcited, then it is worth refusing or reducing the use of the drink.

White tea contains less caffeine. And thanks to weak fermentation, it retains all the beneficial properties of the tea leaf. Only you need to brew such a drink not with boiling water, but with water at 70-80 ° C.

Lemon tea while breastfeeding can be drunk if the baby does not have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits. It is better to introduce such a drink into the diet a month after giving birth.

Tea brewing rules

Table of average values ​​of caffeine content in tea varieties.

How peppermint tea affects lactation

Is it possible to drink mint tea while breastfeeding is a question that worries many nursing mothers. According to some reports, mint inhibits lactation. There are some nuances in this issue.

There are several types of mint. The most popular of them are peppermint (peppermint) and curly mint (garden, field). These two types of plants have different effects on the body. According to the international organization E-LACTANCIA (official website), which checks the compatibility of drugs and breastfeeding, spearmint does not carry risks for lactation. At the same time, peppermint contains menthol, which negatively affects HB. Menthol with a single use in large quantities dilates blood vessels and provokes a rush of milk. But then the opposite effect occurs. Menthol reduces the amount of mucous secretions from the body, including breast milk.

The effect of inhibition of lactation occurs when drinking a drink with peppermint more than twice a day. So sometimes a nursing mother can afford a fragrant drink.

Can tea with milk improve lactation?

It is often believed that tea with milk during breastfeeding increases the fat content and the amount of milk. And if the milk is also condensed, then the drink becomes doubly useful. These arguments, unfortunately, have nothing to do with reality. This is easy to believe if you know the physiology of lactation. Breast milk is a physiological fluid that is produced from the lymph and blood of the mother, but not from the contents of her stomach. Vitamins and minerals from healthy food are broken down in the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream in the form of chemical elements. But food does not affect the taste and fat content of milk.

Milk reduces the level of caffeine in tea to some extent. But at the same time, cow's milk contains the protein casein, which prevents the absorption of antioxidants contained in tea. Thus, cow's milk reduces the beneficial properties of tea.

Fresh cow's milk contains estrogens, female sex hormones, which will negatively affect lactation. In addition, milk is an allergenic product, and breastfeeding women should use it whole with caution.

Tea with milk does not increase lactation

An occasional cup of tea with milk will not harm either mother or child. To pour in liters of tea with milk to increase lactation is pointless and even dangerous.

Herbal and lactogenic teas for lactation - which is better

Especially popular is herbal tea for lactation. But you should use such drinks with caution due to the pronounced effects of herbs on the body.

Some herbs can increase the amount of milk: raspberry leaves, fenugreek, fennel, cumin, anise. These plants are commonly found in lactation teas. However, according to the E-LACTANCIA drug and breastfeeding compatibility guide, fennel contains the toxic substance anethole, which accumulates in the body and can lead to poisoning. Herbs have a strong effect on the body. How each of them is combined with other substances is unknown. Allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disorders are often observed when taking herbal preparations.

The use of lactation teas to increase lactation is not justified, because the amount of milk depends on how often and qualitatively the child empties the mother's breasts, and not on the use of special foods.

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany (official site) conducted research on 14 lactogenic teas. As a result of the study, a high level of dangerous alkaloids was found in three of them. In our country, there is no legally established maximum allowable level of alkaloids in teas.

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The amount of milk produced by the mother is not affected by tea in its pure form or with additives. We wrote more about the mechanisms and ways to increase lactation in this article (""). But a cup of tea or another warm drink has some benefits for breastfeeding. Drinking warm (not hot!) liquids promotes the production of oxytocin and a better separation of milk from the breast. Therefore, nursing mothers are advised to drink hot liquids, including tea, 5-10 minutes before feeding. The amount of tea drunk should not exceed 700 ml per day, so as not to harm mother and baby. If we are talking about herbal teas, then no more than two cups a day.

It is important to monitor the condition of the crumbs. If the gastrointestinal tract is upset, an allergic reaction occurs, overexcitability, reduce the amount of tea you drink, replace it with warm fruit drink, water or dried fruit compote.

After giving birth, women face the question of what to do to increase lactation? Often young mothers face similar problems. Sometimes the woman herself plays a big role in the lack of milk, because she does not know how to properly attach the baby to the breast, how to eat. Many mothers after childbirth are afraid for their figure, they begin to go on strict diets, which is absolutely impossible to do. Proper nutrition and plenty of fluids can correct the lack of milk, but sometimes this is not even enough.

When attempts are exhausted, young mothers turn to a doctor for help. Your doctor may recommend a special diet for breast milk production or try a tea for lactation.

When is it necessary to drink lactation tea?

Experts say that you need to take tea to increase lactation in the following cases:

  • a woman for some reason stopped breastfeeding for a while (taking antibiotics);
  • the mother introduced complementary foods with formula too early, either on her own initiative or on the advice of experienced mothers. In this case, tea for nursing mothers can restore lactation;
  • lack of milk. In addition to drinking, a woman is prescribed a massage of the mammary glands, adjusts the diet and gives advice on how to properly and often apply the baby to the breast.

It's not worth taking a drink on your own. This adversely affects the body, chest congestion (mastitis) may occur, or the child may develop colic and bloating in the abdomen.

Tea for lactation: popular types

Any warm drink causes the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for increasing the rate of milk flow from the breast, so it is easier to feed the baby after drinking. The breast itself does not overflow and the amount of milk does not increase.

Breast milk of a nursing woman consists mainly of water, you should try to drink plenty of fluids. Warm, plentiful drink promotes the production of the hormone prolactin, which affects the secretion of milk and increases its volume. If the baby is more often applied to the breast, the woman will recover faster. There is a production of oxytocin, which affects the contraction of the uterus (during childbirth, this hormone helps the opening of the uterus).

Many beneficial herbs help increase milk flow. Tea for nursing mothers solves stomach problems in children, soothes, strengthens the immune system.

Making tea at home

You can make your own lactose drink at home. Seeds of plants and herbs needed for brewing can be purchased at the pharmacy. Drinking ordinary black tea with milk is not good for lactation. It does not affect the volume of breast milk in any way, but it can have a bad effect on the quality. The composition of cow's milk contains protein that small children cannot absorb due to the immature digestive system, and the child may develop allergies.

Types of herbal infusion

If there is no herbal collection at hand or there is not enough money to buy tea for lactation, then you can drink regular green. This drink increases the production of breast milk. If you take a little warm drink with milk before feeding the child, then you don’t have to worry about the rush, it will be in the required amount for feeding the child.

This drink is very beneficial for health. It contains antioxidants that help fight various diseases and reduce mortality. The composition includes epigallocatechin gallate, which blocks the action of an enzyme necessary for the division of cancer cells. The leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body's own defenses. To prevent milk loss, green tea should be taken by nursing mothers. It should be noted that black tea, unlike green tea, does not have such beneficial properties. This drink has 2-3 times more caffeine, antioxidants are absent in it due to heat treatment. Many argue that black is healthier, but in practice, priority should be given to a green drink.

How to check if the baby is getting enough milk or not?

Women sometimes sound the alarm in vain, thinking that the child is not full or there is less milk.

  • mother manages to express a small amount of milk;
  • chest poorly filled, feeling of emptiness;
  • tides to the chest disappeared after heavy drinking;
  • the child is naughty and asks for food more often.

The main criterion that the mother is all right is the weight gain of the baby. If in the first six months he gains more than 20 grams per day (500 grams per month), the mother can not worry and be sure that her child is full. There is another way: you need to calculate how much the baby pees per day. A healthy baby who does not experience feeding problems usually pees up to 12 times a day. If all these conditions are met, it is not worth sounding the alarm about the lack of milk. When the child is capricious, it is better to visit your local pediatrician.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe special tea, since the drink in this case causes the exact opposite effect. Some types of drinks contain herbs that can awaken an allergy in a child.

Folk recipes for adding milk, tea for lactation are quite common and recommended remedies. How effective are they?

lactation crisis

During breastfeeding, many mothers have problems with the amount of milk. The baby will let you know that he does not have enough milk. He begins to be mean, express his displeasure, constantly "hang" on his chest.

Such moments are called lactation crises, and they need to be fought and the product so valuable for the child should be returned. Read more in the article about the lactation crisis or watch my video tutorial:

Where is the reason?

If the mother is undergoing treatment or taking a vitamin complex, then it is necessary to carefully study the composition and possible allergic reactions in the instructions.

Before you start drinking teas for lactation, you should accurately determine whether the child has enough milk? Because the restless behavior of the baby under the breast DOES NOT ALWAYS indicate a lack of milk!

The reasons may be different:

  1. Maybe he's uncomfortable.
  2. He was afraid of something - babies give out strong emotional reactions to external stimuli.
  3. Improper nutrition, and especially lack of fluid in the mother's body.

In this case, the mother needs to drink more and add foods that increase lactation to the diet. You can also try special drugs that increase lactation (read more about the drug by clicking on it):

About teas for lactation

Tea for lactation is only used as an auxiliary measure to increase the amount of milk, but in no case should you drink tea without changing anything in breastfeeding and hoping for a magical effect.

So, you decide to try lactation tea, but don't know anything about it?

What do they consist of

First of all, you need to study the composition of tea. It may include cumin, fennel, anise, nettle, hibiscus, chamomile, dandelion and other herbs.

They stimulate the production of milk in a nursing mother, increase skin elasticity, improve the immunity of mother and baby, and normalize the work of the stomach. In addition, each herb has its own “field of activity”: chamomile is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dandelion has an antipyretic effect, etc. Such teas are undoubtedly useful.

They contain many vitamins that help the mother recover after childbirth and improve the condition of the crumbs in general, as well as return precious milk to mother and child.

What does the name say

  • Tea Hipp (Hipp) for lactation- is one of the most popular, it contains a lot of herbs and lactose.

Does not contain herbal allergens, all tea components are time-tested. Herbs such as fennel, cumin, anise have long been used to add milk.

Won a lot of reviews from moms. It has a rather pleasant taste.

This is a positive moment for the mother's body: the mother will not be tormented by flatulence and diarrhea. For the baby, the effect is good in that there will be no formation of colic in the tummy, “bloating”.

  • Nestik tea- This is an instant tea, has a lower price category, unlike Hipp tea. But it also contains herbs, lactose, as in Hipp, additionally includes chamomile and rosehip juice.
  • Humana tea- granulated, without dyes and does not cause allergies. Many mothers write about its effectiveness during the lactation crisis, and also note the pleasant taste. In addition, its use is beneficial for the kidneys and liver. In the composition, in addition to herbs, there is vitamin C, sugar, raspberries.
  • Tea Leros (Leros)- More precisely, this is not tea, but herbal collection. According to mothers who have already tried this collection, not very good reviews are noted. Firstly, the bags do not have labels, which is already inconvenient. Secondly, many mothers write about the low effectiveness of this remedy.
  • Grandma's basket tea is also one of the most popular teas.

The composition contains herbs, various additives. Tea can be simply anise-flavored, or it may also contain rose hips, that is, this manufacturer provides a choice for nursing mothers.

Babushkino basket tea has a pleasant taste, is highly effective, being in the middle price segment.

However, some mothers note that the baby may be allergic to this tea. Therefore, in the first three days it should be taken in small portions, observing the reaction of the child.

Breast milk is vitamin-balanced and the best natural food for your baby. But when the mother’s milk is less than required, the amount of fluid consumed should be increased, including soups, milk, compotes, water in the diet; It is recommended to eat foods that increase milk production. In this case, the amount of fluid per day should not be more than two liters. Therefore, teas for lactation, ready-made bags or hand-made decoctions come to the rescue.

How to determine the existing need for taking tea to increase lactation?

A problem with a lack of breast milk production (hypolactia), associated with a health condition or hormonal disorders, occurs in only 5% of women. In other cases, milk deficiency is associated with a number of eliminated causes:

  1. The girl's lack of psychological attitude to breastfeeding.
  2. Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. stressful situations.
  4. Rare and incorrect attachment of crumbs to the breast, feeding according to the regimen.
  5. Introduction of complementary foods ahead of time, supplementary feeding with mixtures.

Even if breastfeeding is established, milk production may suddenly decrease due to a lactation crisis.

To identify that an infant is undernourished, you should pay attention to a number of factors:

  • the problem of "dry diapers";

A breastfed infant should empty the bladder at least 6 times a day. The urine should be barely yellow or clear.

  • no or little weight gain per month;
  • restless behavior of the baby, dry lips, pale skin;
  • decrease in the daily volume of milk produced.

You can check for milk deficiency in a practical way by weighing the baby before and after feeding for a whole day. An important indicator of effectiveness is the normal development of the crumbs, growth, well-being and condition.

If you are not convinced of the diagnosis of hypolactia, you do not need to introduce mixtures or early complementary foods into the baby's diet, because there is still a chance to fight for breastfeeding by increasing the amount of fluid consumed, changing the diet, normalizing the emotional state and using lactation teas as an effective means of increasing breast milk.

Myths and reality

The benefits of lactation teas have been proven by experienced, practical ways and by the responses of mothers. But there are several known other ways to stimulate lactation. The extent to which this information is true is discussed below.

Mixing tea and a dairy product has been proven to neutralize the health benefits of both drinks.

Milk protein, when interacting with tea particles, forms a compound that is difficult for the body to absorb and leads to the appearance of kidney stones.

Myth #1. Tea with milk will improve lactation.

Reality. Tea, like any warm liquid, provokes a rush of breast milk to the mammary glands. Therefore, milk broth has the same effect on breastfeeding as any other drink. At the same time, consuming a drink with honey, sugar, sweeteners, you can provoke an allergy in a baby.

Myth #2: Beer can increase your milk supply.

Reality. Beer is not compatible with infant feeding. It has been proven that after the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the amount of milk secretion decreases by a quarter. In this case, the drink changes the taste of milk, and the baby may refuse it.

The effect of herbs on lactation

Lactation tea, which provides an increase in breast milk production in women, consists only of natural ingredients. The composition of lactation products includes the following components:

  1. Lucerne. A lactogenic plant, with prolonged consumption, leads to inhibition of the production of blood elements. Therefore, you need to add grass to the diet only according to the instructions.
  2. Caraway. A popular herb that is included in teas by most manufacturers. The plant has an antispasmodic effect. However, whether cumin supplements help increase milk flow, scientists have not thoroughly figured out.
  3. Fennel. One of the most popular components of herbal teas that affect breast milk. The decoction improves digestion. However, there is no scientifically proven evidence of the effectiveness of the remedy.
  4. Fenugreek. The plant has been used to increase lactation since ancient times, as it contains an analogue of the female hormone.
  5. Rosemary. There is no reliable information about the effectiveness.
  6. Dill. It has no contraindications for consumption, but the effectiveness of the remedy has not been verified.
  7. Horse chestnut.

The stimulating effect of horse chestnut on milk production has been proven in clinical trials.

  1. Nettle. In addition to increasing the amount of milk in mothers, the grass helps to restore the functioning of the uterus in the postpartum period.
  2. Basil. Contains phytoestrogen.
  3. Ginseng.

Popular brands of tea for nursing mothers

To eliminate the insufficiency of breast milk, both ready-made, granulated, tea bags, and home-made drinks are used. Divide lactation teas into several groups:

  1. Herbal preparations:
  • "Lactafitol";
  • "Grandma's basket";
  • "Lactavit".
  1. Quickly brewed teas based on plant extracts:
  • "Hipp";
  • "Bebivita";
  • "Humana".
  1. Instant teas with powdered milk:
  • "Milky Way".

And in order to choose which of the drinks is better and ideal for a nursing mother, a rating of lactation teas has been prepared below.


The German quality product is made by a leading company in the creation of baby food. There are two types of Hipp: granulated or fortified fruit decoction. The hippie drink is supplemented, in addition to the well-known herbs - fennel, anise and cumin - with iron, iodine and vitamin B9. Lactation infusion can be drunk both hot and cooled.


Another German product Humana included a number of herbs in its composition: hibiscus, fenugreek, raspberry, rooibos, galega. Manufacturers also added a vitamin and mineral complex: vitamin C, sucrose. Herbal tea is sold in loose form.


Natural remedy for improving lactation. The product is sold in packaged form. However, many mothers note the unpleasant taste of herbal decoction, and are advised to dilute the liquid with milk or condensed milk.

Grandma's basket

The drug is distinguished by its natural composition, the absence of preservatives, dyes and flavors. Herbal base:

  • Melissa;
  • caraway;
  • anise;
  • nettle;
  • fennel;
  • dog-rose fruit.

Tea has been developed not only to enhance breast secretions, but also to improve digestion, eliminate colic in babies, and maintain hemoglobin levels in the postpartum period.


Russian herbal tea, which increases the amount of breast discharge by 45-50%, is positively noted by nursing mothers. Drink a decoction twice a day, brewing a tea bag in ½ cup of boiling water. Take the drink for 30 days.

Mom's tea

For effective breastfeeding, developed in the form of two-gram bags "Mom's tea". It is necessary to drink two glasses of herbal decoction per day, after filling the bag with boiling water and insisting for 5 minutes. The composition of the infusion of herbs included: anise, dill, fennel and oregano.


fleur alpin

Effective natural tea contains nettle, mint, fennel, galega and lemon balm. It is recommended to drink the remedy three times a day.


The drug that increases the amount of breast milk includes:

  • black currant leaves;
  • fennel;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • caraway;
  • galega.

Gaia Herbs

The product is sold in packaged form, in one pack of 6 herbal sachets. Each sachet includes:

  • marshmallow;
  • fennel;
  • galega;
  • fenugreek;
  • lemon balm.

The daily intake is 1 sachet.


Product based on medicinal plants: chamomile, yarrow, lemon balm, fennel, oregano, mint and thyme; has a safe composition, stimulates lactation, has a positive effect on the digestive system of the baby.

The effectiveness of this drug, as a lactogonal agent, has been proven by clinical trials. A safe product based on the galega plant does not contain artificial and harmful components for mothers and babies.


The remedy, consisting of a number of environmentally friendly Altai herbs, stimulates lactation, has a positive effect on the baby's digestive system.

Other brands

In addition to the above teas, you can find other equally well-known ones, for example, Bio Laktomama, Egyptian yellow tea from helba seeds or green tea with oregano. When choosing an herbal product, you should definitely study the composition.

Folk recipes

Means to improve lactation can not only be purchased at a pharmacy, but also prepared at home.

Effective and commonly used are:

  • decoction with dill or fennel. Tea is prepared on the basis of seeds, which are steamed with a glass of boiling water, cooled and drunk. After 2-3 days, take a break;
  • chamomile drink based on plant flowers;
  • ginger infusion, which is prepared at the rate of: per liter of water - one ginger root. Lemon and honey are added to the cooled broth;
  • lime infusion. To do this, lime blossom is brewed in a thermos, insisted for up to half an hour, drunk before meals.

Important! You should not drink mint tea for lactation, as the product reduces milk production.

How to make tea at home?

Instructions for making herbal teas contain general recommendations:

  1. One teaspoon of grass is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. The decoction is infused for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Cool and drink infusion of 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  4. For additional taste and usefulness, honey and lemon are added to tea.

How often and correctly to drink herbal teas with HB?

You need to drink herbal teas with some caution, following the rules:

  • duration of admission - no more than 7 days, then you need to take a break;
  • consume the dose indicated on the package per day;
  • purchase goods only in pharmacies, in trusted stores;
  • before consumption, be sure to consult a specialist, a pediatrician;
  • monitor the reactions of the body, both your own and the child;
  • drink a warm drink (ideally 36 degrees) a quarter of an hour before feeding;
  • in addition to lactation teas, use other ways to increase lactation.

Harm and contraindications for use

The main contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to tea components;
  • pregnancy.